At the origins of the human race there are stages of human formation. At the origins of the human race. methodological development in history (grade 10) on the topic. Greetings and motivation

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At the origins of the human race NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION PARAGRAPHS 4-5 Statsenko Anna Valerievna, history teacher of the Irkutsk Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 11 with in-depth study of individual subjects

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Consider the main theories of human origin. Identify and characterize the main stages in the formation of humanity. Reveal the meaning. primitive era in the history of mankind Goal: to study the primitive era in the history of mankind OBJECTIVES Research Find out Reveal Find out Characterize Consider Consider Reveal Justify Analyze The purpose and objectives of the lesson

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Generally accepted periodization General history III millennium BC - V century AD ANCIENT WORLD V century - end of the XV century MIDDLE AGES XVI - XIX centuries MODERN TIME XX - beginning of XXI centuries RECENT TIME PRIMITIVE ERA Duration more than 2.5 million years, the formation of man modern look, tribal system, transition to agriculture and cattle breeding, no private property and social inequality, the emergence of art and religion

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Periodization of history according to L. Morgan and J. Condorcet WILDLIFE Gathering hunting BARBARY Agriculture cattle breeding The emergence of private property and social inequality CIVILIZATION State writing cities class society Lewis Morgan (1818-1881) - American ethnographer and historian, creator of the scientific theory of primitive society PROGRESS Progress is progressive movement of society from lower to higher levels Jean Condorcet (1743-1794) - French philosopher, founder of the theory of PROGRESS

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FORMATIONAL APPROACH Humanity is a single whole and develops from lower levels to higher levels - formations. Formation (from Latin Formatio - view) is a society at a certain stage of development. Primitive communal formation Slave-owning formation: slave owners and slaves Feudal formation: feudal lords and dependent peasants Capitalist formation capitalists (bourgeoisie) and proletariat (wage workers): Communist formation - classless society A) socialism “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work) B) communism “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need Progress Each formation is based on a certain method of producing material wealth K. Marx “Revolutions are the locomotives of history”

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The primitive era in the history of mankind The primitives are people who lived before the advent of writing, the appearance of the first cities and states PRIMITIVE CIVILIZATION 2.5 million years ago. – 5 thousand years ago

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“In modern science, the question of the origin of man remains highly controversial” ANTHROPOGENESIS - part of biological evolution that led to the emergence of Homo sapiens (lat. Homo sapiens) Anthropos - man Genesis - origin ANTHROPOSOCIOGENESIS - a term adopted to refer to the problem of the origin and evolution of man as a species in the process of forming society. MAN is a BIO-SOCIAL being

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THEORIES Natural-scientific theories EVOLUTIONISM Man as a biological species is the result of EVOLUTION People descended from a special species of apes Religious theories (CREATIONISM) Man was created by GOD Paleovisit theory MAN flew from SPACE None of these theories HAVE full scientific confirmation What theories of the origin of man exist ?

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Religious (creation) theory Man is CREATED BY GOD “And God said: Let us make man in our image and in our likeness...” The Bible. Genesis. 1-26 THE IMAGE OF GOD is the qualities given by God to man, distinguishing him from all other creatures on earth - reason, speech, the ability to distinguish between good and evil and strive for good. THE SIMILARITY OF GOD is what a person should strive for - to become like God – in love, patience, etc. 2:7. And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. According to the Bible, man is created in THREE stages. The first stage is God's plan for man. “And God said: Let us make man in our image and likeness.” Then God proceeds directly to the creation of man. He creates a body from the earth and then, into the finished body, inhales the soul. SOUL is the immortal personality (essence) of a person. The meaning of life is the salvation of the soul.

