The largest auctions in Europe: where and when. The most famous world auctions World Auction House

It's no secret that the eBay auction (USA) is a kind of Mecca for numismatists and other collectors from all over the world. Gatherings (as, for example, numismatists gathered) and specialized markets have long since sunk into the past, because the eBay auction offers a unique opportunity to buy and sell collectibles to hobbyists from all over the world. If you want to become a user of the largest marketplace for collectibles, then eBay is undoubtedly the right place for you.

The proposed listing "Numismatics" contains real offers from the eBay auction, like paper money(banknotes) and coins from all over the world. Both individual coins and banknotes and entire collections are sold. In order to receive comprehensive information on any of the proposed lots, you just need to click on the appropriate link or picture and you will be taken to the page where the auction is taking place. There you can ask the Seller a question, read the product description and payment details, delivery price, and see the progress of the auction.

Please remember that in order to bid on eBay auction, place bids, correspond with Sellers regarding goods, etc. - registration on the auction website is required, which is simple, free, but has its own nuances. We advise you to become a full member before starting to study listings eBay auction(membership and registration are free) by studying the “Registration” section on our website.

A catalog of links to sections on numismatics on the eBay auction is located below on the page, so if you don’t find the offers you are interested in in the listing, just go down a little and conduct a search yourself.

Explanations for this listing “numismatics”

Listing "numismatics" contains offers from the eBay auction.

Numismatics on eBay

You can search on American branch of eBay auction on one's own. Simply select the desired section from the list and you will be taken to the eBay website, where you will see a list of current offers.

What to consider when purchasing numismatics items

Here are the most important aspects, which must be taken into account when making purchases on the eBay online auction:

  • If you have any questions regarding any product, please contact the Seller first through a special form (Ask a question) on the website eBay, a link to which is present on the page with a description of any lot and be sure to clarify all the details. To ask a question to the Seller, you will have to register at the auction and log in (enter your username and password).
  • Don't be afraid to bet on eBay auction- any bet can be withdrawn. And if you hesitate, they may buy the product you are interested in.
  • Don't forget that eBay is not an ordinary store and purchasing goods on it has its own characteristics. Read our article: Buying algorithm on eBay.
  • Almost all Sellers accept payment using the payment system. You can find out more about its work, features, and get answers to the most frequently asked questions by reading our guide: “We work with the Paypal payment system.”
  • Numismatics You can purchase at eBay auction(USA), both independently and with the help of intermediary companies, which will take care of all issues related to payment for the goods, its delivery, insurance, etc.
  • To become a full-fledged user of the largest trading platform in the world called: online Internet auction eBay, our eBook: “Ebay auction. Full Russian description."
  • If you are interested in various products, remember that there is not only an American branch eBay auction. eBay-Canada and eBay-Germany are also of great interest to residents of the CIS.
  • By registering at any of the branches eBay auction only once you automatically gain access to all other branches under the same login and password.

The purpose of an online auction is not to sell, but to bring buyers and sellers together. Online auctions provide a convenient sales channel for individual traders and small companies. Large companies also use auctions to quickly sell goods accumulated in warehouses. Online auctions can be used for test sales to determine initial demand and market price for a new product

Usually, when talking about online auctions, they mean private Internet trading, designated as C2C - Customer-to-Customer, but if the seller is a company, they also use the designation B2C - Business-to-Customer. The seller at an online auction can also be the government (G2C Government-to-Customer model), for example, the US Department of the Treasury sold government bonds at an online auction.

The largest trading platform in the world. eBay was founded on September 4, 1995 in San Jose (California) by programmer Pierre Omidyar.

The main idea of ​​eBay is to provide sellers with an online platform to sell any product. eBay itself acts only as an intermediary in concluding a sales contract between the seller and the buyer. Payment for the goods and their shipment occurs without the participation of eBay. Sellers pay a fee to use the platform, usually consisting of a listing fee and a percentage of the sale price. eBay is free for buyers to use.

Since eBay's profit directly depends on the volume of sales made using this platform, it has fairly liberal conditions. Any goods and services that do not violate the laws of the country in which the corresponding eBay branch is registered and are not blacklisted by eBay are permitted for sale.

The second largest auction in the world. The company was founded in 1994 by American entrepreneur Jeff Bezos, and the website was launched in 1995. The company is named after the Amazon River, the deepest in the world. Initially, only books were sold on the site.

