How is accounting carried out for individual entrepreneurs? Is it possible for an entrepreneur not to keep accounting records?

An activity aimed at making a profit is a business. Regardless of its type, there is a movement of financial resources that must be taken into account in a certain way. Such rules are valid for any category of businessmen, including individual entrepreneurs. That is why, having decided to start his own business, a person first of all asks the question of how to keep accounting records for an individual entrepreneur. The newcomer has fair concerns on this score, because Russian financial legislation - codes, regulations, laws are very often subject to changes. For those who are getting acquainted with this topic for the first time, we recommend paying attention to the following factors.

What is special about individual entrepreneur accounting?

Attention! According to current legislation, for an individual entrepreneur maintaining accounting, literally interpreted this concept, is optional.

This thesis requires some clarification. The fact is that the concept of “accounting for individual entrepreneurs” is actually somewhat vague, since it is divided into three types of accounting:

  • accounting;
  • managerial;
  • tax

At the same time, the accounting component is negligible. Particular emphasis should first of all be placed on tax accounting in order to avoid problems with fiscal government agencies. Management accounting is necessary for the individual entrepreneur himself in order to realistically assess the effectiveness of his work.

As for accounting, an individual entrepreneur can conduct it “as he pleases,” without focusing on any accounting registers or template systems.

What benefits does accounting provide to an entrepreneur?

  1. Visual vision of performance results.
  2. Timely identification of a situation when activity tends to “minus”.
  3. Assessment of the effectiveness of actions for a certain period and, on its basis, further planning of the work process.
  4. Understanding your own obligations to partners and clients, as well as the deadlines for their fulfillment.
  5. Control of financial, material and labor resources.
  6. Timely and competent formation and submission of reports to tax office and other government bodies.

Accounting under “simplified taxation” (USN)

In practice, great interest in the question of how to maintain accounting records for individual entrepreneurs on their own most often arises among businessmen who have chosen a simplified taxation system. IN in this case accounting is limited to maintaining a special book in which all expenses and income are taken into account - KUDIR. It is filled out in stages throughout the reporting year. In compliance with chronology, entries are made into the book from primary documentation reflecting all operations carried out by the entrepreneur.

Attention! Until 2013, the mandatory procedure was certification of KUDIR by the tax office. In 2015, just like in 2014, this is not necessary. However, the accounting book must be properly maintained. Upon the first request from the tax authorities, it must be provided immediately.

Procedure for maintaining a ledger of expenses/incomes

In order for a novice businessman to understand how an individual entrepreneur can conduct accounting independently, we want to focus on key rules maintaining KUDIR:

  • Strict adherence to the chronological sequence of records.
  • The reflection of business transactions must be positional, that is, each entry is on a new line.
  • For each entry, a primary document is provided - a check, invoice, payment order.
  • Accounting is kept only in rubles, for example, the number 53 rubles 35 kopecks is reflected in the book as “53.35”.

The modern regulatory framework gives the right to an individual entrepreneur to maintain KUDIR, both in paper and electronic form.

Example of filling out an income/expense book

No.Date, registration number of the primary documentContents of the operationIncomeConsumption
32 Invoice No. 6 dated 01/05/2015Included in the cost of the purchase price: pendulum bushing original number 250014523 1500
33 Invoice No. 16 dated 01/25/2015Included in the cost of the purchase price: front lever original number 51000120568 3600
34 Payment order No. 27 dated 04/25/2015Income received from the sale of the pendulum bushing original number 2500145232200

An individual entrepreneur has the right to trust a third party to keep records of his activities. If he decides to switch to another taxation system, then accounting must be carried out in accordance with the regulatory legislation. In the event that the entrepreneur did not carry out any economic activity, the KUDIR is not filled in during this period. Any sanctions in this regard from the tax service will be illegal.

Of course, a business owner has the right to use special computer programs to manage his activities and maintain accounting records for individual entrepreneurs.

Many businessmen, when opening their own business, do not pay enough attention to maintaining accounting, tax, and personnel records. You should think about the serious consequences in case of incorrect document flow at the enterprise. Fiscal authorities may impose large fines and penalties for the absence of required papers and declarations. To avoid such a situation, you need to know how to organize an accounting system depending on the chosen taxation scheme, and what documents to submit to employees of the Federal Tax Service (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Tax Service).

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs

According to the provisions Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs) are allowed not to use a complex document flow and accounting system with often incomprehensible operations and postings. Many businessmen mistakenly interpret this resolution as permission not to do accounting at all, limiting themselves to regularly filling out the Book of Income and Expenses (hereinafter referred to as KUDiR). Meanwhile, the entrepreneur will have to submit tax reports, and this requires maintaining primary documentation.

Preparation of accounting records for individual entrepreneurs, the nuances and features of office work are directly related to the tax system chosen by the businessman. If an entrepreneur has chosen one of the preferential special regimes, then managing document flow is easier. If you have chosen the basic taxation system (hereinafter referred to as OSNO), then you cannot do without qualified specialists who can calculate the paid and deducted value added tax (hereinafter referred to as VAT).

In order to competently and correctly calculate the tax base for the payment of fees to the state and contributions to federal funds, it is necessary to constantly take into account the primary documentation. If an entrepreneur hires employees, then accounting for individual entrepreneurs becomes more complicated, since it will be necessary to calculate taxes for employees, pay them to the Federal Tax Service, and submit timely declarations and reports to inspection authorities.

Accounting Features

The responsibilities of any entrepreneur include maintaining KUDiR in paper or electronic form. If a businessman prefers to manually fill out the book, then he will need to number all the pages, sew them together, and seal them. The document reflects information about all business transactions carried out by the company - the receipt of cash and non-cash funds, expenses incurred. KUDiR serves as the object of inspection by the tax service. The literacy and accuracy of accounting can be checked within three years after the official closure of the company.

Only entrepreneurs who apply the Unified Tax on Imputed Income (hereinafter referred to as UTII) are exempt from maintaining KUDiR; all other businessmen are required to submit this document to the tax service. If the entrepreneur “sits” on OSNO, then he will have to keep records of all primary documents, invoices with VAT, and make accounting entries related to the calculation and deduction of this tax. The main tax system provides for the payment of taxes on profits and property, which will have to be calculated separately, determining the basis for calculating fees.

Tax accounting and reporting

Maintaining documentation necessary for calculation and payment necessary fees called tax accounting. Often, businessmen combine accounting and tax accounting, since internal records management is directly related to the calculation and payment of contributions to budgets of all levels. In order to calculate and pay the required fees, you need to thoroughly study what reporting is required in the applicable taxation system.

If a businessman illiterately draws up official papers, maliciously or unintentionally misleads the Federal Tax Service by providing incorrect reporting, or understates the basis for calculating taxes, then he will have to bear responsibility. The legislation provides for severe penalties for enterprises that have incorrectly organized accounting in the organization, up to and including criminal prosecution, if there is evidence of arrears in paying taxes in excess of 600 rubles. Bailiffs can confiscate not only the property of the company, but also the personal property of the owner.

Organization of individual entrepreneur accounting

Since well-organized accounting is of great importance for an entrepreneur, immediately after carrying out the registration procedure and selecting a taxation system (hereinafter referred to as TS), the businessman should decide how he will carry out document flow and monitor the correctness of taxes and fees. There are three options for a merchant to conduct accounting:

  • Independent. If one of the preferential special regimes is chosen, then the entrepreneur can organize the document flow personally.
  • With the involvement of an employee. This option is chosen if they feel insufficient competence in accounting matters.
  • Contract with an outsourcing company engaged in consulting, provision of accounting and tax accounting. This organization of document flow in an enterprise is the simplest, but it is expensive.

Independent accounting in special modes

Preferential SNs provide for easier documentation. To reduce costs, you can conduct office work yourself. Maintaining accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system involves consistent and systematic filling out of KUDiR and recording of primary reporting. If a businessman uses UTII, then accounting is simplified. There is no need to maintain KUDiR; you can only limit yourself to recording the documentation that serves as the basis for calculating the basic tax.

