If you dream that you are crying. Why do you dream of a crying child? Why dream of Crying over the Holy Quran and Sunnah

Dreams with the presence of a crying person are so diverse that in order to draw correct conclusions about why a crying person is dreaming, you need to know additional fragments of the dream. There are several ways to interpret a dream.

What if you dream of a crying person?

In order to interpret the dream in more detail, it is necessary to note some points. For example, what were the tears, joy or grief. After all, a person can cry not only from grief, but also when great joy. Thus, if a person cried bitterly out of grief, for example, if it was the presence at the funeral of a close friend, relative, etc. Then in this case, in reality, fate will present him with great joy and good health.

If the reason for tears is the loss of a loved one, but in fact he is awake, then longevity is expected in life, and the person seeing the dream will have festive fun. Often shedding tears in a dream promises a joyful event. For example, the birth of a baby, a fun celebration at a wedding, anniversary.

If you see in a dream how other people, distraught with grief, were crying, then the dream means that joy will soon visit not only the person who dreamed this dream, but also his friends. Basically, this prediction concerns directly the participants in the dream.

If you cry with happiness, then this dream, on the contrary, promises a test that lies ahead. big problems in the family. To see how a mother greets her son from the army and tears of happiness roll down her face, then this dream foreshadows a temporary illness, illness. If you see in a dream how a person cries and suffers from pain, then in reality there will be litigation or a rival will appear. I dreamed about it crying woman, for a man this is a sign that he will soon have to console his beloved. If, on the contrary, you dreamed of a man who was quietly crying, then the dream warns of possible financial difficulties. Therefore, if you see men’s tears in a dream, then you should pay attention to this and, if possible, take all necessary measures to protect yourself from bankruptcy.

What does it portend?

If a small child cries in a dream, then this dream suggests that the family will soon present an unexpected and joyful surprise. See someone crying on the river bank young man- such a dream symbolizes the upcoming wedding. If you see a dead person in a dream and at the same time mourn him, then the dream should be interpreted as a sign sent from above. For example, if a dead person has actually been lying in the grave for a long time, but was dreamed of years later, this means that he thus reminds of some upcoming joyful event. If a person died recently, and not even forty days have passed since the day of his death, then the dream carries bad sign. Thus, the deceased reminds himself of himself in order to say that he was dissatisfied with something.

Mourning a deceased person in a dream means that something went wrong during the funeral. In order to correct this situation, it is worth visiting the church and lighting candles. It is also recommended to consult with the priest about this dream.

To correctly predict a dream, you should answer several questions that will help you find out the meaning of the dream. Such questions should be based on those dream fragments that were most important. The answers to these questions will help you better interpret the dream in which you had a crying person.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Crying?

Sometimes contemporaries have so much to do that there is simply no time to shed tears, even if there is a reason or need. The symbolic background of the interpretations of why one dreams of crying oneself or seeing other people’s sobs should be perceived as a shapeshifter.

  • Dreaming about crying all alone? This is good: together with salty drops, you get rid of mental melancholy and failure, drive away bad people, and attract the attention of kind-hearted people. Each tear promises quick, carefree fun and successful completion of business. Business ideas will bring considerable profit.
  • In a dream, you may mourn the imminent loss of a loved one due to a rival, but the heartfelt loss will result in a new, brighter relationship.
  • Someone else's loud roar means joy among friends or neighbors, which they will share with you.
  • Often, the crying of dear friends in a dream foreshadows a magnificent wedding.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream that you were crying?

Usually, when there is a chance to cry, a person gets out of bed in vague anxiety. However, concern here is completely unnecessary, because such dreams are essentially nothing more than shapeshifters, although they appear to us for a reason. Plots with crying traditionally symbolize the subconscious desire of the dreamer, who needs to be freed from accumulated negativity, from all the bad things that trail from the past, from unnecessary ballast that complicates moving forward.

Do you remember how you cried your heart out in your sleep? This is a harbinger of long-awaited relief, when not only worries, but also past disappointments will be groundless. In the dream, were the tears hot and caustic? This is a projection of your need for understanding and comfort, and you will soon receive it.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about crying?

The loving interpretation of signs, why one dreams of crying bitterly, is most often due to social status the dreamer and the variability of plot circumstances.

  • Seeing bitter large tears or crying loudly is a symbol of the inevitability of future happiness, especially if in reality there are specific plans for your personal life.
  • Unmarried girls may cry in their dreams in anticipation of quick love and subsequent marriage. Some will expect recognition from a longtime admirer, an engagement to a boyfriend, or a long-awaited acquaintance with their chosen one.
  • Seeing others cry, according to the dream book, symbolizes that the marriage will be happy and full of prosperity and joy. The exception will be tears of self-pity: such a plot warns that your selfishness and unwillingness to understand others will disappoint your partner.
  • I dreamed of crying blood at the bedside of a dead person; they are threatened with family squabbles, the loss of a loved one due to the inability to restrain emotions.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to cry in a dream?

