Useful literature for a novice accountant. Accounting for Beginners: Important Aspects Everyone Should Know

How is maintenance carried out? accounting IP? Registration of an individual enterprise obliges a novice businessman to report to government agencies and pay taxes. Accounting for individual entrepreneurs can be organized in several ways:

  • accounting for individual entrepreneurs is carried out by a full-time employee;
  • accounting for individual entrepreneurs is carried out by an outsourcing company;
  • The entrepreneur carries out accounting independently.

How is accounting done for individual entrepreneurs?

The latter option has a great advantage for beginning entrepreneurs, since it does not require financial investments in organizing accounting for individual entrepreneurs. But you need to understand that you will need to spend time learning the basics of the profession. Accounting from scratch for a person far from it is not an easy task. That's why individual entrepreneurs can take special courses. The accounting tutorial will also help you understand the intricacies of the profession.

Will help you with how to do your own accounting for an individual entrepreneur, step by step instructions for dummies. According to law 402-FZ, individual entrepreneurs in 2016 are not required to keep accounting records, but no one has canceled tax accounting for them. As a rule, tax accounting is built on the basis of accounting. Therefore, you will most likely have to do accounting for individual entrepreneurs.

Step 1. It is necessary to make a forecast of future income and expenses to determine the tax burden and choose a taxation system.

Step 2. Selecting a tax regime. IP in 2016 can operate in the following modes:

  • Basic taxation system (OSNO);
  • Simplified taxation system (STS);
  • Unified tax on imputed income (UTII);
  • Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT);
  • Patent taxation system (PTS).

Below we discuss the principles of accounting for individual entrepreneurs in different modes.

The choice of taxation system should be taken into account special attention, since at this stage tax optimization occurs.

The amounts of payments to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds will vary significantly for different regimes.

Step 3. You need to find out to which authorities, in what forms and within what time frame you need to report. Current and reliable information can be obtained on the official website of the Federal Tax Service

Step 4. You need to decide whether you will need to hire employees. In case of hiring workers, it is necessary to keep personnel records, report to the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service, and pay insurance premiums. In addition, employers act as tax agents, so they will have to pay personal income tax for hired workers.

Step 5. Familiarization with the calendar for paying taxes and submitting reports. If you are late in submitting reports and paying taxes, individual entrepreneurs face fines, penalties and arrears. In some situations, it is possible to block a current account.

Step 6. It is necessary to decide who will do the accounting for the individual entrepreneur. If the activity does not involve a large amount business transactions and a large staff, it is advisable to keep records yourself. If the volume of work is quite large, it is better to hire a professional accountant or contact an outsourcing company.

Step 7. All transactions in accounting and tax accounting must be documented. Therefore, it is necessary to complete all documents regularly and in a timely manner. These include agreements with partners and other contractors, bank statements, strict reporting forms, cash register documents, and personnel documentation. Documents must be kept even 3 years after deregistration, since during this period the tax office has the right to conduct an audit.

Accounting for different taxation systems

Let's consider the features of different taxation regimes for individual entrepreneurs.

BASIC. Individual entrepreneurs on the Basic Taxation System will pay personal income tax in the amount of 13% and VAT. It is necessary to submit a 3-NDFL declaration to the Federal Tax Service. In case of a significant deviation of income from the usual one, you will also have to submit a 4-NDFL declaration. This regime will be the most difficult for a businessman, since accounting for individual entrepreneurs will be complicated by possible deductions or refunds for VAT.

USN. This mode is the most common among businessmen, since keeping records of individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system is very simple. An individual entrepreneur using simplified language can choose how to calculate the tax base from two options:

  1. The basis for calculating tax is the income received. The tax will be 6% of the proceeds.
  2. The basis for calculating tax is the difference between income and expenses. The tax will be 15% of this amount.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified system, who have chosen the 6% regime, involves maintaining a book of income. For the option with a 15% tax, you will also need to make entries in the expense book. Expenses must be economically justified and correctly documented. Otherwise, the tax office may not recognize them and charge additional tax, but with penalties and fines.

