The oldest broom spell. The magical properties of a broom - signs and conspiracies

A broom as an additional attribute is often used in magical rituals that are aimed at adding success and luck to a person’s life. This is due to an ancient belief, which stated that sweeping near someone else's yard meant taking away a person's success in life.

In addition, there are many signs associated with a broom. For example, it is believed that in order to attract good luck to your home and protect yourself from demons, a broom should be stored with the handle down. Very often this attribute is used as a talisman; for this purpose it is customary to hang souvenirs on the walls, in the form of decorative brooms.

And now the magical properties of the broom are recognized by many peoples. For example, hardly anyone does not know the sign that says that if you sweep garbage out of the house during sunset, you can sweep away good luck and good fortune along with it. It is also known that you should not allow strangers to clean your home. And in order to keep the family’s well-being intact, you need to use only one broom in the house. Only after it becomes unusable and is thrown away can you use another broom.

Magic offers great amount rituals of various types. All of them are simple, and you can do them yourself, thereby inviting good luck, happiness, luck, health or wealth into your life.

Rite of failure

If you feel that a dark streak has come in your life, then you should perform a special ritual in which a broom spell is used. In the ritual you need to use only a new broom, which should be purchased during the waning moon.

At any time of the day, you should sweep all the rooms of your home with a new broom, saying the following words:

“I don’t sweep away litter, but I sweep away failures from my life. I will throw away the dirty linen, all misfortunes will leave me. Amen".

Collected garbage must be taken outside and burned. The used broom should be taken to the nearest pedestrian intersection and thrown away at the intersection of roads. That is why, if you see a discarded broom, you should under no circumstances touch it, as you can take away other people’s misfortunes. You can’t step over it either; it’s better to bypass such an attribute.

Conspiracy to attract money

A broom can be used as an additional magical attribute in a ritual aimed at attracting money into life. For such a ritual, a broom is purchased during the waxing moon. The new broom should be bandaged beautiful green tape.

The ritual begins with coins of various denominations being laid out throughout the home. This should be done in the evening and the coins should be left until the morning. Early in the morning you need to sweep your home with a broom and collect all the coins on a dustpan.

During such impromptu cleaning, the following words should be spoken:

"I, Servant of God, ( given name), I don’t collect coins, but with the help of a magic broom I invite wealth into my home. I will have a lot of silver and gold and soon I will become rich. Amen".

The collected coins must be poured into a jar and closed with a lid. You need to hide the jar so that no one can see it. You cannot take coins from the jar. Such a jar with money is a kind of magnet for money. The broom used in the ritual can be used in the usual way at home.

Using a ritual with a broom you can significantly speed up the sale of real estate. In the ritual, in addition to a new broom, you will need to use water blessed in the church. It is important to purchase a broom for the ceremony on Friday, without haggling and without change. The spell for a broom should be read on any day in the predawn hour.

First, the broom is sprinkled with holy water, and then the following words are spoken at it:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), will sweep away the rubbish with a broom, and with its help I will cleanse my home. The house will sparkle clean and attract good buyers. I strengthen my strong word with holy water. Amen".

After this, you must thoroughly sweep the entire apartment or house with a charmed broom. It is important not to forget about all the secluded places and corners of all rooms.

Soon you will have buyers, but this is provided that you have done preliminary work and advertised in newspapers and other means mass media. If this is not done, it is unlikely that potential buyers will be able to find out that they can purchase a home at a profit.

There are many other useful rituals using a broom. So, in order to protect the house from natural disasters, in particular fire, it was necessary to walk around the built house with an old broom in hand. To prevent drought, broom rods were scattered at the crossroads. This attribute was also used to protect the crop; in this case, it had to be stuck into the garden bed. The healing properties of brooms for improving health are also known.

A broom is not only indispensable assistant household chores, which is available in the arsenal of almost every housewife. This is also a magical tool with which you can get rid of negativity in your home and negative energy, it is also an excellent protection against the penetration of otherworldly forces into your home, from negative influence ill-wishers. The main advantage of rituals using a broom is their ease of implementation. A spell on a broom will help treat diseases, attract money, and sweep away negativity from the house.