  • To dream of crying in a dream means to be comforted in reality; watching someone cry is good news.
  • Crying loudly and desperately in prison in a dream portends joy.
  • Crying people in a dream - you will not find consolation for grief.
  • I dreamed of crying bitterly in a cemetery - to relief.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where you dreamed of Crying

Why dream of crying according to a dream book? Dreaming means that we are often sad in reality. Tears show a person’s response to the influence of images or people appearing in a dream. When we want and dream of crying, we do not suffer in the dream in the literal sense of the word, as in reality, we are simply overcome by a feeling of compassion and pity in relation to the touching scene unfolding before your eyes in a dream. In this case, follow your sleep.

Emotional release has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this release every time opportunity. However, you must identify the TRIGGER EVENT that triggered the relevant emotion. Who made you cry? Was it for a specific reason or just a general release of emotional tension? What did you feel after crying: relief or heaviness?

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Interpretation of the Lament

  • Crying in a dream with happiness symbolizes celebration, congratulations on gifts.
  • Dreaming of crying at a funeral foretells an appointment to a position.
  • Crying bitterly in church in a dream is a joyful event.
  • I dreamed of crying from resentment while sitting on the bed - a great misfortune.
  • See how stranger cries, baring his teeth - rivalry, litigation.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Crying mean, taking into account the date of birth?

  • In the spring, why dream of crying at your wedding in a dream - rejoice in reality.
  • If in the summer you dreamed of crying bitterly in your dreams, it means a manifestation of violent emotions.
  • In the fall, why dream of crying with tears - consolation and joy.
  • In winter, why dream of crying bitterly at night in your dreams - in reality, having fun.

Any dream in which tears, crying, crying relatives and strangers appear is a dream for a reason. Such stories are presented to the dreamer so that he can free himself from the ballast of negative emotions, which stretches like an alarming trail from the past and simply interferes with a normal life.

The interpretation of such dreams is ambiguous, since the circumstances and the smallest details are of great importance, which must be remembered in order for the interpretation to be as accurate as possible.

Why dream of crying in a dream according to Miller’s dream book

Everything related to crying: sobs, tears, crying people- is a very bad omen. A dream in one way or another associated with tears is considered a warning and should be treated very carefully. Perhaps unpleasant events will occur in the dreamer’s life: conflicts, betrayals, disagreements and all other not-so-good things that are the fruits of human relationships.

A person can prevent all this if in some cases he compromises or learns to make reasonable decisions. If in a dream you happened to cry a lot - even to the point of hysteria, then you should soon expect major quarrel, which will flare up out of nowhere. A girl or young woman who sees herself crying bitterly in a dream risks being left alone due to her own suspiciousness and suspiciousness.

A sobbing businessman is an unusual picture, but if he has such a dream, then he will be deceived by his own partners, and it is possible that competitors will become more active and will try in every way to destroy the business. But when she cries stranger, or better yet, a complete stranger, then everything is not so bad for the sleeper. If this is a relative or friend, then you will soon have to console him or help him in some way. You dream about a stranger, which means you need to wait for news, but what it will be depends on the appearance of the person dreaming.

What does it mean to cry, crying in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

According to the Bulgarian seer, crying in a dream is good. This portends joy or other favorable events. It is the number of tears that determines the power of grace that will descend on the sleeping person. If a single, stingy tear flows from the dreamer’s eye, then nothing terrible will happen in his life. At least in the near future. Two tears rolling down your cheeks is already something. Such a vision means that soon a person will receive good news that will inspire and delight him.

When tears flow from the eyes like a stream, it foreshadows imminent joy or some significant event. This could be the birth of a child, a transfer to a higher position, or a trip to distant countries. If a person dreams that he is sobbing bitterly and not one force in the world can stop this inconsolable crying, then soon he will have to attend a wedding. Not necessarily on your own. Maybe one of your relatives or friends will want to arrange this bright celebration.

Crying in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

Tears symbolize the process of fertilization. If a woman dreams that she is crying bitterly in a dream, then this indicates that she simply longs for sex, and not safe sex. Because her goal is not just to have fun, but also, if possible, to become a mother. The desire to get pregnant is the real reason why a woman wants to have an intimate relationship.

A girl or woman who saw a crying man in a dream does not suffer from a lack of male attention, therefore, in sexual relations she doesn't have any problems. If a man dreams of a sobbing woman, it means that he wants to have an affair with her with pleasant and predictable consequences. Perhaps he will want to marry her and become the father of her children.