The largest online auction has a wide presence on all continents of the world, millions of registered users in many countries of Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. It is second only to eBay in scale. The auction site is multilingual (upper right corner of the page in desktop view), but there is no support for Russian yet. Despite the fact that the auction positions itself as eBid vs eBay, contrasting even in the name, it is still more a copy of the auction leader than an innovative bidding scheme. However, there are differences, but to understand which is better and which is worse, you need to work on both resources.

When you visit the site, you immediately understand what lots are being traded here: paintings by old masters and modern authors, antique objects, antique bronze, exclusive porcelain, unique jewelry, gold, diamonds, products of oriental craftsmen from Asia, India and the Middle East. In a word, luxury goods. I am pleased that there is support for the Russian language, however, there is a section Russian art. The auction items are only genuine and, accordingly, very expensive. Everything for true connoisseurs.


European mega-auction. Founded in 2008 in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In 2010, Catawiki received the prestigious Accenture Innovations Award for pioneering the concept of web auctions. The auction site not only offers bidding on numerous categories of lots, but also a platform for communication between collectors different directions from all over the world, mostly works of art, antiques, various antiquities, vintage cars, jewelry, postage stamps, coins and bonds, as well as various exclusive items. The site is multilingual, but Russian support is not yet available. You can log in to Catawiki using your account social network Facebook.

Polish site electronic trading the world's largest auction portal. Allegro is the strongest European competitor to the American online trading leaders Amazon and eBay. Millions of lots, thousands of trade transactions daily, sections of the portal include auctions of electronics, real estate, clothing and shoes, sections for collectors, motorists, and antique dealers.


One of the oldest American auctions. Classic categories and options, perhaps somewhat outdated compared to other sites, but for conservative auctioneers this is what they need. The categories are also classic: stamps, postcards, jewelry, bonds, coins, medals, tokens, badges, photographs, engravings, porcelain, earthenware, bronze, glass, all kinds of baubles and trinkets. Of course and Appliances, and telephones, televisions, radios, furniture, clothing, musical instruments, records, DVDs, consoles, books, etc. and so on.

Bid or Buy

South African online auction universal direction. In terms of popularity, it is second only to the branches of eBay and eBid, however, as in most countries, purely national sites are losing to auction giants from the USA. The layout, interface and functionality of the site are built on a completely classic scheme. The number of lots is more than 100 thousand.


All-American auction house Heritage. Great amount lots. The Heritage Life application is offered to users, this software allows you to participate in Heritage auctions online via the Internet. The main focus of the lots is art objects from classical works to modern products of the American mass media, coins, antiques, all kinds of non-category exclusive items, things, products, and devices are presented.


Carl & Feber, Europe's oldest antique auction house, ranks alongside auction houses such as Christie's and Sotheby's. On the website you can view lots offered at offline auctions, and you can register and take part online via the Internet. The lots in this auction are paintings ancient Dutch, Spanish, Flemish, Russian masters, as well as masterpieces of painting from the modern and postmodern eras.

The largest online platform in Belarus for selling and purchasing goods. Electronic auctions goods and things: electronic and household appliances, books, music, photographic equipment, videos, cell phones, computers, tablets, iPhones, iPads, players, music, movies, children's goods, toys, commemorative collectible coins, stamp blocks, clothing, furniture, antiques, samovars, rare enamel, antiques and collectibles, art pieces, figurines, vases, interior items, graphics, sculptures, photos, paintings, porcelain, crystal, glass, bronze, jewelry, real estate, plots, costume jewelry, numismatics, philately, postcards. Trade via the Internet.

In the current conditions of the development of the global network by leaps and bounds, international Internet auctions have begun to gain enormous popularity. And this is not without reason, because such an offer is not just tempting - it really attracts with its benefits. Online auctions of the world have long found their audience, and every day this audience is only growing and growing.


The material was prepared by a 3rd year student, gr. DGZ, Aksenevich Anna.

The popularity of online auctions is due to several factors:
– the opportunity to buy goods, the variety of which is not limited to the assortment of the retail chain;
- enough low prices compared to the cost of a similar product in stores;
- the opportunity to purchase rare and exclusive goods;
- excitement and satisfaction from concluding a deal.

Among the registered users of online auctions there are not only professional sellers, but also those for whom selling or buying goods on the Internet is analogous to going to commission shop. Russian users give preference to both foreign and domestic online auctions.

