Archangel Raphael: prayer appeal, what helps. Strong prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing

Few of us are familiar with the world of angels and their hierarchy. The main reason is that there is not enough reliable information about these celestial creatures. This is because the world of angels was formed long before the advent of humanity, and only a select few are allowed to come into contact with higher powers.

So, angels and archangels are beings who embody higher intelligence, endurance and wisdom. Angels are God's messengers, bringing messages from the Almighty to humanity. They protect and guide us. They intercede before God for people who have strayed from the true path. And there are those who have a more exalted position, they are called archangels. They control ordinary angels, and each of them is responsible for their own sphere. In fact, there are not many of them. The most famous are Michael and Gabriel.

There is no archangel named Raphael in the canonical bible. His name appears in the non-canonical Old Testament, which in ancient times was considered a holy book. Archangel Raphael was a friend of the son of Tobit. Translated from Aramaic, the name is interpreted as “healing of God.” In general, Archangel Raphael helps to heal both the physical body and the spiritual. Helps balance the emotional sphere.

In the article we will consider in more detail the following questions: how Archangel Raphael helps, what prayers you need to know for conversion, the history of its origin.

Legends of the Archangel

As mentioned above, the first mentions of Raphael were noted in the Old Testament. He is one of the few archangels to be given a Chaldean name. The following references to Raphael are found:

  • According to one of the Solomonic legends, the king asked the Lord for blessings during the construction of the temple. As a sign of his approval, God gave Solomon a ring, which Raphael himself delivered. The power of the ring was that it suppressed all demons, thanks to which the construction of the temple was successfully completed.
  • Many believe that it was Raphael who helped Noah and discovered healing formulas for him, which later helped save humanity from extinction.
  • This is the only archangel who lifts the veil of secrecy about other world. It was he who told Enoch about several places where souls are located before the Last Judgment.
  • When Abraham circumcised himself, it was Raphael who helped relieve his pain.
  • The Archangel cured Tobit of blindness, and also helped him for a long time as a guide.
  • The most famous and widespread legend is about how Raphael, during a trip to Upper Egypt with Tobit and his son, will destroy the demons who killed all of Sarah’s husbands. Which will later become the chosen one of Tobit. After the wanderers returned home, the archangel revealed the secret about his powers.


Holy Archangel Raphael - presiding over the angels of healing.

He is also one of the six angels of repentance. He is the angel of love, joy, prayer and light. He is the patron of science and knowledge.

In parallel with this, Raphael is the regent of the Sun, the ruler of the South and West. He controls the evening winds.

Unlike other archangels, he has six wings. At the same time, it refers to the rank of dominance and power.

But, despite all the regalia, Raphael is the most sociable among all the angels. He often appeared before people on the instructions of the Almighty in order to convey messages. Therefore, in images he can often be seen among a crowd of people.

The meaning of saint in Christianity

According to biblical legends:

  • the archangel is the patron of medicine;
  • helps all believers in healing, both physical body and soul;
  • in the hierarchy of archangels he is in second place, after Michael;
  • in every saint there are two Essences that balance each other. One is female, the other is male. This archangel has a second Essence - Virgo Aria;
  • in the bible, if we talk about the New Testament, it is not mentioned in any of the chapters. You can only find mentions of the angels Gabriel and Michael;

On the icon, the Archangel Raphael is often depicted with a fish in his hands. This is connected with an ancient belief, which tells how the father of the then little Raphael asked his son to catch a fish. After the boy fulfilled his father’s request, he taught him to heal blindness with the help of a fish bladder.

The saint himself is depicted as young guy with dark hair color. Many healers or doctors keep his image in their homes, as it is believed that this increases the chances of healing.

The meaning of saint in Islam

Among Muslims he is known as Israfil. Just like in Orthodoxy, he is revered as one of the almighty archangels.

It is he who will announce the Day of Judgment and sound the trumpet twice:

  • that a terrible day has come;
  • about the gathering of all souls before the Judgment.

The meaning of saint in Judaism

Like the Orthodox, the Jews believe that anyone can call upon the archangel, but he cannot intervene and help unless there is good reason to do so.

If the patient does not want to be healed, then even the archangel cannot force him. But according to believers, the very presence of Raphael reduces pain and suffering, and also dulls mental ordeals. The Archangel often acts in tandem with Michael.

What does the archangel help with?

This saint is especially popular among Christians. You can turn to him with requests not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends. The Archangel helps only those who really need it.

Healings of Archangel Raphael:

  • relieves mental anguish and negative emotions;
  • helps to recover from serious illnesses;
  • helps to get rid of bad habits for those people who really want it;
  • heals the soul and body from wounds;
  • if you have everyday difficulties, turn to the archangel with prayer from your heart, and he will help you;
  • people who are in constant stress can find peace after turning to the icon of the archangel.

History of the appearance of the image

Since there are many assumptions about where the image of the saint came from, no one can say for sure how it should be depicted on icons. But we can definitely say that his image is associated with godly deeds.

According to legend, one day, at the direction of the Lord, Raphael buried a fallen angel. The sinful angel Azazel was called upon to teach people various crafts. But at the same time he instilled depravity in people. Initially, the main purpose of the archangels was to monitor the angels who betrayed the Almighty, as well as simple sinful people.

Afterwards, he began to heal people from various ailments, and also drive out demons from them, whom he imprisoned in Hell. According to the reasoning of the Archangel Raphael, in addition to the two afterlife worlds (Hell and Heaven), there are many others.

Today, his icon is a talisman not only for patients, but also for doctors and students of medical institutions.

Images of the saint

One of the Gnostic sects began to depict Raphael as a demon in the guise of a beast. He is accompanied by two other angels - Michael and Gabriel.

He is often depicted as a wanderer, with a flask slung over his shoulder. In this image, Raphael looks more like common man, not an angel. It is believed that the saint protects travelers on the road. Most likely, this image was formed due to the fact that Raphael was a guide for his father and often walked in the guise of a wanderer.

Also, the archangel was often depicted with Adam and Eve at dinner.

He often appears in the form of a snake.

Basically he is depicted as in the photo: Archangel Raphael with Michael and Gabriel.

Where is the icon kept?

It is very difficult to find an icon on which the saint is alone. He is often depicted digging with other saints or ordinary people.

But, despite this, you can still find such a rare icon in Russia. It is located in Tsaritsino, in the Temple of the Archangel Michael of God.

But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to see it in the near future, since the temple itself has been under restoration since 2018.

Date of celebration of the icon

Every year on November 21st the celebration of the icon of St. Raphael takes place. On this day you can attend a service dedicated to the icon, as well as listen to the liturgy. On this day to the icon goes big the number of sick people in need of healing.

How to Summon a Saint

Not all of us know how to correctly address the saints when standing in front of their image. Often, many of us are accustomed to asking, but few remember gratitude. It doesn’t matter where you pray: in a church or at home in front of an image, remember that you must not only be able to ask correctly, but you also need to be able to give thanks. This can be done through prayer or free form. The main thing is that the request and gratitude are from the heart. And this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is where prayer can come to the rescue. Archangel Raphael can be addressed in various ways.

How to properly contact an archangel

It is not necessary to learn the prayer by heart and read it before the image. This can be time-consuming and will not bring any benefit.

Standing in front of the image, collect your thoughts. Try to describe your situation briefly but succinctly. Ask the saint to fill your soul with healing powers. Ask them to surround you with positive energy. Open your soul completely to the Lord and trust Him. Be sure to thank the Holy and Almighty for the benefits given earlier.

If you are not asking for yourself, then try to axially visualize the one for whom you are praying. You can also turn to the Almighty so that he sends you Raphael or contact the saint directly. You can ask not only for your family and friends. The saint will help heal even the animal for which you are asking.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael

Reading prayers to Raphael is not much different from a similar ritual of addressing other saints.

Few people know, but before reading any prayer, you must read the “Our Father.” If it is not so easy to learn the prayers for addressing all saints, then every person should know the basic one. Moreover, its study is sometimes included in the school curriculum (in educational institutions with a religious bias).

The regularity of reading the prayer is very important. The more often you do this, the better. This does not mean that you need to rattle off the text countless times in a row. At least once a day will be enough. This can be done even on the way to work or while walking. The main thing is to do this consciously.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for the healing of the sick

One of the strongest. Her healing abilities include not only curing various ailments, but also freeing your life from negativity and surrounding yourself with positive energy. It is better to take the texts of prayers from official sources or ask in the church.

Initially, the prayer to Archangel Raphael for the healing of a patient acts on a subtle level. And only then does the physical illness heal. In addition to healing, you can turn to the saint with other prayers.

