Traditions and folklore of Donbass. Folklore treasures of Donbass Purpose: to talk about the importance of folklore in the life of the people, to characterize it as a source of knowledge on mentality and characteristics. Folk proverbs from the history of Donbass

Topic: Folk art of Donbass.
Goals: Continue to acquaint students with the creative heritage of Donbass; with its cultural traditions; enrich vocabulary; to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for your country, the region where you live; to develop the creative abilities of students.
Lesson progress

  1. Organizational moment.

How many times do I repeat

Words of love to native land:

My land!

Praise and honor to you!

B. Legostaev

Donbass live!.. The siren sends to the siren
Miner's friendship steel blazing:
And give it to no one
Not given!

And there is no more beautiful, more inspiring land,
Where everything was created by the creator, the people.
Nobody brought Donbass to its knees
And don’t put it on anyone
P. Besposchadny

  1. Updating basic knowledge.

-Guys, what do you think is the greatest wealth of the people?

The greatest wealth of a people is its language!

Since time immemorial, our people have been preserving and increasing their spiritual treasury - oral folk poetry. For thousands of years, the treasures of human thought and experience have accumulated and live forever in the word. And, perhaps, in none of the forms of creativity of a people does their mind manifest itself with such force, its history is not reflected in such a way, social order and life, worldview, as in oral folk art or folklore.

What is oral folk art?

What types of oral folk art do you know? (compilation of asso CIA T And clearly th bush ) (slide 2)(slide 3)
Folklore(translated from English - “ folk wisdom") - folk art, reflecting the life, ideals and principles of the people. The most important feature of folklore, in contrast to literature, is its oral method of transmitting information. TO folklore works include legends, traditions, fairy tales, songs, ditties, were, anecdotes, etc. “Time was and passed, but the words remained...,” says popular wisdom. And there's no better way to say it. Although the working Donbass is relatively young, artistic traditions and cultural monuments go back centuries.” (I.I. Zaitsev)

3.Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today, guys, we will get acquainted with the genres of folk art, with the cultural heritage of Donbass, learn about the life and work of miners, and, of course, we will love our native land even more.

  1. Working on new material.

What traditions of your native land do you know?(slide 4)

  • Donetsk region has a whole series their unique traditions passed on from generation to generation. Thus, the sound signal of the Yuzovsky (now Donetsk) metallurgical plant, sounded several times a day: in the morning at 5 and 6 o’clock, in the evening at 17 and 18 o’clock, became a time reference for Donetsk residents. Initially, the duration of the beep was about 5 minutes, but now its sounding time has been reduced to 30 seconds. Such a noticeable and familiar sound to city residents is already an integral part of their lives.

What are legends?

What legends about the Donetsk region do you know?(slide 5)

- One of the varieties folklore are legends- written legends about some historical events or personalities (slide 6)

— So, the legendary personality in Donbass is the “mine owner” and patron of miners Shubin, and dedicated to him "The Legend of the Good Shubin" perhaps one of the most popular in the region. There are several versions of this legend, but perhaps the most popular one says that a spirit lives in the depths of the Donbass mines; the miners call him Shubin. He was once a miner himself. When methane gas exploded at the mine face, the entire brigade was killed, only Shubin survived. Out of grief or powerlessness in the face of a terrible disaster, people blamed him for what happened. The guy could not withstand the insults and hid in the face. No one saw him again. But from then until today, Good Shubin has been helping miners, warning them about collapses and possible accidents. Every miner knows this. And, in order not to offend Shubin, they share their miner’s “brakes” with him and always speak respectfully.

  1. Work in groups (4 groups)

Here is the story described at one time by the Donbass newspaper. One miner decided to rest during his shift. He lay down on the cuts and fell into a half-asleep. Suddenly he feels that someone is pushing him away. I opened my eyes - in the dark haze, about ten meters away, in a pinkish halo I could see a dry, hunched man in an old miner’s jacket. In one hand he holds an antediluvian lamp with a thin burning wick, in the other - a stem. He asked for something to drink, saying his throat was dry. The tunneler got up from the cuts and went to the old man with his flask. He managed to take a few steps when suddenly the roof collapsed in the place where he had just been lying.

— In another story, one worker’s lamp went out in a mine. Finding himself in pitch darkness, he completely lost his orientation and wandered around the workings for several hours. And when the miner finally despaired, he saw a light in the distance. As he approached, he saw a figure holding a lantern. There was nothing to lose, and the worker followed her and walked until he got out of the maze.

