Strange professions in the world. The vomit cleaner under the ride. Work is a dream

If you consider walking other people's dogs or laying ski tracks unusual professions, know that you are as naive as children. To confirm the common thesis that everything in the world is relative, ELLE chose several professions that truly amaze the imagination.

China is a big country, and it is easy to get lost and confused in Chinese cities. It’s especially unpleasant if you urgently need something, but no one knows where it is. And here they come to the rescue - toilet guides. For a modest fee, these people, standing in busy (and other) places, will tell you where to go. The work, as it should be in the country of victorious socialism, is official. IN work books toilet guides mean in black and white: “Civil servant.”

Yes, there is such a thing. At least in New York for sure. Surprisingly (or maybe not so much), but mostly specialists from the Resourceful Consultants office, which offers such a service, are hired to pack children's bags before sending them to summer camps. Wealthy parents are willing to pay $250 an hour if only their offspring's luggage can accommodate everything they need to take with them. Sometimes it can take up to four hours to complete one order. And it’s not that the packers are deliberately taking their time - no, just squeezing in and neatly arranging things turns out to be quite an adventure. Especially if, in addition to clothes and toys, you should definitely give your child scented candles or porcelain figurines with you for the summer - so that he remembers home.

If phrases like “A kiss is something you can’t give without taking, and take without giving” or “For everyone there is a piece of heaven on the planet” seem to you like banal nonsense, which is easier to compose than a steamed turnip, know that there are people who are paid for it. In the States, for example, there is a whole bureau whose specialization is to produce tons of such predictions. It’s not easy, of course, to imagine that somewhere there lives a person who, from Monday to Friday from nine to six, gives out such aphorisms for a salary. But, on the other hand, if these predictions make someone feel better, then why not.

The Liverpool company First Choice creates attractions, mainly slides of various genres and forms for water parks. The company's products are sold all over the world, and in order to maintain good reputation, the operation of the slides must be monitored. This is done by a certain Tommy Lynch. Tommy spends almost all his time on the road - traveling from city to city and testing slides. That is, he simply rides them. The difference between Lynch and other visitors is that he does not pay for the rides, but he gets paid. Tommy Lynch's annual salary in dollar terms is $31,000, expenses - flights, accommodation, per diem - at the expense of the office. As they say, let me live like this.

If you think that one is incompatible with the other, you are mistaken. There is no point in saying what Parmesan means to Italians - and not only to them. Therefore, the production of this wonderful cheese is approached with the utmost care. In the factories where Parmesan is made, people work with ideal, perfect pitch. Their job is to knock on ready-made cheese silver hammers. Knock and listen. Parmesan matures for three years, and the longer it matures, the louder the notes it produces. The height of professional skill is to tap the melody of the song O sole mia on the heads of cheese, so that not a single false note.

Every person tries to choose a job in accordance with his basic needs. Some people want a highly paid position, others think about prestige, and still others want something original, unusual and exciting. But if everything is more or less clear with the first two categories, then what the list of unusual professions looks like is still not clear to everyone. To rare, unusual professions in modern life began to include several groups of specialties:

  • popular before, but have lost serious demand in recent years- chimney sweeps, telephone operators;
  • related to a narrow field of knowledge - tasters, paleontologists, tutors;
  • unusual professions 21st century, potentially in demand in the coming decades - conquerors of new lands, designers of animals, plants, microbiologists.

Unusual professions of the world

How many things happen in life that seem to exist on their own, organized and implemented without human participation? Indeed, there are enough such things in life, but they are not organized independently - the precise implementation of any little thing can be monitored by a specially trained person, whom no one even suspects. The most unusual professions often become just that - inconspicuous, but very important.