The advantage of working with foreign sites is a larger number of participants, and Russian auctions are attractive due to their clear interface and low delivery costs due to the absence of customs expenses.

The most popular foreign online auctions

The most popular platform for buying and selling goods on the Internet is This is not only the first site of its kind in the world, but also one that currently has the largest audience. In many countries, including Russia, the company has representative websites where you can read translated product descriptions.

Also, one of the oldest and most popular online auctions is the website, where purchases can be made both directly and through intermediaries. The site combines the properties of an auction and a classic online store.

Online auctions specializing in sales are no less successful among Russians. Chinese goods. The most popular Chinese auction site is, which allows you to purchase goods good quality at domestic Chinese prices.

Since the registration process on requires the presence of a number from one of the Chinese mobile operators, and descriptions can only be read with the help of an online translator, a problem arose a large number of intermediary sites.

The most popular Russian online auctions

The leader of the Russian segment of online sales is the auction. Although the number of registered users is significantly inferior to giants like Ebay, this site in most cases allows you to successfully find the right product by reasonable price, or act as a seller yourself.

In addition to the leading auction, domestic users use the services of such sites as, Astra24 and Despite their less popularity, you can find quite exclusive lots on these sites.

Auctions have become widespread in modern world and Russia in this case was no exception. Therefore, in addition to the opportunity to trade at auctions of global significance, you can also choose to trade at local auctions in Russia. This is also a very good opportunity for both beginners and those who want to expand their existing business.

Today, Russian auctions are increasing in number every year. And even if one auction closes, several arise in its place. Therefore, understanding all this diversity is not so easy. Sometimes this matter can take a lot of time. To reduce this time and give you the opportunity to quickly understand the topic and make right choice, we compiled a catalog where we included the best trading platforms and auctions in Russia

The catalog is compiled according to three main indicators, according to which you can quickly select the necessary auctions in Russia before starting to study them in detail.


Plus to this CASHBACK SERVICES, which began to influence website traffic.

Here we will not decipher these indicators in detail, but will immediately move on to the catalog. Details about the main indicators of the auction, as well as the best auctions and trading platforms in the world, you can read at this link:


Auctions and trading platforms

logo Site URL general or specialsth users
or lots
per month

trading area
generalso many135 million >

trading area
general41 thousand comp.
36 million lot
26 million
review ⇓

trading area
creation2.5 million goods.
19 million

product. aggregator
general31 thousand magic.
200 million goods.
15 million
trading area
general20 thousand mag.
100 thousand items
13 million


auction\trading area
General6.5 million lot
9 million
review ⇓

trading area
general6.7 thousand computers
15.5 million goods.
6 million

trading area
industry\builds1 million computers
28 million items
5.5 million
price comparison
general6 thousand mag.
23 million items
5.4 million
General1.9 million items
5.2 million
auction\trading area
general586 thousand
4.3 million
review ⇓
trading area
general8.5 million items3.6 million

store\trading area
generalRoss. lots +
3.4 million

trading area
general1.8 million items3.1 million >

store\trading area
general50 thousand2.8 million


general3.4 million comp.
2.8 million items
2.2 million

trading area
General25 thousand mag.
2 million items
1.7 million

auction\trading area
general6 million items1.6 million

trading area
general\industrial96 thousand computers
9.5 million items
1 million

trading area\ad.
general750 thousand computers
4 million items
900 thousand

trading area
general\industrial? product750 thousand
general38 thousand items..700 thousand
general1.2 million items
680 thousand

general64 thousand ads620 thousand
general240 thousand computers
6.6 million items
470 thousand
general? announced 320 thousand

general22 thousand items300 thousand

collection coins, antiques catalogs240 thousand
trading area
general4.4 thousand computers
2.5 million items
230 thousand

auction\trading area
general1.3 million lots
170 thousand
review ⇓

collection coinscoin catalogs155 thousand

auction\trading area
collectible25 thousand lot
140 thousand


collectible8.7 thousand lot
75 thousand

auction\trading area
general3.7 million lot
70 thousand
review ⇓
trading area payment for goods
1.1 million products5.5 thousand


trading area\ad.
antiques50 thousand5.4 thousand

auction\trading area
generalvery few lots 2.6 thousand

store\trading area
antiques, collectibles. several thousand2.5 thousand
general6.5 million lots.
50 sets.
handmade10 thousand lots
1200 craftsmen

Now that you have made a preliminary selection, depending on your intentions, you can proceed to a detailed study of the selected auction. When studying a local auction in detail, you should definitely pay attention to such features that will help you trade with greater efficiency. Keep in mind that Russian auctions have their own characteristics.


