Wise Caucasian toasts. Caucasian proverbs - sayings of the peoples of the Caucasus, the wisdom of the mountain people

Table speeches in the Caucasus are a whole ritual, often becoming a mini-performance. They are so bright and memorable that other nations gladly borrow them and pronounce them at their banquets. It is a good toast that “holds the table” and turns a banal meal into a celebration. Interesting Caucasian toasts for all occasions are presented in this selection.

Cool and funny Caucasian toasts

A sense of humor is highly valued in the Caucasus. Therefore, toasts here are rarely without a joke. They often ridicule human vices - stupidity, greed, cowardice, unworthy of a horseman. Caucasians can also make fun of rather sensitive moments in the relationship between husband and wife, fathers and children.

The basis for a humorous toast can be an ordinary joke, to which the introductory word “one day” is first added. Further, under any anecdotal situation, a solemn final phrase with a proposal to raise glasses. In terms of meaning, it does not necessarily have to logically follow from the above. The subtlety of a funny Caucasian toast sometimes arises from the paradoxical nature of its conclusion.

Once in one mountain village all the men gathered, the elder, deciding to find out whether they respect their wives, asked:

“Whoever of you is dissatisfied with your wives, let him stand up!”

Everyone stood up, only one person continued to sit. The elder was glad that at least one man in the village respects his wife and does not say that he is dissatisfied with her; He said:

– Thank God, for the first time I see a man satisfied with his wife!

To this the horseman who remained seated replied:

- You're wrong, ata. I didn’t get up because my wife broke my leg with a poker and I can’t get up. Otherwise I would have jumped up first...

So let's drink to the fact that women never give men the opportunity to stop respecting them!

One day young Sofiko complained to her friend:

– Vano came to see me last night. I was so excited, so fascinated by him that in a fit of ardent tenderness I said: “Take the most precious thing from me!” He led the horse out of the stable, jumped on it and rushed off like the wind.

So let's drink to the fact that we always understand women correctly!

One day, on a distant mountain plateau, a shepherd was tending a herd of goats. Suddenly an eagle fell from the sky onto the herd like a stone and grabbed one kid. The shepherd fired and the eagle fell, and the kid flew on.
So let's drink so that eagles don't get shot and goats don't fly.

Once upon a time, there lived one very rich man and one poor man in the mountains. And both wanted happiness. The rich man was served happiness on a large platter, but soon he grew tired of it, and he began to cry because he did not know what else to want.

But the poor man’s happiness was on a high rock, and he climbed and climbed it, but, not knowing the rules of rock climbing, he failed every time.

So let's drink to not looking for fraudulent happiness on a wide platter, but to enroll in the mountaineering and rock climbing section, and thereby acquire reliable life skills.

Congratulatory toasts for the wedding

A wedding in the Caucasus is an event as large-scale and significant as in the rest of Russia. However, marriage is taken much more seriously here than anywhere else. Even a passing suggestion about the possibility of divorce is not allowed. The marriage union is sacred and inviolable.

It is not surprising that wedding toasts occupy a special place in the array of texts of dinner speeches. And here it is not enough to say a wish to the young, ending it with the steady phrase “So let’s have a drink...”. In Caucasian wedding speech it should be conveyed valuable experience family life. This can be done in different shapes– both lyrically and humorously.

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy for one day, drink wine.” If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life, respect, appreciate, take care of your wife.”

So let's drink to our groom, and may he be happy all his life!

When one respected aksakal celebrated his eightieth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his life together with his wife, he was asked:

Once a venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant said hastily:

- A thousand years of health!

- Tsits! - the gentleman shouted. - Why do you wish the impossible for me?

“Then live one hundred and twenty years.”

- Tsits! – the prince became angry again.

- Then at least a hundred!

Didn't please again!

- Eighty?

All wrong! The servant lost patience and said:

- Yes, if it were my will, then die now!

Let's drink to our birthday boy living as long as he wishes!

In a distant village lived an old aksakal. And then one day he decided to leave for another world. But suddenly he stood up strong wind and brought a newspaper from somewhere. And then the aksakal’s gaze came across a note telling that another aksakal lives in a neighboring village, who is 120 years old, and that he still feels great. Our elder felt offended, and he said:

I will live longer than him, because I am only 119 years old.

So let's raise our glasses to ensure that the birthday boy's mail always arrives on time.

A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman’s birthday and never knows how old she is. So let's drink to life path our birthday girl only met real men!

Every woman is like a rose - equally beautiful. But there are no roses without thorns. The petals quickly fly away, but the prickly thorns remain. So let's drink to the birthday girl who manages to be an ever-blooming rose without thorns!

One old aksakal told me: “By how a man’s wife is, how good she is and what kind of housewife she is, one can judge what he is like and whether he knows his worth.” So let's drink to the charming and skillful birthday girl, whose husband, apparently, is a real sultan!

Wise Caucasian toasts-parables

The parable is short cautionary tale, akin to a fable. Caucasian folklore contains a great variety of them, and almost each of them can become the basis for a toast. The plots of the parables are very diverse, and their heroes can be both people and animals. Feature It is precisely the Caucasian parable that conveys the clear image of a traveler on a mountain road.

Taking a parable as the basis for a toast, you need to end it with a conclusion. The final sentence, “Let us raise our glasses...” can relate to anything from love to cybernetics. It all depends on the goal of the toaster and his ability to derive his own moral from the story. The Caucasian parable, thus, becomes universal material for toasts for all occasions.

One stupid and proud ram wanted so badly to be the best in his flock that he climbed to the highest peak of the high mountain. A strong wind began, all the rams rallied into a herd and held out, but that ram, alas, was alone and could not resist the force of the wind. With his next impulse, he flew into the gorge and crashed. So let's drink to the fact that there will be no such sheep in our company, we will be a single team.

