Municipal Property Management Committee auction



The Property Management Committee of the city of Lytkarino, Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is a sectoral body of the administration of the Lytkarino urban district with the right of a legal entity (structural unit) that manages and disposes of municipal and state property within the powers established by the authorities state power and local government.

The main tasks of the Committee: management and disposal of municipal property, state property within the limits of the granted powers, performing the functions of a seller and lessor of municipal and within the granted powers of state property, participation in the implementation of city policy in the field of attracting investments, promoting business activities.

The Committee ensures the provision of the following state and municipal services:

1. “Coordination of the location of the boundaries of land plots that are adjacent to land plots that are in municipal ownership or state property is not demarcated”;
2. “Issue of permission to locate objects on lands or land plots that are in municipal ownership or for which state ownership is not demarcated”;
3. “The issuance of permission to use lands or land plots that are in municipal ownership or state property is not demarcated”;
4. “Issue of a certificate (act) about the presence (absence) of rent arrears for land plots that are in municipal ownership or the state ownership of which is not demarcated”;
5. “Preliminary approval for the provision of land plots for which state ownership is not demarcated”;
6. “Provision of land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated, for rent or ownership at auction”;
7. “Provision of land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated, for permanent (indefinite) use”;
8. Providing free ownership of land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated”;
9. “Provision of land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated, for free use”;
10. “Providing land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated, for rent without bidding, ownership for a fee without bidding”;
11. “On the transfer of lands (on the classification of lands) that are privately owned, in cases established by current legislation, from one category to another (to a certain category)”;
12. “Establishing compliance of the type of permitted use of land plots with the classifier of types of permitted use of land plots”;
13. “Redistribution of lands and (or) land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated and privately owned land plots”;
14. “Establishment of an easement in relation to land plots for which state ownership is not demarcated”;
15. "Staging" large families registered for the purpose of free provision of land plots”;
16. “Issue of extracts from the register of municipal property”;
17. “Registration of documents for the exchange of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements”;
18. “Providing information about objects real estate municipally owned and intended for rental”;
19. “Rental provision of property (except for land plots) that is in municipal ownership, without holding a tender”;
20. “Providing for free use of property (except for land plots) that is in municipal ownership, without holding auctions”;
21. “Provision of residential premises on commercial lease terms”
22. “Privatization of residential premises of municipal housing stock”
23. “Providing ownership of leased property to small and medium-sized businesses in the exercise of their preemptive right”
24. “Providing property support to small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Lytkarino”
25. “Registration of permits for the resettlement of citizens as members of the tenant’s family in residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements”
26. “Provision of residential premises of specialized housing stock

Lytkarino, Moscow region"

27. “Registration of certificates of participation (non-participation) in the privatization of residential municipal premises”
28. “Providing orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, with comfortable residential premises of a specialized housing stock under lease agreements for specialized residential premises”



On approval of the Regulations
about the management committee
property of Moscow

Repealed by order of the mayor
Moscow dated September 10, 1998 N 925-RM

Document with changes made:
by order of the Mayor of Moscow dated June 10, 1996 N 349-RM;
by order of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 29, 1997 N 351-RM.

In pursuance of the Law of the RSFSR "On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the RSFSR" and the Presidential Decree Russian Federation"On approval of the Standard Regulations on the Committee for Property Management of the Territory, Region, Autonomous Region, Autonomous Okrug, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which has the rights and powers of the territorial agency of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management" dated October 14, 1992 N 1231 , in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the reform of representative authorities and local governments in the Russian Federation" dated October 9, 1993 N 1617:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Moscow Property Management Committee (appendix).

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

Application. Regulations on the Moscow Property Management Committee

about the Moscow Property Management Committee
(as amended and supplemented on April 29, 1997)

These Regulations define the main functions, rights and responsibilities of the Moscow Property Management Committee (Moskomimushchestvo).

1. General provisions

(Clause 1.1.-1.7. are set out in the wording of the order of the Mayor of Moscow N 349-RM dated 06/10/96).

1.1. The Moscow Property Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is a body executive branch ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of privatization of state and municipal enterprises exercising powers to manage and dispose of state property in Moscow and intersectoral coordination in the process of privatization and management of state property.

