Heroes' mistakes as valuable experience in works. Experience and mistakes

1. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Main character In the novel, Ilya Oblomov, starting his career, makes a mistake in his service and sends an important dispatch to Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan. After which he suddenly falls ill, the medical certificate issued by the doctor states: “Thickening of the heart with dilatation of the left ventricle,” caused by daily “going to work.” This mistake led to subsequent eternal lying on the sofa, from which even all of Stolz’s attempts cannot save him. So a mistake in the service became fatal for Oblomov.

2. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

Grigory Melekhov, being a young, strong Cossack, chooses the most beautiful young Cossack girl in the area, Aksinya, for love pleasures. It's a common thing for Cossack village. But the problem lies in the amazing origin of the entire Melekhov family, in its genesis. And Aksinya, who had never known love, for the first time understood the charm of this feeling. In the village, the Cossacks were embarrassed to look into Aksinya’s shameless eyes. But his father’s order to marry Natalya becomes fatal for Grigory. All his life he will rush between two women, and in the end he will destroy both.

3. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The main character of the novel, D-503, is a cog in the mechanism of the United State. He lives in a world where there is no love (it is replaced with “pink coupons”). The encounter with I-330 amazes the hero's imagination. He falls in love. By law, he must report to the guardians about the crime into which his girlfriend is involved. But he hesitates and wastes time. The mistake becomes fatal for I-330.

4. V.F. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”

Volodya Tenkov finds himself at the most terrible time during the years of the great turning point in the very center of the battle. On the one hand, these are well-fed representatives of the party leadership nomenklatura, where pies, borscht and delicious kvass. On the other hand, there are people thrown to the margins of life. The former “kulaks” today are “shkiletniki” and “elephants”, arousing the boy’s pity. Trying to help them becomes a mistake. An old sick dog saves a sick child.

5. V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

The main character of the story, Sotnikov, experienced a shock in his life. He, disobeying his father’s prohibition, took his signature pistol, which suddenly fired. It was hard for the boy to admit this to his father, but he did it not of his own free will, but at the request of his mother. When the boy told his father about his crime, he forgave him, but asked if he himself decided to do it? The child was not ready to answer this question and cowardly said: “Yes.” The poison of lies always burned Sotnikov’s soul, reminding him of his childhood mistake. This offense became decisive in Sotnikov’s life.

Final essay 2017: arguments based on the work "War and Peace"

Final essay 2017: arguments based on the work “War and Peace” for all directions

Honor and dishonor.

Honor: Natasha Rostova, Petya Rostov, Pierre Bezukhoe, Captain Timokhin, Vasily Denisov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Andrei Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov

Dishonor: Vasil Kuragin and his children: Helen, Ippolit and Anatole

Argument: Patriots are ready to fight the French. They want to liberate Russian lands. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, Vasily Denisov and captain Timokhin strived for this goal. For her sake, young Petya Rostov gives his life. Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya wish for victory over the enemy with all their hearts. There is no reason to doubt the truth of the patriotic feelings that possessed both the old Prince Bolkonsky and Nikolai Rostov. At the same time, the writer convinces us of the complete lack of patriotism among people like Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children: Hippolyte, Anatole and Helen. It is not love for the Motherland (they do not have this love) that guide Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov when they join the active army. The first one studies the “unwritten chain of command” to make a career. The second is trying to distinguish himself in order to quickly regain officer rank, and then receive awards and ranks. A military official, Berg, in Moscow, abandoned by residents, buys things cheap...

Victory and defeat.