  • unusual professions in the world:
  • Bridesmaid. This person selects the dress, provides general assistance in preparation, and accompanies the bride from the first to the last minute of the celebration.
  • Animal food taster. Responsibilities include testing food for many types of pets - hamsters, birds, dogs and cats. Tasters are competent in knowing the taste preferences of animals and are ready to give practical advice to animal owners. Sometimes such food is difficult to digest, but the impressive salary compensates for the inconvenience.
  • Professional waiting in line. A special person will replace the customer in a long queue, if necessary. Of course, such work is worthy of the “rarest unusual professions” category.
  • Bag packer. A special person is able to fit huge amount things into small bags and save a lot of time for people rushing on vacation.
  • Cookie fortune teller.
  • Elite nomad. Some people or even families enter into agreements with luxury home owners. They must take care of the house while the owners are away, living in it. When the owners return, the temporary workers are obliged to move out.
  • Observer of drying paint. Despite the apparent simplicity, quite difficult work. An observer examines the drying process in great detail under a microscope. It should check whether the paint texture changes correctly, the color transforms, etc.
  • Critics restaurant dishes. Of course, many people dream of such a job.
  • Ball divers. Basically, we are talking about pulling balls out of bodies of water during rounds of golf.
  • Penguin lifter. Despite its unusual nature, the work is very important. Helicopters of geologists and other scientists studying Antarctica often fly in the penguin habitats. Interested birds raise their heads high, trying to look aircraft, and fall on their backs. The penguins are not able to rise to their feet on their own, and then a person constantly on duty nearby comes to their aid and lifts them up.
  • Furniture tester. Many people have heard about this job, however, it is quite rare and also falls into the category of “the most unusual professions in the world.”

Unusual professions in Russia

The most unusual professions in Russia are related to assembly line production, ecology and agriculture.

List of unusual professions in Russia:

  • foreman of the yard of molds (molds for metal in a liquid state);
  • procurer of mobile (material for jewelry);
  • lights supervisor (work related to lighting and lighting equipment);
  • forest pathologist (work involves identifying sick trees and healing the forest);
  • pedicurist for cows (ungroomed, damaged hooves can harm the health of the animal).

In the capital of Russia, as a progressive and modern city, you can find a lot of unusual professions.

Unusual professions in Moscow:

  • trend hunter;
  • web gardener. Deals with unnecessary links and outdated information by simply deleting it;
  • pillow straightener;
  • stripper watcher.

The most interesting and unusual professions often attract not only originality, but also impressive pay.

Unusual high-paying professions look like this:

  • professional foreigner (you need to pretend to be an important person from abroad for 1500 euros per week);
  • hugger (you need to hug with someone all day long) strangers for $80 per hour);
  • hotel tester (primarily related to checking rooms for comfort).

In many original professions you can show and creativity.

Unusual creative professions:

Rare and unusual professions

There are also unusual women's professions, which can be classified as rare. It is not always the case that only women work in such positions, but they are given preference.

Unusual professions for girls

  • shoe wrinkle smoother;
  • wrinkle smoother on bed linen;
  • sleeping on order (in museums as part of an exhibition or in research institutes);
  • armpit taster (tests deodorant and odor changes throughout the day);
  • listener (waiting for people in a special booth who simply need to speak).

You might be interested.

In this list you will find descriptions of the most unique works in the world! You may associate a job fair with accountants and builders or managers of all kinds, rather than with “line straighteners,” but someone, somewhere, systematically receives a salary for precisely this kind of service. Most likely, you will not find a university or technical school in your city where such specialties are taught, but they exist, and in this selection you will find 25 very unusual crafts that you may have never heard of before.

25. Hook Writers

These people write songs, although it would be more accurate to say that not the entire songs themselves, but only their individual parts. It's not even about the chorus or verse. These specialists make their living by composing phrases and sentences for specific rhythmic segments. The main purpose of such “hooks” is to become a catchy and catchy line of a song that will stick in your brain and will be scrolled there again and again.

24. Underwater Lumberjack

Underwater loggers get to work when a flooded area of ​​land needs to be processed. In places where rivers systematically or suddenly flood large and wooded areas, the bottom often needs to be cleared for safe navigation, or planned cutting is carried out in a designated place without regard to time or the obstacle of water.