♦ What is the payment system?

♦ AvailableIs there a product management system?

♦ You can promote the product or not

Is there a rating system

♦ Availablepossibility of creating a store or not

♦ AvailableIs there a consumer protection system

More detailed information about these features can be found on the page auctions via the link above

Trading platforms and auctions in Russia
detailed description

This shopping mall on the Internet, a federal trading platform with a website and online store designer, which has no analogues in Russia. On the platform, any entrepreneur can create a website and online store, without the help of IT specialists. was founded in 2008. About 960 thousand unique users visit the trading platform every day.


What are the trading methods?

  • Legal entities and individuals who are registered as individuals– entrepreneurs. You can create a store or trade from the catalog. There is the possibility of a 14-day free trial period (all functionality of the portal is available. After the end of the test period, the basic capabilities of will remain or you can choose one of the paid unlimited service packages)

What is the commission on the trading platform?

  • In addition to one free “basic” package, there are several paid packages:
    “Economy” - Starting promotion 1500 rub. per month when paying 18,000 rubles. in a year.
    “Profitable” - Effective promotion RUB 2,333. per month when paying 28,000 rubles. in a year
    “Turbo” - Accelerated promotion 4667 rub. per month when paying 56,000 rubles. in a year

What payment system?

Is it possible to list products for free?

  • You can display 10 products and services for free, according to the “basic” package, but without promotion

Is there a product management system?

  • There is a product management system (lots are automatically relisted, etc.)

Is there a product promotion system?

  • There are various promotion packages


  • There is an option to leave a review. There is a rating system.

Is it possible to create a store?

  • It is possible to create stores of various levels

Available Is there a consumer protection system (Protected transaction)?

Yes, takes care of the security of transactions.
“The Buyer Protection Program provides the opportunity for portal buyers who have suffered from fraud when using the resource to claim compensation of up to 10,000 rubles, regardless of the number of goods ordered.” Included in the top Auctions in Russia and the largest open online trading platform in Siberia. There are more than 1 million active lots at the auction. Users: 584,510. The auction has a forum and a blog.

There are three types of bidding at an auction:

Standard (regular) auction
-Reverse auction
-Fix price

There is a limit (restriction) on the display of lots at the auction:

The auction catalog contains more than 1000 categories. One seller in one category at a time can put up for auction limited quantity lots.
If you have reached the limit, the system will let you know about this and offer to connect a PRO account.

“PRO account” is a package of services for a professional seller.

This tool will greatly simplify your work if you regularly put items up for auction, sell several items at the same time and want to sell significantly more.

The price of a PRO account when activated for a period of time:

1 month(31 calendar days) - 600 rub.

3 months(92 calendar days) - 1500 rub.

6 months(183 calendar days) - 2400 rub.

The auction has a tool called “Lot Update”

Update- a tool for professional auction sellers. Helps maintain order in lots.

It is prohibited to display items that are not in stock at the auction. PRO account owners are required to indicate the date or period during which the buyer will have the product. This tool will help you keep your list of lots up to date. Synchronize the list of auction lots with your inventory system and your buyers will be grateful.

The new product is free and available only to users with a connected PRO account. Is in personal account in your PRO account settings.

What does Update do?

Removes items from auction that are out of stock;
- changes the quantity of goods for sale;
- repeats bidding on completed lots;
- changes the price in lots;
- saves active lots in CSV format for downloading and editing.

At the auction, you can create a showcase of your trading company:

"Showcase"- use of all the capabilities of the Internet Auction for professional sellers. “Showcase” lots will fall into the specified categories of the site catalog and will be collected on personal page companies in a separate section of the Auction. Your manager designs the display in accordance with the company's corporate style, updates the list of products and receives customers.

Package of services “Showcase”

The service package is automatically activated "Pro-account".
A full information and advertising description is now available for each lot.

The name “Showcases” may contain the name of your company or website address.
- Place the company logo and full contact information.
- Automatic re-listing of lots (you don’t have to re-register each lot).

Lots that can only be displayed in the Showcase:

Placing lots related to real estate activities is permitted only within the Showcases.
- Placing goods that are currently out of stock, goods on prepayment and to order (be sure to indicate that this is a “Product to Order”, set the date of the nearest delivery or production, or write how long from the date of order the Product will be available for purchase ).

