The procedure for remuneration of workers of municipal unitary enterprises. On approval of the regulations on remuneration of labor for managers of municipal unitary enterprises in the housing and communal services industry

Article 2. Remuneration of municipal employees unitary enterprises

1. The remuneration of municipal unitary enterprise employees depends on their qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended.

Remuneration systems for MUP employees (including deputy heads of MUP and chief accountants of MUP) are established by collective agreements and local regulations of MUP (provisions on remuneration of MUP employees), developed taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

The wages of municipal unitary enterprise employees are established by employment contracts in accordance with the labor remuneration systems in force in the municipal unitary enterprise.

2. The remuneration system for municipal unitary enterprise employees includes:

2.1 tariff rates, official salaries in accordance with the staffing table, developed taking into account staffing standards and service standards and approved by the head of the municipal unitary enterprise. The sizes of tariff rates and official salaries are established by the head of the municipal unitary enterprise independently by professions of workers and positions of managers, specialists and employees in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees based on the requirements for professional training and level qualifications that are necessary to carry out the relevant professional activities, taking into account the complexity and volume of work performed;

2.2 additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature. Compensatory payments include: payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions; for work when combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified employment contract; for night work; for work on weekends and non-working days holidays; for overtime work; regional coefficient and other compensation payments established by collective agreements and local regulations of the municipal unitary enterprise in accordance with labor legislation. The amounts of payments cannot be lower than the amounts established labor legislation;

2.3 incentive payments and allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments established for the purpose of material interest of municipal unitary enterprise employees in timely and high-quality performance job responsibilities collective agreements and local regulations of the municipal unitary enterprise in accordance with labor legislation. Incentive payments include: payments for intensity and high performance results; for professional excellence and high quality work; for performing particularly important and urgent work; bonuses for production results economic activity; remuneration based on the results of work for the year, depending on the financial capabilities of the municipal unitary enterprise. The regulations on remuneration of municipal unitary enterprise employees, approved by the head of the municipal unitary enterprise, establish quantitative and qualitative indicators for each specific incentive payment, upon achievement of which these payments are made. Incentive payments are paid within the limits of the payment fund.

3. The general wage fund for municipal unitary enterprise employees is formed based on the maximum wage fund standard in the income of the municipal unitary enterprise. Approval of the maximum standards of wage funds in the income of municipal unitary enterprises, control over their implementation is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the resolution of the Administration of the city of Kurgan.

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ORDER of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 31-03-99 81 ON THE APPROVAL OF METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING THE REMUNERATION OF WORKERS... Relevant in 2018

4. Remuneration of heads of state and municipal enterprises

4.1. Basic provisions

4.1.1. Currently, such a category of workers as managers tends to play an increasingly important role in the housing and communal services economy. The consequence of this is an objective increase in the specific number of managers at enterprises and housing and communal services organizations, the need in some cases for a multi-level vertical management, horizontal subordination and the complication of interconnection of the activities of various divisions. Therefore, the effectiveness of managerial work largely depends on the correct organization of material remuneration for managers.

4.1.2. The main features of the organization of remuneration for managers are:

Linking wages to results, and mainly to those expressed in financial achievements (do not pay for effort);

Individualization of remuneration, especially for senior managers;

The payment should be such as to keep the manager in the organization and prevent him from leaving or simultaneously participating in another business.

4.1.3. Remuneration for the labor of heads of state-owned housing and communal services enterprises is made on the basis of:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 1994 N 210 “On the conditions of remuneration for managers of state-owned enterprises when concluding employment agreements (contracts) with them” and the Regulations approved by the resolution on the conditions of remuneration for managers of state-owned enterprises when concluding contracts with them;

Letters of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04/28/94 N 727-RB “On the procedure for applying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/21/94 N 210”.

It is important to keep in mind that:

The Regulations apply to managers of state-owned enterprises and joint stock companies, in which the share of state ownership in authorized capital more than 50%;

The remuneration of the heads of municipal enterprises is determined in relation to the Regulations on the conditions of remuneration of the heads of state-owned enterprises when concluding employment agreements (contracts) with them, which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1994 N 210.

4.2. Determining the amount of official salary

4.2.1. The official salary of the head of a state enterprise is set at a fixed amount depending on the number of employees of the enterprise:

Table 15


Takes into account the complexity of management, technical equipment and volume of production;

Depends on the tariff rate of the 1st category worker of the main profession at the enterprise;

It increases simultaneously with the increase in tariff rates at the enterprise by introducing changes (additions) to the contract.

4.2.2. The scale of the specified Regulations on the conditions of remuneration for managers provides only maximum limits for the multiple of salaries of managers to the value of the tariff rate of the 1st category.

The following can be considered as the main professions of workers in groups of housing and communal services enterprises:

For housing and maintenance organizations - mechanic, janitor, elevator operator;

For water supply and sewerage enterprises - pumping unit operator, operator;

For boiler houses and heating networks - boiler house operator (driver);

For electrical network enterprises - electrician;

For diversified enterprises - bathhouse attendant, territory cleaner, driver, etc.

Bodies executive branch those concluding contracts with managers are given the opportunity to specify the conditions and procedure for determining the official salary, taking into account the complexity of enterprise management and the specifics of its work.

Taking into account the distribution of the actual number of housing and communal services enterprises, we can recommend a more detailed scale:

Table 16


The number of employees of the enterprise as of the 1st day of the month of concluding the contract, people.Multiplicity of the tariff rate of the 1st category
Up to 255 - 6
25 - 50 6 - 7
51 - 100 7 - 8
101 - 200 8 - 10
201 - 1000 10 - 11
1001 - 1500 11 - 12
1501 - 2000 12 - 14
Over 200014 - 16

4.2.3. Along with the factor “number of employees,” to determine the size of the official salary of the head of a housing and communal services enterprise, the “complexity of management, technical equipment and production volume” are taken into account, as noted above.

