Five most unusual professions. Waiter in line. Fortune Cookie Writer

How do you imagine the most unusual professions in the world? From the lips of many people we often hear complaints and indignation regarding the work that they have to do. Some people think that their profession is too monotonous and boring, others are not satisfied with working conditions or wages, someone is dissatisfied social status his position. But it’s scary to imagine what these people would say if they, even for a day, had to take one of the positions that we will talk about in this article?

First unusual profession - breath taster

This activity is clearly not for the squeamish. A person holding this position is required to inhale odors from the oral cavity of other people who, before this, depending on the task at hand, may consume alcohol, onions, garlic and other products that emit a pungent odor. People with bad teeth and other defects that are accompanied by a stench are often invited for testing.

Working conditions and responsibilities:

The taster is required to determine the effectiveness of various breath fresheners, such as chewing gum, sprays and lozenges. To do this, he smells the breath of special people who use the product being tested.

Brain remover

IN job responsibilities The owner of this unusual profession involves preparing the head of an animal slaughtered at a slaughterhouse for brain extraction and the extraction process itself. The work is quite delicate, because the brain is sent to elite restaurants and served as a delicacy, so it must be removed carefully, without damage or loss of shape.

Waiter in line

British sociologists conducted a study and came up with statistics that, on average, every Englishman spends about a year standing in queues throughout his life. To solve this problem, enterprising people introduced a new profession.

Working conditions and responsibilities:

A waiter will line up at any establishment and wait for you to arrive for £30 per hour. The cost of his services is high, but for many busy people, whose time is more valuable, this becomes a real salvation from larger losses.

This profession requires a specialist to have extensive experience in using marijuana and a deep understanding of this process. Perhaps this is one of the most unusual professions in the world.

Working conditions and responsibilities:

Typically, such specialists are invited to various holidays and festivals of marijuana in Amsterdam. Their responsibilities include tasting the product, identifying quality weed and unsuccessful samples. From time to time, precedents occur when a specialist experiences too much vivid impressions and makes its verdict only the next day after tasting, when it comes to an adequate state.

Some large production plants confectionery hire specially trained people to sniff chicken eggs and check their suitability for food consumption.

A person who works in a Parmesan factory must have absolute pitch And music education in addition. Since the readiness of Italian cheese can be determined only by ear. To do this, they hit it with special hammers and listen to the notes it produces.

If you love extreme sports and you are not a water slide tester, then most likely you have missed out on your life's work.

Working conditions and responsibilities:

Responsibilities: ride water slides! After the first hundred attractions, you can become a real gourmet in this matter. Testers are required to evaluate slides based on the experience they provide and ensure they are safe. Also, testers, like almost all people of unusual professions, always take risks, because they are the first to slide down the slides.

You may think that this job is too easy, poorly paid, and can be done by any student. At first glance, this is true. But in fact, writing original predictions so that they are interesting to people is very difficult. Often famous marketers and even writers are invited to do this!

How do you think the work process of a person holding this position goes? Yes, he is obliged to use condoms for their intended purpose and test them in real conditions. After which the tester writes a detailed report and points out the advantages and disadvantages of this or that type.

An amazing fact is that this profession belongs to the civil service in China.


A toilet guide simply walks along the street and accompanies people who contact him to the nearest toilet. This service costs about four cents.

There are special companies that are ready to realize any client’s dream for a certain amount. By contacting a dream merchant, you can learn a new profession, find love, make a movie, become a singer or musician, jump from a skyscraper with insurance, set a world record, do any crazy thing you dream of. The minimum cost of services of such a company is 150 000 $ .

Airplanes often fly over Antarctica. Curious penguins stare at giant objects flying in the sky, lift their heads high and, as a result, fall over on their backs. These large birds are not able to stand up on their own - nature did not foresee such a development of events. Therefore, people have to correct the situation themselves and raise the penguins manually.

In the world of big fashion, it is important to choose the right name for an expensive item. Therefore, such a profession was introduced. This person's only responsibility is to come up with catchy names, such as "Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur" or "Hippie Boy, Take Me!"

Bangor University graduate Jamie Foxx earns £250 a week relaxing on a sun lounger in a field of oilseed rape and occasionally playing a musical instrument.

His responsibilities include:

Arrive at work on time, wearing a special orange outfit. Periodically play the accordion and bell to scare away the partridges.

Jamie Foxx's boss told him to stock up on more good books, for a comfortable working time. With the proceeds, the scarecrow man was able to pay for his trip to New Zealand.

In Asian countries, there are professional mourners for funerals. People hire them to create a mournful atmosphere.

