Due to the external similarity, many believe that TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter or at least a relative of actress Inna Churikova. Actress Yana Churikova: personal life, photo biography, husband, children How old is Yana Churikova’s daughter

Name: Yana Churikova

Age: 39 years

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 64 kg

Activity: TV presenter, journalist

Family status: divorced

Yana Churikova: biography

A very bright and talented journalist, TV presenter and producer. She already manages several channels of the Viacom holding. The host of “Star Factory” for 10 years.

Yana was born in Moscow, although she spent her childhood years in Hungary, since her father is a career military man, and at the time of her daughter’s birth his family lived there. At Yana's mom's economic Education. The girl studied at a Hungarian school and, together with other girls, went to places of former military glory.

The future star grew up to be a very fighting and strong girl. She could fight back against her offender, learned to shoot and drive a car. The girl was the daughter of a military man, so she believed that she should have behaved this way.

Since then, Yana has always made a break, trying to do a lot herself and wants to learn a lot more. Yana did not immediately decide on her profession; she was fascinated by many things. Finally, she decided that the only profession that could give her a lot of new things was journalism. The Churikovs arrived in Moscow. The girl had no friends, she was lonely. After some time, Yana found a business and friends. The newspaper “Glagol” helped children who wanted to become journalists; they were trained and prepared for the profession there.

The girl successfully participates in subject Olympiads. The future TV star even tried to perform rock music music group, which broke up after several concerts. After school, the girl entered the capital’s State University at the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting. He defends his thesis perfectly and enters graduate school.

Work by Yana Churikova

Yana Churikova made her debut on the “We” program, hosted by Vladimir Pozner. Her question served as the reason for an invitation to practice on the ATV channel. The girl began hosting her program after her debut report. She gains experience, and after a year of such work she is accepted into MTV Russia. Her work as an editor and TV presenter added further necessary experience as a journalist. But the girl had to cheat and add years to herself when she filled out the form.

It's good that no one asked for it detailed biography. Yana had many projects, but there are those special ones that brought her popularity. For three years she hosted the program “12 Evil Spectators.” Those who gave their assessment of the video they watched were invited to the studio. Of course, the video was not always received positive assessment, and the star had the opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions of the audience. The program was a success, and Yana proved herself to be an excellent professional.

Churikova receives an invitation from Channel One. She was trusted television programs"Lens" and " Good morning" Churikova once played in the game “What? Where? When?”, On Channel One she took part in the “Circus with the Stars” project. There the girl showed a lot of perseverance and once again proved that a person can learn anything. The main thing is to want something very badly.

Another successful and popular project in which Yana showed herself as a wonderful TV presenter was “Star Factory”. Yana hosted this show for eight seasons. I had to work at night and without a break for lunch. The girl receives many invitations. Yana has star partners. For example, she hosted “Golden Gramophone” together with Andrei Malakhov.

In 2015, she commentated on Eurovision, assisted by producer Yuri Aksyuta. Yana Churikova has been the general director of the MTV Russia channel for 5 years now. The projects in which she participates are very diverse in subject matter. These are sports competitions and music shows, opening and closing ceremonies of the Universiades and Olympics. What a vast field of action! Yana can be called the owner happy biography: after all, her dream came true.

Yana Churikova: biography of personal life

The girl was introduced to her first husband by her own mother. Ivan Tsybin is also a TV presenter and director. Yana was delighted with this man, as a professional in his field. The marriage lasted 4 years and fell apart due to Yana’s fault. She fell in love with Denis Lazarev, a businessman and director of a PR agency. In her second marriage, Yana had a daughter, Taisiya. After 7 years, the couple separated.

Yana watches her figure because she remembers one incident. She once weighed almost 95 kilograms. And it was necessary to broadcast the program together with Anton Komolov. Yana does not want to experience such shame again. But the strict diet (she was content with only lemon water) almost made the girl ill, and the endocrinologist intervened. Balanced diet and yoga made my figure slim and at the same time improved my health.

