Red candle in the house. The meaning of candle color. Magic candles


You can use a white candle:

1. Cleansing the chakras. Near each chakra on four sides (except for 1 and 7 – here once each) cross-shaped movements are made, reading “Our Father...”.

2. Cleaning the premises. First, counterclockwise, then clockwise, they walk around the entire perimeter of the room, reading prayers (Wiccan, or spells).

3. Cleansing from negative thoughts. You need to look at the flame and ask for forgiveness from yourself, from those who were offended and from those who offended you.


Red is the color of blood, and, accordingly, of life and existence, courage, health, athletic achievements and success in general. Red excites nervous system, causes increased breathing, stimulates muscle function. Represents desires and aspirations - to win, conquer, achieve success in life.

1. Used in exorcism

2. Cleansing from the forces of evil. Negative entities are annealed from the energy field.

3. Burning negative energy from a diseased organ. The actions described above are performed around a specific organ. 4. Cleaning the premises. A red candle is placed in the center of each room. Let it burn to the end. It is better to keep the windows open at this time.

5. To restore strength in case of fatigue and exhaustion. You need to look at the red flame, trying not to think about anything.

6. B love magic used during rituals and ceremonies.

7. In the treatment of hypotension, impotence and frigidity, depression and melancholy, sluggishness of the digestive organs, to enhance liver activity and stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.


Pink is a mixture of red and white, turning material red into the color of friendship, love, and anticipation of changes in your personal life.

1. attracting friendship. On the candle from the wick to the base in a spiral in any magical alphabet you write the name + name - odd number once and light the candle. Looking at the fire, you see the desired event has already happened. Work an odd number of days until the candle burns out.

2. sexual magic. From svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna, it is necessary to release pink channels to the top of the candle light (reinforced by the elements of fire and pink) to the object on the same chakras with the necessary settings for each channel. Work 3-5-7 days.

3. Ritual of happiness. Write what you want on paper, indicating their names, and place the paper under the candle. Look at the candle and mentally see what you want. After the candle burns out, burn the paper and send it “downwind.”


On my own Orange color- joyful and optimistic, attractive

1. Ritual of increasing calls for people working for home phone. A rune paper talisman is placed under the phone to attract cash clients. Write the runes ANSUTS and FEHU on the candle in a spiral an odd number of times. Light a candle for at least 15 minutes a day, meditating on calls from financial clients.

2. Establishing friendly and business relations At work. Write your name on one candle and your name on the other the right person(start writing from the wick side).

Place the candles at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other. For 7 days, meditate on the desired situation, looking at the flame of a candle. Every next day, move the candles closer to each other. On the last day, write what you want on paper and place it under candles standing close to each other. When the candles burn out, burn the paper and let it go “to the wind.”


It is also the color of intellectual development, fortune telling, and prediction.

1. Light for fortune telling.

2. For depression, bad mood. Light a candle and, looking at the fire, mentally release all negative thoughts and feelings from yourself and try to see them burn out - work until a positive result.


To attract material well-being and healing, a green candle is traditionally used.

1.Healing. When treating, use a green candle.

2. Ritual to attract money. Light a green candle. On paper, write a wish list indicating the price (preferably no more than 3 wishes) and the total amount. Read the list out loud three times while looking at the candle flame. Burn this list, saying as the paper burns out: “So be it!” So it will be! For my benefit and without harm to others!” Throw the ashes into the wind or carry them in a bag in your wallet.


We can see blue when looking at the sky on a clear day. This color, which is a mixture of white and blue, has characteristics of both. This is the color of a calm, uniform, fuss-free desire for knowledge of the unknown.

1. It is good to meditate on a blue candle to enhance parapsychological abilities.

2. It is good to look at the flame of a blue candle for calm.


The blue color represents peace, equal relationships, sensitivity, receptivity, and the desire to achieve integrity. This is a symbol of calm waters and evening skies, the keeper of calm and mystery.

