Agreement of commission for the sale of products. Contract of authority for the purchase of a vessel from a foreign seller


AGREEMENT ORDER No. __________

G.______________ "___"___________20___

hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, represented by _________________________

on the one hand, and _________________________________________________,
hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”, represented by _________________________
_________________________, acting on the basis of _______________,
on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes
obligation to complete a transaction on behalf and at the expense of the Principal
__________________________ (purchase and/or sale) of the goods specified in
specifications, which are an integral part of this agreement.
The attorney under this agreement is looking for the Principal
Counterparty for concluding a supply agreement. The principal pays
Remuneration for the attorney.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties

2.1. Responsibilities of the Attorney:
2.1.1. The attorney is obliged to fulfill the instructions given to him in
in accordance with the instructions of the Principal. The attorney has the right to deviate from
these instructions, if the circumstances of the case require this in
interests of the Principal and the Attorney could not previously request
The principal either did not receive a timely response to his request;
2.1.2. The Attorney is obliged to inform the Principal at his request
all information about the progress of the execution of the order and immediately transfer
everything received to him in connection with the execution of the order;
2.1.3. The attorney is obliged to be responsible for the safety of documents,
material assets and cash, transferred to the Attorney
The principal for the execution of the order;
2.1.4. The attorney is required to conduct negotiations and conclude transactions
on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, or facilitate the conclusion of a transaction.
An attorney can find counterparties and conclude deals as
directly and through exchanges.
2.2. Responsibilities of the Principal:
2.2.1. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept from the Attorney
everything performed by the latter in accordance with the contract;
2.2.2. The Principal is obliged to provide the Attorney with documents
material and monetary resources necessary for execution
instructions, and reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred that were
necessary to execute the order.

3. Guarantees of fulfillment of obligations

3.1. After the conclusion of the main agreement, the Principal does not have
the right to move funds declared under the guarantee of the guarantor bank.
3.2. When executing an order to purchase goods, the Principal
transfers to the Attorney an advance payment for the execution of the order in the amount of ______
______________________________________________________________ rubles
or provides bank guarantees of its solvency.
3.3. The Attorney together with the Principal agrees on the terms
liability of the counterparty if the latter violates its
obligations under the contract.
3.4. For the duration of this agreement, the Principal loses
the right to dispose of funds specified as
guarantees in accordance with clause 2.1 of this agreement, without
written agreement with the Attorney. In case of violation of this
conditions The Principal pays the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ____%
percent of the total amount of the agency agreement, but not less than __________
______________ rubles and pays penalties under the agreement
supplies. Payment of penalties and fines is charged by payment
requirements without acceptance.
3.5. Clause 1.1 is valid upon preparation of the specification.
3.6. As concluded by the Attorney on the basis of this
of the transaction agreement, the Principal acquires the rights and bears the obligations. IN
in case of violation by a third party of a transaction concluded by the Attorney on behalf of
The Principal, the Attorney is obliged to notify about this without delay
The principal, collect and provide the necessary evidence for
collection of penalties from a third party.

4. Calculations of the parties

4.1. The Principal pays the Attorney a guarantee fee in
size ______________________________________________________________
rubles, which in case of non-conclusion of the transaction is returned to the Principal.
In case of improper execution of the transaction by the Principal,
The guarantee fee is not refundable. Payment is made by payment
by order, check or without acceptance.
4.2. The price of the goods is determined by the Attorney based on the
negotiations, after which the transaction amount and the amount
attorney's fees. In accordance with clauses 11.4, 11.5 and
Value added tax is included in the price of the goods.
4.3. Amount of basic remuneration for the Attorney: ____________%
percent of the amount of the supply agreement (contract). Principal
pays the main remuneration to the Attorney within _____
banking days after receipt of the main supply contract or by
as the main supply contract is fulfilled, and in payment
the guarantee fee is taken into account.
According to the main supply contract No.:___________ contract
No.:__________ payment is made by payment order or check.
If payment is not made within ______ banking days, it
is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5.
4.4. If the Principal received commercial profit by purchasing the goods
at a price lower, or by selling it at a price higher than stipulated in the contract,
then the Principal, in addition to the remuneration provided for in clause 4.3,
pays the Contractor: ______% of the total commercial profit,
received as a result of a transaction for more than favorable conditions.
Payment is made within ____ banking days after the end of
validity period of the supply agreement, payment order, check or
at the request of the Attorney. If payment is not made within ____
banking days, payment is collected by payment request in
without acceptance, according to clause 4.5.
4.5. In case of evasion of payment or late payment
remuneration provided for in paragraphs 4.3 and 4.4 of this
agreement, the Principal pays the Attorney a fine in the amount of _____%
percent of the amount of the main supply contract for each
day of delay in remuneration payment.
Payment is collected by payment request without acceptance.
4.6. If it is impossible to execute an order due to the fault of one
of the parties, the guilty party bears financial liability By
current legislation.