Stories are recorded about how Shubin helped miners in their hard work, for example, he himself drove trolleys with coal. And the tyrant, the owner of the mine, shouted: “I am the owner! I do what I want!” Shubin proved who was really the boss by completely ruining the mine with firedamp explosions, landslides and floods.

The belief that Shubin warns miners about danger still lives among Donbass miners today.

In April 2007, a mining foreman from the Lugansk region said: “I heard something starting to crack. We stopped using jackhammers, but the noise kept growing. It sounds like someone is stomping on the ceiling. We say that it is Shubin who walks and warns of trouble. Realizing that everything was about to collapse, we rushed to the exit.”

Among other types of folklore in Donbass, fairy tales are popular and quite short phrases, reflecting any phenomenon of life .

Particularly attractive for their accuracy and vital relevance are the proverbs and sayings that exist in the working, mainly mining, environment.

5.Vocabulary work (slide 7, 8)

They are better than other works folk poetry, one can judge the changes in popular consciousness caused by the new social structure and the growth of the spiritual culture of people.

Each of you has probably heard the proverbs : (slide9,10)

“The miner descends into the ground, says goodbye to the white light”

“Glory to the miner when lava produces a lot of coal,”

“An ember is like gold: it shines and is valuable”

“The miner’s face is the front line”

“Be in lava, as in battle, and you will glorify your Motherland”

“Don’t forget the miners’ law: be ashamed to work in any way”

“In a mine, honor is given to those whose coal flows into the mountain.”

“To be called a miner, it’s not enough to get dirty with coal.”

“The young generation is tested at the coalface,” says a new miner’s proverb.

“It’s a good share from the collective farm field,” the other one answers her, as if in tone.

“With wings there is flight, with business there is honor,” reminds the third.

(From the book " Memorable places Donbass", article by I.I. Zaitsev "According to the word, the song takes shape")

No one has studied miners' folklore as diligently as Alexey Vasilievich Ionov(1911-1976, writer, journalist, literary critic, member of the USSR Writers' Union, author of more than 20 books). He walked around the entire Donbass. He met with old-timers and young people, and wrote down tales, legends, songs, ditties, and proverbs that were common among miners. The result of this titanic work was books. The collection “The Miner's Soul Sings” includes songs about the difficult life of miners in tsarist time(slide 11)

A kind of piggy bank people's memory are the thoughts and songs that have survived to this day.(slide 12)

It is they, funny and sad, often fantastic, that convey the uniqueness of our people.

Historical songs, like epics, depict events that have been preserved in the memory of the people. Moreover, if the plot of epics is often of a fairy-tale nature, then the heroes of historical songs are most often real-life heroes.

Each song has a separate story

— One of the popular songs about Donbass, practically its anthem, is the song written in 1939 by Boris Laskin and composer Nikita Bogoslovsky “The dark mounds are sleeping"- a lyrical story about the formation of a working man, about hot work and good work deeds. And, although the song has authors, residents of Donbass have long considered it folk (slide 13)

— Another one of the most popular songs in Donbass — "The song is about young horse racer»

In it, working people spoke in song about the difficult conditions of underground labor, leading to numerous deaths of miners.

  1. Vocabulary work (slide 14,15)

— The horns also sounded when there were accidents at the mine.

- But the miners knew how to have fun and compose funny ditties (slide 16)

-Game "Miner's ditties"

  1. Summing up the lesson in the form of the game “Hearts”.

Thanks for the lesson! (slide 17)


What is folklore?

What genres of folklore do you know?

What is a proverb?

What is a saying?

When and how did proverbs originate?

Who created proverbs?

How are proverbs different from sayings?

Why are wise sayings used in speech?

Do you use proverbs and sayings in your speech?

Folklore – encyclopedia folk life

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! The treasures of human thought and experience accumulate over thousands of years and live forever in the word. And, perhaps, in none of the forms of creativity of a people does their mind manifest itself with such force, its history, social system and way of life, worldview are not reflected in such a way as in oral folk art or folklore.

The most important feature of folklore, in contrast to literature, is its oral method of transmitting information. Folklore works include legends, traditions, fairy tales, songs, ditties, were, anecdotes, etc. “Time was and passed, but the words remained...,” says popular wisdom. And there's no better way to say it. Yes, centuries have passed, and the trace of the life of generations has been imprinted and continues in the Word.

One of the varieties of folklore are legends - written legends about some historical events or personalities. Thus, the legendary personality in Donbass is the “mine owner” and patron of miners Shubin, and dedicated to him"The Legend of the Good Shubin" perhaps one of the most popular in the region. There are several versions of this legend, but perhaps the most popular is thatA spirit lives in the depths of the Donbass mines, the miners call him Shubin. He was once a miner himself. When methane gas exploded at the mine face, the entire brigade was killed, only Shubin survived. Out of grief or powerlessness in the face of a terrible disaster, people blamed him for what happened. The guy could not withstand the insults and hid in the face. No one saw him again.