23. Food experts and part-time witnesses in trials

Yes, in America there is even a separate specialty of witnesses in cases related to food. If the court needs an expert who will explain the situation related to the quality and taste of a product or product, he will be selected from a whole list of professionals in this matter. Delicious work!

22. Bereavement Coordinator

These people work with families who are experiencing the loss of loved ones. The work of such coordinators usually involves assistance in bureaucratic (paper) matters and in organizing funerals, consultations on all aspects of death loved one questions and, of course, psychological support. Most often, this profession is chosen by those who have themselves experienced a painful loss, acquired a sad but at the same time useful experience for someone else, and want to share their knowledge and care on an ongoing basis for payment.

21. Book restorer

The name speaks for itself. Yes, he’s practically a doctor, only for books, and he heals not the flesh, but the bindings and pages. Today, books are increasingly being replaced by electronic services, but the world still values ​​rare, ancient and authoritative publications that also need care. Sometimes such “doctors” are approached with requests to patch up a book that is of value only to one family and is kept as a keepsake.

20. Subway Watcher

Large subways, such as the London Underground, pay separate category employees so that they walk along the streets exactly where the lines and stations themselves are laid. The task of such specialists is not just to breathe in the city smog, but to carefully ensure that on the surface all construction standards are observed and that no rules are violated or that no work is carried out that could lead to disastrous consequences for the metro. For example, if someone plans to pour a foundation near a metro station, an observer must ensure that there is no threat of collapse.

19. Parachute testers

Someone needs to be first... It sounds scary, but in fact this job is not much different from being a test pilot or stunt pilot. Very often those who start out as parachute testers move up career ladder to work inspecting military equipment, for which they receive very good salaries. The main thing is not to crash before.

18. Gas station controllers

These specialists check that gas stations do not deceive their customers and fill our tanks with exactly a liter, and not 900 or 885 ml. For this they have special equipment and licenses.

There is a separate niche of composers who compose melodies and sounds for gaming machines. Their main task is to write a sound series that will make you return to the casino again and again. The melody should be inviting, exciting and literally get you hooked on the game.

16. Professional “carrier” of jewelry

When a rich man in one country wants to sell or buy a piece of jewelry from another rich man in another country, they hire a specialist to carry the goods from point A to point B directly on himself, as if it were his earrings, watch or necklace. By and large, this is smuggling, but who said that all existing professions are legal?

15. Prop buyers

Every self-respecting television company, film studio or individual TV show has employees who must, upon urgent command, buy the props necessary for filming. Often, some miscalculations become known at the last minute, so these specialists must be very agile and inventive in order to quickly find a variety of and unusual items. Buyers of props know the entire assortment of nearby stores, flea markets, and sometimes even buy for future use.

14. Inspector of underwear for cockroaches

It is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness in large factories and warehouses, and sometimes small insects infest them. In order for the client to receive his order in at its best, there are specially trained workers who check all goods before they are sent to customers. There are even separate inspectors for underwear who look at all the folds and seams so that the reputation of the store and warehouse in the eyes of customers remains crystal clear.

13. People pulling paper clips

When companies decide to fully digitize all of their paper documents, they need help in getting the scrapers out of all the contracts and other formal paperwork. To scan, you need to separate all the sheets, and this usually becomes a good summer job for students and schoolchildren, since the work is seasonal and does not require special skills or qualifications.

12. Alpaca groomers

They won't shave themselves! Here is an animal from the camelid family living in the highlands South America, and domesticated by the Indians of Peru many thousands of years ago to produce the most delicate, dense, durable, warm and almost waterproof wool. Alpaca is similar to llama, but it is separate. The Peruvian livestock industry has an entire specialty dedicated to trimming and shaving these cute animals.

