The full text of the prayer “Seven Crosses” and the rules for reading it. Forty-strong and unbreakable amulet, prayer-amulet "seven crosses"

I lay down the first cross from the Holy Spirit,
The second cross from the Lord God,
The third cross from Jesus Christ the son of God,
The fourth cross from the Guardian Angel of the servant of God (name),
Fifth cross from Mati Holy Mother of God,
The sixth cross from the west to the rollout,
The seventh cross from earth to heaven.
Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.
The first castle - from all kinds of troubles,
The second is from poverty, poverty,
The third - from burning tears,
The fourth - from theft,
Fifth - from spending,
Sixth - from illness and infirmity,
And the seventh is the strongest, bringing up the rear of the six,
Locks me forever, guards my house. Amen.

Forty strong amulet:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
I bow to the forty holy fathers.
I bow to their forty-sacred hearts,
To the forty holy souls,
To the forty holy eyes.
Most honest fathers,
Holy righteous ones,
How did you not leave Jesus Christ,
They did not betray His faith under torture,
I beg you and me to see,
Save and save:
From seventy-seven ailments,
From any unbearable pain,
From the executioner in the night, from fire and water.
From a vain death, from a terrible death,
From cruel authorities
From the deceit of enemies and friends,
From vile denunciations, from damage and distortions.
May you be my amulet, strong, strong
And blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ:
At night, in the morning, during the day and at all hours of the day,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


This ancient prayer for all occasions, read in the morning. And it is intended to expel Dark forces. This is very powerful prayer, which is used in their practice by healers and healers, and sometimes by witches, working with Archangel Michael. Thisancient prayer for all cases, it also has the following accompaniment: “If a person reads this prayer, from that day neither the Devil nor an evil person will touch him, his heart will not be deceived by flattery. If he is rewarded by this life, then his soul will not become the property of hell.”

“Lord God, King Without Beginning! Send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servant (name), rescue him from his enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord Michael the Archangel! Destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies who fight with me, make them like sheep, dust before the wind. Oh, Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Archguard, six-winged first prince, governor Heavenly forces- Cherubim and Seraphim and all the saints. Oh, beloved Archangel Michael! Be an ineffable guardian in me, a great helper, in all insults and sorrows, sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and seas, a quiet refuge. Deliver me great Michael Archangel, from all the charms of the evil devil, when he hears me, his sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling your name holy one, speed up to help me and hear my prayer. Oh, Great Archangel Michael! Defeat everything that opposes me by the power of the Honest Life-giving Heavenly Cross of the Lord, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels and holy apostles, the holy prophet of God Elijah, the great holy Nicholas, the Archbishop of Myra of Lycia the wonderworker, holy Andrew the Fool, the holy great martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, the venerable father and holy saints and martyrs and all the holy heavenly powers. Oh, great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful servant (name), deliver me from coward, flood, from fire and sword, from vain death, from all evil and from the flattering enemy and from the storm, and from the evil one deliver me, great Michael Archangel of the Lord, always now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Our life is not without fears and anxieties, and members of a prosperous and friendly family may encounter a streak of family failures and disagreements, constant anxiety, and bad mood. This is what happened in my friend’s family, after the celebration of her husband’s anniversary, it was as if her loved ones were jinxed. On my advice, my friend went to church, where the clergyman advised her to turn to the Seven Crosses prayer. The miraculous conspiracy restored the spiritual situation in the family and became an energy shield from the destructive vibrations of evil.

When the foundations of mutual understanding began to crumble in a friend’s family, we analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that negative changes began after the anniversary celebrations. We went through the memory of all the guests present at the holiday and decided that the culprit could be one of the guests, the husband’s employee. This person appeared in the work collective recently and could not get along with those around him. It seems that the employee had signs of an energy vampire, since with his arrival problems began in the friendly department - situations of severe disagreement, illness of employees, financial difficulties.