But from then until today, Good Shubin still helps miners, warning them about collapses and possible accidents. Every miner knows this. And in order not to offend Shubin, they share with him their miner’s “brakes” and always say

In the photo there is a monument to Shubin

in the park of forged figures

    What other legends of Donbass do you know?

Scientists ethnographers study many such legends. Of course, not everything in them is true, so the ethnographer’s task is to separate truth from fiction and create a true picture of events.

Among other types of folklore in the Donbass, fairy tales and very short phrases reflecting some phenomenon of life were popular - sayings and proverbs, a significant part of which is dedicated to miners and mining work. Each of you has probably heard the proverbs: “A miner descends into the ground and bids farewell to the white light,” “Glory to the miner when lava gives a lot of coal,” “An ember is like gold: it glitters and is valued,” and others.

It so happened historically that Donbass was destined for the fate of a region that gathered multilingual peoples with distinctive ethnic roots, religions, and cultures. Their interpenetration and enrichment forged that special character that is called Donetsk.

Proverbs - a storehouse of folk wisdom

The “golden source” of wisdom is one of the genres of oral folk art - proverbs and sayings. Nobody knows when proverbs and sayings arose. Only one thing is certain: they come from ancient times and accompany the people throughout their history. Proverbs are the winged wisdom of the people. There is hardly a person who does not use wise sayings. No wonder it is said: “Without a corner, a house cannot be built, without a proverb, speech cannot be said.” Proverbs for us are a kind of textbook for life. They teach what a person should be like in work, in love and friendship, in relationships with other people. Truly magic words are contained in wise Russian proverbs. And this is no coincidence. People have been creating them for many centuries.

Observing various life phenomena from century to century, the people generalized them, highlighted the most typical in them; they expressed their observations in the precise and concise formula of a proverb or saying. In these short aphorisms, the people passed on their knowledge and experience, accumulated over centuries, to the next generation. “They don’t look for happiness, but make it,” “Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness,” the people teach. Wise proverbs help you evaluate your actions and the actions of other people.

Proverbs cover all aspects of people's lives. They express unrequited love for the homeland, the love of freedom and hard work of the Russian people, their courage, perseverance in the fight against enemies, their honesty and desire to defend the truth to the end. The people themselves perfectly understood the meaning of proverbs in people's lives. This was the reason for the emergence of proverbs:

No wonder it says:

The proverb is an assistant to all matters.

You can't live without a proverb.

Proverbs are short folk sayings applied to various phenomena life. Typically, proverbs consist of two parts that rhyme with each other.A striking example of such a proverb is the phrase “You can’t even catch a fish without labor.”

from the pond."

The first proverbs appeared a long time ago. They were formed by ordinary Russian people. Many of the proverbs were used in ancient chronicles and works.

Among such works are “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” written in the 12th century, and “The Prayer of Daniel the Imprisoner,” from the 13th century. In addition, special handwritten collections of proverbs were already known from the 12th century.

In figurative and wise sayings, the Russian people imprinted their traditions, customs and morals, caustically and wittily ridiculed their enemies, and also shamed such negative traits like anger, envy, greed.

The source of later proverbs can be called various works of Russian and foreign authors. For example, in the comedy "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov there are several dozen phrases and expressions that later became proverbs.

Many proverbs are based on some kind of fable or fairy tale.

A saying differs from a proverb in that it is devoid of a general instructive meaning. IN everyday life We often use sayings and don’t even think about where they came from. Everyone has probably heard such phrases as “Seven Fridays in a week” or “Put your teeth on the shelf”, these are sayings.

Russian language expert

VLADIMIR IVANOVICH DAL (1801 -1872) - Russian scientist and writer. He became famous as the author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.

PROVERB - a short sentence containing folk wisdom. Spelled simple vernacular, often has rhyme and rhythm.





SAYING - “a roundabout expression, figurative speech, a simple allegory, a circumlocution, a way of expression, but without a parable, without judgment, conclusion, application; this is the first half of the proverb"






How not to confuse the words “proverb” and “saying”?

Proverb an allegorical saying, i.e. it has a double meaning; it can be understood literally and figuratively.

Saying - This is an established phrase or phrase, figurative expression, metaphor. Not used on its own.
Sayingsused in sentences to give brightness artistic coloring facts, things and situations.