Victory: Battle of Shengraben. The French army outnumbered the Russian one. One hundred thousand versus thirty-five. The Russian army led by Kutuzov won a small victory at Krems and had to move to Znaim to escape. Kutuzov no longer trusted his allies. The Austrian army, without waiting for reinforcements from Russian troops, launched an attack on the French, but seeing their superiority, capitulated. Kutuzov had to retreat, because the inequality of forces did not bode well. The only salvation was to get to Znaim before the French. But the Russian road was longer and more difficult. Then Kutuzov decides to send Bagration’s vanguard to cross the enemy, so that he can detain the enemy as best he can. And here chance saved the Russians. The French envoy Murat, seeing Bagration's detachment, decided that this was the entire Russian army, and proposed a truce for three days. Kutuzov took advantage of this “rest”. Of course, Napoleon immediately realized the deception, but while his messenger was traveling to the army, Kutuzov had already managed to get to Znaim. When Bagration's vanguard went into retreat, Tushin's small battery, stationed near the village of Shengraben, was forgotten and abandoned by the Russians.

Defeat: Battle of Austerlitz. The Austrian military leaders took on the main role in waging this war, especially since the battles took place on Austrian territory. And the battle near the town of Austerlitz in the novel “War and Peace” was also thought out and planned by the Austrian General Weyrother. Weyrother did not consider it necessary to take into account the opinion of Kutuzov or anyone else.

The military council before the Battle of Austerlitz resembles not a council, but an exhibition of vanities; all disputes were not conducted with the goal of achieving the best and the right decision, and, as Tolstoy writes: “... it was obvious that the purpose... of the objections was mainly the desire to make General Weyrother feel, as self-confidently as schoolchildren reading his disposition, that he was not dealing with only fools, but with people who could teach him in military affairs.” Having made several useless attempts to change the situation, Kutuzov slept the entire time the council lasted. Tolstoy clearly makes it clear how much Kutuzov is disgusted by all this pomposity and complacency; the old general understands perfectly well that the battle will be lost.

Conclusion: The history of mankind consists of victories and defeats in wars. In the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy describes the participation of Russia and Austria in the war against Napoleon. Thanks to Russian troops The battle of Schöngraben was won, and this gave strength and inspiration to the sovereigns of Russia and Austria. Blinded by victories, occupied mainly with narcissism, holding military parades and balls, these two men led their armies to defeat at Austerlitz. The Battle of Austerlitz in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” became decisive in the war of the “three emperors”. Tolstoy shows the two emperors at first as pompous and self-righteous, and after their defeat as confused and unhappy people. Napoleon managed to outwit and defeat the Russian-Austrian army. The emperors fled the battlefield, and after the battle ended, Emperor Franz decided to submit to Napoleon on his terms.

Mistakes and experience.

Argument: While living in France, Pierre became imbued with the ideas of Freemasonry; it seemed to Pierre that he had found like-minded people, that with their help he could change the world for the better. But soon he became disillusioned with Freemasonry.

Pierre Bezukhov is still very young and inexperienced, he is looking for the purpose of his life, but comes to the conclusion that nothing can be changed in this world and falls under the bad influence of Kuragin and Dolokhov. Pierre begins to “waste his life”, spending his time on balls and social evenings. Kuragin marries him to Helen. Bezukhov was inspired by passion for Helen Kuragina, he rejoiced at the happiness of marrying her. But after some time, Pierre noticed that Helen was just a beautiful doll with an icy heart. Marriage to Helen Kuragina brought Pierre Bezukhov only pain and disappointment in the female sex. Tired of a wild life, Pierre is eager to get to work. He begins to carry out reforms in his lands.

Five arguments for preparing for the final essay on the block of topics: “Honor and dishonor”

1. A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»

The novel's epigraph immediately points to the problem raised by the author: who is the bearer of honor and who is the bearer of dishonor. Embodied honor, which does not allow one to be guided by material or other selfish interests, is manifested in the feat of Captain Mironov and his inner circle. Pyotr Grinev, ready to die for given word oath, and does not even try to get out, deceive, save lives. Shvabrin acts differently: in order to save his life, he is ready to serve the Cossacks, just to survive.