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Religious (creation) theory Gregory of Nyssa - Christian theologian and philosopher of the 4th century. Basil the Great - Christian theologian and philosopher of the 4th century. Vasily Rodzianko (1915-1999) – bishop Orthodox Church in America D. Sysoev “Chronicle of the Beginning” A. Kuraev “School Theology” “Orthodoxy and Evolution”

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Evolutionary theory Evolution – natural process development of living nature, accompanied by the disappearance and emergence of species of living beings Man is the highest level of development of living organisms on earth TYPE - chordates CLASS - mammals ORDER - primates FAMILY - hominids GENUS - people SPECIES - humans reasonable HOMO SAPIENS

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The main factors of evolution Charles Darwin is the founder of the theory of evolution (Darwinism) 1859. The origin of species through natural selection” 1871 “The origin of man and sexual selection”: the similarities and kinship of humans and great apes. The main factors of evolution are the struggle for existence and natural selection (Darwinism). The mechanism of evolution - genetic mutations (neo-Darwinism) Charles Darwin 1809-1882 “Natural selection can explain (more precisely, describe, not explain) variability within a population, but cannot explain the jump from one species to another. Therefore, in the Origin of Species, Darwin talks about everything except the origin of species itself.” A. Kuraev “Orthodoxy and evolution”

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The origin of the mind is explained by the action of natural laws of evolutionary development The struggle for existence (species and interspecies) and natural selection The appearance of speech, abstract thinking, COMMUNICATION SKILLS accumulation of knowledge, improvement of tools MAN The ability to make tools is the main difference between humans and animals

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Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) - German philosopher, author of the work “The Role of Labor in the Process of Transforming Ape into Man” The gradual improvement of tools contributed to the development of speech and thinking “Labor made a man out of an ape”

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Questions What is anthropogenesis and anthroposociogenesis? Why is man a biosocial being? What theories of human origins exist? What is the essence of creation theory? Who is the author of the theory of evolution? What factors contributed to the separation of man from the natural world? What does the expression “labor made a man out of a monkey” mean?

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The main stages of human development. Human ancestors Australopithecus (southern ape) 4 million years ago Sticks and sharp stones Homo habilis 2.5 million years ago Roughly processed stones Homo erectus PITHECAANTHROPUS 1 million years ago Neanderthal 600-35 thousand years ago Cro-Magnon 40 thousand years ago PALEOLITHIC (paleo - ancient, lithos - stone) - Old Stone Age MESOLITHIC XX -X thousand years ago. NEOLITHIC X thousand years ago 100 thousand years ago 200-300– thousand years ago

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Periodization of the primitive era PALEOLITHIC 2.5 million years ago. - XII thousand years n. Lower, middle, upper Rough (unpolished) stone tools gathering, hunting, fishing MESOLITHIC XX-X thousand years ago. NEOLITHIC – X-IX thousand years ago Chalcolithic Copper-Stone Age Human herd Tribal community

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Races RACES are historically established groupings (groups of populations) of people within the species Homo sapiens. EUROPEAN MONGOLOID NEGROID OCEANIC Races differ from each other in minor ways physical features- skin color, body proportions, eye shape, hair structure, etc.

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Questions Which regions are the ancestral homeland of humanity? What is the main difference between ancient people and animals? Name the anthropoid ancestors of humans. What are Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic? What human achievements during the Early Paleolithic era allowed him to survive the Ice Age? What are races?

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Man masters the planet MESOLITHIC (XX -X thousand years ago) – changes in natural conditions, the glacier retreats, new territories become available for settlement 25 thousand years ago. 20 thousand years ago

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Art and religion MESOLITHIC (XX -X thousand years ago) - the emergence of art and religion What is RELIGION and why did it arise? Religion is the belief in the existence of higher powers and the worship of them. Religion arose from the fear of primitive people of the forces of nature. Religion is the most important spiritual need of man “You created us for Yourself, and our heart knows no peace until it rests in You” (St. Augustine)

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Art and religion MESOLITHIC (XX -X thousand years ago) - the emergence of art and religion PRIMITIVE (archaic) RELIGIONS 1) ANIMISM - belief in the soul and spirits Funeral rite 2) FETISCHISM 3) TOTEMISM 4) MAGIC Magic rite

