Why Malakhov was kicked out from 1. Plots Malakhov leaves the first channel. “ARTRAID cream” is a unique drug that so far has no analogues both abroad and in Russia

Recently, a kind of Russian television hysteria has begun, its effects comparable, perhaps, to conversations about the existence of aliens: is Andrei Malakhov resigning from Channel One? Some call what is happening a farce, while others use the strange news for personal gain.

For example, they write poems dedicating them to Andrei Malakhov, or record songs. By the way, one of these, from video blogger Anton Khodyachev, so impressed the outrageous presenter that on his Instagram page he even expressed a desire to get to know the individual better, inviting him to his broadcast. In what program exactly, however, is not clear. There are more and more rumors. Malakhov himself prefers, however, to remain largely silent.

He is now on vacation, relaxing with friends, and when a correspondent from one of the publications directly asked him about the current situation, the presenter noted that he had decided so. What was meant by these words is not known, and Malakhov did not clarify anything. Meanwhile, several versions of what was happening appeared in the media. The first is believed to be represented by the presenter’s father-in-law, publisher Viktor Shkulev. Internet sites belonging to this person indicate that Malakhov can leave because his wife is pregnant, but Channel One is not going to provide any “maternity leave” to help her. Meanwhile, the management of the television company is very surprised by this information, noting that they had no idea about the future children of their own presenter, and also reports that there is no letter of resignation as such.

However, this information is also not accurate. It is curious that a little earlier the media turned to Andrei Malakhov’s agent for clarification, and he was generally surprised that his charge was being fired. The employee emphasized that, in addition to relaxation, the presenter also works at a certain festival, which is organized by Channel One. It would be strange in this case to think that he is now holding the event quite calmly, given by the organization, who allegedly fired him. Accordingly, the question remains open.

The only more or less reliable information is that Boris Korchevnikov may stop hosting the “Live Broadcast” show on Rossiya 1. This is exactly the place some journalists predict for Andrei Malakhov. The fact is that Korchevnikov has been the head of the religious TV and radio company Spas for some time now, and this is confirmed by information on the organization’s official website. Accordingly, it is quite possible that the presenter will not be allowed to simultaneously manage one channel and present a program on another. True, on “Russia 1” the fact that someone was fired or hired is not confirmed. Representatives of the channel generally say that there can be no talk of any personnel changes for now, since their managers have gone on vacation. Thus, there is simply no one to sign official statements. All that remains are the words of a supposedly “reliable source” quoted by one of the media outlets that it was not possible to film the issue “ Live broadcast"due to the absence of Boris Korchevnikov.

At the same time, the “potential” candidate to replace Malakhov, showman Dmitry Shepelev, said that he has no information about the presenter’s departure from the channel. He asks to ask the administration about this. Shepelev already has a program that he constantly hosts, so he has no need to move to a new place. An employee of one production center says that the latter could not “squeeze out” a permanent character“Let them talk” (it has the wrong format) and it sounds funny, so this option is unlikely. In addition, the source claims that the channel values ​​​​Malakhov very much and if something did not suit him, the management of the First could make concessions to him, because his project has been considered one of the most rated and recognizable for many years. In this regard, the channel cannot close the “Let Them Talk” program any more than it can fire the authoritative presenter Malakhov.

The showman's acquaintances voiced three possible reasons that soon Andrei Nikolaevich will leave the ranks of Channel One employees. The main one is that, against the backdrop of a conflict with producer Natalya Nikonova, Malakhov is simply “increasing his worth” and wants to gain special powers and permission to create his own original program.

The second option says that famous TV presenter and can really switch to “Russia 1”. There he can organize his own project and implement it. It is worth noting that, according to experts, Malakhov will not be left without work, because he has a huge amount of trust in leading Russian channels.

The departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One, which happened in the fall of 2017, became a real sensation- not only for the audience, but also for many of the TV presenter’s colleagues. Despite the fact that rumors about the upcoming transition circulated for several months, until last moment they were confidently refuted.

