An unknown planet approached the earth. Analysis of images of Planet X from astrophysicist Roberto Antezan - Nibiru Secrets

Famous astronomer Roberto Antezana from Chile published a message about his discovery of an unknown planet approaching the Earth. The astrophysicist was able to take photographs of this planet using a telescope. Now appeared new information about this object.

Information published Antezana, attracted the attention of other astronomers, who studied the information provided by Roberto and came to the conclusion that this unknown planet its size is comparable to Mars and it does not move in an orbit, but it cannot be compared with the movement of asteroids, since this planet has a regular shape.
Studying the images, scientists confirmed the reports Antezans that inside the image of the planet taken with the help of a telescope, strange structures from an unknown substance and an unusual V-shaped plume accompanying the planet are observed.

On at the moment Scientists have no idea what it is - an unknown wandering planet or an incredibly giant comet. In any case, it poses a direct threat to the earth, since the trajectory of its movement is directed towards our planet and it will either pass very close to us or possibly collide with the earth.
Antezana transferred the data he collected on this planet to the American space agency NASA. At this time, there is no official information or statement from NASA regarding this discovery didn't.

It is interesting that the photographs of this planet obtained by the astronomer coincide with the ideas of the ancient Sumerians about the shape planet Nibiru, which travels through space and is a giant spaceship of the alien race of the Anunnaki.

Ancient Sumerian images of Nibiru

According to the descriptions of the ancient Sumerians, Nibiru is the planet of the Gods and it is a round disk with wings.
The ancient Sumerians knew about the existence of another planet beyond Pluto, and this planet was called Nibiru and it passes through ours solar system approximately every 3600 years and the time has already come for its reappearance.
It is worth noting that quite recently, scientists ridiculed this information, but then everything changed when official science was forced to announce the discovery of the wandering Planet-X, but even here the scientists lied and deprived Pluto of the title of planet, and began to call the new planet not Planet-X, and Planet-9, in order to avoid comparing its name with the name of this planet among the Sumerians.
The Sumerians believed that there was an extraterrestrial civilization on Nibiru; the Anunnaki lived there, which translated from Sumerian means “ descended from heaven" The tablets record that they are very tall, from three to four meters, and their lifespan is several centuries.
When Nibiru came close enough to Earth, the Anunnaki sat down in their spaceships, which looked like long capsules tapering in front, spewing flames from the back, and under the command of the captain Enki landed in the Sumer region. There they built an astroport called Eridu. Not finding gold there, they began searching for it all over the planet and finally found it in a valley in southeast Africa, in the center of the region opposite the island of Madagascar.
First the Anunnaki workers under the leadership Enlil, younger brother Enki, built and developed mines. But soon they rebelled, and alien scientists led by Enki decided to create servants using genetic engineering, breeding hybrids based on the primates of the Earth.
So 300 thousand years ago a man appeared whose only purpose was to serve aliens. By the way, the very appearance of Homo sapiens 300 thousand years ago was ridiculed by scientists until just the other day they published news reporting the discovery of a human skeleton that is 300 thousand years old.
The Sumerian texts say that the Anunnaki quickly made people respect themselves, for they had " an eye located very high that sees everything that is happening on Earth", And " a fiery ray that pierces any matter».
Having mined the gold and finished the work, Enlil received orders to destroy human race so that the genetic experiment does not disrupt the natural development of the planet. But Enki saved several people (Noah's Ark?) and said that man has earned the right to live on. Enlil got angry with his brother (perhaps this story is retold in Egyptian myth - role Enki got it Osiris, A Enlil became Seth) and demanded to convene a council of the wisest, which allowed people to live on Earth. Later Osiris replaced God, A Set turned into Devil among the Jews.

Mars is approaching Earth

But the disasters for the Earth and earthlings did not end there. Venus, when moving from Jupiter with its gravity, significantly changed the orbit of Mars, and it began to approach our planet. The Alexandrian scientist Eratosthenes describes this event as follows: “In third place is the star Mars... She is pursued by the star Venus, then Venus captured him and inflamed him with her ardent passion.” The Chinese astronomical map of Suchou also mentions the rapprochement of Venus and Mars: “Once Venus suddenly rushed towards the Wolf Star.”

