Sample contract for the purchase and sale of goods. Agreement of commission to perform actions aimed at selling real estate


AGREEMENT ORDER No. __________

G.______________ "___"___________20___

hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, represented by _________________________

on the one hand, and _________________________________________________,
hereinafter referred to as the "Attorney", represented by _________________________
_________________________, acting on the basis _______________,
on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes
obligation to complete a transaction on behalf and at the expense of the Principal
__________________________ (purchase and/or sale) of the goods specified in
specifications, which are an integral part of this agreement.
The attorney under this agreement is looking for the Principal
Counterparty for concluding a supply agreement. The principal pays
Remuneration for the attorney.

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. Responsibilities of the Attorney:
2.1.1. The attorney is obliged to fulfill the instructions given to him in
in accordance with the instructions of the Principal. The attorney has the right to deviate from
these instructions, if under the circumstances of the case it is necessary in
interests of the Principal and the Attorney could not previously request
The principal either did not receive a timely response to his request;
2.1.2. The Attorney is obliged to inform the Principal at his request
all information about the progress of the execution of the order and immediately transfer
everything received to him in connection with the execution of the order;
2.1.3. The attorney is obliged to be responsible for the safety of documents
material assets and funds transferred to the Attorney
The principal for the execution of the order;
2.1.4. The attorney is required to conduct negotiations and conclude transactions
on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, or facilitate the conclusion of a transaction.
An attorney can find counterparties and conclude deals as
directly and through exchanges.
2.2. Responsibilities of the Principal:
2.2.1. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept from the Attorney
everything performed by the latter in accordance with the contract;
2.2.2. The Principal is obliged to provide the Attorney with documents
material and in cash necessary for execution
instructions, and reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred that were
necessary to execute the order.

3. Guarantees of fulfillment of obligations

3.1. After the conclusion of the main agreement, the Principal does not have
the right to move funds declared under the guarantee of the guarantor bank.
3.2. When executing an order to purchase goods, the Principal
transfers to the Attorney an advance payment for the execution of the order in the amount of ______
______________________________________________________________ rubles
or provides bank guarantees of its solvency.
3.3. The Attorney together with the Principal agrees on the terms
liability of the counterparty if the latter violates its
obligations under the contract.
3.4. For the duration of this agreement, the Principal loses
the right to dispose of funds specified as
guarantees in accordance with clause 2.1 of this agreement, without
written agreement with the Attorney. In case of violation of this
conditions The Principal pays the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ____%
percent of the total amount of the agency agreement, but not less than __________
______________ rubles and pays penalties under the agreement
supplies. Payment of penalties and fines is charged by payment
requirements without acceptance.
3.5. Clause 1.1 is valid upon preparation of the specification.
3.6. As concluded by the Attorney on the basis of this
of the transaction agreement, the Principal acquires the rights and bears the obligations. IN
in case of violation by a third party of a transaction concluded by the Attorney on behalf of
The Principal, the Attorney is obliged to notify about this without delay
The principal, collect and provide the necessary evidence for
collection of penalties from a third party.

4. Calculations of the parties

4.1. The Principal pays the Attorney a guarantee fee in
size ______________________________________________________________
rubles, which in case of non-conclusion of the transaction is returned to the Principal.
In case of improper execution of the transaction by the Principal,
The guarantee fee is not refundable. Payment is made by payment
by order, check or without acceptance.
4.2. The price of the goods is determined by the Attorney based on the
negotiations, after which the transaction amount and the amount
attorney's fees. In accordance with clauses 11.4, 11.5 and
Value added tax is included in the price of the goods.
4.3. Amount of basic remuneration for the Attorney: ____________%
percent of the amount of the supply agreement (contract). Principal
pays the main remuneration to the Attorney within _____
banking days after receipt of the main supply contract or by
as the main supply contract is fulfilled, and in payment
the guarantee fee is taken into account.
According to the main supply contract No.:___________ contract
No.:__________ payment is made by payment order or check.
If payment is not made within ______ banking days, it
is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5.
4.4. If the Principal received commercial profit by purchasing the goods
at a price lower, or by selling it at a price higher than stipulated in the contract,
then the Principal, in addition to the remuneration provided for in clause 4.3,
pays the Contractor: ______% of the total commercial profit,
received as a result of a transaction on more favorable terms.
Payment is made within ____ banking days after the end of
validity period of the supply agreement, payment order, check or
at the request of the Attorney. If payment is not made within ____
banking days, payment is collected by payment request in
without acceptance, according to clause 4.5.
4.5. In case of evasion of payment or late payment
remuneration provided for in paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 of this
agreement, the Principal pays the Attorney a fine in the amount of _____%
percent of the amount of the main supply contract for each
day of delay in remuneration payment.
Payment is collected by payment request without acceptance.
4.6. If it is impossible to execute an order due to the fault of one
of the parties, the guilty party bears financial liability By
current legislation.