People were even more bewildered when the news was finally officially confirmed. Many rumors immediately appeared about the reasons for leaving - and of course, most of them are not true. Why did Malakhov really decide to change the channel?

The reason for the transfer from the TV presenter himself

It's no secret that popular, "star" presenters in many ways become business card your TV channel. Their transfer often gives rise to assumptions that the channel itself is experiencing some problems - for example, it cannot provide decent fees, is preparing to radically change its format, or is planning to close down altogether. None of these reasons apply to the First - this is not why Malakhov left his program.

As the TV presenter said in his own open letter, there were mainly two reasons:

  • Firstly, the original program offered to Malakhov by the Rossiya-1 TV channel seemed more interesting to him than the show “Let Them Talk,” which has an openly scandalous reputation.
  • Secondly, Andrei Malakhov realized that it was time for him to develop further - but it turned out to be impossible to do this within the framework of the leading show on Channel One.

According to the presenter, after twenty-five years of work on the channel, he remained a “son of the regiment” - that is, an experienced, star, highly paid performer, nevertheless forced to obey the instructions of his superiors. The producers of the “Let Them Talk” show were other people, and sometimes they made decisions with which Malakhov did not agree. According to Malakhov, he had no chance for further career development at First.

Meanwhile, the Rossiya-1 channel offered him broader opportunities - the presenter will produce the “Live Broadcast” program independently. Accordingly, the work will become much more interesting for him.

At the same time, Malakhov categorically denied the “financial” version of his departure. According to him, if it was only a matter of the size of the fee, the transfer would have taken place several years earlier - he received financially profitable offers more than once, but for almost ten years the presenter refused to leave Channel One.

Anisina said that the team of the “Let Them Talk” program put pressure on her and her husband Nikita Dzhigurda, which was the reason to file a police report and write a letter to Vladimir Putin.

According to the skater, she was allegedly threatened by the former producer of the program, Natalya Galkovich. As Marina Anisina writes, Galkovich allegedly said that Anisina and Dzhigurda would regret that on February 26, 2016, they refused to reveal in an interview with Malakhov what they wanted to hear from them.

Dmitry Lyamzin

Marina Anisina,
figure skater:

I'm being attacked by pranksters again! And again the father of my children receives death threats because of the will of Lyudmila Bratash! And again the yellow media resumed spreading lies against Nikita Borisovich...

Natalya Galkovich and her editors promised me on 02.23.16 that I would regret that I refused then in a five-hour interview with Andryusha Malakhov and them to say what they wanted to hear from me! The dismissal of Galkovich, Malakhov and their team from Channel One is directly related to our filing of complaints against them with the police and the court! My open letter to Vladimir Putin helped... But after a short lull, alas, threats and provocations resumed again! I'm afraid for Dzhigurda! I know he won't back down! But that's why I love him...

No matter how abnormal he may seem to many, the father of my children is a real man, of which there are very few today! Don't believe the lies of the black media! Children love Nikita very much and he will never cause violent harm to them or me! Today, after everything I have learned and encountered, I know this for sure! And I believe only in my married husband!

Posted by Marina Anisina (@marinanisina) Aug 13, 2017 at 3:32 PDT

Media reports that Malakhov has not yet written a letter of resignation. Officially, he was on vacation until August 10, but still has not appeared in Ostankino.

Previously, the media reported about Malakhov’s transition to VGTRK. So far, VGTRK and Channel One have not provided detailed comments. Dmitry Shepelev, who allegedly occupied the TV presenter’s studio in Ostankino, recommended that journalists contact the press service of Channel One with questions on this topic. There, in turn, they said that they were “unavailable for comment.”

Exclusive: why Ernst threw Maslyakov out of Channel One after Malakhov, what does the charge of corruption have to do with it, and where to buy the sensational remedy for treating joints.