Having experienced the power of the protective prayer of the Seven Crosses on her family, a friend agreed with some of her employees so that they too would join the sacred ritual of reading. After all labor collective where we spend most of our time can also be called family. As a result, the comfortable atmosphere in the department where the friend’s husband works was restored, and the unkind employee bad energy quit.

If you encounter a similar situation, to restore protection and mutual understanding, read the Seven Crosses prayer plot:

The miraculous prayer book, which creates a barrier to troubles, illnesses, and sorrows, can be read both for yourself and for the whole family. The lines of the Seven Crosses prayer are repeated once for each family member who needs protection.

Forming a shield with the power of protective words

Not every person has the opportunity to feel patronage from above, to experience security, but one must live with the conviction of the constant tutelage of the Higher Powers. Just as our body cannot survive without food, the soul needs prayer; clergy are confident that prayer words can change the world for the better. Our distant ancestors knew about the power of phrases and thought forms addressed to the image of the Almighty. This is the most ancient way of influencing a praying person on the line of his destiny, in contrast to love spell rituals performed by adherents of black magic.

According to esotericists and psychologists, our thoughts and words shape life situations. To prevent your subconscious from realizing negativity, try following certain tips:

  • control your speech by getting rid of phrases with a negative message;
  • stop thinking about negative situations, remembering bad things;
  • Decide on your main desire, write it down on a piece of paper.

Having formed the right direction for the subconscious, you can begin to build a shield that will reflect evil manifestations towards you and your home along with all its inhabitants. The most effective appeal to the Higher powers for patronage and protection will be the prayer of the Seven Crosses. The power of vibrations of protective phrases will protect you and your loved ones from any adversity and hostility of others.

Which sacred text to read for yourself

Choose a prayer of special power called Angel of my birth, but start reading prayer appeal only once a year. Under the influence magical power Protecting word forms will give you protection from troubles and evil for a whole year. Early in the morning on your birthday, without talking to anyone, sincerely repeat the words of the protective prayer:

Prayer for the whole family

To protect relatives from evil brought into the house by a person with bad energy, one traditional healer advised my friend to read 3 ancient prayers. They are also known as common name Seven Crosses. The handwritten texts of ancient conspiracies were inherited by the healer, and I am sharing the information with you. Read protective prayers seven times in front of Orthodox icons, illuminating them with seven candles:

Important point. Each of the 3 is very rare prayers, similar to magic spell, copy by hand on a piece of paper. The prayers of the Seven Crosses should be read seven times in a row in the morning, while diligently crossing oneself.

How to follow a ritual for the whole family

Sometimes it happens that sorcerers cast a spell or evil eye not on the person himself, but on his house. In this case, the home where we spend a lot of time takes away from the object of witchcraft all its reserves. vital energy. The ritual of such a complex magical action places a heavy burden not only on the victim of the hex, but also on the magician himself.

Preparatory activities

Before you begin to read the house-protecting prayer of the Seven Crosses, in order to neutralize the effect of the induced curse, the following conditions must be met:

  • clear the room of negative influence witchcraft message;
  • put up prayer shields for each family member;
  • Having removed the damage, install a protective amulet for the house.

A special type of preparation for reading the Seven Crosses prayer to protect the whole family will be freeing the mind from bad thoughts. It is important not to press charges against anyone, even if you know who is involved in the problems that are fatal for the family. The higher powers already know who is to blame for your troubles.

Creation of a protective prayer

The ritual will require 7 candles blessed in the church. Having calmed down and evened out your breathing, you need to imagine that your home, along with you, is enveloped in a transparent cover, blazing with an excess of positive energy. Mentally stretch the magic blanket so that it covers not only every family member, but also envelops your home completely. Illuminating the surrounding space with the sign of the cross, begin to pronounce the prayer word form Seven Crosses:

Other prayers, amulets for the whole family

Whatever prayer words you address to the images Orthodox icons, help always comes if the prayers are with sincere faith, and the deeds are pleasing to God. Protective prayers, similar to miraculous conspiracies, create an invisible shield against voluntarily or involuntarily induced evil by the power of subtle vibrations with positive energy. There are many more prayers for protecting your home and family with the help of a prayer shield.