Masha Mironova is the embodiment of female honor. She is also ready to die, but does not enter into an agreement with the hated Shvabrin, who is seeking the girl’s love.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov”

Kiribeevich is a representative of the oprichnina, he does not refuse anything, he is accustomed to permissiveness. Desire and love lead him through life, he does not tell the whole truth (and therefore lies) to the king and receives permission to marry married woman. Kalashnikov, following the laws of Domostroy, stands up to defend the honor of his disgraced wife. He is ready to die, but to punish his offender. Leaving to fight on frontal place, he invites his brothers, who should continue his work if he dies. Kiribeevich behaves cowardly, courage and daring immediately disappear from his face as soon as he learns the name of his opponent. And although Kalashnikov dies, he dies a winner.

3. N.A. Nekrasov “To whom in Rus'...”

Matryona Timofeevna sacredly preserves her honor and dignity as a mother and wife. She, pregnant, goes to the governor’s wife to save her husband from being recruited.

Ermila Girin, being an honest and noble person, enjoys authority among the villagers of the surrounding area. When the need arose to buy the mill, he had no money; the peasants at the market collected a thousand rubles in half an hour. And when I was able to return the money, I went around to everyone and personally returned what I had borrowed. He gave the remaining unclaimed ruble to everyone for drinks. He is an honest man and honor is more important to him than money.

4. N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth" Mtsensk district»

Main character– Katerina Izmailova – puts love above honor. It doesn’t matter to her who she kills, just to stay with her lover. The death of a father-in-law or husband becomes only a prelude. The main crime is the murder of the little heir. But after exposure, she remains abandoned by her beloved man, since his love was only an appearance, a desire to find his mistress as a wife. The death of Katerina Izmailova does not wash away the dirt from her crimes. Thus, dishonor during life remains the posthumous shame of a lustful, jaded merchant's wife.

5. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Sonya Marmeladova is the moral and ideological center of the novel. The girl, thrown onto the panel by her stepmother, retains the purity of her soul. She not only fervently believes in God, but also retains a moral principle that does not allow her to lie, steal, or betray. She carries her cross without shifting responsibility to anyone. She finds the right words to convince Raskolnikov to confess to the crime. And he follows him to hard labor, protects the honor of his ward, protects him in the most difficult moments of his life. In the end, he saves you with his love. So surprisingly, a girl working as a prostitute becomes in Dostoevsky’s novel a protector and bearer of true honor and dignity.

Five arguments for preparing for the final essay on the block of topics: “Friendship and Enmity”

1. A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Chatsky and Gorich once (just a year ago they served together in the same regiment) were friends. Their meeting in Famusov’s house was joyful. One says: “Old friend,” and the other echoes: brother! This is how these people meet. According to Chatsky’s recollections, last year “...did I know you in the regiment? It’s only morning: your foot is in the stirrup and you’re rushing around on a greyhound stallion.” Now Gorich has fallen under the influence not only of his young wife, but of everyone Famusov society. The rumor about Chatsky’s madness is difficult for him to accept, but under the pressure of public opinion he gives in, thereby betraying his friend: “Well, that’s it, you can’t help but believe it...” Platon Mikhailovich betrays so easily ex-friend, almost a brother.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Pechorin does not accept friendship; he believes that in friendship one will always submit to the other. Werner doesn't think so. He tries his best to understand and explain Pechorin’s actions, but he never fully accepts his actions. Last meeting these “friends” are colored with heavy intonations of omissions and misunderstandings. It’s a pity that Pechorin is indifferent to Werner’s attitude towards him. Although it's more likely bravado.

3. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Prince Andrei and Count Bezukhov, despite the age difference, are very close friends. They are united by high demands on themselves, a desire to do good for society, to leave a mark. Andrey always gives practical advice to Pierre, although he never follows through. And Pierre is trying to help Andrey at the moment of Natasha’s betrayal. His words, at first glance, are not heard by his friend, but in fact, he suffers too much and seeks to avenge the honor of his beloved girl. They are always near, even when far away. This is true friendship.