For these purposes, you can use indicators for classifying housing and communal services enterprises into groups for the remuneration of executives, previously approved by the Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions:

From 20.11.86 N 500/26-209 (for water supply and sewerage enterprises) - Appendix 2;

From 03.11.86 N 458/26-58 (for enterprises of thermal and electrical networks) - Appendices 3, 4;

From 02.21.90 N 66/3-138 (for enterprises engaged in the maintenance and repair of housing stock, diversified enterprises, technical inventory and others) - Appendix 5.

4.2.4. All of the above materials provide for six wage groups. Therefore, the size of the manager’s official salary, determined taking into account the multiple of the tariff rate of a 1st category worker, can be additionally adjusted by a coefficient that takes into account the complexity of management, technical equipment and production volume, assuming that it corresponds to the wage group. For example:

Table 17

Payroll groupA coefficient that additionally takes into account the complexity of management, technical equipment and production volume

The local government body as the owner (its authorized representative) itself determines in this case both the size of the coefficients and the feasibility of the considered approach to determining the size of the official salary of the head of a housing and communal services enterprise.

4.2.5. In cases where it is necessary to determine the group for remuneration of managers of enterprises, workshops and sites providing services to the population, engaged in repairs and technical maintenance equipment, buildings and structures, etc., the conditional (point) assessment method is used.

Estimating the volume of income not in rubles, without using calculation indices, allows us to exclude the influence of inflationary as well as other regulatory factors on the size of prices (tariffs) and, accordingly, the volume of planned income.

Local governments (their authorized representatives) or managers of housing and communal enterprises must decide on the number of groups for remuneration of managers of enterprises, workshops and sections (for example, from four to six) and the cost of one point. Next, a grouping is made according to the amount of work in points, similar to the tables in Appendices 2 - 5.

4.3. Determining the amount of remuneration for the results of financial and economic activities

4.3.1. In addition to the official salary, managers are provided with remuneration for the results of financial and economic activities. This is the reward:

It is introduced instead of the previously existing bonus conditions and is paid at the expense and within the limits of the profit received;

It is established according to a standard, the value of which and the timing of revision are specified in the contract;

It is determined by multiplying the standard by the amount of net profit of the billing period minus funds allocated for consumption:

Where O is the monthly official salary under a previously concluded contract;

PR - profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, minus means of consumption for the previous year;

K is the coefficient of the ratio of the tariff scale of the 1st category worker of the main profession at the time of concluding the contract and for the previous period;

Paid at intervals determined by the enterprise itself;

May be paid in the form of an advance, the amount of which in total should not exceed 50% of the expected amount of remuneration for the billing period.

4.3.2. It must be borne in mind that the accrual and payment of remuneration is carried out according to the profit standard, that is, in essence, the manager’s share is established in the contract. This procedure ensures that the manager’s remuneration depends on the general indicator of the enterprise’s performance and its financial situation.

The individual nature of the standard makes it possible to take into account the personal merits of the manager in achieving the final production results. Thus, the profit remuneration system quickly takes into account both the overall performance of the enterprise and the merits of the manager.

It should be taken into account that this is possible at housing and communal services enterprises that provide housing and communal services, tariffs (and therefore, in many respects, income), which are formed by market mechanisms.

4.3.3. Profit earned at some housing and communal services enterprises is not always a general indicator of operational efficiency, and, consequently, a source of payment of executive remuneration. The reason for this is high degree non-market influence from the state on the formation of income of housing and communal services enterprises providing basic public services (water supply and sewerage, electric heat supply and others).

Therefore, in accordance with the Peculiarities of the Application of the Regulations on the Conditions of Remuneration for Managers of State-Owned Enterprises when concluding employment agreements (contracts) with them, agreed upon with the Ministry of Labor of Russia (letter dated September 9, 1994 N 1775-KV and letter dated March 19, 1997 N 111 -7), bonuses (payment of remuneration) for the results of financial and economic activities of managers of housing and communal services enterprises, who for objective reasons do not have a profit, are made at the expense of funds for wages attributed to the cost of work (services) for the fulfillment of indicators stipulated in the contract agreements , concluded by housing and communal services enterprises with the owners of the housing stock of public utility facilities.

The same procedure is used to determine remuneration for managers of housing and communal services enterprises for objective reasons who receive insignificant amounts of profit.

The issue of applying this procedure is decided by the executive authority that has concluded a contract with the manager.

4.3.4. If the head of an enterprise is rewarded for the results of economic activities, i.e. according to the indicators of the contract with the owner, then it may be subject to other types of incentives operating at the enterprise, about which a corresponding entry is made in the contract.

4.3.5. The head of an enterprise can be provided with financial assistance when going on vacation and in extreme circumstances: the death of one of the spouses, parents, children, fire and other accidents.

Social guarantees and benefits provided for in the collective agreement for all employees of the enterprise, for example, such as free food or food subsidies, provision of free or partially paid medical care, transport costs etc., can be extended to the head of the enterprise, about which a corresponding entry is made in the contract.


G. Suraj

On approval of the Regulations on the procedure

and terms of remuneration for managers

municipal unitary enterprises

Surazh municipal district

In accordance with the Labor Code Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal laws dated November 14, 2002 No. 161-FZ “On state and municipal unitary enterprises”, dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, the Charter of the Surazh municipal district, in order to ensure a unified approach to determining the remuneration of managers of municipal unitary enterprises (MUP)


1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure and conditions of remuneration for managers of municipal unitary enterprises of the Surazh municipal district (hereinafter - MUP), Appendix 1.

2. Management Committee municipal property when preparing draft employment contracts with managers of municipal unitary enterprises, establish payment for their labor in accordance with the approved Regulations.