5. Force majeure

In case of fire, natural disaster, military action, robbery,
government bans, sharp (more than one and a half times)
price changes when the obligations of either party are fulfilled
turns out to be completely or partially impossible, the parties in writing
form of agreement on the distribution of losses incurred
in proportion to the funds invested and losses incurred.

6. Communication between the parties is carried out through responsible persons:

The Principal assigns responsible persons to communicate with the Attorney,

Full name _______________________________________________________
phone: _____________________, fax: ________________________
The Attorney assigns responsible persons to communicate with the Principal,
who bear full responsibility for their actions:
Full name _______________________________________________________
phone: _____________________, fax: ________________________
Chief (senior) accountant:
Full name _______________________________________________________
phone: _____________________, fax: ________________________

7. All disputes arising from this agreement and not
settled by agreement of the parties (or written agreement between
parties) are considered in the manner prescribed by the current
8. In everything else not provided for in this agreement,
there is current legislation governing contractual relations
9. The validity period of this agreement is from "___"____________20___.
until "___"______________20___ Upon expiration of this
agreement, all financial claims of the parties arising during the execution
of this agreement remain in force until their resolution.
This agreement has been drawn up and signed in two copies.
having equal legal force.

10. Legal addresses and details of the parties:

"Principal" "Attorney"

____________________________ ____________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
tel.:_______________________ tel.:_______________________
fax:_______________________ fax:_______________________
corr/s:_____________________ corr/s:_____________________
____________________________ ____________________________
account:________________________ account:________________________
____________________________ ____________________________
_________, MFO:_____ _________, MFO:_____________