Prayer for marriage

Orthodox Christians who dream of meeting their other half in order to create a happy family with her can also turn to Saint Raphael. Several people can read the prayer at the same time, which will certainly enhance its effect. This can be either the person asking, or his parents or loved ones who sincerely wish the person a happy life. The appeal must be sincere, as well as the desire to meet true love. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

Protective prayer

We, often experiencing difficulties, turn to the Almighty asking for protection. And it is Raphael who is responsible for this action. Prayer, as well as the akathist to Archangel Raphael, protects a person from strong impact negative energy of any nature.

With such protection it is much easier to decide to make a responsible decision, as well as to fight your own demons. It will be easier for you to cope with all the trials destined by fate, with such strong protection that will be with you after praying to Archangel Raphael.

It is best to say prayer immediately after waking up. If you forget, do it at any moment as soon as you remember the prayer.


Often, capital symbolic letters are depicted on the pentacle of Archangel Raphael. It is believed to be a very powerful amulet.

There are several areas in which it can be effective:

  • it is this amulet that can tell a person that he needs treatment without knowing it;
  • it is often used to drive out demons and evil spirits.
  • the pentacle can protect you from various types of conspiracies;
  • This amulet is indispensable for travelers.

Now you know much more about the world of archangels, especially about Raphael.

For our readers: Archangel Raphael in Orthodoxy with a detailed description from various sources.

Archangel Michael, Raphael and Gabriel are evangelists bringing great news. They convey to us the will of the Lord and prophecies to strengthen people's faith in God, and also enlighten minds with the light of the Gospel. The Archangels reveal to us the secrets of pious faith. They are assigned to a special service and represent a reflection not only of the entire Trinity, but also of God himself. In the Orthodox Church, Archangel Raphael, Michael and Gabriel are honored on the same day. The heavenly army is a symbol of the main features of our Creator: beauty, intelligence and goodness.

Who are the archangels, their meaning in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox faith is distinguished by a number of traditions that have come down to our times from ancient times. The names of the archangels are found in Holy Scripture, where the structure of the entire system is explained. Even experienced theologians are not always able to decipher biblical writings.

Studying the list of archangels and getting acquainted with their divine purpose, it becomes clear that they are the leaders of the other angels. When writing archangels on icons, artists pay special attention their image, without losing sight of even minor details. They may turn out to be very important for our descendants. Each of the main angels is endowed with its own attribute - a trumpet, a sword and a spear, which represent a kind of symbolism.

In the Orthodox faith there are seven holy angels, whose names are known to almost all Orthodox Christians. Nobody knows what the number 7 means. The Bible states that only God knows this.

Archangels act as protectors of man and set him on the righteous path. Each of them performs specific functions.

The Church honors three archangels who played a significant role in the history of salvation:

  • Michael (translated as “Who is like GOD”) - supports a person in the battle with evil and leads the battle with fallen spirits.
  • Gabriel (the name translates as “Bol strength”) - brings messages from the Creator to man.
  • Raphael (the meaning of the name is “God heals”) - was the guardian of young Tobiah and stands before the Lord.

A true Christian must remember the presence of invisible divine forces and feel the support of their activities. Only true faith gives the right to ask the Almighty and his assistants for help and protection. If a person is not ready to receive spiritual help, then the angels are not able to do this against his will.

Saint Archangel Michael

The leader of the heavenly army, under whose feet the defeated devil is depicted. He is the chief archangel in both the New and Old Testaments. In Scripture he is called “the leader of the army.” Mikhail is the main fighter in the fight against the evil that exists in the world. Saint George the Great believed that angels appear to a person when he needs to bring a message, and Archangel Michael - before the manifestation of the power of God.

When the angel Lucifer, who was closest to God, moved away from him, going over to the side of evil along with his comrades-in-arms, Michael called on the remaining supporters of the Lord to fight against the sophisticated. The fallen angels with Lucifer were “banished into the underworld.”

Michael is most often depicted in the guise of a warrior with armor, with a spear in his hand or with a sword. He never stops fighting for the glory of God and for people. In the Old Testament he acts as a defender of the people of Israel, and in the New Testament - of all righteous Christians.

Since ancient times, the Archangel Michael has been loved and revered by believers. He accompanied the souls of the righteous and repentant to heaven, and performed the ritual of washing the souls before they appeared before God. Michael accompanied the Virgin Mary through hell. She was able to witness the torment of the souls of sinners. per day Last Judgment Michael will pray to God for mercy on all who have sinned. In Byzantium, many were able to be healed at the springs on which temples were erected in honor of Michael. According to Greek legends, when a person dies, the soul follows the archangel. It is Michael who is protected from demons and who escorts souls to the Judgment of God.

Prayers to Saint Archangel Michael

The patron saint of warriors who fought for the good, Saint Archangel Michael, is revered as a protector from evil spirits, visible and invisible forces. It preserves a person's sleep and helps in the fight against sadness.

They turn to Michael, reading prayers:

  1. About healing.
  2. When entering a new home.
  3. When lighting your own home.
  4. About the protection of the souls of the dead.

An ancient prayer to Archangel Michael protects a believer from the touch of the devil, human evil intentions and flattery. When reading, you feel calm and confident. A prayer is read to Archangel Michael at the beginning of a new day - at midnight. During the day, evil forces will be powerless and will not be able to cause harm. Archangel Michael will avert all troubles and the person asking will feel protected all day long.

Saint Archangel Gabriel

According to texts from the Bible, Archangel Gabriel was chosen by God himself to notify man that the son of the Lord had come to earth.

He is considered the patron saint of young married couples wishing to have children. Gabriel is asked to conceive. He protects the woman and the unborn child during pregnancy.

Archangel Gabriel occupies second place in the hierarchy. He patronizes people whose work is related to communication (journalists, psychologists, managers, etc.). An icon with his image is revered by the Orthodox Church. Depicted in rich robes, sometimes with a scepter in his hand and a crown on his head. The date of celebration is celebrated after the Annunciation.

According to legend, Gabriel guarded the Virgin Mary and was sent by God to warn her husband about the king’s plan to destroy all babies. An angel taught the scriptures to the forefather Moses.

Prayers to the patron saint Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel's help is as follows:

  • protects from troubles and adversity;
  • protects against diseases;
  • acts as a guiding star in life;
  • heals illnesses and serious illnesses;
  • helps overcome infertility and bear a healthy child;
  • cleanses from frightening thoughts and bad feelings;
  • relieves internal fears and various kinds of phobias.

Prayers to Gabriel help with depression and psychological disorders. You can ask him for love, faith, help in marriage. There is no need to look for separate prayers for each case. You can pray in your own words in front of the image. The main thing is to sincerely believe and Gabriel will definitely bless what was asked for.

Not only a priest can read prayers to Archangel Gabriel. The request will be heard from the lips of a believer. The main thing is to have faith and sincerity. You can read the prayer to Archangel Gabriel at home; it is not necessary to visit a church or temple for these purposes. You need to put the image of the Saint in front of you.

Saint Archangel Raphael

Translated from Hebrew, the name Raphael is translated as “healer.” The Archangel is in 3rd place after Michael. Heals and reduces both mental and physical pain. They pray to him when problems arise regarding inner world, feelings and health. Archangel Raphael is prayed for both healing from illnesses and restoration of relationships or correction in any life situation. It is important to correctly convey the problem, because many do not know how to express their own thoughts, directing divine power in the wrong direction.

The Bible says that Archangel Raphael imprisoned the fallen Azazel in the desert at the behest of the Lord. He bore punishment for the craft given to man and for corrupting him. He is assigned to guard the fallen angels, who are among the mortals, like other archangels.

Raphael heals not only the body, but also the soul, and fights malicious intent on the ground. The Book of Tobit states that he is his son's companion, taking human form. Raphael exorcised the demon and cured blindness.

The Archangel told mortals about the places where souls are before the Last Judgment. It was Raphael who gave the ring to King Solomon, intended to subjugate demons.

Prayers to Archangel Raphael

In the Orthodox Church, Archangel Raphael is:

  • assistant to travelers and healers;
  • patron of the sick spiritually and physically;
  • healer from illnesses and mental wounds.

You can ask Archangel Raphael for help both for yourself and for relatives or spiritually close people. He will appear exactly where they need him, and will help only those who firmly believe in God. If a person does not accept spiritual help, then Uriel needs to pray. They ask Raphael for the health of humans and animals. The angel will help you choose the right path in treatment and prevent death.

Prayers to Archangel Raphael will help you overcome anxiety and worries. With their help, quit destructive tendencies that are harmful to health and restore your spiritual state. Prayers to Archangel Raphael will cleanse your home of dark entities and bad energy.