1. Constant burning of a blue candle helps recovery from serious illnesses.

2.Light candles in the house of the dead. 2 hours of burning “drives away” guest-spirits for 10 hours, and 1 month - they will be completely abandoned.


A very beautiful, “otherworldly” color – purple. It is a mixture of red and blue, respectively, contains the characteristics of both colors, nevertheless carrying its own meaning. The pressure of red and the calmness and pliability of blue give birth in this light to something incompatible, mystical, magical. The color of intuition and understanding of the essence of things. The color of completely erasing the boundaries between worlds, a magical action in which you create magic.

1. Treatment of serious diseases.

2. Fortune telling by candles.


1.Contact with otherworldly forces.

2. Achieving power with the help of other forces.


Brown is the color of the earth, the color of roots, home, hearth, the color of calm and sedentary life, the color of “herd feeling.” Emotionally, it is a very calm color that carries virtually nothing in itself. Unrefined wax candles are brown.

1.Crude wax candles - lit for brownies. Place a bowl of milk nearby and place a slice of freshly baked bread or a fresh flatbread on a clean napkin. You need to loudly call the person you are addressing three times and, after offering a treat, express your request for help.

2. When animals are sick.


Black is the darkest of colors and can also be perceived as the negation of color. It is considered the color of mourning, grief, misfortune. It is the opposite of white.

1.To punish evil. Calm your feelings and thoughts, look into the flame, imagine the face, the figure of the one who will be punished. Then repeat to yourself what he is guilty of and demand justice.

2. Working with the world of the dead.

Gray is the color of incompleteness and understatement, midway between white and black. Having no pronounced characteristics of either one or the other, it is most often perceived negatively. Creates a feeling of unoriginality and boredom.

Many people associate engine diagnostics with visiting service center. Measuring the compression level, and especially computer diagnostics, requires special equipment and certain skills. But you can draw some conclusions about the operation of the unit and its possible malfunctions yourself.

The carburetor is not set up correctly, low quality fuel is being used, the cylinder-piston system is not working as it should - all this and much more can be learned by visually assessing the spark plugs.

Even if you have virtually no knowledge in the field of auto mechanics, inspecting spark plugs will save you money on expensive diagnostics. Or, conversely, assessing the situation will allow timely engine repairs before a more serious breakdown occurs.

The color of the soot on the spark plugs will tell you a lot. They are an indicator that you just need to know how to use.

How to correctly assess the condition of candles

The color of soot can tell a lot, and its correct assessment sometimes helps protect the car from serious damage. And, conversely, incorrect conclusions can lead to significant malfunctions in the vehicle systems. This is why you need to check spark plugs correctly. The point is that you can’t just start the car, leave the engine running for a couple of minutes, and then try to diagnose the engine using external condition candles. Especially if the machine operates at low temperatures.

In winter, the engine may run unevenly, and extraneous noise may be heard. The concerned driver listens to all this disgrace for some time and decides to check the condition of the spark plugs. He unscrews them and sees the formation of a black coating. Of course, in this case some conclusions are drawn about the carburetor malfunction.

In this case, black soot may appear due to the fact that at low temperatures the fuel is excessively enriched with oxygen. If the engine is not warmed up to the required temperature, the working mixture simply does not have time to burn completely. As a result, we turn off the engine and see black soot on the spark plugs. And unstable operation of the power unit is often associated with the need to replace high-voltage wires. We shouldn’t forget about this either.

But this is the wrong approach. To determine the condition of the engine or carburetor based on the condition of the spark plugs, you need to drive them for some time. For example, you installed new, obviously clean, serviceable spark plugs on the carburetor. You need to drive them for at least 200 km, and only after that draw some conclusions, referring to appearance candles.