UTII. Accounting for individual entrepreneurs on the “imputation” will be somewhat more complicated than on the simplified tax system. An individual entrepreneur must take into account physical characteristics, for example, the area of ​​a retail space, since the amount of tax will directly depend on them. The UTII principle is as follows: depending on the type of activity and certain physical characteristics The basic profitability of the business is determined, which will be the tax base.

Exists huge amount online services designed to help individual entrepreneurs. Among them is 1C: Entrepreneur. To simplify the task of organizing accounting, it is worth using them.

If you are studying a specialty related to accounting or auditing, then you already know how much - no, not much, but sooooo much literature there is on this topic! And all because there are also a lot of people who do not understand this difficult science at all. So we decided to find out what tricks, tips and tricks there are that will answer the question: how to understand and learn accounting on your own and not go crazy?

Professionals have their own opinions on how to understand accounting. We have collected here the most useful recommendations, which will save you time reading useless books and allow you to deal with discipline once and for all.

So, here we go:

  1. Setting goals. First you need to clearly understand: why exactly do you need accounting? Do you want to just pass the exam and forget about it? bad dream? Or do you need to understand the topic in order to further connect your life with it? Once you understand the end goal, you will realize how much more/less time you will need to spend studying.
  2. Stop cramming. Accounting cannot be memorized - this leads to short-term memorization of a large amount of information in best case scenario. This science is situational, here you need to consider each case separately, because general rules does not exist for all situations.


It will be difficult to memorize wisely, so stock up on vitamins and pills to improve your memory.

  1. Reading books like brochures. Books and encyclopedic dictionaries We use them not as textbooks, but as reference and auxiliary literature. Look up the meaning of a term, formula, tables, diagrams, relationships - that’s what all these tons of materials are good for. Accounting should be taught consistently, which is not the case in all such books and encyclopedias.
  2. Dosing knowledge. You can’t just sit down and go through 16 topics this evening, and 2 tomorrow. The body must tune in to a certain amount of load, so carefully distribute the topics evenly so that they can be absorbed sequentially.
  3. We try everything by heart. You can’t live without practice, so we must practice all the knowledge we’ve just acquired – master it, consolidate it, apply it, challenge it. If only someone could check...

  1. At the same time, we study useful programs. Modern accounting is a mandatory knowledge of certain accounting programs that will help you quickly and accurately calculate the necessary numbers.
  2. Looking for a guru. Surely there is someone in your circle connected with this profession - an aunt, a grandmother, a friend's mother. Don’t be shy - ask for clarification of all the most complex concepts that your “bowler” does not understand on his own. It costs them nothing to explain this to you, and the help for you will be invaluable.

Here are perhaps the most basic recommendations from professional accountants who are waiting for you to replace them in their difficult field. If you fail to complete your test, coursework or diploma in accounting or auditing on time, know: our authors They have cut their teeth on such work and will be happy to provide you with any assistance in this area.

Starting own business, entrepreneurs do not always pay due attention to the issue of accounting. Some have heard that being an individual entrepreneur is not required by law, others consider this issue to be of secondary importance, and still others say that there is nothing complicated here, and you can cope with the accounting yourself.

In fact, setting up an individual entrepreneur’s accounting department from scratch is necessary already at the planning stage entrepreneurial activity. Why?

There are several reasons for this:

  1. A competent choice of taxation system will allow you to choose the minimum possible tax burden. To ensure that you do not unknowingly fall under the definition of illegal tax schemes, practical tax planning for your business should be carried out by specialists, not dubious advisers.
  2. The composition of reporting, the timing of tax payment, and the possibility of obtaining tax benefits depend on the chosen regime.
  3. Violation of deadlines for submitting reports, accounting procedures, payment of taxes and other tax payments will lead to unpleasant sanctions in the form of fines, disputes with tax service, problems with counterparties.
  4. To choose from tax regime After registering an individual entrepreneur, very little time is allotted. So, to switch to the simplified tax system it is only 30 days after receiving the certificate. If you do not choose a tax system right away, you will work on OSNO. In most cases, this is the most unprofitable and difficult option for a beginning entrepreneur.

