Start a business selling consignment clothing. The history of thrift stores. The assortment must include

Your own small business, hassle-free and with minimal investment- Isn't this the dream of every employee? But, of course, this doesn’t happen: in order to make a profit, you not only need to be a genius, show fairly high activity and be able to hire smart people, but also find your niche and initial capital. Perhaps everyone wanted to donate unnecessary things to a thrift store. Find out how to make good money from this.

There are not so many options on how to start your own business, but at the same time get by with minimal expenses. And one of them is organizing a second-hand shop. You should not believe that this business is extremely profitable, nor that it will certainly pay off and that this will happen quickly. This is a myth. But under certain conditions, you will still be able to earn yourself not only a piece of bread, but also a decent standard of living with a couple of vacations in paradise planets where “All Inclusive” is the norm of life.

According to their specifics, thrift stores can be divided into several types:

  1. sale of used items (second-hand type);
  2. sale of new but discounted items;
  3. mixed trade (including new things, confiscated goods, inventory from manufacturers, and so on).

According to the direction of trade, commission shops for trading are distinguished:

  1. household items (dishes, etc.);
  2. consignment clothing store;
  3. furniture;
  4. household appliances;
  5. weapons;
  6. vehicles;
  7. jewelry;
  8. antiques and art objects;
  9. mixed goods;
  10. children's thrift stores.

By type of payment:

  1. cash trading;
  2. sale of goods for non-cash payments;
  3. sales in installments or on credit.

Where is the best place to set up a thrift store?

Selling through consignment stores is special kind trade. Most often, when a person makes a purchase, he prefers to do it demonstratively, enjoying the process itself and the slight envy of others. So stores should be visible. But it’s better to locate a thrift store near residential areas, where people have, on average, a lower income level, but still not far from some transport hub.

Thrift store terms and conditions

All trading rules that should be followed by the owner of a second-hand store are set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 569. All the features that relate to the acceptance of goods, transfer of ownership, insurance, mandatory accompanying documentation, and other things are described here. It also outlines what needs to be done if defects are found in the goods accepted for consignment, and what if the defect was discovered later, when you need to put everything accepted on the sales floor, and what responsibility does the consignor (the one who delivered the goods to you) bear? The item being sold has some significant flaws.

How much can you earn?

Is it profitable to open a consignment store? The issue of income for this business is very slippery. This is not a restaurant for which you can calculate the average check at a nearby catering outlet and estimate the consumer audience. We'll have to start from large number assumptions.

It can be assumed that you will select products very carefully and that you will end up selling about 25% of the products you accept. Let's say you sell clothes, shoes and small household items - dishes, decorative elements, etc. Again, let's make the assumption that at 1 square meter you can place $100 worth of goods. If your store has a sales area (do not forget about the need for a utility room and warehouse) with an area of ​​50 m², then, accordingly:

You can accept goods for 50m²*$100=$5000. Your sales per month will be $5,000*25% for $1,250.

The amount of the commission depends on the value of the goods you accept. Most often, for goods up to 1000 rubles, a commission of 30-50% of the value requested by the principal is charged. If the product costs about 5-10 thousand, then the rate is reduced to 25-15%, and so on. If you have your own parking lot where you display used cars that belong to other people but are accepted for commission, then the rate may be quite small - less than 5%.

Let's make the assumption that you sold goods for which a commission of 25% was established. Accordingly, your dirty profit: $1250*25%=$312.5.

However, this profit is not yet net income. From here you also need to subtract the rent, wages personnel, taxes, contributions to social funds. Obviously, things may not be as rosy as they first seem, even if you try to work alone. So, in order not to burn out, you need to estimate the profitability threshold.

Store business plan

A business plan for a consignment store is a virtually impossible task because, as mentioned, there are too many assumptions to be made. Even trading is not very predictable, and commission sales even less so. But, nevertheless, you need to draw up something like a plan and, most importantly, conduct reconnaissance.

Intelligence will consist of trying to understand what the sales volume of your competitors is. You can find a similar area to yours and regularly visit a store similar to yours. Keep track of what they buy, what the box office receipts are for the week. At the same time, you will learn which assortment is best to choose and on what days/hours the trade is busiest. This way you can tailor your outlet to the needs of your customers. Indeed, in life it often happens the other way around: working people by 18-00 begin to accumulate at transport transshipment points, and decide to go to the surrounding shops, but they are closed! Try to avoid this.

Your rough financial plan should include the following:

  1. Initial investment. Costs for documentation, purchase/manufacture/rental of commercial equipment, and its transportation.
  2. Mandatory expenses per month. This includes rent, utility bills, taxes, and employee salaries.
  3. Estimated revenue.
  4. Markup level and approximate profit (turnover multiplied by markup percentage minus expenses = income).
  5. Profitability threshold. That is, how much money should go through the cash register so that you can pay all mandatory payments and not be in the red.
  6. Payback period for initial investment. If you have calculated that you will be in the black if you have the same revenue as a competitor with a similar trading scale, you can estimate how many months it will take for your commission to pay off.

If everything you have described gives you bright prospects, you can move on to searching for investors or simply completing the necessary papers. Believe me, investors are usually of little interest in lengthy discussions about the upcoming takeoff of your segment of the economy. Numbers are the most important argument.

Registration and documents for a consignment store

Before you start setting up a store, you need to think about whether you want to work with organizations or whether only private individuals will be enough for you as consignors. This will determine whether you form an LLC or conduct your business as an individual entrepreneur. Both organizational and legal forms have their advantages. Let's consider the features of working as an individual entrepreneur:

  • It is easier for individual entrepreneurs to prepare reports;
  • for individual entrepreneurs the tax rate is lower;
  • for individual entrepreneurs it is easier to calculate the profitability threshold;
  • Not all organizations want to cooperate with individual entrepreneurs due to difficulties in accounting;
  • It is more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to come to an agreement with a bank to cooperate on.