Yana Churikova now

Yana Churikova had some events in her life. The journalist was an ambassador for the World Cup. Yana Churikova recorded an announcement for metro stations in a composition that was thematic (about football). On Yandex Music he broadcasts a talk show about music together with the son of Vladislav Listyev, Alexander. In 2018, she again became a Eurovision commentator. Yana runs her own page on Instagram. She posts her photographs and comments about the artists’ performances at competitions. Talks about some show business news and changes in his biography.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova. Born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. Russian TV presenter, actress.

Father - Alexey Churikov - military man.

Mother - Elena Vadimovna Churikova - economist.

I went to school in 1985 in the city of Tököl (in Hungary) at my father’s place of service.

As she recalled, she has vivid childhood memories associated with Hungary: together with her friends, she looked for shell casings and cartridges, explored trenches from the Second World War, an airfield, a radar, etc.

Graduated music school in the city of Tököl in piano with honors.

In 1992-1996 she worked as a correspondent for the Glagol newspaper.

In 1995-2000 she studied at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov at the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism. Graduated from the university in 2000. Graduate work- “The influence of music television on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel." Then she entered graduate school at the university.

Yana Churikova in childhood

At one time I tried to realize myself as a singer.

"In my deep youth, I sang in a group, my friends and I got together - everyone was music journalists. Actually, what they wrote about, that’s what they did. But it didn’t go far, it was just a hobby. And we spent all the money we earned at the club on rehearsal space. And then one fine day, after one of our concerts, we exchanged phrases that went something like this: “Learn to play!!” - I said. “You can’t sing at all,” they said. So we parted ways,” Yana recalled.

Since 1996, she worked as an ATV correspondent for the Vremechko program.

From 1998 to 2002 she worked at MTV Russia, was the host of the programs “Big Cinema”, “12 Evil Spectators”, and the producer of some programs.

Since April 2002 she worked on Channel One. She made her debut on the channel as a leading youth entertainment program"Lens".

Then she consistently hosted such television programs as “Good Morning”, “Star Factory”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Song History”, “Cruel Intentions”, etc.

She has repeatedly commented on broadcasts from the Eurovision Song Contest from the Russian side, and announced the results of voting by Russian television viewers based on the results of the competition.

Churikova gained wide popularity thanks to the television project "Star Factory".

In the period from 2002 to 2007 she worked at the ViD Television Company.

On April 1, 2005, she played as part of the team of Channel One presenters in the anniversary series of games “What? Where? When?”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the game. In the spring of 2007, she took part in the Channel One project “Circus with the Stars”.

In 2007, she moved to the Red Square together with Larisa Sinelshchikova and Alexander Kessel.

Since 2009 - artistic director of the EKTV Studio School.

From November 2011 to November 2012 - host of the “Red Star” music hit parade on Channel One.

From June 23 to August 25, 2013 - presenter of the musical television project “Universal Artist” on Channel One.

From October 1, 2013 to the present, he is the general director of the updated MTV Russia television channel. In February 2014, she was appointed head of Viacom music TV channels in Russia.

In 2013, she was the presenter at the opening of the Anzhi Arena stadium together with Andrei Malakhov. She was also the presenter at the Opening Ceremony of the 2013 Summer Universiade in Kazan, at the show that preceded the opening and closing ceremonies of the winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi.

She was the host of Eurovision 2015 on Russian TV.

Yana Churikova about "Star Factory"

“Working on television for me is an obstacle race, a certain number of tests that I go through in life.”, says Yana.

Yana Churikova's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Yana Churikova:

She was married to director and TV presenter Ivan Tsybin. Her mother introduced her to him. The couple had been married for four years.

Yana Churikova and Ivan Tsybin

Then Yana demanded a divorce because she began an affair with businessman and director of a PR agency Denis Lazarev, moreover, she became pregnant by him.

In 2016, Churikova and Denisov divorced.