Do you need an accountant for an individual entrepreneur? Accounting support for individual entrepreneurs is definitely necessary. The only question is who will carry it out - a full-time accountant, a third-party provider of accounting services, or an individual entrepreneur himself?

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs in 2019

Law No. 402-FZ establishes that individual entrepreneurs may not keep accounting records. However, this provision should not be understood to mean that the individual entrepreneur does not report to the state at all. In addition to accounting itself, there is another one - tax accounting.

Tax accounting is the collection and synthesis of information necessary to calculate the tax base and tax payments. It is carried out by all taxpayers, including individual entrepreneurs. To understand tax reporting and in order tax accounting, you need to have professional knowledge or study these issues yourself. And in addition, there are special reports on employees, cash and bank documents, primary documentation, etc.

Often entrepreneurs do not see much difference between types of accounting, so they call their entire accounting department accounting. Although in the normative sense this is not true, in practice it is a familiar expression, so we will also use it.

So, how to do accounting correctly? There is only one answer - professionally. An accountant for an individual entrepreneur can be a full-time employee or a specialist. If the number of business transactions of an individual entrepreneur is not too large, then the salary of an accountant hired for a permanent job may turn out to be an unjustified expense. If you are ready to take care of your accounting yourself, we will tell you how to do it.

How can an individual entrepreneur conduct accounting on his own? Is this possible? You will find the answer below in the step-by-step instructions.

How an individual entrepreneur can do accounting on his own: step-by-step instructions for 2019

So, to the question: “Is an individual entrepreneur required to keep accounting records in 2019?” we received a negative answer. But although individual entrepreneurs do not keep accounting records and do not submit financial statements, we have already said above that entrepreneurs need to maintain document flow related to business. Where to start accounting for an individual entrepreneur? Read our step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Make a preliminary calculation of the expected income and expenses of your business. You will need this data when calculating your tax burden.

Step 2. Select tax regime. You can find out in detail what regimes or taxation systems an individual entrepreneur operates in Russia in the article: “”. Here we will only list them: the main taxation system (OSNO) and special tax regimes (STS, UTII, Unified Agricultural Tax, PSN). The tax burden of individual entrepreneurs directly depends on the choice of taxation system. The amounts that you must pay to the budget may vary significantly in different modes. If you do not know how to calculate your tax burden, we recommend that you get a free tax consultation.

Step 3.Review the tax reporting for the selected regime. You can find current reporting forms on the Federal Tax Service website or in ours.

Step 4. Decide whether you will hire workers. How can an individual entrepreneur keep accounting records for an employee? Employers' reporting can be called quite complex, and its composition does not depend on the chosen tax regime and the number of employees. In 2019, several types of reports are submitted for employees: to the Pension Fund, to the Social Insurance Fund and to tax office. For example, by January 20, all individual entrepreneurs with employees must submit. In addition, employers must maintain and store personnel records.

Step 5. Study your regime's tax calendar. Failure to comply with the deadlines for submitting reports and paying taxes will lead to fines, penalties and arrears, blocking of the current account and other unpleasant consequences.

Step 6. Decide on the type of accounting service. In simple modes such as USN Income, UTII, PSN, even if you have employees, you can manage the accounting of individual entrepreneurs yourself. Your main assistant in this case will be specialized online services, such as 1C Entrepreneur. But for OSNO and simplified taxation system Income minus expenses, as well as with a large number of business transactions, it is more reasonable to outsource accounting for individual entrepreneurs.

