How to call Rostelecom technical support, number to call the hotline. Home phone from Rostelecom stopped working: where to call and what to do

A landline, or as it is also called a “landline telephone,” is far from a luxury, and before the advent of the mobile phone it was used a large number of population. Today, many people continue to use it, but problems with the phone’s operation still overtake them. There can be quite a few reasons for such problems, but most importantly, you need to know where to go in the event of a malfunction on the part of the operator

The Rostelecom company provides city communications, and accordingly, if you have problems with lack of communications, you should contact this company. And not everyone knows where to call if your home phone doesn't work. But first you should make sure that the problem is on the side of the provider that provides you with services, and not on your side. After all, there may be a situation where your telephone is faulty, in which case you should simply repair your phone or buy a new one. But it’s a completely different matter when there is a problem with the signal transmission line, in this case it is already necessary to contact the operator directly, or rather the service provider of Rostelecom.

Rostelecom technical support phone number

To determine what the problem is, you should try calling the Rostelecom customer support service; there are several numbers for this. First of all, this is a single customer support number 8 800 100 08 00 . You can call this number both from a landline and from a mobile phone. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to call from your home phone, for example, ask a neighbor, then in this case you can call from your mobile phone. Calls to the customer support number from landline numbers are free.

If your phone number is registered to a Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur, then you should use a different number for communication 8 800 200 3000 . There is a difference between users who connected Rosltelecom tariffs to their home phone and users who connected business tariffs to their home phone.

Contact by email

If you are unable to call Rostelecom’s support number, then you should use one of alternative ways submitting a request to the customer support service. What needs to be done for this? You should go to the subscriber contact form, it is located on the company’s official website at First you need to select your locality in which you are served. Next, you just need to fill out all the fields of the form and describe your problem, in in this case clarify the information why your Rostelecom home phone is not working. The fields available for filling are as follows:

  1. Mobile phone number
  2. Email
  3. Service connection address
  4. What service is the request for?
  5. Subject of the appeal
  6. The appeal itself

After filling out this form, you need to click the submit button, after which the request will be sent to the company's email. Company employees will contact you within 24 hours and answer your questions.

Home phone doesn't work

If your home phone is not working, and you called Rostelecom, where they told you that everything was fine with the line, then most likely your telephone itself is faulty. It’s quite easy to check, but you don’t need to be a special genius. You need to disconnect the faulty phone from the network. Find another telephone set, you can borrow it from your neighbors for a while, and connect it to the telephone line.

The connection takes place via a special connector, nothing complicated - just insert the plug into the connector and everything should work. If beeps appear, it means that your phone is faulty and you need to take it in for repair or buy a new phone.

Alternative to home phone

There are also alternative views communications, Lately Mobile communications are replacing landline communications. It has its advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Therefore, it makes sense to connect to mobile communications and use it in the future.

The advantages of such a connection are mobility, yours mobile phone can be in your pocket, and you can easily move around. Among the disadvantages is that it needs to be charged periodically.

Undoubtedly, every landline user has at least once experienced a situation when they needed to make a call somewhere, but there was silence on the phone. And what to do in this situation?

The main thing is not to rush and call the experts right away. This can be done later, first you need to try to find the cause and fix the problem yourself.

The main reasons are device breakdowns, faults in wiring and lines, as well as simple non-payment for communication services. Below we describe ways to solve the problem for each case and further measures necessary in situations where it is impossible to do something without experienced specialists.

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Late payment

The landline doesn't work. As mentioned above, many reasons influence the occurrence of this problem.
The most popular of them is late payment for communication services. To avoid such a situation, timely payment of bills is required, which must be repaid within a period not exceeding 20 days after receipt of the receipt.

Please note that if you pay a debt at the end of the month (after the 28th), it will be credited to your account only the next month. Therefore, you can make payments before receiving invoices, namely after the 7th day of each month, using any methods convenient for the subscriber.

If late payment is not the reason for the “silence” of the phone, then other reasons may contribute to this phenomenon; you can find out about them below.

Equipment problems and solutions

The landline phone does not work - any subscriber will ask where to call. Nowhere. Initial diagnosis should be made:

  • Telephone set.
  • Wires.
  • Transmission lines.

To check whether the device itself is the “culprit” for the fact that subscribers have no connection with outside world, you need to connect another telephone to the existing line or reconnect the “old” one to the neighbors’ wires. If a phone is found to be faulty, it must be sent in for repair.

In cases where subscribers use cordless phones, “silence” of the handset can also be observed when its battery is discharged. The less its power remains, the shorter the time interval when the handset is away from the base station becomes. To eliminate the problem situation, you need to replace the old battery with a new one.

If the telephone set is not at fault, then you need to check all the wiring, which includes:

  • Wire from the central panel to the socket.
  • Telephone socket.
  • Wire from the socket to the device.
  • Be sure to inspect the connection points, especially the sockets, both telephone and electrical (after all, many modern devices are connected to the home power supply), since often the cables simply fall out of their “sockets”.