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Art and religion It was believed that some people have great abilities to communicate with higher powers and spirits. Priests (shamans, sorcerers) played a large role in the life of primitive tribes MESOLITHIC (XX -X thousand years ago) - the emergence of art and religion

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Art and religion MESOLITHIC (XX -X thousand years ago) - the emergence of art and religion Paleolithic Venuses

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Questions At what stage of primitive history did human settlement take place across the continents of the planet? What is religion? How do scientists explain its appearance? When do religion and art appear in human society? What connection exists between them? Name the primitive forms of religion.

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NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION 10 thousand years ago n. The transition from a primitive APPROPRIATING economy to a PRODUCING economy based on cattle breeding and agriculture

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NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION Transition from a primitive APPROPRIATING economy to a PRODUCING economy based on cattle breeding and agriculture CAUSES CONSEQUENCES Climate warming Disappearance of large animals (mammoths) Population growth Improvement of tools and weapons Extermination of many species of animals Emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding Separation of crafts from Agriculture The emergence of exchange and trade The transition from matriarchy to patriarchy The emergence of property The transition from the tribal community to the neighboring one Increasing inequality Creating the preconditions for the emergence of STATES What was the significance of the Neolithic revolution?

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Tribal system Tribal community Tribal community Tribal community TRIBE Council of elders Leader

In general, it is characterized by the increasing dynamics of changes occurring both in various fields public life, and in the complex of relationships between society and nature.

Traditional for the materialistic traditions of European science was the consideration of history from the point of view of man's conquest of nature. It really acts as a source of resources for the development of civilization. At the same time, a person is in constant interaction with his environment, he himself is its creation and an integral part.

Human society and natural communities

The oldest stone tools are 2.5-3 million years old. Consequently, at that time creatures with the rudiments of intelligence already lived in East Africa.

The most developed primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangtans) are capable of using ready-made objects (a stick, a stone) in certain situations. However, they cannot make a tool, even the most primitive one (chip and sharpen flint). This requires a certain knowledge about the properties of objects (for example, that flint is easier to process than granite), the ability to plan one’s actions, to mentally imagine their result, which implies the skill of abstract thinking, the presence of reason.

The origin of the mind is explained by the action of natural laws of evolutionary development, interspecies struggle for survival. The species that had the best chances in this fight were those that to a greater extent than others, could ensure their existence in changing natural conditions environment.

Wildlife has demonstrated an infinite variety of both dead-end and viable evolutionary options. One of them was associated with the formation of primordia social behavior, which demonstrate many types of animals. By uniting in herds (flocks), they could defend themselves and protect their cubs from stronger opponents, and obtain more food. Moreover, the size of each of them was limited by the ability to feed themselves in a certain territory (among primitive people, the size of the herd was 20-40 people).

In the interspecific and sometimes intraspecific struggle between herds that needed similar food, those who had better developed communication, the ability to warn each other about the approach of the enemy, and better coordinate their actions during the hunt won. Gradually, over hundreds of thousands of years, among human predecessors, primitive sound signals expressing emotions began to acquire an increasingly meaningful character.

Speech was formed, inseparable from the ability for abstract, abstract thinking, which implied a complication of the brain structure. Those individuals who showed greater communication abilities had the best chance of surviving in the primitive herd and leaving offspring.

Thus, the emergence and improvement of speech and abstract thinking became the most important factor in the development of the human race itself. It's no coincidence that everyone new step According to the stage of human evolution, it was connected, on the one hand, with the development of the brain, and on the other, with the improvement of hunting and fishing tools.

