The use of works of oral folk art in A. Ostrovsky's fairy tale "The Snow Maiden". Abstract: Snow Maiden by A. N. Ostrovsky and folk tale

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Ostrovsky's work "The Snow Maiden" is amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth. The work is based on folk tales, songs, traditions and legends. Ostrovsky only combined fairy tales, legends and songs together and gave folk art a very unique flavor. In The Snow Maiden, human relationships occupy the main place. At first glance, the plot looks absolutely fantastic. But then it turns out that living human characters are visible in this phantasmagoria.

Where did the Snow Maiden come from? There is still no exact answer. But there are many options for its origin.

The image of a fairy-tale heroine Snow Maidens formed in popular consciousness gradually over the centuries. Initially it appeared in Russian folk tales as the image of an ice girl - a granddaughter, who was molded from snow by a childless old man and old woman as a consolation for themselves, and for the joy of people. However, there is an assumption that the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden arose on the basis of the ancient Slavic funeral rite of Kostroma. And this means we can say that Kostroma is not just the birthplace of the Snow Maiden - she is that same Snow Maiden.

Kostroma was depicted in different ways: it was either a young woman wrapped in white, holding an oak branch in her hands, walking accompanied by a round dance, or a straw effigy of a woman. Kostroma means the game character and the game itself, at the end of which Kostroma gets sick and dies, and then gets up and dances. The final episode of the game and ritual, the death and subsequent resurrection of Kostroma, gave rise to the perception of the image of Kostroma as a seasonal spirit (spirit of vegetation), which makes it similar to the image of the Snow Maiden.

In the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl” by V.I. Dahl, an old man and an old woman watched other people’s children, “how they rolled lumps out of snow and played snowballs” and decided to mold themselves a daughter. “The old man brought a lump of snow to the hut, put it in a pot, covered it with a rag and put it on the window. The sun rose, warmed the pot, and the snow began to melt.” This is how the girl appeared, “as white as a snowball and as round as a lump.”

The fairy-tale Snow Maiden melts, jumping with her friends over a big hot fire, and turns into a small cloud flying into the sky.

Over time, the image of the heroine transformed in the popular consciousness: the Snow Maiden becomes the granddaughter of Father Frost and is associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Snow Maiden - clean Russian phenomenon and nowhere else in the world does such a character appear during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

The image takes on a new color under the influence of A. N. Ostrovsky’s spring fairy tale “The Snow Maiden”. From a little girl – a granddaughter – the heroine turns into a beautiful girl, capable of lighting the hearts of young Berendeys with a warm feeling of love.
The action takes place in a fabulous place - the kingdom of Berendey. Describing the laws of this country, Ostrovsky seems to paint his ideal of social order. In the kingdom of Berendey, people live according to the laws of conscience and honor, trying not to provoke the wrath of the gods. It's very great value given beauty. The beauty of the surrounding world, the beauty of girls, flowers, songs are appreciated. It is no coincidence that the singer of love Lel turns out to be so popular. He seems to personify youth, ardor, ardor.

Tsar Berendey symbolizes folk wisdom. He has lived a lot in the world, so he knows a lot. The king is worried about his people; it seems to him that something evil appears in the hearts of people:

In the hearts of people I noticed that I was cooling

Considerable; fervor of love

I haven’t seen the Berendeys for a long time.

The service of beauty has disappeared in them;

I don’t see the youth’s eyes,

Moistened with enchanting passion;

I don’t see maidens who are thoughtful, deeply

Sighing. On the eyes with wisps

There is no sublime melancholy of love,

But we see completely different passions:

Vanity, envy of other people's outfits

And so on.

What values ​​does Tsar Berendey think about? He is not worried about money and power. He cares for the hearts and souls of his subjects. By painting the Tsar this way, Ostrovsky wants to show an ideal picture of a fairy-tale society. Only in a fairy tale can people be so kind, noble and honest. And this intention of the writer in depicting a fabulous ideal reality warms the reader’s soul, makes him think about the beautiful and sublime.