If this is not the reason for the “silence” in the handset, then both wires are checked for pinching or a break, which is easy to fix. You just need to slightly strip the ends of the cable, then twist them together in pairs and secure them with electrical tape.

Also, malfunctions and breaks in transmission lines may be to blame for the “silence” of your home phone. They are also quite easy to identify. You need to make a call to your home number. If there are problems with the lines in the handset, short and frequent beeps will be heard. In this case, a call to customer support is required.

Customer support

If you find problems associated with breaks and malfunctions on telephone signal transmission lines, you must contact the customer support service, which works around the clock and without interruptions. The required numbers can be found:

  • In contracts between subscribers and the company providing communication services.
  • In receipts for payment.
  • On the official website of the company.
  • Toll-free number 09.
  • By paid phone number 009 (by calling from a mobile phone).

Don't forget that all calls are absolutely free and you can contact this service using various methods.

Calls to the operator

Subscribers can always report malfunctions of home telephones associated with breakdowns on the line to the operators of the communication provider company using:

  • any stationary device
  • mobile phone
  • Internet portal

Using the first two intercoms, you can first of all use the universal number 8 800 1000 800, which includes a single service center system. This system subsequently transfers the call to a local operator.

A call to your local repair shop can save you time. As mentioned earlier, the number with the code can be found in the contract. For example, dialing code Kaluga region+7 (4842), and the telephone number for contacting the operator is 531111.
After receiving personal data about the subscriber, the operator will try to establish communication directly during the dialogue, asking the client to perform a number of basic actions.

In cases where these actions remain unsuccessful, a request is left for the repairmen, to which they must respond within 24 hours. The same request can be left on the provider’s website, having first filled out the necessary fields in the “Feedback” section.

Master services

Within 24 hours after accepting the application, the supplier company is obliged to send a technician to carry out work on establishing communications, having previously agreed on a convenient time for the visit for the subscriber. Upon arrival, the technicians will carry out diagnostic measures to identify the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. After all these steps, a technical support operator should call the subscriber’s number to check the quality of the telephone connection.

All troubleshooting measures are free of charge if these problems occurred due to the fault of the provider. If the culprit of the incident is the subscriber himself, then the services of the technician are paid according to the tariffs established by the company.
Based on all of the above, the following conclusion is drawn: if the phone does not work, then you must first carry out independent diagnostic actions and only after that (if necessary) contact the appropriate services.

How to turn off a city landline phone - on video:

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People who use the communication services of a particular company and encounter problems have to think about the question of where to call? “The MGTS telephone does not work” - a similar complaint can be heard from subscribers who actively use a landline telephone. If you cope with the situation yourself and find out why you cannot make calls, you need to contact the support line. In this article we will tell you how this can be done and provide information about which offices you can contact.

general information

If the client’s difficulties are not related to the fact that the telephone line wire is not connected to the device, then if there are problems with dialing or the inability to make calls, as well as if interference is detected, you should contact the MGTS service bureau. A qualified employee will try to determine remotely possible reasons inoperability and help eliminate them. If this fails, a contact center specialist will accept the request and arrange for a technician to visit you. So where to call? “MGTS phone doesn’t work” is a fairly common complaint from customers. Below we will tell you how to get out of such a situation.

MGTS: technical support phone

You can report problems on your phone line from any device: from a cellular device or from another landline phone. Moreover, the MGTS help desk provides customer support around the clock - call center employees answer questions and help cope with difficulties seven days a week and holidays. Thus, you can contact the contacts below at any time convenient for the subscriber. Please note that it is recommended to carry out an initial diagnosis (if possible) and try to find out. Perhaps the reason lies in a damaged wire or a telephone device unplugged from the socket. Such information will help speed up the process of resolving the issue and start using the device again.

On the company's official website you can find phone numbers that can be reached from both a landline and mobile device.

Please note that both of these numbers allow you to contact a consultant and get answers to your questions, including why the home telephone does not work under the MGTS agreement. Before starting a conversation, you must introduce yourself and indicate the contract number or the address at which the city number is “registered”.

How to contact the support line

We found out where to call (MGTS phone doesn't work). The specialist should briefly describe the essence of the problem. If a failure on the telephone line is associated with technical work carried out by the service provider, then, having learned the subscriber’s address, the operator will report this and inform about the time of completion. However, communication problems may not always be caused by work at the station. You should answer all the specialist’s questions as completely and accurately as possible - this will allow him to quickly understand the essence of the problem. You also need to follow the recommendations of the contact center employee. If, after the actions recommended by the MGTS customer support employee, your home phone does not work, you need to create a request to call a technician. In order to be able to arrange a time for a visit, you should leave your contact phone number in the application.