A representative of the strong half of humanity, who saw himself crying in a dream, in reality had many connections. But he is not attracted by past victories on the love front, so he constantly strives to meet and closely communicate with new women. Such illegibility is unlikely to bring him any good, which means that special attention needs to be paid to the dream.

Why dream of crying according to Loff’s dream book

Tears in a dream are not that uncommon. In most cases, crying is a completely normal reaction of the human body to some irritant that appears in his dream. Crying in a dream is radically different from actually shedding tears.

If a person observes any scene that evokes a feeling of compassion or pity in him, then the tears that appear are a way to express his emotions, not only in reality, but also in a dream. If you manage to remember the plot of your vision, then this is very good, and crying can tell you how to behave in reality in a specific situation.

Tears are an emotional release that can be obtained while in the arms of Morpheus. Therefore, there is no need to rack your brains about your dream. Crying is simply a way to cleanse the psyche, which can be used both in dreams and in reality. To determine the degree of purification that sobbing in a dream can bring, you need to remember the event that caused this crying.

If this is some kind of tragedy that resulted in the death of several people, then no matter how blasphemous it sounds, it is very good reason for the appearance of tears. This means that the psyche will be cleansed of negativity as well as possible. If the reason for crying is grievances inflicted by loved ones, then such a dream can relieve emotional stress. Tears “just because” are meaningless both in everyday life and in the realm of sleep. When a person who has cried feels significant relief, this is a sign that the cleansing of the psyche has occurred.

Why dream of crying according to the Modern Dream Book

All dream books interpret this dream differently, but only Modern dream book is positive and foretells the crying dreamer joyful events and, albeit fleeting, but still, happiness. It is the future happiness that, in most cases, is the reason for the sleeper’s tears. Perhaps some grandiose event in life awaits him, for example, a wedding or the birth of a baby, or maybe simply the long-awaited peace and tranquility will come to his family. Isn't this happiness?!

It happens that one dreams of “collective sobbing,” that is, a person sees a group of people sitting and crying together. Such a dream foreshadows some kind of holiday or party. Perhaps this will be a massive folk festival in which it makes sense to take part.

Naturally, this barrel of sweet dreams cannot be complete without a spoonful of nightmares. If the dreamer cries for a deceased person and knows exactly what kind of person he is, then trouble awaits the dreamer in reality. And the stronger the crying for the dead, the bigger the problems will be. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid this, so you need to face adversity head on. Seeing relatives crying in a dream is a sign that troubles, sorrows and other negativity will fall on their heads.

Why dream of crying according to the Psychological Dream Book

If a person cries in a dream, it means that in reality someone has greatly offended him. Such a vision seems to have been sent to help the sleeping person: it helps to smooth out the unpleasant impressions of the offense and reduce anger towards the one who caused it. It is possible that after a dream full of tears, the dreamer will be ready to forgive someone whom he hated with all his heart just yesterday. To keep calm in reality, everyone needs such dreams.

Piteous crying is the most common dream related to tears. It fully reflects the events that actually occur. Experiences about another person, as well as thoughts about him, the desire to see him, or simply a long separation - these are all reasons that influence the dream picture. This once again proves that emotions do not have the ability to change, even if a person is sleeping.

All unresolved problems literally hold a person in a tight grip, not allowing him to relax day or night, preventing him from moving forward and significantly spoiling his life. Tears in a dream are just a way to get rid of these problems, although not for long.

Why dream of crying bitterly, crying a lot?

When a person sobs bitterly in a dream, then such a vision can be called good. This means that the dark streak in his life is over, and he is no longer in danger of troubles and misfortunes, and all fleeting anxieties and minor problems will seem mere trifles compared to what he has experienced over the years. lately. All obstacles will fall, health will improve, and troubles will pass by. There is a very favorable period ahead, which will once again prove that after a storm there is always calm.

If you dreamed that a relative or just an acquaintance was crying a lot, then this means only one thing: people need the help and support of the dreamer. It is possible that you will have to temporarily become that very “vest” in which everyone loves to cry. There is nothing scary or shameful about this, who knows, maybe it will really help a person. In any case, you cannot pass by and it is not recommended to refuse help, since anyone, including the dreamer, can find themselves in a similar situation.

Why do you dream of a crying child?

If a crying child appeared in your night dreams, then you definitely need to remember: was it there or was it just a child’s cry. When the dreamer clearly sees a sobbing baby, he will have to experience all the bitterness of disappointment and experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with his own actions. If you just dreamed of a child crying, then good news or long-awaited meetings will not take long to arrive.