Indeed, the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” is read with enthusiasm at any age. And after reading it, the thought appears about the value of such human qualities, like spiritual beauty, fidelity and love. Ostrovsky talks about love in many of his works.


"The Snow Maiden" was written by Ostrovsky based on material. oral folk art. The playwright gives the play the subtitle ^ “Spring Tale” and explains: “The action takes place in St. * Berendeev in prehistoric times.” In the play, as in a fairy tale, Spring-Red, Grandfather Frost, Leshy, Eda Lenitsa, and the heroine herself act alongside people - Snegurochka, daughter of Frost and Spring. And the Country of the Berendeys is not exactly a fairy-tale place. Everything that happens in " spring fairy tale"Ostrovsky, is the early period of the life of the Russian people, the memory of which they preserve in legends and songs that have survived from hoary antiquity. Ostrovsky did not invent the very name “Berendey”: under the ancient city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky there still stretches the Berendey swamp, in the place of which, according to legend, there was Berendey’s kingdom. The village of Berendeevo still exists 100 km from Sergiev Posad. Dahl in his " Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language" we read: "... 50 versts from the village of Berendeev, famous toys, people, and animals are cut from wood; in the trade they are called Berendeyks.” The name of the fairy-tale Tsar Berendey is well known to the Russian people, although there was no such person in history. The fantasy of the playwright created the “wise father” of his people. Berendey is a real fairy-tale king, but in the features of his people - the Berendeys - Ostrovsky showed the beauty and strength of the Russian national character. Admiring folk games Kupala night, Tsar Berendey fairly judges: The generous people are great in everything - they will not interfere with idleness: they will work so hard, dance and sing so much - until you drop. In dances and songs one can feel life force, the creative vigor of the people, their ability to devote themselves to work as selflessly as they now devote themselves to fun. But Ostrovsky forces Tsar Berendey to listen to other songs of the people. The prophetic guslar elders sing sternly and menacingly. What rings to me at dawn from afar? I hear trumpets and the neighing of horses. The paths groan dully under the hooves. Steel helmets are drowning in the gray mists, Ringed armor rattles loudly, Awakening flocks of birds across the steppes. a formidable and stern song about the military defense of the native land and distant campaigns with the aim of defending its borders from the invaders and “nomads”. Listening to the song of the guslars, one cannot help but remember Igor’s Campaign,” from which Ostrovsky borrowed a lot when creating this song. His Berendeys are the Russian people, peaceful at work, cheerful at work, but stern and formidable in the hour of defending their homeland from enemies. The theme of love for Rus' warms the entire “Snow Maiden”; this is a poetic narrative about the early period of the life of our people, when they still honored the sun - Yarila. In Ostrovsky's fairy tale, genuine Rus' sounds, its legends, tales, heroes and the very spirit of the people. The image of Lelya is interesting. This is one I3 best images Russian drama: reverent and gentle, clear and cheerful, living in harmony with oneself and nature. The Snow Maiden in Ostrovsky’s program is kindness and tenderness itself, but her feelings are still dormant, her soul does not perceive the world around her. And only by opening her heart to people, she feels happiness and burns in this ecstatic fire. But what is wrong with me: bliss or death? What a delight! What a feeling of languor! Oh, Mother Spring... thank you for the joy, for the sweet gift of love! What languishing bliss flows through me! Oh Lel, There are enchanting songs in your ears, There is fire in your eyes... and in your heart... and in your blood. There is fire in everything. I love and melt, melt from the sweet feelings of love. Ostrovsky managed to convey the very music of folk tales, the aesthetics of the folk understanding of love. The Snow Maiden knows that love will destroy her, but she does not want to live insensitive and does not want to be the cause of Mizgir’s death. In “The Snow Maiden,” Ostrovsky, a great poet, a master of Russian verse, conveyed the very essence of the folk song, and he also used authentic folk songs, for example, “And we sowed millet...”. This beautiful fairy tale has become a vivid embodiment of the talent of the Russian people and their singer - A. N. Ostrovsky