Trade has always been and remains one of the most profitable types commercial activities. When organizing production, you need production lines, consumables, workshops, a lot of workers, etc. And to start trading, you only need a platform - a kiosk, a store or a place on the market and a product. The main difficulty of such a business is developing a concept, choosing a product and the ability to ensure a stable flow of customers.

Thrift store business plan: how relevant is it today?

Information from the Encyclopedia: “A thrift store is trading enterprise, engaged in the sale of used items. It differs from second-hand stores in that the goods for sale come not from wholesale warehouses, but from individuals who hand them over for commission (monetary value) and receive payment after sale.”

Market research over the past few years shows that public interest in thrift stores is constantly growing. This is confirmed by the fact that the number of such retail outlets is increasing both in the capital and in other major cities Russia.

Commission trading flourished back in the days Soviet Union. Then it was the center of second-hand goods, but often of high quality and scarce, and sometimes with artistic value, things. Goods in thrift stores were sold at high prices, and their buyers were often wealthy people. Now it’s a completely different matter. Thrift stores are attractive primarily because of their affordable prices and wide range of essential goods: clothing, shoes, dishes, household appliances, etc.

People have always had a desire to save money and buy something at a discount. Anyone who is looking for an inexpensive refrigerator (for the dacha), branded clothing (even from last year’s collection) or an iPhone at half the price are your potential clients.

Start off own business commission trading at the lowest cost and minimal risk investment is profitable right now - at a time of economic downturn in the country. Experts are confident that in this retail segment, demand still exceeds supply, and in the near future it will only increase.

Scheme of operation of consignment stores

The operating system of a used goods trading enterprise is simple and transparent. The owner’s goal is to sell someone else’s goods and receive a certain percentage of the sale for it.

Individuals who provide goods for sale in thrift stores are called consignors. The usual scheme practiced by thrift store owners is to place goods on display for a certain period of time (from a month to three or more). If during this period the product remains on the shelf, it is returned to the owner (sometimes a storage fee is charged - from 3 to 5 percent, at the request of the store owner). If the goods are sold, the principal fills out a special contract form, which states the transfer of ownership rights to the buyer for this product.

Your task, as the owner of a trading organization acting as an intermediary in the transaction, is to monitor compliance with obligations by both parties. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, lawyers advise that each sale and purchase transaction must be recorded on paper with the signatures of the parties. Agreement forms must be prepared in advance by you in sufficient quantities. Of course, a qualified lawyer will be required to draw them up.

In the trade of used goods, the following commission scheme usually operates: than more expensive thing, the lower the percentage of the store. For example, when selling a mink coat for 50 thousand rubles. your share of the sale can be 10% (5 thousand), and when selling a coat or jacket for 1 thousand rubles. - up to 30% commission (330 rubles) Thus, you have a commercial interest in selling various things - both expensive and cheap. Trade turnover in the low price segment is faster and the profit percentage is higher, but for the sale of one expensive item you can immediately receive a significant amount.

Of course, the store owner can set the interest rate at his own discretion (alternatively, the same rate for all goods). But marketers recommend using the above-mentioned commission system, since it has proven itself best in the field of commission trading.

Choosing a specialization for selling used goods

The success of the future enterprise largely depends on the correct choice of the concept of the future store. Exists several popular formats:

  1. How to open a consignment clothing store? Assortment clothing market very broad - this is the opening of consignment stores for children's goods, casual women's and men's clothing, children's goods, shoes.
  2. Equipment store. Offer buyers used mobile phones, TVs, laptops, any household appliances - from irons to washing machines. These are everyday goods that often break down, and not everyone can buy new ones. In this case, you may need transport to transport large cargo.
  3. Jewelry or antique consignment store. These exquisite shops sell antique furniture, rare books, paintings, figurines, dishes, watches, and jewelry. The circle of visitors to these outlets is very limited.
  4. Branded items store. They can be engaged in the sale of both used goods and new ones, which for some reason did not suit the former owners.
  5. Furniture store. When moving to another place of residence, it is sometimes more profitable to hand over good quality furniture to a second-hand store than to pay for its transportation. In this case, a thrift store is just a godsend.
  6. Cars. Such a business will require large retail areas with an adjacent area for displaying cars in front of the store.
  7. The “A Thousand Little Things” format combines several areas at once: clothing, goods for children, appliances, household utensils, CDs, books, interior items - all this can “coexist” quite peacefully on neighboring shelves. Most effective option doing business.
  8. Sale of used children's clothing and toys. How to open a children's thrift store is not an easy task. But quite real.

Sometimes entrepreneurs open a clothing store and then, under favorable circumstances, expand the business by adding other departments.

Selecting a room

Think about what area of ​​the city your store should be located in. Rent in the center can be much more expensive than in any of the remote areas. In what part of the city do most people in your target audience live? Don’t forget that these are mostly people with below-average incomes: pensioners, students, young mothers on maternity leave. Perhaps in densely populated residential areas trade will be more vibrant than in respectable central ones. It’s great if your thrift store is located next to a grocery store, school, clinic, or public transport stop.

There are few requirements for the rented premises itself. Its area should be from 15 to 30 or more m2, depending on the specifics of the product. If you are going to sell furniture, then even 200 m2 of space may not be enough. Thrift stores usually do not have warehouses - all goods are displayed on display. trading floor. But, of course, you will need a little help.