Self-management official papers are beneficial from a financial point of view - a businessman does not spend money on hiring workers who can be entrusted with such a task. Switching to online accounting services greatly simplifies company accounting. The selected system is cheaper than the services of an incoming or permanent employee, but you should be sober about your capabilities for maintaining the company’s records. Independent accounting for individual entrepreneurs is labor-intensive and is fraught with errors when calculating taxes.

With the help of a hired accountant

If the owner of the enterprise does not want or does not have the time to debug the company’s accounting himself, then he should hire a qualified specialist who understands all the nuances and complexities of the CH chosen by the businessman, who is oriented in latest changes legislation that knows the deadlines for deducting payments for fees and taxes. Hiring an experienced accountant will help the employer save money, since the cost of cooperation with one person is much lower than outsourcing office work.

The choice of an employee responsible for accounting for individual entrepreneurs must be approached responsibly, taking into account all the consequences of poor-quality and illiterate work. The cost of services for a hired accountant in Russia ranges from 40-60 thousand rubles. You can agree on piecework performance of duties, for example, submitting reports on time, and at normal times do your own accounting.

Agreement with an outsourcing company

The easiest way to conduct accounting for an individual entrepreneur is to completely delegate the office work to a company that is specifically engaged in maintaining tax and accounting records. This method is acceptable if the owner does not have time to deal with paperwork, he wants to spend his time solving more important economic or financial issues. Specialized firms will keep records “from scratch” and submit reports to the tax inspectorate in accordance with established deadlines.

The advantage of working with an outsourcing company is that a businessman does not need to worry about how tax returns are filled out and payments are transferred to budgets of all levels. Responsibility for accounting for individual entrepreneurs takes specialized organization. The disadvantage of this form of reporting is that the head of the enterprise is completely “excluded” from the process of generating official papers. In addition, the cost of outsourcing services is much more expensive than hiring an accountant. For complete accounting you will have to pay about 100 rubles in Moscow.

How to properly conduct accounting yourself - step-by-step instructions

Properly organized document flow of a company is the key to successful economic and financial activities, so you should carefully consider accounting for individual entrepreneurs. After the registration procedure, the businessman is given a month to choose a SN, otherwise the Federal Tax Service automatically transfers the entrepreneur to OSNO. You should think through all the nuances and details of accounting in advance, studying the principles of deduction of taxes and contributions. You need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Estimate the size of the company’s upcoming income and expenses in order to assess the possibility of selecting a tax system.
  2. Select the special SN mode, if possible. There are only 4 of them: UTII, simplified taxation system (hereinafter referred to as the simplified taxation system), or “simplified”, Unified Agricultural Tax (UST), patent taxation system (hereinafter referred to as the PSN). You need to choose a special mode depending on the type of work or services that the individual entrepreneur will engage in. The amount of subsequent tax deductions directly depends on the selection of SN. If the individual entrepreneur cannot choose a special regime on his own, you can consult with specialists.
  3. Find out what kind of reporting is required to be submitted to the Federal Tax Service for the selected tax system, how to organize accounting for individual entrepreneurs, and record primary documentation.
  4. Determine the amount of work that the future company will perform, understand whether it is necessary to use hired labor. The maintenance of personnel records, the calculation of wages to employees with the payment of contributions to funds, benefits, and other issues related to document flow depend on this.
  5. Find out the deadlines established by the Federal Tax Service for deductions of taxes and contributions.
  6. Determine who will conduct accounting for the individual entrepreneur - an employee, an outsourcing company or the businessman himself. Explore the possibility of using online accounting.
  7. Save all primary documents, distributing them into categories. Take into account contracts with suppliers, customers, contractors, maintain strict reporting forms (SSR), estimate documentation confirming the chosen type of activity, expenses incurred and revenue received.

Selecting a tax system and calculating the tax burden

In order to competently choose a suitable SN, the taxpayer needs to decide on its main elements. According to the law, the following factors are taken into account:

  • The object of taxation is the receipt of income, profit, or other result from the activities of the organization, in the event of which it is necessary to make payments to the budget.
  • The basis for calculating taxes is the expression in monetary units of the object of taxation.
  • The period for paying taxes is the time during which the base is determined and the amount of the fee is calculated.
  • The procedure for calculating and deadlines for paying tax.

To select a CH, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • direction of the enterprise's activity;
  • average number of hired workers;
  • the amount of expected profit;
  • price of fixed assets and company equipment;
  • the average monthly turnover of the company, the regularity of receipt of money from counterparties and buyers;
  • regional features that take into account the types of activities for special UTII or PSN regimes.

Accounting for current business transactions in KUDiR

State regulations provide for the maintenance of KUDiR in paper or electronic form. An entrepreneur at any SN is obliged to maintain documentation, recording receipts and expenses, making notes on primary receipts and expenditure orders, invoices, invoices evidencing purchases, and cash flows in the current account. In addition, the merchant’s responsibilities include analytical accounting of profits and losses, which is necessary for the correct calculation of tax payments.

If an individual entrepreneur conducts accounting using OSNO, then, in addition to KUDiR, it is necessary to take into account all primary documentation on value added tax, analyze incoming and issued invoices, which include VAT, with registration in the appropriate journal. Ensuring the maintenance of KUDiR is very important - based on the information available in the book, the merchant submits tax return 3-NDFL at the end of the reporting period. If an individual entrepreneur works with cash, you need to keep cash book taking into account all incoming and outgoing orders.

Personnel records

If a businessman hires employees, then in order to correctly calculate contributions to funds and tax payments, proper personnel records of employees are necessary. Labor legislation provides for liability for individual entrepreneurs who neglect to maintain necessary documentation. When hiring a citizen, an entrepreneur is required to take the following actions:

  • enter into a contract with an individual employment contract or agreement;
  • issue an order to hire a citizen, indicating the start date of his work and his position;
  • issue a personal card or file for the hired employee, indicating personal data, information about education, qualifications, work experience, presence of a spouse, children, military ID information (for men);
  • make entries in work book if available, or create a new one.

When hiring a citizen for a job, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to give him a salary with the accrual of personal income tax and contributions to the Pension Fund Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation), the Social Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Social Insurance Fund), the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). All payments for accrued fees are made monthly, until the 15th of the next reporting period.

Information about employees, taking into account employment contracts, personal cards, orders for appointment, transfer, dismissal, penalties, must be stored for at least 75 years. Copies and originals of work records that are not useful to workers are preserved for 50 years. After the liquidation of the enterprise, the employer is obliged to hand over all information about the employed citizens to the archives. The storage period for employer data is unlimited.

Accounting and tax reporting

The businessman will have to keep accounting records and submit several reporting forms to the Federal Tax Service at once, not forgetting to fill out declarations within the deadlines established by law. If an individual entrepreneur has employees, then the following official papers must be submitted:

  • in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the SZVM form, about working citizens who are recipients of state benefits, every 3 days until the 15th of the next month;
  • quarterly reports to confirm deducted and paid contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and compulsory medical insurance, provided by the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the entrepreneur no later than the 30th day of the following month after the reporting period;
  • in the FSS form 4-FSS on calculated and paid insurance premiums for previous quarter, no later than the 20th day of the month following the reporting period;
  • certificates 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL about the amount of tax paid for employees for last year, no later than April 20;
  • VAT returns quarterly, before the 25th of the next month;
  • information about the payment of the main tax of individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the adopted SN and accounting.

Online accounting and specialized programs for individual entrepreneurs

If you don’t want to spend money on hiring an office employee or transfer documents to an outsourcing company, then you can entrust the accounting and administration of individual entrepreneurs to electronic programs related to accounting automation. You can use the online services “1C: Entrepreneur” or the “My Business” system. Electronic technologies offer individual entrepreneurs the following tools for accounting:

  • prompt calculation of the amount of all taxes, fees, and state duties depending on the chosen tax system;
  • automatic completion and preparation of tax returns, statements, and other types of reporting;
  • recording of primary documentation;
  • registration and sending of payment orders to banking organizations;
  • blocking in case of unauthorized access;
  • control of payments made to employees;
  • analytical accounting of expenses, revenue, profitability, losses.

Despite all the convenience of electronic accounting services, a merchant will have to incur costs - buy a program, pay for its installation, constantly pay a subscription fee, and purchase updates. If you have chosen to purchase a patent or UTII, you can manage the paperwork yourself, without using automatic services. Accounting according to OSNO is complex and time-consuming, so it would be more practical to use labor employees or outsourcing companies, rather than purchasing special programs.

