New beer law. System of work of new trading standards. Step-by-step procedure for opening a store

Beer Law

Beer has received the official status of an alcoholic drink

In fact, beer was previously classified as an alcoholic product. Thus, until July 2012, food products with an alcohol content of more than 1.5 percent were considered alcoholic. Starting from July 2012, food products with an alcohol content of more than 0.5 percent will be recognized as alcoholic beverages. This is stated in subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ as amended by the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 218-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 171-FZ). It turns out that most beers initially fell under this definition.

But before, beer was not singled out as a separate type alcohol. From July 2012, beer and drinks made from it will be recognized as independent types of alcoholic products along with wine and vodka. In addition, three new definitions have appeared: for beer, for drinks made on the basis of beer, as well as for wort (subclauses 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 of Article 2 of Law No. 171-FZ) (for simplicity, below we will mean by beer not only beer itself, but also drinks made from it).

Plus, as of July 22, 2011, the norm according to which Law No. 171-FZ did not apply to the production and circulation of beer was abolished. All these amendments mean that the requirements and restrictions provided for spirits generally apply to beer. Note that the same point of view is reflected in the information clarification of Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

No license required to sell beer

Wholesale sale of beer, unlike a number of other types of alcohol, does not require a license. Retail sale of beer is also exempt from licensing. This directly follows from paragraph 1 of Article 18 of Law No. 171-FZ.

Who has the right to sell beer?

Both organizations and individual entrepreneurs can engage in retail beer sales. Concerning wholesale trade beer, then it is permitted only to legal entities. This rule is established by paragraph 1 of Article 11

Where can I sell beer?

From July 22, 2011 to December 31, 2012 inclusive, beer, the strength of which does not exceed 5 percent, can be sold at retail in both stationary and non-stationary objects(stalls, tents, pavilions, etc.). Beer with an alcohol content of more than 5 percent can only be sold in stationary retail outlets.

From January 1, 2013, any beer, regardless of strength, will be allowed to be sold exclusively through stationary facilities.

In addition, there is a list of places where you cannot sell any alcoholic beverages, including beer. These are children's, educational, medical organizations, sports facilities, as well as adjacent territories. This also includes wholesale and retail markets, train stations, airports and other places of large gatherings of citizens and sources of increased danger. Military facilities, adjacent territories, and all types of public transport, stops, gas stations and cultural organizations. This list is given in paragraph 2 of Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ and is valid from July 22, 2011.

Area restrictions

Space restrictions for selling beer shopping facility are missing. In other words, if a company or entrepreneur is exclusively engaged in beer trading, they can use any store, even the smallest one.

But if, in addition to beer, there are other alcoholic drinks on the counter, from July 2012 you will have to comply with certain conditions. So, in the city, the total area of ​​the store and warehouse in which such drinks are sold must be at least 50 square meters, V rural areas- at least 25 square meters.

When can you sell beer?

From July 22, 2011 to December 31, 2012 inclusive, beer with an alcohol content of no more than 5 percent can be sold at retail around the clock. Beer with an alcohol content exceeding 5 percent cannot be sold from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. local time.

From January 1, 2013, the retail sale of any beer, including low-alcohol beer, will be prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. (Clause 5, Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ).

Application of CCP

In general, from July 22, 2011 to December 31, 2012 inclusive, cash register equipment is not needed for retail trade in beer with an alcohol content of 5 percent or less. Dealers of beer whose strength exceeds 5 percent are required to use CCP. From January 1, 2013 for retail sales any beer, regardless of its strength, will require cash registers (Clause 6, Article 16 of Law No. 171-FZ).

An exception is provided for payers of a single tax on imputed income. They have the right to choose: either use cash registers, or issue, at the request of buyers, documents confirming the receipt of money (clause 2.1 of article 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ). This means that the "imposers" can do without cash registers, even if they sell strong beer in 2012, and any beer in 2013. This point of view was confirmed by tax authorities and specialists from the Ministry of Finance of Russia in a letter dated 08/17/11 No. AS-4-2/13461@.

Regional restrictions

Regional authorities have the right to establish additional restrictions on the time, conditions and places of retail sale of alcohol, up to and including a complete ban. For organizations selling alcoholic beverages, constituent entities of the Russian Federation may introduce requirements for the minimum amount of paid authorized capital, but not more than 1 million rubles.