Business registration

In order to open a consignment store from scratch, you need:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office. If you plan to cooperate not only with individuals, but also with legal entities (for example, manufacturers selling illiquid products), you will need to register an LLC. The basic system applied to this form of business will be most beneficial to you.
  2. Specify clause 52.5 as the main OKVED code (retail sale of used goods in a store).
  3. Register with PF.
  4. Obtain permits for trading activities from the local administration.
  5. Obtain permission from Gospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Conclude a rental agreement for premises.

Selling used items: how to get started?

Use any means available to you to promote your business, because advertising is the engine of trade. A great idea would be to simultaneously open an online store, which will enable your business to explore the network space, convey information to a wide audience and form a core of regular suppliers and clients. Create a small business card website - the costs are minimal, and the benefits can be very tangible.

Organize outdoor advertising in the area where the store is located. It is advisable that advertisements have colorful, eye-catching photographs. This could be other printed materials – booklets, postcards. Be sure to advertise in the newspaper and on local television. The main thing is to tell potential buyers about all the benefits of purchasing goods from you.

Initially, prices in the store should be minimal, and the quality should be excellent. And then the good news about the appearance of your wonderful store will spread through the area by word of mouth, and you will only have the pleasure of watching the arriving flow of visitors.

Business expenses (thrift store)

Your start-up costs will be relatively small - this is one of the important positive aspects this business. Let's let's outline the main points, taking as an example some averaged data:

  • rental of retail space (from 20 m2, on average - 1000 rubles per m2) will be from 20 thousand rubles. per month;
  • equipment: shelves, hangers, racks, display cases, mannequins (you can buy all this secondhand) - no more than 40 thousand rubles;
  • salary to the seller - from 15 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising - it can be completely free (for example, in a newspaper with free advertisements) or cost incredible amounts of money. It is very difficult to make calculations here;
  • preparation of necessary forms and documents. Here everything depends on the price of the specialist who will deal with your forms (1000 rubles for each - this is the minimum price).

Is it profitable to open a consignment store?

The unanimous opinion of marketing specialists and financial experts is that the number of thrift stores will only grow in the near future. The popularity of inexpensive used goods is not afraid of crisis phenomena, because in difficult times their demand is only increasing. The big advantage of this type of activity is the absence of risks: there is no need to make wholesale purchases of goods, which, in the event of instability of consumer demand, can become a dead weight.

To make a detailed calculation of the expected profit, you need to know the approximate amount of the store's daily receipt. For example, it is equal to 10,000 rubles. (this is a very modest figure). In this case, the owner’s net profit can be 20% of this amount or 2 thousand rubles. We calculate: the monthly profit from the enterprise is about 60 thousand rubles, the annual profit is 720 thousand. From here, subtract the amount of monthly expenses - 35 thousand rubles. and get 25 thousand net profit per month and 300 thousand per year.

If you initially spent about 60-70 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment and legal services, then you will cover your costs very quickly, in a maximum of 4 months (we will add a little for unforeseen expenses). This is a very good indicator indicating a high return on investment for the business. Not every enterprise begins to generate net profit after such a short time.

  • On the opening day of the store, visitors should not be greeted by empty shelves, even if you have not managed to establish a sufficient number of connections with the consignors. If there is no other choice, purchase the first batch of goods in stock or second-hand wholesale;
  • rent a room commensurate with your needs: a large, half-empty room is not only expensive, but also uncomfortable for buyers;
  • if you manage to find a premises that previously housed a department store, this will be an ideal option. This will reduce the cost of repairs, and, possibly, of some part of the equipment;
  • Distribute leaflets advertising the store through mailboxes. Promise bearers discounts: this will make it more likely that they will still look into your store;
  • The “golden” rule for pricing used goods is no more than 50% of the cost of new ones. Do not sell overpriced items that no one will probably buy.

Starting any business is always difficult and unpredictable. Try to make the most favorable impression of you on everyone - both the principals and the clients - and then success will not be long in coming. Good luck!

For many years, trade at any time has been and remains the most basic engine of the economy and a profitable type of commerce. In order to start trading, you don’t need to make a lot of effort; you just need to have the necessary starting point in the form of a kiosk, or just a small point on the market. This type of activity differs from the organization of production, which, on the contrary, requires huge workshops, hiring large quantity and consumables.

Starting a business: consignment store

As the directory says, a consignment store is a type that sells used items to the public. Its difference from second-hand stores is that goods for resale come from private individuals who receive their payment after the items received are sold.

Market research conducted in recent years show that people are becoming more interested in thrift stores. In support of this fact, experts cite statistical data, judging by which the number of such retail outlets is increasing both in large Russian cities and in the capital.

Such trade existed during the times of the USSR, but at that time scarce goods were sold there, which, although very second-hand, were very valuable, because they could be obtained with great difficulty. And thrift stores solved this problem for the Soviet citizen. Although not everyone could buy something there, but only the wealthiest segments of the population of that time. But now everything is completely different - anyone can afford to buy goods at a second-hand store, thanks to a wide range that includes essential items ( household appliances, clothes, dishes, shoes, furniture), and more than affordable prices.

People always strive to save money. They want to buy any product at a discount, be it a fashionable gadget for half their price, chairs or a sofa for the garden, or items from a famous fashion house (even from the collection before last). This category of citizens, of which there are many, are potential clients of a consignment store.

And, what is noteworthy, it is necessary to realize your dreams of opening such a thing precisely at this moment, when there is an economic recession in our country. According to experts, demand in this segment of retail trade still exceeds supply. And then such stores will become even more in demand.

How do thrift stores work?

Scheme of operation of consignment stores

The operation of retail outlets of this type is quite transparent and simple. Even someone who has never dealt with business can figure it out. The owner of a second-hand store has a goal - to receive a certain amount from the sale for the sale of other people's goods. People who bring goods to these stores for sale are usually called consignors.

A common scheme that is very often practiced among consignment store owners is to display items in a window for a month or more. If during this time the goods are not sold in any way, then they are returned to the rightful owner.