In the Codex Borbonicus there is an image of these two celestial bodies which are located nearby. Venus and Mars caused numerous disasters on our planet: cosmic dust, meteorite falls, tidal waves, and floods. An Indian who climbed onto a pillar that was flooded with water is a symbol of the Great Flood.

Mars approached the Earth (in the 7th–8th centuries BC) several times, with a period of 14–15 years. The approach of Mars to our planet was accompanied by strong earthquakes, the fall of red dust, meteor showers, darkening of the atmosphere and another shift of the Earth's poles. Against the background of the starry sky, Mars looked like a chariot drawn by two horses (the satellites are Phobos and Deimos) with flying manes (gases, remnants of the Martian atmosphere). In Babylonian sources (correspondence of Babylonian kings) there are descriptions of this cataclysm: “Huge giants, enraged demons with terrifying bodies fled to the right and left of him.” “Nergal (Mars) has strangled the country. Enraged demons bring plague with them and cause earthquakes”; “Nergal, the most powerful among the gods, inspiring fear, horror, awe”; “Nergal is the most furious among the gods”; “He makes the heavens dark, he moves the earth from its supports”; “Nergal... from the heights of heavenly silence... makes the earth tremble.” King Assyria Ashurbanipal wrote: “Nergal, the perfect warrior, powerful among the gods, the most famous among the heroes, a powerful ruler, the king of battle, the master of strength and power, the master of the storm that brings misfortune.”

Rice. 101. Codex Borbonicus. Venus and Mars.

In Babylon they worshiped this formidable planet and dedicated numerous prayers and hymns in honor of Mars:

You who walk across the sky...

Majestic and menacing...

The king of battle, the enraged fire god, the god Nergal...

Blaze of terror, god Nergal, prince of battle,

Your face is dazzling, your mouth is fire,

Wrathful Flame-god, god Nergal.

You are Pain and Horror,

Great Sword God,

The Lord who wanders in the night,

Terrible, angry Flame God...

Whose storm is a torrential flood.

In some historical sources it is said that during the approach of Mars to our planet, “red dust” fell on the earth. With this substance, the planet's soil, captured by Typhon, alien viruses and bacteria, to which people had no immunity, entered the Earth's atmosphere. Outbreaks of plague and other unknown diseases are mentioned in various documents of the era. For example, a Babylonian prayer dedicated to the planet Mars speaks of diseases sweeping the entire country:

A shining house that shines above the earth... Who is your equal?

When you rush into battle

When you throw yourself down

Who can escape your gaze?

What can escape your violence?

Your word is a strong net,

Stretched over Heaven and Earth...

His words make human beings sick,

It weakens them.

His word - when he makes his ascent -

It weakens the entire country.

U different nations In the world, Mars was called the following: “unpredictable planet”, “fire-star”, “arsonist”, “lightning flashing from heaven”, “god of destruction”, “fire-god”, “bloody destroyer of walls”, “red boar of the sky” , “jackal stained with blood”, “mad wolf”. Hesiod called Ares (Mars) “robber of cities.”

The mass of the planet Mars is significantly less than the mass of the Earth, and it did not approach it at a close enough distance, but still its appearance caused various disasters on our long-suffering planet.

During the reign of Chinese Emperor Gue, “five planets went out of their way. At night, stars (meteorites) fell like rain. The ground was shaking."

In ancient Chinese mythology Mars was called Xie-Tianjun (heavenly ruler), whose appearance was accompanied by extraordinary natural phenomena; Circles resembling wheels descended from the sky, illuminating the province of Shandong bright light. Xie-Tianjun was usually depicted wearing a Taoist headdress, standing on wheels of fire, holding a gold chain or sword in his hand. There are drawings in which he has three heads and three pairs of arms. In later Chinese mythology, Mars was called Ho-Sin (star of fire), which was depicted as a fierce, three-eyed anthropomorphic creature with a red face and six arms. In each hand, Ho-Sin holds a sword or halberd. His constant attributes are fire wheels, a bow and arrows.