For example, in the Moscow region, Law No. 10/13-P was adopted on April 19, 2012. It stipulates that it is forbidden to sell alcohol, including strong beer, from 21.00 to 11.00, that is, 5 hours longer than under Law No. 171-FZ. This restriction applied to beer with an alcohol content of 5 percent or less only from January 1, 2013. Minimum size The authorized capital for companies selling alcohol near Moscow should be 500 thousand rubles since 2014.

Catering enterprises

Many restrictions do not apply to organizations and entrepreneurs that provide services Catering. In particular, they are not prohibited from selling beer in cultural organizations, markets, train stations, airports and other places where there are large gatherings of citizens and sources of increased danger.

In addition, catering outlets can sell beer of any strength outside a stationary retail facility, without the use of cash registers and around the clock.

Finally, for public catering organizations, regional authorities do not have the right to set a lower limit for the size of their authorized capital.

Fines for violations related to beer trade

Trade in strong beer (since 2013 - any beer) without the use cash register equipment may result in an administrative fine. Its amount for organizations is from 30 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, for officials and entrepreneurs - from 3 thousand to 4 thousand rubles, for citizens - from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand rubles (Part 2 of Art. 14.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Fines for selling beer at the wrong time and in the wrong place are: for organizations - from 30 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, for officials and individual entrepreneurs - from 3 thousand to 4 thousand rubles. Plus, beer can be confiscated (Part 3 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The administrative fine for the retail sale of beer to minors is: for organizations from 80 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, for officials and individual entrepreneurs - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, and for citizens from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles ( Part 2.1 of Article 14.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Criminal liability for repeated retail sale of beer to minors is a fine of 80 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of six months. Instead of a fine, they may be assigned correctional labor for up to one year and deprived of the right to hold a certain position or engage in certain activities for up to three years (Article 151.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages are strictly regulated by the existing legislation of our country.

Retail outlets that carry out this type of activity must strictly comply with existing laws, since violation of them may provoke administrative liability and the imposition of large fines.

In contact with

Alcohol Sales Law 2018

This year, the existing law defining the rules for the sale and circulation of alcoholic products is undergoing some changes - a ban has been introduced on the production and sale of alcohol-containing products that are packaged in PET containers with a capacity of more than 1.5 liters.

Specifically, from the beginning of the year it is impossible to sell and buy this type of alcohol in wholesale volumes, and from July 1, a ban on retail sales of products is also introduced.

With such a ban, liability for its violation was also introduced.

Note: from the beginning of 2018, when carrying out the production and wholesale trade of prohibited products, and from July 1 and retail, a fine will be imposed with the possibility of confiscation of the alcohol on the balance sheet.

Using the EGAIS system

Sales of alcohol using cash register

According to the new rules, from this year it is possible to sell alcoholic beverages in Russia only using the EGAIS system.

The EGAIS system was created and implemented to regulate the sale and production of alcoholic products, pure ethyl alcohol, and alcohol-containing products.

Control over product turnover begins at the stage of its exit from production - ordering delivery from its manufacturer.

Programs that support EGAIS are installed on the computers of manufacturing plants, wholesale companies and cash registers of points of sale.

One of important aspects The possibility of installing this system is the presence of an Internet connection. In the event of interruptions in the Internet, the program saves all data on the receipt and sale of goods, and after the network is restored, the saved data will automatically be transferred to a common server.

Specialist's note: Alcoholic beverages on sale must have a brand with a barcode applied to it. Each barcode carries information about the manufacturer, manufacturing licenses and other necessary information.

Upon receipt of the goods retail outlet Data on quantity and name is entered into a specialized program; only after this stage can alcohol be put up for sale.

When selling alcohol, the check issued to the buyer contains full information about the product, and data on the transaction with the product is recorded by the EGAIS system.

Requirements for a point of sale

The presence of a warehouse at the point of sale is strictly mandatory

One of the most important points, which is especially worth paying attention to if you are a novice entrepreneur, is that the form of activity of a person selling alcoholic beverages can only be registered as an open or closed joint-stock company.

An exception is the sale of beer drinks - the owner can register as individual entrepreneur.

Also, a retail outlet selling alcoholic beverages must meet the following requirements:

  1. Cannot be placed near any sports or cultural institutions(except for public catering outlets), at transport stops, gas stations, as well as in crowded places.
  2. Required condition is the presence of a registered cash register, through which the fact of sale of any product is recorded.
  3. Advertising of any type of alcohol-containing products is prohibited on the territory of the retail outlet.
  4. It is mandatory to have a warehouse for products of at least 50 square meters.