Kontakion 1

Chosen by God from the Heavenly Host and sent down to earth to serve the human race, Holy Archangel Raphael, healer of our ailments and prayer book for us before the Lord, help us get rid of troubles, sorrows and illnesses, with faith and love calling to you in praise:

Ikos 1

The Archangels, and Angels, and all the Heavenly Hosts, standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, constantly glorify the Creator of heaven and earth; With them you too, glorious Raphael, singing songs of praise to the Almighty, pray for us, earth-born, who bring you the praise of the calico:

Rejoice, thou who stands before the Throne of the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, you who sing the Trisagion of God with all the Heavenly Powers.

Rejoice, you who were sent from the Lord to serve people.

Rejoice, you who fulfill the will of God.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 2

Seeing with the combs of faith the power and greatness of your lightning-fast vision, Archangel of God, we, earth-born, even though we are sinners and unworthy, with love and gratitude we dare, together with you and with all the holy Angels, to cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Ask us, Archangel of God Raphael, for a mind that is pure and free from passions, and do not leave us, defenseless, in the fight against sin and the temptations of this world, so that by you we will be delivered from eternal torment, and in spiritual joy we will cry out to you:

Rejoice, fleshless warrior of the Heavenly King.

Rejoice, healer of the weak and patron of travelers.

Rejoice, servant of the Lord, doing the will of his Master.

Rejoice, having received from God the command and authority to help man.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 3

Showing within yourself the power of irresistible zeal for the glory of God, help us, Archangel Raphael, to destroy all the machinations of the enemy against us, crying out to our Creator and Maker with faith and love: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having you as a great helper and a strong champion of resistance, we pray to you, Archangel of God: be our patron on all the paths of our life, and with gratitude we cry out to you:

Rejoice, for you help us in our temporary life.

Rejoice, for you guide our feet on the path of salvation.

Rejoice, for you teach us to fulfill the commandments of the Lord.

Rejoice, for you save us from evil and sin.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 4

Deliver us from the storms of temptations and troubles, Archangel of God, and do not leave us helpless in the sorrowful days of everyday situations and illnesses, which are allowed to us for lawless living. We, who are delivered by you from misfortunes, thanking you, let us cry out to God, our Benefactor: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about your benefits to the human race, we humbly pray to you, Archangel Raphael: be a constant helper for us in our earthly journey and a faithful leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, let us call you in praise:

Rejoice, our representative before God and prayer book.

Rejoice, for with the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Selafiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel, you continually glorify the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, O merciful intercessor for us before God.

Rejoice, quick helper in the circumstances of those who exist.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 5

You were a guiding star, Archangel of God, to the youth Tobias, when his father sent him to his relative in a distant country: and you were not only a good companion to him, but also a great healer, when he commanded him to catch a fish in the river and take the heart out of it, liver and gall, and by burning incense from a girl, this demon killer will heal the blindness of her father. For this sake, for the sake of your favor, I sang a song of thanksgiving to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you as a trustworthy companion of the former Tobiah, we pray to you: be our helper in our many-rebellious life, preserving us from sin, every evil situation and from enemies visible and invisible, may you be healthy, in peace and prosperity we will glorify the Heavenly Father and we will sing to you, Archangel sitse:

Rejoice, good companion and leader to those who want to travel.

Rejoice, for making the youth Tobiah’s path serene.

Rejoice, former wise and kind adviser to him.

Rejoice, for according to your words, by incense of the heart and liver in the maiden’s dwelling, the murderous demon was quickly driven out.

Rejoice, for by the anointing of Tobit, by scrubbing the gall of the fish, you were healed of blindness.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 6

The whole world preaches your service to the human race, holy Archangel, as a herald of God’s destinies and a prayer book. For this reason, with grateful hearts and lips, we sing to God, who has deigned to send us His angels: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having announced the will of God to Tobit, the Archangel of God, you, appearing before him like a good-natured youth, offered yourself his son Tobias as a companion on a long journey; and when you had completed what you were commanded by God and returned the boy healthy and well, you went to the heavenly mansions to the One who sent you. For this reason we cry out to you with love:

Rejoice, herald of God's destinies and good guide.

Rejoice, for you have made intercession before God for all the sick and suffering.

Rejoice, for you offer up our prayers to the Throne of the Almighty.

Rejoice, for through your intercession you have turned away the righteous wrath of God that is moving against us.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 7

Although everyone wants to be saved and come into the understanding of truth, the Lord, who knows the heart, sends His Angels to serve people, giving everyone their obedience. To you, glorious Archangel, God gave the power and strength to heal illnesses of body and soul and to be a traveling companion. We, for such your service to us sinners, with grateful hearts and lips, glorify the Merciful God with an angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Lord marvelously shows how human life is not self-accidental, but is contained in His right hand, showing us many good deeds through His Archangel Raphael. For this reason, thanking God for His great mercy towards us, as He has given us such a helper and healer, let us cry out to His servant with tenderness:

Rejoice, indestructible fence for Christians.

Rejoice, the enemy of the faith of Christ is an insurmountable barrier.

Rejoice, you who bring joy from the Throne of the Almighty to the faithful.

Rejoice, you who lead the unfaithful onto the path of righteousness and truth.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle of the power of God was witnessed by Tobiah, who, according to what you said to the Archangel, expelled the evil spirit from Sarah with incense. We, marveling at this, cry out to our Creator with trembling and faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

If you all want to be saved, our dear intercessor, Archangel Raphael: help us, our intercessor, in our lives and save us from sinful deeds and thoughts that cry out to you:

Rejoice, place quiet joy in your heart.

Rejoice, fill our souls with tenderness.

Rejoice, faithful leader in our earthly journey.

Rejoice, quick helper to all who call upon you.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 9

Every earthly being, having recognized your immediate help, is filled with reverent joy, as if he has such a prayer book and representative at the Throne of the Holy Trinity, where you, O Archangel of God, constantly cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

A fluttering tongue will not be able to utter your glory in heaven, Holy Archangel Raphael, with fiery faces Heavenly Powers at the terrible Throne of the King of reigning and the Lord of lords who is coming, and His goodness and mercy are on those who honor you and pray for you. We, filled with reverence and awe, cry out to you in gratitude:

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord, proclaiming the will of God to people.

Rejoice, leader of angels and teacher and intercessor of men.

Rejoice, enlighten our minds with your prayers.

Rejoice, for you deliver those who love and honor you from troubles and circumstances.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 10

Be a strong helper to those who want to be saved, Archangel Raphael, delivering us and preserving us from all troubles and misfortunes, especially from our falls into sin. For this reason, we are always delivered from the snares of the enemy by you, with a grateful heart and lips we cry to our Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are a strong wall and a fence for all who resort to your intercession and help, Archangel of God: for this sake, keep us under the roof of your kril from the treachery of enemies visible and invisible, so that we may be healed by you from illnesses and protected by you on the way, we gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, for you have been given the power and strength to repel demonic attacks on us.

Rejoice, for you protect and save us from all the snares of the devil.

Rejoice, for you lift up our prayers like a censer to God.

Rejoice, for you mercifully heal our mental and physical weaknesses.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 11

The chanting of the Most Holy Trinity in heaven is constantly chanted by the ranks of the Angels, crying out in fear: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Your glory”; Help us too, Archangel of God, on earth to sing with pure hearts and lips the same song to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

My lamp has gone out, and the oil of good deeds is not in me; burdened with sinful sleep, I tremble, afraid to hear a voice at midnight: “Behold the Bridegroom is coming!” Help me, Archangel of God, to arise from the sleep of sin and fill the vessel of my soul with the oil of good deeds, so that I bring you this song:

Rejoice, for according to God and the Most Holy Theotokos you are my strong hope.

Rejoice, for through your warm intercession you have interceded for me a Christian death.

Rejoice, for at the hour of my death I beg you to appear and protect my soul from evil demons.

Rejoice, for at the Last Judgment of Christ, through the intercession of your right hand, I have been granted hope.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 12

You have received great grace from God to heal every disease and every ulcer in people, oh, great Archangel Raphael: grant then to our souls and bodies healing from the ailments that oppress us, may we be healthy, let us sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your manifold miracles for our salvation, we all praise you, our holy patron and warm representative for us before the Lord, and we pray: do not leave us here, in our earthly journey and there, at the Last Judgment of God, be our strong intercessor and helper May we pass through the ordeal of evil spirits without stumbling and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, calling to you:

Rejoice, filling those who are weak in spirit with the power of God’s grace.

Rejoice, good comforter of the orphans, the sick and the helpless.

Rejoice, thou who clothe those who are exhausted from despondency and sorrow with the full armor of faith and hope.

Rejoice, for through your prayers those who honor you receive remission of sins.

Rejoice, Archangel of God Raphael, healer of our ailments and zealous prayer book for us.