There are numerous references to Mars and Maruts (gas clouds) in the Vedic hymns. It is possible that these are the remnants of the Martian atmosphere that accompanied the planet, which eventually dissipated into outer space:

Oh Indra, oh strong hero, give us glory.

together with the Maruts, terrifying with a horde of fierce ones,

strong, bringing victory... their strength is like the power of their father...

You walk, O Maruts, radiating brilliance.

We appeal to you, great Maruts, eternal wanderers...

Like the dawn they illuminate dark nights red rays, powerful,

with its bright light, like an ocean of milk...

You, the mighty one who shines with your swords,

shaking even that which is indestructible with its power...

Throwing a stone in flight (meteorites)…

All creatures are in fear of Marut.

Your path may shine, O Maruts...

Glowing like snakes.

Let your forward flying spear, O Maruts,

generous, will be far from us,

and far is the stone that you throw!

On that very day, the Maruts create darkness... Then, from the cry of the Maruts over the entire earthly space, people fall backward.

Like a destroying fire...

Blazing in their power, bright as fires and swift.

From their running the earth shakes as if it were split,

when on the heavenly roads they rush for victory...

They are like uncontrolled chariots on their paths.

In sparkling they are terrible looking,

powerful and crushing enemies.

On your chariots charged with lightning...

A horde of your chariots, a horde of fierce Maruts.

As you approach, the son of man falls on his face...

You make people tremble

you made the mountains tremble.

Your victory is swift, magnificent,

terrible, complete and crushing...

A terrible series of tireless Maruts...

Their appearance is terrible, like that of giants.

You're shaking the sky.

Terrible creatures... even what was strong and indestructible was shaken.

When they, whose tread is terrible, made the rocks tremble.

or when the masculine Maruts shook the underbelly of heaven.

Hide the endless darkness, bring back the light we crave.

They who are by their own power.

as if they are soaring above heaven and earth...

They are majestic, like bright heroes,

they shine like youths crushing enemies.

They who roar and rush like the wind, sparkling like tongues of flame,

powerful like warriors in armor...

which stick together like the spokes of a chariot...

These Maruts are men flashing with lightning,

They shoot thunder

They burn with the wind

They shake the mountains.

Ibid, Mandolas: I, V. Vedic hymns, Mandolas:


An almost similar description of the approach of Mars to our planet and an unknown phenomenon in the sky is found in the “Book of Joel” (I, 2: 3-11).

In front of them the fire is consuming, and behind them the flame is burning...

And no one will be saved from them.

Their appearance is like the appearance of horses, and they gallop like horsemen.

Jumping over the tops of the mountains,

as if with the sound of chariots,

as if with the crackling of a fiery flame,

eating straw...

At the sight of them, the nations will tremble, everyone’s faces will darken.

Before them the earth will shake, the sky will shake;

the sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars will lose their light.

Habakkuk (3:3-15) describes the appearance of Mars in the earth's firmament when “the sun and the moon stood in their homes”: “His glory covered the heavens ... he sparkled like light; Trumpets came out of his hand... burning coals fell right from under his feet... (he) scattered all the nations; and the eternal mountains were broken into pieces... Were you angry at the rivers too? Were you angry at the sea when you swept through on your horses and chariots of salvation?.. You cut the earth with rivers. The mountains saw and trembled: a watery flood passed over them: the depths gave their voice... The sun and the moon stood motionless in their houses: they moved to the light of your arrows and to the radiance of your shining spear. You walked the earth in anger, you crushed the sky in anger... You walked across the sea on your horses through the abyss of huge waves.”

The “Tales of Veles” describes the battle of the god Perun with the Skipper-beast (Mars): “And then years and centuries passed, and the appointed time came... And then dust began to swirl, not in the field, fogs rose not from the blue sea, but from the distant eastern a herd of animals ran out from side to side, and a herd of animals ran out like a herd of snakes.

The fierce Skipper-beast ran ahead, the fierce Skipper-beast - a mouth like a door to the Inferno.

Like Skipper’s fur is copper, and his horns and hooves are damask. His head is as big as a mountain, his arms and legs are pillars with three girths. He ripped apart the clouds with his horns and shuffled across the vault of heaven. As the Skipper-beast ran, Mother Earth wavered, the water in the blue sea became muddy, and the steep banks shook.