11. Carrier across the bridge

If you're too afraid to drive your car across a bridge because it's narrow, wobbly, or for some other reason, some countries have an entire separate driver service. These specialists will get behind the wheel of your car and drive the crossing for you.

10. Servants of servants

This is not a joke. In some countries of the world, even servants have servants. A very complex and multi-component hierarchy is designed to provide work to everyone. Sometimes this has a positive effect on productivity, and sometimes it really slows down all processes.

9. Light bulb changers

Large corporations, universities and owners of buildings with very high ceilings and a lot of lighting fixtures hire individuals to replace burnt out lamps. To do this, they have special stepladders, climbing equipment, or even heavy equipment, like firefighters.

8. Truck Driver

Truck driver is a very difficult job. This is a big responsibility, long and long journeys, as well as psychological stress. Drivers of trucks and vans spend a lot of time alone, cannot always afford to sleep in a soft bed, sit behind the wheel for days, sleep little and are very tired of the monotony of the road surface. Large trucking companies sometimes hire a separate staff of drivers who must provide insurance for truckers if they realize in the middle of the journey that they are no longer able to go anywhere. Sometimes such employees find a corporate vehicle abandoned on the side of the road, and there is no sign of the driver nearby, because he has a nervous breakdown and no longer has the slightest desire to sit in his truck.

7. Shabbat goy or goy for Shabbat

We are talking about hired workers for Jewish believers who are not Jews themselves (they are called goyim). During Shabbat, such workers do for purebred Jews what Jews themselves are not allowed to do on this day according to the instructions of the Torra. For example, they press elevator buttons for them and much more.

6. Manufacturer of standard cards for libraries

This is no longer so relevant, but in the past, printing library cards for classifying and maintaining records of books was the responsibility of a separate person. Usually students took up this business as a part-time job.

5. Personal shopper

Yes, somewhere people even get paid for going to stores. This specialty is especially popular in Asia, where wealthy families prefer to hire employees who would rather fly to the United States or Europe for a worthwhile purchase than trust local stores, which often sell crafts from famous brands.

4. Telephone operators for the deaf and hard of hearing

Some countries have separate telephone service departments that help deaf and hard of hearing people make and receive calls. Operators of such companies translate voice messages and deaf language into text information to help all participants in the conversation understand each other.

3. Song players

These are specially trained people whom radio stations hire to produce music broadcasts. Guided by a whole set of rules, such unique DJs decide which song to play and when, how often it can be repeated and in what sequence.

2. Line “rectifiers”

Today they have been replaced by computers, but in the past these people were hired by large architectural firms to review all the drawings and design lines.

1. Livestock identification and care specialist

Photo: Agricultural Research Service (public domain)

It sounds impressive, but in reality these workers simply watch the herd all day and are responsible for ensuring that no one escapes during grazing or from the pen.

All photos except the last one are taken from the public domain

And why don’t people get paid in this world? Sniff other people's armpits? No question. Should I cry at your funeral? Easily! In this post I collected 25 of the strangest professions that are worth knowing and that are worth fearing. Or maybe, on the contrary, someone on this original list will find their calling! Everyone chooses for themselves - these wonderful lines are just perfect for these professions!

1. Gum remover

There are those among us who prefer not to see chewing gum stuck on or under tables, spat out on the street or, even worse, in a decent establishment like a theater, then you need it, a chewing gum remover. After all, this is his job - to make this world a little better, to make this world ruminantless!

2. Breath Evaluator

A person of this profession can be found in companies involved in the production of chewing gum or oral care products. What their job is - they evaluate the smell of the mouth, starting from the worst and making sure that chewing gum or, say, toothpaste They do their job and the smell goes away!

3. Manufacturers of underwear that reduces odor in case of flatulence

What are these lucky ones doing? They are trying to create underwear that would absorb and hide the smell in that unpleasant case when a person suddenly experiences an attack of flatulence.

4. Duck Master

Some hotels and other public establishments hire such masters to monitor and care for ducks in nearby ponds, and also take them out for walks to the delight of satisfied guests and visitors.