Kontakion 13

Oh, glorious Archangel of God Raphael! For your wonderful service to the human race, accept from us, sinners and unworthy, this small praise and thanksgiving and, as if filled with the power of God, cover us with your immaterial wing from all enemies, visible and invisible, beg Christ God to grant us a Christian peaceful death, deliverance from eternal torment and the Kingdom of Heavenly inheritance, so that together with you and all the saints we joyfully sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, holy, glorious Archangel of God Raphael, quick helper and warm intercessor and prayer for us before God! Standing before the Throne of the Holy Trinity, ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins, so that He may transfer His righteous anger to mercy, the sin for our sakes brought upon us. Do not forsake us, O Archangel of God, with your help and intercession, who glorify your holy name, even though we are many sinners, we do not want to perish in our iniquities. Strengthen our weak will for good deeds with the grace of the Lord; be for us, like the youth Tobias, a guide and adviser in our many-sorrowful life; help us to get rid of the diseases that oppress us, just as you delivered Tobit from his many years of blindness; when the hour of our death approaches, do not leave us, defenseless, Archangel of God, in the air ordeals against the spirits of malice blocking the ascent to the heavenly realm: that we may be protected by you, reach the mansions of Heaven, and together with you and with all the saints we will glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit , forever and ever. Amen.

This term has other meanings, see

Archangel Raphael(Hebrew: רָפָאֵל‏‎, Rafael- “the Lord healed”; from " Rafa» רפא - to heal) - one of the archangels. According to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Raphael is considered the second in line of archangels (after Michael). According to Jewish midrash, Raphael relieved the pain that Abraham experienced after he circumcised himself.

Of all the seven angels found in the angelology of post-exilic Judaism, only Michael and Gabriel are recorded under their own names in the Scriptures considered canonical for all Christians. Raphael is mentioned by name in the book of Tobit, which is included in the Old Testament in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and is recognized as canonical in Catholicism. The remaining four are named in the First Book of Enoch (chapter XXI), written in the second century BC: Uriel, Raguel, Sariel and Jerahmiel.

The root of the name Raphael is also present in the modern Hebrew word Rophe, which translates as "doctor", thus recalling the healing abilities traditionally attributed to this angel.

In the Book of Enoch

Raphael buries the bound Azazel under the desert because he taught people various crafts and thereby corrupted them (En. 10: 4-6):

And the Lord said again to Raphael: “Bind Azazel hand and foot and put him in darkness; make a hole in the desert that is in Dudael, and lower it there. And put a rough and sharp stone on him, and cover him with darkness so that he will remain there forever, and cover his face so that he does not look at the light! And on the great day of judgment he will be thrown into the heat.

Raphael and other angels guard the fallen angels and their mortal wives until the end of time; in the book he is described as "one of the holy angels, the angel of the spirits of people" (not all, since Michael is placed "over the best part people - over the chosen people").

Raphael told Enoch about the construction of four resting places for human souls, where they live awaiting the Last Judgment; When a man came to the Garden of Truth, Raphael designated the tree he saw as “the same tree of wisdom from which your ancestors, your old father and old mother, tasted and gained the knowledge of wisdom, and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked and were expelled from the garden."

Standing at the Throne of the Lord, Raphael “glorifies the Chosen One and the elect, who are weighed by the Lord of spirits.” He and three other angels will go into battle against Azazel and his troops and throw them into hellfire:

And I asked the angel of peace, saying: “These chain-instruments, for whom are they prepared?” And he said to me: “They are prepared for the troops of Azazel to take them and throw them into the depths of hell: and their jaws will be covered with rough stones, as the Lord of spirits has commanded. Michael and Gabriel, Ruphael and Phanuel will seize them on that great day of judgment and throw them into the furnace with blazing fire on that day, so that the Lord of spirits will take revenge on them for their unrighteousness - because they submitted to Satan and deceived those living on the earth.

In Catholicism and Orthodoxy

The angel Raphael appears in the non-canonical/deuterocanonical book of Tobit, where he appears in human form and becomes a companion to Tobit’s son Tobius (Greek Τωβίας), calling himself “Azariah, from the line of Ananias the great” (Tob. 5:13). During the journey, the protective powers of the archangel are indicated, for example, the expulsion and binding in Upper Egypt of the demon who killed the seven husbands of Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, who later became the wife of Tobias (Tob. 8:3). After returning home and curing Tobit's blindness, Raphael reveals himself (Tob. 12:15):

I am Raphael, one of the seven holy Angels who offer the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One.

Perhaps there is a connection here with the nameless angels from the Revelation of John the Theologian.

As for the healing powers attributed to Raphael, little more is known about them than from his statement to Tobit that he was called by God to cure the man of his blindness and free Sarah, the future wife of Tobias, from the evil spirit of Asmodeus. Among Catholics, Raphael is considered the patron saint of doctors and travelers, and also helps people in need of their services.

The day dedicated to Raphael was first included in the Roman liturgical year in 1921 and was celebrated on October 24. With the calendar reform of 1969, the holiday was moved to September 29 and merged with the day of the Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, but the Catholic Church still allows the possibility of celebration according to the old calendar.

Archangel Raphael (Bartolome Romain)

Raphael is often depicted with a large fish in his hand. This is a reference to the Book of Tobit - the archangel ordered Tobiah to catch a fish, and then taught the young man how to use a fish gall bladder to cure his father’s blindness, and also to drive away the demon by burning the animal’s heart and liver.

In Islam

Raphael is revered in Islam as one of the great archangels. According to the hadith, it is Raphael who will sound the trumpet as a sign of the arrival of the Day of Judgment. It is believed that the trumpet will sound twice: the first time as a sign of the onset of the Day of Judgment, the second time when all souls gather at the Last Judgment.

In the Islamic tradition, Raphael is known as Isrāfīl. According to the Qur'an, he holds his breath awaiting Allah's order to begin the Day of Judgment.

Archangel Raphael in Judaism and Christianity

Icon of Saint Archangel Raphael

It is believed that Raphael can be called on someone else's behalf. Raphael will come where he is invited, but he cannot interfere unless there is a need for it goodwill that person. If a suffering person refuses spiritual healing, he cannot be forced. Yet, according to believers, Raphael's presence itself has a calming effect, and this helps to naturally reduce stress and anxiety.

Archangels Raphael and Michael often work together. According to legend, it was Raphael who brought King Solomon a magic ring with a powerful six-pointed star carved on it, and Solomon used this ring and symbol to subdue demons.

In literature

  • Raphael visits Adam and Eve in Eden in John Milton's Paradise Lost.


Book of Tobit

See also

  • Angel
  • Angels in Islam
  • Archangels
  • Archangel Gabriel
  • Archangel Michael
  • Archangel Uriel


  1. 1 En.6:29 - And he said to me: “The first is Michael, merciful and slow to anger; and the second, who is placed over all diseases and all wounds of the children of men, is Raphael; and the third, placed over the forces, is Gabriel; and the fourth, which is determined over repentance to the hope of those who inherit eternal life, his name is Phanuel."
  2. Daniel 12:1 - “And at that time Michael will rise up, the great prince who stands for the children of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since people existed until now; But at that time all of your people who are found written in the book will be saved.”
  3. Luke 1:19-20,26-38
  4. Book of Tobit
  5. Jewish surnames(professions)
  6. Book of Enoch
  7. Uriel, Raguel, Michael, Sarakael and Gabriel.
  8. This is an assumption, since the text does not give a definite answer (En. 4:33): they are bound here until the darkness of the worlds ends - the number of days of their guilt.
  9. En.5:1-5,8-14
  10. En.5:61
  11. En.6:25
  12. En.62-64
  13. Rev. 8:2 - And I saw seven angels who stood before God; and seven trumpets were given to them.
  14. Comrade 12:14 - And now God has sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah.
  15. Catholic calendar of saints


  • Icons and images of the Archangel Raphael

Every Christian should know the names of the archangels and their purpose, as they guide a person and foreshadow great events. They reveal prophecies, strengthen faith, and also enlighten minds and reveal the deepest secrets of faith.

Archangels in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox faith has its own specific traditions, which arose in ancient times. The names of the archangels and their purpose can be found out by studying the Holy Scriptures, the most in the best possible way explaining exactly how everything works. However, even the most knowledgeable and knowledgeable theologians are not always able to reliably decipher biblical texts.

Having studied the list of names of archangels and their divine purpose in Orthodoxy, one can understand that they are a kind of leaders of ordinary angels. Each of them has its own specific functions. Archangels are often written on icons, and artists try to pay maximum attention to the image being created, drawing even the smallest details. In particular, each has its own attribute, such as sword, spear, trumpet.

In the Orthodox faith there are only seven archangels, whose names are known to almost all Christians. Why exactly this amount? It is not mentioned in the Bible, the texts only say that it is known only to God himself. Archangels not only protect man, but also instruct him on true path. Each of them has its own specific functions, which it performs.