The Skipper-beast conquered the entire sunflower world and began to walk around the Earth without permission...

And immediately lightning flashed in the cloud, thunder rolled across the sky. And Perun rode off to pure pole, protecting his chest with a spear and asserting the heavenly law...

The fierce Skipper-beast stepped forward, came out to him like an animal, and hissed and whistled like a snake.

Then Perun pierced the Skipper-beast, opened his vile blood, he took out his heart from his open chest and threw it far into the blue sea. Skipper raised the beast high and Mother dropped it to the Earth.

The Mother of Cheese, the Earth, parted, swallowed up all the filthy blood, and the fierce Skipper-beast fell into the hole.”

In the Taoist text “Wen Tzu” there is information about the rapprochement, probably of Mars, with our planet: “When the sky, hostile to everything living, wants to destroy it, it burns it; the sun and moon lose their outlines and plunge into darkness; five planets are leaving their orbits; the four seasons encroach on each other; daylight fades; the red-hot mountains tremble; the rivers are drying up; at that time in winter thunder roars and fierce frost sets in; the air becomes less dense and people suffocate; the state is dying; the appearance and order of the sky changes; age-old customs have been violated... all living beings are harassing each other.”

In the era of Romulus (the founder of Rome), the Sun broke its course, and the world plunged into darkness. “Plague came to earth, causing sudden death without previous illness, and there fell bloody rain (Martian dust mixed with precipitation) and other disasters”; “Earthquakes have tormented the earth for a long time.” Ovid describes it this way mysterious death Romulus: “Both poles swayed, and Atlas moved the firmament. The sun disappeared and rising clouds covered the sky. The earth was splitting into flames. The people fled, and King Romulus, on the horses of his father (Mars), soared to the heavens.” Ovid in the drama “Thyestes” (translation by S.A. Osherov) has a description of the delay in the onset of day and night, as well as the displacement of the zodiacal constellations in the sky during this cataclysm:

O parent of the earth, parent of the heavens (Sun),

With whose sunrise the darkness of the night flees,

In the dress of stars, where did you turn,

Ruining a day in the middle of Olympus?

And the sloping descent of the sunset wheels.

He did not order the tired horses to be unharnessed,

And the day does not lean toward darkness,

And the third time the trumpet did not sound;

The farmer is amazed that the time for dinner has come...

What led you astray from the heavenly path?

Or Typhon straightens his shoulders,

Shaking off the heavy oppression of the mountain?

In the astronomical codex Tudela there is a drawing that clearly depicts a scene of a cosmic battle between Earth and Mars. The anthropomorphic image of our planet in the Aztec drawing is located on the left. Mars, in the form of a jaguar, holds in right hand shield with the symbol of this planet. On the deity’s head there is an object in the form of a ball emitting tongues of flame, followed by a long gas plume. Perhaps these are the remnants of its atmosphere, which over time dissipated into outer space. Similar drawings are found in several other Indian codes.

The Aztecs believed in the existence of a supreme, invisible creator and ruler of the Universe, Taotl. 13 main deities and another 200 lower ones were subordinate to him, each of whom was dedicated to a specific day or festival. At the head of the lower gods was the patron god of the entire people, the terrible god of war Huitzilopochtli (Mars). The temples erected in his honor were the most magnificent and majestic, his altars in every city in Mexico smoked with the blood of prisoners of war sacrificed to him. A witness to this terrible spectacle, the conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who was captured by the Aztecs during the unsuccessful assault on Tenochtitlan, describes the ritual of sacrifice to the god of war: “The gloomy drum of Huichilobos (Huitzilopochtli) sounded and many other shells and pipes and instruments like trumpets, and their sound was terrible.