Some owners of thrift stores set a storage fee, which ranges from 3 to 5% of the total cost of the item. In the event of a sale of goods, the consignor fills out a special form, which must indicate that all property rights are transferred to the buyer of the product.

Some subtleties of trading

Thrift store from scratch

The task of the consignment store owner who acts as an intermediary in such a transaction is to ensure that the parties comply with their obligations. Lawyers advise that in the event of any unforeseen situations, it is necessary to record each of the purchase and sale transactions with the signatures of both parties on paper.

To do this, the owner of a retail outlet that sells used items should make sure in advance that the contract forms are prepared in required quantity. And in order to draw them up correctly, you need to resort to the services of a qualified lawyer, but the costs of such a specialist will more than pay off in the future, and will also protect you from possible risks during the sale.

How to choose the specialization of a retail outlet?

Consignment store specialization

The success of the future business depends on the choice of specialization. The most famous formats existing today:

  • A store selling used clothing. This is probably it. the most popular segment of commission trading today. The goods may include women's, men's or children's clothing, and even shoes.
  • Retail outlets selling equipment. For sale, you can take used gadgets, used TVs, computers, and any household appliances - from a toaster to a washing machine. Such products are what people use every day. They break down very often, and most citizens simply do not have enough money to purchase new things in household appliance hypermarkets. The disadvantage of this type of commission is that in some cases it may be necessary vehicle for transportation of large-sized goods, since not all people have the finances for self-pickup.
  • A store selling jewelry. The circle of visitors to such retail outlets is often quite limited. After all, not everyone can afford exquisite antique furniture, dishes, paintings, rare books, and jewelry.
  • Retail outlet with branded items. Usually in such places they sell items that have not been used, but did not suit their former owners for some reason, or items that are not entirely new from well-known brands.
  • Furniture shop. The product appears here for a banal reason. Sometimes, when moving to another place (for example, to another city), it is much more profitable to hand over good quality, even recently purchased, furniture to a consignment store than to pay for its transportation.
  • Automotive store. This business is the most expensive in terms of the fact that the owner will have to rent quite large retail spaces adjacent to the second-hand store to organize an exhibition and sale of cars.
  • Retail outlet in the “A Thousand Little Things” format. Several types of areas are combined here, which include books, dishes, children's goods, clothing, small furniture (chairs, tables, etc.). This diverse method is the most effective for opening such a business.
  • Children's goods store. Consignors hand over children's clothing, toys, and household items for sale. Sometimes the owners of such shops accept cribs, high chairs, and other furniture.

Choosing a location and premises

Before you open a consignment store, you should take care of choosing a premises for it. First, you need to think carefully about which area of ​​the city such a point will be located. When taking into account the space for trade, it is worth remembering that in the center it always costs more than in areas located further away from it.

Another factor that should be taken into account is the analysis of in which part of the city the target audience of the thrift store lives, ready to buy goods put up for sale. When choosing it, you need to be guided by the fact that the main contingent visiting this kind of shops will be young mothers who are on maternity leave, pensioners, or students.

Sales will be higher in residential areas that are densely populated, but in respectable ones it may not be at all. Typically, thrift stores are located near schools, kindergartens, grocery stores, and bus or tram stops. As for shops selling jewelry, unlike all other formats, they need to be located closer to the center, since the clients there are more respectable.

As for the area of ​​the rented premises, it usually ranges from 15 square meters or more. m. It all depends on the specifics of the products being sold. The largest rental space is required by opening stores selling used cars and furniture. In this case, you will need from 150 sq. m. Such stores usually do not have warehouses. All available goods are put on display in the sales area. Although a small utility room will undoubtedly be needed.

How to register a business?

Before you start trading you need to do the following:

  • Come to the tax office and register or. The first option is necessary when you plan to interact not only with, but also with legal entities (for example, with manufacturers selling illiquid goods). The basic system that applies to this type of business is the most profitable.
  • The main code must be specified in clause 52.5. It refers to the retail sale of used goods in a store.
  • Come to and register.
  • Visit the local administration and take documents permitting trading activities.
  • The next point on the way to opening your own retail outlet will be a visit to two authorities - Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.
  • The final stage will be the conclusion of the rental of premises.

Where to start selling?

First, you should choose a room that should be commensurate with the needs of the owner of the future store. If it is very large, and there is very little product on display, this use of space is irrational. In addition, buyers who come to the thrift store will feel uncomfortable being there.

The most best choice will be the rental of a store that previously sold manufactured goods. This will help reduce repair costs, as well as the costs associated with purchasing a piece of equipment.

Particular attention should be paid to advertising the second-hand store. To do this, you can print out a batch of bright leaflets with attractive text that promises everyone who visits the store a good discount. You can also use the World Wide Web to develop your business. To do this, you need to invest some part of the funds in creating an online store or business card website. The costs will be very small, and the undertaking will pay off with interest.

An important rule for determining the price of used items: do not inflate the cost of them by more than 50%. It is unlikely that anyone will buy such a product, because in this case it will be easier for the buyer to purchase the product in a store where they sell new things. In general, it is better to set minimum prices, but the quality of the goods sold should be high. This will help word of mouth quickly notify everyone about such a store.

The success of any business depends on many factors, but it is always unpredictable and difficult. In order for a consignment store to be profitable, all risks must be carefully calculated, and then the start will be successful!

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A consignment store can be a profitable venture for a business owner, generating considerable income.

A high-quality business plan, right choice goods and others important points allow you to fully realize the best idea.

Where to start opening?