Let us remember that a scandal recently erupted around the dismissal of Malakhov. Ernst simply removed him from Channel One because he mentioned medical corruption in the episode. The episode, which never aired, was about how doctors cripple people with diseased joints, hiding the truth from them! And about the drug from the Research Institute of Rheumatology named after. V.A. Nasonova, which can save millions of lives, while being distributed at a symbolic price!

Before the noise had time to subside, the scandal took a new turn: the media became aware of Maslyakov’s dismissal from Channel One. It is not surprising that the roots of Maslyakov’s dismissal also stem from the story of the pharmacy mafia and joint remedy. Our independent correspondents met with Maslyakov to find out what exactly happened on Channel One.

Correspondent: “Alexander Vasilyevich, could you remind our readers of the story of Andrei Malakhov’s dismissal? What happened on your first channel?”

: I'll tell you how it happened. Just make sure you don't fall off your chair.

Andrey made a program about disabled people who suffered from diseased joints because they were treated with expensive but ineffective means. Andrey told the world about the existence of an affordable remedy that treats arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other diseases ONCE and FOR ALL.

Ernst was furious that Andrei did not agree with him on the topic of the program. As punishment, Kostya not only did not broadcast the program, he fired Andrei, throwing him out into the street like a puppy.

They tried to “silence” this story on Channel One, but thanks to Andrei’s supporters, the truth broke through on the Internet and spread throughout it. I myself did not previously know the reason for Andrei’s dismissal, I read it on the Internet, and then met Andrei in person, and he confirmed all this.

Then I realized the scale of the corruption of the first channel! Previously, I did not pay attention to the fact that even in our humorous program they make adjustments to the text about pharmacies and doctors. Now the terrible truth has been revealed to me.

Channel One is COMPLETELY corrupted by the pharmacy mafia, which profits from Russian pensioners. They advertise on the first channel for remedies for joint pain, which are expensive, but in the end they only bring temporary relief and do not cure! And the worst thing is that our doctors know that a remedy from a NEW GENERATION has already been invented and tested, which really HELPS SICK JOINTS. But no one listens to them, advertising for the product is not broadcast, and the product itself is on the shelves of pharmacies!

Correspondent: “Alexander Vasilyevich, is your departure also connected with this story?”

: Not just connected, this story was the reason. I didn’t leave the first channel, I was “left” from there, as they say. Fired.

After a conversation with Andrei Malakhov, I was terribly indignant at this situation, and tried to push into the new issue of KVN several very caustic jokes about pharmaceuticals for joints, which Channel One advertises with all its might. So to speak, so that people at least think a little about who they believe and what they accept.

But they didn’t let me do this “sabotage.” Ernst immediately summoned me to his place and forced me to write a statement “of my own free will.”

He said that neither I nor Andrey understand what business means, and there is no place for people like that on Channel One. And the fact that in the country everyone after 40 begins to experience pain in the lower back, arms, legs, swelling, cramps, people suffer, it’s hard for them to walk and bend over - this doesn’t bother him. It is necessary to keep the channel afloat and pay employees salaries, and the main income of the channel is precisely the advertising of pharmaceutical, useless joint products.

Correspondent: “But judging by the loud headlines in the newspapers, the story didn’t end there?”

: Do you mean accusing me of corruption? Yes, this is really happening. Two days after my dismissal, I received a summons from the investigator, which stated that charges of corruption were being brought against me. This is irony!

Ernst, of course, brought the accusation. The reason was that I spoke out on social networks in support of Andrei Malakhov, and provided a link to an article by rheumatologist Viktor Sedelnikov, who describes a new, REALLY WORKING drug for joints, released by the Research Institute of Rheumatology.

Ernst tried to turn things around so that the Research Institute of Rheumatology gave me a bribe so that I would advertise their medicine. Fortunately, the investigators are not devoid of common sense, and no criminal case was initiated.