We all turned our eyes to the high pyramid where this sad orchestra was located, and saw there our comrades whom they had captured when they defeated Cortes. The poor souls were dragged by force up the steps of the temple stairs to be sacrificed. When they reached a small area in front of the sanctuary in which the vile Indian deities were located, we saw that many of the prisoners had feathers stuck in their hair and objects resembling fans were given into their hands. Then they were forced to dance in front of Huichilobos, and when the dance was over, the captives were thrown on their backs onto narrow stones prepared for sacrifice, and with stone knives they cut open their chests and, tearing out their still fluttering hearts, handed them over to the idols standing there. Then the Indians threw the bodies of the victims down the stairs, and the Indian “butchers”, already waiting for them, cut off the arms and feet of the corpses... In the same manner they sacrifice everyone else to the gods and eat the legs and arms of the dead, offering their hearts and blood to their idols."

Fig 102. Codex Tudela. Battle of Earth and Venus.

The last time Mars approached the Earth, according to the Chinese chronicle, was March 23, 687 BC. e. and then gradually retreated into its stationary orbit.

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Observatory of Las Campanas. It is located in the mountains of the Atacama Desert. In Chile. They live and work there wonderful people. And yes, there is the clearest and brightest starry sky on the planet!

No more than 30 people live here at any one time. This includes cleaners and cooks. Of those personnel there are engineers, about 5–7 people. Programmers. And of course, astronomers. This is what the “remote control” of the Magellan telescope looks like. Tourists and other guests are rare here. We were the first journalists from Russia.

This is the Magellan telescope itself. Strictly speaking there are two of them. Both with a mirror diameter of 6.5 meters. Work begins at sunset. It takes about 30 minutes to calibrate the instrument. They find bright objects known to them; in general, work does not stop around the clock. During the day, engineers take the place of astronomers.

This is a 2.5 meter "Irénée du Pont". Everything there works automatically and very quietly. There was an audible rustling sound. The gate usually opens with this sound. And here is such a dome. Dude, I asked him to stand next to me. For beauty and scale. I think the “sash” weighs 5 tons. Well, generally symbolic. At night, astronomers uncover their telescopes.

The observatory belongs to the Carnegie Institution. Washington, USA is located at an altitude of 2220 in the driest desert in the world, the Atacama. Usually there are only Astronomers and technical staff here. Tourists are brought in during the day and then very rarely. Especially after one smart guy touched the mirror with his little hand.

Astronomers sleep during the day. This is true. The people are very friendly and sociable. Mostly Americans, well, that’s understandable. The director of the observatory, by the way, is Chilean. Our friend Paulo, who works as a programmer, says that when astronomers work, it seems to him that they are dead. There is something in this statement. They sit and look at the monitors. Sometimes they stuff something on the keyboard. Very smart and very focused.

About everyday life. This is the so-called hotel. There are several rooms here. A little. 20 pieces. Two-seater, 3 stars in terms of comfort. That is, without hussarism. Everything is modest and tasteful. A wonderful canteen, not even a canteen at all, but a cute restaurant in the mountains. Breakfast at 7:30, lunch at 12:30, dinner at 17:30. Recreation room and library. There is strict blackout on the territory of the observatory. There are thick curtains on the windows, there are no lanterns at all, like class. The steps are lightly illuminated with red lanterns, like in movie theaters.

They sit like that and look somewhere all night. Du Pont has a lot of old equipment, from the late 80s. In general, the principle here is: “If the old thing works, then don’t throw it away. Let it work.” Monitors still have picture tubes.

These are sensors from the telescope itself. 70s, 80s, 90s. Everything is carefully stored.

In general, the mirrors are dusty. It's windy here. It's cool at night. It is quite cool inside the telescope itself. Lots of equipment. And it is necessary that the air does not heat up, otherwise the picture will shake when the dome is opened. And we will have to wait until the temperatures equalize. So it’s always 2-3 degrees colder under the dome.

Why does humanity need such a type of activity as astronomy, what is the benefit of it, except beautiful pictures? Will my washing machine work better if they discover a couple of new galaxies. Fundamental science, however.