Soot color on spark plugs

Normal condition of spark plugs

After some period of time, a coating will appear on the candles in any case. The question is what color it will be. The normal state of spark plugs after prolonged use is a thin layer of brown substance. The shade can be different - from light brown to coffee. This condition will indicate uniform burnout of the electrode during operation. If the carburetor is configured correctly and everything is in order in the unit systems. In this case, the service life will depend on the distance traveled on them. It will be approximately 30 thousand km. Unscrewed devices during normal operation of the internal combustion engine should not show oil deposits or traces of fuel, any small particles or obvious mechanical damage.

Although today you can find two- or three-electrode spark plugs on the market. They have an increased service life, although they are not always suitable for domestic cars due to some features of their operation. On foreign cars they are successfully used for 60 thousand km.

Black carbon deposits on candles

This is perhaps the most common occurrence. Soot looks like soot, that is, it has a velvety texture that is easy to remove with your finger. The substance coats the insulator and electrodes. This situation indicates excessive enrichment of the fuel in the power system. The reasons may be as follows:

  • the carburetor is incorrectly adjusted;
  • The electronic carburetor control unit is faulty.

In the second case, the air filter may be clogged, the oxygen sensor may not work, or the air damper drive may be broken. In general, the fuel mixture does not receive enough oxygen for the engine to function properly. As a result, fuel consumption may increase significantly.

White carbon deposits on spark plugs

Velvety soot white indicates the opposite situation: the fuel mixture is too rich in oxygen, that is, the fuel itself is too lean and cannot ensure normal operation of the unit.

If you neglect this situation, it can lead to melting of the candles. If you drive melted ones for some time, the combustion chamber may overheat. The result is burnout of the exhaust valves. Such unpleasant consequences can be avoided. To do this, measures should be taken to determine and eliminate the reasons for injecting too rich a mixture into the engine. They may be as follows:

Red carbon deposits on spark plugs

A clear sign of a sparking problem. The color of the soot will resemble the color of red brick. This deposit can form on the insulator and electrodes. The coating is conductive, which is why it is difficult for a spark to form between the electrodes.

A red coating indicates that the engine is constantly running on low quality fuel. More precisely, gasoline contains lead and other metal compounds that artificially increase the octane number of the fuel. This color is a clear sign that it would not hurt to conduct a full engine diagnostics.


Another sign of the constant use of fuel containing metal compounds. Erosion at the ends of the electrodes appears due to the fact that the spark plugs have “outlived their usefulness”, because when using low-quality gasoline, they should be changed much more often. Lead compounds lead to rapid destruction of electrodes.

If you drive for a long time on such spark plugs, you will experience instability in the operation of the unit, friction and a decrease in power. To avoid these problems, you need to replace the spark plugs with new ones and switch to higher quality fuel.

Ash deposit

A deposit in the form of ash of an unpleasant color may form on the candles. Its appearance indicates that oil has entered the combustion chamber. The cause may be stuck rings or complete exhaustion of the cylinder. Associated symptoms include bluish smoke from the exhaust pipe, accompanied by a characteristic motorcycle smell.

Traces of gasoline

When you unscrew the spark plug, there may be traces of gasoline on it. You need to pay attention to this, since this sign indicates a malfunction of the carburetor or injector ignition system.

These points need to be double-checked, and if, when driving on clean spark plugs, they again turn out to be stained with gasoline, you need to go to a car repair shop to diagnose the carburetor.

Oil marks on spark plugs

This is the most undesirable phenomenon, since traces of engine oil on the spark plugs may indicate internal damage to the unit. They arise due to incorrect temperature conditions in the engine cylinders. Oil deposits on spark plugs are the result of failure of parts such as valve guides, valve stem seals and piston rings.

If there really is a problem with the engine, it will be accompanied by white-blue exhaust gases and increased oil consumption.

These signs will indicate the presence of destruction of the internal components of the fuel system. As a result, metal particles can get between the moving parts of the unit. This explains the constant tripping of the engine and the sharply increased fuel consumption.