Many animals demonstrate the ability to learn, but reflexes and skills acquired by one individual do not become the property of the species. In the herds primitive people gradually accumulated knowledge, which, thanks to the development of speech, was passed on from generation to generation. They reflected the experience of tens of thousands of years of interaction with the outside world, concerned the properties of surrounding objects, and understanding the connections between actions and their results. The accumulation of knowledge and practical skills in its application has provided humans with decisive advantages in the struggle for survival compared to other species.

Armed with clubs, spears, and acting together, primitive hunters could cope with any predator. The possibilities for obtaining food expanded significantly. Thanks to warm clothing, mastery of fire, and acquisition of the skill of preserving food (drying, smoking), people were able to settle over a vast territory and felt relative independence from the climate and vagaries of the weather.

The accumulation of knowledge was not a constantly developing, progressive process. Many human communities due to hunger, disease, hostile attacks tribes died, the knowledge they gained was completely or partially lost.

Stages of human development

The most ancient stone tools are found in East Africa, North and South Asia. It was in these areas that Australopithecus lived. They were more like monkeys than people, although they could walk on two legs. It is generally accepted that australopithecus used sticks and sharp stones as weapons, but most likely did not yet know how to process them.

Approximately 1.0 million - 700 thousand years ago, a period begins that is called the Early Paleolithic. (from Greek, “paleo”, “ancient” and “litos” - “stone”). Excavations in France, near the villages of Chelles and Saint-Achelles, made it possible to find the remains of caves and ancient settlements, where successive generations of the predecessors of modern man lived for tens of thousands of years. Subsequently, such finds were discovered in other places.

Archaeological research has made it possible to trace how tools of labor and hunting have changed. Tools made of bone and sharpened stone (points, scrapers, axes) became more and more sophisticated and durable. The physical type of a person changed: he became more and more adapted to moving on the ground without the help of hands, and the volume of the brain increased.

Thus, the brain volume of the great ape was about 300-600 cubic meters. cm, Australopithecus - 600-700 cc. cm, Pithecanthropus - 800-870 cc. cm, Sinanthropus and Heidelberg man - more than 1000 cubic cm, Neanderthal - 1300-1700 cubic cm. cm - modern man - 1400-1800 cubic meters. cm.

The most important achievement of the Early Paleolithic was the mastery of the ability to use heat (about 200-300 thousand years ago) to heat a home, prepare food, and protect against predators.

Initially, people did not know how to light a fire. Its source was randomly occurring forest and steppe fires; the resulting fire was constantly maintained in the hearths. The ancient Greek legend about Prometheus, who stole the knowledge of fire from the gods, is probably an echo of the memory of very ancient times.

The time of the Early Paleolithic ends with a period of sharp changes in the natural conditions of existence of primitive people. The onset of glaciers began, approximately 100 thousand years ago, covering almost the entire territory Russia, Central and Western Europe. Many herds of primitive Neanderthal hunters were unable to adapt to new living conditions. The struggle for diminishing sources of food intensified between them.

By the end of the Early Paleolithic (approximately 30-20 thousand years BC) in Eurasia and Africa, Neanderthals completely disappeared. Man of the modern, Cro-Magnon type has established himself everywhere.

World religions were based on the idea of ​​the creation of man by higher powers. In the 19th century, during the period of dominance of natural scientific views, science developed a view according to which man is the product of a long, gradual evolution. However, in the 20th century, the idea of ​​the extraterrestrial origin of man began to spread in popular science literature.

The fact is that modern science does not have indisputable data about the immediate ancestors of modern humans. It is assumed that he could not be a product of the evolution of Neanderthals, who represented a dead-end branch of evolution. In other words, the most important, transitional link has not yet been found in the chain of successive human predecessors.

Under the influence of differences in natural conditions, the main races of people emerged.

Racial characteristics are very diverse. The most obvious are pigmentation (skin and hair color), skull shape, development and shape of hair (beard, mustache, scalp hair), eye shape, height. The use of modern research methods includes analysis of the predominant blood groups, papillary patterns on the fingers, and the shape of the teeth.