Accounting for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system

About 70% of Russian entrepreneurs prefer to conduct accounting using the simplified tax system. This fee deduction scheme is simple - the businessman is required to complete the KUDiR, competently record primary documentation, and pay wages to employees with timely tax payments. Payment of a single fee under the simplified tax system replaces VAT, income and property taxes.

There are two options for the system - “Income” and “Income minus expenses”. If an individual entrepreneur chooses the first scheme, then the KUDiR takes into account only incoming revenue, from which it is required to pay 6% to the state. If the second option was preferred, then the documentation should take into account revenue and expenses. The difference between these two indicators requires you to pay 15%. Care must be taken to account for expenses, since, according to the provisions of the law, not all expenses are included in them.

Maintaining accounting records for individual entrepreneurs on UTII

A merchant using UTII may not issue a KUDiR. To calculate the basic tax, the state requires the issuance of data characterizing the work or services provided by the company. These include the type of activity, the total area of ​​the premises, the number of employees hired, and the amount of expected profit. The tax base takes these indicators into account. The total payment amount is fixed, depending on the applied regional and district increasing or decreasing coefficients. UTII reports are required to be submitted quarterly, before the 20th of the next month.

Reporting of an individual entrepreneur

The chosen tax system obliges you to submit declarations and other official documentation to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate) “for yourself” according to the established deadlines. The types of reporting, depending on the adopted SN, can be seen in the table below:

Tax scheme option

Declaration of main fee

Fixed payments for individual entrepreneurs for themselves

In 2019, the annual amount of payments that an entrepreneur is obliged to pay for himself to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) changed. The state has established fixed amounts of the following amounts:

  • contributions for pension insurance – 26,545 rubles;
  • payments for health insurance – 5,840 rubles.

Contributions are paid annually, no later than December 31 of the current reporting period. If, according to reporting data, the income of a businessman is above 300 thousand rubles, then he will have to pay an additional 1% of the amount exceeding this figure to the Pension Fund, starting from the moment the difference is recorded. The maximum amount of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation should not exceed 186 thousand rubles.

Reporting on hired employees

If a businessman hires individuals, then is the employer. Regardless of the taxation scheme, it is required to provide reporting for employees to the Federal Tax Service and federal funds. The types of declarations for employees can be seen in the table below:

Tax calendar for individual entrepreneurs

Proper accounting by an entrepreneur provides for timely advance and final transfers of established fees. Each SN has its own deadlines for repaying debt payments. You can see the dates for transferring payments and submitting reports in the table below:

CH name

6 months

9 months

12 months


When organizing accounting policies, beginning individual entrepreneurs usually have many questions. Some are confident that this form of business does not require accounting, while others argue that accounting is mandatory. Came into force on January 1, 2013 new law on accounting, which defines the basic requirements for maintaining accounting policies and preparing financial statements by various entities. Studying this regulatory act will provide a clear answer to the question of whether an individual entrepreneur should conduct accounting.

Maintaining full accounting records for individual entrepreneurs is optional

Law No. 402-FZ regulates that all enterprises are required by default to record income and expenses, draw up reporting documentation and submit it to regulatory authorities. But the same law specifies categories of economic entities exempt from the obligation to keep accounting records (Article 6 of Law No. 402-FZ, paragraph 2.1). These include individual entrepreneurs and branches of foreign organizations.

Individual entrepreneurs are completely exempt from accounting and reporting. This condition applies to all individual business entities, regardless of their field of activity, business scale, or availability of employees. The tax regime used also does not matter.

The letter of the Ministry of Finance No. 03-11-11/52522 dated October 17, 2014 states that the income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs must be taken into account in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. A person engaged in private practice is obliged to maintain appropriate registers (with the exception of individual entrepreneurs working on imputation). Information about all business transactions, physical indicators of revenue and costs should be recorded in a special book (KUDiR). The book must be bound and numbered; for its absence, the entrepreneur will have to pay a fine of 200 rubles.

It is a mistake to believe that entrepreneurs no longer report to the state. Tax accounting is mandatory for all business entities. Based on the results of the reporting year, a tax return is drawn up, then it must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service by April 30 of the new year. Individual entrepreneurs submit declarations to OSNO in forms 3-NDFL and 4-NDFL, and VAT returns. If hired employees are involved in the work, reporting must be submitted to the regulatory authorities in forms 2-NDFL, 4-FSS, RSV-1, SZV-M, information on the average number of employees.

Mandatory accounting of income and expenses

It is necessary to emphasize once again that for individual entrepreneurs, accounting is not an obligation, but a right. The current legislation has provided individual entrepreneurs with the opportunity to independently choose whether to conduct accounting or not. Detailed recording of income and expenses allows you to obtain accurate information about the current state of affairs and future development prospects, so you should not neglect this.

Competent accounting provides the business owner with the following opportunities:

  • assessing the profitability of economic activities;
  • control over material and labor resources;
  • realistic vision of business results;
  • thoughtful distribution of financial flows;
  • taking timely measures to avoid negative situations.
Entrepreneurs have the right to choose which type of accounting suits them best: general or simplified. Law No. 402-FZ allows for the maintenance of a simplified version of accounting and the preparation of financial statements in a simplified form. In this case, you can use a reduced number of synthetic accounts without breaking them down. The use of double entry can be completely abandoned.

Most often, the decision to implement an accounting policy does not come from the very beginning of the activity, but after some time. Such measures bring the individual entrepreneur closer to the status of a commercial organization and increase the level of trust in it among banks, business partners, and buyers. When maintaining accounting, an entrepreneur must comply with regulatory requirements:

  • keep records continuously from the date of state registration until the day of liquidation of the individual entrepreneur;
  • display all business transactions without exception;
  • truthfully and fully reflect the financial results of activities in the reporting.
Another aspect of the question is who should be entrusted with accounting? An entrepreneur can independently maintain documentation and carry out necessary calculations, entrust accounting to a remote employee or contact an outsourcing company. When choosing the most optimal option, it is recommended to take into account the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur and the number of employees.

What documents are required for individual entrepreneurs?

The list of documents that individual entrepreneurs operating under different taxation systems must maintain is somewhat different. Availability of workers also has a significant impact. The standard set of documents is given below:
  • KUDiR;
  • cash book and cash documents;
  • bank documentation;
  • primary documentation;
  • register of contracts.
The book of income and expenses is designed to be displayed in chronological order all business transactions carried out by an individual entrepreneur. The rules for maintaining a book are given in the Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation on Taxes and Duties dated August 13, 2002. KUDiR can be maintained both in paper and electronic form.

Compliance with cash discipline is an important factor in the success of each individual entrepreneur. Since the personal funds of an entrepreneur and funds aimed at carrying out activities are difficult to separate, the legislation provides subjects of this economic category with some relaxations (exemption from maintaining a cash book, installing cash limit for cash, etc.). If you use a cash register, then it is necessary to keep a book of cashier-operator (although the tax office at the moment, in connection with the new law No. 54-FZ, there are different opinions on this matter), receipt and expense orders, and issue sales receipts.

Entrepreneurs hiring employees should maintain personnel documentation (contract in two copies, personal cards of employees, staffing table, job descriptions). The hiring of a new employee must be formalized by signing an employment contract. If personnel records are not organized properly, the business owner will face punishment (including criminal liability).


This book is one of the main documents that individual entrepreneurs are required to maintain. The indicators recorded in it must be confirmed primary documents. It is not necessary to have the book certified by the tax office, but representatives of the Federal Tax Service have the right to request it for verification at any time. If errors are found in the records, or the KUDiR is completely absent, the entrepreneur may be fined in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.

The book consists of four sections and title page. It contains all the information related to the provision of services to customers, the purchase of goods and fixed assets, production costs, the amount of revenue, the quantity of products sold, etc. For each tax period, it is necessary to maintain a new KUDiR; when filling out the document, only the actual cash flow must be taken into account at the cash desk or in the current account. The book should be laced, sealed with the manager’s signature or seal (if any), and all pages numbered.