“to put a pig” (to play a dirty trick)

“disservice” (help that turns into harm)

“to be left with the nose” (to be deceived)

"stayat broken trough "(to lose something due to stupid behavior)

“when the cancer whistles on the mountain” (never).

Usage examples saying in sentences:

I will give you this car when the cancer whistles on the mountain.

An illegally dismissed employee screwed us over.

Basilio the cat and Alice the fox left Pinocchio with his nose.


Great people appreciated the meaning of proverbs and sayings.

1. “What a luxury, what a meaning in every saying of ours. What gold!” (A.S. Pushkin)

2. “Proverbs are the flower of the people’s mind, their originality, they are the people’s everyday truth, a kind of law book, not judged by anyone.” (V.I. Dal)

3. " Folk proverbs and sayings... serve as a reflection of the people’s mind, character, beliefs, views on nature.” (N.A. Dobrolyubov)

4. “This is how our men compose simply! Everything is simple, there are few words, but a lot of feelings.” (L.N. Tolstoy)


Task No. 1. Find a match between the proverbs and the illustrations

Friends are more valuable than money.


The house is not made beautiful by pies,

and red by eaters.


Learning to read and write is always useful.


Where there is work, it is thick,

and the lazy house is empty.


Correct answers:

1-Where there is work, there is plenty, but in a lazy house it is empty.

2- Friends are more valuable than money.

3-The house is not made beautiful by its pies, but by its eaters.

4- Learning to read and write is always useful.

Task No. 2. Sign the illustrations

1. We know those who sing loudly, but we don’t know those who shed bitter tears.

2. You can’t bear your own burden.

3. Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.

4. If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

5. A horseman on foot is not a companion.

Task No. 3. What words are missing in these proverbs and sayings?

    “Cook... in the summer, and the cart in the winter.” (sled)

    “If you love to ride, you also love... to carry.” (sleigh)

    “Courage... takes.” (cities)

    "Alone in the field..." (not a warrior)

    “He who gets up early... (God provides)

Task No. 4. Think about what the proverb is talking about.

    When can you die of thirst because of spitting?

(Don’t spit in the well: you’ll need to drink the water).

    What proverb says that every task must be completed?

(did the job - walk boldly)

    What proverb teaches you to value true friendship?

(An old friend is better than two new ones.)

    From what proverb do we learn that beauty is not the main thing?

(They are greeted by their clothes, but seen off by their minds.)

Task No. 5. Correct errors in proverbs.

    Two boots - container. (Two boots - a pair)

    One leg is good, but two are better. (One head is good, but two are better)

    First damn home. (The first pancake is lumpy)

    You can't spoil Sasha with oil. (You can’t spoil porridge with oil)

    A coward is afraid of your laziness. (A coward is afraid of his shadow)

Task No. 6. Explain how you understand the proverb.

Task No. 7. GAME “Collect a proverb”

(Don’t dance to someone else’s tune, you’ll hurt your legs. Don’t live in someone else’s mind, you’ll lose yours.)


1.When did people first appear in our region?

2. What types of folklore are known in our region?

3.What did you learn from the legend of Good Shubin?

4.What is the basis of many proverbs?

5.Name the signs of proverbs.

6. Why is V.I. Dahl called an expert on the Russian word?

7. How did great people value the meaning of proverbs and sayings in speech?


Folklore (translated from English as “folk wisdom”) is folk art that reflects the life, ideals and principles of the people.


IN medieval Europe collections of proverbs were compiled;

About three dozen handwritten collections compiled in the 13th and early 15th centuries have reached us..

Russian writer, ethnographer, linguist, lexicographer, doctor. Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born on November 22, 1801. in Lugansk, Ekaterinoslav province. Father - Johann Dahl - a Dane who accepted Russian citizenship, was a doctor, linguist and theologian; mother - Maria Khristoforovna Dahl (née Freytag) - half-German, half-French from a Huguenot family.

Dal began collecting words and expressions of the Russian folk language in 1819. The collection of proverbs (it contains about 30 thousand proverbs and sayings) and the dictionary Dahl compiled for many years; these works were ready for publication back in the 50s. XIX century

In 1836, Vladimir Dal came to St. Petersburg, where he was present at the death , from whom Dahl received his talisman ring.

"Dictionary living Great Russian language" by V. Dahl

(in 4 volumes: compiled over 50 years; published 1863-1866; contained about 200,000 words).