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"Snow Maiden"

The Snow Maiden was written by Ostrovsky based on motifs and materials from oral folk art. The playwright gives the play the subtitle “A Spring Tale” and explains: The action takes place in the kingdom of the Berendeys in prehistoric times. In the play, as in a fairy tale, Red Spring, Father Frost, Leshy, Maslenitsa, the heroine Snegurochka herself, the daughter of Frost and Spring, act alongside people. And yet the Land of the Berendeys is not exactly a fairy-tale place. Everything that happens in Ostrovsky’s spring fairy tale is an early period in the life of the Russian people, the memory of which they preserve in legends and songs that have survived from hoary antiquity.

The very name Berendey Ostrovsky did not invent: under the ancient city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky there is still a Berendey swamp, in the place of which, according to legend, there was a Berendey kingdom. The village of Berendeevo still exists 100 km from Sergiev Posad. In Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language we read: ... 50 versts from the village of Berendeev, famous toys, people, and animals are cut from wood; In the trade they are called Berendeyks. The name of the fairy-tale Tsar Berendey is well known to the Russian people, although there was no such person in history.

The playwright's imagination created the wise father of his people. Berendey is a real fairy-tale king, but in the features of his people, Berendeyev Ostrovsky showed the beauty and strength of the Russian national character. Admiring the folk games of the Kupala night, Tsar Berendey fairly judges:

The people are generous

In everything it is great to interfere with idleness

He won’t: work like that, work like that,

Dance and sing until you drop.

and other songs of the people. The prophetic guslar elders sing sternly and menacingly.

I hear trumpets and the neighing of horses.

The paths groan dully under the hooves.

The ringed armor rings loudly,

Awakening bird flocks across the steppes.

I borrowed a lot when creating this song. His Berendeys are the Russian people, peaceful at work, cheerful, but stern in the terrible hour of defending their homeland from enemies.

The theme of love for Rus' warms the entire Snow Maiden, this is a poetic narrative about the early period of the life of our people, when they still honored the sun Yarila. In Ostrovsky's fairy tale, genuine Rus' sounds, its legends, tales, heroes and the very spirit of the people. The image of Lelya is interesting. This is one of the best images of Russian drama: reverent and gentle, clear and cheerful, living in harmony with oneself and nature.

The Snow Maiden in Ostrovsky’s program is all kindness and tenderness, but her feelings are still dormant, her soul does not perceive the world around her. And only by opening her heart to people, she feels happiness and burns in this ecstatic fire.

But what is wrong with me: bliss or death?

What a delight! What a feeling of languor!

Oh, Mother Spring... thank you for the joy,

For the sweet gift of love! What bliss

The languishing flows within me! Oh Lel,

Your enchanting songs are in my ears,

There is fire in the eyes... and in the heart... and in the blood

There's fire all over. I love and melt, melt

From the sweet feelings of love.

Ostrovsky managed to convey the very music of folk tales, the aesthetics of the folk understanding of love. The Snow Maiden knows that love will destroy her, but she does not want to live insensitive and does not want to be the cause of Mizgir’s death. In Snegurochka, Ostrovsky, a great poet, a master of Russian verse, conveyed the very essence of a folk song, he also used genuine folk songs, for example, And we sowed millet.... This beautiful fairy tale became a vivid embodiment of the talent of the Russian people and their singer A.N. Ostrovsky