Cash book and cash documents

TO cash transactions refers to the acceptance, storage and issuance of money credited to the cash register. When recording cash transactions, the individual entrepreneur must have the following documents: cash book, expense and receipt orders, payroll and pay slips. An entrepreneur can personally carry out all operations or entrust this to an employee who is familiar with his job responsibilities against signature.

Information about all transactions carried out with funds is entered into the cash book, which relates to accounting documents. The book should be filled out correctly and without errors, as regulatory authorities may require it for verification. The log is kept from the beginning calendar year and before its expiration, its validity period must be indicated on the title page.

Bank documents

Individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry out their activities without opening a current account. It may only be needed if the business owner plans to make non-cash payments with other business entities or citizens. When opening a bank account, you should also open an account and a plastic card for individuals, which will greatly facilitate the withdrawal of funds.

Among the main banking documents are the following:

  • payment request-order;
  • a settlement check or from a checkbook issued by the bank to the account holder;
  • letter of credit;
  • credit electronic card.

Primary documentation (acts, delivery notes, etc.)

Despite the fact that individual entrepreneurs are exempt from accounting, they must draw up primary documentation. These documents confirm each transaction performed, income received and expenses incurred, the payment of wages to hired employees, etc. Entrepreneurs have the right to independently develop forms of primary documentation; sample forms must be drawn up as an appendix to the accounting policy.

List of primary documents that use individual entrepreneurs:

  • agreements with clients when concluding transactions;
  • cash or sales receipts;
  • strict reporting forms;
  • waybills and invoices;
  • acts of provision of services or work performed.

Register of contracts

To record signed agreements, participants in contractual processes fill out a special form - a register of contracts. Individual entrepreneurs can independently register documents or entrust this matter to authorized employees. Each contract is assigned a unique number.

There is no single form for the register of contracts, so you can compile it yourself, taking into account the specifics of your activity. The standard register should include the following data: serial number of the agreement, date of conclusion, name of the counterparty, subject of the agreement, amount specified in the document. The register can be maintained electronically or in a special journal.

Mandatory tax accounting

Individual entrepreneurs have the right not to keep accounting records, but such concessions are not provided for tax accounting. Current legislation obliges individual entrepreneurs to pay taxes to the state budget and submit reports to the Federal Tax Service. That is why maintaining tax records is of great importance; not a single individual entrepreneur is exempt from this. The composition of the documentation and deadlines for submission depend on the chosen taxation regime.

This type of accounting involves displaying income, expenses and other indicators that are necessary to calculate the amount of tax payments. Availability hired employees adds “salary” reporting and additional taxes. This requirement is mandatory for all individual entrepreneurs without exception, regardless of the taxation regime. The state is trying to reduce the burden on small businesses and simplify accounting, giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to reduce the tax rate.

Tax accounting data may be requested by representatives of the Federal Tax Service when checking the activities of individual entrepreneurs. Failure to pay taxes or incorrect calculation of payment amounts may result in a fine or forced suspension of activities. Tax documentation must be prepared even if there were no activities and no income during the reporting period.

What is tax accounting

Tax accounting is a system of summarizing data in order to determine the amounts of payments to be transferred to the state budget and the status of debt on a specific date. For this purpose, data from primary documents is used. Individual entrepreneurs choose their own tax accounting system. Employees of the Federal Tax Service check the correctness of the formation of the tax base and the calculations made, and also monitor the timely transfer of payments to the budget.

Tax reporting must contain the procedure for generating the following indicators:

  • the amount of income and expenses;
  • the share of expenses that are taken into account for calculating taxes in the current reporting period;
  • the balance of expenses that will be attributed to losses in the following tax periods;
  • the amount of debt to the budget.

How is tax accounting different from accounting?

The main difference between accounting and tax accounting is the purpose of preparing reporting documentation. Accounting statements are prepared so that the company's management and other interested parties can assess its financial condition. Tax reporting allows employees of the Federal Tax Service to monitor compliance with legal requirements for transferring payments to the budget.

In addition, the following differences can be distinguished:

  • tax accounting is carried out by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, citizens, and accounting - only by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (in some cases);
  • in accounting, income is determined by the accrual method, and in tax accounting - by the accrual method and the cash method;
  • The recognition dates for individual types of income are different.

Reports and accounting depending on the tax system

Each tax system has its own tax reporting. Tax amounts and deadlines for submitting documents to the regulatory authority also depend on the selected mode. The list of tax regimes is approved by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: OSNO, simplified tax system, simplified tax system based on a patent, UTII, unified agricultural tax. The fine for late submission of the declaration will be 1000 rubles.

Individual entrepreneurs working for OSNO will have to submit the most reports. Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system are required to prepare only one declaration annually and bring it to the Federal Tax Service, which is why this regime has become widely popular. Tax returns for UTII should be submitted quarterly. A detailed list of reports for each specific tax system will be given below.

Let's get acquainted with the tax reporting of the selected regime

In “simplified terms”: those working without employees submit a declaration under the simplified tax system before April 30 of the new reporting period. The document is filled out on the basis of KUDiR, for the absence of which you will have to pay a fine of 10-30 thousand rubles. The entrepreneur independently chooses one of the simplified regime options: “ simplified tax system income"or "STS income minus expenses." The declaration form is the same in both cases, the forms are filled out differently (there is a separate section for each type of taxation).

Entrepreneurs pay UTII single tax, the size of which does not depend on the actual profit received, but on a number of other indicators (type of activity, size of retail space, etc.). Tax accounting is maintained separately for each type of activity subject to this tax. Declarations for imputation are submitted quarterly until the 20th day of the first month of the coming quarter. The report should be submitted to the regulatory authority even if the activity was not carried out or the income turned out to be zero.

On OSNO, KUDiR is used to record all financial transactions. On its basis, a 3-NDFL declaration is generated annually. The VAT return is prepared quarterly, financial indicators taken from the Book of Purchases, Sales, and Invoices. If an entrepreneur works with cash, he must maintain a cash book and receipts and expenditure orders. You should also submit a property tax return, reporting to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

At the Unified Agricultural Tax, they keep records in KUDiR and submit one annual declaration. The object of taxation is the difference between income and expenses. Only those entrepreneurs whose income consists of 70% of agricultural income have the right to apply this taxation system.

In the patent system, you do not need to fill out any declarations. They maintain a Book of Income and Expenses (a separate book is kept for each patent).

The most difficult thing for an individual entrepreneur on OSNO

The general taxation system is used by a small number of individual entrepreneurs. It is the most difficult compared to others. The system does not provide for simplification of accounting or exemption from certain types of taxes, so an individual entrepreneur who decides to use it will have to report in the same way as legal entities.

Most entrepreneurs can use OSNO on a voluntary basis. But some of them do not have the opportunity to use any other special regime, since the type of business activity obliges them to work in this particular regime. Some individual entrepreneurs deliberately switch to OSNO; this is advisable if profitable cooperation with large companies will be carried out in the future.

The main difficulties for a business owner arise when preparing reports and organizing accounting policies. Not everyone can cope with this task on their own, so you have to turn to the services of specialists. If employees are hired, the list of reporting documents and mandatory payments will become even larger. The entrepreneur will have to pay all taxes and contributions declared by current legislation: income tax, personal income tax, VAT, property tax, insurance deductions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund, other types of fees.

The object of taxation is all income received as a result of business activities, without reducing them by tax deductions. The cost of goods sold (work performed) is displayed taking into account the costs of their acquisition (execution). The income of an individual entrepreneur for a certain tax period includes all income the date of receipt of which falls within this period of time. Advance payments received on account of future deliveries should be included in the personal income tax tax base for the period in which they were transferred.

What does an individual entrepreneur necessarily do on OSNO?

Private entrepreneurs operating under the general taxation regime are required to ensure the accuracy of accounting for all income received, costs incurred and business transactions carried out. In the process of carrying out activities, an individual entrepreneur must fill out the following documents:
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses (KUDiR);
  • Purchase Book and Sales Book;
  • incoming and outgoing orders;
  • Journal of registration of issued and received invoices;
  • cash book.
KUDiR records business transactions only on the basis of primary documents, all amounts are reflected excluding VAT. At the end of the reporting period, a declaration in form 3-NDFL is generated based on these records. When filling out the book, difficulties may arise related to maintaining inventory records of goods.