In epics and legends, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich perform feats together. But they never actually met because they lived in different times: Dobrynya Nikitich - in the 10th century, Alyosha Popovich - in the 13th century, and Ilya Muromets - in the 12th century. But when legends are passed on from one generation to another for centuries, they acquire new details, famous characters They begin to perform new feats, and the time frame gradually blurs and shifts.

Donbass first appeared before the world in works of oral folk art. Fairy tales, songs, ditties, proverbs, legends, rituals, folk songs, urban romances, children's folklore, conspiracies, legends of Donbass are most fully recorded in the book by Pyotr Timofeev “The Charm of Passed Days”. The author selected for publication 2053 of the most poetically interesting works of oral folk art.


    Dal V.I. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Zimin V.I. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people.

    Zhigulev A.M. Russian proverbs and sayings.

    Uvarov N.V. Encyclopedia of folk wisdom. Proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, catchphrases, comparisons, stable phrases found in the Russian living language in the second half of the 20th century - beginning of XXI centuries.

The presentation immediately starts, which will switch itself (automatically), designed for 450 seconds = 7.5 minutes.

Presenter 1:

Hello, today we will tell you about the traditions and folklore of Donbass.

So, what is tradition?

TRADITION (from Latin traditio - transmission; legend), elements of social and cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and preserved for a certain period of time. societies, classes and social groups for a long time.

Folklore(translated from English as “folk wisdom”) is folk art that reflects the life, ideals and principles of the people.

The most important feature of folklore, in contrast to literature, is its oral method of transmitting information. Folklore works include legends, traditions, fairy tales, songs, ditties, were, anecdotes, etc.

Presenter 2:

And so, let's start with the traditions of our beautiful Donbass:

The very first and probably the most important is Tradition to celebrate Miner's Day

Miners' Professional Day began to be celebrated on the territory former USSR only since the mid-twentieth century. The starting point for the origin of the holiday was August 31, 1935, when a simple working guy Alexei Stakhanov exceeded the coal production quota by almost 15 times. The feat of the Soviet miner received wide publicity, and workers breaking labor records began to be called “Stakhanovites” throughout the country.

The phenomenon became so widespread that in 1947 Miner's Day holiday was officially approved in the USSR, and on August 29, 1948, the first celebration took place.

For many mining-oriented cities, Miner's Day is one of the most important celebrations of the year, accompanied by large-scale folk festivals and concerts under open air.

On this day, miners are rewarded for their professionalism and labor success, given written thanks and cash bonuses, and miners who did not return from the mine are remembered and honored with a minute of silence. Musical and musical performances come to entertain the miners and their families. dance groups, and in the evening the summer sky blooms with thousands of bright fireworks.

Every year on the last Sunday of August these brave people celebrate their professional holiday - Miner's Day.

Presenter 3:

The most striking Donetsk tradition is the time orientation of the sounding of the whistle of a metallurgical plant. Such a noticeable and familiar sound to Donetsk residents is already an integral part of city life. And who would have imagined that an ordinary ship's steam whistle, purchased by John Hughes along with piston engines from the Orel steamship that sank in the Sea of ​​Azov, would become a real relic of the enterprise and a legend of the city.

It survived the destruction of the plant during the war, did not fall silent like the factory whistles of other enterprises during the fight against noise in the 60s, and continues to regularly serve as a landmark of the times in the industrial city.

Due to the expansion of the enterprise in post-war years and the need to increase the audibility of sound, to help the first factory “clock”, a copy of the steamship whistle was made, designed for a volume of steam twice as large as that used by the old whistle. Both devices - the "Eagle" horn and the horn made by Vasily Klembovsky - are now located on the roof of the machine shop of the TPP-PVS Donetsk Metallurgical Plant.

The beep schedule is known to most citizens: it is heard once at 6, 14 and 22 o'clock, twice at 7, 15 and 23 o'clock. First sounded over the then sparsely populated Yuzovka and the surrounding area in 1873, it became for many metallurgists a solution to problems with delays, a way to improve discipline and an opportunity to establish continuous production. Like the heart of a metallurgical enterprise, the factory whistle has been measuring the period of the factory shift for many years and informing all residents and guests of Donetsk about the time.

Presenter 4:

But don't forget about Folklore of our Donbass!

One of the varieties of folklore are legends - written legends about some historical events or personalities.

Thus, the legendary personality in Donbass is the “mine owner” and patron of miners Shubin, and dedicated to him "The Legend of the Good Shubin" perhaps one of the most popular in the region. There are several versions of this legend, but perhaps the most popular one says:

What A spirit lives in the depths of the Donbass mines, the miners call him Shubin. He was once a miner himself. When methane gas exploded at the mine face, the entire brigade was killed, only Shubin survived. Out of grief or powerlessness in the face of a terrible disaster, people blamed him for what happened. The guy could not withstand the insults and hid in the face. No one saw him again.