Caucasian wisdom says: “If you want to find strong love- look for a woman in love. If you want to find devoted love, look for a faithful wife. Do you want to find eternal love“Never forget the way to your mother’s house.”
Let's drink to the boundless and eternal love of our mothers!

As the elders say, in life a person should avoid two types of people: those who do not need him, and those who do not need him.
So let's raise a glass to all of us sitting at this festive table. May each of us always be needed by someone!

Caucasians have a legend: when a child appears in a family, 100 devils appear in addition to it. When he turns one year old, one angel is born, and there are one less devil. And so every next year: the number of angels increases, and the number of devils decreases. Let's raise our glasses so that we all live to see the moment when there are no devils left!

One day two young horsemen argued about which women were more beautiful. One claimed that they were brunettes. Another thought they were blondes. They decided to ask the elder. The elder shook his head and said: “A real horseman, when asked whether he likes brunettes or blondes more, must answer: YES!”
Behind right decisions real men!

High in the mountains, where the sky embraces the mountain peaks, lived a great sage. His wisdom was so great and known that the most important leaders of the surrounding tribes came to consult with him and they were never disappointed in his advice. But then one day, a big disaster came to one of the surrounding villages; domestic animals began to die. And no one could understand the reason for this misfortune. And then the elders decided to turn to the sage for help. The sage listened to them and said: “You, dear ones, need to go to the vet!” So let's drink to everyone minding their own business and if you have a problem, contact a specialist! Here's to the experts in their field!

One day a young man came to the sage. He asked the sage what happiness is. The sage thought a little and said:
- Happiness is an elastic concept, for a mother happiness is a baby, for a merchant it is a new horse. Everyone chooses for themselves what happiness means to them. So think about what you crave and what you love. So let’s drink to each of us realizing our own happiness.

The daughter had two apples, the mother asked to give her one. And the daughter took it and bit both of them... The mother already thought that her daughter did not love her at all. But the daughter handed one apple to her mother and said: “Here, mom, this is the most delicious.” Let's drink so that we know that even if it seems to us that something bad has happened, it can be for our good. Don't rush to conclusions!

High in the mountains, among the beautiful mountain landscapes, where the clouds catch their strands on the peaks of the snow-white plains, on a luxurious lawn full of emerald grass, there once lived a mountain goat. And this goat behaved like a real goat, all the time he yelled in a voice that was not his own and tried to hook someone on his horns or hook him with his shaggy side. He was so evil that the day came when there was absolutely no one left around. And then the goat withered from sadness and died. And for a long time his lonely bones remained white among the beautiful valley. So let's drink to the fact that no matter what nature surrounds us, we will never be goats! Because goats die alone!

For good health,
So that it doesn't let you down,
To live like in the Caucasus,
So that everything can be done at once!

May the summers be long,
May you always be lucky
So that troubles pass by,
May everyone around you love you!

I suggest you drink for this,
I wish you success
So that all plans come true,
And stay away from grief!

Brother for brother will tear anyone apart.. They will move mountains for each other.. This is what happens - the Caucasian people.

A Caucasian girl will never allow herself to do low things because she knows that her father’s Pride and Honor is her.

Laugh without noise, without ringing! To die without a pitiful groan! He knows how to cry dry tears! Such is the man born of the mountains!

Dance beautifully. Hit hard. Walk out proudly. Don't talk about yourself loudly. Let others talk about you quietly.

Only a Caucasian can slip, roll along the road, stand up, shake himself and say “I almost fell”...

In the Caucasus, guys are the most jealous because the girls are the most beautiful.

Armenians have such eyes that you can drown in them... And hang yourself on your nose!

Dagestan is a wonderland, came out at night and disappeared.

Never tell ALLAH that you have problems, tell the problems that you have ALLAH.

I love Allah alone, and the rest for his sake!

In my entire life I have only broken one heart, mine.

Winning the heart of a Caucasian girl is as easy as leveling the Caucasus mountains.

A handsome man will never say that he is handsome. I know it from myself...)

Caucasian boys are so harsh that they even access the Internet from Tetris...

Earthquake is nothing new to us, this is a CAUCASIAN dancing LAZGINKA.

Caucasian wisdom says: “he who does not show off is a show-off man.”

Moscow 2040 ... - Dad, is it true that Russians lived here? - No, Maga, this is fantastic!))))

The Most Beautiful, Emotional and Hot Love, This is CAUCASIAN LOVE!!

They say Caucasians are scattered all over the world. Not true! This world is scattered around Caucasians!

A Caucasian is someone who, when asked “What nationality are you?” proudly answers: “Read it in your eyes!”

All Caucasian girls with a gold medal and a red diploma are standing near the stove....

You yell at him that you hate him... And at night you only repeat the words of the prayer, so that the Almighty will take care of him...

A Caucasian man gets out of the train and shouts the tasker, the tasker. I'm not a drag driver, I'm a porter. Well then, wear out my suitcases.

The Almighty did not promise days without pain, laughter without sadness, sun without rain. “But He promised strength for everyone.”

If a crowd of Caucasian guys is chasing you, run to the cops. It's more fun to run together.

In the Caucasus, girls' skirts should be the same set as the "Priors", and the lower, the more beautiful.

Salaam Alleikum people, help me write some status about the Caucasus.

A fairy tale city, a dream city! Once you get into the dag's car, you disappear forever...)

A Dagestani is asked: - What would you do if you had a time machine? - I would have tinted it!

A CAUCASIAN was beaten in his sleep, but he didn’t leave it like that, gathered the KENTS and went to bed together!

Watch the market, Caucasians are online!

Only Caucasians, when passing their license, come in their own car.

Only one betrayal is worthy of respect - betraying your principles for the sake of a loved one!

Bro, do you really like her? Uh... whichever one you like, I want a daughter from her.

Our Caucasus, how I love you all!

When an eagle flies with an eagle, they are both free, and when he lives with a hen, he becomes a rooster.

Both in dreams and in reality I will tear everyone’s jaws for the Caucasus.