AGREEMENT ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE/SALE OF GOODS AGREEMENT ORDER No. __________ ______________ "___"___________20___ ______________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, represented by _________________________ _________________________, acting on the basis of _______________, on the one hand, and _________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Agent”, represented by _________________________ _________________________, acting on the basis of _______________, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement about the following: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes the obligation to complete, on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, a transaction for __________________________ (purchase and/or sale) of the goods specified in the specification, which is an integral part of this agreement. The attorney under this agreement is looking for a Counterparty for the Principal to conclude a supply agreement. The Principal pays the Attorney a fee. 2. Rights and obligations of the parties 2.1. Responsibilities of the Attorney: 2.1.1. The Agent is obliged to fulfill the assignment given to him in accordance with the instructions of the Principal. The Attorney has the right to deviate from these instructions if, under the circumstances of the case, this is necessary in the interests of the Principal and the Attorney could not first request the Principal or did not receive a timely response to his request; 2.1.2. The Agent is obliged to inform the Principal, upon his request, all information about the progress of the execution of the order and without delay transfer to him everything received in connection with the execution of the order; 2.1.3. The Attorney is obliged to be responsible for the safety of documents, material assets and funds transferred to the Attorney by the Principal for the execution of the order; 2.1.4. The attorney is obliged to conduct negotiations and conclude transactions on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, or facilitate the conclusion of a transaction. An attorney can find counterparties and conclude transactions both directly and through exchanges. 2.2. Obligations of the Principal: 2.2.1. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept from the Attorney everything performed by the latter in accordance with the contract; 2.2.2. The Principal is obliged to provide the Attorney with documents, material and monetary resources necessary for the execution of the order, and to reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred that were necessary for the execution of the order. 3. Guarantees for fulfillment of obligations 3.1. After the conclusion of the main agreement, the Principal does not have the right to move funds declared under the guarantee of the guarantor bank. 3.2. When executing an order to purchase goods, the Principal transfers to the Attorney an advance payment for the execution of the order in the amount of ______ ________________________________________________________________ rubles or provides bank guarantees of his solvency. 3.3. The Attorney, together with the Principal, agrees on the terms of liability of the counterparty in case the latter violates its obligations under the contract. 3.4. For the duration of this agreement, the Principal loses the right to dispose of the funds specified as a guarantee in accordance with clause 2.1 of this agreement, without written consent from the Attorney. In case of violation of this condition, the Principal pays the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ____% percent of the total amount of the agency agreement, but not less than __________ ______________ rubles and pays penalties under the supply agreement. Payment of penalties and fines is collected by payment requests without acceptance. 3.5. Clause 1.1 is valid upon preparation of the specification. 3.6. According to the transaction concluded by the Attorney on the basis of this agreement, the Principal acquires the rights and bears the obligations. In the event of a violation by a third party of a transaction concluded by the Attorney on behalf of the Principal, the Attorney is obliged to immediately notify the Principal about this, collect and provide the necessary evidence to collect penalties from the third party. 4. Calculations of the parties 4.1. The Principal pays the Attorney a guarantee fee in the amount of ______________________________________________________________ rubles, which in case of non-conclusion of the transaction is returned to the Principal. In case of improper execution of the transaction by the Principal, the guarantee fee is not refunded. Payment is made by payment order, check or direct deposit. 4.2. The price of the goods is determined by the Attorney based on negotiations, after which the transaction amount and the amount of remuneration to the Attorney are calculated. In accordance with clauses 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6. Value added tax is included in the price of the goods. 4.3. Amount of the main remuneration to the Attorney: ____________% percent of the amount of the supply agreement (contract). The Principal pays the main remuneration to the Attorney within _____ banking days after receiving the main supply agreement or as the main supply agreement is fulfilled, and the guarantee fee is included in the payment. Under the main supply contract No.:___________ contract No. :__________ payment is made by money order or check. If payment is not made within ______ banking days, it is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5. 4.4. If the Principal received a commercial profit by purchasing goods at a price lower, or selling it at a price higher than stipulated in the contract, then the Principal, in addition to the remuneration provided for in clause 4.3, pays the Contractor: ______% of the total amount of commercial profit received as a result of the transaction on more favorable conditions. Payment is made within ____ banking days after the expiration of the supply agreement, by payment order, check or at the request of the Attorney. If payment is not made within ____ banking days, payment is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5. 4.5. In case of evasion of payment or delay in payment of the remuneration provided for in clauses 4.3 and 4.4 of this agreement, the Principal shall pay the Attorney a fine in the amount of _____% percent of the amount of the main supply agreement for each day of delay in payment of remuneration. Payment is collected by payment request without acceptance. 4.6. If it is impossible to execute an order due to the fault of one of the parties, the guilty party bears financial liability under current legislation. 5. Force majeure circumstances In the event of a fire, natural disaster, military action, robbery, government bans, a sharp (more than one and a half times) change in prices, when the fulfillment of the obligations of any of the parties turns out to be completely or partially impossible, the parties agree in writing on distribution of incurred losses in proportion to invested funds and incurred losses. 6. Communication between the parties is carried out through responsible persons: The Principal allocates responsible persons for communication with the Attorney who bear full responsibility for the actions they have committed: Full name. _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ Chief (senior) accountant: Full name _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ The Attorney assigns responsible persons for communication with the Principal who bear full responsibility for their actions: Full name. _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ Chief (senior) accountant: F. I.O. _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ 7. All disputes arising from this agreement and not settled by agreement of the parties (or written agreement between the parties) are considered in the manner prescribed by current legislation. 8. In everything else not provided for in this agreement, the current legislation governing relations under the agency agreement is applied. 9. The validity period of this agreement is from "___"____________20___. until "___"______________20___ Upon expiration of this agreement, all financial claims of the parties arising during the execution of this agreement remain in force until they are resolved. This agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force. 10. Legal addresses and details of the parties: “Principal” “Attorney” ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ tel.:_______________________ tel.:_______________________ fax:_______________________ fax:_______________________ corr/s:_____________________ corr/s:_____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ r/s: ________________________ account:________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _________, MFO:_____________ _________, MFO:_____________ SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES: ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ M.P.M.P. 11. In accordance with this contract of agency, a supply agreement has been concluded: 11.1. Registration number main CONTRACT No. _____________ date of signature: "___"________20___ Delivery of the first batch: "___"___________ 20___ The total contract amount is: ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ rub. 11.2. Reg. number of the main SUPPLY CONTRACT No. ______________ date of signature: "___"___________20___ Delivery of the first batch: "___"____20___. The total amount of the supply agreement is: ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________ rub. 11.3. Reg. number of the main ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT No. ______________ date of signature: "___"___________20___ date of first payment: "___"___________20___ 11.4. Reg. number will be added. AGREEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION No. ______________ date of signature: "___"___________20___ date of first payment: "___"___________20___ 11.5. Amount of full remuneration as a percentage of 100% of the total amount of the supply agreement: _____________% 11.6. The total amount under the contract on behalf of No. ____________________ Remuneration amount: ________________________________________________ rub. 11.7. Total amount (savings/excess) ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ rub. 11.8. Additional remuneration for (saving/exceeding) prices is ___________________________________ rubles (according to clause 3.4). 12. Payment terms for the contract of assignment: Date: From 100% total. contract amount. 1 "___"_________20___g _____% 6 "___"_________20___g _____% 2 "___"_________20___g _____% 7 "___"_________20___g _____% 3 "___"_________20___g _____% 8 "___"_________20___g _____% 4 "___"_________20___g _____% 9 "___"_________20___g _____% 5 "___"_________20___g _____% 10 "___"_________20___g _____% Principal: Attorney: President President of the Firm "__________" Firm "__________" ______________________ _______________________ M.P. M.P.