It is important to know: According to the law of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to sell alcohol, tobacco products and beer to young people under 18 years of age.

Sales rules

Limiting the sale of alcohol at night

The sale of alcoholic products is regulated by the following norms and rules:

  1. Sale of goods to minors is prohibited. This point of the law is one of the most important and significant, since the most severe penalties are provided for its violation. large sum fines and other penalties from a legal entity. If there are any doubts about the buyer's age, the seller has the right to refuse the sale if the client is unwilling to provide a document confirming his true age.
  2. The sale of such goods is prohibited from 11 pm to 8 am local time. Exceptions may include agricultural producers and individual entrepreneurs selling beer and similar drinks when providing services that fall under the definition of public catering;
  3. The sale of alcohol is permitted only if there is a license to carry out this type of activity, which indicates the legal and individual, having the right to trade, the physical location of operations, as well as the validity period of the permit.

Responsibility for violation

According to the law of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to sell alcohol, tobacco products and beer to young people under 18 years of age.

Violation of the rules for the sale of alcohol may result in administrative liability.

The imposition of a fine and the confiscation of sold alcoholic beverages with the revocation of the license may be carried out in the following cases:

  • failure to comply with the requirements for the location of a retail outlet;
  • selling goods without a trade license;
  • lack of a cash register at the point of sale;
  • non-implementation cash transaction(receipt does not run) when dispensing alcohol;
  • when selling alcohol at an unspecified time;
  • dispensing alcohol to a person under the age of majority.

Note: As the owner of a retail outlet that sells alcohol, it is very important to instruct your employees on the main points of violations, since the law stipulates that the fine is imposed on the businessman, and not on hired workers.

How to get a license

Has the right to obtain a license to sell alcohol entity.

To do this, you must submit to the appropriate tax authority Required documents:

  • application for a license;
  • documents on registration and tax registration;
  • bank account details;
  • confirmation of the absence of tax arrears;
  • lease agreement or ownership of a retail outlet;
  • documents confirming the existence of the corresponding authorized capital requirement;
  • conclusions of the relevant services that the retail outlet complies with sanitary, fire and environmental standards.

Take into account: The duration of the obtained license to sell alcohol can be from one to three years. If the permit expiration date is approaching, you need to submit documents for its renewal.

Penalty for selling without a license

For selling alcohol without a license, individuals and legal entities may be subject to a fine determined in accordance with the existing Federal Law regulating the rules of alcohol trade.

For an individual entrepreneur, a fine of ten to fifteen thousand rubles may be imposed, for open and closed joint stock companies this amount can reach three hundred thousand rubles.

It is worth noting: In addition to imposing a fine for selling alcohol without a license, all alcohol-containing goods sold may be confiscated.

The sale of alcohol is considered very profitable business, bringing stable profits of a significant size. However, in pursuit of even more earnings, you should not neglect existing laws, norms and prohibitions, otherwise the consequences may not in the best possible way affect you and your business.

We bring to your attention a video report dedicated to the rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages and new requirements in 2018:

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The ban on sales in tents and kiosks led to a decrease in the consumption of packaged beer. But the number of retail outlets offering draft beer is constantly growing. If the store format and location are chosen well, this business brings in good income.


A relatively low entry barrier and quick payback are a feature of the beer business. But it’s not enough to know how to open a store draft beer from scratch. To avoid having to close it after a year, you need to take into account legislative nuances. There are two main forms of beer retail:

  • catering point: bar, cafe, pub, restaurant - bottling and consumption at the point of sale;
  • store: retail space, place in a supermarket - retail takeaway.

For the former, there are no restrictions on working hours and location. Attendance is more stable, with less seasonal fluctuations. But the financial costs are quite high. Retail sales of takeaway beer are more sensitive to the season; however, less beer is consumed in winter. The costs, however, are significantly lower, and there is also the opportunity to save on taxes and rent, since a large area is not required. When choosing a store, you need to figure out:

  • where is it better and in what format to open it
  • in what order and how to register a point
  • Is it profitable to open a franchise business?

Store format

Since 2013, sales at non-stationary trade points - pavilions, kiosks, and summer tents - have been prohibited. It was through them that most of the so popular “live beer” was sold. Now they use for trading:

  1. non-residential premises of houses, arranging small retail outlets;
  2. rented space or retail space in a supermarket;
  3. specialized stores in a separate building or part thereof.