An entrepreneur who wants to open his own consignment store must complete a certain package of documents:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • permission from the city authorities to obtain the right to conduct trade (patent); permission from the fire department;
  • permitting documentation from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • standard commission agreement;
  • registering a cash register;
  • permitting document for the right to place a sign;
  • certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • waste removal agreement;

First of all, the owner of a future consignment store must choose premises for the subsequent activities of the enterprise and enter into an agreement with the landlord. It is best to choose a store space with an area of ​​60 sq.m. or more, and preferably with a utility room of 20 sq.m.

Photo: premises for a thrift store

Permission to exercise trading activities should be obtained by contacting the city executive committee (trade department). To obtain permits from the fire service and the sanitary-epidemiological service, it is necessary to draw up a letter (addressed to the head) requesting the provision of such a document allowing for trading commission activities.

The conclusions of the fire and sanitary-epidemiological authorities must be submitted to the tax service for enterprise registration.

Based on the adopted legislation, licensing of commission trade in non-food products is not required. A license is required to obtain the right to sell consignment jewelry. Such a document is issued by the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate. The application is reviewed within two weeks, the document is issued for a period of 5 years.

Selling cars in a consignment store does not require licensing. When trading commission non-food products, certificates are not required.

The standard agreement governs partnership relations, so it should be drawn up in advance. It contains clauses on the rights and obligations of the parties - the commission agent (seller) and the principal (owner of the goods). The commission percentage must be indicated, most often 30-50%. The commission agent is obliged to sell the goods within 30 days (usually). If it is not sold within a given period, the initial price is reduced.

For storage of items, payment to the principal is deducted from 1% to 7%. In turn, the commission agent undertakes to be responsible for the safety of the item transferred for sale and to pay the due amount to the principal.

The uniform form of the contract covers the following points:

  • passport details;
  • the amount paid for the goods;
  • profit of the organization (percentage);
  • markdown of goods (sequence of rules);
  • duration of the contract.

The contract, which is signed by both parties, includes details (of the company and the owner of the things), price, degree of wear, and existing shortcomings. The terms of payment and all additional points relating to the product and its sale are also specified.
Main points of the agreement:

  • deadlines for the validity of the signed agreement;
  • interest for storing things;
  • the amount of funds paid to the owner of the things;
  • details of the owner of the items;
  • interest received by the store as a result of the sale of items.

Acquired cash register is subject to mandatory registration with the appropriate government organization. Often, stores that sell cash registers independently register these devices at the request of customers. The use of cash registers is mandatory regulated by the approval of the State Register. Registration is carried out with a tax organization.

If the company independently carries out waste removal, a contract is not required. But most often such an agreement must be concluded, since the trading enterprise does not engage in the removal of waste products or disposal. Such an agreement is concluded with the relevant organizations whose responsibility includes waste removal.

The absence of at least one document will become an obstacle to business activity or may entail penalties.

First you need to decide on the place of future trade. After this, permission must be obtained from the city administration.


For the legal implementation of trading activities consignment goods registration of the enterprise with the tax service is required. You will also need to make a seal (the cost is approximately 500 rubles), the production time is 3 days. At this point, you should decide on the name of the enterprise. Permits required for presentation to the tax office.

You will also need an agreement for disinfection of the sales area, clothing of employees and sanitization of items sold.

To properly register a company with limited liability To operate such a store, it is necessary to study the current resolution approving the Rules for commission trade in non-food products.

You should choose the right OKVED code that allows the operation of a consignment store. Today in to a greater extent fits - “Retail sale of used goods in stores” (52.5), including retail trade in used jewelry.

If the future owner of a consignment store registers as an individual entrepreneur, he will have the opportunity to cooperate exclusively with individuals.

A founder who has chosen a simplified taxation system must submit an application for transition to this system. Typically, a submitted application is reviewed by a tax organization within five days, excluding weekends.

You will definitely need to open a bank account, the amount is at least 2000 rubles. When registering a limited liability company, the bank account is from 10,000 rubles. When registering several founders, you will need to draw up (and submit to the tax office) a protocol stating that a legal entity is being created.

In addition, you need to make a list of all products that will be offered for sale in the store. The list of all goods must be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological service. If registration is carried out according to established rules, most of the work can be considered completed.
The state duty paid as a result of registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, when opening a limited liability company - 4000 rubles.

Selection of goods and trading features

Children's clothing

Currently, children's clothing, like other goods, is the most profitable for sale, since it is in great demand among the population. Children grow out of old clothes, many parents with a budget below the average (or average) do not always consider it necessary to purchase exclusively new things, since this entails large expenses.

Children's products are more expensive than products for adults. Clothes, shoes, toys, strollers always find their buyers. As many years ago, the question “How to open a consignment store for children’s clothing and goods?” most relevant for those who want to create a profitable business.

Branded items

Branded items are always in great demand, so it makes sense to give preference to such products. The thrift store can accept for sale not only used items, but also completely new ones that did not suit the former owners.

Among the current products: stylish shoes, fur and leather products, sweaters, dresses, skirts, trousers, jewelry. It is necessary to take measures to maintain the quality of these things, especially if they are of considerable value.

Household appliances

No less relevant are household appliances, which should be accepted from the public on the basis of the attached documentation, including warranty periods. It is necessary to provide a separate room for such goods, in which storage rules will be observed.

You will also need transport for cargo transportation.

An alternative is to sign a service agreement with a freight transportation company or have your own truck.

Large goods: furniture, cars

A consignment store can be set up to sell exclusively large items. New high-quality furniture is quite expensive, which prevents many citizens from purchasing it. In this case, a thrift store turns out to be a real find.

The owner of a consignment store accepts furniture from the public that is in good condition. Some people prefer to donate (or sell) beds, tables, sofas, and cabinets to a thrift store before moving to another city. In this case, the store receives practically new goods of excellent quality.