The remuneration of managers under previously concluded employment contracts should be brought into line with the approved Regulations.

Prepare additional agreements on amendments to existing employment contracts in order to bring them into compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Establish that in cases where the official salary of the head of an enterprise, established in accordance with the terms of remuneration provided for by the Regulations on the conditions of remuneration of heads of municipal unitary enterprises, turns out to be lower than in current conditions, the current official salary will remain for the duration of his work at this enterprise until a corresponding increase in the average monthly salary.

3. Department organizational work And domestic policy district administration (Vinichenko M.N.) bring this resolution to the attention of interested parties against signature, publish it in the information and analytical bulletin “Municipal Bulletin of the Surazhsky District” and post it on the website of the Surazhsky District Administration.

4. I reserve control over the implementation of this resolution.

5. This resolution comes into force from the date of its signing.

Head of Administration

Surazhsky district V.P. Rivanenko

Khomyakova E.M.

Appendix No. 1

to the administration resolution

Surazhsky district


on the procedure and conditions for remuneration of managers

municipal unitary enterprises of the Surazh municipal district

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws of November 14, 2002 No. 161-FZ “On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises”, dated October 6, 2003, No. 131-FZ “On the General Principles of Organization local self-government in the Russian Federation".

1.2. The main goal of these Regulations is to ensure a unified approach to determining the remuneration of managers of municipal unitary enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the head of the enterprise), depending on its size on the final results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. This Regulation provides for a unified principle of remuneration for the heads of all municipal unitary enterprises and is the basis for determining remuneration when concluding employment contracts with them.

The provision does not apply to managers municipal institutions district.

1.3. The remuneration of the head of the enterprise consists of the official salary, compensation and incentive payments provided for in employment contracts and is made from the funds of the enterprise.

1.4. Remuneration for the director of the enterprise and social benefits are provided for in the employment contract.

1.5. Revision of the amount of official salary, additional payments unilaterally, without making changes to the employment contract and not provided for by these Regulations, are not allowed and may be the basis for its early termination.

1.6. Previously concluded employment contracts with enterprise managers are revised in the manner prescribed by Article 72 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if the amounts of official salaries provided for therein, the terms of remuneration for the results of financial and economic activities, bonuses and payment of financial assistance do not comply with the requirements of these Regulations.

1.7. Issues not regulated by these Regulations are resolved in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

2. The procedure for establishing official salary

2.1. The official salary of the head of the enterprise is established depending on the tariff rate of the 1st category worker of the main profession, established at the enterprise and included in the collective agreement concluded between the employees and the employer represented by their representatives, according to the formula:

О= C x k, where:

O - official salary;

C - tariff rate of a worker of the 1st category of the main profession (rub.);

k - coefficient of the multiple of official salaries to the value of the tariff rate, taking into account the number of payrolls and the final results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

2.2. The remuneration group for the director of an enterprise is established depending on the final results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.

2.3. The calculated coefficient of the multiple of the official salary to the value of the tariff rate of a worker of the 1st category of the main profession is determined taking into account the payroll number of employees of the enterprise on the 1st day of the month in which the employment contract is concluded, and the group for remuneration of the head of the enterprise in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.

The basis for determining the official salary of a manager when concluding an employment contract with him is the presentation of the following initial data:

The staffing table of the municipal unitary enterprise, valid at the time of calculating the salary of the manager;

The payroll number of municipal unitary enterprise employees at the time of salary calculation;

The size of the minimum tariff rate (salary) of a worker employed in the main activities of a municipal unitary enterprise.

2.4. The amount of the official salary of the head of the enterprise is established by order of the administration of the Surazhsky district and is fixed in the terms of the employment contract. To determine the size of the official salary of the head of the enterprise, indicators are submitted to the Municipal Property Management Committee of the Surazhsky District Administration in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

2.5. A change in the official salary of the head of an enterprise is made by concluding an additional agreement between the parties on making appropriate changes to the employment contract.

2.6. The head of the administration of the Surazhsky district reviews the submitted documents, sets the salary for the head of the enterprise, subject to the recommendations of the commission for approving official salaries and the standard remuneration for heads of municipal unitary enterprises, taking into account the complexity of managing the enterprise, its technical equipment, the volume of production (services provided), working conditions and social significance enterprise, manager's qualifications.

3. Rewards for results

financial and economic activities

business leaders

3.1. The director of the enterprise is given a quarterly bonus in an amount not exceeding 50 percent of the salary at the expense of funds for wages attributable to the cost of goods, works (services), if the bonus indicators are met:

Bonus indicators

Monthly amount

bonuses, interest

Ensuring profitable operation of the enterprise

Execution of balance sheet profit

Ensuring revenue growth rates above

expenses equal to or exceeding one

The premium is paid in in full subject to the fulfillment of established bonus indicators. If one or more indicators are not met, the premium is reduced by the percentage established for this indicator.

3.2. The bonus is not paid:

If there are overdue debts on wages, taxes and mandatory payments (in the absence of debts from the budget);

In cases of disciplinary action.

3.3. The premium is calculated quarterly in relation to the corresponding month of the previous year with quarterly adjustments to the indicators (Appendix No. 4).

4. Payment of benefits for length of service

heads of municipal unitary enterprises

4.1. Payment of remuneration for length of service is made in the form of monthly bonuses differentiated depending on the length of service at a given enterprise, which gives the right to receive this bonus, in the following amounts:

Work experience in the organization, giving

right to receive remuneration

Amount of remuneration for length of service

as a percentage of the monthly tariff

rate (official salary)

from 3 years to 8 years

from 8 years to 13 years

from 13 years to 18 years

from 18 to 23 years

over 23 years

4.2. Calculation of length of service giving the right to receive monthly bonuses for length of service.

The length of service that gives the right to receive monthly bonuses for length of service includes:

4.2.1. Hours of work at this enterprise.

4.2.2. Working hours in the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government, in vacated elective positions of party and trade union bodies.

4.2.3. Time worked at other enterprises of the city and region in the relevant industry.

4.2.4. The time of partially paid leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years and additional leave without pay to care for a child until he reaches the age of 3 years.

4.2.5. Time conscript service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4.2.6. Time off work in educational institutions.

4.2.7. Time of temporary stay on disability pension.

The time of work specified in - 3. is included in the length of service giving the right to receive monthly bonuses for length of service, provided that these periods were preceded and immediately followed by work at this enterprise.

4.2.8. Working hours of pensioners who previously retired from a given enterprise and resumed work at this enterprise. The time of a temporary break in the work of pensioners is not included in the length of service.

4.3. The procedure for calculating and paying bonuses for length of service

4.3.1. The long-service bonus is calculated based on the official salary, excluding additional payments and allowances, and is paid monthly along with wages.

4.3.2. The monthly bonus for length of service is paid from the moment the right to assign this bonus arises. In this case, if the employee’s right to receive a bonus for length of service came during the period of performance of state duties, during retraining or advanced training outside of work, work in an educational institution where the student retains an average wages, and in other similar cases in which the employee retains his average earnings, he is given the specified bonus from the moment this right becomes available and the average earnings are recalculated accordingly.

4.3.3. Upon dismissal, the long-service bonus is accrued in proportion to the time worked and its payment is made upon final payment.

4.4. The procedure for establishing length of service giving the right to receive a long service bonus

4.4.1. The length of service for the payment of a monthly bonus for length of service is determined by the enterprise’s commission for determining the length of service.

4.4.2. The main document for determining the length of service that gives the right to receive a long service bonus is the work book.

5. Procedure for establishing remuneration

based on the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

5.1. To the head of a municipal unitary enterprise, subject to recognition of his work for the reporting period financial year Satisfactory remuneration is established for the results of financial and economic activities for the year based on the amount of profit actually received in the amount of one salary, calculated in accordance with clause 2.1 of these Regulations. Payment of remuneration is carried out if the enterprise has financial resources.

5.2. Remuneration based on the results of work for the year is accrued to the heads of municipal unitary enterprises, subject to the following indicators:

growth rate of revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services;

compliance with the ratio of growth in labor productivity per 1 worker to the level of average wages;

net profit growth rate compared to the same reporting period.

5.3. Payment of remuneration to the manager is made in agreement with the municipal property management committee of the Surazhsky district administration based on the results of consideration of the report on the implementation of the program of financial and economic activities of the municipal unitary enterprise.

5.4. The calculation of remuneration based on the results of the enterprise’s work for the year is carried out according to the table:

Calculation of remuneration based on the results of work for the year:





% ratio
fact of reporting
years with fact
last year

1. Sales proceeds
goods, products,
works, services

2. Compliance
growth ratio
labor per 1 worker
to the average level

3. Net growth rate
profit to similar

Head of MUP:

Chief accountant of MUP:

MUP economist:

5.5. Remuneration is not paid:

If there are overdue debts on wages, tax and mandatory payments;

If disciplinary measures have been taken against the head of the enterprise;

If the manager violates the terms of the concluded employment contract.

6. One-time incentive payments

6.1. The head of the enterprise, in accordance with the order of the head of the administration of the Surazh district, is paid one-time payments from the profits remaining at the disposal of the enterprise, taking into account savings in the wage fund:

When conferring an Honorary Title, awarding a Government Award, Certificate of Honor from a ministry or department of the Russian Federation in the amount of up to 2 official salaries;

For anniversary dates: 55th anniversary for women and 60th anniversary for men in the amount of up to 1 official salary;

For a professional holiday, for completing particularly important production tasks (timely commissioning production capacity and facilities, timely and high-quality completion of work, elimination of emergency situations, introduction of scientific and technological progress into production, implementation of measures aimed at saving material resources) in the amount of up to 1 official salary.

6.2. The decision on the payment and amount of a one-time remuneration is made by the head of the administration of the Surazhsky district on the basis of an internal memo submitted by the Committee for Municipal Property Management of the administration of the Surazhsky district.

7. Financial assistance for annual leave

7.1. The head of the enterprise is paid a one-time (once during the working year) financial assistance when providing annual paid leave (part of the leave) in the amount of one official salary.

7.2. Additionally, financial assistance is paid in the amount of one official salary in cases where the manager applies due to the need for treatment, family or other circumstances, as a result of which he finds himself in a difficult financial situation. Payment of financial assistance is carried out on the basis of a personal application from the head by order of the head of the administration of the Surazh district.

8. Social payments

8.1. The following social payments are made to the head of the enterprise, on the basis of a personal application, by order of the head of the administration of the Surazh district:

upon marriage - in the amount of 3,000 rubles (upon presentation of a marriage certificate);

birth of a child - in the amount of 5,000 rubles (upon presentation of the child’s birth certificate);

death of an employee or his immediate relatives (parents, children, spouse) - in the amount of 5,000 rubles (upon presentation of a death certificate and documents confirming relationship).

8.2. All cash payments to managers of enterprises are made at the expense of the enterprise, at intervals and within the time limits established by the enterprise.

Payments and additional payments not provided for in these Regulations are not permitted.

Appendix No. 1

heads of municipal

by administrative decree


to assign enterprises to a group

on remuneration of company managers

Municipal unitary enterprises are distributed into groups depending on the amount of revenue received from the sale of goods, products, works, services

Groups of enterprises

The volume of revenue received from the sale of goods, products, works, services (excluding VAT)
(in million rubles)

over 25

from 18 to 25

from 12 to 18

from 7 to 12

from 3 to 7

from 1 to 3

Outside the group

less than 1

Appendix No. 2

to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions of remuneration

heads of municipal

unitary enterprises approved

by administrative decree


official salaries of managers, taking into account the number of employees

employees and company groups

Groups of enterprises

Number of employees, people.

outside the group

Notes 1. The coefficient “k” is determined at the intersection of the line corresponding to the manager’s remuneration group and the column within the range of which the payroll number of employees of the enterprise falls.