Retail outlet in a residential building

Traditional type of beer retail. The most advantageous location is considered to be in a residential multi-storey area, or places where there is a large concentration of youth audiences. Entrance is required from the street, store area from 30 to 50 sq.m. The territorial coverage is small, within a radius of 400 to 800 m. The assortment includes up to 10 varieties, focusing on the middle, low price category, popular brands of local producers. It very much depends on the season and the proximity of competitors.

Renting a retail space in a supermarket

An obvious plus is a lot of traffic. The best place is considered to be located opposite the grocery checkout or near the entrance. The rental cost, of course, is increased, but you don’t need a lot of space to place the equipment: usually 5-12 square meters are enough, from 5 to 15 types of beer are sold, more than half of them are inexpensive. In advance, you need to take a closer look at who goes to the store, what kind of contingent it is: the bulk of potential buyers are men from 20 to 40 years old.

According to the Beer Business magazine, after 2013 the redistribution of buyers actively changed in favor of modern species sales flowing into mini and supermarkets. Now this process has slowed down, but their share already significantly exceeds the share traditional types retail - convenience stores.

Specialized beer store

The location of a luxury store is usually chosen in the center, next to prestigious shopping centers. Held good repair, the design and clothing of the staff reflect a certain flavor. The assortment is maximally expanded, containing 20-30 varieties of drinks, including non-alcoholic varieties. Solid commercial equipment, cooling chambers, defoamers, racks for fish, cheeses, and shrimp are installed. The share of revenue from related sales is about 25%.

Step-by-step procedure for opening a store

In general, it differs little from the organization of other types of trade, with the exception of one feature. Beer is an alcoholic beverage, its circulation is limited by the relevant law (No. 171-FZ, November 22, 1995). Below we will look at what it takes to open a draft beer store, where to start, and several franchising options. If you do everything in order, you need:

  1. choose a location taking into account restrictions and prohibitions;
  2. register an enterprise; choose a tax system;
  3. obtain the necessary approvals and notify about the start of activities;
  4. prepare and place in the store all required documents.

Restrictions on area, location, trading mode

The location actually determines the entire chain: the number and contingent of customers, assortment, price category, choice of suppliers, and ultimately, revenue. Let's note what limits the choice.

  1. The premises for sale must be stationary; Own or rented - it doesn't matter. This must be a building (part of it) on a foundation, connected to utilities.
  2. There are no minimum requirements for the total area, however, a separate retail space must be allocated and warehouse space.
  3. Stores cannot be placed:

    in children's, educational, medical, sports institutions and in the surrounding areas; the list includes camps, tourist centers, sports complexes, youth palaces - regardless of whether they are public or private; hospitals, clinics, ambulance stations (except pharmacies); stadiums, sports facilities;

    in crowded places: train stations, bus stops, waiting rooms, metro, cultural and recreational organizations; The ban does not apply to the sale of beer simultaneously with the provision of food services.
    Questions regularly arise about determining the permissible distance. It is established by order local authorities authorities, as well as a list of relevant objects. In different regions: from 25 m to 150 m. Measured from the entrance of the store to the door of the facility, or the entrance to the territory if it is fenced.

  4. Trading is prohibited from 11 pm to 8 am. Regional authorities may introduce additional restrictions, up to and including a complete ban. The restriction does not apply to low-alcohol drinks (up to 0.5%).

Business registration and registration

Organizations and private entrepreneurs can transport beer and sell it at retail. The latter do not have the right to engage in production, wholesale, or import. If large scale is not planned, the easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur at your place of residence. It will take no more than 5 days and will be automatically registered with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Advantages: simplification of accounting reporting and cash discipline.

See how the EGAIS system works in the retail sale of alcohol

Your own business or a franchise?

At the start, almost every entrepreneur considers the option of opening a draft beer store as a franchise. The advantages of using a proven business model are known; it provides savings:

  1. on advertising (developed brand, symbols, branded clothing);
  2. on the purchase of equipment (often included in the franchise package);
  3. on the price of the product (supplier discounts due to large volumes purchase).

There are also disadvantages. Some sellers ready-made business set restrictions: according to the population of the city, location. It is not always possible to find a suitable format or assortment, and it is often more profitable to work with local suppliers. Below is short description three franchises for the trade of draft beer.