Sellers of tears undergo special training; not everyone can cope with such work. Lamenters have their own price list and different prices, depending on what kind of lament the client orders. The most expensive service is hysterical rolling on the floor, desperately tearing at one’s clothes.

Professional cliff diver

This is an extreme sport. Those with this profession jump from natural rocks into unprepared water areas. Jumping from a height of 20-27 meters is clearly not for the faint of heart, and there are just over 300 such daredevils all over the world.

The famous Finnish hotel "Finn" has its own sleepyhead to test the comfort of its guests' beds.

Conditions and features of the profession:

Sonya lounges on the hotel's feather beds, then publishes a detailed review of a particular room on her Internet blog. Therefore, to do this kind of work, it is not enough to love to sleep. A professional sleepyhead must know several languages, have an active lifestyle and write a blog competently.

This profession was introduced by top realtors and is needed in order to “settle in” luxury homes. Roughly speaking, some people live in luxurious mansions and enjoy all the benefits of a rich life only so that these mansions sell better. As soon as the house finds its buyer, the “requisite people” immediately move to another estate.

At first glance, this is a very tempting business, but keep in mind that owners of such a profession are obliged to keep their homes perfectly clean, maintain order and be ready to move at any time.

The services of a person who will prepare and pack things for your child’s trip to children’s camp can cost over $1,000. “Who needs this?” - you ask, but this is the reality. New York specialists in this field charge up to $250 per hour for their services. Luggage organizers will prepare everything you need for your outdoor holiday and pack it professionally.

What could be more desirable for a child than such a profession? But, alas, only adults, specially trained people are hired as professional jumpers.


The jumper tightens the mattress using special fasteners and jumps on it up to 20 times, then analyzes the reaction of the tested product to such a load and, if the test is successful, allows it to be sold.

On ant farms, production requires the selection of strong individuals that are capable of mutating into a large and productive queen. An ant catcher is a person who selects suitable insects of this species to found new anthills and continue their lineage.

A large paint company, Dulux, maintains a special position called “Paint Drying Supervisor.” The scientist who carries out this work, Thomas Curwen, analyzes the drying process of various types of paint produced by this company. During his work, he conducts all kinds of research, studies colors and periodically observes the drying process of the layers under a microscope. He then sends the results of his research to management, who, if necessary, makes decisions to make changes to the composition and preparation technology. This approach to business helps to significantly improve the quality of the product.

Perhaps these are the most interesting and unusual professions in the world. We tried to collect in one article full list strange types of work. For anyone interested in rare and unusual professions, the list we have prepared can be a useful source of knowledge.

Ratings of unusual professions are published year after year all over the world, and each time this list is replenished with new specialties. So, last spring, the list of the most unusual jobs in America included a glass packer, a jam spreader on buns, a lifeguard on a nudist beach and a telephone fortune teller. They were also named here A college student's personal stenographer, donut filler, and Christmas tree decorator.

There are also many unusual specialties in Russia. Conventionally, they can be divided into two types. The first appeared as a result of bureaucratic tongue-tiedness. The official register of professions is filled with them. In it you can find a tailings manager, a fire raker, a slotter, a forest pathologist engineer, a pencil inker, an assembler of small animal skeletons, a paper bag tester, as well as a linen and dry animal preparations assembler. For some reason I don’t want to work in such positions.

To the second group strange professions include those that savvy Russians invent for themselves. Among them wet cleaning manager, And mouse breeder, And battlehunters- hunters for empty beer bottles. "At my reception there was a professional organizer of friendly pranks and a seeker rare books throughout Europe,” said psychologist Anna Kartashova. - All these people opened their own businesses and worked under orders. In addition, they had a lot in common: they want to be different from others and are highly dependent on external impressions. It is often difficult to get along with people who choose an unusual profession; they cause a lot of trouble for relatives."

So... a list of the rarest professions

Merchant of Dreams

A postal clerk dreams of becoming a great actor for one night. A businessman dreams of managing a multi-ton train. A psychiatrist dreams of meeting 20 girls out of 20 in 20 days off. different countries. How can you make their dreams come true? One of the Chicago companies is engaged in bringing to life any fantasies and desires of its clients. All you need to do is come to their office, tell them what you dream of and pay the amount that the specialists will tell you. However, remember that the minimum cost to make your dream come true is $150,000.

Ball picker

Such vacancies can be found in large golf clubs. It is the responsibility of the ball picker to ensure that the areas adjacent to the golf course are clear of any balls that have been accidentally dropped into the area.

Ant catcher

The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will subsequently serve for procreation on artificial ant farms.