Yana Churikova and Denis Lazarev

Filmography of Yana Churikova:

2006-2010 - “Happy Together” - cameo

2006 - “Get Away!” - Rita Malone (Russian dubbing)

Churikova Yana Alekseevna (11/6/1978) – Russian TV presenter and journalist. She became famous thanks to the TV show “12 Evil Spectators.” But real popularity came after its release. music project“Star Factory”, in which Churikova was the presenter.

"I happy man. I have a unique opportunity to combine pleasure and work. Although a career on television is like a steeplechase for me. Every new project- a new test"


Yana Churikova was born in Moscow on November 6, 1978. For a very long time, viewers considered her a daughter famous actress Inna Churikova, although this is actually not the case. Her real mother, Elena Churikova, is an economist by profession. But father Alesey Churikov was a career military man.

Due to his duty, he was forced to go on a business trip to Hungary. And the family went with him. Yana spent almost her entire childhood abroad. I went to school there. She returned to her homeland only in 1991, during the collapse of the USSR. In the capital, Churikova received a school certificate and entered School of Music in piano class.

Since childhood, Churikova dreamed of unusual profession. For example, I wanted to become a paleontologist. But having matured a little, she realized that her future was in music. The girl took up vocals. True, she did not turn out to be the new Montserrat Caballe, as she called herself. And Yana turned her attention to journalism, since this profession, in her opinion, could allow her to do absolutely different things and experience the world to the fullest.

First steps in career

Chasing the dream of new profession, Yana Churikova entered the School of Young Journalists. While still studying, she began working as a freelance correspondent for the magazine “Verb”. It was there that she learned to write articles and short notes. Moreover, the girl did so well that in 1994 Churikova won a silver medal at All-Russian Olympiad.

Churikova’s studies continued at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, and after Yana even entered graduate school and wrote a dissertation on a television topic. Even then, it became absolutely obvious to the girl that she needed to get on Russian TV by hook or by crook.

And it so happened that it was through deception that Churikova was destined to make her way onto television. When submitting her resume to the Biz TV company, she credited herself with an extra three years of work experience. True, after some time the deception was revealed, but Churikova’s talent was already appreciated by management, and the girl was not fired.

In 1998, the Biz TV channel changed its name and began to appear under the more well-known MTV brand. At that time, Churikova threw herself into her work. I tried myself in different positions - from correspondent to program director.

“When MTV first came out, I practically lived at work. I even spent the night there, since there was no point in going home. I tried different specialties. True, not everyone ended up in my work book»

Path to glory

To a wide circle TV viewers Yana Churikova became famous after the release of the program “12 Evil Spectators”. The management of Channel One also noticed the girl. She was invited to host the experimental show “Star Factory”. Back then, no one knew that the project would become super popular and would last for six whole years. And all these years Churikova was its constant leader. Moreover, as always, Yana devoted herself entirely to her work. And again, I often spent the night at work, carefully preparing for each release of the program.

After this, Yana Churikova became one of the faces of Channel One. She took part in various popular shows. For example, she sang a duet with Prokhor Chaliapin in the “Two Stars” project, and then performed in “Circus with the Stars”. Now Churikova is often busy with documentaries, making films for the same Channel One. And many of these films, one way or another, are dedicated to music, which the girl became well versed in over the years of her career.

Yana Churikova was born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. Father - Alexey, a military man. Mother - Elena, an economist, later worked at VGTRK as a program director.

Yana Churikova: “My parents studied at the Moscow Financial Institute. In the third year they got me. In our family, everyone is twenty years apart: my mother and grandmother, and my parents. When I went somewhere with my grandparents, they were mistaken for my mom and dad, my mom for my sister, and about my dad they said: “Yanka, what a trump guy you have!”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 18 (04/30/2001)

From 1985 to 1990, the Churikov family lived in the air garrison of the Southern Group of Forces in Hungary. As a child, Yana had many hobbies, but the biggest was journalism.

Yana Churikova: “As a child, I had no complexes. I was absolutely sure that I was the coolest in the universe. The only child, the navel of the earth. Until the third grade, I easily managed to feel like a queen. But then I began to notice that there are some canons of beauty and some girls are more beautiful than me.”