Caucasian sport - synchronized peeking out of a tinted car..

A girl from the Caucasus is like a mountain flower that needs to be picked and not picked up!

A Caucasian girl is the one that everyone likes, but only one gets!

If he is jealous, it means he loves, if he loves, he is afraid of losing, if he is afraid of losing, then he will steal this year)

There is not enough strength to stop... and there is not enough evil to take revenge....

Only in the Caucasus do they confess love with the following verses: when I saw you, I fell from love, you have such a figure, you must be a athlete.

There is good for good and blood for blood. And hatred is immeasurable, like love!

ARMENIAN eyes have an interesting feature - they start speaking when their lips have not yet moved...

A face of Caucasian orientation...

Caucasian wisdom: In love they know each other because they love each other. In friendship, they love each other because they know each other.”

Even if you burst, Even if you burst, the Caucasus comes first.

Able to cry dry tears.

In the Caucasus we are horsemen, and beyond the Caucasus we are bandits!!!

A man from the Caucasus is obliged to love three women: 1) who gave birth to him; 2) who will give birth to him; 3) and the one that will be born to him.

Proud beauty, the burning eyes of the nights, all this is from the Armenian woman, the daughter of the southern nights...

Caucasian love is when you threw a snowball at him, and he buried you in a snowdrift.

Speak briefly, ask for little, go away!!!

Caucasian love is when one of his menacing gaze is enough for her to swallow her sharp tongue...

Caucasian longevity is transmitted over the Internet, so add yourself as a friend.

The Caucasus will live forever!

The most beautiful eyes from someone who looks at you with tenderness. And you don’t care at all whether they are brown, blue or green. But they are the closest.

Appearing frivolous and being inaccessible is the height of art.

Do you want me to like you? Dance a lezginka on the hood of a car whose speed is 120 km/h.

The soul of a mountaineer is woven from faith and freedom.

The mountaineers of the North Caucasus are a force that cannot be resisted.

Every hot Brazilian girl has a watchful milf. And every hot Caucasian girl has crazy brothers!

A CAUCASIAN GIRL should not walk on the ground - she should be carried in the arms of real CAUCASIAN GUYS.

Without show-off, but with grace, Without Nazism, but with patriotism, With dignity for the worthy, With respect for the weak, Pride, honor and spirit - this is the TRUE CAUCASUS!

Only Caucasians confess their love with the following verses: Autumn has come, the leaves are falling, I don’t need anyone except You!

Only in the Caucasus they know more about your personal life than you yourself...

And they love passionately and heartily, the French of the Caucasus, the sons of the eternal mountains. You can’t help but see silent eternity in the depths of their eyes if you look straight into them!

A Caucasian guy will never fight for a girl. He will fight over a girl!

America rules, Europe rules, Australia rules, Asia rules, and the Caucasus sits in the back seat and shows where to steer.

You take care of him GOD! And help him, please. Even if I became superfluous to him... I still value him just the same.

We are not afraid of damage, out of sight.. Because we are from the Caucasus.. We have a lot of brown-eyed people.. We burn Lezginka with a cry: ASSAAA.

- Maga, I passed my license, I want to buy a car. Can you advise which one is best for a girl?
- Washing room.

Russia without the Caucasus is like Gazprom without gas.

Caucasian love: grappling, interception, pinning, holding, painful hold and after 9 months a little wrestler.

Remember the phrase, don’t be insolent to the Caucasus!

One day Heaven and Earth argued about who was more beautiful. The sky showed the stars to prove its beauty, and the Earth showed the Caucasus!

I walked around the entire Caucasus, and in heaven native land found it. Stavropol region - My mother's homeland!

Do you love a Caucasian? Well... love and be patient...

Caucasian love is when a girl tells a guy I’m leaving you, and he gently hugs her and says I’ll break your jaw.

The Caucasus is home to the most at-risk and brave people who are not afraid of anything except “Step back, otherwise I won’t grow.”

The main thing is to take the situation by the balls in time.

I'm not waiting for a prince on a white horse, I'm waiting for a Caucasian on a Black BMW.

Offending Ingush is a piece of cake! But you will spit blood!

Darling, if you come up to at least one painted mymra, remember... I’m close, very close! On the roof with a rifle.

CAUCASUS! There are few of us, but we are everywhere!

I’m not arrogant, I’m just brought up according to Armenian laws, and our first law is Pride!

Be a girl who is confident in herself, in her struggle, in her path, in her destiny. Stay in the crowd as if you were alone, as if you were born of the Goddess!

We are united as a flock! Guys are like eagles, girls are like swans, beautiful!

Phone conversation. - Givi! What are you doing? - I'm eating! - What are you eating? - This is not a telephone conversation.

He shouted in the mountains: I am in love, and the echo answered: Get married.

Listen, you are a daring and hot-tempered man from the Caucasus, of course I understand everything, but remember, asshole, I’m Russian. But here everything is simple - fuck it. And that's all.

Statuses about the Caucasus beautiful Caucasian


In the very depths of your hopes and desires lies the silent knowledge of another world... Believe in your dreams, for the gates of eternity are hidden in them.

Jibran Khalil

If you want to act wisely, ask your wife's opinion, listen to it and do the completely opposite.

Harun al-Rashid

Whoever thinks that he will extinguish his desires by satisfying them is like a madman who strives to extinguish the fire with straw.

Persian wisdom

Islam is not a green robe, a Turkish cap and a beard. Islam is the soul of a person, which can be decorated not with clothes, but good deeds. As a Chechen, I value Chechen clothing, not Arabic or Turkish clothing. The Almighty created me a Chechen, and no one except Him knows how grateful I am to Him for this.

Abdulbaki Jamo
Jordanian Sheikh

Carelessness is the cause of all disasters.
A. Jami

Wine communicates four qualities to everyone who drinks it. At the beginning, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and begins to joke and flirt with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in conclusion he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud.