The document form “Agreement of authority for the purchase and sale of goods” belongs to the heading “Agreement of authority, commission agreement”. Save the link to the document in social networks or download it to your computer.

orders for the purchase and sale of goods
__________________ "___"_________________ ____

(name of organization)
we refer to___ hereinafter as the “Principal”, represented by _________________________________________________________

(charter, regulations, power of attorney)
on the one hand, and ________________________________________________________________________________,
(name of organization)
we refer to___ hereinafter as “Attorney”, represented by__________________________________________________________
(surname, initials, position)
acting___ on the basis of __________________________________________________________________,
(power of attorney)
have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes the obligation to complete, on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, a transaction for __________________________________________________________________________
(purchase and/or sale)
the goods specified in the specification, which is an integral part of this agreement. The attorney under this agreement is looking for a Counterparty for the Principal to conclude a supply agreement. The Principal pays the Attorney a fee. The agency agreement is considered executed after the signing of the work acceptance certificate, which is an integral part of this agreement.


2.1. Responsibilities of the Attorney:
2.1.1. The Agent is obliged to fulfill the assignment given to him in accordance with the instructions of the Principal. The Attorney has the right to deviate from these instructions if, under the circumstances of the case, this is necessary in the interests of the Principal and the Attorney could not first request the Principal or did not receive a timely response to his request.
2.1.2. The Agent is obliged to inform the Principal, upon his request, all information about the progress of the execution of the order and without delay transfer to him everything received in connection with the execution of the order.
2.1.3. The Attorney is obliged to be responsible for the safety of documents, material assets and funds transferred to the Attorney by the Principal for the execution of the order.
2.1.4. The attorney is obliged to conduct negotiations, enter into transactions on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, or facilitate the conclusion of a transaction.
The attorney can find Counterparties and conclude transactions both directly and through exchanges.
2.2. Responsibilities of the Principal:
2.2.1. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept from the Attorney everything performed by the latter in accordance with the agreement.
2.2.2. The Principal is obliged to provide the Attorney with documents, material and monetary resources necessary for the execution of the order, and to reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred that were necessary for the execution of the order.


3.1. After the conclusion of the main agreement, the Principal does not have the right to move funds declared under the guarantee of the guarantor bank.
3.2. When executing an order to purchase goods, the Principal transfers to the Attorney an advance payment for the execution of the order in the amount of ________ (____________________________________________________________) rubles.
(in words)
or provides bank guarantees of its solvency.
3.3. The Attorney, together with the Principal, agrees on the terms of liability of the Counterparty in case of violation by the latter of its obligations under the Agreement.
3.4. For the duration of this agreement, the Principal loses the right to dispose of the funds specified as a guarantee, in accordance with clause 4.1 of this agreement, without written consent from the Attorney. In case of violation of this condition, the Principal pays the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ______% of the total amount of the Agency Agreement, but not less than ______________________ (________________________________________________) rub. and pays penalties under the contract
(in words)
ru supplies. Payment of penalties and fines is collected by payment requests without acceptance.
3.5. Clause 1.1 is valid upon preparation of the specification.
3.6. Under a transaction concluded by the Attorney on the basis of this agreement, the Principal acquires the rights and bears the obligations. In the event of a violation by a third party of a transaction concluded by the Attorney on behalf of the Principal, the Attorney is obliged to immediately notify the Principal about this, collect and provide the necessary evidence to collect penalties from the third party.


4.1. The Principal pays the Attorney a guarantee fee in the amount of _____________________ (__________________________________________________________) rubles, which in the event of non-conclusion
(in words)
transaction is returned to the Principal.
In case of improper execution of the transaction by the Principal, the guarantee fee is not refunded. Payment is made by payment order, check or direct deposit.
4.2. The price of the goods is determined by the Attorney based on negotiations, after which the transaction amount and the amount of remuneration to the Attorney are calculated in accordance with paragraphs. 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6.
Value added tax is included in the price of the goods.
4.3. The amount of the main remuneration to the Attorney is ______% of the amount of the supply agreement (contract). The Principal pays the main remuneration to the Attorney within _____ banking days after signing the main Supply Agreement or as the main Supply Agreement is fulfilled, and the guarantee fee is included in the payment.
Under the Main Supply Agreement (Contract) No. ___________, payment is made by payment order or check. If payment is not made within ______ banking days, it is collected by payment request without acceptance according to clause 4.5.
4.4. If the Principal received a commercial profit by purchasing goods at a price lower or selling it at a price higher than stipulated in the Agreement, then the Principal, in addition to the remuneration provided for in clause 4.3, pays the Agent ______% of the total amount of commercial profit received as a result of the transaction on more profitable conditions. Payment is made within ____ banking days after the expiration of the Supply Agreement by payment order, check or at the request of the Attorney. If payment is not made within _________ banking days, payment is collected by payment request without acceptance according to clause 4.5.
4.5. In case of evasion of payment or delay in payment of the remuneration provided for in paragraphs. 4.3 and 4.4 of this agreement, the Principal pays the Attorney a fine in the amount of _____% of the amount of the main supply agreement for each day of delay in payment of remuneration.
Payment is collected by payment request without acceptance.
4.6. If it is impossible to execute an order due to the fault of one of the parties, the guilty party bears financial liability under current legislation.