5. Dog Breath Sniffer

Apparently, those who are not qualified to evaluate human breath odor have to work with dogs. Hmm...

6. An artist who creates portraits from the ashes of the dead

In the USA, in the state of Virginia, there is a company that creates portraits from the ashes of dead people. Can you imagine what the artists in this company do!?

7. Professional Apologizer (Japan)

In the country rising sun There is a special apology service. People working in underwater services are ready to apologize to anyone on your behalf. They get paid for this, and this is not a joke!

8. Bed warmer (UK)

Some hotels hire specially trained people to lie in their guests' beds and keep them warm before guests enter their rooms.

9. Living Scarecrow (UK)

Some students actually earn extra money by dressing up as a stuffed animal part-time!)

10. Professional hitchhiker (Indonesia)

In Indonesia, the government, due to an overabundance of cars on the roads, has introduced a restriction on travel in certain lanes on the road, which are now provided for the movement of cars with 3 or more people. Poor residents of the city outskirts offer to sit in the cars of those who do not have enough passengers to drive in the “fast” lanes and, thereby, earn money.

11. Paint Drying Observer

Some companies actually hire people to do this kind of work. Why is this being done? Great question! The task of such observers is to make sure that the paint lays down firmly and holds when drying.

12. Professional iceberg mover

Nobody wants a repeat of the tragedy that happened with the Titanic. So these brave guys simply take and remove the icebergs away from the ships.

13. Professional sleepyhead (Finland)

Not long ago, one of the Finnish companies made a real splash in the labor market by starting a search for people for a similar position. Why did the company need a sleeper? Most likely, to assess the comfort of certain pieces of furniture.

14. Professional elephant valet (Sri Lanka)

It is not an easy task to dress up an elephant for the ceremony. So we have to hire specially trained people for this.

15. Professional ear cleaner (India)

Give it to me cotton swab, and I will become a millionaire!

16. Gender equality consultant

17. Ostrich Nanny (South Africa)

It's like a nanny for children, only in our case - for ostriches!

18. Sex determinant for chickens

And that’s all they do all day long: determine the male or female sex of a chicken.

19. Bicycle catcher (Amsterdam)

There are a lot of bicycles and a lot of water canals in this city, the burning need for such professionals is obvious!

20. Car Keeper (Brazil)

What do these guardians do? They keep an eye on the car while you're away and beat anyone who tries to steal it.

21. Professional mourner (Asia, Africa)

These people are actually paid to cry at funerals.

22. Professional hugger (Japan)

In Japan today there are cafes where a person can come if he wants someone to hug him, he wants to curl up into a ball and cuddle with someone. Yes, yes, there are such establishments. So, these same huggers are paid for the fact that you cuddle up to them and hug them.

23. Subway pusher (Japan)

Once again, Japan enslaves us in an unusual profession. During rush hour, the metro in this country is not so easy to fit in: there are too many people. And our pushers are right there - they will push, push and help the carriage doors close and take you where you need to go!

There are thousands different professions, many of which may seem monotonous, but there are also some in which you definitely won’t be bored. But the most interesting professions in the world are usually not easy to get a job, since the need for such specialists is very limited.

This profession is considered the rarest. The need for it arose in 2009, when one of the travel companies announced the search for an employee who would live on the Australian Hamilton Island in a luxury villa for six months, play golf, swim in the pool and do other pleasant things, while actively blogging with photographs. Casting was carried out around the world, and in the end the job was given to a British social service worker.

The following requirements apply to the caretaker:

  • swim, dive and steer a yacht, while entertainingly talking about all this;
  • feed the fish, clean the pools (in fact, they are equipped with a self-cleaning system, so the worker only has to remove random debris from the surface);
  • official correspondence and communication with international media.