1.2. The Committee and its territorial bodies (territorial agencies) form a system of bodies for the privatization and management of state and municipal property in Moscow. The Committee may grant territorial agencies the rights and powers of the Committee.

1.3. In its activities, the Committee is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Moscow City, these Regulations, as well as orders and instructions of the State Property Committee of Russia and the Moscow Administration, issued within the limits of their powers.

1.4. In its activities the Committee is accountable to:

On issues of management and disposal of Moscow property to the head of the administration and the Government of Moscow, on issues of privatization of property in Moscow - to the State Property Committee of Russia and the head of the administration of Moscow, on issues of privatization, disposal and management of federal property to the State Property Committee of Russia.

1.5. The Committee is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, accounts in banking institutions, including foreign exchange, a round seal with its name and image State emblem RF, stamps, forms and other official attributes.

1.6. The decisions and orders of the Committee, adopted within its competence, are binding on all government bodies and local administrations, state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

1.7. It is not permitted to transfer the powers of the Committee to any government bodies or legal entities that are not its structural divisions.

2. Main tasks and functions

(Sections 2 and 3 are combined into section 2 with the title “Main tasks and functions”, which is set out in the wording of the order of the Mayor of Moscow N 349-RM dated 06/10/96).

2.1. The main objectives of the Committee are:

Implementation, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, of the state policy of privatization of state and municipal enterprises, real estate, including land plots located under privatized enterprises;

Management and disposal in in the prescribed manner objects of state property on the territory of Moscow and property of Moscow located outside its borders;

Implementation of intersectoral coordination of the privatization of state and municipal property, management and disposal of state property;

Management of the activities of their territorial bodies.

2.2. In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the Committee, in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow:

Develops the Moscow state program for the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in Moscow, organizes and controls its implementation;

Reports annually on the progress of the privatization program to the Moscow Government, develops and submits proposals for introducing changes and additions to it;

Develops draft laws of Moscow, other regulatory legal acts on issues of privatization, management and disposal of state-owned objects, attracting investments;

Prepares and submits a forecast to the Moscow Government, and also controls the receipt of funds into the Moscow budget from the privatization and use of property classified as state property, and takes the necessary measures to ensure these receipts;

Organizes the necessary measures to ensure these revenues;

Organizes legal support and carries out methodological manual on the territory of Moscow;

Provides protection of property rights and interests of Moscow on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;

Organizes and makes, within its competence, decisions on the privatization of state and municipally owned enterprises;

Transfers state property to the Moscow Property Fund for sale;

Takes part in the development and implementation of measures to support the reconstruction of privatized enterprises at the expense of the Moscow budget and funds from extra-budgetary sources in accordance with approved programs after privatization support;

Exercises, including through its territorial bodies, control over the management and disposal of state property, their use for their intended purpose and safety;

Develops and implements measures for the privatization of state and municipally owned real estate (including land plots) and the management of these objects;

Takes part in the implementation of measures state support the formation and functioning of the securities market in Moscow, as well as the development of its infrastructure;

Formulates the assignment of state and municipal property owned by the city of Moscow to economic management and operational management, gives consent to the sale of real estate assigned to economic management, to its transfer for rent or pledge or disposal of this property in any other way, and also conducts accounting (register) of agreements on the pledge of state and municipal property;

Exercises control over the use for its intended purpose and safety of property belonging to Moscow, which is under the economic control and operational management of legal entities, as well as transferred in accordance with the established procedure by other persons, and in case of violation of the established rules for the disposal and use of this property, takes the necessary measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Participates within its competence in the development and implementation investment programs, represents the interests of the owner in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Is the holder of shares (deposits, shares) owned by Moscow, assigned to state and municipal property, as well as a “golden share”;

Represents, within its competence, the interests of the city of Moscow regarding shares (contributions, shares) secured in state and municipal ownership in the authorized capitals of organizations based on the combination of capitals of various owners;

Takes part in the development and implementation of city programs to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy) of state and municipally owned enterprises;

Carries out, within its competence, the necessary actions to eliminate identified violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow in the field of privatization, management and disposal of state and municipal property, initiates claims in court or arbitration court to cancel unlawful decisions of executive authorities and to bring to justice guilty officials, and also sends materials to law enforcement agencies to take appropriate measures;

Summarizes proposals on the issues of privatization of state and municipal property, management and disposal of this property received from its territorial bodies, the Moscow Property Fund, authorities and local self-government, enterprises, public associations and citizens, analyzes the processes of privatization of state and municipal property, management of state and municipal property;

Issues, within its competence, orders on issues of privatization, management and disposal of state and municipal property;

Provides licensing individual species activities in accordance with the order of the Moscow city administration;

Prepares proposals for the delimitation of federal and city property;

Keeps records of state and municipal property, including real estate, and maintains their register;

Appoints and conducts documentary and other checks (audits, inventories), appoints audits of the activities of state and municipal enterprises and institutions, as well as other legal entities in terms of control over the intended use and safety of state and municipal property;

Prepares and submits, together with interested executive authorities, to the Moscow Government proposals for the creation and liquidation of state and municipal unitary enterprises;

Reorganizes, in agreement with the relevant executive authorities, state and municipal enterprises without changing their form of ownership;

Participates in the creation of subordinate government institutions;

Appoints, within its competence, state representatives to governing bodies joint stock companies(partnerships) and other business entities that are based on a combination of capital and shares (deposits, shares), which are assigned to state and municipal property or the founder of which the Moscow Property Committee is at the time of appointment of a representative;

Organizes the work of conducting an examination and assessing the value of property in state and municipal ownership;

Organizes the sale of real estate owned by the city of Moscow to legal entities;

Maintains a register of federal, state, municipal and private real estate on the territory of Moscow;

Acts as a lessor of state and municipal property;

Draws up documents related to changes in property rights and obligations in relation to state and municipal property in accordance with current legislation.

2.3. The Moscow Property Committee has the exclusive right to carry out the privatization of state and municipal enterprises (with the exception of property of the Russian Federation), including resolving issues about the methods, timing and forms of privatization of specific objects within the limits established by law;

Act as a lessor, draw up lease agreements for state and municipal property, transfer rights (including through a competition or auction) for lease, including long-term;

Dispose of state and municipal property, make decisions in accordance with current legislation on changing the property rights of citizens and the state in relation to state and municipal property, draw up and sign agreements, contracts and other documents fixing changes in property rights, enter into other transactions in relation to state and municipal property property, in accordance with current legislation;

Conclude agreements on assigning state and municipal property to an enterprise with the right of economic management and establish the limits of such management, enter into agreements for the operational management of property;

Maintain registration of property rights in relation to state and municipal property, require government agencies registration of transactions in relation to state and municipal property in such a way that they come into force after their registration with the Committee;

Make decisions on pledging state and municipal property, keep registration of pledged obligations;

Make, in accordance with the established procedure, decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of state and municipal enterprises, changes in their organizational legal form;

Make decisions on the contribution of state and municipal property in the form of a contribution to authorized capitals enterprises of any organizational and legal form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

- make decisions on leasing movable property.

3. Leadership and structure of the committee

3.1. The committee is headed by a chairman, who is the deputy head of the Moscow administration.

3.2. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed to the position by the Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia on the proposal of the head of the Moscow administration in accordance with current legislation.

The dismissal of the Chairman of the Committee from his position is carried out by the Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia in accordance with current legislation.

3.3. The Chairman bears full responsibility for the activities of the Committee.

3.4. The Chairman manages the Committee on the basis of unity of command:

Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Committee, represents it in all institutions and organizations;

Issues orders binding on all state enterprises, institutions, organizations and government bodies, as well as orders on property issues within the competence of the Committee;

Issues orders and instructions in pursuance of orders of the State Property Committee of Russia, the head of the Moscow administration and decrees of the Moscow government;

Determines the competence of his deputies;

Appoints and dismisses from office in accordance with labor legislation Russian Federation employees of the Committee and its divisions;

Defines the structure and staffing table within the limits of the estimate approved by the State Property Committee of Russia;

Approves regulations on the structural divisions of the Committee;

Disposes of property and funds assigned to the Committee in accordance with current legislation;

Exercises control over the actions of subordinate units, approves job descriptions heads of departments and services of the Committee;

Applies incentive measures to the Committee's employees and imposes penalties on them in accordance with current legislation;

Opens and closes current and other accounts in banks, makes transactions on them, signs financial documents;

Ensures compliance with financial and accounting discipline.

3.5. In each administrative district of Moscow, the Committee creates a territorial agency that has the status of a branch:

Central Territorial Agency;

Northern Territorial Agency;

North-East Territorial Agency;

Eastern Territorial Agency;

South-East Territorial Agency;

Southern Territorial Agency;

South-West Territorial Agency;

Western Territorial Agency;

North-West Territorial Agency;

Zelenograd territorial agency."
(Clause as amended by the order of the Mayor of Moscow dated April 29, 1997 N 351-RM).

3.6. Agencies are vested with the powers of the Committee in relation to objects on the territory of the corresponding administrative district in terms of concluding lease agreements, economic management, operational management, creating privatization commissions, considering applications for privatization, approving privatization plans, concluding purchase and sale agreements on behalf of the Committee, establishing joint-stock companies during the corporatization, creation, reorganization and liquidation of state enterprises, granting the right to repurchase leased property in accordance with the law. The authority of the agency may be changed by order of the Committee.

3.7. The Agency has personal (current) accounts, a Committee seal with the relevant details of the Committee and the agency, a balance sheet, stamps, and forms.

3.8. The Agency has the right, on behalf of the Committee, to enter into cooperation agreements with other legal entities without transferring their rights and powers to them, conclude labor agreements(contracts, agreements) with citizens, independently decide personnel and financial matters within the budget approved by the Committee.

3.9. The Agency has the right to act in court and arbitration court on behalf of the Committee and issue powers of attorney individuals to protect the interests of the Committee in court and arbitration court.

3.10. The agencies operate on the basis of these Regulations and the Regulations on the territorial agencies of the Moscow Property Committee, approved by the Chairman of the Committee.

3.11. The work of the agency is led by the director of the agency, who is accountable to the chairman of the Committee and deputy chairmen of the Committee in terms of their powers.

3.12. The agency director acts on behalf of the Committee without a power of attorney within the powers of the agency.

3.13. The director of the agency issues powers of attorney to represent the interests of the Committee within the powers of the agency.

3.14. If necessary, an advisory body - a collegium - is formed in the Committee. The composition of the board is approved by the head of the Moscow administration.

4. Committee property

4.1. The property of the Committee consists of the main and working capital, financial resources reflected on its independent balance sheet.

4.2. The Committee does not pay rent for premises owned by Moscow if these premises are used by it to perform its functions.

4.3. Financing of the Committee's activities is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Liquidation of the committee

5.1. Liquidation of the Committee is carried out in the manner established by current legislation.

5.2. Deprivation of the Committee's rights as a territorial agency is carried out by order of the Government of the Russian Federation and by decision of the State Property Committee of Russia.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
at the legal bureau "Kodeks"

Order of the Mayor of Moscow dated December 23, 1993 N 754-RM

The document has become invalid

In pursuance of the Law of the RSFSR "On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the RSFSR" and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Model Regulations on the Committee for Property Management of the Territory, Region, Autonomous Region, Autonomous Okrug, the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, having the rights and powers Territorial Agency of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for State Property Management" dated October 14, 1992 N 1231, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the reform of representative authorities and local governments in the Russian Federation" dated October 9, 1993 N 1617:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Moscow Property Management Committee (appendix).

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov


These Regulations define the main functions, rights and responsibilities of the Moscow Property Management Committee (Moskomimushchestvo).

1. General provisions

1.1. The Moscow Property Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) is an executive body that ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of privatization of state and municipal enterprises, exercising powers to manage and dispose of state property in Moscow and intersectoral coordination in the process of privatization and management of state property.

1.2. The Committee and its territorial bodies (territorial agencies) form a system of bodies for the privatization and management of state and municipal property in Moscow. The Committee may grant territorial agencies the rights and powers of the Committee.

1.3. In its activities, the Committee is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, these Regulations, as well as orders and instructions of the State Property Committee of Russia and the administration of the city of Moscow, issued within the limits of their powers.

1.4. In its activities the Committee is accountable to:

On issues of management and disposal of Moscow property - to the head of the administration and the Government of Moscow, on issues of privatization of property in Moscow - to the State Property Committee of Russia and the head of the administration of Moscow, on issues of privatization, disposal and management of federal property - to the State Property Committee of Russia.

1.5. The Committee is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, accounts in banking institutions, including foreign exchange, a round seal with its name and the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, stamps, forms and other official attributes.

1.6. The decisions and orders of the Committee, adopted within its competence, are binding on all government bodies and local administrations, state enterprises, institutions and organizations.

1.7. It is not permitted to transfer the powers of the Committee to any government bodies or legal entities that are not its structural divisions.

2. Main tasks and functions

2.1. The main objectives of the Committee are:

Implementation, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, of the state policy of privatization of state and municipal enterprises, real estate, including land plots located under privatized enterprises;

Management and disposal in the prescribed manner of objects of state property on the territory of the city of Moscow and property of the city of Moscow located outside its borders;

Implementation of intersectoral coordination of the privatization of state and municipal property, management and disposal of state property;

Management of the activities of their territorial bodies.

2.2. In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the Committee, in the order established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow:

Develops the Moscow state program for the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in Moscow, organizes and controls its implementation;

Reports annually on the progress of the privatization program to the Moscow Government, develops and submits proposals for introducing changes and additions to it;

Develops draft laws of the city of Moscow, other regulatory legal acts on issues of privatization, management and disposal of state property, attracting investment;

Prepares and submits a forecast to the Moscow City Government, and also controls the receipt of funds into the Moscow city budget from the privatization and use of property classified as state property, and takes the necessary measures to ensure these receipts;

Organizes legal support and provides methodological guidance on the territory of Moscow;

Ensures the protection of property rights and interests of the city of Moscow on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;

Organizes and makes, within its competence, decisions on the privatization of state and municipally owned enterprises;

Transfers state property to the Moscow Property Fund for sale;

Takes part in the development and implementation of measures to support the reconstruction of privatized enterprises at the expense of the Moscow budget and funds from extra-budgetary sources in accordance with approved programs after privatization support;

Exercises, including through its territorial bodies, control over the management and disposal of state property, their use for their intended purpose and safety;

Develops and implements measures for the privatization of state and municipally owned real estate (including land plots) and the management of these objects;

Takes part in the implementation of government support measures for the formation and functioning of the securities market in Moscow, as well as the development of its infrastructure;

Formulates the assignment of state and municipal property owned by the city of Moscow to economic management and operational management, gives consent to the sale of real estate assigned to economic management, to its transfer for rent or pledge or disposal of this property in any other way, and also conducts accounting (register) of agreements on the pledge of state and municipal property;

Exercises control over the use for its intended purpose and safety of property belonging to Moscow, which is under the economic control and operational management of legal entities, as well as transferred in accordance with the established procedure by other persons, and in case of violation of the established rules for the disposal and use of this property, takes the necessary measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Takes part, within its competence, in the development and implementation of investment programs, while representing the interests of the owner in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Is the holder of shares (deposits, shares) belonging to the city of Moscow, assigned to state and municipal property, as well as a “golden share”;

Represents, within its competence, the interests of the city of Moscow regarding shares (contributions, shares) assigned to state and municipal ownership in the authorized capitals of organizations based on the combination of capitals of various owners;

Takes part in the development and implementation of city programs to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy) of state and municipally owned enterprises;

Carries out, within its competence, the necessary actions to eliminate identified violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow in the field of privatization, management and disposal of state and municipal property, initiates claims in court or arbitration court to cancel unlawful decisions of executive authorities and to bring to justice guilty officials, and also sends materials to law enforcement agencies to take appropriate measures;

Summarizes proposals on the privatization of state and municipal property, management and disposal of this property received from its territorial bodies, the Moscow Property Fund, government and local governments, enterprises, public associations and citizens, analyzes the processes of privatization of state and municipal property, management state and municipal property;

Issues, within its competence, orders on issues of privatization, management and disposal of state and municipal property;

Carries out licensing of certain types of activities in accordance with the order of the Moscow administration;

Prepares proposals for the delimitation of federal and city property;

Keeps records of state and municipal property, including real estate, and maintains their register;