But from then until today, Good Shubin still helps miners, warning them about collapses and possible accidents.

Every miner knows this. And in order not to offend Shubin, they share their miner’s “brakes” with him and always speak respectfully.

Presenter 5:

To confirm this legend, here is a story described at one time by the Donbass newspaper. One miner decided to rest during his shift. He lay down on the cuts and fell into a half-asleep. Suddenly he feels that someone is pushing him away. I opened my eyes - in the dark haze, about ten meters away, in a pinkish halo I could see a dry, hunched man in an old miner’s jacket. In one hand he holds an antediluvian lamp with a thin burning wick, in the other - a stem. He asked for something to drink - they said his throat was dry. The tunneler got up from the cuts and went to the old man with his flask. He managed to take a few steps when suddenly the roof collapsed in the place where he had just been lying.

In another story, a worker's lamp went out in a mine. Finding himself in pitch darkness, he completely lost his orientation and wandered around the workings for several hours. And when the miner finally despaired, he saw a light in the distance. As he approached, he saw a figure holding a lantern. There was nothing to lose and the worker followed her and walked until he got out of the maze.

Presenter 6:

Among other types of folklore in Donbass, sayings and proverbs were popular, a significant part of which is dedicated to miners and miner’s work. Each of you has probably heard the proverbs:

    The miner descends into the ground and says goodbye to the white light.

    An ember is like gold: it shines and is valuable.

    Be in lava, as in battle, you will glorify your Motherland.

    Don’t forget the miners’ law: be ashamed to work in any way.

    At the mine, honor is given to those whose coal flows to the mountain.

    To be called a miner, it’s not enough to get dirty with coal.

    The miner's face is the front line.

    Glory to the miner when the lava produces a lot of coal.

    The young generation is tested at the coalface,” says a new miner’s proverb.

Presenter 7:

We can also boast about our Donbass ditties, For example:

Miner's ditties

I met a guy
How excited has he become?
I thought - teacher,
It turned out that he was a miner.

I'm worried about my loved one
I confess in all honesty,
He works at the mine face
I am on the surface.

Eh, mine, face
There is no sun underground
I will shine a light bulb
Dear one at the window.

Presenter 8:

The faithful son of the Donetsk land, its nightingale, Ukrainian poet Vladimir Sosyura confessed:

Donechchino is mine, you are my fatherland,
You are my love and all my feelings!
I touched your breasts like a child,
To gain strength again for song and life.

Presenter 9:

Another Donbass citizen, who came from a mining family, and who himself spent many years underground, the Russian poet Pavel Besposhchadny, was in a heartfelt exchange with his fellow countryman and fellow writer, during the hard times of war, when Donbass was occupied by the Nazis, and he, being sick, was evacuated to Central Asia and came out with an inexpressible longing for his native land:

I always dream about Donbass here,
In my delirium I call him:
Fly like a blue bird
Above the tent where I live.

Presenter 10:

And, affirming with his poetry the insubordination of Donbass, he took an unusual oath:

And there is no more beautiful, more inspiring land,
Where everything was created by the creator, the people.
No one brought Donbass to its knees,
And no one can deliver!

Presenter 1:

The songs that have survived to this day are a kind of treasury of folk memory. It is they who are cheerful and sad, often fantastic, that convey the uniqueness of our people.

One of the popular songs about Donbass, practically its anthem, is a song written in 1939 by Boris Laskin and composer Nikita Bogoslovsky, which we will now perform for you - this is a lyrical story about the formation of a working person, about hot work and good work deeds. And, although the song has authors, residents of Donbass have long considered it folk.

If you know, you can sing along! (to the viewer)

The presenters all sing the song together:

“The dark mounds are sleeping”

The dark mounds are sleeping,
Scorched by the sun,
And the mists are white
They walk in a line.
Through the noisy groves
And the fields are green
Went out to the Donetsk steppe
The guy is young.
Through the noisy groves
And the fields are green
Went out to the Donetsk steppe
The guy is young.

There in the coal mine
The guy was noticed
The hand of friendship was given,
Take it with you.
The girls are pretty
We were greeted with a quiet song.
And went to the slaughter
The guy is young.
The girls are pretty
We were greeted with a quiet song.
And went to the slaughter
The guy is young.

Work days are hot
Similar to fights
They did it in the guy's life
The turn is sharp.
To a nice job,
Good things to do
Went out to the Donetsk steppe
The guy is young.
To a nice job,
Good things to do
Went out to the Donetsk steppe
The guy is young.

