Why dream about dead people? The appearance and condition of the deceased person in a dream. Why does a dead person dream as if he were alive - Freud’s dream book

Enough frequent guests our dreams are dead people. Why do they appear in our dreams? Are they symbols, archetypes, or actual souls that continue to exist?

people we knew? — Many people ask these questions. So who are they really? Many famous psychics have long found the answer to this question. Among them -
the most famous dreamer and medium Edgar Cayce, who has a unique gift of understanding this invisible connection between the world of material forms and the world of spirit and
deceased. His readings led to the conclusion that if you dream of a deceased loved one, then this is, rather, real contact with him through a dream. Since the death of the soul does not exist, and, having lost its material form, the soul continues its existence in the world
spirit. Back in 1932, Cayce wrote that the time would come when the mystery of death would be revealed and humanity would understand that physical death is only a transition from one level of experience to another.
The journey through life into death is like the metamorphosis of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Dreams provide us with a map of the spheres that we create for ourselves in dreams and where we will go after death, and sleep differs from death only in that
after sleep we return back to the physical body, while after death we remain further in the realm of the spirit. Deceased people continue to exist in the sphere of the collective unconscious. Being present in our dreams, they are remembered most vividly when they occur on the verge of wakefulness and sleep, that is, at the moments of falling asleep or awakening, and they are dreamed at different times. lunar day, but most often appear on the 4th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 25th lunar days. It should be remembered that in 23 LS what you dreamed should not be taken literally, but exactly the opposite, at the same time symbolic meaning- faithful.

The dead in the form of ghosts are the phantoms of those people who died under conditions of severe emotional or mental stress. Their soul cannot rest until it finds
a way to report it and punish those responsible. Our loved ones become after death
our guardian angels, supporting us both in difficult times and in times of great joy. They are able to positively guide us, lead us along the path spiritual development and perfection, especially deceased grandparents or earlier ancestors. You must listen to them in dreams, heeding their advice, take from them everything they give, but not give them anything into the next world, with you - it’s the same as break up with
what these things symbolize, and certainly not to follow them in a dream.
It is very good when both deceased parents come to you together in a dream.

A father symbolizes authority and support in difficult times, and often a deceased father in a dream warns against something that will later be embarrassing. Following a dead father in a dream
can symbolize loss of activity, loss of work, impotence.

The deceased mother symbolizes understanding and care for life, often warning in
a dream from rash actions, the realization of false desires. Following your dead mother in a dream is a symbol of personal loss and also a symbol of death. That is, if a living mother is the giver of life, then the deceased, leading, is a guide
to the opposite world - another world. Deceased ancestors often come in a dream in order to help unleash a certain karmic task, in the creation of which they themselves were involved and,
being alive, they treated and perceived it completely differently, mistakenly building beliefs that negatively affected the ancestral karma. Appearing in a dream, they try to give clues about these misconceptions so that descendants will try to change
through their descendants, these attitudes, which have grown into family myths or, conversely, hide family secrets. Sometimes in dreams, dreamers are visited by deceased acquaintances, with whom they are connected by interrupted, unfinished relationships, in which they may be bound by both a certain degree of guilt and a degree of dependence.

When a deceased person is encountered in a dream, with whom the dreamer has negative memories, this image symbolizes that a similar person has appeared in life and should beware. Often dead people come to life in dreams. On the one hand, this may symbolize the return of a former problem, unfinished business, relationships, feelings and desires that you previously experienced but abandoned. The revival in a dream of a person whom you consider positive, the perception of him in a dream as alive, if in reality he died, symbolizes the return of a certain quality, ability that seemed impossible, lost or impracticable.
In addition to loved ones, in dreams there are images of the dead, corpses, zombies and those whom the dreamer did not know in reality. Their images are symbolic and appear as:

  1. - outdated behavior model, restraining beliefs, regressive behavior, specific pathology;
  2. — dead unfulfilled desires due to prohibitions and taboos and self-denial;
  3. — difficulties in finding internal resources;
  4. - aggression towards someone and the desire to get this person out of your way (a really living person is seen in a dream in the form of a deceased person).

If you dream of dead celebrities, they may indicate the presence of too painful repressed memories.
If you dream that someone is being killed who is actually alive, as a rule, death in a dream in itself has nothing to do with death, but symbolizes completion, the end of the negative experience of a certain situation in which the dreamer has been until now.
When in a dream the dreamer himself becomes a killer, then he is either trying to change a certain part of his life, overcoming difficulties, to end the situation, or if he sees in a dream that someone who is important and dear to him is being killed, then this is a symbol of the loss of that part of his Self, which is important for him when his good intentions are suppressed.
The death of children in a dream: if your own, then this is the death of hopes and expectations; not perceived as close - a symbol of the end of problems and troubles.
The collective unconscious, through images of the dead in dreams, tries to guide dreamers towards spiritual development, being a connecting link in understanding the law of cause and effect - both the law of karma regarding the dreamer himself and his
kind and even the karma of humanity as a whole. Loss loved one- This
tragedy. The brain understands that it is gone forever, but the soul cannot come to terms with it. Why now? For what? What caused this injustice? Questions, pain, melancholy torment living relatives for a very long time, and some do not
let go of this pain all their lives. A loved one who has passed away and returned in a dream makes you experience conflicting feelings.
Why do you dream about dead relatives? What are they trying to tell us?