4. M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don»

The life of Grigory Melekhov is filled with communication with people, among them are friends such as Mitka Korshunov and Mishka Koshevoy. Over time, life separates them not only on opposite sides of the barricades, but also on opposite sides of good and evil. Prokhor Zykov remains Grigory's single most faithful friend to the end.

5. B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was war”

Vika Lyuberetskaya and Iskra Polyakova are not friends at first. Both are very strong natures, they seemed to never find common language. But Iskra realized how pure and honest Vika was after reading Yesenin’s poems. A harmless birthday became the starting point for testing the true friendship of these girls. Vicky's death shocked all her classmates. But Iskra accomplishes a feat when she reads Yesenin’s poems over the grave of her young friend. This is her oath of friendship to the dead girl.

Five arguments for preparing for the final essay on the block of topics: “Reason and Feeling”

1. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”:

Reason has given way to feeling, and Igor, instead of making a reasonable decision to save the army and his life, after all the omens, decides to die, but not to disgrace his honor.

2. Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin “Minor”:

Reason is completely absent in the actions of Prostakova and Skotinin; they do not even understand the need to take care of their serfs, since all the well-being of these “masters of life” lies in them. Mitrofan demonstrates complete control over his feelings: when his mother is needed, he sucks up, says that he loves her, and as soon as his mother has lost all power, he announces:

Get off it, mother!

He has no sense of responsibility, love, devotion.

3. Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov “Woe from Wit”:

The main character, Chatsky, at first glance, is a model of reason. He is educated, understands his place well, determines the political situation, and is literate in matters of law in general and serfdom in particular. However, his mind refuses him in everyday situations; he does not know how to behave in a relationship with Sophia when she says that he is not the hero of her novel. In relation to Molchalin, Famusov and everyone secular society he is brave and daring and, in the end, ends up with broken trough. A feeling of frustration and loneliness squeezes his chest:

My soul here is somehow compressed by grief.

But he is not used to obeying feelings and does not take the discord with society seriously, but in vain.

4. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”:

From his youth, Onegin was accustomed to subordinating his feelings to reason: “the science of tender passion” is already proof of this. Having met Tatyana, he “didn’t give in to his sweet habit,” he didn’t take this feeling seriously, deciding that he could cope with the feeling, as always, when he could “show off an obedient tear.” The other side is Tatyana. In her youth, she obeyed only her feelings. Onegin read her a sermon in which he recommended: “learn to control yourself.” The girl took these words into account and began self-development. By the time of the next meeting with Onegin, she already masterfully controls her feelings, and Evgeny could not see a single gram of emotion on her face. But happiness is no longer possible...

5. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”:

The main character, Pechorin, is a man consisting of reason and feelings. When he is alone with nature, with a diary or with a person with whom he does not have to pretend, it is a naked nerve, an emotion. A striking example in the episode when he drove the horse along the road in pursuit of Vera. He cries with grief. This state lasts for a moment. But the moment passes, and another Pechorin rises above the one sobbing on the grass. a crying child” and soberly and sternly evaluates his behavior. The triumph of reason does not give happiness to this person.

Five arguments for preparing for the final essay on the block of topics: “Victory and defeat”

1. M.Yu. Lermontov “Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov”

The merchant Kalashnikov, standing up for his wife’s honor, goes out for a fist fight with the guardsman Kiribeevich. He wins the battle, but dies at the hands of the executioner because he refuses to tell the king the reasons for his action. But Kalashnikov defended his wife’s honor. And his death becomes a victory.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

The main character runs away from the monastery where he has been all his life, because he considers it a prison. Three days in freedom became for him a substitute for his whole life. Meeting people, fighting a leopard, thunder and lightning, contemplating the beauty of nature - this is life for him - demonic freedom. He dies, but, in his opinion, he wins.

3. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Katerina enters into single combat with " dark kingdom"and dies because it cannot withstand the onslaught of hypocrisy and falsehood. Her protest becomes the first signal for confrontation with this kingdom. Her death is a victory over general indifference and obscurantism.

4. I.A. Bunin " Clean Monday»

The main character of the story is a girl living an idle life filled with bright events. She barely understands her young man because he doesn't know how to listen. And the girl is looking for a way out of such a life. And her sudden departure to the monastery very clearly demonstrates the great internal work souls. By this act she proves the victory of the pure, sublime, divine principle over the worldly, base, carnal. By going to the monastery, she saves her soul and conquers everything base.

5. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The main character of the novel, having experienced love for the first time in his life, becomes a conspirator. But his primitive swarm consciousness is unable to do right choice, he calmly puts himself at the mercy of the guardians in order to avoid having to choose. Watching the torture of his recently beloved, he dryly and logically reflects on the girl’s irrational behavior. The United State here and now wins victory over D-503 and over I-330, over the entire Mefi, but this victory is akin to defeat.

Five arguments for preparing for the final essay on the block of topics: “Experience and mistakes”

1. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

The main character of the novel, Ilya Oblomov, starting his career, makes a mistake in his service and sends an important dispatch to Arkhangelsk instead of Astrakhan. After which he suddenly falls ill, the medical certificate issued by the doctor states: “Thickening of the heart with dilatation of the left ventricle,” caused by daily “going to work.” This mistake led to subsequent eternal lying on the sofa, from which even all of Stolz’s attempts cannot save him. So a mistake in the service became fatal for Oblomov.

2. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

Grigory Melekhov, being a young, strong Cossack, chooses the most beautiful young Cossack girl in the area, Aksinya, for love pleasures. This is a common thing for a Cossack village. But the problem lies in the amazing origin of the entire Melekhov family, in its genesis. And Aksinya, who had never known love, for the first time understood the charm of this feeling. In the village, the Cossacks were embarrassed to look into Aksinya’s shameless eyes. But his father’s order to marry Natalya becomes fatal for Grigory. All his life he will rush between two women, and in the end he will destroy both.

3. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The main character of the novel, D-503, is a cog in the mechanism of the United State. He lives in a world where there is no love (it is replaced with “pink coupons”). The encounter with I-330 amazes the hero's imagination. He falls in love. By law, he must report to the guardians about the crime into which his girlfriend is involved. But he hesitates and wastes time. The mistake becomes fatal for I-330.

4. V.F. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”

Volodya Tenkov finds himself at the most terrible time during the years of the great turning point in the very center of the battle. On the one hand, these are well-fed representatives of the party leadership, where there are pies, borscht and delicious kvass. On the other hand, there are people thrown to the margins of life. The former “kulaks” today are “shkiletniki” and “elephants”, arousing the boy’s pity. Trying to help them becomes a mistake. An old sick dog saves a sick child.

5. V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

The main character of the story, Sotnikov, experienced a shock in his life. He, disobeying his father’s prohibition, took his signature pistol, which suddenly fired. It was hard for the boy to admit this to his father, but he did it not of his own free will, but at the request of his mother. When the boy told his father about his crime, he forgave him, but asked if he himself decided to do it? The child was not ready to answer this question and cowardly said: “Yes.” The poison of lies always burned Sotnikov’s soul, reminding him of his childhood mistake. This offense became decisive in Sotnikov’s life.