Their purpose

Many people are interested in how many archangels there are in Orthodoxy and their names, since not everyone is well acquainted with the biblical texts. The Holy Scripture tells about their exploits and appearance. However, it is worth noting that there are some discrepancies in the biblical texts that do not allow us to obtain full description these saints. The list of names of archangels allows you to find out how many of them exist in Orthodoxy:

  • Michael.
  • Gabriel.
  • Rafail.
  • Uriel.
  • Selafiel.
  • Yehudiel.
  • Barachiel.

Michael symbolizes all the works of the Lord. He is depicted in a white robe, with a spear and sword in his hands. According to ancient scriptures, it was this archangel who first rebelled against Lucifer.

Gabriel is considered a harbinger of fate and is depicted mainly with a mirror in his hands, as a symbol of the fact that he fully conveys the meaning of the actions and thoughts of God.

Raphael is responsible for healing and help. According to existing legends, he healed the bride of one righteous man.

Archangel Uriel represents mental abilities man, and he is depicted with a sword and fire. It helps in the study of various sciences. Selafiel acts as the supreme minister of prayer. Yehudiel protects people from everything bad and encourages those who deserve it. Barachiel represents God's blessing and is often depicted wearing a pink robe.

Thus, the names of the archangels and their purpose immediately become clear, since each of them is responsible for performing a specific task. If you need to ask for heavenly help or protection, then you need to pray to one or another saint. For this, there are certain prayers that are aimed at asking the archangel for help.

Archangel Michael

In total, there are seven archangels in Orthodoxy. The names of the archangels and their purpose are known to many Christians. In addition, all the information you need can be obtained from the priests. The first archangel to rebel against Satan was Michael. After this, the angel, proud of his beauty, abandoned God and was thrown from heaven. He is considered the most supreme patron of the heavenly army. He is depicted in a warlike form, with a sword and spear in his hands. Under his feet is a dragon, which personifies the spirit of evil. The top of his spear is decorated with a white banner, which signifies unchanging purity and loyalty. The spear ends in a cross, which symbolizes that all actions are performed in the name of Christ, as well as through patience, self-sacrifice, and humility.

Michael is considered one of the most revered saints. In the Old Testament he is called the senior messenger of the Lord and the protector of the people of Israel. Archangel Michael became the guardian of the Israeli people, since during the day he walked before them in the form of a pillar of cloud, which during the day turned into a fiery pillar. Through him, the will of the Lord appeared, destroying Pharaoh and his soldiers who were pursuing the Israelites. He has been revered since ancient times. According to the designation of his name, Michael is an angel with power.

Archangel Michael - winner dark forces and evil, which helps to get rid of various troubles and sorrows. He is the protector of all Orthodox Christians from evil spirits, as well as enemies. They pray to him for deliverance from grief, when entering a new house, for the protection of the state. Some church leaders see this saint as a very involved important events in people's lives. The Church reveres him as a defender of the true faith and a zealous fighter against all evil and ungodly actions and thoughts.

In addition, references to him are also contained in the writings of John the Theologian, who describes the last battle in which the angels emerged victorious, and Satan was cast down to earth along with his servants. This saint is also mentioned in the legend, according to which Michael was given a special trumpet, which during the Last Judgment would awaken all the dead since the beginning of time.

Archangel Gabriel

The names of the holy archangels are recorded in Holy Scripture, and one of them is Gabriel. He reveals the most secret knowledge Gentlemen, reveals secrets to the prophets, brings the Good News to the Virgin Mary. The Lord sends him to bring good news to earth, as well as to inform the human race about the upcoming salvation. On icons he is often depicted with a flowering branch or lily. In addition, there are often images with a mirror in hand, and sometimes with a candle located inside the lamp. Such an image signifies that the ways of the Lord are not always clear; they are comprehended only after some time, by studying the word of God. The mirror is covered with black and white spots, which reflects the good and bad deeds of people.

Often the image of this saint is present on the northern door of the iconostasis. Every church has an icon depicting this saint. It is often depicted on the iconostasis, the side gates of the altar, or applied to the walls and dome of the temple. Gabriel is often represented as a golden-haired angel with wings folded behind his back, wearing the robe of a deacon, which emphasizes his constant, zealous service to the Lord. Right hand he blesses, and in his left he holds a spear.

There are also other symbols on icons, each of which has its own specific meaning, in particular:

  • green branch;
  • flashlight;
  • mirror.

The green branch of the tree of paradise symbolizes the plant that he gave to the Virgin Mary when he brought her the good news. A lantern with a lit candle inside symbolizes prayer, as all angels pray tirelessly. The mirror reflects all the good and bad deeds of people. It is made of jasper, therefore it is capable of proclaiming all the secrets of the Lord. In some cases, Gabriel may be depicted in the armor of a warrior.

One of the tasks was to help the Virgin Mary in her earthly life. In addition, he carries out many other assignments of the Lord, many of which are described in the Bible. In the Bible, Gabriel is mentioned as the teacher and spiritual mentor of Joseph, as well as the guardian of the chosen people.

Gabriel is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. According to Muslim teachings, it was from him that Mohammed received his revelations. He instructed the prophet Moses in the desert, and also conveyed to him the instructions of the Lord, which he wrote down in the Bible, starting from the moment of the creation of the world.

It is customary to turn to this archangel with prayers for pregnancy, as he brought happy news to the Virgin Mary and Zechariah. In addition, they pray to him in case of problems with the liver and kidneys, for treatment of infertility and for maintaining the health of mother and child during pregnancy. This saint helps to get rid of various fears and phobias, restore faith in love, and guide you on the true path. However, it is worth remembering that he absolutely does not tolerate betrayal and deception and can severely punish an evil and vicious person.

Before you start praying, you must wash your face and clear your thoughts, throwing all problems and negativity out of your head.

Archangel Raphael

When studying the names of the archangels and their purpose, one cannot help but mention Raphael, since he is revered by Christians. People call to him, praying for healing of the body. He is considered a healer from the Lord. Saint Raphael is the archangel of mercy and help to suffering and distressed people.

He is considered the patron saint of all doctors and those who care about other people. However, it is worth remembering that only a pious person who is merciful towards others can receive help from Archangel Raphael, since otherwise the saint simply will not hear the prayer. On icons he is depicted with medicines and a clipped bird feather, which he uses to treat wounds.

Those who bear the name Raphael need to be merciful and compassionate with the suffering, otherwise they will lose their spiritual connection with the patron.

Archangel Uriel

The names of the 7 archangels are found in many biblical references. One of the saints is Uriel, which means enlightener. He illuminates with his divine light those who are captured by darkness. Archangel Uriel patronizes people who have an aptitude for science, but also reminds them that one cannot live only by science. Most of all you need to love divine truth.

Traditionally depicted with a sword and flame. Like an angel bringing light, he enlightens the minds of people and reveals the truth to them. In addition, Uriel inflames the hearts of people and fills them with true love for the Lord, and also helps to eliminate unclean thoughts and earthly attachments. There is an opinion that he rules over the heavenly bodies.

Archangel Selaphiel

Among the names of the archangels in Orthodoxy, one can highlight Salaphiel, which translated means “servant of prayer.” This saint warms people's hearts for prayer and also helps in it. A person is very weak and fusses all the time, therefore, often he simply cannot fully open his heart. He is revered by the Orthodox as the Lord's prayer book, since he prays all the time and encourages people to pray for salvation and health.

Very often, icons depict the Archangel Salafiel praying, thereby setting an example for Christians. Seeing the saint in this position, Christians also try during prayer to always be in a position that befits a person who is praying decently.

Archangel Yehudiel

Many do not know the names of Orthodox archangels and their purpose, since not everyone studies the Holy Scriptures. One of the saints is Jehudiel, who is known only from ancient legends, since there is no mention of him in the Bible and the Gospel. He is depicted holding a golden crown, as well as a scourge of three red branches. The Archangel rewards people who work for the glory of the Lord with eternal rewards.

Every deed is accomplished only through labor, and many deeds can be very difficult. However, every righteous and good deed is performed under the patronage and protection of this saint. The more difficult the task, the higher the reward. Therefore, he is often depicted with a crown, which symbolizes the reward for a working person.

The scourge, woven from branches, symbolizes the punishment of sinful people for laziness and impious acts. Archangel Jehudiel is the patron of monasticism, a mentor in work, a helper to those in need, and also an intercessor along the way. According to Christian beliefs, he patronized the Israelites during their 40-year wandering in the desert.