Brain remover

The brain remover's place of work is a slaughterhouse. His duties include placing the head of a slaughtered animal on the table and, after its skull is split open, removing the brain from there, which is then sent to restaurants.


The position of odor specialist is open in some companies involved in the production of deodorants. Odor experts apply deodorant to the armpits of experimental participants and monitor how the smell of the deodorant changes throughout the day.

Egg Breaker

The main duty of a worker in this profession is to separate the whites from the yolks using a special machine into which he must place whole chicken eggs.

Operator that determines the sex of chickens

When the chicks are 1 day old, it is important to accurately determine their sex, since their further nutrition and living conditions will depend on this.

Wrinkle remover

In expensive shoe boutiques there are people who specifically make sure that there are no wrinkles on the shoes that customers try on. They straighten them out.

Golf Club Rubber

Luxury golf clubs have "specialists" whose job it is to rub clients' clubs with a special lubricant to ensure better club-ball contact.

egg sniffer

Some pastry shops have so-called “egg sniffers.” They ensure that rotten chicken eggs are not used for confectionery production.

Cushion leveler

IN furniture stores, specializing in the sale of bedroom sets, has vacancies for pillow levelers. These people should go to trading floor and make sure there are no wrinkles on the pillows.


/>The rhythm of life in Tokyo is even faster than in Moscow. This means that the appearance of the interlocutor’s profession there is quite natural. These comrades sit in their booths in the busiest areas of the capital and listen to everyone. Over the course of a week, each professional interlocutor gives almost 10,000 residents of the country a chance to be frank.

Toilet guide

A new service has also appeared in the Middle Kingdom... On the streets of Chinese cities you can now meet comrades who, for a fee of 4 cents, are ready to tell anyone where the nearest public toilet is. In their work books That’s how it’s written: “A civil servant is a toilet guide!”

Waiter in line

You can honestly be happy for the British. An office has appeared in the country, promising citizens that they will not stand in lines. A specially trained “stander” will do this for them. The services are not cheap - almost 40 bucks per hour. If you consider that every Englishman stands in line for more than a year in his life, then the savings are obvious!

Condom tester

One of the large companies producing condoms has opened several new vacancies. The office is recruiting young people for the position of “Condom Testers”! An unlimited number of consumables are included in the tester's standard equipment. The person who best provides the office with useful information about the progress of the tests will receive a $1,000 bonus!

The most enviable professions

Cleaner on paradise island

Ben Sothel was selected from 35,000 applicants. He will serve as a janitor on Hamilton Island for half a year with a salary of $110,000 and live in a beachfront villa.

Luxury bed tester

Student Roisin Madigan, 22, receives $1,000 for sleeping every day on beds from Savoir Beds, a company that makes beds for luxury hotels. She describes her feelings about the beds on her blog. Without a man, the bed test is not complete.

Water pipe tester for amusement rides

Tommy Lynch tests water tubes for attractions; in a year he has traveled almost all over the world: Mexico, Cyprus, Egypt, the Dominican Republic, his job is to ride tubes and talk about his feelings. A friend carries an additional suitcase with underpants with him, since I think holes appear on the ass regularly.

Professional prostitute tester

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Wine tester and blogger

The dude drinks wine and writes about his feelings... he also gets paid $10,000 a month.

Candy tester

Schoolboy Harry Willshe won a candy factory competition and became the main candy tester, he tries candies with secret recipes and tells what he liked and what he didn’t.. Apparently by graduation he will become a fat guy.

World of Warcraft tester

Some people play Warcraft all day long, while others test it and apparently hate their job.

15 August 2012, 11:01

As children, we don't dream of becoming a forestry engineer or a golf club polisher, but someone has to do it :)
Greenkeeper– if we do a literal translation from English - greenkeeper, then this profession means “guardian of greenery”. The responsibilities of this specialist include maintaining sports pitches used for rugby, baseball or football in proper condition. The first appearance of the term "greenkeeper" dates back to 1888. Since ancient times, there have been two main directions in the development of modern greenkeeping - English and American. In Moscow, by the way, there already exists training center for those who decide to follow the green path and become a greenkeeper.
Cavist is a wine gourmet who can combine the functions of a sommelier and sales consultant in one person. The main task of a representative of this profession is to select wine, as well as a specific dish to go with it, and according to the client’s individual order. Communication with the client is an integral part of the work of a cavist. If a client’s conversation with a supermarket sales assistant is traditionally limited to a couple of questions and simple monosyllabic answers, a cavist’s conversation with his client can last quite a long time. It is to the cavist, and not to the wine boutique, that clients return. In Russia, even the sommelier profession is still not included in the all-Russian register, and the wine market, meanwhile, continues to offer completely new specialties for our country, including cavist. Sniffer- enough rare profession, which is found in the field of perfumery. There are just over 100 certified master perfumers in the world. 30 of them live in Grasse. The responsibilities of the smeller include assessing the smell, as well as composing perfume compositions. To work in this field, a person must have an excellent memory for aromas, as well as clearly understand them. In this delicate matter, talent alone is not enough. To become a master perfumer, you have to study for 10-12 years.
Paleontologist– a very rare profession and somewhat “out of this world.” Many outstanding paleontologists would probably feel quite comfortable in the swamps of the Devonian period or in the coniferous forests of the Carboniferous period. By the way, the most ancient paleontologists can be called Chinese craftsmen; three thousand years ago they mined the bones and teeth of fossilized dinosaurs and considered their finds evidence of the existence of dragons. (Joe: “Profession...dinosaurs.” Ros: “Actually, I’m paleo...okay, write dinosaurs. Write, don’t draw!”). Pastiger– from the French postiche, i.e. hair extensions - one who makes wigs, sideburns, mustaches, beards, braids, eyelashes. Most often, this person does all his work to order. Sometimes work as a pasteur is combined with makeup. Oserifier- the one who operates the machine that applies sulfur to matches. This profession exists in match factories. It sounds a little dissonant, but what can you do? IN lately This profession belongs to the group of “endangered” ones, due to the advent of lighters.
Stringer- an equally rare profession that means highly specialized specialists and freelance correspondents whose competence includes creating reports from extreme places in the world, for example, zones of natural disasters or military operations. Stringers are often disliked by colleagues from official publications for their efficiency, independence, mobility, and, finally, high earnings. Titester– a professional compiler and taster of tea, which tastes, smells and appearance determines the type of tea and the place where it was grown, the harvest season, as well as the method of its storage and processing. The unique profession of tea sommelier (from two English words tea, test - “testing tea”) was once born from an inherently subjective method: determining tea samples by eye, touch and taste. Today, when determining the taste of a drink, the titester does not take a single sip, but only rinses his mouth with the infusion. In order to become a tester of the highest category, you need to study for at least ten years. But the average salary of a tester at a factory is $1500-2000, in auction houses– up to $7000.
Torcedor– a very rare specialist who rolls cigars. A representative of this profession wraps the tobacco in a wrapping leaf and trims the cigar, thereby giving it a sellable appearance. They study this profession mainly in Cuba, and internships also take place in this country. The training takes place at a cigar factory and lasts no more, no less, ten years! But it’s worth it, because the master is paid $1000 and more. Rammer- This is a very young profession - it appeared with the development of the metro and the increased flow of passengers. The responsibility of this specialist is to help people enter a crowded subway car. There are no such professionals in Moscow yet, but in the east, especially in Japan, there are many holders of this profession; by the way, in Ukraine, in the capital, Kyiv, rammers have already begun to master themselves. Distinctive feature Japanese rammers - snow-white gloves :) Fumelier– this is the name given to a specialist in the field of cigars and spirits. His responsibilities include selecting a combination certain type cigars and alcoholic beverages for the client, taking into account his individual characteristics in advance. Chimney sweep- an ancient profession that exists in our time, but to master it you need to train for two years, and only abroad. By the way, the duties of a chimney sweep include not only cleaning chimneys, stoves or fireplaces, but also restoring the brickwork of the chimney, lining, lining and much more.
Penguin flipper– specialists in this field live only in Antarctica near the airfield. You are wrong to think that the one who drew the short straw is going to turn over the birds, everything is serious here. The penguins themselves never fall on their backs - only on their stomachs, but since these animals are very curious, they love to walk near the airfield. Naturally, when a helicopter flies by, they lift their heads up and, unable to maintain their balance, fall onto their backs. They, poor things, will no longer be able to stand up, so they need to be turned over.
Operator for determining the sex of chickens- Very important profession, which consists in determining the sex of the chicks at the moment when their age is 1 day, because The diet of the birds depends on this, as well as the conditions for their rearing.
Glassblower is a master who creates products from heated glass mass by blowing. The matter is not limited to blowing itself; to further shape the product, the glassblower uses many different tools and, ultimately, pleases us with vases, toys, figurines and dishes of unimaginable shape. Who would you become if you decided to radically change your profession?

This article presents the strangest professions in the world, which appear due to the rapid development of our lives. Whether they can be considered work, judge for yourself. However, people do it by getting money. Among them there are prestigious, dangerous, promising, pleasant and even funny. There are those that at first glance seem wild or cause bewilderment. The strangest professions in the world bring good income to their owners and encourage them to love their work. If your search or change of activity takes a long time, take a closer look at unusual list positions, perhaps this is what you are looking for?

