Terrorist act within the last 10 years. The world's largest terrorist attack in history: list, description and interesting facts

On October 10, the largest terrorist attack in the country's history occurred in Turkey. Two explosions with an interval of three seconds occurred in the morning in the Turkish capital Ankara near the railway station before the start of a protest rally organized by trade unions and public organizations, against the surge in violence due to the Turkish-Kurdish conflict in the southeast of the country. The attack, carried out by two suicide bombers, caused the death of 95 people and injured 246.

On September 8, PKK militants blew up a minibus carrying police officers. The incident occurred in Igdir province in southeastern Turkey. The explosion killed 13 people.

On August 17, a powerful explosion occurred at the Ratchaprasong intersection in the business and tourist area of ​​Bangkok, Thailand. The homemade radio-controlled bomb, which used TNT as an explosive, was planted at the fence of the Hindu shrine of the deity Erawan (three-headed sacred elephant) near the Amarin Plaza shopping center and the Grand Hayatt Erawan Hotel at a time when the shrine was particularly crowded with visitors, most among whom were tourists. According to official data, 20 people died as a result of the terrorist attack, 12 of them on the spot, another 8 people died in hospitals from their injuries. The number of wounded was 123 people.

July 22 22 Iraqi Army soldiers and participants people's militia died as a result of two explosions carried out by militants of the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IS) in the east of the city of Fallujah. The militants blew up two cars filled with explosives. At least 24 people were injured.

On July 22, in Faryab province in northwestern Afghanistan, an explosive device was detonated by a suicide bomber at a busy market in the Alamar district. The explosion killed 19 people.

On July 21, at least 19 people were killed in two explosions in predominantly Shiite areas of the Iraqi capital Baghdad (Iraq). The first car went airborne on a crowded street in the eastern Baghdad neighborhood of Al-Jadida. The explosion killed 17 people and injured 43 more, most of them civilians. Another attack occurred in the Zafaraniya area in southern Baghdad, killing at least two people and injuring nine others.

On July 20, a terrorist attack occurred in a tea cafe in front of a cultural center in Suruç (Turkey), located on the border with Syria, killing 30 people and injuring more than 100. A bomb exploded in front of the entrance to Cultural Center, where Turkish Kurds gathered who were preparing to go to Syria to help rebuild the city of Kobani, which suffered from an attack by ISIS militants.

On July 17, a car bomb containing three tons of explosives exploded in a market in the city of Bani Saad in eastern Iraq. The explosion occurred as people gathered in the market to celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan. The number of victims of the explosion was 120 people. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack.

On July 12, a car filled with explosives exploded near a military base in the Afghan province of Khost in the east of the country, where Afghan and foreign military personnel are located. 33 people were killed and 23 were injured.

On July 12, several cars filled with explosives went up in various parts of Baghdad. In addition, two suicide bombers detonated explosive devices, one of them exploded near the market. As a result of the incidents, 35 people were killed and more than 100 were injured.

On June 17, a series of explosions occurred in Sanaa (Yemen), resulting in the death of 31 people. IN different parts In the city, five explosive devices were detonated near mosques and buildings associated with rebels from the Shiite Ansar Allah movement (Houthis). The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

On June 2, a series of explosions in Salah al-Din province in northern Iraq killed at least 32 members of pro-government Shiite militias. Four car bombs exploded near the city of Baiji. It was also reported that 34 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack.

On June 1, a car bomb exploded near a military base in Iraq's western Anbar province, killing 38 security forces. More than 30 security forces were injured as a result of the explosion. The radical group "Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the attack.

On April 18, two explosions occurred in the city of Jalalabad in the Afghan province of Nangarhar. One of them occurred near a bank branch. Another explosion occurred near the building of the Department of Information and Culture. The attacks killed 33 people and injured more than 100.

On April 2, Al-Shabab militants attacked a university dormitory in the Kenyan city of Garissa. As a result of the terrorist attack, 147 people were killed and another 79 people were injured.

On March 20, militants with suicide vests entered the Badr and Al-Hashush mosque in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, followed by four explosions. Subsequently, Houthi checkpoints around mosques were attacked. As a result of the explosions, 150 people were killed and at least 345 were injured. Among the dead are one of the spiritual leaders of the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis), Murtada al-Makhturi, as well as two high-ranking members of the group. On the same day, two explosions also occurred in the northern city of Saada, killing at least 33 people.