Appoints and conducts documentary and other checks (audits, inventories), appoints audits of the activities of state and municipal enterprises and institutions, as well as other legal entities in terms of control over the intended use and safety of state and municipal property;

Prepares and submits, together with interested executive authorities, to the Moscow Government proposals for the creation and liquidation of state and municipal unitary enterprises;

Reorganizes, in agreement with the relevant executive authorities, state and municipal enterprises without changing their form of ownership;

Participates in the creation of subordinate government institutions;

Appoints, within its competence, representatives of the state to the management bodies of joint-stock companies (partnerships) and other business entities that are based on a combination of capital and shares (contributions, shares) that are assigned to state and municipal property or the founder of which the Moscow Property Committee is at the time of appointment of the representative;

Organizes the work of conducting an examination and assessing the value of property in state and municipal ownership;

Organizes the sale of real estate owned by the city of Moscow to legal entities;

Maintains a register of federal, state, municipal and private real estate on the territory of Moscow;

Acts as a lessor of state and municipal property;

Draws up documents related to changes in property rights and obligations in relation to state and municipal property in accordance with current legislation.

2.3. Moskomimushchestvo has the exclusive right:

Carry out the privatization of state and municipal enterprises (with the exception of property of the Russian Federation), including resolving issues about the methods, timing and forms of privatization of specific objects within the limits established by law;

Dispose of state and municipal property, make decisions in accordance with current legislation on changing the property rights of citizens and the state in relation to state and municipal property, draw up and sign agreements, contracts and other documents fixing changes in property rights, enter into other transactions in relation to state and municipal property property in accordance with current legislation;

Conclude agreements on assigning state and municipal property to an enterprise with the right of economic management and establish the limits of such management, enter into agreements for the operational management of property;

Maintain registration of property rights in relation to state and municipal property, require government bodies to formalize transactions in relation to state and municipal property in such a way that they come into force after their registration with the Committee;

Make decisions on pledging state and municipal property, keep registration of pledged obligations;

Make, in accordance with the established procedure, decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of state and municipal enterprises, changing their organizational and legal form;

Make decisions on the contribution of state and municipal property in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital of enterprises of any organizational and legal form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Make decisions on leasing movable property.

The Committee performs the following functions:

Develops, taking into account the requirements of the State Program for the Privatization of State and Municipal Enterprises in the Russian Federation, and submits for approval to the state authorities provided for by law a draft Moscow city privatization program, amendments and additions to it, as well as draft regulations on issues of privatization, disposal and management of property in the city of Moscow;

Organizes and controls the implementation of state and Moscow city privatization programs, reports on their implementation to the State Property Committee of Russia and the Moscow government;

Accepts and registers applications for the privatization of enterprises, divisions and components of property complexes of enterprises, other objects of federal, state and municipal property located on the territory of the city of Moscow or owned by Moscow (hereinafter referred to as state enterprises);

Makes decisions on the privatization of state-owned enterprises or on refusal to privatize in accordance with current legislation, communicates these decisions to the applicant;

Creates commissions for the privatization of state-owned enterprises;

Makes final decisions on finalizing plans

privatization, the method and procedure for carrying out privatization and approves privatization plans;

Creates, reorganizes and liquidates state-owned enterprises in accordance with the established procedure, including reorganizing and liquidating them in the process of privatization;

Establishes joint stock companies in accordance with Article 22 of the Law of the RSFSR "On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the RSFSR", organizes and carries out work on the reorganization, commercialization and corporatization of state enterprises and associations in accordance with the legislation on privatization and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

Is the holder of certificates of ownership and shares of state enterprises until they are transferred to the Moscow Property Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) in accordance with agreements with the Fund, receives and transfers dividends on them in the prescribed manner, and transfers them to the Fund for sale.