5. Force majeure

In case of fire, natural disaster, military action, robbery,
government bans, sharp (more than one and a half times)
price changes when the obligations of either party are fulfilled
turns out to be completely or partially impossible, the parties in writing
form of agreement on the distribution of losses incurred
in proportion to the funds invested and losses incurred.

6. Communication between the parties is carried out through responsible persons:

The Principal assigns responsible persons to communicate with the Attorney,

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________
phone fax: ________________________
The Attorney assigns responsible persons to communicate with the Principal,
who bear full responsibility for their actions:
FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________
phone fax: ________________________
Chief (senior) accountant:
FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________
phone fax: ________________________

7. All disputes arising from this agreement and not
settled by agreement of the parties (or written agreement between
parties) are considered in the manner prescribed by the current
8. In everything else not provided for in this agreement,
there is current legislation governing contractual relations
9. The validity period of this agreement is from "___"____________20___.
until "___"______________20___ Upon expiration of this
contract all financial claims of the parties arising during the execution
of this agreement remain in force until their resolution.
This agreement has been drawn up and signed in two copies.
having the same legal force.

10. Legal addresses and details of the parties:

"Principal" "Attorney"

____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
tel.:_______________________ tel.:_______________________
fax:_______________________ fax:_______________________
corr/s:_____________________ corr/s:_____________________
____________________________ ____________________________
account:________________________ account:________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
_________, MFO:_____ _________, MFO:_____________

Hereinafter referred to as the "Principal", represented by _________, acting on the basis of _______, on the one hand, and ________, hereinafter referred to as the "Attorney", represented by _________, acting on the basis of _______________, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes the obligation to complete, on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, a transaction for ________ (purchase and/or sale) of the goods specified in the specification, which is an integral part of this agreement.

The attorney under this agreement is looking for a Counterparty for the Principal to conclude a supply agreement. The Principal pays the Attorney a fee.

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. Responsibilities of the Attorney:

2.1.1. The Agent is obliged to fulfill the assignment given to him in accordance with the instructions of the Principal. The Attorney has the right to deviate from these instructions if, under the circumstances of the case, this is necessary in the interests of the Principal and the Attorney could not first request the Principal or did not receive a timely response to his request;

2.1.2. The Agent is obliged to inform the Principal, upon his request, all information about the progress of the execution of the order and without delay transfer to him everything received in connection with the execution of the order;

2.1.3. The Attorney is obliged to be responsible for the safety of documents, material assets and funds transferred to the Attorney by the Principal for the execution of the order;

2.1.4. The attorney is obliged to conduct negotiations and conclude transactions on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, or facilitate the conclusion of a transaction. An attorney can find counterparties and conclude transactions both directly and through exchanges.

2.2. Responsibilities of the Principal:

2.2.1. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept from the Attorney everything performed by the latter in accordance with the agreement;

2.2.2. The Principal is obliged to provide the Attorney with documents, material and monetary resources necessary for the execution of the order, and to reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred that were necessary for the execution of the order.

3. Guarantees of fulfillment of obligations

3.1. After the conclusion of the main agreement, the Principal does not have the right to move funds declared under the guarantee of the guarantor bank.