There is no data proving the existence of any races with mental, psychological, physiological or other advantages over others. All of them belong to a single biological species, “Homo sapiens” (Homo sapiens).

The main races usually include Negroid, European, Mongoloid and Oceanic (Australoid).

The main characteristics of the Negroid races include dark skin pigmentation, coarse curly hair, weak beard and mustache growth, and a forward facial section of the skull. The Negroid race developed on the African continent, although archaeologists find traces of its residence in southern Europe.

Mongoloids have predominantly dark, straight hair, they are characterized by a specific eye shape, a facial skeleton with prominent cheekbones. Mongoloids lived in the South-Eastern, Eastern, Central and partly - Central Asia, in Siberia, on the islands of Polynesia and in America.

Caucasians are characterized by soft hair, strong hair development, a developed profile of the facial skeleton, and a protruding nose. During the Mesolithic period, Caucasians lived in Europe, Western and Central Asia, and on the Hindustan Peninsula.

It is also customary to distinguish the oceanic race as a separate large race, whose representatives lived in small groups over a vast territory from South Asia to Australia and Oceania. A distinctive feature of this race is a combination of Negroid and Caucasian features.

Large races are by no means homogeneous; for example, the Europeans of the north are characterized by a predominance of blond hair and blue eyes. Southern Caucasians have darker skin color and darker hair. On the borders of residence of large races, transitional racial groups have developed, for example, the mulattoes, the Ethiopian race, the transitional between the Caucasoid and Negroid races, ethnic groups, living in Cydan. Some peoples of Siberia, the Urals and Central Asia were a mixed form between Caucasians and Asian Mongoloids.

The study of the history of races and the nature of their settlement around the globe is the most important source of knowledge about the life of peoples and their origin.

Man masters his planet

The Mesolithic era (from the Greek, "mesos" - "middle" - "litos" - "stone") covers the period from the 20th to the 9th - 8th millennium BC. It is characterized by a new change in natural conditions, which become more favorable: glaciers are retreating, new territories become available for settlement.

During this period, the Earth's population did not exceed 10 million people. This is not much, but given the predominance of the appropriating type of economy (hunting, fishing, gathering) it was necessary to constantly expand the territory of hunting grounds. The weakest tribes were pushed to the periphery of the inhabited world. About 25 thousand years ago, man first entered the American continent, and about 20 thousand years ago - to Australia.

The history of the settlement of America and Australia causes a lot of controversy. It is generally accepted that man could have ended up on these continents even before the end of the Ice Age. When the ocean level was about 100 m below modern levels and there were land bridges connecting these continents with Eurasia. At the same time, scientists, noting that there were several waves of migration to overseas continents, argue that already at the dawn of their history people could cross wide expanses of water. The Norwegian explorer T. Heyerdahl, to prove the correctness of this point of view, crossed the Pacific Ocean on a raft made using technologies that could have been available to man during the Mesolithic.

In the Mesolithic era, rock painting arose and became widespread. In the remains of dwellings of that time, archaeologists find figurines depicting people, animals, beads and other decorations. All this speaks of the onset of a new stage in the knowledge of the world. Abstract symbols and generalized concepts that arose with the development of speech acquire, as it were, independent life in drawings and figurines. Many of them were associated with rituals and rites of primitive magic.

The greatest mystery for man was himself, the process of cognition, understanding the nature of intellectual activity and the abilities associated with it. Primitive magic was built on the belief in the ability to influence distant objects and other people with words, symbolic actions and drawings, and in the special significance of dreams. Early beliefs sometimes did have some rational basis. However, they often became fetters for further knowledge of the world.

The large role of chance in people's lives gave rise to attempts to improve the situation in hunting and in life. This is how belief in omens, favorable or unfavorable, arose. Fetishism appeared - the belief that some objects (talismans) have a special magical power. Among them were animal figurines, stones, and amulets that supposedly brought good luck to their owner. Beliefs arose, for example, that a warrior who drank the blood of an enemy or ate his heart acquired special strength; hunting, treating the sick, choosing a mate (boy or girl) were preceded by ritual actions, among which special meaning focused on dancing and singing. People of the Mesolithic era knew how to make percussion, wind, string and plucked musical instruments.