5.1. In the event of a fire, natural disaster, military action, robbery, government bans, a sharp (more than one and a half times) change in prices, when the fulfillment of the obligations of either party turns out to be completely or partially impossible, the Parties agree in writing on the distribution of losses incurred, in proportion to the invested funds and losses incurred.


6.1. All disputes arising from this Agreement and not settled by agreement of the parties (or written agreement between the parties) are considered in the manner prescribed by current legislation.
6.2. In everything else not provided for in this agreement, the current legislation governing relations under the Agency Agreement is applied.
6.3. The validity period of this Agreement is from "___"____________ ______. until “___”____________ ____ Upon expiration of this agreement, all financial claims of the Parties arising during the execution of this agreement remain in force until they are resolved.
This agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies, each having equal legal force.

Principal ______________________
Attorney _____________________

8. Signatures of the parties:

_____________________________________________________ _________________
(last name, initials) (signature)

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Perhaps you need a template from the area "Agreement of assignment" with content “Sample contract for the purchase and sale of goods”, You can look at this sample document.

AGREEMENT ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE/SALE OF GOODS AGREEMENT ORDER No. __________ ______________ "___"___________20___ ______________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Principal”, represented by _________________________ _________________________, acting on the basis of _______________, on the one hand, and _________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Agent”, represented by _________________________ _________________________, acting on the basis of _______________, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement about the following: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Principal instructs, and the Attorney undertakes the obligation to complete, on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, a transaction for __________________________ (purchase and/or sale) of the goods specified in the specification, which is an integral part of this agreement. The attorney under this agreement is looking for a Counterparty for the Principal to conclude a supply agreement. The Principal pays the Attorney a fee. 2. Rights and obligations of the parties 2.1. Responsibilities of the Attorney: 2.1.1. The Agent is obliged to fulfill the assignment given to him in accordance with the instructions of the Principal. The Attorney has the right to deviate from these instructions if, under the circumstances of the case, this is necessary in the interests of the Principal and the Attorney could not first request the Principal or did not receive a timely response to his request; 2.1.2. The Agent is obliged to inform the Principal, upon his request, all information about the progress of the execution of the order and without delay transfer to him everything received in connection with the execution of the order; 2.1.3. The Attorney is obliged to be responsible for the safety of documents, material assets and funds transferred to the Attorney by the Principal for the execution of the order; 2.1.4. The attorney is obliged to conduct negotiations and conclude transactions on behalf and at the expense of the Principal, or facilitate the conclusion of a transaction. An attorney can find counterparties and conclude transactions both directly and through exchanges. 2.2. Obligations of the Principal: 2.2.1. The Principal is obliged to immediately accept from the Attorney everything performed by the latter in accordance with the contract; 2.2.2. The Principal is obliged to provide the Attorney with documents, material and monetary resources necessary for the execution of the order, and to reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred that were necessary for the execution of the order. 3. Guarantees for fulfillment of obligations 3.1. After the conclusion of the main agreement, the Principal does not have the right to move funds declared under the guarantee of the guarantor bank. 3.2. When executing an order to purchase goods, the Principal transfers to the Attorney an advance payment for the execution of the order in the amount of ______ ________________________________________________________________ rubles or provides bank guarantees of his solvency. 3.3. The Attorney, together with the Principal, agrees on the terms of liability of the counterparty in case the latter violates its obligations under the contract. 3.4. For the duration of this agreement, the Principal loses the right to dispose of the funds specified as a guarantee in accordance with clause 2.1 of this agreement, without written consent from the Attorney. In case of violation of this condition, the Principal pays the Attorney a penalty in the amount of ____% percent of the total amount of the agency agreement, but not less than __________ ______________ rubles and pays penalties under the supply agreement. Payment of penalties and fines is collected by payment requests without acceptance. 3.5. Clause 1.1 is valid upon preparation of the specification. 3.6. According to the transaction concluded by the Attorney on the basis of this agreement, the Principal acquires the rights and bears the obligations. In the event of a violation by a third party of a transaction concluded by the Attorney on behalf of the Principal, the Attorney is obliged to immediately notify the Principal about this, collect and provide the necessary evidence to collect penalties from the third party. 4. Calculations of the parties 4.1. The Principal pays the Attorney a guarantee fee in the amount of ______________________________________________________________ rubles, which in case of non-conclusion of the transaction is returned to the Principal. In case of improper execution of the transaction by the Principal, the guarantee fee is not refunded. Payment is made by payment order, check or direct deposit. 