  • "Buchen House". Price lump sum 10,000 (up to 10 varieties) - 60,000 (more than 20 varieties) rubles. Premises and equipment are provided independently. Centralized supplies, with an assortment of up to 30 imported (Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium) and Russian brands. It is possible to reduce the contribution to zero; the royalty amount is negotiated individually.
  • "Beer Boutique". The entrance fee starts from 185,000 rubles, includes: renovation and decoration of the premises, installation of a bar counter, rental of equipment, first delivery of goods, staff training, assistance in accounting. Rent of premises (8-12 sq.m.) at the expense of the franchisee. There are no royalties, but there are deductions for advertising.
  • "Beer&co". Initial payment from 300,000 rubles, no royalties. Own investments- from 1,100,000 rubles. Specialty stores, area 50 - 120 sq.m. They are decorated in a corporate style, with an assortment of drinks and snacks (snacks, seafood) from only one supplier, Pivzavoz.

If the franchise concept fits well into your plans, it’s a convenient option. But many businessmen choose independence and the opportunity to flexibly manage their business.


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The draft beer store is quite successful and profitable business, which is built on the constant high demand of this drink. For example, in the European part of the country, the annual growth of the “beer” market increases by 8-13%.

To organize the work of the store is not required large sum money, and the high payback of this business can justify itself in as soon as possible. But, despite all the positive aspects of this business idea, there are various nuances that must be taken into account during implementation.

Is this destination seasonal?

Sales of beer on tap are considered seasonal business, whose revenue is approximately 40% higher during the season. Most stores are open during the cold season only to cover operating expenses.

In exceptional cases, profitability drops so much that it is more advisable to close the store during the cold weather.

What you need to sell beer: documents and licenses

Before starting their own business, future entrepreneurs need to carefully study the legislative framework that governs retail trade low alcohol drinks.

Adopted on July 18, 2011 the federal law №218 , tightening requirements for the sale of alcoholic beverages. Based on this law, it became strictly prohibited to sell it in educational institutions, markets, transport or at its stops, train stations, non-stationary retail facilities and medical institutions.

But now both organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to sell beer.

On January 1, 2013, a law was passed tightening the previous trading rules - from now on, beer can only be sold at certain times: from 8 am to 10 pm. Sales in kiosks or stalls have become strictly prohibited.

Form of enterprise

The future businessman faces a choice of organizational and legal form, mainly this choice between individual entrepreneur and LLC. The latter will be the most profitable - new laws are increasingly tightening the requirements for individual entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of low-alcohol products. For example, they are now required to declare and record the volume of retail sales. In any case, the LLC maintains declarations and records, but a more simplified taxation system has been introduced for them due to the savings in several taxes: property tax and enterprise profit tax, VAT.

To open a beer store you will need the following:

  • Register an LLC (or individual entrepreneur).
  • Conclude a purchase/sale or lease agreement for the premises where the store will be located in the future.
  • Complete the registration and contract for servicing the cash register.
  • Obtain permission to carry out trading activities in the local Administration.
  • Obtain conclusions from inspection organizations.
  • To conclude employment contract with store employees and issue them health certificates.

Choosing a store location

When opening a store, you need to choose the right premises - future sales volumes depend on this. The most the right choice will be densely populated dormitory area– there is a high probability that it will be local residents who will form a constant flow of clients.

Also advantageous is the proximity to the market, location on a street with heavy traffic flow, various shopping and entertainment centers - all this will allow beer lovers passing by to purchase a drink.

The total area of ​​an average-sized store is approximately 50 sq meters– all this is required for the efficient and compact installation of a bar, bottling equipment and a customer service area. There must be a toilet in the store

The future premises should be comfortable for customers. The display window must be installed so that even with a large influx of customers it is clearly visible.

During the internal arrangement of the store, do not forget about the requirements of the regulatory authorities - firefighters and SES - they pay increased attention to the store:

  • SES - due to the presence in the assortment of foods and drinks that require special storage conditions.
  • Firefighters - due to the presence of special equipment in the room, namely gas cylinders, which explode if used incorrectly.

By law, it is prohibited to locate stores that include alcohol in their assortment near various child care institutions.

Therefore, when choosing a room, it is important to take into account a number of mandatory factors, and if the chosen location does not fully correspond necessary requirements, then you need to look for something else. In practice, this can take up to six months.

Organization of supplies and storage

The next stage is the search for suppliers, optimization and selection of assortment. The most optimal at the start is cooperation with wholesale suppliers of various types of beer, which provides a flexible option for managing purchases: selecting the required volume of arbitrary types of beer in the shortest possible time. The downside is the price, which is significantly higher than that of the manufacturer, to order from which you need to have a fairly large turnover, equivalent to about six stores.