Particular importance was attached to funeral rituals, which became more and more complex with modern times. In ancient burials, archaeologists find jewelry and tools that people used during their lifetime, and food supplies. This proves that already at the dawn of history there were widespread beliefs in the existence other world where a person lives after death.

Faith in higher power, which could both help and harm. It was assumed that they could be appeased with a sacrifice, most often with part of the loot, which should be left in a certain place. Some tribes practiced human sacrifice.

It was believed that some people have great abilities to communicate with higher powers and spirits. Gradually, along with the leaders (they usually became the strongest, most successful, experienced hunters), priests (shamans, sorcerers) began to play a noticeable role in the life of primitive tribes. They usually knew the healing properties of herbs, perhaps had some hypnotic abilities and had a great influence on their fellow tribesmen.

Questions and tasks

1. Using the knowledge acquired in biology, history and social studies classes, talk about the most common hypotheses of human origins. When did the theory of evolution arise and who was its author?
2. What factors contributed to the separation of man from the natural world? What role did interspecific and intraspecific struggle play in the process of human evolution?
3. Name the directions of evolution of the human race. What is the meaning for ancient man in the struggle for survival had the accumulation of knowledge?
4. Which regions are the ancestral home of humanity? Name the anthropoid ancestors of humans.
5. Track changes anthropological type man in the process of evolution.
6. What achievements of man in the early Paleolithic era allowed him to survive in the conditions of the Ice Age?
7. At what stage of primitive history did human settlement take place across the continents of the planet?
8. When rock painting and religious beliefs? What function did they perform?

1. Using the knowledge acquired in biology, history and social studies lessons, talk about the most common hypotheses of human origins. When did the theory of evolution arise and who was its author? What myths do you know that explain the origin of the world and man?

The main theories of the origin of man are divided into creationist (man was created thanks to the actions of higher forces) and evolutionary (man descended from other forms of life as a result of evolution).

Every religion has its own creationist myth. For example, the Bible says that the Lord created a man from clay and breathed spirit into him, and created a woman from a man’s rib. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod wrote about 5 generations of people who were successively created and destroyed by the gods. These are generations of gold, silver, copper people and a generation of heroes. According to Hesiod, the current generation is iron.

Evolutionary theory arose in the 19th century. The greatest contribution to the theory of the evolution of species of living beings was made by Charles Darwin, who was the first to substantiate the origin of humans from other animals (from primates).

2. What factors contributed to the separation of man from the natural world? What role did interspecific and intraspecific struggle play in the process of human evolution?

From the natural world, the first ancestors of man began to distinguish intelligence and the use of specially made tools. But over time, self-awareness became the main factor: a person thinks of himself separately from nature and his personality separately from the rest of the world, this determines all his behavior, and this is what sets him apart from all other living beings.

There are different theories as to what triggered the rapid evolution of the group of primates that led to the emergence of humans. According to the most common example, as a result of climate change, the habitat of this group became completely different in a short period of time: savannas formed in place of forests. Primates had to adapt to new conditions so quickly that evolution did not have time to make them stronger, faster, etc. Instead, they began to survive due to their intelligence and the use of their front limbs, which were already free from walking. At the same time, both interspecific and intraspecific struggle played a major role in human evolution. In competition with other species for food and the fight against predators, intelligence and skills in making tools were developed, so humans could not do anything else to oppose the aggressive external environment. However, intraspecific competition also helped. Apparently, human ancestors chose partners for creating families not by strength or beauty, but by their ability to get more food for their offspring, which again required intelligence and the ability to make tools.

3. Name the directions of evolution of the human race. What was the significance of the accumulation of knowledge for ancient man in the struggle for survival?