The premises of a consignment store must be large enough, spacious and meet all established standards. Furniture requires constant care and the use of extremely gentle chemicals for cleaning and updating.

When selling cars, a consignment store performs the function of an auto shop and must comply with all GOST standards established for this type of enterprise.

A distinctive feature is the status of a consignment store. IN in this case the enterprise sells goods transferred from the hands of the owners. That is, it acts as an intermediary, but can also buy cars from owners.

Auto store salespeople are required to have knowledge of the technical characteristics of their product. This type business can turn out to be quite profitable, since the number of people who want to have their own car is increasing, but often there are not enough funds to purchase a new car. Such people are potential clients of a consignment store.

Photo: used car sales

Sale of wedding dresses

Selling wedding dresses and offering rental services is currently a completely profitable undertaking that can bring considerable profit to the owner of a consignment store. This approach will attract the attention of not very wealthy young citizens (or with average income) who want to get married.

In this case, there will be no problems with the availability of goods, since many girls prefer to sell their outfits after the wedding ceremony. A consignment store can be the best middleman. If the area of ​​activity of the enterprise turns out to be in demand, the business can soon be expanded. Dresses of various styles and colors should be offered for sale; the greater the number of sizes and models of dresses, the greater the number of buyers the store will attract.

Electronics store

Used electronics store good quality, will find its consumers in thrift stores due to its lower cost than in regular stores. Not everyone can purchase new electronics at high prices. But a considerable number of people also prefer to donate quality goods to a consignment store and purchase new samples.

If buyers of electrical goods note the good quality of the products they purchase, you can count on regular customers and an expanding circle of consumers.

You are responsible for the quality of the product offered, so take the trouble to contact experts for an assessment.

Jewelry consignment store

Quite promising business— sale of jewelry. It is possible on the basis of a consignment store offering for sale wedding dresses, create a special jewelry department.

Typically, many citizens are afraid to buy jewelry “from hand”. A consignment store can be an excellent partner for both jewelry sellers and buyers, who in this situation will feel most protected from unforeseen circumstances.

But the owner of such a store will have to seriously take care of the availability of security for such a valuable product. Because in case of its theft, you will need to give an amount of funds equal to the cost of the jewelry to its original owner. In order to protect the facility, surveillance cameras and alarms are installed, and there must be a security guard on staff.

Purchased from the population jewelry(or accepted for sale under a contract) must first receive the expert assessment of a professional jeweler, so the store owner should either include an experienced jeweler on staff or collaborate with one.

In some cases, the complete purchase of items and subsequent sale turns out to be much more profitable than intermediary activities.

Thrift Store Business Plan

Basic costs

The business plan of a future enterprise contains such points as accounting for expenses, monitoring the business of competitors, assessing the profitability of a particular business as a whole, and the right to exist of this business.

An entrepreneur must take into account all the difficulties associated with the activities of his store, but at the same time understand the prospects, take advantage of the opportunities and advantages.

Costs for opening a consignment store (approximate figures):

  • purchase of a cash register – 40,000 rub..;
  • mannequin – 6000 rub. for 1 copy;
  • mirror - 7000 rub. for 1 piece;
  • table - 5000 rub.;
  • computer and office equipment – 50,000 rub.;
  • rack – 5000 rub. for 1 copy;
  • rent of premises with an area of ​​60 sq.m. at a price of 600 rubles per 1 sq.m. - 36,000 rubles;
  • advertising - from 3000 rubles and above.

Total initial costs will be approximately 152,000 rubles.

To this amount should be added repair work (which can amount to approximately 20,000 rub..) to get the amount required to start. When renting a premises with an area of ​​25 sq.m. costs are reduced to 40,000 rub.. But you may need to purchase additional items and furniture, which must also be taken into account.

All initial costs will be fully justified when proper operation thrift store. To do this, you need to clearly present the scale of income and expenses. Typically, the cost recovery occurs after several months of operating a consignment store.

Need to take into account monthly expenses during the operation of the store:

  • salary for seller - 10,000 rub.. (with a large staff the amount is higher);
  • rent of premises of 25 sq.m. – 15,000 rub.;
  • additional costs – 10,000 rub.(amount is approximate).

In addition to sellers, the staff should include such specialists as an equipment repairman, an electrician, a plumber (you can also resort to the services of outsourcing companies).

In total, the minimum monthly expense for the owner of a consignment store will be 35,000 rubles.

If you wish, you can choose the most economical equipment options for the premises, rent a sales area of ​​a smaller area and for a lower payment (if possible). Income directly depends on the amount received as a result of markup on the cost of goods.

Project profitability

The income of the founder of a consignment store is directly dependent on the difference in price for the items sold. Therefore, the amount of remuneration to citizens who transfer goods for sale should not be higher than a certain percentage, which is most convenient for the store. Usually it is no less 30% , most often (and more profitable for the enterprise) – 50%.

The term of the agreement between the commission agent and the principal is valid for 3 months. After a month, the first markdown is made by a certain percentage, after 2 months the markdown is - 15%. The principal is charged an amount for storing the goods, amounting to - 5-7% .

Cooperation under these conditions is quite convenient and beneficial for the store owner. The more goods are sold, the greater the revenue of the consignment store.

It is quite possible to sell items for an amount ranging from 15,000 – 25,000 rubles per day, the consignment store will be able to receive at least 3000-4000 rubles and more. If your monthly income is 80,000 rub.(which is quite realistic), after calculating the amount of expenses (approximately 45,000 rub..) it turns out - 35,000 rub. income, which will gradually increase.

Where to look for suppliers and buyers?

A consignment store differs from a second-hand store in that it accepts goods not from organized suppliers, but from private individuals with whom it enters into an agreement. He acts as a link between the seller (owner of the goods) and the buyer. In this case, the store makes a profit from the difference in the cost of products as a result of the markup. Any owner of used items in good condition who needs funds and wants to sell their goods can contact the consignment store directly.