On January 7, at least 50 people were killed and dozens injured in an explosion that occurred near a police school in the Yemeni capital Sanaa. A suicide bomber blew up a minibus filled with explosives. The explosion occurred as dozens of applicants gathered in front of the college building.

TASS DOSSIER. On November 17, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, said that the A321 crash over the Sinai, where more than 220 people died, was a terrorist attack. According to him, traces of foreign-made explosives were found on the wreckage of the plane and things.

Less than two weeks after the events in Egypt, terrorists carried out a series of attacks in Paris. 129 people were killed and over 350 were injured. It is the second-deadliest terrorist attack in Europe after Madrid, when 190 people were killed in train station bombings in 2004.

Listed below are the 10 largest terrorist attacks in the world by death toll, excluding attacks that occurred in countries where there was military conflict at the time. In eight cases, the attacks were carried out by radical Islamist groups.

The September 11 terrorist attacks in the USA. 2996 dead

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers from the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda captured passenger aircraft and crashed them into two towers of the World Trade Center (New York) and into the Pentagon building - the headquarters of the US Department of Defense (Arlington County, Virginia). The fourth hijacked airliner crashed near Shanksville (Pennsylvania). As a result of this world's largest series of terrorist attacks, 2 thousand 996 people were killed and over 6 thousand people were injured. The organizer of the terrorist attack was the al-Qaeda group and its leader Osama bin Laden.

Beslan. Russia. 335 dead

On September 1, 2004, in Beslan (North Ossetia-Alania), militants led by Ruslan Khuchbarov (“Rasul”) captured more than 1 thousand 100 students from school number 1, their relatives and teachers. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began at the school, which forced an assault. Most of the hostages were released, 335 people died. Among the dead were 186 children, 17 teachers and school staff, 10 employees of the Russian FSB, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The militants were destroyed, only one survived - Nurpashi Kulaev (in 2006 sentenced to death penalty, commuted to life imprisonment due to the moratorium on executions). International terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Boeing 747 Air India. 329 dead

On June 23, 1985, an Air India Boeing 747 passenger plane, flying flight AI182 on the route Montreal (Canada) - London - Delhi, crashed in the waters Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland. The cause of the disaster was the explosion of a bomb planted in luggage by Indian Sikh extremists. All 329 people on board (307 passengers and 22 crew members) were killed in the disaster. Canadian citizen Inderjit Singh Reyat was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of participating in the preparation of a terrorist attack in 2003. Prior to this, he served a 10-year prison sentence for preparing an explosion at Narita Airport (Japan), which occurred on the same day as the VT-EFO disaster. Reyat was later charged with perjury and sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2011.

Boko Haram attack in Nigeria. More than 300 dead

On May 5-6, 2014, gunmen killed over 300 residents in a nighttime attack on the town of Gamboru, Borno State. Survivors fled to neighboring Cameroon. Most of the city was destroyed.

Lockerbie attack. 270 dead

On December 21, 1988, a Boeing 747 passenger plane of Pan Am (USA), performing regular flight 103 on the route Frankfurt am Main - London - New York - Detroit, crashed in the air over Lockerbie (Scotland). A bomb placed in luggage exploded on board. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members on board, as well as 11 people on the ground, were killed. In 1991, two Libyan citizens were accused of organizing an explosion. In 1999, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to hand over both suspects to a Dutch court. One of them, Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi, was found guilty on January 31, 2001 and sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 2009 due to a fatal illness diagnosed in him, died in 2012). In 2003, the Libyan authorities admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack and paid compensation in the total amount of 2.7 billion US dollars - 10 million dollars for each person killed.

Bombay attacks. India. 257 dead

On March 12, 1993, 13 car bombs were simultaneously detonated in crowded areas of Bombay (now Mumbai). The terrorist attack killed 257 people and injured over 700. The investigation established that the organizers of the explosions were Islamic terrorists. The attack was a response to earlier clashes between Muslims and Hindus in the city. One of the organizers, Yakub Memon, was sentenced to death, which was carried out on July 30, 2015. Two of his accomplices are wanted.

Airplane A321 "Kogalymavia". 224 dead

October 31, 2015 passenger aircraft Airbus A321-231 ( registration number EI-ETJ) of the Russian airline Metrojet (Kogalymavia), flying flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, crashed 100 km from the city of El-Arish in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. There were 224 people on board - 217 passengers and seven crew members, all of whom died.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that those responsible and those involved in the terrorist attack on the plane would be found and punished. “We must do this without a statute of limitations, know them all by name. We will look for them wherever they are hiding. We will find them anywhere on the planet and punish them,” Putin assured.

Bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 224 dead

On August 7, 1998, two simultaneous terrorist attacks occurred in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (the former capital of Tanzania), targeting the US embassies in these countries. Parked trucks filled with explosives exploded near the embassies. A total of 224 people died, of which 12 were US citizens, the rest were local residents. The organizer of the explosions was the al-Qaeda group.

Terrorist attacks in Mumbai. India. 209 dead

On July 11, 2006, Islamic terrorists detonated explosive devices hidden in pressure cookers in the carriages of seven local trains in the suburbs of Mumbai (Khar Road, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mahim, Borivli, Matunga stations " and "Mira Road"). The attack occurred during the evening rush hour. 209 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. At the end of the investigation into the crime, the court sentenced 12 people to various prison terms, 5 of them were sentenced to death.

Terrorist attack in Bali. Indonesia. 202 dead

On October 12, 2002, as a result of a suicide attack and car bomb explosion near nightclubs in the resort town of Kuta (Bali), 202 people were killed, of which 164 were Foreign tourists. 209 people were injured. About 30 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. In 2003, an Indonesian court recognized a number of members of the Jamaah Islamiyah organization as the organizers of the terrorist attack. In 2008, three of them - Abdul Aziz, also known as Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasim and Ali (Muklas) Gurfon - were executed by court. Muklas' brother Ali Imron was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Al-Qaeda mentioned in the material is included in the Unified Federal List of Organizations Recognized in accordance with the Law Russian Federation terrorist. Their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

On June 11, 1996, the first terrorist attack occurred in Moscow since the collapse of the USSR - an explosion in the Moscow metro. On this day we remember all the major Moscow tragedies and dream that this nightmare will never happen again!

(Total 15 photos)

1. June 11, 1996: explosion of an improvised explosive device on the stretch between the Tulskaya and Nagatinskaya stations of the Moscow metro. 4 people died, 12 were hospitalized.

3. August 31, 1999: explosion in the Okhotny Ryad shopping complex on Manezhnaya Square. One woman died and 40 people were injured.

4. September 9 and 13, 1999: explosions of residential buildings on Guryanov Street and on Kashirskoye Highway. 100 and 124 people died, respectively.

5. August 8, 2000: explosion in the underground passage on Pushkinskaya Square. 13 people were killed, 61 people were injured. The improvised explosive device with a capacity of 800 grams of TNT was stuffed with screws and screws. The bomb was left in a shopping bag next to the shopping pavilion.

6. February 5, 2001: at 18:50 an explosion occurred at the Belorusskaya-Koltsevaya metro station. The explosive device was placed on the platform next to the first carriage of the train under a heavy marble bench. The explosion knocked out powerful lampshades at the station, and cladding fell from the ceiling. The explosion injured 20 people, including two children, but no one died.

7. October 23-26, 2002: Terrorist attack on Dubrovka - a group of Chechen militants led by Chechen separatist Movsar Barayev took over 900 hostages in the building of the Theater Center on Dubrovka. All the terrorists were destroyed during the storming of the building, the hostages were freed, but more than 120 people died from the effects of the sleeping gas used by special forces during the assault, combined with the difficult conditions in which the hostages were held (three days in a sitting position with virtually no food or water).

8. July 5, 2003: Chechen terrorists carried out an explosion at the Tushinsky airfield during the Wings rock festival. 16 people were killed, about 50 were injured. (Photo: Moskovsky Komsomolets)

9. December 9, 2003: a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the National Hotel. 6 people were killed, 14 people were injured.

10. February 6, 2004: an explosion with a capacity of 4 kg of TNT, carried out by a suicide bomber on a train on the stretch between the Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations. 42 people were killed and about 250 were injured.

11. August 31, 2004: a female suicide bomber detonated an explosive device near the Rizhskaya metro station. More than 10 people were killed, and another 50 were injured and hospitalized. Shamil Basayev took responsibility for the terrorist attack. (Photo: RIA Novosti)

12. August 21, 2006: explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. The explosion killed 14 people and injured 61 people.

13. August 13, 2007: as a result of the explosion of the railway track (official version), the Nevsky Express train crashed between Moscow and St. Petersburg. The power of the explosive device was up to 2 kg in TNT equivalent. As a result of the accident, 60 people were injured, of which 25 were taken to hospitals, no one died.