From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: inspection of spark plugs is a fairly accurate method of diagnosing the condition of the fuel system. If there are malfunctions in the engine's operation, it is running rough, oil or fuel consumption increases, at idle speed the engine is far from ideal, and strange-colored smoke is coming out of the exhaust pipe - unscrew the spark plugs and check their condition.

But don’t forget that spark plugs also have their own resource, and if it’s just time to change them, then diagnose the engine’s operation only on new spark plugs:

Video on how to determine the color of carbon deposits on candles:

Candle therapy is a simple system, like everything ingenious that has been tested for centuries: a burning candle, fragrant essential oils and smoking incense. Plus the limitless powers of the person himself - his mind, will, wave radiation of the body and spirit. It is important to be able to apply them correctly.

Color of candles and their purpose:

White- Purity, purification, protection. Any goals
Black- Revenge, curses, damage, love spell at any cost, getting rid of negative emotions.
Red- Love, happiness, improvement of health, expulsion of evil, improvement of fate. Passion and creativity.
Pink- Love, friendship, happiness
Orange- Attracting sympathy, success. Work, career.
Yellow- Predictions, fortune telling, removing obstacles and everything that brings misfortune. Intelligence.
Green- Prosperity, material well-being, rebirth, good luck. Money, healing.
Blue- Development and strengthening of parapsychic abilities
Blue- Fighting fear, protection from otherworldly forces. Calmness, wisdom
Purple- Strengthening fortitude, treatment of serious illnesses, magic. Spirituality.
Purple- Contact with otherworldly forces, achieving power, overcoming something.
Brown- Treatment of pets, all housing problems.


You can use a white candle in the same cases as church candles.

1. Cleansing the chakras. Near each chakra on four sides (except for 1 and 7 – here once each) cross-shaped movements are made, reading “Our Father...”.

2. Burning out negative energy from the diseased organ. The actions described above are performed around a specific organ.

3. Cleaning the premises. First, counterclockwise, then clockwise, they walk around the entire perimeter of the room, reading prayers.

4. Cleansing from negative thoughts. You need to look at the candle flame and ask for forgiveness from yourself, from those who were offended and from those who offended you.


Red is the color of blood, and, accordingly, of life and existence, courage, health, sporting achievements and success in general.
Red stimulates the nervous system, causes increased breathing, and stimulates muscle function. Represents desires and aspirations - to win, conquer, achieve success in life.

1. Used in exorcism (preferably red church ones)

2. Cleansing from the forces of evil. Negative entities are annealed from the energy field.

3. Cleaning the premises. A red candle is placed in the center of each room. Let it burn to the end. It is better to keep the windows open at this time.

4. To restore strength in case of fatigue and exhaustion. You need to look at the flame of the red candle, trying not to think about anything.

5. In love magic it is used during rituals and ceremonies.

6. In the treatment of hypotension, impotence and frigidity, depression and melancholy, sluggishness of the digestive system, to enhance liver activity and stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.


Pink is a mixture of red and white, turning material red into the color of friendship, love, and anticipation of changes in your personal life.

1. Ritual of attracting friendship.
On the candle from the wick to the base in a spiral, in any magical alphabet, you write the name + name - an odd number of times and light the candle. Looking at the fire, you see the desired event has already happened.
Work an odd number of days until the candle burns out.

2. Sex magic ritual.
From svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna, it is necessary to release pink channels to the top of the candle light (reinforced by the element of fire and pink color) in the object on the same chakras with the necessary settings for each channel. Work 3-5-7 days.

3.Ritual of happiness.
Write what you want on paper, indicating their names, and place the paper under the candle. Look at the candle and mentally see what you want.
After the candle burns out, burn the paper and send it “downwind.”


The color orange itself is joyful and optimistic.