In fact, being in a job that is one of the most interesting professions world, is only twelve hours a month, the rest of the time you can just relax and enjoy nature. The position is suitable for both men and women. By the way, a girl from Russia, who also took part in the casting, could have taken it. The caretaker was given a salary of 110 thousand dollars for six months.

This man’s professional instrument is a glass. He must assess the level of quality of the wine or its components, analyze the taste and smell in comparison with generally accepted standards. Therefore, the main requirement for a taster is an excellent memory for tastes and aromas.

The main goal is to identify the problems of a particular wine, preferably at the earliest stage of production

The taster may not understand the rituals of serving wine or its prices, and also, unlike the sommelier, may not think about the origin of the wine, at what temperature it was made and other nuances.

Typically, tasters work at distilleries or wine industry certification bodies. Most best specialist This profession is also well versed in changes in the taste of the drink depending on production technology and the characteristics of human receptors. Usually the taster is a freelancer: he comes, tastes, and then leaves to try somewhere else.

This profession is not taught in educational institutions, but often the confectionery factories themselves organize such courses. And not everyone can pass all the tests and get a job. Those who succeed receive an honorary diploma and an invitation to work at the factory. However, it is possible to graduate from a university related to technology food production, then it will be possible to combine professional knowledge with an innate gift.

The tasting process occurs as follows: the taster examines the pieces of chocolate, analyzes their color and texture, then the aroma and, finally, taste qualities.

It is worth keeping in mind that such an amount of sweets daily causes swipe throughout the body. There is a known case where a man quit due to health problems; in two years he gained 15 kilograms excess weight. The man tried sweets from such famous companies as Mars and Nestle, receiving 30 thousand pounds a year for this. In addition to sampling finished products, his work was related to their coverage in media mass media.

On average, in one working day you get to try twenty types of chocolate.

This is a person whose responsibilities include testing the software, identifying errors and shortcomings. In other words, a specialist who carries out quality control at the development stage. Similar vacancies exist in many large IT corporations.

The main responsibilities of a tester include:

  • finding and processing bugs and errors while the user is working with the software;
  • development and timely use of automated tests;
  • development of testing algorithms;
  • introducing found defects into the current documentation, as well as in some cases writing technical documentation for the software.

It should be remembered that the tester is not the one who is obliged to find all possible and impossible bugs, but the one who will bring the product to a state that completely suits the user.

Typically, this vacancy is filled by people who are well versed in the device. software and having an analytical mind. Education is not so important in this case; secondary vocational education will be enough. According to statistics, the average salary of such a specialist is 70 thousand rubles, but it varies greatly depending on the region.

In Russia, not a single university teaches this specialty.

It sounds like a joke, but such a profession exists. The fact is that penguins, although very dexterous in the water, are extremely clumsy on land. They waddle slowly on their short legs, and from time to time they roll on the ice on their bellies. It happens that, having raised its head to the noise of a flying helicopter or plane, the penguin simply falls over on its back, losing its balance. They cannot get up, and the poor animals have to either just lie down or somehow roll to the water. Lying on the ice for a long time can freeze a bird to death or be attacked by predators.

That is why at almost all polar stations, both Russian and foreign, there is a position of penguin lifter. As the name suggests, these people watch over a colony of penguins and help them get up if they fall on their backs.

The work seems very simple, but it also has its own nuances. It is necessary to go out to save penguins in any weather, be it a snowstorm or 50-degree frost. However, there are also enough advantages. Penguins quickly get used to humans and soon begin to show tenderness towards them, becoming tame.

To raise an animal, sometimes you have to climb over huge snowdrifts and drown in the snow

This profession is ideal for both girls and men. She also has no age requirements. Currently, the specialty is actively developing. After all, entrepreneurs, politicians and others influential people are forced to very often attend all kinds of events where it is necessary to both look and behave in accordance with the norms of etiquette. To do this, they hire competent specialists who will teach them all the subtleties of behavior in secular society. After all, crimson jackets and gold chains won’t surprise anyone now, business communication reached a new, more social level.