Step 7 Maintain and save all documents related to the business: contracts with counterparties, documents confirming expenses, bank statements, personnel documents, BSO, reporting cash register, primary documents, incoming information, etc. The tax inspectorate can check documents on the activities of an individual entrepreneur even within three years after deregistration.

Accounting and tax accounting for individual entrepreneurs on OSNO

About in what cases it makes sense to choose common system taxation, you can read in. Accounting for an individual entrepreneur who works for OSNO will be the most difficult. If we talk about reporting forms, then this is the 3-NDFL declaration for the year and quarterly for VAT.

The most difficult thing will be the administration of value added tax. Maintaining individual entrepreneur accounting on OSNO is especially difficult when obtaining tax deductions for this tax or refunding input VAT.

For the convenience of paying taxes and insurance premiums, we recommend opening a current account. Moreover, now many banks offer favorable conditions for opening and maintaining a current account.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system is much simpler, because only one is required tax return per year. The reporting deadline for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system in 2019 without employees is April 30, and within the same period the annual tax must be paid minus advance payments.

You can conduct accounting for individual entrepreneurs under the simplified tax system Income 6% yourself. In this regime, only income received is taken into account; the tax rate is generally 6%. You must pay at the end of each quarter advance payment, which will be taken into account when calculating the single tax at the end of the year.

How to keep accounting for an individual entrepreneur under the simplified tax system Income minus expenses? The main difficulty in this tax regime will be the need to collect documents confirming expenses. In order for the tax office to accept expenses declared to reduce the tax base, all documents must be completed correctly. Recognition of expenses for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses is almost the same as the recognition of expenses for OSNO. This means that expenses must be economically justified and be included in the special list specified in Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Deadlines for submitting individual entrepreneurs’ reports in 2019: accountant’s calendar and table

The accountant's calendar for individual entrepreneurs for 2019 includes deadlines for submitting tax returns and employee reporting. Regardless of the tax regime, all employers submit reports to the following funds:

  • deadline for submitting reports to the Pension Fund of Russia (form SZVM) - every month, no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting month;
  • the deadline for submitting reports to the Social Insurance Fund (form 4-FSS) is quarterly, no later than April 20, July 20, October 20, January 20 in paper form, for electronic reporting no later than the 25th, respectively.

In addition, there are reports for employees, which are submitted to the tax office: a single calculation of contributions; 2-NDFL; 6-NDFL. Full calendar See employer reporting for all modes.

We have collected the deadlines for submitting tax reports and paying taxes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 under different regimes in a table.


1st quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter

advance payment

advance payment - 25.07

advance payment - 25.10

declaration and tax at the end of the year


declaration - 20.04, quarterly tax - 25.04

declaration - 20.07, quarterly tax - 25.07

declaration - 10.20, quarterly tax - 10.25

declaration - 20.01, quarterly tax - 25.01

Unified agricultural tax

advance payment for

half-year - 25.07

declaration and tax

year results - 31.03


2. advance payment for personal income tax - 15.07

2. advance payment for personal income tax - 15.10

PSN payers do not submit a tax return, and the deadline for paying the cost of the patent depends on.

Accounting software for individual entrepreneurs

For those who decide to do their own accounting, we recommend free online accounting from Tinkoff. This program allows you to conduct accounting for individual entrepreneurs online. Open a current account with Tinkoff Bank and receive for free:

  • issue of KEP as a gift
  • 2 months of account maintenance free of charge
  • reminders about due dates and payments
  • automatic filling of the declaration

We hope that our step-by-step instructions on how to conduct accounting for individual entrepreneurs yourself in 2019 answered all your questions.

We present another book review from accountant Galina Plekhanova from Vorkuta. This time she talks about which books will help accountants who independently understand the intricacies of accounting to improve their professional level (in the past, Galina talked about worthwhile new products in professional literature).

Where does everyone start?

Once upon a time I was also a student studying accounting and I know firsthand how difficult it is to choose for yourself good literature in accounting and how much time can be spent searching.