4.2. The price of the goods is determined by the Attorney based on negotiations, after which the transaction amount and the amount of remuneration to the Attorney are calculated. In accordance with clauses 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6. Value added tax is included in the price of the goods. 4.3. Amount of the main remuneration to the Attorney: ____________% percent of the amount of the supply agreement (contract). The Principal pays the main remuneration to the Attorney within _____ banking days after receiving the main supply agreement or as the main supply agreement is fulfilled, and the guarantee fee is included in the payment. Under the main supply contract No.:___________ contract No. :__________ payment is made by money order or check. If payment is not made within ______ banking days, it is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5. 4.4. If the Principal received a commercial profit by purchasing goods at a price lower, or selling it at a price higher than stipulated in the contract, then the Principal, in addition to the remuneration provided for in clause 4.3, pays the Contractor: ______% of the total amount of commercial profit received as a result of the transaction on more favorable conditions. Payment is made within ____ banking days after the expiration of the supply agreement, by payment order, check or at the request of the Attorney. If payment is not made within ____ banking days, payment is collected by payment request without acceptance, according to clause 4.5. 4.5. In case of evasion of payment or delay in payment of the remuneration provided for in clauses 4.3 and 4.4 of this agreement, the Principal shall pay the Attorney a fine in the amount of _____% percent of the amount of the main supply agreement for each day of delay in payment of remuneration. Payment is collected by payment request without acceptance. 4.6. If it is impossible to execute an order due to the fault of one of the parties, the guilty party bears financial liability under current legislation. 5. Force majeure circumstances In the event of a fire, natural disaster, military action, robbery, government bans, a sharp (more than one and a half times) change in prices, when the fulfillment of the obligations of any of the parties turns out to be completely or partially impossible, the parties agree in writing on distribution of incurred losses in proportion to invested funds and incurred losses. 6. Communication between the parties is carried out through responsible persons: The Principal allocates responsible persons for communication with the Attorney who bear full responsibility for the actions they have committed: Full name. _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ Chief (senior) accountant: Full name _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ The Attorney assigns responsible persons for communication with the Principal who bear full responsibility for their actions: Full name. _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ Chief (senior) accountant: F. I.O. _______________________________________________________ telephone: _____________________, fax: ________________________ 7. All disputes arising from this agreement and not settled by agreement of the parties (or written agreement between the parties) are considered in the manner prescribed by current legislation. 8. In everything else not provided for in this agreement, the current legislation governing relations under the agency agreement is applied. 9. The validity period of this agreement is from "___"____________20___. until "___"______________20___ Upon expiration of this agreement, all financial claims of the parties arising during the execution of this agreement remain in force until they are resolved. This agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies having equal legal force. 10. Legal addresses and details of the parties: “Principal” “Attorney” ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ tel.:_______________________ tel.:_______________________ fax:_______________________ fax:_______________________ corr/s:_____________________ corr/s:_____________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ r/s: ________________________ account:________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _________, MFO:_____________ _________, MFO:_____________ SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES: ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ M.P.M.P. 11. In accordance with this contract of agency, a supply agreement has been concluded: 11.1. Registration number of the main CONTRACT No. _____________ date of signature: "___"________20__ Delivery of the first batch: "___"___________ 20__. The total contract amount is: ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ rub. 11.2. Reg. number of the main SUPPLY CONTRACT No. ______________ date of signature: "___"___________20__ Delivery of the first batch: "___"____20__. The total amount of the supply agreement is: ___________________________ ________________________________________________________________ rub. 11.3. Reg. number of the main ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT No. ______________ date of signature: "___"___________20__ date of first payment: "___"___________20__ 11.4. Reg. number will be added. AGREEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION No. ______________ date of signature: "___"___________20__ date of first payment: "___"___________20__ 11.5. Amount of full remuneration as a percentage of 100% of the total amount of the supply agreement: _____________% 11.6. The total amount under the contract on behalf of No. ____________________ Remuneration amount: ________________________________________________ rub. 11.7. Total amount (savings/excess) ________________________ ________________________________________________________________ rub. 11.8. Additional remuneration for (saving/exceeding) prices is ___________________________________ rubles (according to clause 3.4). 12. Payment terms for the contract of assignment: Date: From 100% total. contract amount. 1 "___"_________20___g _____% 6 "___"_________20___g _____% 2 "___"_________20___g _____% 7 "___"_________20___g _____% 3 "___"_________20___g _____% 8 "___"_________20___g _____% 4 "___"_________20___g _____% 9 "___"_________20___g _____% 5 "___"_________20___g _____% 10 "___"_________20___g _____% Principal: Attorney: President President of the Firm "__________" Firm "__________" ______________________ _______________________ M.P. M.P.