Archangel Barachiel

The names of archangels in Orthodoxy indicate their deeds, which is why it is very important for every Christian to know them. One of them is Barachiel, who sends God's blessing to people for good deeds. On icons he is traditionally depicted in a pink outfit, which symbolizes the grace of blessing for good, as well as infinity. There are white roses on his chest, which symbolizes impending bliss and endless peace.

This saint patronizes good and pious people, asking the Lord to bless them. Gives people the opportunity to live in salvation and health. This is the patron of pious families, as well as the guardian of purity of body and soul.

How to correctly ask for help from the archangels

Throughout a person’s life, angels and archangels accompany them. How many there are and the names of the saints are known to many, but not everyone knows how to properly ask for help. To ask for protection or anything else, you need to say the prayers intended for this.

The clergy recommend saying prayers in the church, near the icon with the face of the saint to whom they are addressing. In this case, you need to say a specially designed prayer, the text of which can be found in the holy books or you can address this question to a clergyman.

Some people mistakenly believe that you can only turn to the archangels for help on a specially designated day of the week, however, this is not so. You can turn to a saint and ask him for help, and you can also read a prayer at absolutely any time. This is exactly what the priests say about it.

Knowing the names of the archangels and their purposes in Orthodoxy, you can determine when and which saint you need to pray to in order to receive the Lord's forgiveness, learn the truth, get rid of illnesses or attract good luck.

Many icons can help in healing from terrible illnesses, in getting rid of troubles and difficulties in life. It is precisely these abilities that the miraculous image of Archangel Raphael possesses.

Believers have always revered icons of the Holy Archangels, and one of them is Raphael. During his lifetime, he was a doctor and had an amazing gift of healing. Now even the most famous doctors resort to his help, despite the fact that most of them are not believers. If you want to protect yourself and your family from serious illnesses, then be sure to add the image of Archangel Raphael to your home iconostasis.

The history of the image

Accurate data on the appearance of the image of Archangel Raphael on at the moment does not exist. However, it is believed that the appearance of an icon with his image is connected with the godly deeds that he performed during his lifetime. The name Raphael is translated from Hebrew as “healing.” This translation is valid both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism, Judaism and Islam. Jews call doctors who are messengers of God. Saint Raphael had the ability to heal people from physical and mental illnesses, and also helped in solving problems.

According to legend, one day, by order of the Lord God, Archangel Raphael buried a fallen Angel named Azazel in the desert. He taught people various crafts, and thereby taught them debauchery and atheism. One of the purposes of the Holy Archangel was to monitor the fallen Angels and their wives, as well as people who commit sins. In addition to healing and helping people in need, he fought evil and cast out demons, imprisoning them in Hell for life. When Archangel Raphael talked about religion, he argued that in addition to Heaven and Hell, there are many other worlds.

Now the icon of St. Raphael is a helper and amulet not only for sick and suffering people, but also for doctors and students of higher medical institutions.

Description of the icon of Archangel Raphael

On icons, Archangel Raphael is usually depicted with a fish - sometimes he holds it in his hand, and sometimes it is under the Saint’s feet. This is due to the fact that one day he ordered his son to bring a fish and, with the help of its entrails, taught him to save people from blindness, as well as to cast out evil spirits.

Very often Alavaster is depicted in his hand. In Orthodoxy it is believed that this vessel is intended to store peace. Its description is first mentioned in the New Testament.

How does a miraculous image help?

Saint Raphael is considered the patron saint of medicine. Therefore, to help him miraculous icons often resort exactly medical workers. They say prayers before the image of the Saint before starting work, and also place his icons in operating rooms and waiting rooms.

Archangel Raphael has amazing ability cleanse the energy background of a person and his home from negativity.

Prayer before the miraculous images of the Saint will help you get rid of both physical and mental illnesses.

If you are overcome by evil thoughts, stress and inexplicable anxieties, it will also help you prayer appeal in front of the icon of Archangel Raphael.

The Holy Archangel will help you get rid of bad habits. To do this, you need to purchase a small icon with his image and always carry it with you to avoid temptations.

Prayer in front of the icon of Archangel Raphael helps to get rid of troubles and difficulties in life. Any problems will be resolved quickly, and the answer to an exciting question will arise by itself.

Where is the icon

The icon of Archangel Raphael, where he is located separately, is quite difficult to find. Most often, his image can be seen together with images of other Saints. However, one of his rare images located in the Temple of the Archangel Michael, which is located in Tsaritsyno.

Prayer before the icon of Archangel Raphael

The prayer in front of the icon of the Archangel can be said both in the temple and at home. The main thing is true faith in the power of your prayer and in the help of Saint Raphael.

“Holy Archangel Raphael, assistant of the Lord God, I also need Your help. Heal me from terrible illnesses and unbearable torments. I want to forever get rid of the troubles and misfortunes that are an obstacle to my life’s path. I open my heart to You and believe that You will hear me, and in Your help and compassion. Help me, Saint Raphael. Amen!".

Before you pray in front of the image of Archangel Raphael, think carefully about what you want to ask him for. There is no need to disturb the Saints without reason.

Date of celebration of the icon of Archangel Raphael

The celebration of the icon of St. Raphael takes place annually on November 21. On this day you can visit the church and pray in front of the image of the Archangel, as well as attend divine services and listen to divine liturgies.

Every time we come to church, we turn to the Saints with prayer requests and share our most secret things with them. However, so that the Higher powers do not refuse you help, do not forget to thank them with the help of strong prayers. May every day bring you joy and new victories, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Archangel Raphael is considered the second most important in the world of angels after Archangel Michael. The name of this Saint comes from a Hebrew word whose immediate meaning is interpreted as “to heal.” The archangel with the name Raphael is present in different world religions: Judaism, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Islam.

Archangel Raphael is the main heavenly patron of medicine. It is credited with the important ability to heal and relieve pain. Moreover, in this case, not only physical healing is implied. Archangel Raphael is able to heal a person at all levels of his life. Its healing capabilities primarily affect the spiritual sphere of man. But in general, like any other Angel, you can contact him with any request. For example, you can ask for the healing of relationships or the improvement of any difficult life situation.

It is believed that Archangel Raphael can help:

  • Bring to life your cherished desires and dreams coming from the heart;
  • To point in the right direction in a difficult life situation;
  • Prompt right decisions, if a person is engaged in scientific activities.

A strong and powerful prayer to Archangel Raphael, healer of eternity

Using a prayer to Archangel Raphael, you can call on him for help not only to yourself, but also to loved ones. Prayer to Archangel Raphael calms the soul; prayer relieves anxiety and helps deal with stressful situations. Listening to the Akathist to Archangel Raphael has the same effect. This Saint helps a person get rid of bad habits and bad inclinations.

By turning to him with prayer, you can cleanse the room of negative energy. Archangel Raphael answers the prayers of people who ask for protection while traveling, can also help in finding missing animals, and also teaches a person to order and organization.

About healing the sick

The prayer for healing is considered very strong; its text reads as follows:

Listen to the prayer to Archangel Raphael:

For a person who is starting to engage in healing or is trying to develop the natural gift of clairvoyance, prayers to Archangel Raphael will serve as real help. But you should understand that you can turn to the Holy One only if your activity is aimed at good.

For such a case, you can use another prayer, which sounds like this:

“Holy Archangel Raphael, I, Servant of God(s) ( given name) I ask for help in this situation. (The following describes a specific situation, and it is important to do this in a short form, but very clearly). I ask you to grant me your healing energy and surround me with Divine love. In my desire to help people, I completely trust the Lord and You. I will pray and thank you with all my soul for your mercy and support. I will also always glorify the Lord Almighty. Amen".

About the child's health

With the help of prayer directed to Archangel Raphael, you can heal a sick child. As a rule, the prayer read by the mother is more effective.

The prayer sounds like this:

“Holy Archangel Raphael, I turn to you, Servant of God (proper name), help. Heal my child, the Servant of God (child’s name), from a serious illness. I ask you, Great Heavenly Healer, come down from heaven and pay a visit to my home. Contribute to the health and well-being of all my household. Heal our souls and remove from my home the evil that causes illness. Help all my household gain confidence in the future, free us from mental fears and doubts. Clear the space around my child and fill his soul with positive energy. Make sure that the disease leaves his body forever. May divine health remain in him throughout his life. Words of gratitude I pronounce and glorify your miraculous actions related to healing. Amen".

Prayers to Archangel Raphael are very effective. They are filled with healing power. In order for them to start working, it is true faith in the soul of a person.

About marriage

Prayer to Archangel Raphael is a man’s prayer appeal that allows you to meet your betrothed and build a prosperous family life. But in practice, men are quite conservative when it comes to creating a family; they always try to rely only on their own strengths. For this reason, few single men are ready to ask heavenly powers for help in getting married. But a mother who understands that her child’s personal life is not working out can seek help about her son’s marriage. But at the same time, it is important that the man himself wants to marry a decent woman, because Archangel Raphael does not help anyone by force.