Initially, I was taught accounting at the Dnepropetrovsk Polytechnic, where all the main subjects were taught in Ukrainian. The accounting systems of countries are similar to each other: accounting regulations (standards), educational “airplanes” of accounts, business transaction journals and much more. At the same time, there are significant differences, one of the main ones is a completely different chart of accounts and completely different corresponding accounts. The names are similar, the numbering is completely different.

When, after graduating from technical school, I returned home to Vorkuta, and the life before me became important question- quick transition to Russian accounting. I bought myself a Chart of Accounts and Instructions for it. Of course, the Chart of Accounts with instructions helped me in some way to learn the accounting accounts, but this was not enough for me, I began to look for additional literature on accounting.

I'm lucky. I bought two for myself good books- one “Accounting Self-Teacher” by G.A. Ponomareva, the second - “Accounting Self-Teacher” by N.P. Kondrakov. I liked both books. One is definitely designed for practical use: does not seem to disclose all sections of accounting in detail. The second is more thorough, revealing all sections of accounting.

Later, while working as an accountant and studying at a university, I bought more books for myself, sometimes spent several hours in stores, went away to think and came back again to buy. I don’t know whether this approach to choosing literature worked, but during my entire study I didn’t buy a single bad book. I used each of my books in practical activities: working as an accountant, studying at a university, working in the tax office.

“Tutorial on accounting” G.A. Ponomareva: ed. "Prior"

This little paperback book once helped me relearn accounting. This is my favorite accounting book. The best guide for students, beginners and self-studying accounting.

In the tutorial, using the example of a certain enterprise, the accounting of business transactions for the reporting period is fully disclosed. The theory is given and immediately practical application with filling out all necessary documents. Accounting entries cover the period from the beginning of the enterprise's activities and formation authorized capital until the final financial result is released. The connection is very well revealed and the path between primary documents and accounting registers. Wonderful register tables are provided.

I studied basic transactions, theory, and filling out accounting forms using the Self-Instruction Manual.

Thanks to this small tutorial, I quickly mastered the chart of accounts and posting typical business transactions of an enterprise. In addition, at the enterprise where I was hired as an accountant after technical school, initially there was no accounting program and I made most of the forms for keeping records in Excel. The basis was precisely Ponomareva’s self-instruction manual.

“Accounting self-teacher” by N.P. Kondrakov (years of publication and publishing house are different)

Kondrakov is a classic author of books on accounting. Many modern specialists studied from his books. Kondrakov has repeatedly been on the lists of literature recommended for preparation for passing the audit exam. Many accounting articles list his books in their reference lists.

The tutorial provides a practical problem that concerns many sections of accounting, up to the financial result.

I once read that the language of Kondrakov’s books is academic, classical. But the author reveals the accounting sections in detail and talks very thoroughly about the nuances.

Kondrakov's books have been republished several times. Of course, I recommend Kondrakov for study and use. Especially for students, for completing various coursework and writing a diploma.

“Restoration of accounting or how to “reanimate” a company” S.A. Utkina, M: Eksmo, publishing center “IP Er Media”

Organizations often encounter situations where they need to restore accounting at the enterprise. The reasons for this may be different: the accountant left, records were not kept for some time, there were changes in legislation.

Accounting restoration is one of the individual services that auditors and accounting firms typically provide. But these services are not cheap.

Let’s assume that the head of the organization decided to assign the restoration of accounting to a new accountant. What should he do in such a situation? Experienced accountants will quickly understand what needs to be done and what steps to take. If the accountant is young and not experienced, it will be more difficult for him.

Most likely, a beginner will turn to accounting forums for help, where they will most often tell him what to do. There is another way out that will allow you to see possible errors and methods for solving them in one place - book by S.A. Utkina “Restoration of accounting or how to “reanimate” a company.” As he writes

The author explains in detail where to start restoring records, which authorities should be contacted and why. The procedure for restoring accounting and mistakes that should be avoided are described. Separately, the following is considered: the procedure for identifying and correcting errors in transactions in various sections of accounting, correcting errors in tax registers and possible liability for loss of documents.