1. Ritual of increasing calls for people working on a home phone.
A rune paper talisman is placed under the phone to attract cash clients.
Write the runes ANSUTS and FEHU on the candle in a spiral an odd number of times. Light a candle for at least 15 minutes a day, meditating on calls from money clients.

2.Building friendships and business relationships at work.
Write your name on one candle, and the name of the person you want on the other (start writing from the wick side).
Place the candles at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other.
For 7 days, meditate on the desired situation, looking at the flame of a candle. Every next day, move the candles closer to each other. On the last day, write what you want on paper and place it under candles standing close to each other. When the candles burn out, burn the paper and let it go “into the wind.”


It is also the color of intellectual development, fortune telling, and prediction.

1. Light for fortune telling.

2. For depression, bad mood.
Light a candle and, looking at the fire, mentally release all negative thoughts and feelings from yourself and try to see them burn out - work until a positive result.


A green candle is traditionally used to attract material well-being and healing.

1.Healing. When treating, use a green candle.

2.Ritual to attract money.
Light a green candle. On paper, write a wish list indicating the price (preferably no more than 3 wishes) and the total amount. Read the list out loud three times while looking at the candle flame. Burn this list, saying as the paper burns out:
Let it be so!
So it will be! For my benefit and without harm to others!

Throw the ashes into the wind or carry them in a bag in your wallet.


We can see blue when looking at the sky on a clear day. This color, which is a mixture of white and blue, has characteristics of both. This is the color of a calm, uniform, fuss-free desire for knowledge of the unknown.

1. It’s good to look at the flame of a blue candle for calm.


The blue color represents peace, equal relationships, sensitivity, receptivity, and the desire to achieve integrity.
This is a symbol of calm waters and evening skies, the keeper of calm and mystery.

1. Constant burning of a blue candle helps recovery from serious illnesses.

2. Light candles in the house of the dead. 2 hours of burning “drives away” guests for 10 hours, and 1 month - they are completely abandoned.


It is a mixture of red and blue, respectively, contains the characteristics of both colors, nevertheless carrying its own meaning. The pressure of red and the calmness and pliability of blue give birth in this light to something incompatible, mystical, magical.
The color of intuition and understanding of the essence of things.
The color of completely erasing the boundaries between worlds, a magical action in which you create magic.

1. Treatment of serious diseases.

2. Fortune telling by candles.


1.Contact with otherworldly forces.

2. Achieving power with the help of other forces.


Emotionally, it is a very calm color that carries virtually nothing in itself. Unrefined wax candles are brown.

1.Crude wax candles - lit for brownies.
Place a bowl of milk nearby and place a slice of freshly baked bread or a fresh flatbread on a clean napkin.
You need to loudly call the person you are addressing three times and, after offering a treat, express your request for help.

2. When animals are sick.


Black is the darkest of colors and can also be perceived as the negation of color.
It is the opposite of white.

1.To punish evil.
Calm your feelings and thoughts, look into the flame, imagine the face, the figure of the one who will be punished. Then repeat to yourself what he is guilty of and demand justice.


Gray is the color of incompleteness and understatement, midway between white and black. Having no pronounced characteristics of either one or the other, it is most often perceived negatively. Creates a feeling of unoriginality and boredom.

Color contains an important part of creating a ritual, and each color has its own magical meaning. Color can direct force within the desired limits. By using colored candles, herbs and our magical oils, you can enhance the full effect of a magical ritual. The color of a candle can be compared to a key that unlocks a specific area of ​​your subconscious and being. The actual meaning of each color of our candles may not coincide with traditional meanings, or those accepted in various schools


Physical strength, love, passion, enthusiasm, health, energy, courage. Used in rituals aimed at sexual attraction and passion, love and marriage. Promotes fertility, courage, willpower, increased magnetism. Faith, vitality, communication, protection. The color red gives protection against physical and mental attacks. Helps overcome laziness.