Another feature is the use of the cash method. KUDiR should display information for each unit of goods. It is necessary to strictly control the dates of receipt of goods, their payment, and transfer of money by customers.

Based on the results of the Purchase Book and Sales Book, a VAT declaration is drawn up. If an individual entrepreneur has cash turnover, he is obliged to set a cash balance limit and maintain the necessary cash documents (cash book, PKO, RKO). Individual entrepreneurs with employees are required to fully maintain personnel records, withhold personal income tax, calculate insurance premiums and provide reporting to the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If an entrepreneur conducts activities related to environmental pollution, he must register with Rosprirodnadzor and submit the relevant documentation to this agency.

VAT purchase book

This book is necessary for registering documents on the basis of which the VAT tax deduction is calculated. Information from the book is included in the VAT return, so there are strict requirements for its completion. The tax register is filled out using a unified form, use arbitrary shapes not allowed.

From the fourth quarter of 2017, the updated form of the Purchase Book should be used. The procedure for filling out is prescribed in Government Decree No. 1137 of December 26, 2011. The book can be kept in both paper and electronic form. The completed register, along with the VAT return, is sent to the tax office exclusively in electronic form.

VAT sales book

The Sales Book displays the output VAT and then calculates the amount of tax paid to the state budget. Paper and electronic invoices are registered there in chronological order in the quarter in which the tax liability arose. The book must be filled out by all VAT payers in the form prescribed by law.

What if an entrepreneur needs to display restored VAT in the Sales Book? he should register for the amount of the restored tax those invoices on the basis of which it was previously accepted for deduction. The register must be filled out properly, otherwise the Federal Tax Service employees will definitely have questions. And this will become an additional obstacle when recovering VAT amounts from the budget. The sales book is sent to the Federal Tax Service in electronic format.

Individual entrepreneurs on OSNO maintain tax records and submit reports

If an individual entrepreneur has not switched to a simplified taxation system or a single agricultural tax within 30 days after registering with the Federal Tax Service, he automatically becomes an OSNO user. This regime is not subject to any restrictions on types of activities, the number of employees hired, profits received, etc. It is most often used by large organizations, but some individual entrepreneurs also benefit from working on OSNO.

The standard list of taxes for this regime is as follows:

  • Personal income tax (rate – 13%);
  • VAT (rate? 0%, 10%, 18%);
  • property tax;
  • taxes on land, transport, excise taxes;
  • insurance premiums for yourself and employees.
Individual entrepreneurs are required to submit to OSNO:
  • reporting on “salary” taxes (form SZV-M, report on unified social contributions and contributions for injuries);
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses;
  • declarations: for VAT, 3-NDFL, 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, land and transport tax.
  • The following are the main features of tax accounting for entrepreneurs working on OSNO:
  • accounting for income and expenses received is carried out using the cash method;
  • primary VAT documents are accounted for in two registers - the Sales Book and the Purchase Book;
  • outgoing and incoming transactions must be confirmed by primary documents (invoices, PKO, RKO);
  • maintaining the Book of Income and Expenses according to Form No. 86;
  • storage of an archive of documents for 4 years (in case of a desk audit);
  • indication of the VAT amount on the receipts, so that the agent can then present it to the tax office to receive a deduction.

VAT return (once a quarter)

The declaration consists of 12 sections. It is submitted to the Federal Tax Service quarterly, no later than the 25th day of the first month of the coming quarter. If during the tax period an individual entrepreneur did not have transactions subject to VAT, and there was no movement of money at the cash desk or in current accounts, he can submit a single simplified declaration.

The new report form and the procedure for filling it out were approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service No. ММВ-7-3/558@ dated October 29, 2014 (as amended on December 20, 2016). All VAT returns (including zero ones) should be sent electronically. The fine for late provision of documents is 1000 rubles.

Declaration 3-NDFL (once a year)

In this report, the entrepreneur reports to the state on personal income tax. The completed declaration must be submitted annually, no later than April 30 of the new reporting period. The document form should be filled out according to a unified form, consisting of a title page and two sections. In the first section, you must indicate the amount of tax to be paid or refunded from the budget, and in the second section, the tax base and the amount of tax on income taxed at the rate are calculated.

If no activity was carried out during the year and the individual entrepreneur did not make a profit, he is obliged to provide the Federal Tax Service zero declaration. This is not difficult to do: information about the taxpayer is indicated on the title page, and dashes are placed in the cells that should contain digital indicators. Submitting a report late risks not only fines, but also blocking of bank accounts.

Declaration 4-NDFL (at the beginning of activity or within a month from the moment of 50% increase or decrease in income)

In the 4-NDFL declaration, entrepreneurs indicate the amount of expected income, on the basis of which tax authorities calculate the amount of advance payments. The document consists of one sheet, so filling it out will take just a few minutes. When filling out, the individual entrepreneur enters his personal data, the period for which the 4-NDFL calculation is provided, and the amount of expected income.

It is recommended to reduce the amount of expected income by possible expenses (professional deduction), otherwise advance payments will have to be paid in larger size. The specific date for submitting the report is not established by law; it will be different in each individual case. The declaration must be submitted within 5 days after one month has passed from the date of receipt of the first income.

Information on the average number of employees (once a year)

The report form consists of one sheet. In the fields to fill out, the individual entrepreneur provides the following information:
  • Taxpayer INN and checkpoint of the organization;
  • data from the tax office where the report will be submitted;
  • calculated NFR;
  • date of submission of the document.
There is no need to indicate anything in the right block; it should only be filled out by a Federal Tax Service employee. The average headcount must be calculated only for personnel working under an employment contract. Records are kept for employees registered as full time, and working part-time.

The NHR is calculated by adding the total number of employees for each month of the reporting year and dividing the resulting value by 12. The report is submitted before January 20 of the coming year. Newly registered individual entrepreneurs must submit the completed form no later than the 20th day of the month following the month in which registration was carried out.

Calculation of 6-NDFL (once a quarter)

The quarterly report reflects the total income that was paid to individuals. Form 6-NDFL consists of a title page and two sections (“Generalized indicators” and “Dates and amounts of actual income received and withheld personal income tax”). The procedure for filling out the document can be found in Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-11/450@ dated October 14, 2015.

The completed report is submitted to tax service at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur. If the total number of employees does not exceed 25 people, then the document can be provided on paper. The deadline for submission is the last day of the month following the reporting quarter.

Certificates 2-NDFL (once a year)

Individual entrepreneurs with employees are required to report in Form 2-NDFL. It should contain information about the income of hired employees, wages and withheld taxes. IN new form, adopted in 2017, it is necessary to indicate new income codes for premiums and income received. The legislation establishes the following deadlines for submitting the 2-NDFL report:
  • with sign “1”? until April 1 of the new year (the document indicates the amount of all income received by individuals);
  • with sign “2”? until March 1 of the new reporting period (the calculation is made for employees from whose income it is impossible to withhold personal income tax).

Calculation of insurance premiums

This calculation consists of a title page and three sections. In the first section, entrepreneurs calculate the amounts for all insurance premiums (in addition to contributions for injuries), in the second they indicate information about the obligations to pay contributions by the heads of peasant farms, in the third - data on all insured persons. The report must be submitted even if the individual entrepreneur did not carry out activities at all during the year. Payments for insurance premiums must be submitted quarterly before the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period.

In the FSS

2017 made significant adjustments to the procedure for calculating payments to the Social Insurance Fund and reporting. Administration of insurance payments has been transferred to the Federal Tax Service, and now completed calculations should be submitted to this authority. The new document is called the “unified calculation of insurance premiums”; it should contain information on pension contributions, contributions to health and social insurance. The mathematical calculation of the indicators remains the same.

Only calculations for contributions “for injuries” need to be provided to the Social Insurance Fund. The usual form of the document has also undergone some changes. The calculation should include information on sick leave for industrial injuries and occupational diseases. All individual entrepreneurs hiring workers (even those who have entered into an employment contract with just one person) are required to submit completed documents.

If an individual entrepreneur works for himself, he does not have to register with the Social Insurance Fund and pay insurance premiums. But in this case, he will not have the right to receive disability benefits and maternity benefits. To solve the problem, you should contact the Social Insurance Fund for voluntary insurance and start paying contributions. Individual entrepreneurs do not have to fill out reports, they only need to transfer payments.