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3 Snow Maiden. Catalog of abstracts - more works / Download: Folk traditions by Ostrovsky based on motives and matter. oral folk art. Kingdom of the Berendeys Conclusion. List of used literature. Essays on a free topic - Reportage behind the magic door of folk tradition. Work program on literature for grade 5 (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard) messages, reports, abstracts, projects, work on cards, drawing up diagrams, tables, drawings, writing mini-essays). Folklore is a collective oral folk art. A. N. Ostrovsky. Snow Maiden. A brief sketch of the life and creative development of the famous Russian writer of oral folk art in the fairy tale A.N. Ostrovsky Snow Maiden A.S. Pushkin as a great poet, the founder of new Russian literature, analysis and criticism of the theme of war and war experiences in his work. Scientific article on the topic of the Moscow Art Theater. ORAL FOLK ART from the scientific journal of scientific works on literature, literary criticism and oral folk art, author of the scientific work BRYUKHANOV A.G. The Snow Maiden came to the play by I.S. Efremov to the song of the guslars. 4 Fourth Grade 1 Lesson topic Russian folk tale Gusilebedi for 1st grade, anthology, additional literature, presentation The goals of works of oral folk art, to continue to form the Russian folk tale The Snow Maiden (Oral folk art). Acquaintance with the genres of oral folk art, with the peculiarities. Answer questions about an excerpt from the play of the fairy tale Snow Maiden by A.N. Independent determination of the theme, the main idea of ​​the ballad Forest King. But at the same time, literature is the art of overcoming words, the art of Russian composers: from the operas of N. A. Rimsky -

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Adapted work program for students with disabilities and mental retardation in literature, grade 7 Developer: S.A. Aksenova, teacher of Russian language and literature 2017 1. Explanatory note This program has been compiled

Abstract to the work program on literature, grade 5 The work program on literature for grade 5 is compiled on the basis of an approximate program of basic general education in accordance with the main provisions

Query result: Biography about Gaidar summary 4th grade Astafiev biography presentation 4th grade.. In the presentation about the biography. summary.... A.P. Gaidar and about Gaidar" directed. and about Gaidar."

Final report on the testing of the textbook by A.V. Gulin, A.N. Romanova “Literature 5th grade” General information Region: Kostroma region, city of Galich Type of educational institution: municipal general education

/ Lesson topic Term and ZUNY 10th grade Organization of the educational process 1 Russian literature of the 19th century 2 The formation of realism and the novel as a genre in Russian literature 3 Literary directions V XIX literature

Planned results of mastering the academic subject Personal results of students: the formation of patriotic values, students’ awareness of their belonging to the Crimean Tatar people and at the same time

Explanatory note This work program was developed on the basis of R.I. Albetkova’s program “Russian literature. From words to literature" grades 5-9 - // Programs for educational institutions.

Thematic planning for literary reading grade 4 (4 x 34 = 136 hours) Lesson topic. Material for work in class. Homework. 1. Our creativity. Last year's essays 2. Diagnostic work.

ABSTRACT OF THE WORK PROGRAM Subject: literary reading Class: 2 Number of hours curriculum: total - 136 hours per year (4 hours per week) Teaching materials: 1. Churakova N.A. Literary reading. 2nd grade: Textbook.

Appendix to the main educational program of primary general education Municipal budgetary educational institution “Gymnasium 2” Work program for extracurricular activities “I will be real”

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Babkinskaya secondary school" (MBOU "Babkinskaya secondary school") AGREED APPROVED minutes of the meeting by order

Game-trip to the land of fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin extracurricular activity in literary reading (defense of the project “Journey through the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin”) 1st grade Skripnikova L. M. GBOU Secondary School 440 Goals: 1. Awaken

Abstract to the work program on literature for grades 5-7. The work program in literature for grades 5-7 was developed on the basis of an approximate program of basic general education in literature, taking into account recommendations

A.N. Ostrovsky's play “The Snow Maiden” Yulia Nikulshina, 8-A grade. Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich Russian playwright, whose work became the most important stage development of Russian national theater. Corresponding member

Approximate thematic planning in literature in grade 6A for the 2015-2016 academic year using the textbook “In the World of Literature” edited by Kutuzov A.G. and groups of authors, M.: Bustard, 2011. Program for