If Lermontov's hero, realizing his mistakes, could not take the path of spiritual and moral improvement, then Tolstoy's favorite heroes, the acquired experience helps them become better. When considering the topic in this aspect, one can turn to the analysis of the images of A. Bolkonsky and P. Bezukhov. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky stands out sharply from the high society environment with his education, breadth of interests, dreams of accomplishing a feat, and desires great personal glory. His idol is Napoleon. To achieve his goal, Bolkonsky appears in the most dangerous places of the battle. Harsh military events contributed to the fact that the prince was disappointed in his dreams and realized how bitterly he was mistaken. Seriously wounded, remaining on the battlefield, Bolkonsky experiences a mental crisis. At these moments it opens before him new world, where there are no selfish thoughts or lies, but only the purest, highest, and fair. The prince realized that there is something more significant in life than war and glory. Now the former idol seems small and insignificant to him. Having survived further events-the appearance of a child and the death of his wife - Bolkonsky comes to the conclusion that he can only live for himself and his loved ones. This is only the first stage in the evolution of a hero who not only admits his mistakes, but also strives to become better. Pierre also makes a considerable series of mistakes. He leads a wild life in the company of Dolokhov and Kuragin, but understands that such a life is not for him. He cannot immediately correctly evaluate people and therefore often makes mistakes in them. Soon after his marriage to Helen, the hero realizes that he was deceived and “processes his grief alone.” After breaking up with his wife, being in a state of deep crisis, he enters into Masonic lodge. Pierre believes that it is here that he will “find rebirth to a new life,” and again realizes that he is again mistaken about something important. The experience gained and the “thunderstorm of 1812” lead the hero to drastic changes in his worldview. He understands that one must live for the sake of people, one must strive to benefit the Motherland.

Favorite characters from the novel War and Peace! How beautiful they are! Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov. The author showed them so real that for readers they became friends - their feelings and thoughts are so close and understandable. Heroes don't always follow a smooth road. Each of them makes their own wrong steps in life. But this is what makes heroes interesting to readers: they realize their mistakes and try to correct them. They are improving, striving to become better. Let us remember Andrei Bolkonsky at the beginning of the novel. How much egoism and selfishness there is in him, how he dreams of glory - at any cost, almost choosing Napoleon as his idol. But the wound at Austerlitz, the clear awareness of the finitude of life and the infinity of nature - all this helped Andrey realize how petty his dreams were, how insignificant. (“What a beauty! How did I not notice this before? We are nothing compared to the clear, blue, endless sky.”) His path to finding the truth will be difficult. -from disappointment in life to the desire to be needed by everyone. ( "No. life is not over at 31, Prince Andrei suddenly finally, permanently decided. Not only do I know everything that is in me, I need everyone to know it too...")And in the end the hero is with the people, defends his homeland, heroically fights at Borodino, having received a mortal wound. Through mistakes to understanding the highest meaning of life, which lies in love for loved ones, people, country - this is the path that Tolstoy’s hero goes through.

Final essay 2017

    Thematic areas
    final essay
    2017 - 2018 in literature.
    Examples of essays on
    thematic areas

Thematic direction of the final essay Experience and mistakes

The essay is assessed according to five criteria:
- correspondence to the topic;
- argumentation, attraction literary material;
- composition;
- quality of speech;
- literacy.

Reliance on work of art when writing an essay, it implies not just a reference to this or that literary text, but also addressing it at the level of argumentation, using examples related to the problems and themes of the works, the system characters etc.

Thematic direction of the final essay 2017 - 2018 in literature:

| Experience and mistakes - within the framework of the direction, it is possible to reason about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, about the cost of mistakes on the path to understanding the world, gaining life experience.
Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

These are not final essays, but simply essays on the topic.