A broom is an excellent way to get rid of negativity from your home.

Magic properties brooms have been known for a long time. People believed that this instrument served witches and witches as a means of transportation. And folk healers attributed to him the ability to remove ailments and evil spirits from the hut.

In this way, with a charmed broom you can protect yourself, heal, drive out evil spirits, and maintain home comfort. Anyone can use a broom spell; there is no need for special knowledge or skills, complex actions or attributes. The broom was used to get rid of the following ailments:

A broom helps get rid of ailments

  • linden relieved heat and fever;
  • nettle helped in the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism and inflammation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • alder relieved aches throughout the whole body;
  • oak relieved inflammatory processes in all organs and improved the quality of their work.

A birch broom is considered universal. It needs to be prepared once a year, on the holiday of Trinity. It is used throughout the year and is used to treat various diseases.

Effective rituals

Sweep away the negativity and negative energy using a broom. To prevent an unwanted guest from coming to your house again, there is an effective ritual using a broom. After this guest leaves your house, sweep the floor after him, sweep the garbage right outside the threshold. After such a ritual, an unwanted person will no longer come to your house. There is a conspiracy to use a broom during the waning moon. Collect garbage in a bag. Having crossed the threshold, say this spell:

After an unwanted guest, sweep the floor and collect the garbage in a bag

“I’ll sweep out the trash, I’ll clean up the evil. I don’t need what belongs to others, let it go forever and never come back.”

Throw away the trash in a deserted place with a broom.

Spell against bad luck

To attract good luck to your home, you need to purchase a new broom. Read the spell for a new broom at home. It is held during the waning moon. Sweep the house in all corners, sweep the rubbish towards the exit. While cleaning, say:

“I sweep the dirty linen out of the house - I drive away failures!”

Then burn the collected rubbish. Throw away the enchanted broom at an intersection.

To attract good luck, you need to sweep the floor near the threshold of your lucky neighbor with a new broom. Collect the garbage on a dustpan, and then say: “If I lend you good luck, I’ll get a lot of money!” Take the trash to your house and throw it in your own bin. Do not take it out for several days.

To increase your income, collect trash near your lucky neighbor's door

If you find trash under your own door, collect it carefully. Do not take with bare hands, only with gloves, in a bag or on paper. Burn it and say these words:

“I will burn all anger and envy, all slander and evil messages directed towards me. I return the entire slander to the one who sent it to me.”

Money ritual

Money spells are used to improve well-being and material wealth, buy a new broom from grandmothers at the market, without haggling and without change. Then come home, put a broom in the corner front door, handle down. Next, wait for the waxing moon phase. Tie the handle with a green ribbon. Place coins in the corners of the house. Let them lie there for a whole month. Then collect them on a dustpan with a broom and say:

“I will collect money, I will call for good luck, money, wealth and prosperity.”

Homes for sale

If the sale of a house is delayed, a ritual with a broom can also help in selling the property. What ritual is used? To sell a home, a conspiracy to sell an apartment with a broom is used. You will need this magical attribute and blessed water. Read the words and sprinkle it with holy water:

“Let my home shine with cleanliness and beauty. Let buyers be attracted by my spells. Let it be so".

After reading, sweep the floor throughout the house.

Attracting love

To attract suitors, a ceremony is also performed. Buy a broom on Friday morning. Come home silently. At home, tie your scarf around your hand and let it stay like that for three days. Next, sweep the floor in your room and say:

Buy a broom on Friday morning

“Oh, how cleverly I sweep the floor, and fate is in my hands and I can easily change it. May love come into my life in such rituals, may rituals bring me the desired meeting with my soulmate.”


There are also a large number of folk signs, which relate to the use of an integral attribute of the household:

To protect your home, place the broom with the handle down.

