Who lives well in Rus', part 1. ON THE. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”: description, characters, analysis of the poem

...Great happiness falls to those who
who are still in early youth find
themselves and their main goal aspirations.

G. Krzhizhanovsky

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a wonderful Russian poet, whose works are dedicated to the people. Since childhood, we have been reading his poems about peasant children, Russian women, the urban poor, and nature. Years go by, we grow up, but Nekrasov remains a poet, to whose works we return again and again, discovering poems, poems, songs of our favorite author that we have not yet read. In Nekrasov's works we hear sad notes of hopelessness and melancholy. They disturb the soul and force us to look more closely at ourselves and the world around us.
The Yaroslavl land, which became a “small Motherland” for the poet, left its mark on all of his work. Nekrasov spent his childhood in a village on the banks of the Volga, on the estate of his serf-owner father. Communicating with peasants, he absorbed the kindness, sincerity, and breadth of soul of the Russian people. Knowing well the life of ordinary people, the poet was imbued with their pressing problems. And then he sincerely and honestly told in his works about the difficult fate of the people. His poems were a protest against the unrest reigning in the country. Honestly and openly in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” Nekrasov declares about lawlessness, about atrocities, about the outrage against human life.
The beginning of the work reminds me of an ancient Russian epic in its beginning. Indeed, what is not a fairy tale:
At what year
- calculate in which land- guess. On a pillared path, seven men came together...
But this impression only comes from reading the prologue. The further we move with the seekers of happiness, the more often we encounter the harsh reality of Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century. What are our travelers' views on well-being? Some consider the priest, the official, happy, others - the landowner, the tsar... The dispute between the men shows that they do not have a single concept of happiness. The very first meetings bring confusion into the souls of our wanderers: the clergyman does not live better than them, although he eats more satisfyingly:
...In the dead of autumn night, in winter, in severe frosts, and in spring floods
- Go where you are called!.. What is peace in the ass?..
A series of new disappointments follows. There were so many “happy” people here: Ermil Girin, Matrena Timofeevna, and Yakim Nagoy. But their life seems serene only to an outside observer. Who better to tell about themselves than themselves? But there is no joy in their stories, life is full of adversity common man, the human soul hides a lot of grief within itself.
Nekrasov talks with sympathy about people who mistakenly consider themselves happy and are ready to tell passers-by about their lives for a “glass of vodka.” How many of them are “prosperous”! But what is their happiness? In death, which did not touch the narrator, but took away those close to him from life, in the remarkable strength that a cunning man uses, and squeezes out all the juice from a hero, or in vodka, which gives oblivion from worldly affairs:
- And that, firstly, is happiness,
What's in twenty battles
I was, and not killed!

The story about Ermil Girin shows wanderers that they are not looking for happiness there. Against the background of the peasant world, certain vivid images. This is, for example, Yermil. Everything he does and lives is aimed at seeking the happiness of the people. Girin is honest with the peasants and honors ancient Russian customs. It seems that this fairy tale hero, acting among the people in difficult times for them. All the best that is in Ermil Girin attracts the attention of others, makes them fall in love with this person:
He had everything he needed
For happiness...
...Enviable, true honor,
Not bought with money,
Not with fear: with strict truth,
With intelligence and kindness!

Gradually, the wanderers develop a unified concept of happiness and a happy person. You shouldn’t look for well-being in your personal life, it’s not there: Nekrasov leads us to this idea. Only in the honor of the people can true bliss be found, although this does not bring any material benefits to a person, except for the name of the “people's protector,” consumption and Siberia. Author's position gradually becomes the worldview of wanderers.
Nekrasov paints the image of an intellectual who devotes his life to serving the people:

Go to the downtrodden
Go to the offended
Be the first there!

In the fight for people's happiness Grisha Dobrosklonov will find the meaning of his life. The author brings us to this idea at the end of the work. Only in selfless service to the people did the poet see the meaning of life and the true purpose of man. Best features He gives Grisha a fighter for people's happiness. The road of the “people's defender” is difficult, but:

...they walk along it
Only strong souls
To fight, to work...

Anyone could take Dobrosklonov’s place fair man, you just need to love your Motherland and respect the people: With love to the poor mother

Love for all the wahlacina
- and about fifteen years old
Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
A wretched and dark native corner.

Nekrasov’s work “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is still relevant today. Years pass, times change, months, weeks, days fly by, but a person living on earth strives for happiness, wants to find it, but does he find it? We do not have the balance of soul necessary for this state, and happiness is increasingly associated with the word “money”. However, I believe that someday we will know true bliss. For me, the concept of “happiness” consists of several components - this is the ability to find your place in life, do what you love and interesting thing, live a rich life and realize that you are a part of our world, in harmony with the surrounding nature. And my favorite poet supports me in this conviction:

The son cannot look calmly
On my dear mother's grief,
There will be no worthy citizen
I have a cold heart for the Fatherland,
There is no worse reproach for him...
Go into the fire for the honor of the Fatherland,
For conviction, for love...

Written in blank verse and stylized as ancient legends, the poem tells about the long journey through the lands of Mother Rus' of seven travelers who asked the question “who can live well in Rus'.” Nekrasov wrote his work in the second half of the 19th century, as a response to the reforms of Alexander II, who abolished serfdom. The journey of the wanderers was supposed to end in St. Petersburg, but due to the illness and sudden death of the writer, the poem remained unfinished.

A brief retelling of the plot of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

A long time ago, seven men from adjacent villages met on a country road. These were poor people who did not become happier with the abolition of serfdom in Rus'. A dispute ensued between the travelers - who lives well in their native lands? The conversation turned out to be so heated that the men walked 30 miles together and didn’t notice.

We stopped for the night, added some vodka and a fire to the journey, got into a fight, but never got the truth. Apparently fate itself united these people - the men went to long haul on the search happy person. We met a lot of people and listened to dozens of stories. The people of Rus' are strong and patient, but happiness seems to pass them by...

List and brief description of the characters in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

  • Seven male travelers:
  1. Novel - there is no information about it in the poem, there is no characterization;
  2. Demyan is the most “educated” of the travelers, he can read syllables;
  3. Luka is a stupid, bearded man;
  4. Ivan Gubin and his brother
  5. Metropolitan Gubin - drunkards, knowledgeable about horses;
  6. Old Pakhom is a beekeeper, a smart old guy;
  7. Prov is a gloomy man with a strong build.
  • Matryona Timofeevna - Matryona’s life is difficult, she lost her parents early, survived the death of her son. She bravely faces the machinations of fate, but she certainly cannot be considered one of the lucky ones.
  • Bogatyr Savely - Matryona also told the travelers about the sad fate of Savely.
  • The priest is a priest with a difficult service in a village church.
  • Ermil Girin is a young, smart, kind and hardworking peasant. He was a burgomaster, but he made a mistake and could not come to terms with it.
  • Obold Obolduev is a landowner who really lacks serfdom.
  • Prince Utyatin is an old prince who did not recognize the abolition of serfdom.
  • Grisha Dobrosklonov is the 15-year-old son of a clerk, an intelligent and kind fellow, living in poverty, forced to constantly starve.

Brief summary of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by chapters



We met seven men - Demyan, Roman, Luka, Mitrodor, Ivan, Pakhom and Prov - from adjacent villages in Terpigorevo district with “talking” names: Dyryaevo, Razutovo, Zaplatovo, Znobishino, Neelovo, Gorelovo, Neurozhaiko.

The men started a dispute about “who lives better: the priest, the official, the landowner, the tsar.” They argued the whole way together, reached the forest and got into a fight. And then they caught the chick. His mother, a bird, in order to “ransom” her baby, told the men where the self-assembled tablecloth was hidden and bewitched their clothes so that they would never fray. The travelers unrolled the tablecloth, ate and drank, and promised each other that they would not return home until they found someone who was living well in Rus'. Thus began their long journey...

Chapter 1. Pop

The travelers walked for a long time along the birch trees. On the way they came across poor peasants and other “small” people. It was stupid to ask them about happiness - where does it come from?!

Finally, the disputants met the priest. Luke asked him if his life was sweet. The priest considered it a sinful thing to complain about life and simply told how and with what he exists. For him, happiness is “peace, wealth and honor.” But from the clergyman’s story, the seven men concluded that all three named values ​​were absolutely unattainable for their new acquaintance. There is nothing good about living as a priest in Rus'.

Chapter 2. Rural fair

As they continue their journey, the men encounter many deserted villages. It turns out that in one village, the richest one, there is a fair. The travelers decide to wander there and look for the happy villagers. But they don’t find anything good - only dirt, poverty and endless drinking.

Chapter 3. Drunken night

Along the hundred-voice road, the men come across drunken and talkative people. One of them, Yakin Goly, tells them his story: how he saved popular prints from a burning house and lost all his savings. Then the travelers stop to rest and again “join” the crowd to look for the lucky Russians.

Chapter 4. Happy

The wanderers resorted to a little trick. They started shouting to the people that if the “lucky” one came up to them, they would treat him with vodka for nothing. People immediately line up. And everyone is happy, as if by choice: the soldier is glad that he returned barely alive from hellish service, the grandmother is delighted with the turnip harvest, and so on. So a whole bucket of vodka was distributed, but the happy one was not found.

One of the guys in the queue told the story of Ermila Girin, who may be the lucky one. Ermila managed to rise to the ruling rank, he is respected and loved by all the common people. But where is he? “Lucky” is in prison, and the priest promised to tell him why, but the thief was caught in the crowd and everyone rushed to the screams.

Chapter 5. Landowner

Next on the path of the seekers happy people met the landowner Gavrila Obolt-Obolduev. And he told casual acquaintances about his fate. How well he lived under serfdom and how hard it was without it. At the end of the story, the landowner burst into tears.


Last One

The men celebrated the new day on the banks of the Volga River. A huge meadow with mown hay stretched out in front of them. Three boats moored to the shore, and in them was a family of nobles. Everyone around them fawned over the oldest of them, including the peasants freed from serfdom.

It turned out that this was not easy. Prince Utyatin, or the Last One (nickname), when he learned that the serfs were being freed, promised to deprive his sons of their inheritance, since they did not defend the ideals of the landowners. The boyar children persuaded the peasants to play along with them and soon announced to the priest that everything had returned to normal. The peasants were promised a lot of lordly land for the performance. The old man died, the peasants were left with nothing.


Peasant woman

The wanderers visit the governor Matryona Korchagina, who is 38 years old, but she calls herself an old woman. The woman tells them her difficult fate. She was happy for a long time and only when she lived as a girl with her father and mother. Then she got married, her husband went to work, and she stayed with his family to live. I served everyone, but I only regretted old grandfather Savely. Matryonin’s first-born was eaten by pigs, then there were more children, and they even managed to beg her husband to come home from military service. Summing up her speech, Matryona admitted to the travelers that the concept of “female happiness” simply does not exist in Rus'.


Feast for the whole world

There is a feast for the entire village of Vakhlacheno. Here: Klim Yakovlich, Vlas the headman and young seminary students Savvushka and Grisha, who sing good songs. Stories are told again at the table, for example, about the faithful servant Yakov. He served the master and loved him, endured everything until he gave his nephew to military service. The slave started drinking, and when he got over it, he returned to the master and after a while took cruel revenge. Gradually, conversations turn to sad, bloody stories, people begin to sing sad songs.

But the day will come when Rus' will sing only good songs and there will be no need to look for the happy - everyone will be happy. The first bricks for this day have been laid and they are two seminarians at a common table. Grisha, son of a clerk, from the very youth decided to devote himself to the fight for the happiness of the people. He loves his native village as deeply as his mother. And walks around native land with a song on my lips. His plans and dreams will come true, a difficult but noble life awaits this boy. It’s a pity that the travelers don’t hear Grisha singing about Rus'; then they wouldn’t have gone further, but would have gone home, because they would have realized that they had found the one they were going to look for.

This is how Nekrasov’s poem ended, but even from its unfinished chapters it becomes clear to the reader how difficult it was for the people after the reforms in Rus'.

The history of the creation of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”

The plot of the poem was conceived by the author in the 1850s, and the final point was set by him in 1877. Nekrasov worked closely on this work for almost 15 years and, unfortunately, death did not allow him to complete his work. The editors and publishers received the manuscript in scattered form, since the writer did not have time to put it together in the required order. Known to contemporaries a version of the poem was prepared for publication by K. Chukovsky, relying on Nekrasov’s notes, diaries and drafts.

The work of the great Russian poet tells us how seven peasants decided throughout Rus' during their journey to find a happy man. According to the author’s idea, the men were supposed to reach St. Petersburg, but due to Nikolai Alexandrovich’s serious illness and sudden death, the poem remained unfinished.

So, at a crossroads, seven men from the Terpigorevo district meet, but each of them is from a different poor and wretched village. They all argue with each other about who lives the best life. One claims that he is a landowner, the other that he is a priest.

Everyone left home important matter, but having met, they began a conversation on this topic to such an extent that they not only forgot about everything in the world, but also began to fight during the argument.

Having reached the forest, they continued their conflict and alarmed all the animals and birds. Frightened by such noise, the chick falls out of the nest and the men pick it up, and think that it is easier for the bird to find out where it is good to live in Rus'. A frightened warbler and the chick's mother flies up to them and asks them to give her the chick. As a reward, she shows them where the treasure is buried, and there is a magic tablecloth that will always give them something to drink and feed, but you can’t ask for too much alcohol. She enchants their clothes so that they are safe and sound on the journey and fly away with her chick. Satisfied peasants, having eaten and drunk, decide not to return home until they find out who is living well.

Walking along the road they meet different people. These are both soldiers and apprentices, but from their appearance it is immediately clear that life is not sweet for them. Late in the evening they come across a priest, whom they learn about his fate. As the priest himself thinks, his happiness should lie in peace, wealth and respect for him. But in reality this is not true. The groans of dying people and long service with crying do not bring him any peace. When the priest finished his sad story, he leaves and the men attack Luka, who proved that the priest had a rich life, but in fact, it turned out not to be so.

After an argument, the peasants go to a fair in the village of Kuzminskoye, which is famous for its large number of taverns and drunken people. They also sell books here, but more and more with simple pictures. And no one knows when they will start buying and reading the literature of Russian classics. The men, being around the fair, continue on their way, but it was already night. And in the darkness they hear different people talking about their troubles and problems. One of the wanderers reproaches the peasants for this way of life. And Yakim Goly, who lives in this village, justifies his villagers. After all, they don’t drink because they have a good life.

The travelers, having filled a bucket of vodka, decide to find out who the inhabitants are in this life.

The bucket quickly emptied, but the happy man was never found.

Continuing on their way, the men come across the landowner Gavrila Afanasyevich Obolta-Obolduev, who told them his story. He was a kind master, his servants loved him, but they took away his land, squandered his farm, and ordered him to work, but he was not taught this.

Next they come across a peasant woman, Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, who tells about her difficult lot as a woman. All her life she worked for her husband’s relatives, lost her eldest son Demushka, whom she still cannot forget. And as the woman says, a woman’s happiness is unknown where it is located.

The most glorious place for our heroes seems to be the village of Vakhlachina, where festivities take place. The men also feast, joined by two seminarians who sing joyful songs and tell interesting stories. One of them, Grisha, has been firmly convinced since the age of 15 that he wants to dedicate his destiny to the happiness of the people. In the future it will be people's defender. But the peasants do not hear him, otherwise they would understand that there is a happy man standing in front.

After all, it is precisely through the appearance of people like Gregory that Rus' will rise from its slave knees and national happiness will come.

The main idea of ​​the story Who Lives Well in Rus' by Nekrasova

The work teaches us to understand what the value of true happiness is. And for this you don’t need much - it’s a friendly and strong family, work that brings joy and profit for yourself, and to show yourself in this life as the kind of person that others respect you.

Very briefly (short summary)

You can use this text for reader's diary

Nekrasov N. A.. All works

  • Grandfather
  • Who can live well in Rus'?
  • Schoolboy

Who lives well in Rus'? Picture for the story

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In what year - calculate
Guess what land?
On the sidewalk
Seven men came together:
Seven temporarily obliged,
A tightened province,
Terpigoreva County,
Empty parish,
From adjacent villages:
Zaplatova, Dyryavina,
Razutova, Znobishina,
Gorelova, Neelova -
There is also a poor harvest,
They came together and argued:
Who has fun?
Free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,
Demyan said: to the official,
Luke said: ass.
To the fat-bellied merchant! -
The Gubin brothers said,
Ivan and Metrodor.
Old man Pakhom pushed
And he said, looking at the ground:
To the noble boyar,
To the sovereign minister.
And Prov said: to the king...

The guy's a bull: he'll get in trouble
What a whim in the head -
Stake her from there
You can’t knock them out: they resist,
Everyone stands on their own!
Is this the kind of argument they started?
What do passers-by think?
You know, the kids found the treasure
And they share among themselves...
Each one in his own way
Left the house before noon:
That path led to the forge,
He went to the village of Ivankovo
Call Father Prokofy
Baptize the child.
Groin honeycomb
Carried to the market in Velikoye,
And the two Gubina brothers
So easy with a halter
Catch a stubborn horse
They went to their own herd.
It's high time for everyone
Return on your own way -
They are walking side by side!
They walk as if they are being chased
Behind them are gray wolves,
What's further is quick.
They go - they reproach!
They scream - they won’t come to their senses!
But time doesn’t wait.

They didn’t notice the dispute
As the red sun set,
How evening came.
I'd probably kiss you all night
So they went - where, not knowing,
If only they met a woman,
Gnarled Durandiha,
She didn’t shout: “Reverends!
Where are you looking at night?
Have you decided to go?..”

She asked, she laughed,
Whipped, witch, gelding
And she rode off at a gallop...

“Where?..” - they looked at each other
Our men are here
They stand, silent, looking down...
The night has long since passed,
The stars lit up frequently
In the high skies
The moon has surfaced, the shadows are black
The road was cut
Zealous walkers.
Oh shadows! black shadows!
Who won't you catch up with?
Who won't you overtake?
Only you, black shadows,
You can't catch it - you can't hug it!

To the forest, to the path-path
Pakhom looked, remained silent,
I looked - my mind scattered
And finally he said:

"Well! goblin nice joke
He played a joke on us!
No way, after all, we are almost
We've gone thirty versts!
Now tossing and turning home -
We're tired - we won't get there,
Let's sit down - there's nothing to do.
Let's rest until the sun!..”

Blaming the trouble on the devil,
Under the forest along the path
The men sat down.
They lit a fire, formed a formation,
Two people ran for vodka,
And the others as long as
The glass was made
The birch bark has been touched.
The vodka arrived soon.
The snack has arrived -
The men are feasting!

They drank three kosushki,
We ate and argued
Again: who has fun living?
Free in Rus'?
Roman shouts: to the landowner,
Demyan shouts: to the official,
Luka shouts: ass;
Kupchina fat-bellied, -
The Gubin brothers are shouting,
Ivan and Mitrodor;
Pakhom shouts: to the brightest
To the noble boyar,
To the sovereign minister,
And Prov shouts: to the king!

It took more than before
Perky men,
They swear obscenely,
No wonder they grab it
In each other's hair...

Look - they've already grabbed it!
Roman is pushing Pakhomushka,
Demyan pushes Luka.
And the two Gubina brothers
They iron the hefty Provo, -
And everyone shouts his own!

A booming echo woke up,
Let's go for a walk,
Let's go scream and shout
As if to tease
Stubborn men.
To the king! - can be heard to the right,
To the left responds:
Ass! ass! ass!
The whole forest was in commotion
With flying birds
Swift-footed beasts
And creeping reptiles, -
And a groan, and a roar, and a roar!

First of all, little gray bunny
From a neighboring bush
Suddenly he jumped out, as if disheveled,
And he ran away!
Small jackdaws are behind him
Birch trees were raised at the top
A nasty, sharp squeak.
And then there’s the warbler
Tiny chick with fright
Fell from the nest;
The warbler chirps and cries,
Where is the chick? – he won’t find it!
Then the old cuckoo
I woke up and thought
Someone to cuckoo;
Accepted ten times
Yes, I got lost every time
And started again...
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
The bread will begin to spike,
You'll choke on an ear of corn -
You won't cuckoo!
Seven eagle owls flew together,
Admiring the carnage
From seven big trees,
They're laughing, night owls!
And their eyes are yellow
They burn like burning wax
Fourteen candles!
And the raven, a smart bird,
Arrived, sitting on a tree
Right by the fire.
Sits and prays to the devil,
To be slapped to death
Which one!
Cow with a bell
That I've been off since the evening
From the herd, I heard a little
Human voices -
She came to the fire and stared
Eyes on the men
I listened to crazy speeches
And began, my heart,
Moo, moo, moo!

The stupid cow moos
Small jackdaws squeak.
The boys are screaming,
And the echo echoes everyone.
He has only one concern -
Teasing honest people
Scare the boys and women!
Nobody saw him
And everyone has heard,
Without a body - but it lives,
Without a tongue - screams!

Owl - Zamoskvoretskaya
The princess is immediately mooing,
Flies over the peasants
Crashing on the ground,
It’s about the bushes with the wing...

The fox herself is cunning,
Out of womanish curiosity,
Snuck up on the men
I listened, I listened
And she walked away, thinking:
“And the devil won’t understand them!”
Indeed: the debaters themselves
They hardly knew, they remembered -
What are they making noise about...

Having bruised my sides quite a bit
To each other, we came to our senses
Finally, the peasants
They drank from a puddle,
Washed, freshened up,
Sleep began to tilt them...
Meanwhile, the tiny chick,
Little by little, half a seedling,
Flying low,
I got close to the fire.

Pakhomushka caught him,
He brought it to the fire and looked at it
And he said: “Little bird,
And the marigold is awesome!
I breathe and you'll roll off your palm,
If I sneeze, you'll roll into the fire,
If I click, you'll roll around dead
But you, little bird,
Stronger than a man!
The wings will soon get stronger,
Bye bye! wherever you want
That's where you'll fly!
Oh, you little birdie!
Give us your wings
We'll fly around the whole kingdom,
Let's see, let's explore,
Let's ask around and find out:
Who lives happily?
Is it at ease in Rus'?

“You wouldn’t even need wings,
If only we had some bread
Half a pound a day, -
And so we would Mother Rus'
They tried it on with their feet!” -
Said the gloomy Prov.

“Yes, a bucket of vodka,” -
They added eagerly
Before vodka, the Gubin brothers,
Ivan and Metrodor.

“Yes, in the morning there would be cucumbers
Ten of salty ones,” -
The men were joking.
“And at noon I would like a jug
Cold kvass."

“And in the evening, have a cup of tea
Have some hot tea..."

While they were chatting,
The warbler whirled and whirled
Above them: listened to everything
And she sat down by the fire.
Chiviknula, jumped up
And in a human voice
Pahomu says:

“Let the chick go free!
For a chick for a small one
I will give a large ransom."

- What will you give? -
“I’ll give you some bread
Half a pound a day
I'll give you a bucket of vodka,
I'll give you some cucumbers in the morning,
And at noon, sour kvass,
And in the evening, tea!”

- And where, little birdie, -
The Gubin brothers asked,
You will find wine and bread
Are you like seven men? -

“If you find it, you will find it yourself.
And I, little birdie,
I'll tell you how to find it."

- Tell! -
"Walk through the forest,
Against pillar thirty
Just a mile away:
Come to the clearing,
They are standing in that clearing
Two old pine trees
Under these pine trees
The box is buried.
Get her, -
That magic box:
It contains a self-assembled tablecloth,
Whenever you wish,
He will feed you and give you something to drink!
Just say quietly:
"Hey! self-assembled tablecloth!
Treat the men!”
According to your wishes,
At my command,
Everything will appear immediately.
Now let the chick go!”

- Wait! we are poor people
We are going on a long journey, -
Pakhom answered her. -
I see you are a wise bird,
Respect old clothes
Bewitch us!

- So that the peasant Armenians
Worn, not torn down! -
Roman demanded.

- So that fake bast shoes
They served, they didn’t crash, -
Demyan demanded.

- Damn the louse, vile flea
She didn’t breed in shirts, -
Luka demanded.

- If only he could spoil... -
The Gubins demanded...

And the bird answered them:
“The tablecloth is all self-assembled
Repair, wash, dry
You will... Well, let me go!..”

Opening your palm wide,
He released the chick with his groin.
He let it in - and the tiny chick,
Little by little, half a seedling,
Flying low,
Headed towards the hollow.
A warbler flew behind him
And on the fly she added:
“Look, mind you, one thing!
How much food can he bear?
Womb - then ask,
And you can ask for vodka
Exactly a bucket a day.
If you ask more,
And once and twice - it will be fulfilled
At your request,
And the third time there will be trouble!
And the warbler flew away
With your birth chick,
And the men in single file
We reached for the road
Look for pillar thirty.
Found! - They walk silently
Straightforward, straight forward
Through the dense forest,
Every step counts.
And how they measured the mile,
We saw a clearing -
They are standing in that clearing
Two old pine trees...
The peasants dug around
Got that box
Opened and found
That tablecloth is self-assembled!
They found it and cried out at once:
“Hey, self-assembled tablecloth!
Treat the men!”
Lo and behold, the tablecloth unfolded,
Where did they come from?
Two hefty arms
They put a bucket of wine,
They piled up a mountain of bread
And they hid again.
“Why are there no cucumbers?”
“Why is there no hot tea?”
“Why is there no cold kvass?”
Everything appeared suddenly...
The peasants got loose
They sat down by the tablecloth.
There's a feast here!
Kissing for joy
They promise each other
Don't fight in vain,
But the matter is really controversial
According to reason, according to God,
On the honor of the story -
Don't toss and turn in the houses,
Don't see your wives
Not with the little guys
Not with old people,
As long as the matter is moot
No solution will be found
Until they find out
No matter what for certain:
Who lives happily?
Free in Rus'?
Having made such a vow,
In the morning like dead
The men fell asleep...

In what year - calculate
Guess what land?
On the sidewalk
Seven men came together:
Seven temporarily obliged,
A tightened province,
Terpigoreva County,
Empty parish,
From adjacent villages:
Zaplatova, Dyryavina,
Razutova, Znobishina,
Gorelova, Neelova -
There is also a poor harvest,
They came together and argued:
Who has fun?
Free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,
Demyan said: to the official,
Luke said: ass.
To the fat-bellied merchant! -
The Gubin brothers said,
Ivan and Metrodor.
Old man Pakhom pushed
And he said, looking at the ground:
To the noble boyar,
To the sovereign minister.
And Prov said: to the king...

The guy's a bull: he'll get in trouble
What a whim in the head -
Stake her from there
You can’t knock them out: they resist,
Everyone stands on their own!
Is this the kind of argument they started?
What do passers-by think?
You know, the kids found the treasure
And they share among themselves...
Each one in his own way
Left the house before noon:
That path led to the forge,
He went to the village of Ivankovo
Call Father Prokofy
Baptize the child.
Groin honeycomb
Carried to the market in Velikoye,
And the two Gubina brothers
So easy with a halter
Catch a stubborn horse
They went to their own herd.
It's high time for everyone
Return on your own way -
They are walking side by side!
They walk as if they are being chased
Behind them are gray wolves,
What's further is quick.
They go - they reproach!
They scream - they won’t come to their senses!
But time doesn’t wait.

They didn’t notice the dispute
As the red sun set,
How evening came.
I'd probably kiss you all night
So they went - where, not knowing,
If only they met a woman,
Gnarled Durandiha,
She didn’t shout: “Reverends!
Where are you looking at night?
Are you thinking about going?..”

She asked, she laughed,
Whipped, witch, gelding
And she rode off at a gallop...

“Where?..” - they looked at each other
Our men are here
They stand, silent, looking down...
The night has long since passed,
The stars lit up frequently
In the high skies
The moon has surfaced, the shadows are black
The road was cut
Zealous walkers.
Oh shadows! black shadows!
Who won't you catch up with?
Who won't you overtake?
Only you, black shadows,
You can't catch it - you can't hug it!

To the forest, to the path-path
Pakhom looked, remained silent,
I looked - my mind scattered
And finally he said:

"Well! the goblin has a nice joke
He played a joke on us!
No way, after all, we are almost
We've gone thirty versts!
Now tossing and turning home -
We're tired - we won't get there,
Let's sit down - there's nothing to do.
Let's rest until the sun!..”

Blaming the trouble on the devil,
Under the forest along the path
The men sat down.
They lit a fire, formed a formation,
Two people ran for vodka,
And the others as long as
The glass was made
The birch bark has been touched.
The vodka arrived soon.
The snack has arrived -
The men are feasting!

They drank three kosushki,
We ate and argued
Again: who has fun living?
Free in Rus'?
Roman shouts: to the landowner,
Demyan shouts: to the official,
Luka shouts: ass;
Kupchina fat-bellied, -
The Gubin brothers are shouting,
Ivan and Mitrodor;
Pakhom shouts: to the brightest
To the noble boyar,
To the sovereign minister,
And Prov shouts: to the king!

It took more than before
Perky men,
They swear obscenely,
No wonder they grab it
In each other's hair...

Look - they've already grabbed it!
Roman is pushing Pakhomushka,
Demyan pushes Luka.
And the two Gubina brothers
They iron the hefty Provo, -
And everyone shouts his own!

A booming echo woke up,
Let's go for a walk,
Let's go scream and shout
As if to tease
Stubborn men.
To the king! - can be heard to the right,
To the left responds:
Ass! ass! ass!
The whole forest was in commotion
With flying birds
Swift-footed beasts
And creeping reptiles, -
And a groan, and a roar, and a roar!

First of all, little gray bunny
From a neighboring bush
Suddenly he jumped out, as if disheveled,
And he ran away!
Small jackdaws are behind him
Birch trees were raised at the top
A nasty, sharp squeak.
And then there’s the warbler
Tiny chick with fright
Fell from the nest;
The warbler chirps and cries,
Where is the chick? – he won’t find it!
Then the old cuckoo
I woke up and thought
Someone to cuckoo;
Accepted ten times
Yes, I got lost every time
And started again...
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!
The bread will begin to spike,
You'll choke on an ear of corn -
You won't cuckoo!
Seven eagle owls flew together,
Admiring the carnage
From seven big trees,
They're laughing, night owls!
And their eyes are yellow
They burn like burning wax
Fourteen candles!
And the raven, a smart bird,
Arrived, sitting on a tree
Right by the fire.
Sits and prays to the devil,
To be slapped to death
Which one!
Cow with a bell
That I've been off since the evening
From the herd, I heard a little
Human voices -
She came to the fire and stared
Eyes on the men
I listened to crazy speeches
And began, my heart,
Moo, moo, moo!

The stupid cow moos
Small jackdaws squeak.
The boys are screaming,
And the echo echoes everyone.
He has only one concern -
Teasing honest people
Scare the boys and women!
Nobody saw him
And everyone has heard,
Without a body - but it lives,
Without a tongue - screams!

Owl - Zamoskvoretskaya
The princess is immediately mooing,
Flies over the peasants
Crashing on the ground,
It’s about the bushes with the wing...

The fox herself is cunning,
Out of womanish curiosity,
Snuck up on the men
I listened, I listened
And she walked away, thinking:
"And the devil won't understand them!"
Indeed: the debaters themselves
They hardly knew, they remembered -
What are they making noise about...

Having bruised my sides quite a bit
To each other, we came to our senses
Finally, the peasants
They drank from a puddle,
Washed, freshened up,
Sleep began to tilt them...
Meanwhile, the tiny chick,
Little by little, half a seedling,
Flying low,
I got close to the fire.

Pakhomushka caught him,
He brought it to the fire and looked at it
And he said: “Little bird,
And the marigold is awesome!
I breathe and you'll roll off your palm,
If I sneeze, you'll roll into the fire,
If I click, you'll roll around dead
But you, little bird,
Stronger than a man!
The wings will soon get stronger,
Bye bye! wherever you want
That's where you'll fly!
Oh, you little birdie!
Give us your wings
We'll fly around the whole kingdom,
Let's see, let's explore,
Let's ask around and find out:
Who lives happily?
Is it at ease in Rus'?

"There wouldn't be any need for wings,
If only we had some bread
Half a pound a day, -
And so we would Mother Rus'
They tried it on with their feet!" -
Said the gloomy Prov.

“Yes, a bucket of vodka,” -
They added eagerly
Before vodka, the Gubin brothers,
Ivan and Metrodor.

Under these pine trees
The box is buried.
Get her, -
That magic box:
It contains a self-assembled tablecloth,
Whenever you wish,
He will feed you and give you something to drink!
Just say quietly:
"Hey! The tablecloth is self-assembled!
Serve the men!"
According to your wishes,
At my command,
Everything will appear immediately.
Now let the chick go!”

- Wait! we are poor people
We are going on a long journey, -
Pakhom answered her. -
I see you are a wise bird,
Respect old clothes
Bewitch us!

- So that the peasant Armenians
Worn, not torn down! -
Roman demanded.

- So that fake bast shoes
They served, they didn’t crash, -
Demyan demanded.

- Damn the louse, vile flea
She didn’t breed in shirts, -
Luka demanded.

- If only he could spoil... -
The Gubins demanded...

And the bird answered them:
"The tablecloth is all self-assembled
Repair, wash, dry
You will... Well, let me go!..”