Promotes the creation of investment funds and holding companies;

Analyzes the progress and effectiveness of measures for the privatization of state-owned enterprises;

Sends its representatives to the commissions created by the State Property Committee of Russia for the privatization of federal property;

Approves the charters of state enterprises, concludes, changes and terminates contracts with their managers;

Provides inventory and assessment of state property in the prescribed manner;

Conducts work to delineate state property;

Maintains a register of federal, state and municipal property located on the territory of the city of Moscow or owned by Moscow, with the exception of land plots and housing stock (hereinafter referred to as state property), property rights and obligations in relation to immovable state property;

Acts as a lessor of state property;

Draws up documents related to changes in property rights and obligations in relation to state property, including its transfer from balance sheet to balance sheet in accordance with current legislation;

Establishes a bonus system for employees of state and local administration bodies, enterprises and institutions, and individuals participating in the implementation of privatization programs.

The Committee also carries out other functions in accordance with current legislation.

dated June 10, 1996 N 349-RM)

3.1. The committee is headed by a chairman, who is the deputy head of the Moscow administration.

3.2. The Chairman of the Committee is appointed to the position by the Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia on the proposal of the head of the Moscow administration in accordance with current legislation.

The dismissal of the Chairman of the Committee from his position is carried out by the Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia in accordance with current legislation.

3.3. The Chairman bears full responsibility for the activities of the Committee.

3.4. The Chairman manages the Committee on the basis of unity of command:

Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Committee, provides it in all institutions and organizations;

Issues orders binding on all state enterprises, institutions, organizations and government bodies, as well as orders on property issues within the competence of the Committee;

Issues orders and instructions in pursuance of orders of the State Property Committee of Russia, the head of the Moscow administration and decrees of the Moscow government;

Determines the competence of his deputies;

Appoints and dismisses employees of the Committee and its divisions in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Determines the structure and staffing within the budget approved by the State Property Committee of Russia;

Approves regulations on the structural divisions of the Committee;

Disposes of property and funds assigned to the Committee in accordance with current legislation;

Exercises control over the actions of subordinate units, approves job descriptions of the heads of departments and services of the Committee;

Applies incentive measures to the Committee's employees and imposes penalties on them in accordance with current legislation;

Opens and closes current and other accounts in banks, makes transactions on them, signs financial documents;

Ensures compliance with financial and accounting discipline.

3.5. In each administrative district of Moscow, the Committee creates a territorial agency that has the status of a branch:

Central Territorial Agency;

Northern Territorial Agency;

Northeast Territorial Agency;

Eastern Territorial Agency;

South East Territorial Agency;

Southern Territorial Agency;

Southwestern Territorial Agency;

Western Territorial Agency;

North-West Territorial Agency;

Zelenograd territorial agency.

3.6. Agencies are vested with the powers of the Committee in relation to objects on the territory of the corresponding administrative district in terms of concluding lease agreements, economic management, operational management, creating privatization commissions, considering applications for privatization, approving privatization plans, concluding purchase and sale agreements on behalf of the Committee, establishing joint-stock companies during the corporatization, creation, reorganization and liquidation of state enterprises, granting the right to repurchase leased property in accordance with the law. The powers of the Agency may be changed by order of the Committee.

3.7. The Agency has personal (current) accounts, a Committee seal with the relevant details of the Committee and the Agency, a balance sheet, stamps, and forms.

3.8. The Agency has the right, on behalf of the Committee, to enter into cooperation agreements with other legal entities without transferring their rights and powers to them, to enter into labor agreements (contracts, agreements) with citizens, and to independently resolve personnel and financial issues within the framework of the budget approved by the Committee.

3.9. The Agency has the right to act in court and arbitration court on behalf of the Committee, to issue powers of attorney to individuals to protect the interests of the Committee in court and arbitration court.

3.10. The agencies operate on the basis of these Regulations and the Regulations on the territorial agencies of the Moscow Property Committee, approved by the Chairman of the Committee.

3.11. The work of the Agency is managed by the Director of the Agency, who is accountable to the Chairman of the Committee and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee in terms of their powers.

  • Order of the Moscow Regional Property Committee dated February 21, 1996 N 24 On vesting the Property Management Committee of the Chekhov District with the rights of a territorial agency of the Property Management Committee of the Moscow Region
  • Agreement on interaction and coordination of activities of the Office of the Federal Cadastre Agency... Agreement on interaction and coordination of the activities of the Department Federal agency cadastre of real estate for the city of Moscow and the Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management for the city of Moscow (Concluded on September 25, 2007)On approval of the Regulations on the Property Management Committee of the Ramensky Municipal District in a new edition