During the visit, the technician will clarify the reasons for the failure on the line, identify whether they arose due to the fault of the client (within his apartment) or are related to external factors. Depending on this, the procedure for eliminating the breakdown will be determined, as well as at the expense of whose funds it will be carried out: the client or the service provider company.

Contacting the operator's office

You can file a complaint about the quality of telephone communications, as well as ask questions, by contacting MGTS offices. Here, the staff will also tell you if there are any repairs being carried out on the line that may be causing your home phone to not work, and will give some recommendations.

At MGTS branches you can find out basic information about your account and consult tariff plans, terminate or enter into a contract for communication services and perform many other operations.

MGTS offices

In total, there are 24 offices in the Moscow region that can serve individuals. Five of these branches also accept corporate clients. To find a geographically convenient office, it is recommended to visit the official resource of the MGTS company. Here you can view not only the list of available options for contact, but also clarify their location on the map. For each service point, the work schedule and office operating hours on holidays are indicated. You can also see how busy the office is here. In the selection form, you should select the desired area and indicate for what type of clients this branch is available (by default, the list for individuals is displayed).


In this article we talked about where to call (MGTS phone does not work), and also provided short description, how the procedure for consultation and further interaction with the company will be carried out if it was not possible to resolve the issue remotely. If you find problems that the call center consultant cannot solve, you must fill out a request for a visit from a technician to carry out diagnostics and repair work.

If you use telecommunications services, you have probably at least once encountered a situation where your phone stops working. The causes of failures can be very different - both mechanical (related to an individual device) and large-scale, for example, damage to transmission lines. Let's talk about the reasons why problems may occur, as well as what needs to be done in cases when the MGTS landline phone does not work.

What to do if there is a problem

Not all subscribers know what measures to take if telephone service suddenly disappears. First of all, specialists from the Moscow city telephone network recommend checking the integrity of the device and cable directly in the room with the device. It often happens that the wires are touched by a foot and pulled out of the socket, or damaged by the teeth of pets. In the first case, it is enough to restore the connection by inserting the cord into the device port; in the second, you will have to replace the cable.

Haven’t found the cause of the breakdown in the apartment/house and are sure that the problem is outside the home?

  • Contact the hotline number technical support subscribers – 8-495-636-03-63. There is no access to a landline and the call is made from a mobile device? The combination of numbers you need is short number 06-36. The contact center operates 24 hours a day, if you were unable to get through the first time, try again
  • Explain to the dispatcher in as much detail as possible what the problem is (no beeps, the connection is lost, extraneous noise is heard in the handset). The more information a specialist receives, the sooner he will understand the cause of the breakdown and solve it. Confirm that there is no damage to your device or cable itself. An MGTS technical employee will try to solve your problem remotely, over the phone.
  • If the cause of the breakdown remains unclear, the operator submits a request for a specialist to visit. It is very important to leave the call center specialist with the exact address and your contact information so that you can maintain feedback. It is also necessary to determine a date and time for the visit that suits both parties.

It is possible that the reasons why the MGTS landline phone does not work do not lie in your device at all. Line breaks, adverse weather conditions, network overload and breakdown of basic equipment at the station - there can be many reasons. In this case, the specialist must announce the approximate time for troubleshooting, after which all that remains is to wait.

If the equipment needs to be repaired

If the reason why the MGTS landline phone does not work remains unclear, a technical specialist will come to your home. Keep in mind that the departure is carried out not by the employees of the Moscow city telephone network themselves, but by the contractors with whom they cooperate. Based on this, you will have to pay for the visit according to a separate tariff schedule established by MGTS partners. If you want to make sure that the company is doing quality work, look for reviews on the World Wide Web. Surely you are not the first one who needs repair or adjustment of equipment.

Further actions are simple - you are required to be at home at the appointed time. Upon arrival, the technician will diagnose your phone and determine where exactly the breakdown occurred. If it is necessary to repair the device or change the telephone cable, the subscriber will have to pay for it. Prices depend on the remoteness of the place, complexity, etc. Is the breakdown outside your home? They must eliminate it without the financial participation of the user.

It happens that the user of the services does not have the opportunity to make a call to the support service. The situation will be corrected by information containing the addresses of MGTS offices. There are more than 20 such salons in Moscow and the region. The exact location of each representative office can be found on the official website of the communication provider. Opening hours and directions to the place are also indicated there.

When planning to visit the office, do not forget that you will need an identity document. In addition to your passport, you must have an agreement for the provision of telecommunications services with you. If you have this package, you can contact any of the operating MGTS salons and leave a request for a specialist to visit you.

Important information for legal entities: if the concluded agreement is of a corporate nature, all questions that arise should be directed only to certain five offices located: on Vernadsky Avenue, Arbat, Timiryazevsky, Zelenogradsky and Proletarsky.

We have looked at the actions that need to be taken if the MGTS landline phone does not work. If you are unable to contact your communication provider by phone, feel free to go to the salon, they will definitely help you.

Interesting video - new life home phone.