Abul Faraj

It is said that we are obliged to forgive our enemies; but nowhere does it say that we should forgive our friends.

C. Medici

Do not accept alms from thieves, for they will steal even more from the people.

Chechen wisdom

Fools notice only people's faults and do not pay attention to their virtues. They are like flies that try to land only on the inflamed part of the body.

Abul Faraj

A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.
Abul Faraj

He who shouts in anger is ridiculous; he who is silent in anger is terrible.

Abay Kunakbaev

Anger beyond measure causes fear, and excessive affection reduces respect for you in people's eyes. Don’t be so harsh that everyone gets tired of you, and don’t be so meek that they dare you.

If the giver does this in front of everyone, then he is not giving, but bribing.
Chechen wisdom

Man is amazingly structured - he is upset when he loses wealth, and is indifferent to the fact that the days of his life are irrevocably passing away.

Abul Faraj

War tests a brave man, anger tests a wise man, a friend tests need.


There is no need to hide your illness
From two people: from a doctor and a friend.

Do good to people while you have the opportunity. Then, when there is no such opportunity, you will regret it.

Chechen wisdom

If you lend, you either lose money or make an enemy.
Albanian proverb

A smart person is capable of changing, if necessary. Only the grave will change a fool.

Chechen proverb

The only way to help yourself is to help others.

You have always been told that work is a curse and a misfortune. But I will say that when you work, you realize a piece of a dream about the future that is intended just for you; living in work, you lead the life of a truly world-loving person; and to love work life means to know the deepest secret of existence.

Jibran Khalil

The highest courage is to find endurance and patience in yourself after endurance and patience have already run out.

Chechen wisdom

Kindness and tenderness are not signs of weakness and powerlessness, but a manifestation of strength and determination.

But I say that just as even the most righteous and holy man cannot rise above the highest that is in each of you, so evil person cannot fall below the basest, which is also contained in each of you.

Your joy is your sorrow that has dropped its mask. The well from which you draw laughter has been filled with your tears more than once. And how could it be otherwise? The deeper the cave that sorrow digs in our soul, the more joy it can contain.

Labor is love manifested. And if you cannot work with joy and feel only an aversion to work, then it is better to quit your work, sit at the door of the temple and accept alms from those who work with joy. For if you bake bread, remaining indifferent, then this bread will be bitter and will only satisfy a person’s hunger by half.

It is good to give when asked, but it is better to give without being asked, being able to understand the need of another person.

I learned silence from the talkative, patience from the intemperate, kindness from the wicked.

Life without love is like a tree without flowers and fruits.

Money is like love: it kills those who keep it only for themselves with a slow and painful death, but it awakens those who generously share with their neighbors to a new life.

Generosity is not about giving me what I need more than you; no, generosity is giving me what you need more than me.

Jibran Khalil

At happy life there is no need for fortune telling.

Thrift at home is more profitable than profitable trade.

When one ant drags a grain, another ant will always help.

ABC - steps to wisdom.

The anger of a good man is terrible.

Grown-up children are like fire. Either you manage to spread this fire to the right hearths, or it will burn down your parents’ house.

Chechen wisdom

Why are envious people always upset about something? Because they are consumed not only by their own failures, but also by the successes of others.

Abul Faraj

To be closer to God, become closer to people.

If the purpose of religion is reward, if patriotism serves selfish interests, and education serves the achievement of social status, then I prefer to be an unbeliever, an unpatriotic and a humbly ignorant person.

Justice is close to the human heart, but mercy is close to the heart of God.

The chemist who manages to extract from the heart the elements of compassion, respect, longing, patience, empathy, surprise and the ability to forgive, and then combine all these elements into one, will be able to create an atom of what is called love.

Anyone who needs incentives to perform a noble deed will never be able to do it.

The value of a person lies in the few things he has created, and not at all in the enormous wealth he has accumulated.

The Lord placed an apostle in every heart to lead us along a bright path, and yet many people are looking for light on the outside, not suspecting that it is inside them.

When you give up your possessions, your sacrifice is small. The real gift is to give up on yourself.

You were also told that life is darkness, and in your weakness you repeat what was said weak people. I affirm: yes, life is actually darkness if it is devoid of aspirations, and all aspirations are blind if they are devoid of knowledge. And all knowledge is in vain if there is no work, and any work will remain empty if there is no love; and only when you work with love do you create bonds among yourself, do you become attached to each other and to God himself.

Jibran Khalil

The mortal world was created by a sorcerer,
All of it is fairy tales and empty fiction.
Do not be deceived by the ghost of goodness,
But stand unwaveringly against evil.

You are a snake catcher, and the world is like a snake, -
You will die from a bite, snake catcher.

The world is prosperous, and you
Obliged to vegetate.
May the world be unfair to you
Be fair yourself.

The greatness of political figures is measured not by their ringing slogans and solemn declarations, but by the results of their actions. Some statesmen win immortality with their beneficial deeds in the name of man and humanity, others assert their immortality in history through atrocities, but only if these atrocities are unique.

The Almighty fattens man unnecessarily to his destruction

Chechen wisdom

The best praise is the one that comes from a person to whom you have done nothing good.
Abul Faraj

The old man in the house is a watchman, abundance, treasure. A house without an old man is a tower without a foundation.
Chechen wisdom

From strength comes our truthfulness.
Our deceit comes from weakness.

Don't be like a drum that only works when you are beaten.

Chechen proverb

Born from the ultimate,
We enter the eternity of existence.
And life has no beginning,
And there is no end in sight for her.

Try to leave this world like this,
To part with the experience without debt.
Leave the world without finishing your business -
Isn’t it the same as leaving the bathhouse unwashed?

You see: time ages everything,
What seemed new to us.
But time also makes you younger
Past deeds.

What you don’t want to have tomorrow, discard today, and what you want to have tomorrow, acquire today.

Abul Faraj

And what was obtained without difficulty,
We lose easily.