2. This appendix establishes the maximum multiplicity of the minimum tariff rate (minimum salary (rate)). The specific value of the multiplicity is established by the administration of the Surazh district, taking into account the complexity of enterprise management, its technical equipment, production volumes and results of financial and economic activities, based on any number of minimum tariff rates (minimum salaries (rates)) within the limits provided for this group of enterprises by number of employees.

Appendix No. 3

to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions of remuneration

heads of municipal

unitary enterprises approved

by administrative decree


Head of Administration

Surazhsky district


"___"_________ 20__


to calculate the amount of official salary

head of a municipal unitary enterprise


(name of municipal unitary enterprise)


Indicator name


Executive compensation group

The number of employees of the enterprise at
1st day of the month in which the employment contract is concluded (renegotiated) (persons)

Name of main profession

Tariff rate for 1st category worker of the main profession (rub.)

The size of the maximum multiplicity to the tariff value
rates of 1st category worker of the main profession in
this group of enterprises (k)

The size of the multiplicity factor accepted for calculating the official salary

Estimated salary for a manager


Indicators are filled in:

when concluding an employment contract with the head of the enterprise;

when the size of the official salary changes based on the results of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise (provided simultaneously with the report of the head of the municipal unitary enterprise).

municipal property

administration of Surazh district ______________ _________________

(signature) (full name)

"___"________________ 20__

Appendix No. 4

to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions of remuneration

heads of municipal

unitary enterprises approved

by administrative decree


to determine the amount of bonuses for the manager

_____________________________________ for the period _______________

(name of municipal unitary enterprise)


Name of indicators

Plan for

Fact for

Size pre-
planning for





Columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are filled out by the enterprise.

Columns 6 and 7 are filled out by the Municipal Property Management Committee of the Surazhsky District Administration.

Head of Municipal Unitary Enterprise ________________________________________________

(signature, full name)

Chief accountant of MUP _____________________________________________________

(signature, full name)

Based on the results of work for the period _______________________, the amount of the bonus to the manager is ______%.

In accordance with clause 3.4 of the Regulations on the terms of remuneration for managers of municipal unitary enterprises, the amount of the bonus to the manager has been reduced for: ____________________________________________ for the period ________________.


Chairman of the Management Committee

municipal property

administration of Surazh district ______________ _________________

(signature) (full name)


to the decision of the Assembly of Deputies

from 01/01/2001 No. 000


9. Compensatory payments include:

1) payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions(regional coefficient) are calculated on actual monthly earnings, including additional payments and allowances;

The size of the regional coefficient is 15 percent of the employee’s salary.

2) payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, the traveling nature of the work, combining professions (positions), expanding service areas, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without exemption from work specified in the employment contract, working on weekends and non-working holidays, overtime work, night work and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);

Payments for work under conditions deviating from normal conditions are established in accordance with Article 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Additional payment for combining professions (positions), for expanding service areas, for performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee without release from work specified in the employment contract, is established for the employee for the period for which the combination of professions (positions) is established. The amount of the additional payment and the period for which it is established are determined by order of the director of the municipal unitary enterprise, and by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, taking into account the content, amount of additional work, responsibility and amount of the additional payment. The amount of additional payment is set at no more than 100% of the official salary.

3) additional payment when performing work on weekends and non-working holidays is made to employees who were involved in work on weekends and non-working holidays;

For employees who have received an official salary, the amount of additional payment is not less than a single daily or hourly rate (part of the official salary per day or hour of work) in excess of the official salary, if work on a weekend or non-working holiday was carried out within the monthly working time standard, and in the amount at least double the daily or hourly rate (part of the official salary for a day or hour of work) in excess of the official salary, if the work was performed in excess of the monthly working time standard.

4) increased overtime pay is at least one and a half times the amount for the first two hours of work, and double the amount for subsequent hours.

At the request of the employee overtime Instead of increased pay, it may be compensated by providing additional rest time, but not less than the time worked overtime.

5) additional payment for night work is made to employees for each hour of night work. Night time is considered to be from 22:00 to 6:00.

The additional payment is 35 percent of the salary (official salary) for each hour of night work. The calculation of the portion of the official salary for working hours is determined by dividing the official salary by the average monthly number of hours in the corresponding calendar year.

III. Procedure and conditions for establishing incentive payments

10. Incentive payments include payments that characterize the results of employees’ work, and payments that take into account the individual characteristics of municipal unitary enterprise employees.

11. Payments characterizing the results of labor of MUP employees include:

Ø payments for intensity and high performance results;

Ø payments for the quality of work performed;

Ø bonus payments based on performance results;

12. Payments that take into account the individual characteristics of municipal unitary enterprise employees include:

Ø payments for having an academic degree, honorary title;

Ø payments for continuous work experience, length of service.

Payments for having an academic degree or honorary title include:

Honored worker – 10%.

13. Payments to employees for length of service at a unitary enterprise are established by order of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise in the following amounts:

From 1 to 3 years - 10%;

From 3 to 5 years - 15%;

From 5 to 10 years – 20%;

over 10 years - 25%.

Work experience includes the total work experience in municipal unitary enterprises owned by the Verkhneuralsky municipal district.

14. The list of incentive payments characterizing the results of employees’ labor meets the statutory objectives of the MUP and is established by the appendix № 2 to the present situation. The list of incentive payments determines the qualitative and quantitative indicators for each specific incentive payment, upon reaching which these payments are made. The regulation on incentive payments must contain criteria and indicators for stimulating the work of employees depending on the results and quality of the enterprise’s work, as well as their interest in the effective functioning of the unitary enterprise.