Vocabulary work Oral folk art. Folklore (from English words folk - people, lore - wisdom. Folklore is the art of the people. Small genres of folklore: pestushki, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, jokes, chants, riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, songs. A proverb is a folk saying that reflects the spiritual image of the people, their wisdom and life experience, his aspirations and ideals, judgments about various aspects of life. A proverb is a phrase containing hidden meaning and makes you think about the continuation of the thought.

Assignment Try to distinguish a proverb from a saying. Arrange the statements in the columns of the table Proverb Proverb 1. The miner's face is the front line. 2. Glory to the miner when lava produces a lot of coal. 3. If you go to the mine, you won’t find happiness. 4. Don’t forget the miners’ law - be ashamed to work in any way. 5. The miner's rule is simple - work without accidents or downtime. 6. We honor those who have coal, like a river flowing up a mountain. 7. Judge a man by his work. 8. A miner is handsome not because of his sweet smile, but because of his work ethic. 9. We chop coal, but we don’t know bread. 1. The miner's face is the front line. 2. Glory to the miner when lava produces a lot of coal. 3. If you go to the mine, you won’t find happiness. 4. Don’t forget the miners’ law - be ashamed to work in any way. 5. The miner's rule is simple - work without accidents or downtime. 6. We honor those who have coal, like a river flowing up a mountain. 7. Judge a man by his work. 8. A miner is handsome not because of his sweet smile, but because of his work ethic. 9. We chop coal, but we don’t know bread.

Interesting fact Today we will talk to you about small genres of folklore of our region. “And what a luxury, what a meaning, what a point in every saying of ours! What kind of gold!” said the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin about these genres. There are a lot of proverbs. Already in 1500, Erasmus of Rotterdam compiled a collection of ancient sayings and proverbs. From the end of the 17th century, collections of proverbs and sayings began to be published in Russia. The study of this layer of folk art was started by M.V. Lomonosov. V. Dal, contemporary of A.S. Pushkin, collected proverbs and sayings for fifty years.

We develop the ability to defend our point of view. Initially, proverbs and sayings were part of short stories about some events, fairy tales, songs and presented an aptly and briefly expressed generalization of what was discussed in the work. For example, “The nose will be pulled out, the tail will get stuck, the tail will be pulled out, the nose will get stuck” (from the fairy tale “The Crane and the Heron”), “The beaten one carries the unbeaten” (from the fairy tale “The Little Fox-Sister and the Wolf”). In the folklore of Donbass you can hear about the mountain spirit, the mine brownie - Shubin. He lives deep in the Donbass mines and often helps out miners by warning them about collapses. It scares the careless less often. And very rarely can he indicate the location of a coal seam. Every miner knows this. And in order not to accidentally offend Shubin, they share food with him and speak respectfully.

Stories of the appearance of Shubin In one of the legends, Shubin was a young guy who did not share something either with the mine manager, or with the owner himself. Either he said something wrong, or he decided to make love with his daughter, but the result was the same - they beat the guy badly and threw him into a mine to die. And the guy, whose name was Ivan Shubin, just didn’t want to die. Sensing, by some miracle, that there was a release of “mine gas” methane in the mine, Ivan caused a spark and blew himself up along with the mine. That means he ruined his master. This is how he took revenge on the tyrant, and he himself remained forever the spirit of the underground workings. There is also a version that Shubin is not a surname, but a profession. There were people in the mine who carried out blasting operations, deepening the mine workings. They went down into the mine wearing a fur coat turned inside out to protect themselves from burns. With sticks of dynamite, which were placed during blasting operations. However, there are still explosives, although they have not been called “shubina” for a long time. Safety precautions have changed, although the miner's profession remains one of the most dangerous. But that's not what I want to talk about. So, a Shubin-explosive operator worked at one mine. The duties of the Shubins included (not all mine owners) the burning of firedamp. Which in itself is incredibly dangerous. It was possible to burn it only if there was little gas, but those who were particularly greedy could not wait for the gas concentration to drop to the required level. After all, the mine has been idle all this time. So they sent one Shubin to burn off the gas, knowing in advance that the man would not return...

Assignment Read an excerpt from the work of E.A. Fedorov “Stone Belt”, find the proverb and explain its meaning: “For a long time he [Shubin] stood in front of the statues and sighed: And the owner grabbed everything! – he thought sadly about his work. Trying not to look at Andreika, Shubin told him: We have long said: need gallops, need cries, need sings songs. Oh, Andreika, what is all this for, who needs our talents?