The man’s prayer sounds like this:

“Oh, holy Archangel Raphael, God’s messenger and protector of people! A quick helper of the human race before God, our intercessor and prayer for the forgiveness of our sins. Standing at the throne of the Holy Trinity, beg me the Servant of God (proper name) of the Lord for forgiveness of my sins. May he replace his righteous anger with mercy for my sins committed through foolishness. Do not leave me, oh, Great Archangel Raphael, alone on earth, help me find my betrothed. For your help and your intercession before God for me, day and night I will glorify your holy name. Guide me Holy Angel Raphael on the true path, do not let me perish by committing lawlessness. Strengthen my weak will with the grace of the Lord and direct my strength to good deeds. Be my guide and adviser in life. Help me get rid of the disease that oppresses me. If the hour of my death approaches, do not leave me and support me, lead me to the abode of the Heavenly and Almighty Father. Amen".

When turning to Archangel Raphael in prayer, one can put a very strong defense. In addition, by turning to this Saint for help, you can count on him to help you choose correctly. life path. This prayer can be read both in church and at home.

Powerful Prayer Archangel Raphael helps a believer receive powerful protection from higher powers. It will allow you to repel any negativity, and, therefore, avoid the development of serious diseases. With such protection it will be much easier to overcome various life troubles and trials destined by fate. You can pray to Archangel Raphael every day in the morning, as well as at any moment when an internal desire arises to ask for help.

The prayer appeal is as follows:

“Great Archangel of God Raphael, I turn to you for help. I ask you to fill my business with healing positive energy, surround me with a halo of protective Divine love. I trust completely To higher powers and I believe that they will be able to protect themselves. Grant me good health in all areas of life. I believe, Archangel Raphael, that you hear me and will definitely help. I thank you and praise you for the prosperity and happiness that I will gain in life. Amen".

It is noteworthy that a strong protective prayer to the Holy Archangel Raphael does not have to be memorized. You can express your requests and wishes in your own words, the main thing is that the spoken words come from the heart. To enhance the effectiveness of the prayer, before using it, you need to read the well-known prayer “Our Father” several times.

Video online prayer to Archangel Raphael

Religious reading: who was helped by the prayer to Archangel Raphael to help our readers.

Of the huge host of Heavenly Powers, the Archangels who carry out special assignments of the Lord on Earth stand out. In matters of healing, it is customary to pray for Divine intercession from Archangel Raphael.

When to seek help

A prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing can work miracles - heal an ailing person, relieve any of his physical or mental pain, alleviate mental suffering, he is able to resolve almost all issues of human existence, and strengthen people in faith.

In addition to healing souls and bodies, Raphael is a fierce fighter against evil forces.

In the ancient Book of Tobit there is a legend about his being next to the author’s son in the guise of an ordinary layman. During a long journey, he expelled the demon who killed Sarah's husbands, and healed the author of the legend from blindness, and then revealed who he really was.

He also taught the ancient healers wise recipes for preparing healing potions, and suggested to the healers medicinal properties fish entrails.

Prayer Appeal

Presence on Earth

According to legend, Raphael lived for a certain time on Earth among ordinary people, was engaged in healing, saved people from mental torment, and directed them to the true path of faith and Salvation.

He advised people how to live correctly, what to fear, how to become not sinners, but righteous.

The Holy Church uses prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing to gain physical, mental and physical health. He will protect from the enemy’s machinations, deliver from weakness and pain, return the former faith to the desperate, and teach him to help the weak and those in need of help.

Jewish scriptures say that it was Raphael who calmed the severe pain in Abraham’s body that he experienced after circumcision, and the post-operative wound healed very quickly.

The Lord endowed the saint with unprecedented healing powers. But he simply cannot interfere in the lives of worldly people; he should be called by prayer.

The main thing is sincere faith in the help of the archangel healer, who helps to cure ailments of the body, soul and mind.

If a prayer request is not fulfilled for a long time, a person continues to get sick and gets worse and worse, then it is worth thinking about the fact that the illness was sent from above to heal both the body and soul of the sick person. In some cases, and quite often, serious illnesses (including oncology) are sent to a person to realize his mistakes and spiritual transformation.

Offer a prayer for the health of your family and friends to Archangel Raphael with sincere faith in your soul. The Lord will definitely hear the requests of the prayer books and soon everyone will be rewarded according to their faith.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for health

Angels are our protectors to whom people pray. We don’t see them, but we imagine that they have huge fluffy wings that can be our strongest protection. We don’t know as much about the world of angels as we do about saints. Therefore, it is worth getting to know one of the heavenly creatures, which has an exalted position among the rest of the winged ones - this is Archangel Raphael. It is he who takes care of our health, as he knows how to heal those who, it would seem, will no longer be able to live a full life.

The significance of Archangel Raphael for believers

His name already means “healing” and “help” in Hebrew. The divine messenger acts as a real doctor, only he is invisible to earthly eyes. An interesting fact is that Archangel Raphael exists in any other faith, his name does not change, it remains the same. Along with the rest of the Archangels, Raphael ranks second in importance and power.

It doesn’t matter what level of being a believer is, if he prays to Raphael, healing always occurs, any pain - be it mental or physical - goes away and never returns. A person can turn to the Archangel with absolutely any question. For example, if there is discord in the family, and the soul is very painful and languishing, then the winged Raphael will certainly help and smooth out the relationship between the spouses.

Do not think that the Archangel is not watching you, he is vigilant over all human deeds, watching over everyone. All those professions that relate to healing, medicine, nature conservation, and helping animals are associated with Archangel Raphael, since He is considered their patron.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for health

You should not think that healing is about healing the body; this also applies to the soul. The disease may not necessarily manifest itself in sores, because these can also be other circumstances. If something has gone wrong in life, the integrity of the perception of the world has been violated, then it is important to turn to Archangel Raphael. It treats absolutely all levels of the hierarchy related to a person:

The eternal mission of the Archangel is to maintain the entire hierarchy in order, in the correct state.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing - text

“Oh, great holy Archangel Raphael, stand before the throne of God! By the grace given to you by the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies, you healed the righteous man Tobit from bodily blindness, and you saved his son Tobias from an evil spirit while traveling with him. I earnestly pray to you: be my guide in my life. Save me from all visible and invisible enemies, heal my mental and physical illnesses, guide my life towards repentance of sins and the doing of good deeds. Oh, great holy Raphael the Archangel! Hear me, a sinner, praying to you, and make me worthy in this and future life to thank and glorify our common Creator forever and ever. Amen".

  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help and recovery;
  • Here you can read a prayer to Archangel Michael for strong protection;
  • Prayer to Matrona for health -

Correct reading of the prayer

Be sure to follow these rules so that the Archangel will help you survive severe pain.

  1. You can come to a church with a request for help, or read the sacred text at home in front of the image.
  2. If you have forgotten the prayer and don’t have the text at hand, then you can turn to the Archangel in your own words, telling about what is greatly bothering you. It is necessary to discuss the problem sincerely, without in any way exaggerating events.
  3. Before turning to Raphael, you should read the basic prayer “Our Father,” which must be memorized, and only then the text to the Archangel. It is very good if the application is not just once, but several times a week. It will take much longer to soothe mental pain than it will to heal a physical wound.

Always know that you are protected. Any pain should go away if you pray and believe in the Lord God. Archangel Raphael is ready to come to the aid of everyone asking for healing. Even though we are not worthy of seeing winged creatures, they really exist in this world. Many people admit that they have seen angels in their dreams, during fevers and poor health. At this time, our brain works as hard as it can, which is why invisible beings become real to our world for a few minutes.

Akathist Archangel Mikhail. Prayer Archangel Raphael prayer for a man's love - https.

Prayer Archangel Raphael. . Prayer Archangel archangel Varachiile!

By prayers near the icon helps Archangel . archangel: Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael.

Prayer Archangel Raphael O… Prayer prayer about my daughter...

Prayer Archangel Raphael O… Prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker about... Maternal prayer about my daughter...

Akathist Archangel Mikhail. Prayer Archangel Raphael about health - see here. Strong prayer for a man's love - https.

Prayer Archangel Raphael. . Prayer Archangel Barachiel. O great archangel of God archangel Varachiile!

By prayers near the icon helps Archangel Mikhail and in many other matters. . Scripture, a total of 4 are described there archangel: Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael.

Prayer Archangel Raphael O… Prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker about... Maternal prayer about my daughter...

Prayer Archangel Raphael O… Prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker about... Maternal prayer about my daughter...

Akathist Archangel Mikhail. Prayer Archangel Raphael about health - see here. Strong prayer for a man's love - https.