14. March 29, 2010: at 7:56 there was an explosion at the Lubyanka metro station. Another explosion at 8:37 occurred at the Park Kultury station. As a result of the terrorist attacks, 41 people were killed and 85 were injured. The leader of the “Caucasian Emirate” Doku Umarov took responsibility for this terrorist attack.

15. January 24, 2011: a suicide bomber detonated a bomb at Domodedovo airport at 16:32. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, 37 people died, 130 people were injured of varying degrees of severity.

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers from the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked passenger planes and crashed them into two towers of the World Trade Center (New York) and into the Pentagon building - the headquarters of the US Department of Defense (Arlington County). , Virginia). The fourth hijacked airliner crashed near Shanksville (Pennsylvania). As a result of this world's largest series of terrorist attacks, 2 thousand 996 people were killed and over 6 thousand people were injured. The organizer of the terrorist attack was the al-Qaeda group and its leader Osama bin Laden.

2. Beslan. Russia. 335 dead

On September 1, 2004, in Beslan (North Ossetia-Alania), militants led by Ruslan Khuchbarov (“Rasul”) captured more than 1 thousand 100 students from school number 1, their relatives and teachers. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began at the school, which forced an assault. Most of the hostages were released, 335 people died. Among the dead were 186 children, 17 teachers and school staff, 10 employees of the Russian FSB, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The militants were destroyed, only one survived - Nurpashi Kulaev (in 2006 he was sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment due to a moratorium on the execution of death sentences). International terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

3. Boeing 747 Air India. 329 dead

On June 23, 1985, an Air India Boeing 747 passenger plane, flying flight AI182 on the route Montreal (Canada) - London - Delhi, crashed in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland. The cause of the disaster was the explosion of a bomb planted in luggage by Indian Sikh extremists. All 329 people on board (307 passengers and 22 crew members) were killed in the disaster. Canadian citizen Inderjit Singh Reyat was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of participating in the preparation of a terrorist attack in 2003. Prior to this, he served a 10-year prison sentence for preparing an explosion at Narita Airport (Japan), which occurred on the same day as the VT-EFO disaster. Reyat was later charged with perjury and sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2011.

4. Boko-Haram attack in Nigeria. More than 300 dead

On May 5-6, 2014, gunmen killed over 300 residents in a nighttime attack on the town of Gamboru, Borno State. Survivors fled to neighboring Cameroon. Most of the city was destroyed.

5. Terrorist attack on Lockerbie. 270 dead

On December 21, 1988, a Boeing 747 passenger plane of Pan Am (USA), operating scheduled flight 103 on the route Frankfurt am Main - London - New York - Detroit, crashed in the air over Lockerbie (Scotland). A bomb placed in luggage exploded on board. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members on board, as well as 11 people on the ground, were killed. In 1991, two Libyan citizens were accused of organizing an explosion. In 1999, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to hand over both suspects to a Dutch court. One of them, Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi, was found guilty on January 31, 2001 and sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 2009 due to a fatal illness diagnosed in him, died in 2012). In 2003, the Libyan authorities admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack and paid compensation in the total amount of 2.7 billion US dollars - 10 million dollars for each person killed.

6. Bombay attacks. India. 257 dead

On March 12, 1993, 13 car bombs were simultaneously detonated in crowded areas of Bombay (now Mumbai). The terrorist attack killed 257 people and injured over 700. The investigation established that the organizers of the explosions were Islamic terrorists. The attack was a response to earlier clashes between Muslims and Hindus in the city. One of the organizers, Yakub Memon, was sentenced to death, which was carried out on July 30, 2015. Two of his accomplices are wanted.

7. Aircraft A321 "Kogalymavia". 224 dead

On October 31, 2015, a passenger aircraft Airbus A321-231 of the Russian airline Metrojet (Kogalymavia), flying flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, crashed 100 km from the city of El-Arish in the north Sinai Peninsula. There were 224 people on board - 217 passengers and seven crew members, all of whom died.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that those responsible and those involved in the terrorist attack on the plane would be found and punished. “We must do this without a statute of limitations, know them all by name. We will look for them wherever they are hiding. We will find them anywhere on the planet and punish them,” Putin assured.

8. Bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 224 dead

On August 7, 1998, two simultaneous terrorist attacks occurred in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (the former capital of Tanzania), targeting the US embassies in these countries. Parked trucks filled with explosives exploded near the embassies. A total of 224 people died, of which 12 were US citizens, the rest were local residents. The organizer of the explosions was the al-Qaeda group.

9. Terrorist attacks in Mumbai. India. 209 dead

On July 11, 2006, Islamic terrorists detonated explosive devices hidden in pressure cookers in the carriages of seven local trains in the suburbs of Mumbai (Khar Road, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mahim, Borivli, Matunga stations " and "Mira Road"). The attack occurred during the evening rush hour. 209 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. At the end of the investigation into the crime, the court sentenced 12 people to various prison terms, 5 of them were sentenced to death.

10.Terrorist attack in Bali. Indonesia. 202 dead

On October 12, 2002, a suicide attack and car bomb explosion near nightclubs in the resort town of Kuta (Bali) killed 202 people, 164 of them foreign tourists. 209 people were injured. About 30 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. In 2003, an Indonesian court recognized a number of members of the Jamaah Islamiyah organization as the organizers of the terrorist attack. In 2008, three of them - Abdul Aziz, also known as Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasim and Ali (Muklas) Gurfon - were executed by court. Muklas' brother Ali Imron was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Al-Qaeda mentioned in the material is included in the Unified Federal List of Organizations recognized as terrorist in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

Among all terrorist attacks, we can highlight those that resulted in deaths a large number of Human. Acts aimed at mass murder are taking place all over the world.

Terrorist attacks with the highest number of casualties

Some terrorist attacks can be prevented, but sometimes the criminals manage to achieve their goal and people become victims of crimes. Sometimes the death toll runs into tens and even hundreds.

Terrorist attacks in Paris (France)

At the end of 2015, several terrorist attacks occurred simultaneously in Paris. Terrorists carried out seven attacks in different areas of the city - shootings in restaurants and shopping centers, explosions near the stadium and capture concert hall. The result of these terrorist attacks was the death of one hundred and fifty people, and about two hundred more people were injured.

Terrorist attacks in Norway

In 2011, in the capital of Norway, an explosion occurred near government buildings, after which a terrorist in a police uniform shot people for an hour and a half in a youth camp located on the island of Utøya. The result of this double terrorist attack was the death of seventy-seven people.

Series of attacks in Mumbai (India)

In the Indian city of Mumbai in 2008, at the end of November, a series of terrorist attacks occurred. Terrorists carried out a bloodbath in several areas of the city. 174 people died, more than two hundred were injured.

Bloody terrorist attack in Pakistan

In the fall of 2007, terrorists committed two explosions along the route of a government motorcade in Pakistan. 140 people died. Five hundred people were wounded.

Explosions at Madrid train station (Spain)

In 2004 at central station Terrorists planted several bombs in Madrid. The explosions took the lives of one hundred and ninety-two people.

Terrible terrorist attacks in Russia

Behind last decades There have been several terrorist attacks in Russia. The result was the death of hundreds of people, and thousands were injured. Next, about the worst terrorist attacks in our country.

Explosions of residential buildings in Moscow

In September one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, several explosions of residential buildings occurred in the Russian capital. Explosions occurred from September 4th to 13th on Guryanov Street and Kashirskoye Highway. Two hundred thirty-three people died.

Terrorist attack at the Dubrovka theater

In the fall of two thousand and two, a terrorist attack occurred in Moscow. About seven hundred spectators became hostages. The special forces used gas during the assault. As a result, forty-one terrorists and one hundred and twenty-nine spectators were killed.

School in Beslan

The horrifying number of victims is the result of a terrorist attack in one of the Beslan schools in 2004. Three hundred twenty-six people died. Mostly they were children. Another seven hundred and twenty people were injured. This is the most massive terrorist attack in Russia.

Hospital in Mozdok

In 2003, a terrorist attack occurred in the city of Mozdok in North Ossetia. A suicide bomber in a truck rammed a military hospital at high speed. An explosion occurred, killing fifty people.

Explosions on airplanes

Terrible plane crashes, caused by terrorist activities, are repeated with alarming frequency. In this case, no one can be saved.

2004 plane attacks

Two planes were blown up by suicide bombers in August 2004. Both planes took off from Domodedovo airport. Ninety people died.

Terrorist attack on board a Boeing 747

In 1988, a terrorist attack was committed on a Boeing 747 flying from London to New York. The liner exploded and its debris fell on the city of Lockerbie. The result was the death of two hundred and seventy people, including eleven residents of Lockerbie.