Collect parts of proverbs according to their meaning: In a mine, guys, be ashamed to work somehow Young recruits will never distinguish themselves; Don’t forget the miner’s law; don’t play hide and seek; Whoever gets excited in the coalface is not more faithful than his brother; A butt and a shovel - it’s not enough to get dirty in the coal; To be called a miner, one is tempered in the coalface If you give your word with your tongue, keep it. The miner is beautiful not with a sweet smile, but with a work ethic. The miner values ​​his honor - do not wave his pick.

A riddle is a tricky question. The main purpose of a riddle is that it develops intuition and intelligence in a person. The riddle genre is different in that it requires you to guess the object being described. Therefore, the riddle has great value in the formation of intelligence Riddles Answers Two bulls are butting - they will not get together. Ants There is water all around, and there is trouble with drinking. Sheep The carpenters walked without axes, they cut down a hut without corners. heaven and earth A scarlet cap, a non-woven vest, a pockmarked caftan. Sea A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys. The hen is not a clock, but ticking. The heart is bent in an arc, in the summer - in the meadow, in the winter - on a hook. Forest In winter with a gray beard, in summer a new one grows, in autumn it disappears Sunflower In the middle of the yard is the golden head of a braid

Vocabulary work A tale is always an improvisation; its plot and shades of narration can change depending on the audience and its mood. The attitude of the narrator to the story is also very important. In a tale, the language that imitates is very important. colloquial speech, figurative and rich in archaisms and sayings. In a fairy tale, the artistic component of vocabulary does not play a special role. Byvaloshchina (byl) - in folk art, a short oral story about an incredible incident, an incident that supposedly took place in reality. The byvalshchinas tell stories about nature spirits, sorcerers, ghosts, the dead, magical treasures, etc. The most famous spirit of the miners' byvalshchinas, tales, is called Shubin. Bylichka - the hero’s story about a meeting with “ evil spirits" Bylichka tells a story from life that happened to the narrator himself, but more often - to his acquaintances or acquaintances of his acquaintances. Like bylovschina, bylichka describes events that can happen to listeners. Unlike a tale, bylichka and byvaloschina do not explain a certain reality, but warn or simply narrate a supernatural event

Interesting fact Peter was the first of the Russian tsars to make a long journey to the countries Western Europe. Upon returning from them, Peter I used the experience of Western European countries in the development of industry, trade, and culture. He pursued a policy of creating manufactories, metallurgical, mining and other plants, shipyards, marinas, and canals. Supervised the construction of the fleet and the creation regular army. The history of the extraction of stone fuel is usually associated with the figure of Tsar Peter I. In 1696, the sovereign was shown a piece of perfectly burning stone. “This mineral... will be very useful for our descendants,” the king decreed. Serf Grigory Kapustin discovered coal near a tributary of the Seversky Donets at the beginning of the 18th century. In December of the following year, Tsar Peter I, by decree, sent ore miner Kapustin to collect samples of the mineral. Later, special expeditions were organized to explore coal and ore. It was these events that created the preconditions for the creation of a powerful coal mining industry

Collective work 1. Read the tale “The Leaky Caftan.” Decide on a topic of this work. 2. Describe the image of Tsar Peter I and his soldiers. 3. Read the dialogue between comrades Vasily and Erema by role. 3. Explain the meaning of the title of the tale “Leaky Caftan”. 4. Determine the features of the fairy tale genre. 5. Write out archaisms, proverbs, and colloquial words from the work. Which character do they belong to? Why?

Test questions 1 The concepts of “fairy tale” and “fairy tale” have a common root “to tell” 2 The characters of a tale can be real or fictitious 3 The tale is told on behalf of a direct participant 4 A tale is always improvisation, its plot and shades of narration can change depending on the audience , her mood 5 In a tale, the language is very important, imitating colloquial speech, figurative and rich in archaisms and sayings 6 E. Konovalov’s book is called “Tales, tales and incidents of the old Donbass” 7 Thematically, Evgeniy Konovalov’s tales are combined into two groups: tales about historical figures and animals 8 The storytellers of the Donetsk land are considered to be old horse-drivers, sledge runners, riggers, charcoal burners, etc. 9 Historical character the tale “The Leaky Caftan” is Tsar Ivan the Terrible 10 The tale “The Leaky Caftan” tells how a soldier’s outer clothing was stolen and he was given a dilapidated caftan 11 The soldier Vasily and Erema were assigned to the mine as helpers 12 It was the serf Grigory Kapustin at the beginning of the 18th century discovered coal near a tributary of the Seversky Donets.