Form 4-FSS (for the first quarter, half a year, 9 months and a year)

The new calculation form 4-FSS was approved by order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 381 dated September 26, 2016. The same regulatory act provides the procedure for filling it out. The document must be submitted by all individual entrepreneurs hiring workers. An exception is the drawing up of a civil law agreement.

In form 4-FSS you must specify:

  • data for calculating insurance payments against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
  • calculations of contributions;
  • information on the results of special assessment and medical examinations of employees at the beginning of the year.
The calculation is submitted quarterly by the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter (if submitted electronically, the deadline is shifted by 5 days to the 25th day). If an individual entrepreneur employs less than 25 people, he has the right to submit a paper report; if more than 25, Form 4-FSS is prepared electronically.

SZV-M (monthly)

The SZV-M report contains personalized accounting information for all employees (full name, tax identification number, individual personal account number). The completed document is submitted to the Pension Fund every month before the 15th of the next month. All individual entrepreneurs who have at least one employee on staff are required to submit this report.

The form consists of 4 points. In the first, the details of the policyholder are prescribed, in the second - the reporting period of the calendar year, in the third - the type of form. The fourth section contains information about the insured persons. For late submission of a report and providing false information, the entrepreneur will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles for each employee.

What do individual entrepreneurs take on the simplified system?

Among individual entrepreneurs, the most common tax payment regime is the simplified tax system. Despite the fact that the composition of the reporting documentation is significantly reduced compared to OSNO, this system has its own nuances. The business owner has the right to independently choose the object of taxation: “income” or “income minus expenses.”

During the year, the entrepreneur must keep a book of income and expenses, as well as submit a tax return to the Federal Tax Service. The document can be brought to the regulatory authority in person, sent by mail or via the Internet, or transmitted through an authorized representative. KUDiR must be stitched and its pages numbered.

If an individual entrepreneur hires at least one employee, he will have to prepare reports for him and pay insurance premiums. The standard list of documents for an individual entrepreneur will be as follows:

  • tax return, certificate 2-NDFL, information about the social capital (provided once a year);
  • calculation of 6-NDFL and 4-FSS, calculation of insurance premiums (provided quarterly);
  • SZV-M report (submitted monthly);
  • reporting to Rosstat (every five years).
Some entrepreneurs mistakenly believe that if they did not conduct any activity during the year and did not receive income, then they do not have to submit a tax return. In such cases, it is necessary to draw up a zero declaration and bring it to the Federal Tax Service. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid penalties.

Tax return for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system

Reporting is prepared based on the results of the past year; it must be submitted to the tax service by April 30. The declaration consists of a title page and the following sections: 1.1; 1.2; 2.1.1; 2.1.2; 2.2; 3. Separate sub-clauses have been allocated for the tax regimes “income” and “income minus expenses”. IN last section information about the intended use of the property should be indicated.

All amounts in the report are written in full rubles, without kopecks. If during the reporting period the entrepreneur did not receive income, he needs to prepare a zero declaration. The title page, line “010” in section 1.1 and line “102” in section 2.1.1 must be completed. The rest are marked with dashes. If you do not submit the declaration within 10 days from the expiration of the deadline, the current account will be blocked.

2-NDFL (certificate of income of an individual)

Form 2-NDFL displays income paid by the tax agent to hired employees (or other individuals). The certificate indicates the amounts of tax withheld and transferred. The 2-NDFL report is prepared separately for each employee.

Each type of income and deductions are designated by special codes. If an entrepreneur is late in submitting the report, he will have to pay 200 rubles. for each certificate, and if errors are found in the documents, the fine will be 500 rubles. Form 2-NDFL is submitted annually, the deadlines for submission will be as follows:

  • before March 1 (a certificate is submitted if personal income tax was not withheld from the income paid);
  • until March 31 (reporting is provided on all income paid for the previous year).

Information on the average number of employees

The NFR must be reported annually, even if it has not changed from the previous reporting period. The deadline for submitting the report to the Federal Tax Service is January 20 of the new year. Individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system who do not hire employees do not submit information.

The report consists of one sheet in which you must indicate the INN and KPP code, name tax authority, average number of employees, information about individual entrepreneurs. The right block is left blank, since it will be filled out by the Federal Tax Service inspector.

Calculation of 6-NDFL

All individual entrepreneurs who are tax agents are required to submit this form. These include entrepreneurs who hire people under employment contracts, customers under civil contracts, as well as individual entrepreneurs who make payments to individuals. The calculation consists of a title page and several sections. In the first they indicate generalized indicators, and in the second? amounts of income paid and taxes withheld from them.

The document is submitted quarterly, before the last day of the month following the reporting period. The annual calculation must be sent to the tax authorities before April 1. A delay in submitting the report is fraught with fines and suspension of transactions on the current account.


According to Form 4-FSS, entrepreneurs who hire workers report quarterly. The document contains information on contributions to compulsory social insurance in the event of injuries at work and occupational diseases. Order of the FSS No. 275 dated June 7, 2017 approved the updated form 4-FSS, which began to be used in the third quarter of the same year. Deadlines for submitting reports in electronic format:
  • for 1 sq. – until April 15;
  • for 2 sq. – until July 15;
  • for 3 sq. – until October 15;
  • for 4 sq. – until January 25.

Calculation of insurance premiums (to the Federal Tax Service)

The document consists of three sections. In the first section, information about the obligations of the individual entrepreneur is indicated and the amounts of contributions for compulsory medical, social and pension insurance are calculated. The second section is intended to be filled out by heads of peasant farms. The last section contains information about all insured persons.
  • for 1 sq. – until April 30;
  • for 2 sq. – until July 30;
  • for 3 sq. – until October 30;
  • a year - until January 30.
When filling out forms, the use of corrective means is prohibited.

Form SZV-M

This report is relevant for individual entrepreneurs with employees, since only policyholders are required to prepare it. A private entrepreneur becomes an insurer in the event of concluding an employment contract with citizens and registering with the Pension Fund of Russia. If previously the individual entrepreneur was an employer, but at this time all employees have quit and there are no valid employment contracts with individuals, there is no need to submit a SZV-M report.

The form must include the name of the individual entrepreneur, tax identification number, checkpoint, reporting period, and type of form. Information about all insured persons is indicated separately. An entrepreneur should not include himself in the list of individuals. The completed form is sent to the Pension Fund monthly, before the 15th of the month.

Will you hire workers?

If the business develops successfully and gradually increases turnover, it will become difficult for the entrepreneur to cope alone. In such a situation, it is worth thinking about hiring one or more employees, having first weighed the pros and cons. In accordance with current legislation, the staff of a small enterprise cannot exceed 100 people, otherwise the business owner will lose the right to work in a special regime.

If an individual entrepreneur decides to involve hired workers in his activities, he must carry out the procedure in accordance with all the requirements of labor legislation and the Civil Code. It is unacceptable for an individual to work without registration labor agreement. This is a serious violation and will entail punishment in the form of a large fine (up to 300 thousand rubles), blocking of activities, and criminal prosecution.

The sequence of actions when hiring the first employee will be as follows:

  1. Concluding an employment or civil contract.
  2. Preparation of personnel documents regarding the hiring of employees.
  3. Registration with the Social Insurance Fund as an employer (if an employment contract has been concluded).
When hiring other employees, the entrepreneur will not have to register with the Social Insurance Fund; it is enough to conclude an agreement and draw up personnel documentation.

When hired workers appear, additional troubles will arise. So, now you have to:

  • maintain personnel records;
  • pay income tax;
  • transfer contributions for health and pension insurance;
  • submit a number of additional reports to the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Personnel documents for individual entrepreneurs with employees

Individual entrepreneurs who hire employees are considered by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation as employers. They are responsible for maintaining personnel documents and formalizing the reception of working personnel with relevant contracts. In this regard, individual entrepreneurs are equal to legal entities.