Evolution of most animal species aims to change the animal's body to suit environmental conditions. Man instead evolved to create means of adaptation to the environment (tools) with his own hands, and, over time, to change environment according to your needs. For example, evolution changes the teeth of animals so that they can eat new foods; man instead learned to use fire and was able to process food so that it fits his teeth. Thus, the accumulation of knowledge had decisive role in the survival of man as a biological species, because only knowledge helped to make increasingly complex tools, use fire and other devices, and ultimately reach the modern level of development.

4. Which regions are the ancestral home of humanity? Name the humanoid predecessors of people.

The first tools were found in East Africa, North and South Asia. Immediate predecessor of man modern type Today they consider the so-called Homo habilis (Homo habilis).

5. At what stage of primitive history did human settlement take place across the continents of the planet?

Human settlement on the planet begins after the retreat of the glacier. People appeared in America ca. 25 thousand years ago, and Australia - approx. 20.

6. When did rock art and religious beliefs emerge in human communities? What function did they perform?

Cave painting appeared already among the Neanderthals (they lived in Europe 400-250 thousand years ago). At the same time, apparently, religious ideas also arose (burials were found that were clearly made using some kind of ritual). Rock painting, apparently, was also part of some rituals. For example, some of these drawings are related to astronomical phenomena. In modern humans, rock art has been known since the Mesolithic era (which lasted from the 20th to the 9th-8th centuries BC).

PALEOLITHIC PALEOLITHIC (from pareo... and Greek lithos stone), the ancient Stone Age, the first period of the Stone Age, the time of the existence of fossil man (pareoanthropus, etc.), who used chipped stone, wooden, bone tools, was engaged in hunting and gathering. The Paleolithic lasted from the emergence of man (over 2 million years ago) until approximately the 10th millennium BC. e. The most important achievement of the pareolithic was mastering the ability to use fire (about a thousand years BC). Making a fire.

At the end of the Early Pareolithic era, a period of sharp changes in the natural conditions of existence of primitive people began. Many herds of primitive hunters - Neanderthals were unable to adapt to new natural conditions. By the end of the Early Pareolithic (about a thousand years BC), Neanderthals completely disappeared. The modern, Cro-Magnon type of man has established himself everywhere. Stone tip with a “foot”. Wed. pareolithic

Mesolithic era MESOLITHIC (from Meso... and Greek lithos stone), Middle Stone Age, transition from Pareolithic to Negolithic (c. 10th-5th millennium BC). In the Mesolithic, bows and arrows, microlithic tools appeared, and the dog was domesticated. The Mesolithic is sometimes also called protonegolith (from the Greek protos first and negolith) or epipareolithic (from the Greek epi after and pareolith).

The Mesolithic covers the period from the 20th to the 9th-8th millennium BC. e. natural conditions At this time, things become more favorable and new territories become available for settlement. The population does not exceed 10 million people. Around this era, man first penetrated the American continent and Australia. During the Mesolithic era, rock painting arose and became widespread. An example of a complex weapon.

Rock carvings, scientifically called petroglyphs, are found in different parts Sveta. Refers to different historical eras from the Pareolithic to the Middle Ages. Ancient people applied them to the walls and ceilings of caves, to open rock surfaces and individual stones. The oldest Pareolithic rock paintings were found in caves and grottoes in Southern France and Northern Spain. The rock carvings are characterized by figures of animals, primarily the objects of ancient man's hunt: bison, horses, mammoths, rhinoceroses; less common predators are bears and lions. Dance. Lleid painting. Spain. "Stone Newspaper" Arizona.

In Russia, petroglyphs were called pisanitsa. Here, pareolithic drawings were discovered in the Kapova Cave in the Urals and on the rocks near the village of Shishkino on the Lena River. Already in ancient times, the style and technique of rock paintings were varied, from outline drawings scratched on stone to bas-relief and polychrome painting, for which mineral paints were used. Rock paintings were for ancient people magical meaning. Fighting archers Composition in the Lascaux cave Paintings on a mountain plateau. Tassoli-Ajjer, Algeria.