10.Smell researcher. The list of the strangest professions in the world opens with an odor specialist. The art of smell recognition originated in the 9th century in Ancient Arabia. The search for the perfect scent of Paris is vividly described by Patrick Suskind. Testing perfumes is one thing! In the light of modernity, means of masking and elimination - deodorants - are successfully replacing expensive perfumes. Few people will like the strange work associated with studying the smell of armpits. But it is in demand by antiperspirant companies. Strict selection is carried out. The manufacturer hires people to sniff their armpits after applying the sanitizer throughout the workday. Elderly, non-smoking female candidates are preferred as such people have a hypersensitive nose. And there are also odor experts who evaluate the freshness of breath!

9.Milker of poisonous reptiles. Worker livestock farm– responsible, honorable work, since it is based on love for animals and attention to their health. The work of a milker of poisonous snakes requires attentiveness to the health of one’s own and others. The poison is widely used in the medical, pharmacological, and cosmetology industries for the production of antidotes and medicines. The collection of toxic saliva is carried out by a specially trained worker. This profession cannot be called the strangest, but the applicant must have nerves of steel. A dangerous occupation is one of the highly paid ones. Specific products are in great demand among companies developing anticancer drugs.

8.Dog and cat food taster. Some pet food manufacturers employ a staff of specialists to test taste and control product quality. Since pets should enjoy eating food, and owners should appreciate the aroma of their pet’s food, the employer puts forward the only requirement for the employee - to have subtle taste and olfactory qualities. A well-known owner of sensitive receptors is US citizen Simon Ellison. His verdict puts an end to the issue of quality. Sometimes he does not deny himself the pleasure of eating a favorite dish for cats - a vegetable mixture with chicken. One of the strangest activities is paid in the amount of $40,000.

7.Golf staff. The most prestigious sport is rich in unusual professions. Elite golf clubs are hiring staff whose duties include rubbing clubs with a special lubricant that ensures better contact between the club and the ball. Golf is usually played by wealthy people. It is unlikely that they will climb into the pond after a runaway ball. For this purpose there are specially trained employees - ball divers. They help wealthy players and also earn money by selling disused sports equipment. So, the income is enough not to look for additional income. A ball raised from the bottom is valued at 6 cents, and annual income from sales of accessories reaches $6,000.

6.Sleeping professionally. Although Sonya’s profession is strange, many would agree to such a dust-free job. Who else gets paid for sleeping on the job? The duties of a professional sleeper are to test beds and sofas and then record their sensations. Today, the Sonya profession is very relevant: now their services are used by numerous furniture showrooms, as well as hotel owners, in order to check the level of room comfort and quality of service. Weekends are not provided here, and the amount of wages is unknown.

5.Toilet guide. The outlandish profession originated in densely populated China and belongs to the level of civil service. On the streets of China you can meet a worker who, for a fee, will agree to escort someone to the nearest public toilet. A red bandage will help you recognize a civil servant. A one-time guide service costs 3.8 cents.

4.Compactor in public transport. In Japan, due to the rapidly growing population, there is a need for a profession that seems strange to the world - a people compactor. Rush hours in this country are marked by teeming public transport, and not all passengers have the chance to use the metro or bus. Special people come to the rescue - carriage drivers, who literally push and compact passengers into public transport so that they do not get injured, and the doors can fully close.

3.Beach tester. One of the strangest professions in the world can be considered a beach tester. One day, a Swedish magazine for women announced a competition for a strange vacancy. The requirements concerned beach holiday, i.e., it was necessary to swim, sunbathe, read books, visit entertainment beach establishments for a whole month, and even flirt (the editors agreed to bear the costs of holiday romances). The promised fee for the tester was 4,000 €. The result of pleasant work should be a report that the editors placed on the pages of the magazine.

2.Children's bag stacker. American parents are willing to pay professionals $1,000 to pack their children's bags before traveling to summer camps. Mothers are sure that the child will not forget anything and will be neat and clean. In any case, he will remain so during the first day of his stay. The next day, the clothes will be wrinkled and dirty under the camp bunk bed.

1.Penguin lifter. One of the strangest professions in the world appeared thanks to defenders environment. Duty an unusual specialist is the rescue of birds that, having stared at the planes, lean back and fall on their backs. After all, by their nature, penguins are not able to fly or rise independently, which threatens them with death. Therefore, after each appearance of iron birds over the snowy deserts, a special person (there are only 2 specialists on the planet) hurries to the penguins in the territory under his control. Harsh arctic conditions add exoticism to the profession.