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to perform actions aimed at selling real estate in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Attorney", on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Principal", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. In accordance with this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the Attorney undertakes to perform on behalf of and at the expense of the Principal certain legal and actual actions (hereinafter referred to as the Actions) aimed at the sale by the Principal of real estate (hereinafter referred to as the Real Estate Property) owned by him: - room apartment located at the address: , Certificate series No. dated “” 2016, registered in the Unified State Register No. dated “” 2016, cadastral number, Stotal = Shousing = at a price not lower than rubles. The characteristics of the property being sold are specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement.


2.1. The attorney undertakes:

2.1.1. If necessary, prepare a package of documents necessary for the sale by the Principal of the real estate specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement. The Parties agree that the fulfillment of the terms of this clause can be carried out under a separate agreement concluded between the Parties.

2.1.2. In relation to actions for which a notarized power of attorney is required, transfer powers to third parties to perform these actions only if there is a right of subrogation in the specified power of attorney.

2.1.3. Place in the media, professional databases, as well as in other ways permitted by current legislation, information about the sale of the property specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.

2.1.4. Conduct negotiations with potential buyers of the Property specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.

2.1.5. Conduct showings (inspections) and allow for inspections of the Property only those potential buyers who have presented documents (passport or any other document) confirming their identity, with the mandatory presence of a representative of the Attorney at the inspections (showings) and filling out the Inspection Card (Appendix No. 2) , which is an integral part of the Agreement.

2.1.6. Inform the Principal weekly, as well as upon his request, about the progress of the Agreement, and advise on issues arising within the framework of the Agreement.

2.1.7. To carry out the instructions given to him under the Agreement in relation to the instructions (transferred powers) of the Principal that are legal, feasible and specific.

2.1.8. Take the necessary measures to ensure the financial security of the Principal when making payments between the Principal and the buyer of the Real Estate. What to use when making payments: the company's cash desk, a safe deposit box, or current and personal bank accounts. This list is exhaustive.

2.1.9. If necessary, receive from the buyers of the Property specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement, funds (advance, deposit or amount in the amount of the actual cost) from its sale and transfer it to the Principal.

2.1.10. Comply with confidentiality conditions regarding information received from the Principal, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.11. If you intend to terminate the Agreement before its execution, send the Principal a notice of refusal to perform the Agreement. If the Agreement is terminated before its execution, immediately return to the Principal the power of attorney that has not expired.

2.1.12. Upon execution or early termination of the Agreement, provided that the Attorney has completed part of the work, prepare and submit to the Principal a report on the execution of the assignment, indicating the work performed and the amount of remuneration due to the Attorney. The report is the basis for the Principal to make settlements with the Attorney in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement.

2.2. The attorney has the right.

2.2.1. If the Principal fails to comply with clause 2.3.9 of the Agreement, demand a reduction in the cost of the real estate being sold by the amount of costs necessary to eliminate these shortcomings. If the Principal does not satisfy this requirement, the Attorney has the right to refuse to fulfill the Agreement.

2.2.2. At its own discretion, involve third parties in the execution of the terms of the Agreement, if their involvement is justified and necessary.

2.3. The principal undertakes:

2.3.1. At the request of the Attorney, issue to him for review, making copies and (or) use the documents necessary to fulfill the terms of the Agreement.

2.3.2. If necessary, issue the Attorney a notarized power of attorney to carry out actions for which its presence is necessary.

2.3.3. Provide property owned by the Principal for inspection by potential buyers directed by the Attorney in accordance with the Agreement.

2.3.4. Pay the fee to the Attorney in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement.

2.3.5. Independently pay the costs associated with the execution of the purchase and sale transaction of the Real Estate Property specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement at the notary and (or) at the Registration Chamber, the bank commission for making any transfers to the account of the Attorney, as well as for preparing a draft purchase agreement sale of the Real Estate and payment of payments for registration of ownership of the Real Estate.

2.3.6. Reimburse the Attorney for expenses incurred by him necessary to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, if any.