Don't expect services from a slacker:
He doesn't have time to bother with you.
But a friend will always help you,
That he works tirelessly.

But if the past is returned to us,
Former happiness will not become happiness.

Mirza Shafi

The meaning of life is the same throughout the ages,
Its forms can never be counted.
The foam changes its appearance,
Depth is constant.

Who, Jami, rose above mortality
And along the way I lost “we” and “I”,
It may be the beginning in appearance,
But in fact it could be the end.

Angels are forces hidden in the abilities and organs of man.

Al Arabi

Life is like a ladder. A person lives as long as he continues to climb up.

We are all created in the image of God. All religions are united when it comes to the question of creation. God is the great creator and all religions teach us that we were created in the image of God. Therefore, the main purpose of the human race is to be creators. We must be creators in order to complete our likeness to the Creator.

It has already been proven that people overwhelmed by anger and irritation cannot create. The more firmly we are focused on creation, the more creative forces we have, and the more good we can do.

You must work not only to help the people around you in the present, but also to pay off the debts of those who helped you along the path of life.

Mahmoud Khalil

The most serious insult is that which comes from a person to whom you have done nothing wrong.

Abul Faraj

Due to the strangeness of human psychology, the names of the sowers of good gradually disappear from his memory, but the names of the great villains remain forever.
Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov

I hastened to embellish myself to match others,
Not his neighbors for his patience - he praised himself again.
When did you learn in separation where is the haste, where is the patience -
Then, praise be to Allah, I was able to know myself.

So that this mortal world of earth
The darkness did not darken
Be a guiding star for everyone
Burn yourself to ashes.

Man is created insatiable. The only thing he will be satisfied with is the earth, which will overcome him in the grave.

Chechen wisdom

Behind the darkness is the limit of the radiance of light,
Believe in it and be unshakable.
Everything in the world is like this: there is flame and burning,
There is always a curtain of smoke above the flame.

Take difficulties and suffering as a gift from the Almighty, sent in order to awaken perseverance and strength in us; refine our mind and enlighten our mind.

Chechen wisdom

There is no such quantity that, after division, would become something that no longer has parts; bodies do not consist of parts that do not have their own parts.
A. Farabi

If you want to become rich easily, be undemanding.


It has been this way since creation:
In poetry and life - all roads are separate.
Some strive for heights, some strive for depth,
But the majority go somewhere wrong.

Loud speech sometimes does not shine with anything,
Quiet speech is the speech of things.
The circle of fate revolves silently,
And the wheel of the cart rattles and grinds.
Mirza Shafi

In this life, souls full of love are inconspicuous,
And it is in vain to lament, to look around oneself with longing.

Goodness that fell from the sky is not worth more,
The heir lived idly, just spent without bothering.
Didn't we get the soul for nothing?
How easy it is to spend something you didn’t earn yourself!

He who lives in spirit shines with valor.
Living with the body - valor kills.

Temporary failure is better than temporary success.

The members of the human body are instruments in the hands of God, with the help of which he punishes man.

Abul Faraj

Yes, I think it’s time to regenerate people.
The world must be created anew, otherwise it is hell.

They tell me: “If you are silent, you don’t know, which means you are in grief.”
No, I've had enough grief, but I don't have the strength to scream.

I do not blame you. This is how it goes from time immemorial:
Those who are imprisoned are not thought of by the free.

Only those who have suffered themselves will understand suffering.
Metal becomes more pliable in fire.
Oh, stepsons of fate, struck down by sadness,
Come, I will understand, I have experienced grief.

Rock is not friends with anyone. You are subject to fate.
He doesn’t even sigh, he torments and is satisfied.
And if he sighs, it’s only for this
To extinguish the candle of those who are disadvantaged.

Baba Tahir

You can recognize someone else's mind in an hour, but it takes years to recognize someone else's character.

Persian wisdom

Don't neglect little people: they can help you rise.

To find peace in both worlds, follow two rules: be generous with friends, and restrained with enemies.

In battle... do not feel sorry for yourself, because until you make your body food for dogs, you will not be able to equate your name with the name of lions.


Scientists on earth are the same as stars in the sky. Mind and knowledge are the life of the heart and the light of the eyes: whoever gives life to mind and knowledge does not die.
Arabic wisdom

The highest happiness is to graze the moon and stars all summer night with your beloved.
Unknown author

Like a leather scabbard for a man's body:
The soul in them is a sword, and only the soul in battle decides the matter.

Take a thorn tree and water it with rose water for a whole year - it will still give you nothing but thorns; but take a date tree and leave it without water in the driest soil - and it will still bear you in abundance the most delicious fruits.
Yes and good man in the most difficult conditions will exude wisdom, kindness and patience.
The cliques who trouble the people will be cursed by Allah. Those who appeal to patience and prudence are gifted with eternal paradise.

Arabic wisdom

Life is a difficult science. A person lives while he learns life. Having stopped studying, he stops living and turns into a stone on the road, preventing others from living.
Chechen wisdom

An intelligent person, in search of a means of living, is ready to go to distant lands, to all four directions; a fool seeks food for himself only in the place where his father gave birth to him.

Abul Faraj

What will pass are the dreams of the sleeper, and what remains for him are dreams.

The happiness that you are looking for is like a shadow that goes with you, you will not catch it by chasing it, but you will run from it - it is chasing you.
Arabic wisdom

A person cannot be endowed from the very beginning, by nature, with virtue or vice, just as he cannot be a born weaver or scribe.

Rather, perfection exists primarily in many individuals together. For an individual, without the help of others, it is apparently impossible to acquire any one of these virtues. To acquire his virtue, a person needs other people.

What is useful by its nature and essence cannot be rejected because of some evil that is present in it as a side effect.
Ibn Rushd

He is a fool who does harm to himself in order to do good to his friend.
Abul Faraj

Each of us has our own earthly
Let it be a small joy, let it be a big one.
And even the one who knows: there is no happiness,
Finds happiness by affirming this.