Under the patronage of Archangel Michael

To strengthen the physical body, as well as the moral spirit, they turn to Archangel Michael, the Supreme Angel, in prayer. The leader of the army of the Lord (the archangel) led the army of angels in the fight against demons, showing the way to Moses, who led the Jews out of the desert. Many miracles are associated with the image of Archangel Michael, so the Orthodox consider his icon to be the most powerful, turning to it to protect themselves and family members from any troubles.

The effect of the appeal to the Archangel Michael is similar to the prayer of the Seven Crosses. To expel guides dark forces and the creation of the amulet for every day during morning prayer, they read a short prayer spell:

Creating a shield from all misfortunes

There is no person who does not have enemies, not only obvious ones, but even hidden ones harboring malice. To form an impenetrable barrier against all types of ill-wishers, you should consciously read the protective phrases of the unique prayer book. The prayer against the machinations of all enemies is called forty-strong, and is classified as an unbreakable amulets that cannot be broken. The sacred text is composed in the spirit of pagan and Orthodox traditions, but without disturbing the balance of power.

If someone tries to harm you after the ritual, he himself will very quickly be hit back. In the case of obvious enemies, the words of the Uninterrupted Prayer are repeated three times; if the ill-wishers have not shown themselves, but their evil intentions are known, one reading is enough.

The magical help of the Virgin Mary

You can turn to God at any time, since a person is under the protection of Higher powers around the clock. The miraculous prayer of the Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary can also be classified as a protective spell similar to the Seven Crosses conversion. In the church understanding, the word “dream” is associated with a request or prayer, and reading sacred phrases saves even in the most terrible life situations.

However, it should be borne in mind that the Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a collection of 77 prayer texts, short and easy to remember. The most frequently used versions of the Virgin Mary’s vision of present and future events include the following parables from the collection of Dreams of the Virgin Mary:

  • “protection from harm” - for the family, especially children;
  • “for every salvation” - a talisman against troubles and problems;
  • “for all healing” - help with diseases of the soul and body;
  • “to fulfill a wish” - to achieve a bright future for all family members;
  • “Prayer-request” is a powerful force for healing and protection from all misfortunes.

By purchasing a prayer book that contains all the Dreams, you can choose a prayer for a specific life situation. For example, like this:

Whatever miraculous prayer you choose, rest assured that the prayer spell will definitely help by creating powerful protection around you and your family members. This secret knowledge was used in ancient times. To receive the help of a protective word, you must cleanse your soul, be patient, sincerely believe in God and gain God’s Grace.

Many of us enlist the support of talismans, amulets or amulets, trying to protect ourselves and our loved ones from troubles or in order to attract good luck, happiness and financial well-being. So, strong prayer helps create powerful protection, thereby protecting us from any adversity.

Prayers are the most affordable way ask Higher powers about patronage and protection. If there are disagreements in your family, failures come one after another, there is constant anxiety and Bad mood, protection is especially necessary.

It often happens that after some guests appear in the house, the energy changes for the worse, conflicts become more frequent, and the atmosphere turns from cozy to hostile. In this case, helping yourself and your loved ones is not only possible, but also necessary.

There is a certain type of people called energy vampires. Willingly or unwittingly they steal vitality. After communicating with them, the state of health worsens, chronic diseases worsen, and what’s even worse is that the person loses protection from negative manifestations.

You can protect your family with help proven amulets. But there is even stronger protection - the prayer “Seven Crosses” will come to the aid of everyone.

Amulet prayer to protect home and family

Any word has special power and can change the world. Subtle vibrations directed into space can both deprive one of energy and provide the strongest protection. The amulet prayer is a kind of shield that reflects negative manifestations.