Therefore, now I can safely speak out about the arbitrariness of the pharmacy mafia on Channel One, and I ask you to provide part of the interview with rheumatologist Viktor Sedelnikov, cut from that same ill-fated program by Andrei Malakhov.

Viktor Sedelnikov, senior rheumatologist, Research Institute of Rheumatology named after. Nasonova, Moscow:

“In most cases, patients with joint diseases are offered treatment with chondoprotectors and other drugs that, with the best results, can slow down the development of a particular disease, nothing more. In some cases, people are treated with injections or surgery. As a result, the person does not feel pain and believes that everything is fine, while a cancerous tumor may already be growing in the body. And operations on joints very often end in disability or other serious complications. They are indicated only in the most extreme cases.

It is precisely because of the low efficiency classical approach to treatment, the minds of specialists have always been occupied with the development of a drug that can truly treat diseased joints and restore people to health. At the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology, we have created the first medicine of its kind that can truly restore joints.

The fact is that the Research Institute of Rheumatology is not involved in commercial activities. The research institute distributes it for a purely symbolic price, as part of a special program.

“ARTRAID cream” is a unique drug that so far has no analogues both abroad and in Russia.

On at the moment"ARTRAID" has undergone clinical trials and has shown extremely high rates of effectiveness. It helps even in advanced and severe cases, restoring cartilage tissue and returning joints to a healthy state. The medicine is unique in its characteristics. No other drug can effectively restore diseased joints, returning a person to a completely healthy state.

For clarity, we at the Research Institute of Rheumatology have compiled a table comparing ARTRAID cream with popular pharmaceutical products for joints.

ARTRAID™ Famous gels and tablets for joints and back
Target: return the joints to a healthy state ( permanent solution to the problem) Temporary pain relief, masking the disease ( the buyer needs them constantly)
Price: only 990 rubles for a promotion from the manufacturer 1225-9325 rub/month
Action: Eliminates pain, swelling and inflammation
Stops the destruction process
damaged cartilage bone surface
Gels: temporary anesthetic effect on the area of ​​application
Tablets: temporary pain relief
Additional effects: º Protects joints
º cartilage tissue of the musculoskeletal system
º Increases joint mobility, increases permissible physical activity
Negative effect:
hide the course of the disease
Side effects, harm to the body, contraindications None º Disorders of the digestive system, central nervous system, circulatory system.
Impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and intestinal tract. Allergic reactions may occur
Working principle: They relieve pain by stopping inflammation and stopping the progression of the disease. Restore cartilage tissue and bone surface, protect joints Temporarily relieves pain due to the content of anesthetic substances in the composition
Place in the sales ranking in Europe for the 4th quarter of 2016: 1 (+53) not available on the market
Guarantee: In Russia there is a 365 day (1 year) warranty from the manufacturer: declared result or refund Absent

The fact is that the Research Institute of Rheumatology is not engaged in commercial activities. The research institute distributes it for a purely symbolic price, as part of a special program. Despite my high position, I have no influence on commercial pharmacy chains. All I can do is recommend the drug. I wholeheartedly recommend ARTRAID to everyone. Actually, the entire scientific community understands what a colossal breakthrough in the field of joint treatment has been made. To my deep regret, pharmacy chains did not react, so ARTRAID never appeared on pharmacy shelves. I think the secret is that it is more profitable for pharmacies to sell temporary relief rather than a panacea.”

What should people do if pharmacies do not sell the drug?

We found a way out of the situation - the research institute’s specialists created a special website on their own where you can leave an application for “ARTRAID”. All you need to do is simply leave your name and contact information. After this, you will be contacted to confirm a convenient delivery time. We tried to make everything as simple as possible so that everyone could get their medicine, even if they had never ordered anything online before.

: I think the question is settled. Pharmacies offer outdated and dangerous drugs, while hiding from people the truth about the new drug, which is distributed at the expense of the budget. Draw your own conclusions. This is your health and only you are responsible for it. Goodbye!