It’s already difficult to hide even for NASA: Nibiru? Two suns on the horizon. June 9th, 12:48

Talk about the arrival of the mysterious planet Nibiru has been exciting the network for about ten years - since the first leak from a secret US observatory in Antarctica. During this time, an incredible number of fake videos have appeared, allegedly depicting an incomprehensible luminous planet.
There are many absolutely real videos that no one knows how to interpret. As a rule, we are talking about two suns captured NEXT somewhere on the horizon. As a result, some people with glasses, beards and white coats begin to splash boiling saliva from the TV, passionately arguing about some kind of halo and the photographer has imagined everything. The sun somewhere there is reflected from something there and this optical effect is obtained.

We are not specialists in optics, so we fully accept theories with some drops in the atmosphere. However, on June 6 (US time), a video appeared on the Internet that even enlightened academics could not comment on. Moreover, we will not comment on it. Look, everything is fantastically interesting.

An unknown planet the size of Mars is approaching Earth

We have already written that the famous astronomer Roberto Antezana from Chile published a message about his discovery of an unknown planet approaching the Earth. The astrophysicist was able to take photographs of this planet using a telescope. Now new information about this object has appeared.

The information published by Antezana attracted the attention of other astronomers who studied the information provided by Roberto and came to the conclusion that this unknown planet is comparable in size to Mars and it does not move in orbit, but it cannot be compared with the movement of asteroids, since this planet has a regular shape .

Studying the images, scientists confirmed Antezana's reports that inside the image of the planet taken with the help of a telescope, strange structures from an unknown substance and an unusual V-shaped plume accompanying the planet were observed.

At the moment, scientists have no idea what it is - an unknown wandering planet or an incredibly giant comet. In any case, it poses a direct threat to the earth, since the trajectory of its movement is directed towards our planet and it will either pass very close to us or possibly collide with the earth.

Antezana transferred the data he collected on this planet to the American space agency NASA. At the moment, NASA has not made any official information or statements regarding this discovery.

It is interesting that the photographs of this planet obtained by the astronomer coincide with the ideas of the ancient Sumerians about the shape of the planet Nibiru, which travels in space and is a giant spaceship of the alien race of the Anunnaki.

According to the descriptions of the ancient Sumerians, Nibiru is the planet of the Gods and it is a round disk with wings.

The ancient Sumerians knew about the existence of another planet beyond Pluto and this planet was called Nibiru and it passes through our solar system approximately every 3600 years and the time for its reappearance has already come.

It is worth noting that quite recently, scientists ridiculed this information, but then everything changed when official science was forced to announce the discovery of the wandering Planet-X, but even here the scientists cheated and, having deprived Pluto of the title of planet, began to call the new planet not Planet-X, and Planet-9, in order to avoid comparing its name with the name of this planet among the Sumerians.

The Sumerians believed that an extraterrestrial civilization existed on Nibiru; the Anunnaki lived there, which translated from Sumerian means “descended from heaven.” The tablets record that they are very tall, from three to four meters, and their lifespan is several centuries.

When Nibiru was close enough to Earth, the Anunnaki boarded their spaceships, which looked like long capsules tapering at the front, spewing flames from the rear, and under the command of Captain Enki, they landed in the region of Sumer. There they built an astroport called Eridu. Not finding gold there, they began searching for it all over the planet and finally found it in a valley in southeast Africa, in the center of the region opposite the island of Madagascar.

At first, Anunnaki workers under the direction of Enlil, Enki's younger brother, built and developed mines. But soon they rebelled, and alien scientists led by Enki decided to create servants using genetic engineering, breeding hybrids based on the primates of the Earth.

So 300 thousand years ago a man appeared whose only purpose was to serve aliens. By the way, the very appearance of Homo sapiens 300 thousand years ago was ridiculed by scientists until just the other day they published news reporting the discovery of a human skeleton that is 300 thousand years old.

The Sumerian texts say that the Anunnaki quickly made people respect them, for they had “an eye located very high, which sees everything that happens on Earth,” and “a fiery ray that pierces all matter.”

Having mined the gold and completed the work, Enlil received orders to destroy the human race so that the genetic experiment would not disrupt the natural development of the planet. But Enki saved several people (Noah's Ark?) and said that man has earned the right to live on. Enlil became angry with his brother (perhaps this story is retold in Egyptian myth - the role of Enki went to Osiris, and Enlil became Set) and demanded to convene a council of the wisest, which allowed people to live on Earth.