When it comes to choosing equipment from a manufacturer, businessmen’s opinions differ strikingly:

  • some say that by renting equipment, you can save a lot and use the remaining funds for the development of the project;
  • others argue that it is necessary to purchase its own bottling line, because in the first six months the new store needs to optimize the assortment for local customers.

When large stores open, at least 25 beer taps (types of drink) are installed. But most entrepreneurs claim that after a year of work, the assortment is reduced to 15 items: unclaimed varieties gradually begin to reduce profits, and are eventually abandoned. But nonetheless, in a large store it is advisable to stock more than 20 types of beer.

Do not forget that the higher the assortment in the opened store, the faster the optimization of supplies will take place. And bottling equipment is quite unreliable in maintenance and operation, so it is recommended to have a couple of spare lines.

Delivery optimization is required due to the fact that fresh beer must be sold within 3 days if possible. After this period, the drink begins to gradually lose its taste properties; after 5, it can no longer be consumed.

Markups for draft beer depend on the price category and usually amount to from 50 to 100%. The average price of fresh beer fluctuates around 130 rubles per liter. Preferences local residents It is quite difficult to predict the cost. But don’t forget that when going to a beer store, customers are willing to overpay a reasonable price for their preferred type of drink.

Do you need advertising?

When promoting a draft beer store, various types of advertising are not always effective, and many types of advertising are quite expensive. Despite the high price of the media, the results from them are reduced to zero.

Therefore, you need to approach with special care for exterior decoration, outdoor and regional advertising- This is the most common way to notify the public about a future opening.

Outdoor advertising includes thematic design of the shop window and facade, an original name that sticks in the memory, sound advertising that periodically announces to passers-by about the ongoing promotion, good lighting at night. Before the opening and in the first months of operation, it is advisable to conduct an advertising campaign - as an option, distribute discount cards to residents.

How much does it cost and how quickly will it pay for itself?

During the summer maximum revenue is around 300 thousand rubles, and if the business was opened from scratch, then it Payback usually occurs within a couple of months.

During the week, sales volumes fluctuate - at first they fall, and starting on Friday they increase. This must be taken into account when purchasing goods.

For quick payback The best time to open a store is early summer. Also, along with draft beer, it is profitable to sell bottled beer with a decent assortment of snacks.

Initial Investment

The required amount to open this business in different regions ranges from 150 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles

The list of required expenses for opening a medium-sized store looks something like this:

  • Rent of premises for a couple of months – from 1000 rubles. per square meter.
  • Repairs and related finishing – up to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Pavement sign, sign, etc. – from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Stand (made to order) ~ 20 thousand rubles.
  • Refrigerator display case ~ 20 thousand rubles.
  • Air conditioning ~ 20 thousand rubles.
  • Cash register ~ 20 thousand rubles.
  • Wage service personnel~ 15 thousand rubles. to a person.
  • Defoamers, beer kegs - can be purchased from suppliers.
  • Various office supplies, packaging bags, communications, etc. ~ 5 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of the first batch of beer ~ 50 thousand rubles.

Free equipment is often provided by large suppliers.

Business pitfalls

With such costs, for a break-even business, monthly revenue must be at least 40 thousand rubles. Solid profit at the level of this indicator with optimistic forecasts achieved within 4 months from the start of the store’s operation.

The most important issues are choosing a legal form, working with suppliers and setting up a store, and resolving issues with documentation.

All other issues and actions to promote, develop and improve the store’s activities are part of a business plan that meets modern market requirements.

For the comfortable functioning of the store, it is advisable to hire two sales assistants working in shifts, a cleaner, and sometimes a security guard is required. Some functions can be performed by sellers themselves. The store owner usually does the bookkeeping. The seller’s responsibilities also include monitoring the quality of beer, the cleanliness of equipment, containers, premises and surrounding areas.

When choosing a type of activity, for many, the fact of receiving permitting documents. Do you want to connect your business with the sale of low-alcohol products, but don’t know whether you need a beer license? Specialists of the company "YurExpert" are ready to answer all your questions and explain the features of selling not only beer, but also other drinks based on it. We will help you organize a company, register a new enterprise, collect required package documents. The result of our lawyers’ work is that in the near future you will be able to start selling low-alcohol drinks and beer.