  1. If you visited the house bad person, you need to throw a broom after him.
  2. If there are frequent quarrels in the home, things disappear or are constantly out of place, this is a sign that someone else’s brownie has settled in the house. To protect yourself from it, you need to knock on the threshold of your house with a broom.
  3. To protect your home from negative energy and damage, you need to place the broom with the handle down.
  4. To attract money into the house, you cannot sweep dirty linen out of the door, sweep it away from the threshold.
  5. When moving, you should definitely take this tool with you, even if it is worn out.
  6. Do not move in the apartment if one of the family members is on the road.
  7. To attract money and financial well-being, you should purchase a new broom during the waxing moon.

Such signs and superstitions help to attract good luck in life and protect against negative impact people or evil spirits. Remember that when performing rituals and ceremonies, all your intentions must be sincere and must come from the soul. No one should interfere with performing magical actions. Also, you should never tell anyone that you have ever used magic for your own purposes.

For our ancestors, a broom was not just a cleaning assistant, but also a sacred object in the house. The magical properties of a broom - signs and spells for money and other delights - today we’re talking about it!)

Broom and signs

Since ancient times, there have been a lot of signs about brooms to preserve good luck and prosperity in the house:

· the broom is always placed with the handle down - preserves well-being and protects from demons; · you cannot sweep the threshold with a broom, so as not to sweep away the money; · you cannot take revenge after sunset, so as not to get sick; · you must not step over the broom; · you cannot hit with a used broom - it will lead to illness; · beating with a new broom fruit trees- to the harvest; · children were beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to force them to behave; · they swept the babies with a new broom so they could sleep; · a new broom to attract wealth is bought on the growing moon, a wish is made for it; · unmarried girls to attract suitors they jumped over a broom 9 times; · you cannot use two brooms in one day - you will lose your wealth; · you can’t let someone else sweep your house - you’ll lose your luck; · an old broom should not be burned or thrown away near the house; · when moving to a new place, take the old broom with you; · you cannot take revenge if one of the household members is on the road; · if they wanted to get rid of an unwanted guest, then after he left they swept the garbage through the threshold between their spread legs; · You cannot take revenge while there is a dead person in the house.

How to take luck

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that sweeping near someone else's yard was theft of luck and fortune. And today take a closer look at your neighbors. To take someone else's luck with a broom, you don't need to be a magician or perform complex rituals. It is enough, while cleaning the site, to sweep under the doors of prosperous neighbors with a dustpan and say: “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself,” etc. (arbitrarily). Do not throw the garbage into the garbage chute, but throw it in your own trash can so that it “spends the night” in your apartment. They don't sweep after sunset.

Similarly, you can observe how neighbors sweep garbage from their door to someone else's muttering something. This is how you get rid of diseases and problems. The words spoken are arbitrary, something like: “I get rid of illnesses, and you take them,” or “Take away my misfortunes and sorrows,” etc. Have you ever found someone else's trash under your front door or under your rug? Such garbage is not picked up by hand, it is carefully collected (you can use sheets of paper), taken out and burned with the words: “Go back to where it came from” or “Go back to the one who did it.”

To get rid of negativity and failures

If your neighbors harmed you in this way or you simply had a series of failures and lack of money, a broom will also help correct the situation. You need to buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep your apartment with it. You need to sweep from the farthest corner to the exit, saying: “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.” On the same day, the garbage is taken out and burned (it is better to burn it, not just throw it away), and they throw the broom at a pedestrian intersection and leave without looking back. Therefore, when you see a discarded broom, never touch it or step over it.

Broom spell to attract money

On the waxing Moon, buy a new broom; you can tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in all corners of the apartment. Let them lie overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect coins on a scoop, saying: “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.” Then put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and put it out of sight. You cannot take coins from there. This is a money bait. The broom can be used on the farm for its intended purpose. Just put it in a corner with the handle down.

To attract money and as a talisman, in general, it’s a good idea to have a broom in the house, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner. Let it even be a decorative broom. Just hang it on the wall with the handle down and the broom up. In the corridor near the front door, a broom is placed in a corner or hung on the wall (decorative) to keep troubles and evil spirits out of the house; in the kitchen - for money and prosperity.

We all know that the walls of a house store the energy of the events that took place in it, the energy of the people living in it. However, everyday objects can also have unusual properties, and one of such objects is an ordinary broom.

There is a broom in every home. Although nowadays it is increasingly giving way to electrical engineering, most people still have in their home and traditional instrument fight against debris and dust.

Why do people prefer not to part with a broom, since a vacuum cleaner, for example, copes with cleaning much more efficiently? It's all about the magical properties of the broom, rumors about which have reached us from time immemorial.

The Slavs interpreted the meaning of a broom in our lives differently. On the one hand, it is believed that this is an invariable attribute of black magic. On the other hand, many say, on the contrary, that a broom brings good luck and protects from evil spirits.

In order to understand this, you need to understand where these beliefs came from. The first opinion is mainly due to the fact that fairy tales very often depict witches who fly on a broom. So the broom was attributed to the instrument of evil spirits. There are no other reasons for this opinion. Therefore, the beliefs that are associated with the protective function of the broom and the fact that it brings good luck are much more truthful.

In addition, various beliefs associated with it can tell about the magic of a broom, and there are a lot of them. For example, you should not allow a stranger to sweep your house, because this way your luck will go to him and turn away from you. You cannot take revenge towards the doorstep, because this way you sweep your luck out of the house.

You need to place a broom at the entrance to the house, with the handle up, then you will attract money and prosperity to you. You cannot sweep the house immediately after one of the owners leaves, otherwise he may encounter difficulties during the trip.


When buying a new broom, when you first start using it, you need to make a wish - it will come true very quickly. Before the newlyweds, it is customary to sweep the road with a broom, so that no envy will harm them and so that they family life was safe.

In general, we can say that a broom perfectly scares away evil spirits and sweeps them out of the house, and at the same time attracts good luck and prosperity to the owners.

It is believed that a broom can be a great help in attracting money. There are several rituals that can be performed in order to increase your wealth.

Option 1. One of the most powerful money conspiracies. This is what it boils down to: In the first few days after the new moon, you should buy a new broom and tie its handle with green thread or some kind of ribbon. A green scoop is also required for the ritual. After this, you need to scatter coins around the house and leave them on the floor for a day. After this, we sweep up all the coins, saying:

After that, it needs to be hidden in a place where no one will see. You cannot open the lid, otherwise your luck will slip away. From now on, the place for the broom should be the same corner in which you placed the container with coins.


Option 2. There are other ways to attract money using a broom and a conspiracy. However, it should only be carried out in the fall, when the leaves fall from the trees. In addition, you need to find an aspen growing nearby. If you can do this, feel free to perform the ritual. You should grab the tree trunk as tightly as possible and say the following plot out loud three times:

After you come into the house, place the broom with the handle facing up. The ceremony can be performed more than once.

Plot for a new broom

Each of us periodically experiences difficult times in life, when it seems that troubles follow one after another. In this case, you need to carry out a simple ritual that will help you cope with all the difficulties and put negativity aside.

To do this, you will need a new broom, purchased within a few days after the full moon. After you have bought a broom, you should carefully sweep each room, saying:

All collected garbage must be burned. Then go out onto the country road with a broom and find intersecting paths. Throw it away there. All troubles and failures will remain with the broom. Therefore, if you come across a discarded broom at the intersection of two paths, do not touch it under any circumstances, otherwise you may bring upon yourself the misfortunes of others.

Charm a broom to sell an apartment or house

Selling a home is a responsible decision that needs to be approached as responsibly as possible. And in order not to spend long weeks and even months searching for a suitable buyer, we suggest performing a simple ritual using an ordinary broom. For the ritual you will also need some holy water.