Lucky is the one of us who has passed the test,
Who can say in the hour of death
That he suffered a punishment greater than guilt
And he himself suffered more than he caused the suffering.

Whatever misfortune sends, whatever luck sends,
We accepted everything in life, sometimes rejoicing, sometimes crying.
And if you couldn’t take happiness for yourself,
Neither the king of the earth nor God can give it.

Not everyone is given the ability to comprehend.
Who has read the sayings of wisdom,
Not everyone has comprehended the wisdom of the saying.

Only a fool or a villain counts,
That grief improves people.
Mirza Shafi

It is necessary that there should be a group of men who are accomplished in the several modes of human perfection, and who help each other to achieve complete perfection; the less perfect follows the comprehensively perfect as a means of preparation for his complete perfection, and the comprehensively perfect benefits the less perfect, giving him the beginnings of his perfection. The situation is the same as with the art of horse riding and the craft of a bridle master. For the craft of one who makes a bridle serves the art of riding as a preparation for it, and the art of riding shows how the bridle can be improved and how both can unite to achieve a common goal.

Whenever we discover among the peoples living before us any views and judgments regarding things... we should study what they said about this and set out in their books. If something in these books corresponds to the truth, let’s take it from them, rejoice at it and thank them for it; if something turns out to be inconsistent with the truth, we will point it out, warn them against it and forgive them.

Ibn Rushd

"What makes you better than others? Dark, black...
Our country is full of people like you."
Leyli responded: “You are not Majnun! Be silent!”
The light of knowledge will not shine for everyone in the night...
Sleeping in a dead sleep, captivated by the bustle
And the appearance is false and empty.

Always in the fertile valley of existence
Your speech will echo back to you.

The mistakes of the wise bring good.
The beliefs of fools bring happiness.

Chechen wisdom

I have often regretted what I have said, but rarely have I regretted being silent.
Abul Faraj

Today I won’t tell you how I will act, but tomorrow you will know when I tell you how I did it.

Look at your own shortcomings and you won't have time to look for the shortcomings of others.
Chechen wisdom

When self-interest sounds in words, don’t believe it
Neither the flattery of a woman, nor the machinations of a man.
And what you value in your interlocutor is not rank, but speech:
It doesn't matter who said it, the reasons matter.

Do not fear the fire-breathing serpent, but fear the gossiper, for what he tears in an hour cannot be mended in a year.

If you are satisfied with your face as an interlocutor, then you are one of a kind in stupidity.
Abul Faraj

I ran, seeing that hope had disappeared,
Only the ignorant will fight fate.
After all, a shield and helmet will not help when
The bright star of happiness will go out.
When you lose the key to victory,
You cannot break down the door of victory with your hands.

An intelligent person consoles himself by recognizing the inevitability of what happened. The fool is consoled by the fact that the same thing happened to others as to him.

A smart person always agrees with another smart person, but a stupid person usually does not agree with either a smart or stupid person. By analogy, we can say that when superimposed, all straight lines always coincide with each other, but curved trims never coincide with each other or with straight lines...

What you are hiding from your enemy, do not tell your friend, because there is no guarantee that friendship will last forever.

Only people with a strong character can be truly soft. Big vice youth - stubbornness sometimes leads to mature years to the great advantage of perseverance.

A fool can be easily recognized by two signs: he always speaks in such a way that his words have no benefit to him, and he always interferes in things that are not his own business.
A smart person always recognizes a stupid person, since he himself was in his shoes before he gained intelligence.

A fool is not upset by the poverty of his mind.

Abul Faraj

Through the shell of the world your eye does not see the hidden life,
So learn to look at the mysteries of the universe with the eyes of your heart.
Look at everything that is visible and corporeal with open eyes,
But teach your heart to see the reverse side of the mortal appearance.

The artery of the spirit was pierced with the needle of love,
And a drop fell, and they called it a heart.

Give a man a fish and he will eat it all day long. Teach him to fish and he will eat fish for the rest of his life.

Eastern wisdom

No matter how learned a person is, if his reward for this is not intelligence, his knowledge is a disaster for him... Beware of the ignoramus who considers himself a scientist... If you do not want to be considered a madman, do not look for one what can't be found.

A person who forbids those who are worthy of them from studying philosophical books, in view of the fact that some wicked people might be thought to have gone astray because of reading these books - such a person is likened to one who did not give a thirsty drink of unleavened water. cold water, until he died because someone died by choking on water.

Ibn Rushd

The children of Adam are all members of one body. When some members suffer, all others suffer. If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve to be called a human being.

Scorpio does not sting out of anger: this is his nature.

Putting on your old rags is better than asking for a new dress.

To reach the well of truth
Don't think about rewards on the way.

Rulers need wise men much more than wise men need rulers.
Abul Faraj

And if you want to know yourself,
Be careful not to overshadow yourself.

For a song - rhymes have a sweet sound,
As for the yoke folds of a robe.
Neither rhyme nor clothes can cover
Ugliness or poverty of content.

Here is your head, my friend,
And here is your hand.
But how from head to hand
The road is long.
Mirza Shafi

You often forget good things,
Remembering only the evil deed.
Do you need to think about thorns?
Eating the fruit with pleasure?

Oh, frivolous youth, you shouldn't judge
About what the wise men know, but you did not know and did not know.

Think first, speak later. But stop before they tell you "that's enough." Man, unlike animals, is given language. But he is worse than an animal if he uses his tongue to harm.

The distinction between royal dignity and the title of slave will disappear when the inevitable determination of fate comes. If someone splits the earth that covers the dead, he will not distinguish between the rich and the poor.

The world in which we exist is like a magic lantern. A lantern is the sun, in whose rays we flicker in a bizarre way.

Extending mercy to the evil is not fair, but it pleases the Almighty. To forgive oppressors and those who strive to rise with money and power is to oppress the oppressed.