Do individual entrepreneurs need a beer license?

The legislator allows the sale of beer and its derivatives (cider, mead, poire) to individual entrepreneurs without obtaining a license, unlike strong alcohol. But there is a ban - entrepreneurs cannot implement wholesale beer. Do you want to do this type of activity? We will assist in obtaining a license and register a legal entity as soon as possible.

Important! Despite the fact that entrepreneurs do not need a license to sell beer, there are special rules, failure to comply with which will result in administrative liability and fines.

Beer license - how to sell alcohol without it?

Beer and its derivatives have the right to be sold by organizations with different legal form, including individual entrepreneurs. But for this you need to fulfill the requirement - it is not allowed to sell beer near:

  • Medical, children's and educational institutions any type.
  • The sale of low-alcohol drinks and beer cannot be organized near gas stations, train stations, airports, markets, or places where large crowds of people are expected.
  • Cultural objects.
  • Sports institutions, sections, etc.
  • Military facilities.

Note! The maximum distance to the listed objects is set individually at the regional level (depending on which territory is classified as adjacent to the object). But it cannot be less than 50 m from the social facility to the point of sale of beer.

Another important requirement for selling beer is the presence of a retail facility registered in the real estate register. It should only be stationary (there is a foundation). Temporary buildings such as kiosks, trailers, and stalls are not suitable for selling beer. The legislator made an exception only for public catering establishments - beer can be sold in open areas and in temporary non-stationary buildings. If you need a license for strong alcohol, you will have to comply with the building area requirements:

  • A store in the city - at least 50 sq.m.
  • Retail outlet in rural areas - minimum 25 sq. m.

But for the retail sale of beer, the legislator does not establish any restrictions on the area of ​​the facility.

It is unacceptable to sell low alcoholic beverages (including beer) from 23.00 to 8.00. The restriction does not apply to cafes, bars, restaurants and other catering establishments.

Who can you sell beer to?

Any entrepreneur operating without a beer license has no right to sell alcohol to people who have not reached the age of majority at the time of purchasing the goods. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in administrative sanctions. Selling even weak alcohol to children is punishable by a fine, regardless of whether a beer license is required.

Note! In addition to administrative sanctions, persons who sell alcoholic beverages to minors may also be subject to criminal liability.

If the seller has any doubts related to age, you need to ask for a passport.

New restrictions on the sale and production of beer in 2017

From January 1 of this year, the legislator imposed a ban on the production and wholesale sale of beer produced in polymer containers (plastic bottles) exceeding a volume of 1.5 liters. And as of July 1, 2017, a ban on retail sales of the drink in large-volume plastic (up to 1.5 liters) will come into force. Large-scale raids are planned to prevent crime. Failure to comply with the requirements will result in fines for selling beer in plastic bottles:

Without a beer license, but with EGAIS?

We found out that a license is needed only for the sale of strong drinks, but what about another important requirement - the state control system? In order for the sale of beer to be recognized as legal, you must connect to the Unified State Automated Information System. But “reporting” can be done in a limited format. Don’t want to make mistakes by submitting incorrect information, or don’t know how to connect to the system? The company "YurExpert" is ready to provide comprehensive legal support. Individual entrepreneurs and companies involved in purchasing beer and selling it at retail can only confirm completed purchases (wholesale) from legal suppliers and manufacturers. To connect to EGAIS you will have to:

After completing the procedure, you will receive an individual number. It is with this code (ID) that suppliers will be able to issue primary documentation(invoices), which will be reflected in the system.

Please note that there is no need to confirm the sale of each bottle of beer (as with spirits). The main goal is to prove and reflect in the system that a wholesale batch of alcohol was purchased legally.

Do you need a beer license or is a cash register sufficient?

As for the cash register when selling beer, everything is individual and depends on the taxation system of the entrepreneur. True, you will encounter a legal conflict that arose when the law was adopted. If you are a payer of the simplified tax system or OSNO, a cash register is required. It is more difficult to deal with PSN and UTII. As the legislator explains the situation:

But the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2014 No. 47 decided that a cash register is required at a point of sale when selling beer and its derivatives.

What is the penalty for violating the law:

Please note that in addition to the cash register, entrepreneurs are required to keep a logbook for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages.

Are you planning successful business without a beer license? But you don't know how to avoid difficult situations, not to become a victim of bureaucratic delays? The company "YurExpert" is ready to help you quickly prepare all the necessary documents and register any type of organization.