Prayer Archangel Raphael. . Prayer Archangel Barachiel. O great archangel of God archangel Varachiile!

@2017 Bogolyub is the first online magazine about Christianity. God loves us.

Archangel Raphael - sphere of responsibility, prayers, icons and seal

Archangel Raphael is a healing angel who punishes demons and fallen angels, and also watches over people. Find out in what cases you can ask for his help, what prayers to read and how to use his seal.

Archangel Raphael in Orthodoxy

Archangel name Rafaila comes from a Hebrew word that translates as " heal" In modern Hebrew there is a word " rophe" - this is how Jews call doctors, which again indicates an unambiguous translation of the name of the divine messenger. There is an Archangel with this name in Judaism, Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Islam.

Archangel Raphael is the main heavenly patron of medicine

Archangel Raphael is in second place in importance among the other archangels, after Archangel Michael. He is credited with the ability to heal and relieve any pain. And we are not just talking about physical healing. Archangel Raphael heals a person at all levels of his existence. This is the healing of body and soul, events and all things. You can contact him with almost any question. In the prayer of Archangel Raphael, you can ask for both healing from an illness and healing of relationships or a difficult life situation.

Archangel Raphael imprisoned the bound fallen angel Azazel in the desert on God's orders. This was the punishment for the fact that Azazel gave people crafts, which contributed to their corruption. Like other archangels, he is assigned to guard the fallen angels and their mortal wives. Together with them he will go to battle against Azazel and his army when the hour of battle comes. He watches people and their actions.

Raphael not only knows how to heal, he is also a fighter against evil. IN Book of Tobit he becomes the companion of the author's son in the guise of a mortal man. During the journey described in this Catholic source, the archangel bound and expelled a demon who killed the husbands of Sarah, the daughter of Raguel, who became the wife of the author’s son. Raphael, according to Tobit, healed his blindness, after which he told him who he really was.

According to Enoch, Raphael spoke of four places in which human souls in anticipation of the Last Judgment - in fact, there are not only Heaven and Hell, there are also other worlds. He showed Enoch the tree from which the fruit had been plucked by Adam and Eve. According to legend, he gave a magic ring to Solomon, with the help of which the king could subjugate demons to his will.

Archangel Raphael in Orthodoxy and Catholicism is considered the patron saint of travelers and healers, as well as an assistant to the sick and suffering. All people who are involved in traditional and alternative medicine, healing, nature conservation, and helping animals in one way or another fall under his patronage.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for his help

Icon with Archangel Raphael

You can call on Archangel Raphael not only for yourself, but also to help a loved one. He will appear where help is needed. But this archangel never helps if there is no human desire to do so. If your loved one refuses spiritual healing, Archangel Uriel will help guide him on the right path, while Raphael will only help the person who sincerely wants to receive it. You can turn to him for healing from any disease; the same archangel can advise methods of treatment for you or your patient, if you are a healer. He heals both people and animals.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael relieves anxiety and helps fight stress and anxiety. He is a healer of soul and body. Listening to it has the same effect. Akathist Archangel Raphael. This archangel will help you get rid of bad habits and bad inclinations that harm your health, spirituality and emotional state. By turning to it, you can cleanse the room and get rid of negative energy.

If you are learning healing or trying to work on developing clairvoyance, the help of Archangel Raphael will also not be superfluous. However, it will only help you if your abilities are used for good deeds. Raphael protects travelers from any troubles, helps in finding lost pets, and also teaches order and organization.

Archangel Raphael, I need help with (describe the situation). I ask you to fill my body with your powerful healing energy and surround me with Divine love. Now I completely trust God and you and am open to finding my God-given health in every sense of the word. Thank you for your energy, prosperity and happiness, Lord and Raphael!

In order to call him to a loved one or animal, you need to read a prayer with visualization. Imagine how, together with the other archangels, Raphael envelops the sufferer in green light, reciting the prayer:

Archangel Raphael, please make a healing visit to (name of person or animal) and promote the health and well-being of everyone involved in this situation. Please help us all to revive our thoughts about faith and hope, free us from fears and doubts. Please clear the space so that Divine health can be realized now and preserved forever. Thank you.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing

There is a special prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing. It can be read by both the patient himself and his loved ones:

Oh, great holy Archangel Raphael, stand before the throne of God! By the grace given to you by the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies, you healed the righteous man Tobit from bodily blindness, and you saved his son Tobias from an evil spirit while traveling with him. I earnestly pray to you: be my guide in my life. Save me from all visible and invisible enemies, heal my mental and physical illnesses, guide my life towards repentance of sins and the doing of good deeds. Oh, great holy Raphael the Archangel! Hear me, a sinner, praying to you, and make me worthy in this and the future life to thank and glorify our common Creator forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for marriage

A prayer to Archangel Raphael for marriage can be read by a man who wants to find his betrothed and start a family. It can be read by the mother of a guy who has no luck with women, as well as his father and anyone close person. The main thing is that he himself wants to marry a decent girl, because Rafail does not help by force.

Oh, holy, glorious Archangel of God Raphael! A quick helper and warm before God for us, intercessor and prayer leader. Standing before the throne of the Holy Trinity, ask us from the Lord for forgiveness of our sins: may He turn over to mercy His righteous anger, which is brought upon us for the sake of our sins. Do not forsake us, O Archangel of God, with your help and intercession, who today glorify your holy name. Even though we have committed many sins, we still do not want to perish in our iniquities. Strengthen our weak will for good deeds with the grace of the Lord. Be a guide and adviser to us, like the youth Tobiah, in our many-sorrowful life. Help us get rid of the diseases that oppress us, just as you saved Tobit from his many years of blindness. When the hour of our death approaches, do not leave us, Archangel of God, defenseless in the air ordeals against the spirits of evil blocking the sunrise to the heavenly. May we, guarded by you, reach the abodes of our heavenly Father and, together with you and with all the saints, glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Archangel Raphael - icon

Icon of Archangel Raphael

In paintings, the Archangel Raphael can be depicted with a fish in his hands. This is a reference to Book of Tobit. According to the author, the archangel told his son to catch a fish, after which he taught him how to heal blindness using its gall bladder. He drove out demons with incense from internal organs fish and animals.

On icons, the Archangel Raphael is always depicted with the alabaster of peace. According to the canon, he is depicted as a young man or youth with dark hair. Images of this archangel are quite often found in the wall paintings of Russian churches. For example, in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Pavlov Posad, in the Church of the Pope in Moscow, in the new Church of Seraphim of Sarov, which is located in Anapa.

The icon of Archangel Raphael will be useful to every doctor or healer, as well as a white magician who wants to develop his abilities. Take the travel icon on your trip for good luck. Pray to the image of the archangel when you need his help.

Temple of the Archangel Raphael - sect or true Orthodoxy

The Temple of the Archangel Raphael is a Russian religious organization that calls itself the only true Orthodox Church. A church representative who identifies himself Father Raphael, claims to know the main problem of modern Orthodoxy - the relationship between church and state. According to him, the church is deprived of grace and freedom due to subordination to the state.

The Temple of Raphael was created in 2003. He was repeatedly persecuted by government officials and the law. The temple was searched several times. IN printed publications he appeared only in the role of a dangerous sect. The reputation of the cathedral dedicated to the archangel-healer can hardly be called good.

The provisions of the Temple of Raphael speak of resistance and preservation of Orthodox traditions in defiance of the rules imposed by the state and the Russian Orthodox Church. The founder calls the modern church an institution serving the interests of the new regime, which has nothing in common with true Orthodoxy. The church has an official website where you can find the schedule of services, rules and regulations, and much more.

Pentacle of Archangel Raphael - a talisman for the healer and more

Pentacle of Archangel Raphael

The Pentacle of Archangel Raphael is a powerful amulet that will be useful to both the healer and the ordinary person, whose life has little to do with mysticism. This is an amulet for health and healing, first and foremost. Healers use it when working with herbs to fill them with energy. Raphael can always tell the owner of the seal a way to treat a particular disease and help cure any patient.

The Pentacle of Raphael protects against any evil. Superstitions say that not a single representative of evil spirits will be able to approach a person who wears such a talisman. With its help you can drive out evil spirits and even lift a curse.

In addition, such a talisman will help fight mental suffering. If you lack moral support, wear it and recite prayers to Raphael. In this case, the amulet can be worn both in the right situation and all the time. They also wear it when traveling to avoid problems and difficulties in unfamiliar areas.

In general, the angel Raphael is able to help with any healing - soul, body, and even relationships and conditions in the home or family. You can turn to him in prayer with almost any request. However, this archangel does not help by force. If the one you are praying for does not accept the help of an angel, Raphael will not help him in any way. The archangel's seal is the best amulet for a healer and traveler.

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    On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.