Knowledge of etiquette is also required for service personnel, for example, maids. Ethics teachers often enter this profession, but there are still very few narrow specialists. But almost any person with a humanitarian mindset, developed social skills, competent speech and a sociable, friendly disposition.

Etiquette professionals clearly and effectively instruct them in the rules of cultural behavior

This job is perhaps even nicer than the penguin lifter. It exists in China and pays quite well - about thirty thousand dollars a year. Responsibilities - sit all day with the pandas and pay attention to them, play games, share all the sorrows and joys. But not everything is as simple as it sounds: the panda hugger has practically no days off or holidays; he spends more time with his charges than with his family.

The following requirements are imposed on candidates: age from 22 years, basic knowledge about pandas, ability to take photographs and write correctly, willingness to cuddle with pandas around the clock, while recording their behavior and achievements.

Except worthy wages The Center for the Protection and Study of Giant Pandas provides free housing and food for the worker. That's why foreigners who want to visit China are grasping at this vacancy like a straw.

Pandas are an endangered species, there are only about 1,600 of them in the wild, and the same number in zoos, so caring for them is truly an honorable task

Each of us visits various stores or establishments almost every day. You need to buy food, clothing, and household appliances... But it turns out that you can also make money from the shopping process if you become a “mystery shopper.” Of course, company owners can also rely on reviews from ordinary clients, but, as practice shows, the work of a secret shopper is much more effective, since it works according to a predetermined scenario.

Anyone can become a secret shopper. This could be an elderly married couple or a Kamaz driver stopped at a gas station. For most, this is a good additional income.

On the market in at the moment There is intense competition and the owner cannot afford to lose a customer. Therefore, the waiter or seller must be competent and polite, and the product itself must be of high quality and adequate in price.

Often, secret shoppers secretly use voice recorders, video and photo cameras. The overall picture is assessed: appearance object, cleanliness, order and comfort, answers service personnel to questions asked from a special questionnaire that the mystery shopper will later fill out.

They study the quality of service at a specific location by asking staff questions about products and services.

This is a person who is hired to create the artificial success or failure of a performance or even an individual actor. Often the clackers, with their applause or, conversely, hissing, infect the rest of the spectators of the performance. This profession has been around for two centuries. It is based on the sociality of people; as a rule, people behave similarly to the behavior of others.

The head of the clackers also had a difficult task: he analyzed which moments of the performance needed to be highlighted and how to do it - with applause, enthusiastic exclamations, whistling or even crying in touching places.

Today, clackers are used not only in theatrical performances, but also in show business and even politics

Sometimes, when you come to a clinic or other institution, you notice how long the line is there. Few people enjoy endless hours of waiting for an appointment. In this regard, such a profession as a queue waiter, or officially a tramidator, appeared. This person takes the line behind another person and sits in it for as long as necessary. On Russian territory this is quite new service, and in Europe and America it has been known for decades.

To resort to the help of a tramidator, you need to contact a special company and place an order. A worker will take your turn and call when it's time to come in. The customer can only return and pay the tramidator.

The service is very relevant, which means it has a great future

Most of our fellow citizens are interested in football, and each of them likes to discuss this topic and express their opinion about what is right and what is wrong (and how to do it right). But it turns out that there is such a specialty, and they even teach it. For example, in sports school Cologne. Its graduates become powerful football theorists.

The training lasts a year, during which they watch various matches, identify and analyze gaming strategies and choose the most effective ones. For men, this profession is simply ideal: you watch matches, express your opinion, and show off your knowledge of how to play correctly, perhaps without beer.

A football strategist is not an ordinary fan, but a specialist with a diploma

When looking for a job, many people are faced with the fact that despite the great variety of vacancies, they are all extremely monotonous. In fact, this is quite sad, because it forces us to take a job we don’t like and often spend our whole lives in it. But each of us can make an effort and find interesting job I like every working day to be perceived as a holiday.