The first thing to consider is that the broom must be new, and it must be purchased on Friday. There is no haggling when purchasing.

At sunrise, when it appears over the horizon, you need to sprinkle a broom with holy water and repeat the following words:

After the spell is pronounced, you need to carefully sweep the entire house, leaving not a single corner. And this must be repeated for three days. Be sure that after these three days more than one buyer will be seriously interested in buying your home.

There is another way that can help you sell your home. It is simpler, it does not require holy water, and it is not necessary to use a new broom bought on Friday - any will do.

The ritual should be performed at night, at three o'clock. You need to speak a broom with the following words:

In the morning, at sunrise, with a charmed broom you need to sweep every corner, the whole house. Perform the ritual for 3 days in a row.

Spell for a birch bath broom

We all know about the health benefits that a trip to the sauna can bring us. Since ancient times, people have used bath brooms to get rid of various diseases. The birch broom, which was made on the holy day of Trinity, has always been especially popular. It not only helped to improve health, but was also used as a talisman.

Bath brooms were often used by our ancestors for various spells. We will consider the strongest of them later in the article.

  1. A spell for those who are unrequitedly in love. You need to take a birch broom and take a good steam bath with it. After that, leave it outside. As soon as the broom dries, it should be burned, saying:

  1. A conspiracy for the health and well-being of the child. In order for your child to be happy and healthy, you need to carry out a special conspiracy that will protect him from dark forces. To do this, when you steam your child in the bathhouse, say the following words over a birch broom:

After this, you should wrap the child in a sheet so that he sits like that for some time.

  1. Smoking conspiracy. In order to get rid of bad habit yourself, or help someone close to you with this, you can also use a birch bath broom. To do this, you need to pick a few dry leaves from a broom and throw them into the fire. When they burn, you need to hold several cigarettes over the flame, saying:

We treat a vacuum cleaner like simple means putting the house in order. But a broom is a completely different matter. This thing has sacred meaning, there are many legends and superstitions about it, many of which have nothing directly to do with cleaning at all.

Signs about a broom

  • When planning to move to a new home, never throw away your old broom. Take it with you. It is believed that a home lives under it; if you leave a broom in an old house, the brownie will remain there. And in a house without house happiness there will be no happiness.
  • If a person bothers you (visits too often or comes uninvited), immediately after he leaves, carefully sweep all the places where he walked, and throw the garbage out the gate. And then he will no longer appear in your house.
  • With the help of old brooms they can cause damage. Therefore, if your housekeeper is completely worn out and thin, arrange a ritual burning ceremony for him. But under no circumstances throw it in the trash or landfill.
  • Found a suspicious broom under your door? Someone is trying to harm you. Don’t pick it up with your hands, pick it up with something you don’t mind throwing away, and throw it all together in the trash can. And sprinkle the place where the strange broom was lying generously with salt.
  • The best place for storing it in a house or apartment - in the corner. If you also turn it upside down, it will protect your home from the evil eye.

Signs for a new broom

  • When choosing, choose the one that is thicker. It sweeps out not only rubbish, but also evil spirits from the house, and through the rare twigs it can slip through and stay with you.
  • You shouldn't buy a new one if the old one hasn't worn out yet. You can’t sweep a house with two people at once, otherwise wealth will leave it.
  • It should be big, beautiful, even. A word made with all care. Then he will bring prosperity to the house.
  • You need to choose it on the waxing moon.

Other signs with a broom

  • Do not cheat on people, especially unmarried people - this will drive away a happy marriage from them.
  • A pregnant woman should not step or step over it - this will lead to a difficult birth.
  • To clean the yard, make it from wormwood - it will protect you from evil spirits and evil people.
  • You need to start sweeping from the threshold to the center of the room so as not to sweep away the family’s well-being along with the garbage from the house.
  • In addition to the usual, families in Rus' kept a ritual broom. It was used to sweep the corners of the house against evil spirits, it was placed next to the cradle, and it was used to sweep the road ahead of the newlyweds.