In order for the store to have a large assortment of goods (which is beneficial for the enterprise), it is necessary to notify as many people as possible about the presence of such a company.

The owner of a consignment store needs to place advertisements for the acceptance and sale of goods on the most popular sites. A very relevant advertising method is the distribution of booklets with attractive offers.

As many potential buyers as possible should be notified about the opening of a consignment store. To do this, it is advisable to present the information as in printed edition, and on Internet resources. It is best to post an advertising article that will convey to the population best sides opened a new store.

How to open a second-hand shop and make a profit?

Ways to develop a business: advertising and online store

In order to develop a business (thrift store), it is recommended to use the media and other means to promote the enterprise. Best idea will be the creation of an online store that will allow the company to explore the Internet space and convey information about the store to the widest range of consumers, forming a group of regular suppliers and buyers.

For this purpose, you need not only to create a website, make it as convenient as possible, but also to promote it. At the same time, for buyers this option of cooperation (via an online store) will be the most convenient; they will be able to choose goods from catalogs without leaving their office or home, which will have a positive impact on the profitability of the business.

But we should not forget about the costs that will occur: hosting support, design and other services.

It is advisable to place advertisements regarding the opening of a store with attractive photographs (you can distribute booklets, distribute information on the Internet). It is important to tell the potential buyer all the most positive aspects of cooperation.

The choice of location for the store is also of considerable importance. As practice shows, buyers are more attracted to premises located in convenient places, often on the first floors. The store must be opened after it has a wide range of goods.

Initially, product prices should not be inflated, and subsequently significantly inflated. And the quality and condition of the goods presented are ideally only excellent. In this case, word of mouth will also provide a useful service.

Features of work

Thrift store revenue is the percentage received as a result of the markup of goods. You can increase the price of a product significantly, but first monitor the market for similar products so that the price does not turn out to be excessively inflated and does not scare off buyers. In order to determine which things are most profitable to sell, you will need to keep statistics.

It is undesirable to open a store in sparsely populated places, sell only one certain type goods. Such a narrow focus is unlikely to resonate with the general public.

You shouldn’t expect big profits at the very beginning of your journey. Typically, an enterprise develops from several months to a year and a half, after which its development can take a significant leap.

If you don't see any profit after three months, you need to reconsider aspects of your business. Attention will be required to such points as competitiveness, quality of advertising, number of types of goods, their features, purchasing power of the population, and customer needs.

A thrift store can become profitable business and an interesting activity, but only if properly organized. There will always be people interested in selling stale goods, as well as those who want to buy the right thing at an affordable price.

Let's consider a consignment store - what is it and is it possible to make money from it? Buying or selling used items is currently experiencing a new rise in popularity. Buying high-quality, needed items at a reduced price or getting some money from selling a good, but no longer in demand item seems like a very profitable idea. But is it possible to build a business on this? We’ll tell you below.

How consignment stores work

What is a “commission”? This is the name given to establishments that accept used goods for sale. The list of goods can be very wide - from clothing and shoes to household and mobile equipment.

A consignment store essentially acts as an intermediary between owners of unwanted items and their potential buyers.

Thrift stores, as a rule, accept a certain amount of goods for a certain period (usually 1 month) from one person (usually no more than 10 items), agree on the price and size trade margin. If it is not possible to sell the product within the period, it is either returned to the buyer with the payment of a small percentage to the store, or the price for it is reduced.

Thrift stores, as a rule, accept a certain amount of goods for a certain period of time from one person.

Types of consignment shops: what goods are accepted for sale

Now you can imagine what a thrift store means. But at present, there are several types of thrift stores, differing from each other, as a rule, by the specifics of the goods being sold:

  1. Clothing and shoe stores.
  2. Luxury and branded clothing stores. It is a separate type of second-hand store, where they sell clothes from expensive boutiques that have gone out of fashion. Quite in demand in both large and small cities.
  3. Children's goods and clothing. This is also a very popular niche, since new children’s clothes are very expensive, are used for only 1 year or even several months, while retaining all their quality characteristics.
  4. Household appliances.
  5. Mobile devices.
  6. Combined outlets. The most profitable type for owners and buyers, where different categories of goods are sold simultaneously.

Commission trading rules - what you need to know before you start working

The field of commission trading cannot be called strictly regulated. In fact, the legislation does not in any way restrict the owners of such stores in conducting business. The only requirement is compliance with the rules of commission trading ( full text be sure to search on the Internet if you plan to start working in this field).

The main rule is the acceptance of goods for sale under a commission agreement: special document, where the fact of acceptance of things by the commission agent (store) from the principal (owner of the thing) and the terms of this transaction are recorded. In particular:

  • date and number of the agreement;
  • name of the product or list of them;
  • degree of preservation, condition (new, average, poor);
  • price;
  • the amount of the trade margin, that is, the commission agent’s remuneration;
  • procedure if the goods are not sold during the validity period of the agreement.

Remember that the consignor retains ownership of all goods provided until they are sold to a new buyer. The commission agent essentially provides storage and trade intermediation services. Situations when a product is not sold on time occur quite often, so it is important to provide for the procedure in the contract.

In the agreement, it is appropriate to indicate the passport and contact details of the consignor (if available), although trade rules do not prohibit accepting items for sale from foreign citizens or stateless persons. The principal has the right to refuse the transaction at any time and take the item.

The agreement form must be prepared in advance to speed up the acceptance of goods for sale. In addition to these rules, you should study the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and other fundamental legislative acts in the field of trade.

The principal retains ownership of all goods provided until they are sold to a new buyer.