Essay on the topic: Learn from mistakes

“Man learns from mistakes” - each of us is well aware of this proverb. But how many of us have thought about how much content and how much life wisdom there is in this proverb? After all, this is really very true. Unfortunately, we are designed in such a way that until we see everything ourselves, we ourselves will find ourselves in a difficult situation, and we will almost never draw the right conclusions for ourselves.
Generation changes by generation, human knowledge develop in all directions, but life experience, despite the era, is acquired by each person individually, and its life wisdom appears only after many trials and errors have been made by a person. This is a law of nature and there is nothing we can do about it. But they also say that a smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a stupid person learns from his own. And this is true. Why do the same life mistakes and get into the same troubles life situations which your relatives or friends have already visited? But to prevent this from happening, you really need to be smart person and realize that no matter how smart you are, the most valuable experience for you in any case is the experience of other people who have gone much longer than you life path. You have to be smart enough not to get into trouble and then not to rack your brains about how to get out of this mess. But those who consider themselves an unsurpassed expert on life and do not think about their actions and their future most often learn from their own mistakes.
However, one can argue about this, since there is another proverb acquired life experience many generations of people. “Don’t borrow your brain from your neighbor,” says this proverb. This means that you don’t have to rely on the experience and knowledge of others, you don’t have to listen to what others advise you, but best of all you have to live with your own mind and check everything for own experience. Therefore, there are many historical and real-life examples. An interesting fact, for example, is that Aristotle wrote in one of his works that a fly has eight legs. The scientific community around the world relied on this and this statement was not questioned until early XIX centuries. Although it would seem that it would be easier to catch a fly and count the number of its legs to make sure that Aristotle’s statement is correct. But this did not even occur to anyone, because everyone relied on the unsurpassed authority of the great scientist. Apparently, they continued to think so, if one Italian naturalist, who, apparently, would never read the works of Aristotle, had not taken and listed the number of legs a fly has - there were six of them! That's how it is in ordinary life We quite often rely on what we hear from others, even if checking everything ourselves does not pose any difficulties. And we think about the fact that we could do everything with our own consent only when we regret that we did everything wrong, relying on the advice of others.
As you can see, two is a proverb, two folk wisdom, very similar in content, but at the same time very different. And if we learn to use these wisdom correctly in our lives and learn not from our own, but from the mistakes of others, but at the same time live only by our own mind, and not rely on the minds of others, everything in our life will be better and we will easily overcome all life's obstacles.

An example of an essay on the thematic area: Experience and mistakes:

Essay on the topic: A person has the right to make mistakes

How often do we make mistakes? Sometimes we spend our entire lives regretting what we did. It is sad and distressing to realize that under certain circumstances you can lose someone through stupidity. But that's how it is real life, we all make mistakes. The essence of the issue is that people learn to forgive, give a second chance to fix everything. How little we ask, it would seem, but how difficult it is to translate this into life. One not so much famous writer wrote: “Every action of a person, depending on his view, is both right and wrong.” In my opinion, these words have the deepest meaning.
After all, without mistakes we will never know the truth.
Everyone reflected on their own and other people’s mistakes and found something in common. It is not surprising, because the world is formed in such a way that society consists of certain mistakes that are closely related to each other. In this chaos of interweaving thoughts, it is difficult to figure out who is right and who is wrong. As a result, we get the result that we have today.
Let me give you a simple example. We all know the following sayings: “You only learn from mistakes”, “Everything that is not done is for the better”, “Only those who do nothing make mistakes”, “If only I knew where to fall, I would definitely put some straws” and other. And there are also such thoughts: “Doctors have no right to make mistakes”, “Sound biologists cannot have inaccuracies.” So it turns out that one category of people has this right to make a mistake, and the second does not?
It's corny, isn't it?
Let's try to figure it out using specific cases. One of the popular opinions is that one learns from mistakes. No one will argue that this is so. But let's think a little deeper into this process. And what scale can this or that error cause? One wrong decision can have a “massive effect.” Namely, after one absurdity we try to immediately correct it, but we get more and more lost, forcing ourselves in this state to make one mistake after another, each time increasing the scale. It's like they're running sea ​​waves: we are standing on the shore, one wave knocks us off our feet, we try to get up, and if we don’t succeed, then the second and third follow. As a result, the waves do not allow us to rise any further, each time increasing the intensity of the fall. So in life, hasty movements can turn your whole life upside down.
There are many such analyzing examples that could be cited – a whole book would be published. To summarize, I will only note that mistakes are made in teenage years. As adults, we should think about every decision we make, being aware of their consequences. After all, sooner or later your personal potential should be revealed.

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