15. Incentive payments to employees characterizing the results of the employees’ labor are established monthly by order of the director of the municipal unitary enterprise,depending on the financial capabilities, results of production and economic activities within the approved wage fund of the municipal unitary enterprise, taking into accountthe employee’s personal contribution to the activities of the municipal unitary enterprise, in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Regulations.

16. Bonuses are paid to employees on the basis of the regulations on bonuses to municipal unitary enterprise employees, approved by order of the director of the municipal unitary enterprise and is aimed at establishing a specific procedure, amounts and cases of bonuses for employees, subject to their fulfillment of bonus indicators.

17. The main condition for the payment of bonuses is the fulfillment of bonus targets. Payment of bonuses is carried out on the basis of an order from the director of a municipal unitary enterprise indicating the basis and amount of the bonus. Bonuses are made based on the results of economic activity, and can be made monthly, quarterly or semi-annually. The choice of bonus period depends on the characteristics of the organization of production and labor and the duration production cycle, the composition of indicators and bonus conditions and the frequency of planning, accounting and reporting established for them.

18. Bonuses for employees of a municipal unitary enterprise are made from the wage fund of the corresponding enterprise in the amount of no more than 100% of the salary.

IV. Final provisions

19. The staffing table of a municipal unitary enterprise is approved by the director of the municipal unitary enterprise, agreed with the founder and includes all positions of employees and specialists of this enterprise. The staffing table is drawn up in accordance with the form approved by the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics dated January 1, 2001 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and its payment.” The staffing table provides for salaries, compensatory payments and payments that take into account the individual characteristics of municipal unitary enterprise employees, which must amount to at least 70% of the wage fund provided for the financial year.

Payments characterizing the results of labor of MUP employees should be 30% of the total wage fund of the MUP.

20. From the wage fund of a municipal unitary enterprise, employees can be provided with financial assistance in the following cases: death of close relatives (spouse, children, dependent siblings); loss of property in case of fire, natural disaster, theft; special need for treatment; anniversary birthday. The decision to provide financial assistance to an employee and its specific amount is made by the director of the municipal unitary enterprise based on a written application from the employee . The conditions for the payment of financial assistance and its specific amounts are established by the regulations on the payment of financial assistance to municipal unitary enterprise employees, approved by order of the municipal unitary enterprise.

21. The director of a municipal unitary enterprise bears financial and other responsibility for timely and in accordance with this provision, payment of employees.


to the Regulations on remuneration of municipal unitary enterprise employees

Verkhneuralsky municipal district


Names of workers' professions, positions of specialists and employees

Qualification level

Salary amount, rub.

Car driver



Driver of transport and harvesting machine




second and fourth





Office cleaner





Chief accountant



Ticket cashier






Salesman food products





Street cleaner



Garbage chute cleaner



Territory cleaner






Legal Advisor






HR inspector






Work producer (foreman)



Machine operator



Machine operator of special metalworking machines (turner)



Machine operator of special woodworking machines (carpenter)





Control foreman (site, workshop)



Supervision engineer construction (construction master)





Shift supervisor, repair shop supervisor, shift (site) supervisor (production supervisor)



Operator of sulfur mining and drainage wells



Pneumatic hydraulic feed operator (drainage unit operator)









Energy Engineer



Chief power engineer









Boiler room operator



Heat equipment repair mechanic networks



Mechanic for repairing equipment of boiler rooms and dust preparation shops



Boiler operator



Heating network maintenance mechanic



Electric and gas welder






A driver engaged in operating machines, installations and mechanisms used in construction, construction, installation and repair work



Mechanic - electrician for repairing electrical equipment



Electrician contact network



Motor grader driver



Workers employed at household waste dumps, at drainage stations, and cleaning storm drains



Pumping unit operator



Lifting machine operator



Excavator driver



Installer of sanitary systems and equipment, engaged in the repair of sewer networks and water pipelines



Emergency repair mechanic



A car repair mechanic engaged in the installation and dismantling of tires, the repair of cars transporting sewage loads, rotting garbage and toxic chemicals, and the repair of cars running on leaded gasoline.



Plumber repairing a sewer network



to the resolution of the chapter

1. General provisions.

This provision has been developed on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Regulations “On the conditions of remuneration for managers of state-owned enterprises when concluding employment agreements (contracts) with them”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 000, Letters of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 . No. 000 – RB “On the procedure for applying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 1994 No. 000 “On the conditions of remuneration for the heads of state-owned enterprises when concluding employment agreements (contracts) with them”, Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Central Committee of the CPSU, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 01.01. 2001 No. 000 “On improving the organization of wages and introducing new tariff rates and official salaries for workers in production sectors of the national economy”, “Industry tariff agreement in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation for the years”, decision of the city Assembly of Deputies dated 01.01.2001 No. 000 “On approval of the regulation “On the procedure for appointing and dismissing managers of municipal unitary enterprises”, resolution of the head of the city dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On approval of the regulation “On conducting certification of heads of municipal unitary enterprises.”

The regulation regulates the remuneration of managers of municipal unitary enterprises, increasing the responsibility of managers for financial condition enterprises, linking the salaries of managers with the results of the enterprise’s economic activities and qualifications.

This Regulation is not the basis for a mandatory revision of the salary regulations in force at the time of approval for the heads of municipal unitary enterprises.

2.Structure of wages and social benefits for managers of municipal unitary enterprises.

Managers are remunerated on a contract basis. The salary amount consists of two parts:

Official salary;

Personal allowance.