Listen to the words of a learned man with the greatest attention, even if his deeds do not correspond to his teaching. A person must learn, even if the teaching was written on the wall.

Pleasant manners constitute the virtues of a courtier and almost the vices of a sage.

Beauty's curl - chain for smart person and a network for the frivolous.

What is done quickly does not last long.

Know that a foolish person will have a hundred times more dislike for a smart person than a smart person feels aversion to a foolish person.

If you want people to speak well of you, speak well of them yourself.
If you don’t want people to laugh behind your back, be merciful to your subordinates.
If you want to be discerning, look at your face in the mirror of others.

Anyone who persists in his opinion will always regret it.

Don't you see that a doctor, when he gets sick and his illness becomes severe and difficult, does not resort to his own treatment? He brings another doctor and, after questioning him, treats himself...

If you can get your bread by being unreasonable and mediocre, be foolish and mediocre. If not, learn something.

Craft - greatest art, and let the sons of noble people know hundreds of crafts, if they just don’t make money from them, then this is not a reproach, but a dignity. Someday everything will come in handy.


Fate is unfair to the sages.
Therefore, be tireless in your work.
Take it, but give it away without hesitation
Save, but share generously with others.

A scientist knows what an ignoramus is because he himself was once one, but an ignoramus does not understand the state of a scientist because he has never been one.

Eastern wisdom

As for contrasting some dubious provisions with others, it does not lead to a refutation, but only causes bewilderment...
Ibn Rushd

One who is learned, but does not apply his learning to the work, is like a man who plowed, but did not sow.

Arabic wisdom

Man became man thanks to reason.

A house without heat is a destroyed burial ground.
And without heat I don’t need a lamp.

A poet without love is like a wingless bird,
Like flesh without soul and lightning without shine.

The breath of truth will always reach the people,
High mountains will not be an obstacle to the truth.

M. Tursun-zade

Where the will tenses like a bowstring,
There the ant defeats the lion.

Valor is the property of those striving for a high goal.


The more roots he has in the ground,
The more beautiful and stronger the person is.
When you want to fight with trouble, -
Put down roots in the soil of your homeland.

B. Khudoydod-zade

I became insignificant in my stagnant existence, -
Stagnation always harms worthy husbands.
How good is running water!
How it spoils in a calm pond!

Oh God, you created the sage naked and poor,
And you clothed stupidity and debauchery with gold!

How changeable you are, O world, you were conceived by vanity.
You are always happy to seduce and deceive.

May the light never fade over me
The poor have knowledge previously inaccessible.
Unlearned, I walked, stumbling in the darkness.
I will make every effort to dispel the darkness.

Smart people study in order to know; insignificant - in order to be known.
Eastern wisdom

With a sober and reasonable look
Look at this world
You'll see everything differently
You will understand life in a new way.
The world is like an ocean
Build a boat out of good deeds.
And then it's calm
And you can easily cross.

Let the thoughts contained in books be your main capital, and the thoughts that arose in you yourself be the interest on it.

A very bad person is someone who doesn’t know anything and doesn’t even try to find out anything. After all, two vices were combined in him.

Abul Faraj

My religion is love for all living things.

Arabic wisdom

Whenever smoke billows from grief,
Like from a forest fire,
The world, covered with smoke, would lose,
The radiance of daylight.
Shahid Balkhi

Take advantage of the blessings of the world when it is favorable, for you are in the hands of temporary accidents. Never put off pleasures until tomorrow, for who is your guarantee for them tomorrow?

Arabic wisdom

Believe the one who saw.
Don't believe the one who heard.
Chechen wisdom

One good experience is more important than seven rules of wisdom.

Arabic wisdom

Whoever owns wealth has a penny of knowledge.
Whoever has knowledge has little wealth.

Abdushukur Balkhi

Tulips of talent will not bloom on the salt marsh of crime.

Words are the flesh of content.

When a language is beautiful, a high meaning also appears.

Wealth collected through oppression, violence against the people, through deception will lead to death.

What a wise man does, a fool also does. But he does this by disgracing himself.

You plant a shoot that will forever bear fruits of happiness.

Ahmad Donish

On the poor, consumed by passion,
Don't you dare look with contempt:
Even though they are without a crown, they are still checkers,
Although without crowns, they are kings.

The only thing that is gratifying for the heart is that it has been given a place to replace torment.

Break the wheel of fate if it starts to spin against your wishes.

To remain silent with the ignorant is wiser than to turn into a hypocrite.

All love is grace.

Sayido Nasafi

No matter how much knowledge you acquire, if you do not apply it in life, you are ignorant.

Abuali Sino

To appreciate modesty as it deserves,
You need to bow your head before her.

Who firmly decided to find his goal -
You will not encounter despair along the way.

The mean one starts the quarrel.
The coward strikes first.
Chechen wisdom

A friend of science lives forever after his death, although his bones have rotted underground. But an ignoramus is dead, although he walks the earth and is considered alive - so he is insignificant.

Arabic wisdom

Do not deprive the poor of his hope: it is his daily bread.

Persian wisdom

A person who seeks wisdom can be called intelligent. But if he thinks he has found it, he is crazy.

Persian wisdom

Let's love, and love more; to love with such love that can melt the ice of any hatred that defeats any enemy; love that sweeps away all barriers; a love that is filled with mercy, generosity, tolerance, forgiveness and noble aspirations; a love that triumphs over all obstacles.

Abdu'l Baha

Service to others is the price we pay for taking up space on Earth.

A man without imagination is a man without wings.

Ali Muhammad

The mind is the beauty of a person, restraint is the companion of the mind.

There is no sweeter book in the world than a friend.

A book is a teacher without pay or gratitude. Every moment she gives you revelations of wisdom. This is an interlocutor with a brain covered with skin, speaking silently about secret affairs.

Alisher Navoi

Labor is a joy, laziness is a cruel scourge.

Where there is great violence, there is great hatred.