At 13 years old future star I wrote my first article, which was immediately published. As a schoolgirl, Yana worked as a correspondent for the Glagol newspaper from 1992 to 1996. In her youth, she sang in the musical group “Fairy Tales for Adults.”

Yana Churikova: “One day my grandmother heard that a young journalist was being recruited for school. And I called there. When I wrote my first article at the age of 13, it was immediately published. It was such happiness! I used my first fee to buy Snickers and Orbits.
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 23 (06/05/2014)

In 1995, the future TV presenter entered Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov at the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, from which she graduated in 2000.

While still at university, 17-year-old Yana decided to try her hand at television. In 1996, she was hired as a correspondent for the “Vremechko” program on the ATV channel, where she began filming stories on her own, and a year later received the position of music editor and presenter on the Biz TV channel (future MTV). When applying for a job, Yana Churikova misled her superiors - she added three years to herself.

From 1998 to 2002, Churikova successfully hosted the program “12 Evil Spectators” on the MTV Russia channel, which quickly became popular.

While working on the MTV channel, Yana Churikova met her colleague Grigory Aleksanyan, with whom she lived in a civil marriage for three years.

Yana Churikova: “When we met Grisha, I was working at MTV, and I had more time. Grisha studied music; my telework did not take up as much time as it does now.<…>When building a family, you have to break yourself a little. Marriage is a process of mutual concessions; it just didn’t work out for Grisha and me. And then the love disappeared. This made me feel uncomfortable, but Grisha, as a sensitive person, understood everything.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 24 (06/07/2004)

On December 1, 2004, just six months after breaking up with Grigory Aleksanyan, Churikova officially married Channel One director Ivan Tsybin.

Ivan Tsybin: “After I got divorced for the second time, I promised myself: that’s it, no more official marriages, and lived alone for ten years. Therefore, when he suddenly proposed to Yana, he was stunned. But I was even more amazed when she replied: “I agree.” There was nowhere to retreat, and I said: “Only, Yana, let’s keep everything serious with us. Let’s go to your mother, I’ll ask for your hand.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 44 (10/26/2006)

Since 2002, Yana has been working on Channel One. Churikova hosted such programs as: “Good Morning”, “Star Factory”, “Lensive”, “History of the Song”, “Cruel Intentions”, etc.

Yana Churikova's greatest popularity was brought to her by the Star Factory project (2003-2012). To become the host of this show, the star successfully passed a tough competition, and then remained “at the helm” of “Star Factory” for nine seasons.

Yana Churikova: “I combined work at the old MTV with “Factory...” on the First - and that was quite a long time, right up to 2004 - I went to a small rocking chair under the office. I was dialing muscle mass. I didn’t have it as a class at all.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 23 (06/05/2014)

From 2006 to 2010, Yana played in the series “Thank God, you came!”, and from 2006 to 2013 - in the sitcom “Happy Together.” The star also voiced the role of Rita in the cartoon “Get Away!” (2006).

Churikova took part in such popular Channel One projects as: “Two Stars” (partner Prokhor Chaliapin, 2006), “Circus with the Stars” (2007), “Great Race” (2009).

Meanwhile, in 2009, after five years of marriage, Yana Churikova and Ivan Tsybin divorced. From the same year Yana is artistic director School-studio of modern pop, film and television.

On May 26 of the same year, Yana Churikova gave birth to a daughter, Taisiya, from businessman Denis Lazarev, with whom she officially married two years later.

Yana Churikova: “Everything has finally come together in my life: the right man is next to me (husband, businessman Denis Lazarev - Ed.), I have new job(I am the head of the youth and music channels of Viacom International Media Networks in Russia, in short, I head MTV Russia, the same one where I once began my journey), I have a child...”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 23 (06/05/2014)

Since November 2011, Churikova has been working as the host of the music show “Red Star” on Channel One.