2.1. Official salaries of heads of municipal unitary enterprises

Official salaries of heads of municipal unitary enterprises of housing and communal services are established in monetary terms in a fixed amount (in rubles) depending on the payroll number of employees of the enterprise on the 1st day of the month in which the official salary is established, and the value of the minimum monthly tariff rate of the 1st category worker of the main profession.

The official salary reflects the complexity of enterprise management, technical equipment and production volume. Official salaries of heads of municipal unitary housing and communal services enterprises should not exceed a multiple of the tariff rate of the 1st category worker of the main profession, determined by the collective agreement at this enterprise.

Changes in the official salary of heads of municipal unitary housing and communal services enterprises are made simultaneously with an increase in tariff rates at the enterprise in relation to the tariff for increasing (indexation) wages determined by the industry (tariff) agreement.

The official salary of the head of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Municipal Pharmacy" is set based on the average salary of pharmacists in the enterprise for the previous year. The official salary of the head of the municipal unitary enterprise KShS "Yunost" is based on the average salary of employees in the enterprise for the previous year. A revision of the salaries of managers is possible in the event of an increase in wages at the enterprise associated with its indexation, and with the ratio of the manager’s official salary to the average monthly salary of pharmacists at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Municipal Pharmacy” and to the average monthly salary of employees at the Municipal Unitary Enterprise KShS “Yunost” (Appendix, table No. 3).

The terms of remuneration are an essential and integral part of the employment contract; an increase in the official salary of the manager is made by making an appropriate change (addition) to the employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is formalized by an additional agreement.

The procedure for establishing the official salary of the head of a municipal unitary enterprise.

The official salary of the head of a municipal unitary enterprise is set in an amount equal to the product of the minimum monthly tariff rate of the 1st category worker of the main profession and the multiplicity factor (depending on the number of employees of the enterprise, Appendix, table No. 2).

The minimum monthly tariff rate of a 1st category worker is set in an amount equal to the product of the basic monthly tariff rate of a 1st category worker by the coefficient of the characteristics of the organization’s work. The coefficients of the work features are given in Appendix No. 1, Table No. 1.

For diversified housing and communal services enterprises, when calculating the minimum monthly tariff rate for workers of the 1st category of a production unit, the coefficient of the characteristics of the work corresponding to the main activity of this unit is applied. When calculating the remuneration of managers of diversified enterprises, an average differentiating coefficient is used, determined by the quotient of the reduced number of employees (the sum of the products of the full-time payroll of department employees by the corresponding coefficient of the characteristics of the work) and the regular number of employees of these enterprises.

To establish or change the salary amount, the head of the enterprise submits to the Department of Internal Affairs: staffing table enterprise and the order on its introduction, a certificate of the payroll number of employees as of the last reporting date, an order establishing the tariff rate for workers in the main profession, justification for the minimum tariff rate, the average wage, salary calculation, approval of the deputy head of the city in charge of the area corresponding to the main activities of the enterprise. The UMS reviews the submitted documents and sets the salary for the head of the enterprise.

2.2. Award for heads of municipal unitary enterprises for the results of financial and economic activities of enterprises

The bonus for the results of financial and economic activities is paid to the head of the enterprise quarterly when the plan for the main performance indicators of the enterprise is fulfilled.

Bonus indicator table

Company name

Bonus indicators

Premium amount, %

MUP "Combine of Municipal Enterprises"

1.Fulfillment of profit plan

MUP "UK Kommunalshchik"

1.Fulfillment of profit plan

2. Implementation of measures to reduce costs

3. Fulfillment of the revenue plan from the sale of goods, products, works, services

Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Municipal Pharmacy"

1.Fulfillment of profit plan

2. Implementation of measures to reduce costs

Municipal Unitary Enterprise KShS "Yunost"

1.Fulfillment of profit plan

2. Implementation of measures to reduce costs

3. Implementation of the turnover plan

MUP "Teploenergosnabzhenie"

1.Fulfillment of profit plan

2. Implementation of measures to reduce costs

3. Fulfillment of the revenue plan from the sale of goods, products, works, services

Changes in bonus indicators are carried out no more than once a year.

The bonus is awarded for achieving each indicator separately. Accounting for the performance of indicators is carried out based on the results of work for the quarter.

The bonus is calculated on the official salary for the time actually worked and is paid by order of the head of the city district on the basis of a formalized and agreed upon calculation (Appendix, table No. 1).

The head of the enterprise is not subject to the Regulations on bonuses in force at the enterprise, and collective agreements regarding the payment of wages and other payments, unless otherwise established by the employment contract concluded with the head of the enterprise. The maximum amount of bonuses for heads of municipal unitary enterprises cannot exceed 4 monthly official salaries per year.

For omissions in work, the bonus is reduced in the following amounts.

– if there are justified complaints from the population 20%;

– in case of justified repeated complaints from the population 50%;

– in case of violation of executive discipline, failure to comply with the orders of the head of the city district, decisions of the Meeting of Deputies of the city district, orders of local government bodies adopted within their 100% competence;

– failure to meet deadlines for eliminating emergency situations established by contractual relationships to fulfill the municipal order 100%.

2.3. Allowances and other social payments to managers of municipal unitary enterprises.

2.3.1. A personal bonus of up to 30% of the official salary is established for the complexity, intensity, efficiency and duration of continuous work at the enterprise.

The premium is established by order of the head of the city district.

Conditions for establishing a personal allowance:

– long, continuous work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years – up to 15% of the official salary;

– complexity of production management, labor intensity, qualifications – up to 15% of the official salary.

2.3.2. The head of a municipal unitary enterprise who has access to classified information is given a personal bonus to the official salary by order of the head of the city district in the amount of 10%.

2.3.3. The head of a municipal unitary enterprise is provided with financial assistance when going on vacation and can be provided in the event of extreme circumstances (death of a spouse, parents, children, fire and other accidents) in the amount of the official salary.