The book contains many different tables and completed document forms that allow you to more fully and comprehensively use the author’s recommendations.

This book deserves to be in the library of every specialist interested in maintaining and restoring records.

“Financial analysis: theory and practice” S.V. Dybal, St. Petersburg: publishing house “Business Press”

This book helped me write the analysis section of my dissertation. In particular, on motion analysis cash, especially by the direct and indirect method. The book contains many examples in tables; data analysis flows smoothly from one chapter to another. Graphs and diagrams are provided where necessary.

From the preface: “ Tutorial intended for mastering theoretical foundations and acquiring practical skills financial analysis economic entity."

It is well written about accounts receivable analysis, profitability analysis, marginal analysis and other sections of financial analysis of an enterprise.

Some people like the famous economists Savitskaya, Kovalev, Sheremet and their books, but I liked S.V. Dybal, who summarized their scientific works.

“Collection of audit problems with solutions (workshop)” ed. Larionov, ed. Welby

I have been interested in auditing for a long time, ever since writing coursework and the diploma section at the university. Then I used a wonderful practical guide on auditing “Collection of audit problems with solutions (workshop)” ed. Larionov, ed. Welby. At that time (2006) it was the best audit manual that I saw in all the bookstores from whose assortment I chose literature. In addition to the fact that I looked at the book itself and understood what material it contained, I was sure that I was not buying a “pig in a poke”, because... Previously, I bought the same collection on accounting (“Collection of accounting problems with solutions (workshop) edited by Larionov, ed. Welby) and it helped me a lot with practical work for tests, coursework.

The audit collection exceeded all my expectations. Thanks to the collection, I came up with, wrote and used in my thesis on my topic: general plan audit, audit program, auditor's report. Calculated the level of materiality for the audited entity and wrote a conclusion and recommendations for the audit on behalf of the auditor.

In the book large number theoretical tasks in the form of tests, many practical examples, tables, sample documents, financial statements (all 5 forms valid until 2011)

The book is divided into 2 sections: practical tasks and solutions. For each question and test of the first section, the second section provides answers and keys to the tests. The book carries a lot useful information. The audit of the main sections of accounting, the audit of cost accounting for production, the audit of safety and accounting of fixed assets are considered. Audit is also considered constituent documents, authorized capital, audit assessment of systems internal control and much more. The book on accounting is built on a similar principle.

I believe that these books will be useful for beginning specialists. Since the books, unfortunately, have not been republished for a long time, when using them it is necessary to double-check the relevance of the legislation.

“Audit: a guide for accountants” R.F. Martynova, ed. Omega-L"

The book contains a lot of practical information, various tables, calculations, and accounting entries. Examples of audits are considered not only commercial organizations, but also budget ones. Features of inspections of state and municipal enterprises Housing and communal services. Audit of settlements with buyers and customers in construction organization, checking calculations with off-budget funds and much more. I was especially surprised by the audit of operations with fixed assets in a budgetary institution with their correspondence of accounts, according to Instruction No. 157n... of government institutions. In one book, audit of operations commercial enterprise And budgetary institution with its multi-digit numbering in the accounts this is a big plus for the author.

Great book for practical application, at least academically - definitely.

“1C for beginners. A clear tutorial" by V.O. Filatova, St. Petersburg: Peter

At the time of purchasing this book, I had not yet worked with 1C 8.2, but was already looking for a job as an accountant. I had a long-standing experience with 1C 7.7, six years of work in the tax office and excellent 1C courses (in my city). Courses and courses, but I wanted more information, clear examples, so I bought the educational version of 1C. Of course it is good help for those beginners who don't have full version programs. But in the book, in my opinion, everything is somehow too detailed, distracts attention, and it’s difficult to immediately get the necessary information. And I was looking for something else, a clear tutorial. And I found him.