Why do you dream of dead people: psychological aspect:

After the death of my grandmother, the house in the village remained forgotten. There was no time for the children to look after him: their work, their children and their worries, and once all their families gathered here. Yes and
During her lifetime, my grandmother treasured this place, and after her death, only mice ruled the house. And so the eldest granddaughter, whose entire childhood was spent in this house, began to dream about her grandmother. Moreover, all dreams are somehow connected with the house. Either the whole family has gathered in the village again, and the grandmother is very worried about their departure, or the grandmother is talking about what repairs she plans to do. And so on. Grandmother worries about her even after life.
your home? “Perhaps, but it only comes to the eldest granddaughter.” The one who worries about the fate of the house. Why? — Because the girl is worried, and the dream is a reflection of her experiences.

Here's another life situation:

The woman buried her husband. Although he drank during his lifetime, together they raised three children, and when they flew out of their parents’ nest, they lived together, brightening up each other’s loneliness. And so he died. Untimely and unexpected. For the first months, every morning before work, the woman went to the cemetery. Talk to him - it became easier. She could start work, and then an accident happened, after which she could not
I could walk for a long time. The husband began to come in a dream. They were having their usual conversations. They argued and joked. He asked me to bring something. Did he get bored without his wife? - No. This makes it easier for her consciousness to bear the loss.

Why do you dream about the dead?

“We, the living, still have a feeling of guilt before them. Or we began to feel lonely and lost. Our subconscious tries to help us by projecting images of the dead at night. Until a person understands this and wants to part with a departed relative or loved one, the deceased will continue to appear in dreams.

Let's look into the dream book
Deceased relatives come when big changes are coming.
1) If the dead are sad, then something bad will happen.
2) If they are cheerful, then expect trouble.
3) Why do you dream? ex-boyfriend who left our world? - To great danger. If ex-lover saves in a dream, then you will cope with the coming trouble.
4) Dead parents come when they want to warn about something bad.
5) Grandfathers and grandmothers come in a dream - significant changes will occur in life.
6) Deceased relatives hug, kiss, take hands, call with them - wait incurable disease or a fatal tragedy.
7) A deceased person gives a gift - there will be happiness and wealth, a cherished wish will come true, but you cannot give anything to a deceased person in a dream.
Dreams with the dead can bring sadness and pain, or they can bring joy and serve as consolation. There is no need to ignore them. To prevent the deceased from appearing often in dreams, order magpies for them in church.

The dream book of dead people dreaming of being alive interprets this as a warning about something, about receiving bad news. But still, you shouldn’t be afraid, because forewarned is forearmed. After such a dream, you must firmly face all troubles face to face. The main thing is to remember what the dead man in your dream told you about, what gestures, wishes, mood he had and, in accordance with this, draw certain conclusions for yourself. If the deceased appears alive right in your dream, then be more careful in communicating with your friends, they are real life, according to the interpretation of this dream, may have a not entirely appropriate and good influence on you. Perhaps they will drag you into some unfavorable affairs, as a result of which you will incur great waste.

The dream interpretation of a dead person being alive reports that in reality someone is judging you, conflict situations arise out of the blue, things are resolved with difficulty.

Seeing a deceased relative alive in a dream will leave most people with an unpleasant impression. Why do you dream of dead relatives alive? Some people will consider the dream nightmare and will prefer never to return to it in their thoughts. Another part will decide that the dead visited them for some supernatural reason, for example, to take them with them to the afterlife. To some extent, they will be right: dead people really don’t appear in dreams just like that. However, this does not mean that their appearance can only be interpreted in a negative way. To determine correct interpretation such a dream, it is important to delve into the details and remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Dreams where dead relatives dream alive cause people to feel fear. It is believed that they are sending a message from the other world and want to convey something important to the living.

But there is no need to prepare yourself for bad events in advance, because since ancient times it was believed that deceased loved ones are protectors of the sleeping, warning them of approaching misfortunes, and therefore do not be afraid of meeting them in a dream.

It is important to remember what the deceased looked like and what he did in his sleep.