The showcase is posted for 30 days. The total cost is 4,000 rubles, of which 1,000 rubles are credited to your account for promoting lots.

After the auction is blocked On September 9, 2016, the auction moved to new address
And now it is also included in the top auctions in Russia. This auction was founded in 1999. And today there are more than 6 million lots on display.
Sellers are provided with all the necessary tools for effective sales. Possibility to sell at auction or at a fixed price. Make your product stand out from others. Communicate with potential buyers. In addition, anyone can open their own online store with a separate address on the network.

Features of the auction:

The search for products is carried out taking into account Russian morphology.
-By setting up your geographical position(at the top of the page), the buyer will only see lots intended for his region.
-Many auction pages have the ability to place Featured Products
-There is a rating. The numbers next to the seller's name show his rating. A green star means that the seller has “Verified Seller” status.
-In the list of lots there is a field “Bids” - it shows the current number of applications for this lot.

The auction charges a commission for transactions. The size of the commission is not large and depends on the transaction amount. The auction commission is charged according to the following scheme:

from 0.01 to 300 rubles inclusive – 3%
more than 300 rubles – 3% on the first 300 rubles + 2% on the remaining amount

Read more about the commission in the trading rules at this link: Terms of use

In the process of putting a product up for sale, the seller has the opportunity to order paid services to promote and highlight his product at the auction:

Highlight the product in bold (when displaying a list of products, this product will be highlighted in bold). The cost of the service is 9 rubles.

Recommended lots (such lots are always shown first in the list of lots corresponding to the visitor's request. Thus, a lot with the Recommended status receives best chance to be noticed by a potential buyer, which increases the chances of his purchase)

For those who trade a lot and constantly, the “Seller” tariff plan has been developed.

Your own third-level domain, where only your products are located (;
-the ability to put goods up for sale for an unlimited time, i.e. they will be sold until they are bought;
-the ability to download products from an Excel spreadsheet
-use auction services at a discount:
-commission for transactions is always 2%;
- highlighted in bold – 5 rubles;
-Recommended lot – 20% discount on price value

Price tariff plan"Salesman": Without a doubt, it is one of the best auctions in Russia. This site does not charge fees for registration and placement of applications for the purchase of items and services.

There is a lot promotion:

– Placement in the “Top Lots” advertising block, cost 59 rubles.
– Advertising option “Post on home page”, cost 499 rub.
– Advertising option “Lot Illumination”, cost 15 rubles.
– Advertising option “Our choice on the lot page”, cost 49 rubles.

There are three ways to place an item for sale:

  1. Simple auction
  2. Auction with the possibility of quick purchase
  3. Sale at a fixed price "Buy it now"

The seller has the right to leave a review about the buyer, and the buyer about the seller in accordance with the Rules for Posting Reviews.

At the auction, participation in the auction for individuals to buy or sell lots is free.

There are two types of PRO account:

1st type of PRO: With payment for the time of use: 1 month, 6 months and 1 year (no interest payment).
PRO type 2: With payment of 3% for completed transactions (without time limits).

There is an option “Lot Promotion”

If you want your product to be noticed as much as possible more people, we recommend using the following promotion services:

Recommended lot. Your lot will be pinned to the top of the list of displayed lots. When viewing any category, the following sorting applies. Featured lots come first in order of auction completion, followed by regular lots also in order of auction completion.

Block “Your choice”. Using the paid placement service, your lot will be published on the main page and the auction viewing page in the “Your choice” block.

Lot selection. Your lot will be highlighted in color against the background of other lots, which can additionally attract potential buyers to it.

Take advantage paid services You can promote lots directly on the lot page. For unused promotion time, a recalculation is made and the unspent amount is returned to your personal account.

There is a “Protected transaction” option

Get new customers by working through a secure transaction. “Secure Transaction” on is a convenient service for secure cooperation between Buyers and Sellers.

A simple and understandable scheme of operation:

The buyer becomes the winning bidder.
The buyer pays for the goods by transfer Money to the transit account.
The seller sends the goods, knowing that it has already been fully paid for including delivery.
The buyer receives the goods, and the seller receives funds.

Advantages of working through a “Protected Transaction”

New buyers who want to cooperate safely.
Guarantee of payment for goods if the terms of the transaction are met.
No commission for cash payments.