2.3.7. Do not personally undertake or delegate the execution to third parties of actions the performance of which is entrusted to the Attorney in accordance with the Agreement.

2.3.8. Take part in carrying out legally significant actions necessary for the execution of the Agreement.

2.3.9. If a discrepancy is detected between the data specified in the inspection report of the real estate and its actual condition at the time of sale, eliminate the deficiencies indicated by the Attorney and bring the Property into proper condition in accordance with the inspection report (Appendix No. 1) within calendar days.

2.3.10. If you intend to terminate the Agreement before its execution, send to the Attorney a written application to cancel this assignment no less than business days before the expected date of termination of the Agreement.

2.3.11. If the Principal has not de-registered at the place of residence in the housing being sold before receiving funds from the buyer, the Principal undertakes, within calendar days from the date of receipt of funds, to de-register and provide an extract from the apartment card confirming the completion of these actions and the absence other registered persons.

2.4. The principal has the right:

2.4.1. Require the Attorney to provide information on the progress of his execution of instructions under the Agreement.

2.4.2. Demand that the Attorney replace the responsible employee (realtor, agent) performing the execution of the terms of the Agreement in case of unsatisfactory performance by submitting a reasoned application.

2.4.3. Demand a reduction in the cost of services under the Agreement if the Attorney fails to comply with the terms of clause 2.1 of this agreement.


3.1. Under this agreement, the Principal pays the Attorney a remuneration in the amount of rubles.

3.2. The Principal shall reimburse the Attorney for the expenses (expenses) incurred by him specified in clause 2.3.6 of the Agreement, and pays the remuneration specified in clause 3.1 within working days from the moment of signing the sale and purchase agreement and/or receiving a report on the execution of the order under the Agreement.

3.3. The Attorney has the right to demand from the Principal the payment of remuneration or part of it before the transaction of purchase and sale of real estate is completed.


4.1. The contract may be terminated if the order is canceled by the Principal or the Attorney refuses to execute it, as well as in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. In the event of early termination of the Agreement, the Principal pays the Attorney a remuneration in proportion to the work performed by the Attorney, and also reimburses the Attorney for expenses (expenses) incurred in executing the assignment.

4.3. Within working days from the date of early termination of the Agreement, the Principal returns to the Attorney the amount of the advance received for the Property specified in clause 1.1. If this condition is not fulfilled, the Principal shall pay the Attorney a fine in the amount of rubles. Payment of the fine does not relieve the Principal from returning the amount of the advance received for the Property specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement.


5.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed between the Parties and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under the Agreement.

5.2. The Principal agrees that the moment the Attorney fully fulfills his obligations under this agreement is the transfer of ownership of the property specified in clause 1.1.


6.1. For violation and (or) failure to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, the parties bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The Attorney is not responsible if disagreements arise between the owners of the alienated Property and other interested parties regarding the validity or terms of the Agreement, and is liable only for the obligations determined by the Agreement and additional agreements drawn up in established by law and the Agreement order.

6.3. The Attorney is not responsible if the Principal refuses the proposed forms of payment specified in clause 2.1.8 between the Principal and the buyer of the Real Estate.

6.4. The parties will not be liable for violations of their obligations under the Agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances that are directly or indirectly for any reason beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to: fires, war and/or hostilities, explosions and /or terrorist attacks, uprisings, general mobilization, introduction of a state of emergency in the relevant territory, strikes, epidemics, earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters and disasters, adoption government agencies decisions and/or regulations, respectively, affecting the fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under the Agreement. Other reasons and circumstances force majeure which neither of the Parties could foresee and overcome, as well as other events that the judicial authorities recognize as cases of force majeure.


7.1. On issues not regulated by the Agreement, the parties will be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. Changes and additions to the contract are made in writing and become an integral part of it.

7.3. All disputes arising during the execution of the Agreement will be resolved by the parties through negotiations. Pre-trial claims procedure is mandatory. If the dispute is not resolved through negotiations, the dispute is referred by the interested party to the judicial authorities.

7.4. The sole representative on the part of the Principal on issues related to the execution of the Agreement and the conclusion of additional agreements on its behalf is.

7.5. The Principal is aware that, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, in the event of untimely release and deregistration (extract) from the apartment (room), Buyers have the right to demand from the Seller payment of a fine in the amount of rubles.

7.6. The agreement is drawn up in two copies, one for each party, having equal legal force.

7.7. Before signing the Agreement, the Principals are fully familiarized with the terms, Appendices thereto and the Agent’s price list.


Attorney Legal address: Postal address: INN: KPP: Bank: Cash/account: Correspondent/account: BIC:

Principal Registration: Postal address: Passport series: Number: Issued by: By: Telephone:


Attorney _________________

Principal _________________