  • If in a dream the deceased was happy and cheerful, in everyday life the dreamer is surrounded by hypocritical and deceitful people. He should be wary and suspicious, be attentive to the safety of his reputation and good name, and also not trust anyone with secrets and not let anyone in on his plans.
  • Several now deceased people appearing alive and happy in a dream foreshadow deception or betrayal of a loved one.
  • If in a dream a dead person appears alive and frightens the dreamer, causing him anxiety or even horror, such a dream does not bode well. On the contrary, he talks about failures in the dreamer’s life.
If in a dream a deceased person appears alive and comes to the dreamer’s home to visit, such a dream foreshadows a heavy burden of great responsibility that has fallen on the dreamer’s shoulders. They demand from him actions, decisions or certain actions that he is in principle incapable of. It is quite possible that someone from the dreamer’s circle, his family or friends will soon need help. In this case, with due determination and zeal, the dreamer will be able to provide all possible assistance.
  • If in a dream the deceased appears alive and healthy and gives the dreamer some instructions or advice, they should certainly be heeded. They will help the dreamer dispel mental anxieties and doubts, resolve conflicts, resolve problems, and, if for some reason he has lost his way from the right path, return and make the right choice.
Talking to the deceased in a dream - good sign, a harbinger of change and new acquaintances.

To accurately find out the interpretation of such dreams, you need to remember the smallest details and turn to dream books.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, all the dead seen in a dream are alive, they always warn of danger, and the advice they give in a dream is worth listening to, because based on the experience accumulated by generations, they are true.

Late father in a dream warns living children of impending danger, deceased mother worries about the health of her children in reality, so seeing her in a dream or talking to her means you need to go to the doctor and take care of your health.

If you dreamed of dead relatives who rebelled in the coffin, a difficult situation cannot be avoided.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga, whose dream book is no less popular, believes to see a deceased relative or relatives in a dream means that the relatives are in danger of illness or an accident, and if the deceased hugs someone, this means good or bad changes.

If a deceased relative dies in a dream, then in reality this means meanness and betrayal of loved ones, and a warning about impending “intrigues” on their part.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you believe the dream book of Nostradamus, when in a dream deceased relatives are alive and well, then they have no peace in the next world, which means they need to go to church and order a prayer service for the repose of the souls of the departed.

Kissing and hugging the deceased means overcoming all your fears and doubts. And hearing the voice of the deceased without seeing him himself in real life means a serious illness.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud, who in all dreams sees the release of a person’s unclaimed sexual energy in reality, sleeping with deceased relatives is an exception.

IN in this case seeing a deceased relative alive is a sign of longevity, and great importance is attached to the words of the deceased spoken in a dream; they are prophetic.

Modern dream book

According to modern dream book, seeing a deceased relative alive- to problems in the family and everyday life, but at the same time, kissing him means longevity.

Simply seeing a deceased relative alive and well from afar means a change in the weather. Lately This is the most popular interpretation of a dream about what the deceased dream about.

But no matter how different the interpretations of dreams are in different dream books, there is one dream that is interpreted the same everywhere.

If dead relatives took them with them- to the death of the dreamer, if you were called, but you did not go, you must do everything to avoid danger. It is very bad to eat with a dead person at the same table - quick death is inevitable.

These are not very pleasant dreams about deceased relatives. And so that their departed souls do not disturb the living, we must live according to God’s laws.

To remember those who have passed away forever into another world, to look after their graves, to order a prayer service in the church, to light candles for the repose.

Why do you dream of dead close relatives alive?

Dream with deceased mother

  • If in a dream deceased mother appears alive and healthy, the dreamer should be very careful and attentive.
  • For a girl, such a dream foreshadows the birth of a daughter.
  • If in a dream the deceased appears in the dreamer’s house, prosperity and comfort will reign there.
  • Quarrel with mother in a dream - bad sign. Such a dream foreshadows health problems.

Dreams with a dead dad

  • Most often, the appearance of a deceased father alive in a dream is interpreted in a positive way. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer has become an adult, an independent person capable of making decisions independently. He is surrounded by reliable and good people that you can rely on.
  • A conversation with his father serves as a warning: the dreamer has become envious. At the same time, such a dream promises well-being in family affairs.

Sleeping with Grandparents

  • Grandparents, appearing alive in a dream, carefully warn the dreamer and try to protect him from harm.
  • A dead grandmother appearing alive in a dream suggests that the dreamer made a mistake, did something wrong. It is important to remember what the deceased was trying to say and draw the necessary conclusions.
  • The deceased grandfather, who came to life in a dream, speaks of the emergence of difficulties and obstacles. However, if the dreamer manages to overcome them, success in his career awaits him.

How to decipher a vision in which a living person died? The dream, it turns out, isn't so bad after all. In many sources it is interpreted as a harbinger of a change in weather. Moreover, it guarantees longevity for the night “corpse”. But not always. Let's figure it out.