A wonderful tutorial. Everything is short, succinct, laid out on the shelves and at the same time there is no extra “water”. The book covers 3 1C modules: Accounting, Salary, Trade. Moreover, the book is only 254 pages. Each module is reviewed, examples are given to help you quickly master the material, and then follows control tasks For independent work, to consolidate knowledge.

This book helped me when I already got a job as an accountant. I looked into it often and always found some new information. Now 1C 8.3 is being actively promoted, but for the most part the changes have occurred in the program interface, cloud technologies and something else have been added. The basic principles of the program are the same as in 1C, described in Filatova’s book. I believe that this book has not lost its relevance and will benefit many.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain basic knowledge of 1C. Next will be work as an accountant and practice. I looked on the Internet, the author’s books on 1C 8.3 are already on sale, so the choice of literature is up to a specialist.

Oh, this accounting theory. How many courses are there on it? different directions. And how many books have been printed? And what are the names: and “Accounting. Textbook”, and “Basics of Accounting”, and “Accounting for Beginners”, and “Accounting in Ten Steps”, “Accounting in 14 Days”. But there are still people looking for accounting for dummies. Why would that be so?

Is it because the previous materials did not help?
So both the terms and definitions remained unknown. Attempts to comprehend all the material in memory led to defeat. Moreover, they brought irritation and disappointment. This is the reality with accounting theory and teaching.

The last hope of finding an accounting theory for dummies may fail, since it is not so easy to convey accounting to the student. And no matter what the books are called: “accounting for beginners”, “accounting for dummies”, etc. - nothing can be changed in the terms, rules and laws in accounting.

Features of accounting theory in education

The reason for this is the poor perception of accounting theory - it is its volume, it seems, which must first be remembered and understood. Or understand first, and then remember. Also, the words used to describe the theory are not in favor of understanding.

There is such a common phrase, “the words are understandable, but the sentences from them are not.” But in accounting theory, only the letters are understandable. With words made from these letters it is already more difficult. I'm not talking about whole sentences. Words-terms from accounting are special words. For them there is no physical object in real world. It is impossible to “touch” these words. They are abstractions.

Our brain, thinking in pictures and trying to find associations from life experience, wants to somehow understand and give meaning to words from accounting theory. But most often the result is this: thoughts are confused, and it’s as if the ground is disappearing from under our feet, and our brain has nothing to rely on.

And we all persevere. By conscious effort of will we force the brain to memorize these words. And zabrezhka brings even more uncertainty, since it does not provide an understanding of connections, causes and consequences. This is the reality in accounting.

Why is it better to study accounting theory in practice than from books?

Ultimately, the thought arises that accounting can only be learned through practice. In many ways, this statement is true. For example, in some situations you can learn accounting by directly working at this enterprise or in a similar industry.

However, most of the accounting theory, one might say - the “Basic Theory” - still continues to be learned in practice. Why? The answer seems to me to be that through repeated repetition of the same type of practical actions, our brain receives a picture and compares it with accounting theory. There is no situation here to learn everything in short time. Only your area of ​​work.

In addition, there is a mentor in the person of the chief accountant, who helps to connect the chaos of accounting terms with practical actions in your head.

Of course, you should remember that not every beginner can be so lucky. Not everyone turns out to be an accountant of a company who is taught basic knowledge of accounting theory and practical skills. More and more candidates are being selected who are ready to get to work and who know how and what to do.

What to do when accounting remains a sealed secret for dummies?

I could give this answer:
“Look for accounting theory supported by practice. It’s not easy, this is the task - this is the answer. And if, how would the chief accountant at the enterprise help you, explaining what to do, how to do it and why this is so?

The point of such study is to give our brain pictures and let it compare them with accounting theory.

On this site, it seems to me, the materials are presented in such a way that accounting for dummies is the material that links real life enterprises with accounting theory. And if something becomes unclear from the article, then you have the opportunity to ask a question.