Symbolizes the sun at the height of summer. The color of strength and power. Adaptation, energy, enthusiasm, authority, power, luck, adaptability, attractiveness, weight loss, friendship. Justice, court cases, trade, property transactions. Calm. Used in rituals to attract success, “necessary things” and “ the right people", fulfillment of desires.

Honor, glory, honor, respect, morality, romantic and sensual love, friendship. Femininity, softness, attractiveness, affection and harmony. Understanding, purity, prophecies, education, fidelity, reconciliation. It is also used in rituals for mental healing or sensual pleasure.


Removing spells, fortune telling, prediction. Ambition, business development, strength, dominance, submission, success. Wisdom, hidden knowledge, third eye, meditation, treatment of serious illnesses. Intuition, self-esteem, understanding, spirituality.
Strengthening your own magical abilities.
Can be used in rituals to acquire spiritual power. Effectively drives away evil, breaks conditions and circumstances that bring misfortune.

Fuchsia color

Candles of this color are usually used with other candles in ritual to speed up desired result, or in rituals aimed at obtaining rapid changes.


Attracts victory, strength, masculinity, happiness, cosmic energy. Brings quick luck.

Gives confidence in spells, gives the power to concentrate will and imagination in rituals. Used in fortune telling, predictions and clairvoyance. Energy, creativity, attractiveness, intelligence, memory improvement, learning acceleration. Breaks mental blocks. Removes obstacles and everything that brings misfortune. Used in rituals, the purpose of which is to force someone to do as you want. Gives a charge of cheerfulness, drives away negativity.


Balances connection with nature and the surrounding world. Used to attract money and overcome financial crisis. It is also used in spells to attract and help the spirits of the earth.
Home magic, healing, animal magic. Love and affection of animals, treatment of animals. Earthly connections, permanence, learning, telepathy, finding things that have been lost. Success of a common cause, professional goals.

Healing, meditation, peace, forgiveness. Wisdom, harmony, Inner Light, truth, luck, protection. Spiritual inspiration. Prophetic dreams. Use in rituals to strengthen human public relations(friendship, partnership), for the success of a group of people.

Calm, agreement, patience, health. Devotion, inspiration. Spiritual color, helps in piety or meditation, brings peace and tranquility. Spiritual and psychic requests. Can be used in spells to make a person loyal to you, for peace and blessings.


Understanding, thinking, moon magic, creative potential. Turquoise brings about changes that allow you to “unblock” problems that are preventing you from developing or achieving your goals.

Dark blue

Depression, impulsivity, volatility.

The color of inertia, stops situations or people, induces deep meditation.

Symbolizes nature and material gain. Promotes well-being, fertility and success. Finance, luck, monetary success, career, achieving personal goals, employment. Determination, will. Youth, beauty. The magic of trees and plants. It is also used in spells aimed at positive changes in circumstances, repetition or renewal of desires or intentions and consolidation of the result.

Emerald green

Captivating love, social pleasures, fertility.

Greenish yellow

Illness, cowardice, cowardice, anger, envy, jealousy, disagreement.

Dark green

The color of ambition, greed, envy. Countersacts this in rituals.


Symbolizes stability and neutrality. Helps relieve negativity, helps develop physical abilities. Astral energy, telepathy, intuition and dreams, receptivity and self-healing, clairvoyance. Used in rituals to eliminate any existing negative influences.

Charm, charm. Neutralizing, canceling color. Useful for thinking and meditation.

Expelling spirits, treating serious illnesses, absorbing and destroying negative energy, removing obstacles. Used to induce deep meditative states, opens the deep levels of the unconscious.
Works well in banishing rituals. A black candle can be charged for almost any action, since the black color perfectly absorbs any type of energy.
Can be used in both constructive and destructive magic.

Symbolizes purity, truth, sincerity, wisdom. Promotes spiritual enlightenment and purification. Clairvoyance, healing, peace, purity, divinity, protection, peace, truth. Balances all other colors, if necessary, can replace any other color.