To activate protection, light seven church candles. Attitude is also important. Needs to be driven away bad thoughts and stop blaming anyone for your troubles and misfortunes. The higher powers themselves will choose the measure of punishment for those who have encroached on someone else’s property and are plotting.

Take your time, breathe deeply and measuredly. Imagine that you and your home are covered in a transparent cocoon, shimmering with excess energy.

Direct all your efforts to stretch it over each family member, as well as to wrap your home. Read the text of the prayer seven times, baptizing the space around you:

“I will impose seven crosses of protection on myself, my family and my home - the hearth. From the Holy Spirit; from our Lord; from his son Jesus; from the Great Mother of God, who gave life immaculately; from my Guardian Angel, who relentlessly follows me; from dusk to dawn I lay a cross; from earth to heaven. The crosses closed all the entrances from the unclean, hid us from the evil one.

I will put seven locks on the house, I will close it from trouble, I will provide protective forces for our peace and comfort. The first lock from trouble; the second - from the scourge of poverty and lack of wealth; the third - from bitter tears shed; the fourth - from theft of black; the fifth - from poverty; I will use the sixth lock to protect myself from illness; With the seventh I will close the entire space.

I unite the locks, I entrust one key to God. Higher powers protect us, injustice is driven out. I believe in justice, in good thoughts, I open my soul. Amen".

The strongest prayer to protect against troubles

The role of prayers in the life of a believer cannot be overestimated. Canonical texts help to turn to the Higher Powers in difficult times, to get closer to God and the patron saints, to cleanse oneself of sins and repent of what one has done. According to Christian teaching, a person who prays daily becomes stronger and more resilient in the fight against difficulties. But life cannot consist only of white stripes. There are times when it seems that troubles are pouring in one after another. The most important thing in such a situation is not to give up and continue to pray earnestly so that the Lord will help you cope with all the trials. After all, even the holy Apostle James wrote: “... you do not have, because you do not ask” (James 4:2).

Everyday troubles happen to everyone. Few people make a tragedy out of this and seek help from the Higher Powers. It's a completely different matter when troubles haunt the whole family. Some people inevitably think about generational curse or damage. The Church teaches its adherents that turning to sorcerers and fortune-tellers is a sin, because you can protect yourself and your loved ones without expensive magical rituals. For this purpose, there are special prayers that will serve as a powerful shield from any adversity and danger.
Prayer "Seven Crosses"
The appeal itself is very a strong talisman, reflecting negativity of any nature, including magic. Specifically, the prayer “Seven Crosses” is accompanied by ritual actions. They need to be done alone, preferably fasting for several days beforehand.
So, you will need seven church candles of any size. Light them in front of the icons and try to tune in to prayer, for example, read “Our Father” or “To the Heavenly King.” After that, proceed to reading the main text:
“I will impose seven crosses of protection on myself, my family and my home - the hearth. From the Holy Spirit; from our Lord; from his son Jesus; from the Great Mother of God, who gave life immaculately; from my Guardian Angel, who relentlessly follows me; from dusk to dawn I lay a cross; from earth to heaven.
The crosses closed all the entrances from the unclean, hid us from the evil one. I will put seven locks on the house, I will close it from trouble, I will provide protective forces for our peace and comfort.
The first lock from trouble; the second - from the scourge of poverty and homelessness; the third - from bitter tears shed; the fourth - from theft of black; the fifth - from poverty; I will use the sixth lock to protect myself from illness; With the seventh I will close the entire space. I unite the locks, I entrust one key to God. Higher powers protect us, injustice is driven out. I believe in justice, in good thoughts, I open my soul. Amen".

During prayer, imagine that your house is covered by an impenetrable energy cocoon. Mentally extend its effect to yourself and your family members. You need to read the appeal as many times as your intuition and your feelings tell you. The ritual can be carried out for several days in a row until you feel that the situation has begun to improve. Do not forget about daily prayers that strengthen faith and guide every Christian on the true path. (C)