GIT inspectors check the management of personnel documents by all organizations, and neglect of the rules established by law will cost the entrepreneur the imposition of penalties. Proper organization of personnel records will require additional time and attention, but it has its advantages:

  • The individual entrepreneur will be able to build relationships with staff without violating current legislation;
  • risks of labor disputes are minimized;
  • When checked by regulatory authorities (labor inspectorate, tax authorities, Ministry of Internal Affairs), the entrepreneur will not have any problems.
The full composition of the documentation depends on various factors (field of activity, working conditions, region, etc.), so it will differ in each individual case. But there are a number of personnel documents that all individual entrepreneurs must have. These include:
  • employment contract;
  • work book;
  • employment order;
  • employee personal card;
  • time sheet;
  • staffing;
  • job description;
  • internal schedule rules;
  • vacation schedule;
  • order on granting vacations, bonuses to personnel, termination of labor relations.

Contract in duplicate

This document is an agreement between the employer and the employee, which sets out the rights and obligations of each party. In Art. 67 Labor Code The Russian Federation states that a contract with hired workers must be concluded in writing in two copies. One copy remains with the employer, and the second - with the hired individual.

The document must contain the following information: full name of the employee, his passport details, name of the employer, TIN. The contract must clearly stipulate working hours and rest, working conditions, and the procedure for providing compensation for work in hazardous work. Each copy must have the signatures of both parties.

Order for hiring an employee

The fact that an individual is included in the workforce is recorded using an order, the basis for which is an employment contract. An order can be issued not only for one employee, but also for a group of people. An individual entrepreneur can personally prepare documents or hire a specialist with experience in working with personnel documentation for this purpose. An order signed by the business owner serves as the basis for making relevant entries in the work book and personal card.

The content of the document should consist of the following data:

  • indication of administrative action;
  • Full name of the citizen being hired;
  • employment contract number;
  • job title;
  • department name;
  • level of payment;
  • date of compilation.

Job description

The document regulates the production duties, rights and responsibilities of each employee. It clearly defines the place and purpose of a specific position. The job description is developed and approved by the business owner or specialists entrusted with this function. The document is drawn up in three copies, one is kept in the personnel department, the second is kept by the manager, and the third is kept by the hired employee. Development procedure job descriptions and the requirements for their content are not regulated by law, therefore individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to independently create a description of a particular position.

Staffing and paid annual leave schedule

The staffing table is normative document, which indicates the existing or planned division of labor between working personnel. It describes the structure, staffing and number of employees of the individual entrepreneur, indicating the amount of wages. The document is drawn up in a unified form No. T-3.

The annual leave schedule is a mandatory document, the absence of which may result in a fine under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It must be approved no later than two weeks before the new year. If an entrepreneur does not comply with the schedule for two years in a row and this contributes to the deterioration of the situation of the working personnel, the regulatory authorities may impose an administrative fine on him in the amount of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Internal regulations

This act is drawn up in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor legislation. This is natural, because if any clauses of the document worsen the situation of the working personnel, they should not be applied. When drawing up rules, an individual entrepreneur must not just quote legislative acts, but apply them taking into account the characteristics of the type of activity being carried out.

The document includes the following information:

  • procedure for hiring and firing individuals;
  • rights, duties and responsibilities of both parties (employer and hired employee);
  • work and rest schedule;
  • personnel incentive measures, etc.

Personal cards of employees in the T-2 form

According to Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of January 5, 2004, legal entities are required to maintain personal cards of employees. This obligation does not apply to individual entrepreneurs; they can conduct them at their own request for management purposes. The legislation approved the unified form No. T-2. The completed form must contain reliable information about each employee and his labor activity. Cards are placed in the card index in alphabetical order or by structural division.

Statistical reporting

Rosstat obliges large enterprises and companies to regularly report on economic indicators. With individual entrepreneurs the situation is a little different: they report on on a regular basis only if they are included in the sample (the selection criterion is the type of activity and business turnover). All others submit prepared documentation once every five years. That is why many individual entrepreneurs have never encountered statistical reporting.

How can an entrepreneur find out that he is obliged to report to Rosstat? Usually the department warns about this in advance by sending a letter with the requirement and a report form to the place of registration. You don’t have to wait for letters, but check in advance whether a particular entrepreneur is included in Rosstat’s sample. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the statistics service and find there the required individual entrepreneur by TIN, next to it the necessary list of reports will be indicated.

An individual can independently transfer a package of documents to the territorial department or send it by mail. You should not ignore the requirements of Rosstat, since failure to provide reports and the presence of errors in them are punishable by large fines. For individual entrepreneurs, the amount of fines will range from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

Mandatory reporting forms for small businesses:

  • 1-IP (filled out by all entrepreneurs whose activities are not related to agriculture);
  • 1-IP (trade);
  • PM-prom (contains data on product production).

1-IP – until March 2 after the end of the year

Form 1-IP is intended to collect basic information about the activities of a small business. The report was approved by Rosstat Order No. 263 of June 9, 2015; for 2016, all business entities without exception had to provide it. The document form consists of a title page and three sections. In the first section you need to indicate general information about the business, in the second - the main indicators of doing business, in the third - information about receiving support under the state program.

1-IP (trade) – until October 17 after the end of the year

This report is filled out by persons who sell goods and provide various services to the population. Form 1-IP (trade) can be submitted electronically. The report form is a questionnaire consisting of nine questions that the entrepreneur must answer. At the end of the form, you must indicate the full name of the person responsible for filling it out, his position, and telephone number.

PM-prom – monthly until the 4th

The PM-industry form is submitted to individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to mining and manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and steam, logging, and fishing. Recommendations for filling out the document were approved by Rosstat Order No. 414 dated August 11, 2016. When filling out the report, you must indicate the name of the individual entrepreneur, his postal address, type and code of products, units of measurement, and actual production volume for the reporting period.

Decide on the type of accounting service

Private entrepreneurs must take care not only of performing commercial tasks, but also of complying with all requirements of current legislation regarding accounting policies. The state has significantly reduced the burden on small businesses, but entrepreneurs will still have to deal with taxes, accounting and personnel documentation.

Accounting is an integral part of any business, and it requires a responsible attitude. Otherwise, the entrepreneur will have problems with regulatory authorities and will have to pay penalties. Therefore, it is worth taking care of business accounting support in a timely manner.

Business owners are divided into three types:

  • those who are ready to independently conduct accounting and tax accounting, devoting the necessary time and effort to this;
  • those who do not want to understand the complexities of accounting and reporting;
  • those who have profitable business with good turnover and employees, and simply does not physically have time to do accounting.
Each of these types is suitable for a certain option for organizing accounting policies. Some can use special services or fill out all the documents themselves, others should hire an accountant or contact an outsourcing company. The best option among all those proposed is accounting services in a specialized company, as this will minimize the risk of troubles with the tax authorities.

On one's own

Doing your own accounting is a very difficult task. A business owner needs to have at least some understanding of accounting policies and be able to navigate modern legislation (which tends to change frequently). If an individual entrepreneur does not have hired employees and works on a special regime, he can try to keep records on his own. But if you have staff and high turnover, you should entrust this matter to professionals.


Automated services are suitable for those people who are ready to independently generate reports and submit them to regulatory agencies. The programs will accurately calculate tax payments and contributions, even citizens who do not have special education. Some services offer sending completed documents to the Federal Tax Service.


If for some reason an entrepreneur is unable to independently maintain accounting, tax and personnel records, he can turn to a company providing outsourcing services for help. The advantage of outsourcing is that the individual entrepreneur completely relieves himself of the worries of keeping records and gets the opportunity to devote more time to business development. The cost of services from intermediary companies will be cheaper than hiring an accountant.
We have collected the deadlines for submitting basic tax reporting and paying taxes for individual entrepreneurs in 2017 under different regimes into a single table.
Mode 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
simplified tax system advance payment– until 25.04 advance payment – ​​until 25.07 advance payment – ​​until 25.10 declaration and tax at the end of the year - until 30.04
UTII declaration – until 20.04, quarterly tax – until 25.04 declaration – until July 20, quarterly tax – until July 25 declaration – until 20.10, quarterly tax – until 25.10 declaration – until 20.01, quarterly tax – until 25.01
Unified agricultural tax - Advance payment for half a year - until 25.07 - declaration and tax at the end of the year - until 31.03
BASIC 1. VAT declaration - until April 25; tax - until June 25 1. VAT declaration - until July 25, April; tax - until 25.09 2. advance payment for personal income tax - until 15.07 1. VAT declaration - until 25.10, April; tax - until 25.12 2. advance payment for personal income tax - until 15.101. VAT declaration - until January 25, April; tax - up to 25.032. personal income tax declaration – until April 30, year-end tax – until July 15


According to the legislative act, individual entrepreneurs can apply the general taxation system, simplified and UTII. The method of accounting depends on the chosen system. Let's say you use OSNO. In this case, you must pay personal income tax (13%) on the profit received. To calculate it, keep a ledger of income and expenses. You also need to calculate and pay VAT (18%). The tax is calculated based on revenue and product cost, that is, 18% is multiplied by the amount of goods sold and reduced by the VAT that you paid when purchasing goods, materials, raw materials, etc. To record amounts, use the sales ledger and purchase ledger. When using common system taxation, you are required to pay insurance contributions to the pension fund.