3.2. When executing an order to purchase goods, the Principal transfers to the Attorney an advance payment for the execution of the order in the amount of _________ rubles or provides bank guarantees of his solvency.

3.3. The Attorney, together with the Principal, agrees on the terms of liability of the counterparty in case the latter violates its obligations under the contract.

3.4. For the duration of this agreement, the Principal loses the right to dispose of the funds specified as a guarantee in accordance with clause 2.1 of this agreement, without written consent from the Attorney. In case of violation of this condition, the Principal pays the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ____% percent of the total amount of the agency agreement, but not less than _______ rubles and pays penalties under the supply agreement. Payment of penalties and fines is collected by payment requests without acceptance.

3.5. Clause 1.1 is valid upon preparation of the specification.

3.6. According to the transaction concluded by the Attorney on the basis of this agreement, the Principal acquires the rights and bears the obligations. In the event of a violation by a third party of a transaction concluded by the Attorney on behalf of the Principal, the Attorney is obliged to immediately notify the Principal about this, collect and provide the necessary evidence to collect penalties from the third party.

4. Calculations of the parties

4.1. The Principal pays the Attorney a guarantee fee in the amount of ______________________________________________________________ rubles, which in case of non-conclusion of the transaction is returned to the Principal.

In case of improper execution of the transaction by the Principal, the guarantee fee is not refunded. Payment is made by payment order, check or direct deposit.

4.2. The price of the goods is determined by the Attorney based on negotiations, after which the transaction amount and the amount of remuneration to the Attorney are calculated. In accordance with clauses 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6.

Value added tax is included in the price of the goods.

4.3. Amount of the main remuneration to the Attorney: ____________% percent of the amount of the supply agreement (contract). The Principal pays the main remuneration to the Attorney within _____ banking days after receiving the main supply agreement or as the main supply agreement is fulfilled, and the guarantee fee is included in the payment.

Under the main supply contract No.:___________ Contract No.:__________ payment is made by payment order or check. If payment is not made within ______ banking days, it is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5.

4.4. If the Principal received a commercial profit by purchasing a product at a price lower, or selling it at a price higher than stipulated in the contract, then the Principal, in addition to the remuneration provided for in clause 4.3, pays the Contractor: ______% of the total amount of commercial profit received as a result of the transaction on more favorable conditions. Payment is made within ____ banking days after the expiration of the supply agreement, by payment order, check or at the request of the Attorney. If payment is not made within ____ banking days, payment is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5.

4.5. In case of evasion of payment or delay in payment of the remuneration provided for in clauses 4.3 and 4.4 of this agreement, the Principal shall pay the Attorney a fine in the amount of _____% percent of the amount of the main supply agreement for each day of delay in payment of remuneration.

Payment is collected by payment request without acceptance.

4.6. If it is impossible to execute an order due to the fault of one of the parties, the guilty party bears financial liability under current legislation.

5. Force majeure

In the event of a fire, natural disaster, military action, robbery, government bans, a sharp (more than one and a half times) change in prices, when the fulfillment of the obligations of either party turns out to be completely or partially impossible, the parties agree in writing on the distribution of losses incurred in proportion to the invested funds and losses incurred.

6. Communication between the parties is carried out through responsible persons:

The Principal assigns responsible persons to communicate with the Attorney, who bear full responsibility for the actions they perform:

Chief (senior) accountant:

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________

phone fax: ________________________

The Attorney assigns responsible persons for communication with the Principal who bear full responsibility for the actions they perform:

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________

phone fax: ________________________

Chief (senior) accountant:

FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________

phone fax: ________________________

7. All disputes arising from this agreement and not settled by agreement of the parties (or written agreement between the parties) are considered in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

8. In everything else not provided for in this agreement, the current legislation governing relations under the agency agreement is applied.

9. The validity period of this agreement is from "___"____________20___. until "___"______________20___ Upon expiration of this agreement, all financial claims of the parties arising during the execution of this agreement remain in force until they are resolved.

This agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force.

10. Legal addresses and details of the parties:

11. In accordance with this agency agreement, a supply agreement was concluded:

11.1. Registration number main CONTRACT No. _____________

date of signature: "___"________20___

Delivery of the first batch: "___"___________ 20___

The total contract amount is: _______________ rub.

11.2. Reg. number of the main SUPPLY CONTRACT No. ______________

Delivery of the first batch: "___"____20___.

The total amount of the supply agreement is: ________ rub.

11.3. Reg. number of the main ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT No. ______________

date of signature: "___"___________20___

11.4. Reg. number will be added. AGREEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION No. ______________

date of signature: "___"___________20___

date of first payment: "___"___________20___

11.5. Amount of full remuneration as a percentage of 100% of the total amount of the supply agreement: _____________%

11.6. The total amount under the contract on behalf of No. ____________________

Remuneration amount: __________________________________________ rub.

11.7. Total amount (savings/excess) _____ rub.

11.8. Additional remuneration for (saving/exceeding) prices is _____ rubles (according to clause 3.4).

12. Payment terms for the agency agreement:

Date: From 100% total. contract amount.

1 "___"_________20___g _____% 6 "___"_________20___g _____%

2 "___"_________20___g _____% 7 "___"_________20___g _____%

3 "___"_________20___g _____% 8 "___"_________20___g _____%

4 "___"_________20___g _____% 9 "___"_________20___g _____%

5 "___"_________20___g _____% 10 "___"_________20___g _____%

Form of the document “Agreement of authority for the purchase of a vessel from foreign seller" refers to the heading "Agreement of agency, commission agreement." Save the link to the document in in social networks or download it to your computer.

instructions for the purchase of a vessel from a foreign seller

g. [enter as necessary]

[Name legal entity] represented by [position, full name], acting on the basis of [name of document],

hereinafter referred to as the “Client”, instructs the company [name of the legal entity indicating the country of location] represented by [position, full name], acting on the basis of [name of document], hereinafter referred to as the “Broker”, to find a foreign seller dry cargo vessel for the transportation of grain, built 19[value] - 20[value] years, having a class [enter as necessary] and all the necessary valid documents of the relevant classification society and the necessary certificates, and sign on behalf and at the expense of the Client and for a fee contract with him.

1. Terms of the deal

1.1.A dry cargo vessel for transporting grain must be ready for acceptance by the Client’s team no later than [enter the required] month of 20[value] at the port of [enter the required]. A preliminary inspection of the vessel can be carried out by the Client's team in any port of the seller's choice.

1.2. The vessel can be purchased either "second hand" or "as she is."

1.3. The vessel must have the following dimensions:

Distance between perpendiculars;


Load capacity;


Main engine.

1.4. Delivery time [enter as required] quarter 20[value]

1.5. The vessel must be purchased at a price not exceeding [in figures and words] EURO.

1.6. Conditions of payment:

Payments for the vessel must be made in EURO or US dollars. Payments for the vessel can be made in the following order:

An advance in the amount of [value]% of the price of the vessel is paid upon signing the contract, subject to the provision by the seller of a guarantee from a first-class bank of the seller's choice, but subject to the approval of the Client.

The final payment in the amount of [value]% of the price of the vessel is upon signing the transfer deed.

The amount of the advance is discussed. Selling on credit may be considered.

2. Responsibilities of the parties

2.1. The broker undertakes:

2.1.1. Proceed with the execution of the order immediately after signing this order.

2.1.2. When executing this order from the Client, do not use the opportunities provided to him by the Client in his own interests or in the interests of third parties.

2.1.3. Personally carry out this assignment.

2.1.4. Carry out this order in accordance with the Client’s instructions, which are drawn up in writing and signed by the Client’s authorized persons. The Client's instructions must be lawful, feasible and specific.

2.1.5. At the Client's request, inform him about the progress of the execution of this order.

2.1.6. After executing the order, immediately return to the Client the power of attorney, which has not expired.

2.1.7. Provide the Client with a written report on the completed order with supporting documents attached.

2.1.8. Agree with the Client the costs necessary to execute this order.

2.1.9. If it is impossible to execute an order within the period agreed with the Client, inform the Client about this, who must decide to change the deadline or withdraw the order.

2.2. The client undertakes:

2.2.1. Issue a power of attorney to the Broker's employees to conduct negotiations with potential sellers of the vessel, sign a contract with the seller on behalf of the Client and perform other necessary legal actions related to the purchase of a vessel in the territory of [fill in as necessary].

2.2.2. Reimburse the Broker for expenses incurred in connection with the execution of this order.

2.2.3. Without delay, accept from the Broker everything performed by him in accordance with this instruction.

2.2.4. Pay the Broker remuneration in the manner provided for in Article 3 of this instruction.

3. Payment procedure

3.1. The Broker's remuneration is [value] EURO.

3.2. The remuneration is paid by the Client to the Broker in EURO within [meaning] banking days after the conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement specified in clause 1.1 of the vessel.

3.3. All payments between the Client and the Seller are carried out without going through the Broker.

3.4. Reimbursement of agreed expenses incurred by the Broker in the course of executing this order is made by the Client upon presentation by the Broker of documents confirming such expenses, within [meaning] banking days from the date of submission of the supporting documents.

3.5. Amounts payable by the Client to the Broker are transferred according to the Bank details of the Broker specified in Article 12 of this instruction.

3.6. This agreement terminates early if, before the end of the period specified in Article 9 of this instruction, the Client, without the help of the Broker, finds the Seller and concludes a purchase and sale agreement with him. This condition also applies in cases where the Seller found directly by the Client will sell the vessel on more favorable terms for the Client than the Seller found by the Broker. In these cases, no remuneration is paid to the Broker.

4. Responsibility of the parties

4.1. In case of delay in payment of remuneration to the Broker, the Client pays the latter a penalty in the amount of [value]% of the overdue amount for each day of delay, but not more than [value]% of the amount of remuneration to the Broker under this order.

4.2. If the Client is late in reimbursing the Broker’s expenses in accordance with clause 3.4 of this instruction, the Client shall pay the Broker a penalty in the amount of [value]% of the overdue amount for each day of delay, but not more than [value]% of the overdue amount.

5. Circumstances force majeure

5.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if this failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the signing of this agreement as a result of such extraordinary events that the parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Force majeure circumstances include events over which the parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, namely: earthquake, flood, fire, as well as strikes, government regulations or orders of government bodies.

In this case deadlines to fulfill the obligations specified in the order, are postponed for the period during which such force majeure circumstances and their consequences apply.

5.2. The party for which it is impossible to fulfill obligations under this instruction is obliged to notify the other party in writing of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances no later than [meaning] calendar days from the moment of their occurrence and termination.

5.3. In the event of the occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the party that refers to such circumstances must provide the other party with a certificate from the relevant Chamber of Commerce and Industry of its country regarding the existence of these circumstances and their duration.

5.4. If these circumstances continue for more than [meaning] months, the parties will meet to discuss what action should be taken.

However, if within the next [meaning] days, the parties cannot agree, then each of the parties has the right to withdraw from the contract of agency, subject to the settlement of material conditions.

6. Dispute resolution procedure

6.1. The Client and the Broker will take all measures to resolve all disputes and disagreements that may arise from this order or in connection with it through negotiations.

If the parties cannot reach an agreement, then either party has the right to appeal to the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Russian Federation, Moscow city.

7. Grounds and consequences of termination of the contract

7.1. This order may be terminated on the following grounds:

Cancellation of an order by the Client;

Broker's refusal;

Bankruptcy of the Client;

Broker bankruptcy.

7.2. The Client has the right to cancel the order at any time, and the Broker to refuse it at any time.

7.3. If this order is terminated before the order is fully executed by the Broker, the Client is obliged to reimburse the Broker for expenses incurred in executing the order and pay a remuneration in proportion to the work performed by the Broker.

8. Privacy

8.1. The parties have agreed to maintain confidentiality any information received by one party regarding the other during the execution of this instruction. The confidentiality regime applies to the text of this agreement and its basic terms, as well as to any other information that either party identifies as confidential before or immediately upon providing it to the other party.

8.2. Information recognized as confidential in accordance with this agreement cannot include information that is publicly available in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

8.3. For violation of the confidentiality regime under this agreement, the party that committed such a violation is obliged to compensate the other party for direct losses incurred in connection with this violation.

9. Validity period of the order

9.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties and is valid until [day, month, year].

10. Final provisions

10.1. All changes and additions to this agreement are considered valid if they are in writing and signed by a duly authorized person of the Client.

10.2. This agreement is signed in two copies in Russian, having equal legal force.

10.3. On issues not reflected in this agreement, the parties are guided by the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. Notifications

11.1. Any notices, approvals, requests and other correspondence necessary to fulfill the obligations of the parties under this agreement shall be sent in writing and delivered by express or registered mail with return receipt requested, or by email at the expense of the sending party.

12. Details and signatures of the parties

Principal Attorney

[fill in as needed] [fill in as needed]

______________ "___" _______ 20__


(name of company)

located__ at the address: ______________________________________________________________, registered___ ___________________________________________________________

"___" ______________ year for No. ___________, Certificate No. __________ dated "___" __________ year, taxpayer identification number _________________represented by ________________________________________________________________________,

(position, full name)

(name of company)

or individual _____________________________________________________________,

(full name of citizen)

residing at ______________________________________________________________,

__________________ “___”______ 20___, taxpayer identification number __________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, on the one hand, and ________________________________________________,

(name of company)

located at: _____________________________________________________,

registered__ ____________________________________________________________

(name of registration authority)

"___" ______________ for No. ___________, Certificate No.___________ dated "___" ____________, taxpayer identification number _________________represented by ________________________________________________________________________,

(position, full name)

acting on the basis of ___________________________________________________ and

(charter, regulations, power of attorney)

protocol general meeting participants _____________________________________________

(name of company)

on his election to the specified position from ____________ year No. ________, or individual ____________________________________________________________,

(full name of citizen)

residing at ___________________________________________________,

passport No. ________________, issued _____________________________________________________

__________________ “___”______ 20___, taxpayer identification number _________________________, hereinafter referred to as ____ “Attorney”, on the other hand (hereinafter the parties to the agreement are also referred to as “Parties” and “Party”), have entered into this agreement (“Agreement”) as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes the obligation to conclude, on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, a purchase and sale agreement with a third party, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer” in this Agreement.

1.2. The order is considered executed after the Attorney concludes a transaction with the Buyer.

1.3. Specific terms of the transaction (name of product, quantity and quality of product, price, delivery time, delivery conditions, etc.) are given in Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

2. Duties of an attorney

2.1. The attorney is obliged:

2.1.1. fulfill the instructions given to him in accordance with the instructions of the Principal provided for in this Agreement and Appendix No. 1, within the period before ________________;

2.1.2. inform the Principal about the progress of execution of the order;

2.1.3. agree with the Principal on the expenses necessary for the execution of this Agreement;

2.1.4. within ______________, notify the Principal about the conclusion of the agreement and give him a copy of the agreement signed with the Buyer;

2.1.5. within the period before _______________, transfer to the Principal everything received in connection with the execution of the order;

2.1.6. within the period before ______________, provide the Principal with a written report on the completed assignment. The report must be accompanied by the necessary evidence of expenses incurred by the Attorney in pursuance of this Agreement;

2.1.7. If it is impossible to fulfill the instructions under this Agreement, the Agent is obliged to notify the Principal about this within _______________, so that the latter can make a decision on amending or terminating the Agreement within _______________.

2.2. The principal is obliged:

2.2.1. within ____ days after signing this Agreement, provide the Attorney with all necessary materials, product certificates and other documents necessary for the execution of orders, including guarantees of product availability;

2.2.2. within ____ days after signing this Agreement, issue a power of attorney to the Attorney for the right to carry out a transaction with the Buyer, indicating the scope of authority;

2.2.3. within _________, accept from the Attorney a report on the execution of the order, the documents submitted by him, as well as everything received under this Agreement;

2.2.4. pay the Attorney remuneration in accordance with clause 5 of this Agreement, as well as reimburse his expenses associated with the execution of the order.

3. Reliance

3.1. The attorney is obliged to carry out the assignment given to him personally.

3.2. Subrogation may take place under this Agreement only with the written consent of the Principal with the obligatory indication of all necessary information about the substitute.

3.3. In case of subassignment, the Attorney is responsible only for the choice of a replacement person, and not for the success of negotiations and execution of the assignment.

4. Rights of an attorney

4.1. The Attorney has the right to deviate from the instructions of the Principal only with the written permission of the latter.

4.2. Without written permission, the Attorney has the right to deviate from the Principal's instructions if, under the circumstances of the case, this is necessary in the interests of the Principal, and the Attorney could not first request the Principal or did not receive a response to his request within ______ days

5. Attorney's fee

5.1. For the execution of the order, the Agent receives from the Principal a remuneration in the amount of ___% of the amount of the transaction concluded with the Buyer.

5.2. In case of partial execution of an order, remuneration is paid in proportion to the execution.

5.3. The Attorney receives the right to remuneration after concluding a transaction with the Buyer.

6. Payment procedure

6.1. The Principal, by payment order, transfers the due remuneration to the Attorney within _____ days after the latter’s right to remuneration arises.

7. Attorney's report

7.1. The Attorney, within ____ days after the execution of the order, is obliged to submit to the Principal a written report with supporting documents of both a financial and other nature attached.

7.2. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept the Attorney's report and approve it within ____ days.

If there are any objections to the report, the Principal must notify the Attorney about them. Otherwise, the report is considered approved upon expiration of the above period.

7.3. In case of failure to fulfill the order, the Attorney shall submit a report to the Principal within _____ days after termination of this Agreement.

8. Reimbursement of attorney's expenses

8.1. The execution of an order by the Attorney is carried out at the expense of the Principal, regardless of the success of the actions of the Attorney and the size of the executed order.

8.2. Reimbursement of expenses is made by the Principal within _____ days after approval of the Attorney's report, in non-cash payment order.

8.3. In all cases, the expenses of the Attorney incurred by him with the knowledge and consent of the Principal, as well as those incurred without the fault of the former due to unforeseen circumstances, are reimbursed.

9. Deadline for execution of the order

9.1. The Agent is obliged to fulfill the Principal's instructions within ____ days from the date of signing this Agreement.

10. Responsibility of the parties

10.1. In case of delay in payment of remuneration to the Attorney, the Principal shall pay the latter a penalty in the amount of ____% of the amount overdue for payment for each day of delay, but not more than ___% of the amount of the Agent’s remuneration under this Agreement.

10.2. In case of delay by the Principal in reimbursing the Attorney's expenses in accordance with clause 8 of this Agreement, the Principal shall pay the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ___% of the amount overdue for payment for each day of delay.

11. Other conditions

11.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

11.2. Disputes and disagreements arising from this Agreement or in connection with it will be resolved by the Parties through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is referred to the Arbitration Court _____________________________.

(location of court)

11.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.

11.4. In everything that is not specified in this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.5. The Parties undertake to maintain confidentiality with respect to any information about the activities of the Parties that has become known to them in connection with the execution of this Agreement and which is a trade secret of one of the Parties.

The provision of this clause of the Agreement retains its legal force even after the expiration of this Agreement.

11.6. This Agreement and the Appendix to it are drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

12. Addresses and bank details of the parties:



Postal address and zip code: ________________________________________________

Telephone __________, teletype ______________________, fax _______________

Current account No. _________ in bank _______________________________________

Correspondent account: ____________________________, BIC _______________

TIN ________________________________

In case of change of legal address, current account or servicing bank, the Parties are obliged to notify each other about this within ____ days.

Signatures of the parties:

Principal ______________________________________________________________ M.P.

Attorney _______________________________________________________ M.P.