Neolithic era NEOLITHIC (from it... and the Greek lithos stone), new Stone Age, period (about 1000 BC) of transition from an appropriating economy (gathering, hunting) to a producing one (agriculture, cattle breeding). In the Negolithic era, stone tools were polished, drilled, pottery, spinning, and weaving appeared. Primitive tools

Human society and natural communities THE ORIGIN OF MIND In this struggle, those who could more successfully ensure their existence in conditions natural environment. The oldest stone tool is 2.5 – 3 million years old in East Africa. Only creatures with the rudiments of intelligence can make tools. Animals can only use them. Reason can be explained by: the action of natural laws of evolutionary development; interspecies struggle for existence.

Human evolution Formation of the rudiments of social behavior The ability to learn distinguished a person who passed on experience from generation to generation, unlike animals who could not do this. Uniting in herds, primitive people could protect themselves and their children. In the interspecies struggle, those who had the ability to communicate and coordinate actions won. The design of speech has complicated the structure of the brain. The ability for abstract thinking has appeared. Each stage of human evolution is associated with: the development of the brain and the improvement of tools.

Lower Paleolithic Stone Age Middle Paleolithic up to 45 - 40 thousand years ago Upper Paleolithic Paleolithic up to 100 thousand years ago up to 12 - 10 thousand years ago Mesolithic Neolithic Chalcolithic up to 8 thousand years ago up to 5 thousand years ago (Copper Stone Age) before Tue. floors 4 thousand BC e. Early Bronze Iron Age Middle Bronze early. floors 2 thousand BC e. Late Bronze Bronze Age 3 thousand BC e. Tue. floors 2 thousand BC e. From the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. and up to modern times

glacial period Mindel Riess Würm Günz Archanthropes and paleoanthropes, at the end of Riess - the appearance of Cro-Magnons (Homo sapiens); human settlement in Africa, Asia, Europe; emergence of races Neolithic revolution: transition to a productive economy; the birth of the most ancient civilizations of the East and West

Pithecanthropus Lived about 1.5 million years ago. Distinctive features there was a low forehead, developed brow ridges, and massive jaws protruding forward.

The severe test served as an incentive to reveal the hidden possibilities of human development. People learned to process stone, bone and animal skins, make fire and much more. Speech and the beginnings of religious ideas appear. The species homo habilis is being replaced by the species homo sapiens(reasonable person).

Main races of people Racial characteristics are diverse: skin pigmentation, eye shape, hair, height, blood types, etc. NEGROID RACE (skin pigmentation, curly hair, weak beard and mustache growth) EUROPEAN RACE (soft hair, protruding nose) MONGOLID RACE (eye shape, cheekbones, straight hair) OCEANIC RACE (combination of Negroid and Caucasian features) The main races are heterogeneous. Transitional racial groups (mulattoes) formed at the borders of residence of the main races.

Man masters his planet MESOLITHIC ERA (from 20 to 9 - 8 thousand BC, glaciers recede) The emergence of belief in omens, fetishism. The emergence of funeral rituals and belief in higher powers. The appearance of shamans and priests. Population – 10 million people. The appropriating type of economy is hunting, gathering, fishing. Human penetration into America and Australia. The onset of a new stage in the knowledge of the world: rock paintings, rituals of magic - ABSTRACT THINKING. The greatest mystery: man himself with his development of intelligence.

By the end of the Stone Age, people who had undergone a severe test of survival over several tens of thousands of years had learned a lot. People have achieved real art in the manufacture of tools. They have learned to drill and grind stone, and create tools of miniature precision.

Man discovered the properties of clay and learned to create ceramic dishes. He invented a loom and learned how to weave linen and sew clothes.