In order to report on all accrued and paid amounts, you must submit reports to the inspectorate within the deadline established by Russian legislation. For example, to show all contributions, fill out and submit to the Federal Tax Service a personal income tax return in form 3-NDFL. To report VAT, draw up a declaration and submit it to the inspectorate. The reports should also be shown to both the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

If you are using a simplified system, select one of the tax objects: income (6%) or income reduced by expenses (15%). Record all income and expenses in a special book. You must also pay a single tax quarterly; to do this, calculate advance payments, and at the end of the year, the tax itself. Pay it minus previous payments for the year. Pay insurance contributions to the pension fund quarterly.

No later than April 30, submit a single tax return to the tax office. You should also account for pension, insurance and social contributions.

Individual entrepreneurs who use UTII must pay a single tax on imputed income (15%) quarterly. As in previous systems, you are required to calculate and transfer insurance premiums to the Pension Fund.

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  • accounting for an individual entrepreneur
  • Accounting for individual entrepreneurs since 2013

Accounting was created to provide reliable, complete information about the enterprise. In the process of data processing, all areas of the company’s life are affected. This allows for a qualitative financial analysis at the reporting date.

You will need

  • - accounting program type 1C;
  • - accounting literature, electronic magazines(Consultant, Chief Accountant, etc.);
  • - Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - Law on Accounting (FEDERAL LAW DATED 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ, (as amended on December 28, 2013) (as amended on January 1, 2014).


Accounting should always work accurately, since accuracy in this matter is the main key to success. Keeping records is a voluminous and labor-intensive task, but there are certain rules here, and if you follow them, the work can be simplified. Timely reporting of data is important. Process documents immediately after receiving them. It is necessary to check the correctness of filling, details, and the presence of the necessary signatures. Develop the habit of not postponing the initial verification of the document, since the main data will be stored electronically, in the program, and the paper form of the document may be needed in the near future only during verification. Therefore, it must be removed completely so as not to return to it again. After entering the document into the program, immediately check how it was reflected. This will allow you to check the correctness of the operation.

It is convenient to use the double entry method. This concept has existed for a long time; accounting is based on double entry. Its meaning is that one business transaction recorded twice, using two accounts. At the same time, put the amount in the debit of one account and in the credit of another. The result is permanent equality. Keep this in mind and check for double counting as activities progress.

Total turnover. This refers to the totals for debit and credit. The entire life activity of the company in total terms should be reflected in these figures in the final result. View all used accounts for the period, display the total balances for them, and you will get the total turnover.

Should an individual entrepreneur keep accounting records in 2018?

Accounting helps you see and control expenses and income, issue salaries to employees, pay taxes and send transfers to funds. Let's figure out whether an individual entrepreneur should keep accounting records and what kind of reporting needs to be submitted to different forms taxation.

Can an individual entrepreneur not keep accounting records?

According to Federal Law 402, individual entrepreneurs are not required to keep accounting records. But in order to report to tax authorities and funds, issue salaries to employees and issue invoices, accounting is needed.

Individual entrepreneurs do not prepare transactions and balance sheets, do not report for each purchase from the account and do not enter into million-dollar transactions, so they use a simplified version of accounting.

The simplified version includes filling out a ledger for accounting income and expenses - KUDiR, paying taxes and submitting reports. The book is needed to control how much the company earns and spends. The owner records from whom, when and how much money he received and what he spent on. The exception is companies that have chosen the form of taxation in the form of UTII; they do not maintain KUDIR.

There is no need to submit the book to the tax office. The inspectors themselves will ask the entrepreneur to provide it for inspection. If the individual entrepreneur has not brought the book within 10 days, or has brought it, but it is filled out with errors, then you will have to pay a fine.

Individuals are required to maintain accounting records

How to maintain accounting records for individual entrepreneurs depends on the company’s taxation system.

IP on simplified and patent

Owners using a simplified system or simplified tax system must pay advance payments and insurance premiums once a quarter. They do not pay personal income tax, VAT and property tax for individuals. Therefore, individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system report to the tax office and fill out a book.

Business owners with a patent maintain KUDiR and transfer payment for the patent to the Federal Tax Service. You can find out how much to pay on the tax website.

Individual entrepreneur on the main taxation system

Owners in the main mode or OSNO pay personal income tax, VAT and property tax. IP accounting on OSNO consists of:

  • KUDiR;
  • reports to tax authorities in form 3-NDFL, 4-NDFL, VAT and property declarations.


UTII is a form of taxation in which the tax depends on the physical indicators of the business. For example, one entrepreneur has a sales area of ​​one hundred square meters, and the other has twenty, so the amount transferred to the Federal Tax Service is different.

Is it possible for an entrepreneur not to keep accounting records?

The state takes into account the indicators and assigns imputed or potential income and calculates the amount of tax from it.

Individual entrepreneurs record physical indicators on UTII and submit a declaration to the Federal Tax Service once a quarter. Imputation companies can refuse financial statements and not fill out KUDiR.

Do individual entrepreneurs need to keep accounting records in 2018?

Individual entrepreneurs are not required to do accounting, but there are times when it is necessary:

  • Individual entrepreneurs report to the Federal Tax Service and funds. Therefore, they use a lighter version of accounting compared to LLC;
  • accounting for individual entrepreneurs consists of a declaration to the Federal Tax Service and filling out a book of income and expenses;
  • companies that have chosen UTII keep records of the physical indicators of their business.

Article 6. Obligation to maintain accounting records

1. An economic entity is obliged to keep accounting records in accordance with this Federal Law, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

2. Accounting in accordance with this Federal Law may not be maintained by:

1) an individual entrepreneur, a person engaged in private practice - if, in accordance with the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, they keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing certain type entrepreneurial activity;

(clause 1 as amended by Federal Law dated November 2, 2013 N 292-FZ)

(see text in previous)

2) a branch, representative office or other structural unit of an organization established in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state located on the territory of the Russian Federation - if, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, they keep records of income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation in the manner established by the specified legislation.

3. Accounting is carried out continuously from the date state registration before the date of termination of operations as a result of reorganization or liquidation.

4. maintaining accounting records, including simplified accounting (financial), the following economic entities have the right to use, unless otherwise established by this article:

(as amended by Federal Law dated November 4, 2014 N 344-FZ)

(see text in previous)

1) small businesses;

2) non-profit organizations;

(clause 2 as amended by Federal Law dated November 4, 2014 N 344-FZ)

The procedure for maintaining accounting records for individual entrepreneurs (nuances)

text in previous)

3) organizations that have received the status of participants in a project to carry out research, development and commercialization of their results in accordance with Federal Law of September 28, 2010 N 244-FZ “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center”.

(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law dated November 2, 2013 N 292-FZ)

(see text in previous)

5. Simplified methods of accounting, including simplified accounting (financial) reporting, are not used by the following economic entities:

1) organizations whose accounting (financial) statements are subject to mandatory audit in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) housing and housing construction cooperatives;

3) credit consumer cooperatives (including agricultural credit consumer cooperatives);

4) microfinance organizations;

5) public sector organizations;

6) political parties, their regional branches or other structural units;

7) bar associations;

8) law offices;

9) legal advice;

10) bar associations;

11) notary chambers;

12) non-profit organizations included in the register provided for in paragraph 10 of Article 13.1 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations” non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent.