How does your love for nature express itself? An essay-reasoning on the topic “Love for the Motherland. Love for the Motherland is love for the native land

Tamara Korolchenko
Forming love for the Motherland through love for nature native land

Love to motherland- this is one of the manifestations of patriotism. This complex feeling is made up of emotionally - positive attitude, sustained interest in nature and the desire to work in nature, transforming and protecting it. What attractive force lies in what surrounds us since childhood? Why, even after leaving native places on long years , a person remembers them with warmth and love, proudly talks about the beauty and wealth of his native land?

In this expression of deep love for everything what's with early years entered the heart as the most precious thing. My love for native places, knowledge of what he is famous for motherland, To nature of the native land adults pass it on to children. This is extremely important for nurturing the beginnings of patriotic feelings.

First ideas about home country, which the child receives in kindergarten, must include information about the nature of that area, that the edges, Where does he live. Any region is unique.

IN any its own special, unique place nature. Everywhere there is "special", paths dear to its inhabitants, "special" trees. In our Bogorodskoye, in my opinion, these are linden trees, old and huge, which still remain in the village, beautiful mountain ash trees along the road, and, of course, spruces at the monument to fallen soldiers, a pond near the church.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man became a man only when he saw the beauty of the evening dawn and a cloud floating in blue sky, heard the nightingale singing and experienced admiration for the beauty of space. Since then, thought and beauty go hand in hand; but this ennobling requires great educational efforts..."

Each object nature, bright or modest, big or small, is attractive in its own way, and by describing it, the child learns to determine his attitude towards nature, convey it in stories, drawings.

Meetings with nature excite the child’s imagination, contribute to the development of speech, visual, and play creativity.

Communication with nature, knowledge of its secrets ennobles a person, makes him more sensitive. The more we learn nature of the native land, the more we begin to love him. A child enters the world very early nature of the native land. The river and forest gradually come to life for him. Playing in the forest, in a meadow, on the banks of a river or lake, picking mushrooms and berries, and observing animals and plants give children many joyful experiences. From the first general perception, the child moves on to specification - he has favorite paths in the forest, trees, a place for fishing by the river. This makes the forest, the river yours, relatives that remain in memory for a lifetime. A person keeps these memories all his life. From close attention To nature, from attachment to the place of children's games, arises and develops love for one's native land, To native nature , To Homeland, a sense of patriotism is fostered. So natural the environment acts as the first teacher introducing the child to Homeland. beauty native nature It also reveals the beauty of human labor and gives rise to the desire to make one’s land even more beautiful. Love for nature determined by a careful attitude towards it. In children preschool age this is expressed in basic care for plants and animals. Interest in nature appears already in early preschool age. The baby is surprised when he meets a new flower, an unfamiliar animal, the first one with her, running streams. His questions are the first shoots of a joyful feeling of knowledge nature, interest in it, and this needs to be strengthened and supported. Targeted walks are carried out with children aged 3-4 years. They are short-term, episodic. Gradually the boundaries of observations are expanding: kindergarten site, familiar street, river, field. The teacher not only imparts to children the first knowledge about nature, but also gives an example of estimates of observables phenomena: “This is a meadow, look how beautiful it is, how many there are different colors growing: and yellow and white pigeons..."

However, the pupil younger age already introduced to the rules careful attitude To nature: plants need to be watered, flowers, leaves should not be picked unnecessarily,

Introduce older preschoolers to nature of the native land possible on excursions and walks, during classes and conversations, during observations. However, this is not enough: Children need a minimum of basic environmental knowledge to help them understand the need to behave environmentally Right: do not make noise in the forest, do not play loud music, do not light a fire close to trees, do not pick armfuls of flowers, do not offend insects and birds.

Great help in enriching the sensory ideas of preschoolers, in organizing their various meetings with nature can provide family. On Sunday parents with children they go to the forest, to a pond, you can ask them to collect natural material, identify medicinal plants, photograph something unusual. And then place these photographs and crafts at exhibitions. This is also practiced very often in our kindergarten.

Convey your attitude towards nature, a child can through landscape lyrics of Pushkin, Yesenin, Nekrasov, through making up stories from personal experience, in drawings, crafts.

The final stage of work to familiarize children with nature of the native land and nurturing love for the homeland are holidays and leisure evenings "Seasons", “I love Russian birch”, « Native nature» and etc.

It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and attachment to values native land. Native the edge is part of our homeland.

Every person needs to know native nature.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of moral and patriotic qualities of preschool children through familiarization with the history and culture of their native land The formation of moral and patriotic qualities in preschool children is a long and complex process. Therefore, educational work.

Relevance: For many centuries, man, directly or indirectly influencing nature, has changed its appearance. Following changes in living conditions.

Speech at the Moscow Educational Institution in MBDOU d/s No. 42 November 26, 2015. Theme of the Moscow Education: “Formation of the foundations of moral and patriotic education through love for.

Formation of cognitive activity by getting acquainted with the nature of the native land The feeling of love for the Motherland, native land is one of the strongest feelings. Will a person feel attached to native land, if moving away.

Consultation “Formation of ecological culture in the process of familiarizing older preschoolers with the nature of their native land” The development of the content of environmental education for preschoolers and its experimental testing convinced experts that nature.

From childhood we are taught to appreciate and respect what is around us. And this is all for a reason, because everything that surrounds us, for example the air we breathe, the grass we walk on, is all nature. So many beautiful things surround us. Nature is the most valuable thing on earth.

If we don’t take care of nature, then all this may not happen. But in the spring you really want to see beautifully blooming flowers and hear beautiful birdsong. In order for all this to continue to please us, we should take care and love the nature around us. When you walk down the street and eat candy, it’s not at all difficult to throw the candy wrapper into a trash container and thereby not pollute the environment. What a pity that some people forget about these simple things and pollute the environment. If every person did at least something good for nature, then what surrounds us would be much more beautiful.

Nature provides man with everything he needs for his life. All the beauty on earth is only thanks to nature. Only thanks to nature can both people and animals live on earth and not need anything. If people want to live in beauty and not need anything, then they need to protect nature, even from their own kind. We must appreciate and not forget about this. Man must protect and preserve nature.

15.3 9th grade Unified State Examination

Essay Love of Nature

Nature can be called everything around us. Soils, bodies of water, plants, animals belong to and constitute our understanding of “nature”. Everyone knows from childhood that all this needs to be protected, surrounded with care and attention. And in order to carry through life such a sensitive and reverent attitude towards nature, you must first of all love it.

Love for nature is an important trait of human character, without which a peaceful and fruitful existence on Earth among the great variety of living organisms that inhabit it is impossible. Love for nature in different periods life and different people finds different expression. Children express their affection most directly - they feel sorry for torn leaves and branches, feed and pet homeless animals, and help elders care for indoor and garden plants.

Teenagers, already familiar with the concept of ecology and the importance of caring for nature, express their love by imitating adults. They study natural sciences in order to later work for the benefit of nature, share their thoughts and achievements with their peers, and mentor younger comrades. Adults love nature much more calmly than young men and children. The love of adults is the ability to combine one’s needs and the ability of nature to meet these needs; Thus, adults monitor the cleanliness and abundance of reservoirs, the health and living conditions of animals.

Those whose professions are not directly related to nature conservation help it as best they can - they save water, buy environmentally friendly things and products, monitor cleanliness and do not allow themselves to pollute nature. Those whose education allows them to work directly with nature save those whose lives are under threat, develop new mechanisms for maintaining the vitality of nature, and educate others.

People of art love nature absolutely in a special way– they perceive it as an object of theirs artistic creativity, like a muse that inspires them. Thus, artists create magnificent landscapes, photographers capture the beauty of nature in their photographs, poets glorify nature in poetry, musicians dedicate their majestic concerts and symphonies to the cycle of nature. So, love for nature is a feeling that is both complex and simple. It is complex because everyone expresses it differently, but no one will ever say exactly what it is.

And simple - because the feeling of tenderness for nature, and, above all, nature home country, given to us from childhood and is felt very acutely and clearly at any age. Thus, love for nature is not just a necessary, but even an integral property of a person, which is realized individually for each of us.

15.3 9th grade Unified State Examination

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Many Russian writers reveal the richness and beauty of the natural world in their works. But if Fet is attracted by nature in its variability, constant change of states, if in the works of Turgenev, Nikitin, Paustovsky the main idea- harmony of man and nature, then Prishvin raises questions about the meaning of life in his works. He reflects on himself and makes us think about how we should live in order to leave our mark on the earth. He teaches to love everyone, while maintaining attention to everyone. In his stories we feel a great love for nature and man, and for Prishvin these two concepts are inextricably linked. The writer's love for nature is born from his love for man, and all his works are filled with kindred attention to man and to the land where this man lives and works.

So, for example, in “Forest Drop” the writer seeks to find “the key to his own soul.” This book is filled with his apt observations, accurate descriptions of nature, and at the same time the author writes about moral quests a person, about the feelings that fill the soul. Reading the miniatures included in it, it is as if, together with the author, we hear the ringing of “forest drops”, are fascinated by the smell of “walnut smoke” and understand that all this beauty must be preserved, preserved, so that others can admire it all.

Prishvin’s works, in his own words, are “the endless joy of constant discovery.” Indeed, Prishvin’s ability to see and discover something interesting in any phenomenon is amazing. And talk about it in amazing, magical language. For example, in “The Pantry of the Sun” he poetically describes the beauty of a spring morning, when the first rays of the sun flew over the fir trees and birches, “and the mighty trunks pine forest became like the lit candles of the great temple of nature.” The singing of birds began to be heard from everywhere, dedicated to the “rising of the great sun,” and Kosach, perched on a bridge between two trees, “as if he began to bloom in the rays rising sun" The comb on his head “lit up like a fiery flower... And his iridescent, lyre-spread tail became especially beautiful.”

I completely agree with Konstantin Paustovsky, who wrote: “If nature could feel gratitude to man for penetrating into her secret life and sang of her beauty, then first of all this gratitude would fall to the lot of the writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.”

The book “Eyes of the Earth” is rightfully considered the real pinnacle of the work of this wonderful writer, in which Prishvin the artist’s art of reflecting the world through the soul of man and the soul of nature was demonstrated. We see how leaves and grass come to life, and the entire forest with its swamps and glades, cuckoos and mosquitoes. We feel the author's sincere attention to everything, and above all, to the person: you are hungry - I will feed you, you are lonely - I will love you. The world, nature, man - all this together, as M. M. Prishvin teaches us, constitutes unique beauty life that must be maintained by fighting evil in all its manifestations.

Prishvin's life was typical of a Russian man who lived through three wars and a revolution. M. M. Prishvin is a characteristic fate of a Russian person precisely because almost always true life it passes in the shadows. She never declares herself loudly and at the same time is present every moment in the writer’s word. Every phrase, even every word in Prishvin, as in poetry, carries a great semantic load. This is such wise poetry in prose. There is no edification in it, but there is a kindred, chaste attention to everything, and to a person first of all: you are hungry - I will feed you, you are lonely - I will love you. Everything about the writer - the world, nature, man - in the totality constitutes the beauty of life, which must be defended, fighting evil in all its manifestations. The fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” was dedicated to this topic. In it we meet familiar signs of a Russian folk tale, starting from a fabulous landscape, conversations of birds, animals and ending with a happy ending with the victory of good over evil. And at the same time, it expands our knowledge about life. Reading this book, we will learn about the craft of cooperage and the healing properties of cranberries, about the importance of the forest for humans and how a hunter organizes roundups of wolves, and what are the habits of a hare and a fox, a wolf and a black grouse, why it is necessary, especially on bog, keep to the firm path and what large peat bogs are like. Much of what Prishvin writes about in his works is not fantasy. All his work is based on actual events, his own observations and impressions. “Nowhere in the world is there such a wonderful language as Russian,” wrote Prishvin. - Take, for example, the word “Motherland”, How many words with the same root: homeland, clan, relatives, darling, spring, fontanelle, kindred, kindred attention...” Prishvin is one of the most original writers. He is not like anyone else - neither here nor in world literature. Gorky wrote about him: “I have never seen or felt such a harmonious combination of love for the Earth and knowledge about it in any of the Russian writers as I see and feel it in you.” And again: “You know very well forests and swamps, fish and birds, grass and animals, dogs and insects, the world you know is amazingly rich and wide.” Prishvin’s word is unusually modern, especially in the tragic moments of our lives, at a turning point, although it seems that Prishvin’s work is quite successful: he wrote about nature and is known as a singer of nature, but thinking like that is the same as being confident when entering a forest that it is intended only for recreation. But the life of nature follows its own wise, deep laws. Needed for fish pure water- We will protect our water bodies. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the homeland. Prishvin's creativity is like a ringing sound that is being born anew, heard again by us, which is now spreading wider and wider. In such a difficult hour of our lives, Prishvin’s word sounds louder and louder. He survived the most difficult historical cataclysms and still served the eternal.

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In literature class at school, everyone at least once wrote an essay on the topic “Love of Nature.” The topic is so abstract that not everyone is able to express in words what they feel. Like this? After all, you can “feel something” towards another person or, for example, towards for a pet, but nature... People are so accustomed to technical miracles modern world that sometimes they do not notice the beauty that surrounds them: in the same starry sky, forested area or in the rifts

Humanity is busy discovering new inventions to improve life, love for nature fades into the background, or even into the background. Moreover, this high feeling mixed with the banal human desire to be in nature.

What is what?

What's the subtext? After all, at first glance, both concepts mean the same thing: man loves nature. No. In the case when he loves to be in nature, we are talking about his desire to go out of town on weekends or holidays, swim, make barbecue, and breathe fresh air and be in silence after the city stuffiness and noise. Here there is only a person’s desire to change the situation at least for a day. Relax. Further proof of the lack of sincere feelings for nature is the fact that, having rested, a person will not disdain to leave under some special beautiful bush trash bag.

Love for nature means unity human soul and natural beauty. We talk about love, lying in a forest clearing and looking at slowly floating clouds, when there is not a single thought in our heads, and there is complete peace in our souls. This feeling can be said when the sound of raindrops on the eaves does not irritate, but brings peace and lulls, erasing all adversity from memory. Love for our native nature means traveling for several days on a train across the country and involuntarily admiring the forests, fields, and hills changing outside the carriage window. At the same time, you will never catch yourself being bored.

Loving nature means noticing beauty in its little things, without thinking about usefulness and profitability. Nature is selflessness and purity of thoughts.

Nature in literature

A literary essay on the topic “Love of Nature” implies the presence in it of examples from works of art. It is in them that we see the undisguised beauty of nature, expressed in the powerful author’s style.

Take, for example, “Farewell to Matera” by V. G. Rasputin. A story about a village in the middle of the Angara, which must be flooded in order to be built. The population of the island is divided into two groups: old people and young people. The first ones have become so accustomed to the island that they do not want and cannot leave their native land. Daria Pinigina, refusing to move to the city with her son, whitewashes her hut, although she understands that it will be burned by the orderlies. Her neighbor, having left the island, dies in the city, so his wife returned back to Matera.

Love for nature, love for the Motherland drives the actions of old people. Rasputin does not resort to precise definitions in his narration; he conveys his love for the nature of this region with abstract descriptions, but this does not prevent us, the readers, from drawing in our heads the image of a small village, separated from the whole world. Rasputin's nature is alive. There is the Owner of the Island - the embodiment of its nature, its inhabitants and their ancestors buried in this land. There is a huge tree - royal foliage, which the orderlies were never able to burn. The love for nature in the heads of old people made her a real living character who cannot be broken.

Grandchildren, contrary to the elderly, easily leave their native lands, hoping for better life in the city. They don’t have even a drop of what sits in the soul of every elderly resident. They realize without regret that the village will be wiped off the face of the Earth, they do not believe in the Master, they do not see power in the leaves. For them, these are just fairy tales about non-existent magic.

True meaning

“Farewell to Matera” is not just a story about the unfair fate of the village. The theme of love for nature is intertwined in it with the idea of ​​confrontation between tradition and modernity, which is often found in our lives.

Humanity uses the gifts of nature, taking them for granted. Nature is not an object of admiration for humans, but a source of income. The development of entrepreneurship destroys the sense of beauty in a person, giving rise to a thirst for profit. After all, even with a lot of money and the opportunity to vacation abroad, a person will not admire nature, because by today’s standards it is boring and unnecessary.

Living system

We have ceased to understand that nature is a single, well-functioning living system. Using it for such selfish purposes will sooner or later turn against us. Remember how many victims and destruction there are after a tsunami, hurricane, earthquake... Nature knows how to kill no worse than people.

In this battle, modernity is losing, but there is only one conclusion: man’s love for nature should not be feigned. Going out into nature does not mean loving it with your soul and heart. Relaxing in nature is not a true manifestation of feeling.

Love it!

This feeling must be instilled at a young age. Deep connection with nature is the first step in comprehending such an abstract concept. A child's feeling is to see a magician in a cloud pulling a rabbit out of a hat; run through a white dandelion field and laugh when the fluff tickles your nose and cheeks; understand that a piece of paper or a bottle thrown past the trash can can cause great harm to nature.

Who will roar first when he sees a dead dove? Child. And why? I feel sorry for the bird! It doesn’t matter to him that these pigeons are at every step, he now feels sorry for this lifeless one. The child won’t even be able to explain why it’s a pity. He will not be able to formulate that the bird could live for a long time and have offspring. He actually feels sorry for the pigeon. At this moment the child loves him as if he had known him all his life. An adult will simply pass by, casting a disgusted glance towards the unfortunate bird.

Children can truly love if they are shown how to love.

Expression of feelings in protection

Love for nature is creation. Carrying an empty bottle to the trash can, taking bags with leftover food and disposable tableware with you from the forest - everyone can do this. Without proper treatment by humans, nature will perish, and without it our existence will become impossible.

Of course, a single person will not save her from death. This should become a mass phenomenon. At the state level, assistance in solving is possible global problems: the greenhouse effect, increasing pollution of the atmosphere and the world's oceans, etc. But everything big starts with small things.

- People (4.).
- Motherland/Fatherland (4.).
- Earth, Nature (5. , 5. ).
- Humanity (6. , 6. ).
- Creation, Universe, God (7.).

I am part of Nature, Man on planet Earth

Love it!
The light of dawn reflected in the leaves of birch trees,
And they shone in him, thrillingly...
I am immensely in love with this Earth, to the point of tears!
I hold everything in my palms, cherishing it!

I caress the trees, kiss the flowers,
I hug, nourishing and warming with Love!
Love your native nature too,
Realizing that all this is God’s Creation!
© N.A. Nekrasov

"LET'S SAVE PLANET EARTH." 2014 Blagoveshchensky Vladimir Kuzmich

A man was laying a new asphalt road. But before he finished, a crowd of children ran along the road, leaving footprints all over the hardening surface. A neighbor who heard him swearing reproached him: “Vasya, I thought you loved children.” “I love them,” he replied. Abstractly, but not concretely.”
It is very easy to love people in the abstract; the real problem grows in the concrete. Until we love human beings - concrete, real human beings - all our love for trees and birds is counterfeit, simply pretended.
If we can love people, only then will a space grow in our consciousness where we can love birds, trees, mountains; but that's after. If we cannot penetrate into a reality that is so close, then how can we penetrate into a reality that is far away? How can we unite with the rock? - we don’t have common language. Either we must become a rock, or the rock must become a human being. Otherwise, this distance is very large and incompatible. Connect it to the person first.

Is it possible to love a tree? If we recognize trees in human beings - only then; We will see birds in human beings - only then, because each of us has already been all this, he still carries the imprints of the Plant Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom in his subconscious. We were once a stone, a tree, a bird, an animal. We have been all of this, and all of this experience is still within us. The only way to connect with the outer tree is to connect with the tree that is inside the human being, i.e. love your entire Nature.
Love yourself! Take risks, be brave. Go deeper into your Essence and you will soon discover that man is not just a human being; man is the human being plus all existence, because the human being is the visible pinnacle of evolution.
Have you sometimes felt in a woman that she was a cat? Have you ever looked into a woman's eyes and felt the cat inside? Without being a cat, no woman can be a woman. And you will find a female there. And the same thing happens to a man - you will find a wolf.
All this exists in man, man evolved through it. It's just like each of us was a child, then became a young man; Do you think your childhood has completely disappeared? You may grow old - has your youth simply disappeared from you? It's here, you've reached another layer. Cut down a tree and you will find layers upon layers in the tree. This is how the age of a tree is determined: if a tree is sixty years old, then it has sixty layers. Every year it changes its bark and a new layer grows.
If you go deep into your being, you will find layers like in a tree. The deeper you go, the more strange things you will find. Each of us is small world, which includes all the Kingdoms of Nature. You will no longer be able to say, “I will love trees and not human beings.” Then your love for trees will be false, you have approached them incorrectly. First they must be loved in human beings, first they must be discovered in human beings. Only then will you love each specific tree, only then will you love each specific person.

How do I feel about Nature? How is it shown?
Do I destroy it with my actions or contribute to its prosperity?

Many will say that they love Nature. But I'm sure people are thinking about something else. Loving Nature and loving being in nature are two different concepts. The first means to create for the benefit of Nature, and the second means to be a consumer of what God has created. Fishing, hunting, picking mushrooms is not yet love for Nature.
Man on Earth has long turned into a cancer cell. Consumer psychology is the psychology of a cancer cell. Gobble up, consume, get enough, and after me - even a flood.
People for the most part have stopped creating and creating. And it's sad. Love is creation for good. Love for Nature is creative activity for the benefit of Nature.
But not all human activity is creative. A person can work, apply his knowledge, but at the same time he will destroy the world. For example, any production is inherently destructive, no matter what it produces. Because it destroys Mother Nature. So it turns out that there is work and knowledge, but no wisdom, since there is no Love in the actions of people.

Man imagines himself to be the crown of the Universe - the King of Nature. This “king” decided that his “dominant” position gave him the unlimited and unpunished right to control the destinies of his “slaves” - subjects of other kingdoms: plants, animals, elements of nature, etc.
From the history of the development of human civilization, we know well how and why many great kingdoms perished. By creating unbearable living conditions for other peoples with their existence and their ill-considered actions, these kingdoms forced these peoples to unite and ultimately suppress and destroy the tyrant. So why do we think that our planet, a living, intelligent being, will endlessly endure from this arrogant, unreasonable creature, like a person (this “ large organ", destroying the entire body), commit their atrocities with impunity. If "organ"; does not respond to treatment, then the body will strive to reject this organ, like an atavism. We are already observing the manifestation of the “protective properties” of the sick organism of the planet, but we cannot understand the reason, or we do not want to. However, ignorance of the laws of the Universe does not exempt us from responsibility. So let's study these LAWS and draw the right CONCLUSIONS!!!

© Volkov A.N. - Stages of Existence Man is not the King of Nature, but the Leader of Nature! The Divine Light shines in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, and there too it has demonstrated its manifestations, although its full radiance is achieved only in man.
In the vegetable kingdom we see how one small plant, fruit or flower spreads its influence around itself, at the proper time covering a certain part of the forest with the same sweet fruit or the same fragrant flowers.
If we look closely at the animal kingdom, we will see that some animals have a special gift. We will see that birds in every flock have a leader. Elephants, especially those that live in the forest, have a wise elephant who always walks ahead of the herd, carefully carrying a tree trunk with its trunk. He uses it as a stick, checking the road he is on to see if there are any traps, he does this both for his own safety and for the safety of his followers. In the jungle, a troop of monkeys usually obeys the command of one monkey: after he jumps, they all jump. Foxes and dogs in the jungle choose from their midst the most watchful one, which gives an alarm before danger approaches. In a flock of birds, one wise and brave bird leads the whole flock. And this happens in many animals and birds. This ability of leadership corresponds to the purposes of manifestation in the evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature.
People, to one degree or another, are spiritual leaders for the lower Kingdoms of Nature.
We find a tendency towards leadership, although to a small extent, among parents who, regardless of how their own life, still want children to benefit from their experience so that children can live correctly.
Guidance in its highest evolutionary manifestation can be seen in those who act as officials of the infinite government and are known to the world as messengers. Among them are holy beings different levels. They differ from each other in degrees, in accordance with the depth of penetration into the invisible world or in the width of the space they occupy in the Universal Consciousness, as well as in the size of the sphere of humanity that is given to them for guidance.

Dissolve in Love...
And with Love - in the forest -
Become just a drop on a branch,
What's trembling looming!..

Plunge into transparent
And subtle Peace...
To merge in every tree -
With His Silence! Lose your self
Finding in return
Infinite Heart
With Love to everyone!
© Svetlana Kravtsova

Then what kind of activity can be creative for Nature?
The answer to this question is not so simple. More precisely, the answer is simple, but not just follow modern conditions life.
We are all still consumers. We consume electricity, fuel for cars, use household items... And few people are ready to give up all this yet. But they can do something now. And I encourage you to do this.
The first step is to minimize your consumption. For example, give up luxury. This is of no use. Moreover, luxury corrupts and causes envy.
The next thing you can do is not litter and clean up where there is already garbage.
You raised me from childhood,
She gave bread with the songs of the nightingale,
She gave me a lot of roads,
Earth, my star-bearer!

© Andrey Malyshko

We all live in streams of Love. Our Mother Earth is always ready to give us her Love. By consciously attuning to the Love of the Earth, we gain more stability in life (this is very important, since we must honor and support the physical body by reaching for the stars). When we consciously and gratefully accept the energy of the Earth, we get “soil under our feet” - we have more vitality, courage, self-confidence.
Accept the Love of the Earth - it will help you let go of old material problems and lead you to a treasury of abundance.
The earth loves and nourishes us. Eat vegetables grown in the ground - potatoes, onions, root vegetables. Walk barefoot on soft earth, lie on cool grass at night, look at the stars and consciously tune your heartbeat to the rhythm of Mother Earth. Accept the gifts of the Earth with joy and gratitude. Joy and Good Gifting is your gift and your love to the Earth.
Be filled with Love, Joy and Gratitude.

And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And the azure, and the midday heat...
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”
And I’ll forget everything - I’ll only remember these
Wildflowers between ears and grasses
And from sweet tears I won’t have time to answer,
Falling to the merciful knees...

© I.A. Bunin


Demonic Elemental Spirits of Nature.


One of the components of transphysical cognition and Consciousness of Unity is the disclosure of sensory perception of Nature, sensation and vision of the Elements of Nature.

I live and breathe nature,

I write with inspiration and simplicity,

Dissolving my soul in simplicity,

I live on Earth in beauty!

I. Severyanin

Fostering love for native nature is one of the most important areas of patriotic education. Love for nature begins in childhood. The teacher’s task is to develop an important facet general culture- interest in native nature, love for it.

This feeling is one of the manifestations of love for the motherland, and its upbringing largely depends on the literature teacher, because it is he who introduces the children to poetically Motherland.

Instilling in children a love of nature, we turn to writers, artists, and composers who created unforgettable pictures of their native forests, fields, seas and mountains.

K.G. Paustovsky noted: “The Russian language is fully revealed in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people “to the bone” and feel the hidden charm of our land.” By helping a person feel the beauty of nature, Russian literature gives him “the purest joy” - love for his homeland. This means that the task of the school is to form aesthetic feeling, to teach children to comprehend love for nature through the language of works of art, to express it in essays, to look for the most accurate words and their combinations for this expression. Thus, education should merge with learning.

Nature is complex. In order for children to truly perceive its beauty, they need to be specially prepared and trained for this, otherwise they will remain deaf to nature. The teacher must cultivate imagination, the ability to see and hear nature, the desire to comprehend the secrets of color, lighting, sound, and form. Literature programs and textbooks give the teacher the opportunity to systematically describe nature in the classroom.

In textbook exercises, methodological manuals for grades 5 and 6 there are many texts whose theme is the description of nature - excerpts from the works of I. Bunin, A. Yashin, V. Peskov, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov, N. S. Leskov, B. Pasternak.

It’s good that in order to cultivate love for our native nature, not only excerpts from the works of writers have been selected, but work with reproductions of paintings is also offered famous artists, as well as with musical works.

By doing creative works(essay based on a painting, creative dictation based on a painting, etc.) the children are helped by landscapes of artists, music famous composers. Most of them spent their childhood in nature, which shaped their personality and worldview, and was later reflected in music and paintings.

One of greatest musicians- Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov - gave Novgorod land- forest, river and lake land. Images of nature are captured in many of Rachmaninov's works. The composer’s fantasy “The Cliff” is inspired by Chekhov’s story “On the Way”; the music contains the motif of a cliff, the song of a cloud (the epigraph of the fantasy is the opening lines of M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff”).

And the cantata “Spring” was written to the poem “Green Noise” by N.A. Nekrasov; here you can hear the joyful hubbub of spring: the silvery tints of a flute and violin.

Well, what thoughts can a landscape convey and awaken?

The famous artist I.I. Levitan believed that nature is not a background, its role is more significant. The artist loved nature with all his soul, and he wanted these feelings to be shared. That's what he was talking about great artist and the wise man K.F. Yuon: “Levitan - great poet nature" Many of Levitan's landscapes are inspired by poems by poets. Poems by I.S. Nikitin and F.I. Tyutchev helped the artist to identify the initially unclear image of his future work and to decide.

Levitan has a painting whose title is the opening words of a famous poem by I.I. Kozlov:

Evening call, evening Bell, evening call, evening Bell,

He gives me so many thoughts...

It seems like you hear a bell ringing when looking at this picture.

Thus, by instilling in students a love for their native land, for nature, and the ability to preserve and protect it, the teacher affirms the ideas of patriotism in the minds of children.

Love for the Motherland is love for the native land

Homeland is home. The house where you were born, where you grew up, from which you run to school every morning and where you return. A house in which it is easy and joyful to live. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a hut in the taiga, a sixteen-story giant on the banks of a big river, or a yurt in the distant tundra...

Homeland is native home, the land on which your family lived and lives. This is our native land, its nature. Everything that is deeply engraved in the memory for the rest of your life and is stored in the soul as the most intimate.

The homeland is often associated with a town that is dear and dear to the heart. Memories of its streets and courtyards immerse you in carefree childhood. This is a time of dreams and fantasies, which is associated with a feeling of absolute happiness.

Homeland can be anything: a house, a street, a village, a city, a country. However, this is not only geographical position, and more broad concept. It is not limited own home or a certain territory. These are the people, native language, traditions, culture, nature of the native land... Everything that we imagine when we say the word “Fatherland”. In any corner of the Motherland it is easy to breathe and life is joyful - for those who consider this corner to be their native land.

What is love for the Motherland in my understanding?

In my opinion, loving your native land means treating it with reverence and respect. Every person should not only love their Motherland, honor its history and culture, but also be ready to protect it from enemies.

The future is very uncertain. The possibility of a military conflict cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the sacred duty of every conscientious citizen is to stand up for the defense of the Fatherland and not allow the enemy to enslave his people. This is the true essence of patriotism - to be a faithful son of your country, your Fatherland.

Where does love for one's native land begin?

I believe that the origins of love for one’s native land stem from admiring it picturesque landscapes, sweet views. If a person does not notice the beauty of his native land and is not proud of its nature, he is not able to love his Motherland - his country. I am convinced of this.

Love for the Motherland is pure and selfless. It does not imply any conventions and is akin to love for a mother, for one’s family. We don’t choose our parents, but we consider them the best, the most dear people worldwide.

Every citizen is obliged to know and respect his country. After all, this is a symbol of the independence of the state, its identity. Even those people who various reasons forced to communicate daily foreign language, should still be fluent in their native language and not forget it. It is also important to know the history and culture of your country.

Homeland is the place where we were born and spent our best childhood years. Each person has one homeland, like a family, therefore its customs, traditions and holidays are revered and observed. Love your native land!