In 2013, the artist hosted the show “Universal Artist” on Channel One. In the same year, Yana was appointed director of the MTV Russia channel and began receiving additional higher education at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (course “Economics of Media”).

In March 2014, Yana Churikova held a charity auction, which took place at the Central Department Store.


Civil marriage - Grigory Aleksanyan, MTV VJ (lived together for three years)
First husband - Ivan Tsybin, producer, director of Channel One (the marriage lasted five years)
Second husband - Denis Lazarev, PR director of the United Media media holding
Daughter - Taisiya (05/26/2009), from marriage with Denis Lazarev

Churikova Yana Alekseevna, her biography on Wikipedia, personal life and photos on Instagram, children and husband are of interest to many TV viewers, because this woman is not only a TV presenter, journalist and actress, but is also known as a producer and public figure.

Yana Churikova - biography

Yana was born in 1978 in Moscow. Her father, Alexey Churikov, was a military man and served in Hungary, where the girl spent her childhood, and her mother, Elena Churikova, worked as an economist.

At the end of the 80s, the family returned to Moscow, and for Yana it began new life. In high school, she began training at the newspaper for youth “Glagol”, where she learned the basics of the journalistic profession.

In 1995, the girl entered the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting at Moscow State University, and after receiving a diploma, she also completed graduate school.

When Yana was a second-year student, she, along with other aspiring journalists, was invited to Vladimir Pozner’s “We” program. Her short performance attracted the attention of ATV TV channel producer Kira Proshutinskaya, who invited the girl to practice. Here Yana had the opportunity to work under the supervision of Lev Novozhenov, which gave her considerable journalistic experience.

A year later, Yana was lucky enough to get a job on television at the MTV Russia television company, where she initially worked as an editor and then became a presenter.

Among the projects that brought the journalist wide popularity, we can particularly highlight the program “12 Evil Spectators,” which she hosted from 1999 to 2002. It was in this program that she fully demonstrated her professionalism as a presenter, which resulted in an invitation to Channel One. Here she began working as a presenter with such programs as “Lens” and “Good Morning”, and then came close to her most successful project - the music show “Star Factory”. For eight seasons she was its permanent host, and although the project took a lot of time and effort, including working at night, it was worth it, because its popularity among the audience was enormous.

Today Yana Churikova is one of the most sought-after presenters on Russian television. She has such projects as “Golden Gramophone”, “The History of a Song”, and the extreme show “Cruel Intentions”. In addition, she regularly hosted the “Red Star” music charts, where they sounded best songs year, and was also a commentator for the Eurovision Song Contest 2015.

Since 2013, Churikova has occupied the chair general director channel "MTV Russia".

Yana Churikova - personal life

The TV presenter was married twice.

Yana first married in 2005 to TV presenter and director Ivan Tsybin. They lived together for 4 years and then separated on Yana’s initiative. The reason for the divorce was that the TV presenter began whirlwind romance with Denis Lazarev, director of a PR agency, and soon, namely on May 26, 2009, she gave birth to a daughter, Taisiya, from him. After living in a civil marriage for three years, they then formalized their relationship. But after five years of legal marriage, friction arose in the family - it was noticed that Yana stopped wearing wedding ring, and began to appear at social events without her husband, which had never happened before.

It is not surprising that many TV viewers were interested in Yana Churikova and Denis Lazarev, their wedding and separation. After all, shortly before rumors about the divorce began to leak, Yana said in her interviews that everything worked out in her life - she has a child, the right man next to her and a job she loves.

But it turned out that the divorce rumors were not rumors. Denis Lazarev himself commented on this situation and said that he left the family a year ago, but he is not going to discuss the reasons for leaving with anyone, especially with the press, since this is a purely personal story.

Many TV viewers are interested in whether Yana Churikova and Inna Churikova are relatives? Moreover, this question is caused not only by the same last names, but also by the external similarity of these women. However, this is not the case. They are just namesakes, Yana is not, as many people think, the daughter of a famous actress, her mother, as we have already said, is an economist by profession, and Inna Churikova has only one child - son Ivan Panfilov.