What does it take to open a consignment store?

In general, opening a consignment store will be similar to opening any other retail outlet, with the difference that there is no need to provide funds for the purchase of the first batches of goods - you will receive them for sale from the city population.

The consignment store must be registered as a legal entity, or its owner can be individual entrepreneur. Commission trading is included in the permitted list of activities for individual entrepreneurs. That's why last option will be more profitable, as it involves less reporting to regulatory authorities.

To open a consignment store you don’t need much: equipped premises (discussed in the next section), cash register equipment and a laptop (computer) with an Internet connection. All costs for starting trading can be limited to 100 thousand rubles.

Requirements for the store premises

The bulk of the capital will be spent on renting and renovating the premises. It is advisable to locate it in a densely populated area - there are many people willing to rent things out and potential buyers. The store area can be small - 40-60 square meters. Renting a room in most cities can cost 50 thousand rubles.

If the room is in poor condition, it is advisable to carry out at least minor cosmetic repairs - paint the walls, repair the floor and ceiling, and so on. The attitude of customers towards it largely depends on the interior of the store - whether they will be pleased to be here or not.

How is the price of a product set?

The price for all used goods is set when it is accepted for sale and a commission agreement is concluded. To correctly assign costs, you need to consider:

  • the original cost of the item;
  • the degree of its preservation;
  • demand among potential buyers;
  • wishes of the principal and commission agent.

Most likely, the price will have to be negotiated: the consignor is interested in selling the item for as much as possible, and the merchant is interested in selling it quickly and profitably. Remember that the final price must include a percentage of remuneration for the commission agent.

The attitude of customers towards it largely depends on the interior of the store.

What not to sell in a consignment store

The list of goods that are suitable for commission trading is quite wide. But at the same time, the legislation excludes some items from this list, mainly due to sanitary and hygienic standards:

  • hosiery;
  • underwear (including swimwear);
  • hygiene items;
  • medicines and medical supplies;
  • household chemicals.

How to avoid turning your store into a warehouse for other people's used items

Beginning owners of consignment stores very often face this problem: the number of people wishing to hand over their old items for sale significantly exceeds the number of people wishing to purchase them. For this reason, it is important to regulate the process of receiving goods and trade in such a way that the ratio of supply and demand is approximately equalized. To do this you can:

  1. Limit the acceptance of goods to 7-10 units per person per month.
  2. Accept for sale only seasonal items (in the case of clothing and shoes).
  3. Only accept items in good or moderately worn condition. Nobody will buy very old things anyway. Of course, you should only take clean, repaired and serviceable items.
  4. Consider the zoning of the retail space and the placement of goods convenient for customers. Looking through things should be comfortable.
  5. If it was not possible to sell the product within a month, you need to reduce its price from 20 to 50% or return it to the consignor.
  6. Once or twice a month, you need to set up promotions with deep discounts for goods with an expiring sale date according to the agreement.
  7. Maintain a database of accepted items, where you indicate the date of the agreement and the period of sale, the condition of the item, and the price.

Can the Internet speed up the sale of goods?

Today's consignment store owners must harness the power of the Internet to speed up the sale of used items and ultimately increase profits. This is quite simple to do: you need to register accounts and groups in social networks.

Take photos and post all products with brief description(name, condition, price). Accompany your entry with hashtags, including the city and store location. These simple steps will greatly increase the number of potential buyers.

Modern consignment store owners must take advantage of the power of the Internet.

Features of receiving household and mobile appliances

If a consignment store plans to sell not only clothes, shoes, and household items, but also household and mobile appliances, it is necessary to hire a specialist who can quickly and efficiently assess the condition of the equipment when receiving goods.

Such an employee must, within 10-15 minutes, figure out whether the product is in good condition, whether it can be taken to the store, and if so, at what price. It is better not to take broken equipment for sale, since it is unlikely to be sold. If an item is partially defective, this must be noted in the product description for buyers.

How does a thrift store differ from second-hand and stock?

Sometimes thrift stores are confused with second-hand stores or stock stores. Is there a difference between them? Second-hand in Russia is usually called the sale of used clothing. As a rule, it is purchased and brought from foreign countries. Second-hand store owners do not enter into agreements with the former owners of items, but simply purchase batches of goods for further sale.

Stock stores are stores that sell unsold items from other stores., usually branded and quite expensive. Stockists sell only new items and also work without agreements, purchasing collections of clothing and shoes from previous seasons from the store.

Benefits of Opening a Consignment Store

Now you know the main features and types of consignment stores. However, is it worth opening such a retail outlet and trying to make money by reselling other people's used things? This business has at least several very important advantages:

  1. Reduced initial capital, since there is no need to purchase batches of goods - you will accept them for sale from the former owners.
  2. This is a fairly popular type of business, not only in times of crisis, but in general. Many people like to get a good deal on the things they need or get rid of old ones with a little money.
  3. Organizing such a store as a whole is even easier than any other (lower costs).
  4. This type of business is currently relevant due to global trends in reasonable consumption.

Disadvantages of running a thrift store business

  1. The number of people wishing to donate items often exceeds the number of people wishing to buy used items.
  2. In general, thrift stores have a reputation for not being very clean and where you may encounter marginalized people. The cleanliness and sanitary conditions of the store must be monitored very carefully.
  3. Such a retail outlet most likely will not bring high profits, since its main income comes from commissions included in the price of the goods.


Should you open your own thrift store? In general, this is a popular type of trade, allowing people to get rid of unnecessary good things and buy used ones at a profit. Investments in such a business will be very modest - up to 100 thousand rubles, which is significantly less than for any other store.

With the help of competent selection of goods accepted for sale, their proper placement inside the sales area and maintaining an online catalog on social networks, trade can be significantly revived and profits can be increased.