2.3.4. Social guarantees and benefits provided for in the collective agreement for all employees (food, provision of free or partially paid medical care, transportation costs, etc.) can be extended to the head of a municipal unitary enterprise, about which a corresponding entry is made in the employment contract.

2.4. Remuneration of heads of municipal unitary enterprises based on the results of work for the year.

Remuneration based on the results of work for the year is accrued to the heads of municipal unitary enterprises based on the decision of the balance commission after considering the materials of the audit of economic activities and accounting (financial) statements of municipal unitary enterprises, subject to the following indicators:

– growth rate of revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services;

– compliance with the ratio of the growth of labor productivity per 1 worker to the level of average wages;

– growth rate of net profit compared to the same reporting period;

– rate of decrease in the volume of resource consumption (water, diesel and other fuels, fuel oil, natural gas, thermal energy, electrical energy).

The maximum amount of remuneration based on the results of work for the year is 2 official salaries.

The calculation of remuneration based on the results of the enterprise’s work for the year is carried out according to Table No. 2 of Appendix No. 2.

3. One-time encouragement to heads of municipal unitary enterprises for special labor merits

The grounds for one-time incentives for heads of municipal unitary enterprises for special labor merits are:

Rewarding with a state award of the Russian Federation;

Awarding an honorary title of the Russian Federation;

Awarding an honorary title of city significance;

Retirement upon reaching retirement age(who have worked at a municipal unitary enterprise for at least 5 years);

Awarding a diploma of honor from the authorities of the Russian Federation, the Chelyabinsk region and city government;

Successful completion of a particularly important task related to ensuring the life of the city.

The amount of one-time incentives for the managers of a municipal unitary enterprise is established for each base of one official salary, excluding personal allowances.

Payment of a one-time incentive (state award of the Russian Federation, honorary title of the Russian Federation) is made in addition to maximum size payments determined by these regulations and at the expense of the enterprise on the basis of an order of the head of the city upon the proposal of the deputy head in charge of the area corresponding to the main activity of the enterprise.

All cash payments to the heads of municipal unitary enterprises are made at the expense of the enterprise at intervals and within the time limits established by the enterprise.

The maximum amount of payments to managers of municipal unitary enterprises cannot exceed 12 monthly official salaries per year.

Payments and additional payments not provided for by this provision are not allowed.

The procedure for passing documents for accruing quarterly bonuses and remuneration to the heads of municipal enterprises based on the results of work for the year is determined by Appendix No. 3.


to the regulation “On remuneration

heads of municipal unitary enterprise"

Table No. 1.

Coefficients of work characteristics for determining the minimum monthly tariff rate for 1st category workers in housing and communal services organizations as of 01/01/2011

Name of sub-sectors of housing and communal services

Coefficients of work features

Utility power supply for maintenance of electrical networks and substations

For contractors and other organizations providing services in the field housing sector, management organizations

Sanitary cleaning and landscaping of cities, funeral services

Bath and laundry facilities

Hotel management

Other life support organizations

Table No. 2.

Multiplicity factors

Headcount of the enterprise (persons)

Multiplicity of the tariff rate of the 1st category worker of the main profession at the enterprise

Table No. 3.

Limit values ​​for the ratio of official salaries of managers of the municipal unitary enterprise "Municipal Pharmacy" to the average monthly salary of pharmacists and the municipal unitary enterprise "Yunost" to the average monthly salary of employees in the enterprise

List number of employees, (persons)

Average monthly salary for pharmacists of the enterprise and for employees of the enterprise (rubles)

From 50 to 200

From 201 to 500


to the regulation “On remuneration

heads of municipal unitary enterprise"

Table No. 1.

Agreed: I approve:

Head of the Department of Public Administration: Deputy Head of the City

_______________________ ______________________


Awards for the head of a municipal unitary enterprise

For the ________________ quarter of 200__.



Reporting plan


bonuses according to position

reduction by position

Agreed premium amount

Head of MUP:

Chief accountant of MUP:

MUP economist:


Head of the Department of Forecasting and Municipal Statistics:

Table No. 2.


remuneration based on work results for the year

Indicator name

Fact. last year

Fact. reporting year

Changes (+ -)

%% ratio of the fact of the reporting year with the fact of the previous year

1. Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services

2. Compliance with the ratio of the growth of labor productivity per 1 worker to the level of average wages

3. Growth rate of net profit compared to the same period.

4. Rate of decline in resource consumption

Head of MUP:

Chief accountant of MUP:

MUP economist:

Conclusion of the balance commission: _________________________________________________

Chairman of the Balance Commission

Deputy mayor


to the regulation “On remuneration

heads of municipal unitary enterprise"

The procedure for passing documents for accruing quarterly bonuses and remuneration to managers of municipal enterprises based on the results of work for the year.

1. The heads of municipal unitary enterprises coordinate the calculation of determining the amount of quarterly bonuses or remuneration based on the results of work for the year (Appendix, tables No. 1, 2) in triplicate with completed bonus indicators with the management of municipal property and the department of forecasting and municipal statistics within 10- three days after submitting financial statements to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

2. The agreed calculation for determining the amount of quarterly bonuses or remuneration based on the results of work for the year (Appendix, tables No. 1, 2) in triplicate with completed bonus indicators is reviewed and approved by the deputy head in charge of the area corresponding to the main activity of the enterprise.

3. Quarterly bonuses to the heads of municipal unitary enterprises are paid by order of the head.

4. The maximum period for review, approval and approval of documents of municipal unitary enterprises for the quarterly bonus of the manager is set at ten working days.

5. The decision to pay the head of the enterprise remuneration based on the results of the enterprise’s work for the year is made at the next meeting of the balance commission, which considers the results of the enterprise’s work for the past year.

Acting Chief

Municipal Property Management

Chebarkul urban district