The high title of “man” is worthy of being called
Who never gave up caring about the people.

Alisher Navoi

The strength of a bull is not known by its mooing, but by its work.

Don’t imitate the pitcher, brother, in one thing:
Don't fill yourself to the brim with wine!

A person who writes has thoughts arguing with each other on every page, in every line, for every word.

We will all die, there are no immortal people,
And this is all known and not new.
But we live to leave a mark:
A house or a path, a tree or a word.

Rasul Gamzatov

The purpose of life is to live in such a way that even after death you will not die.

Musa Jalil

The book penetrates the doors, bravely removes the covers, gives understanding without understanding; he is a speaker who does not speak; the gaze of the yearning person is directed towards her if separation is sitting next to him. And the pen is the creator of hordes of words; it serves desire and does not suffer from boredom from excess; it is silent, standing, and speaks, moving along the ground, the whiteness of which darkens, and the blackness illuminates; it is as if it kisses the carpet at the feet of the ruler or opens the gates of an orchard.

Ibn al-Mu'tazz

Konakh (man) does not remain without enemies and slander, for only no one throws stones at a barren tree.

Chechen wisdom

Ignorance always brings shame
Ignorance is an eternal source of shame.

Remember well where enmity comes from:
From idle, stupid ridicule,
which is alien to the brotherhood.

A man is great only in his mind and knowledge.
And without them we will become indistinguishable, inconspicuous.

Who betrayed friendship at least once,
There is no faith in him, even if he sings like a Saaz.

Don't answer stupidity with stupidity,
Distinguish loyalty from betrayal.

He who knows the truth will not reproach someone who does not know.

Beautiful mouth, but in the lair of the mouth
Trouble for a person is locked.

If I am truly master of reason and words, -
So why should I be afraid of myself?

False friends do not then fuss,
That your share is close to them:
They demand their share
And they are looking for a piece of something sweet.

There is not and has not been in the universe since eternity
Holier than the working man.

Every year the peasant opens a treasure:
Here is his arable land, and there is a blooming garden.

May your life be a joy to all others.
Give yourself to others like bunches of grapes.

Silence is a treasure for everyone.
The tongue conceals both evil and sin.

Hold your tongue, sometimes being impatient with evil.
Don’t grin, don’t make empty jokes your craft.

With knowledge you will obtain thousands of swords, but with a sword you cannot obtain knowledge.

If you don’t want to incur evil grief for yourself -
Bite your tongue, restrain yourself from an evil word.

Do not upset people, either by deed or by word.
You need to listen to any human melancholy.

Do not judge what you do not know, you are intoxicated with vanity.
Remaining silent is much better than saying nothing.

No thrill of love, no sorrow, no joy, -
You won't find anything in a donkey necklace.

A wise man, knowing a lot, is considered a rich man.
But a rich man cannot be considered a sage.

You weigh the word on precise scales:
A soulless word is just wind and dust.

A person is good if he is bright from within.
Don't look at the brilliant appearance.

You value your friend, since he really is a friend,
Don’t let go of his floors for a moment.

Nosir Khisrav

S-H. Nunuev
Makhkety village
Vedensky district
Chechen Republic.

Ancient folk wisdom says: "When we drink, we talk a lot!" This rule was born in ancient centuries among peoples famous for their hospitality and special wine drinking rituals. It is from them that the tradition of toasts originates - special genre table eloquence.

Caucasian toasts their roots go back to the ancient traditions of the peoples of the Caucasus. These toasts are beautiful, eloquent and celebrate courage, bravery, family and friendship. But most of all, Caucasians value toasts that are made from the heart.

How to pronounce toasts correctly?

To live life, you need to know a lot.
Remember two rules to start with:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone.

Far away in the mountains lived warring tribes called eagles and golden eagles. They had a talisman - a pearl necklace, over which they constantly fought. During one of the battles, the necklace broke, the beads scattered all over the world and from them came the glorious human race. So let's drink to the pearls that have gathered around this table!

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One old Caucasian song says: “The years before last I lived in Pyatigorsk and I washed in the sulfur waters ten times. Gulim-dzhan, Gulim-dzhan, I know my business, we drink Kakhetian wine and walk boldly.” Let's drink to the indicated direction and to our happy holiday in Pyatigorsk!

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What do you want to be, Gogi, when you grow up? - the guest asked the baby.
“I want to become a businessman like dad,” Gogi answered. - Yesterday he took me to the office, and I really liked how he worked there and spent his time there.
- And how will you work?
“In the morning I’ll leave the office, sit down at the table, light a long cigarette, and start saying that I have an awful lot to do and that I’ll have to get started after lunch.” Then after lunch I’ll go with a businessman friend to a restaurant and eat and drink, then I’ll return to the office and scold everyone for not doing anything. Then I’ll go home and, terribly tired, lie down on the sofa and watch TV. So let's drink to the children - our future!

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One respectable citizen argued with his friends that he had the most faithful wife in the world and that the Bzyb River would sooner turn its waters back than his wife would cheat on him. The great magician and wizard Suren heard this argument, grinned and said:
- If your wife cheats on you even once, then you will grow real horns, like a ram.

We decided on this. Some time passed, the friends of the respectable citizen realized where he had disappeared to. They looked for him and he was nowhere to be found. Just some strange ram running around the village and bleating. The city citizen, it turns out, not only grew horns, but also wool and hooves, and he turned into a ram, so many times his wife cheated on him.

Let's raise our glasses, friends, so that we never become sheep.

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Once a venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant said hastily:
- A thousand years of health!
“Tsyts!” the gentleman shouted, “Why do you wish me the impossible?”
- Then live one hundred and twenty years.
- Tsits! - the prince became angry again.
- Then at least a hundred!
- I didn’t please you again!
- Eighty?
- All wrong!

The servant lost patience and said:
- Yes, if it were my will, then die now!

I suggest we raise our glasses so that we can live as long as we want!