Sudden death. Dream interpretation

The deceased unexpectedly dreams of sudden events. In the very best case scenario this really means a change in the weather. Perhaps the pressure outside is dropping and it will rain the next morning. Therefore, there is no particular reason to worry - there is no need! If a living person dreams of being dead, it means you are simply reacting to atmospheric phenomena. It's a different matter if you saw him die in terrible disaster(accident). Such a dream is advice to stay alert. You will find yourself in a whirlpool of events that you could not foresee (or plan for). Everything will change rapidly, so much so that it will be difficult for you to discern where the enemy is and where the friend is. We can only sympathize with you. The good news is this: this whole cycle will pass like smoke. Before you have time to immerse yourself in events, they will remain in the past. The advice is this: don’t get too involved in the debriefing. Let things happen on their own. You remain an outside observer. Then your losses will be minimized. And one more thing: you will understand that what is gone is of no use to you! Dreaming alive

people have died, which means strange changes are coming. If this is a loved one, you should expect changes in the personal sphere, a colleague - at work, and so on.

Seeing close relatives dead

If he dies dear person, and you experience real grief, then you need to rejoice the next morning. Such a dream suggests that your possible worries about this particular person are in vain. She is protected from all troubles. Burying a mother who is still alive means serious personal trials. Your views on your partner do not stand up to criticism. Perhaps you are creating barriers for yourself where there are none. At the same time, you project your complexes onto the behavior of your loved one. This approach only offends him and alienates him from you. But this is of no use to you? A living person dreams of a dead person - hint: pay attention inside yourself. A simple analysis will show you what mistake was made. If your father died, then analyze financial matters. You're in a mess there. Yes, such that it can result in losses! A woman should bury her

child - to his health. Crying over a dead offspring means a special fate for the latter!

Why do dead people dream about a living person?

It happens that you see ghosts of unfamiliar people who have passed on to another world. Such a dream is not particularly scary. It says that the time has come to change. What do you associate the dead with? Start making changes in this area. They will be prosperous! If you are so scared that you wake up, then expect not the wind, but a “flurry” of change. There is no need to resist. Everything that happens will only benefit you. The advice is this: with all your might, help fate change your life. After a while, you will see that such behavior will only benefit you! Changes can happen in any area of ​​life (even in all). When they come, you will realize that you have become a different person. And... it makes you happy!

In a dream, your subconscious moves to another level; you are able to see and feel things that are beyond your control in reality. But why do you dream of dead people? They bring good news or warn you of imminent misfortune. Find out how to interpret a dream in which a dead person appeared.

Why photograph deceased relatives and friends?

The death of a loved one is always a great grief that is difficult to come to terms with. Sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around the fact that you won't be surprised anymore. But a dead person who comes in a dream usually frightens and makes you wonder what kind of news the person brought from the world of the dead.

If in a dream you saw deceased mother this is a sign of longevity and financial well-being.

A deceased father in a dream is a sign to go to church. Ask for forgiveness for all your sins and light a candle for repose.

Deceased grandmother warns of imminent health problems in loved ones.

If you saw in a dream a grandfather who is no longer alive, expect serious changes in the family.

Seeing in a dream a familiar girl who is no longer in this world is a bad sign. Expect financial difficulties.

If you dreamed about a deceased friend, you should know that this is a warning; you should not take risks and solve important problems in the near future. It is also possible that you did not keep your promises.

If you saw your living relative dead in a dream, then a long and happy life awaits him.

Why do you dream about dead strangers?

If you saw an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, danger awaits you. Be careful on the road and handle electrical equipment with care. Keep a close eye on your children.

If a person unknown to you lies in a coffin, then changes in your personal life await you. Perhaps you will return to a person from the past and try to rebuild the relationship.

If the dead often visit your dreams, this is a reason to think about it. Pay attention to your emotional state and start taking more care of your health.

Communication with the Dead

If dead man talks to you in a dream, then such conversations should be treated carefully. Oddly enough, it is precisely such dreams that often turn out to be prophetic.

Try to control your behavior in such dreams, remember that if a deceased relative invites you to go with him, you must refuse, since this is an invitation to world of the dead. After such a dream, you should go to church and pray for the forgiveness of your sins.

But taking something from the hands of the deceased, on the contrary, is a good sign. The future awaits you financial well-being or unexpected joy. If you give an object to the deceased, then along with it you transfer part of your vitality.

Feeding a dead person in a dream, good sign. Most likely, success in business awaits you.

Touching or hugging a deceased person in a dream means that you have dealt with old fears. Such a dream is a sign that it’s time to take on new things.

Treat your dreams carefully, remember that they can warn you from troubles and dangers. Do not be afraid if you dreamed of a dead person, perhaps he brought good news. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.07.2015 10:15

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