An infant's cry heard in a dream is a harbinger of good news. Perhaps a letter or parcel will soon arrive from afar, which will be a real surprise for the dreamer. There is also a chance to receive the necessary information that the sleeper has been waiting for a very long time. When living in the house small child, then a dream with a crying baby is considered empty, and you can ignore it.

Dream Interpretation - someone cries in a dream

  • boy - the child will soon get sick;
  • girl - you will have to be very surprised by something;
  • baby - good news;
  • mom - feel lonely among people;
  • dad - get help from an influential person;
  • guy - future troubles;
  • ex-boyfriend - soon everything will fall into place;
  • girl - anxiety or minor troubles;
  • husband - after a major quarrel there will be reconciliation, and everything will end well;
  • wife - events that cannot be predicted;
  • daughter - the child has some problems;
  • son - child needs moral support;
  • man - family scandal;
  • girlfriend - everyday little things not worthy of attention;
  • friend - a joyful event or good news;
  • grandmother - unfair reproaches and groundless accusations;
  • grandfather - unsuccessful date;
  • person - to upset a relative;
  • beloved – the need for emotional release;
  • beloved - you will have to reconsider your views on life;
  • friend - something will come true soon;
  • colleague - a sharp career take-off;
  • kuma - all worries are in vain;
  • stranger - someone wants to take advantage of someone else's kindness;
  • an ugly girl is bad news;
  • beautiful girl - good news;
  • ex-girlfriend - love cannot be returned;
  • woman - new acquaintances;
  • bride - a series of love failures;
  • groom - betrayal of a loved one;
  • rival - all her efforts will be in vain;
  • sister - empty disputes and stupid quarrels;
  • brother - someone is plotting.

Why do you dream of a crying dead man?

If you dream that a really deceased relative literally bursts into tears, this means that he is very worried about the dreamer. The sleeper risks becoming the initiator of a conflict that will completely ruin the relationship with a loved one. The emergence of a new ill-wisher also cannot be ruled out.

That is, in essence, a crying dead man warns a living person. He clearly makes it clear that the dreamer is to blame for all his troubles. To save yourself from troubles, it is enough to look inside yourself and, if possible, adjust your behavior, and you also need to learn to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted.

In the case when a dead person cries and then dissolves into thin air or leaves, such a dream is interpreted completely differently. This portends a rich, well-fed and prosperous life. True, this state does not last forever and the situation can change dramatically overnight. This can create a feeling of uncertainty about the future.

Why dream of crying in your sleep?

If you had to shed tears in a dream, and for absolutely no reason, this means that the dreamer is in dire need of consolation and support. He will receive all this, but not from someone who can really provide it. Help will come from outside, and very soon.

When tears flow like hail and a person sees that his tears are the size of a pea, this promises him a big profit. The larger the tears, the more income. In general, to correctly interpret such a dream, you need to have an idea of ​​the personality of the dreamer. For example, if a businessman cries, then he will face troubles associated with the “punishing” authorities; for a lover who has separated from his soulmate, crying in a dream foreshadows a quick meeting and a showdown, as a result of which, two loving hearts will connect again.

Anyone who cried very hard in a dream, literally sobbing, can be calm: fate is preparing some kind of gift for him. Perhaps an old dream will come true or a cherished desire will come true. Or simply for some time luck will constantly accompany him, and lay straws if a fall cannot be avoided. It’s good to cry very bitterly. Such a dream foreshadows future successes, but for more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to remember: exactly what reason prompted the sleeping person to become such a crybaby. If the reason lies in human actions, then troubles cannot be avoided.

Why else do you dream of crying - dream options

  • to cry from resentment is honor and glory;
  • cry with tears - the larger the tears, the more money will come to your wallet;
  • cry without tears - a lot of things have accumulated that require completion;
  • cry through laughter - undeserved reproaches will greatly upset your loved one;
  • crying in church is a solemn event at which you will have to be present as an honored guest;
  • cry in the cemetery - big changes in life;
  • cry at a wedding - there is a risk of getting married or marrying an unloved person;
  • cry blood - long-awaited meeting with relatives whom you have not seen for a long time;
  • comforting a crying person is a great joy;
  • hearing a child cry is good news;
  • to see a crying child - to experience disappointment;
  • cry at a funeral - you will be able to get rid of negativity, and there are only days ahead full of joy;
  • crying at the grave - a desire to radically change one’s life;
  • a crying icon is a big disaster;
  • the dog is crying - the enemy has not calculated his strength and will be defeated;
  • a cat is crying - a friend is in trouble and calling for help;
  • cry with happiness - prophetic dream, which is completely projected onto reality;
  • abundant tears on the face of a crying person - profit;
  • show your teeth when crying - a hidden enemy will appear soon;
  • sob into the pillow - close person misses you a lot and is looking forward to meeting you;
  • cry from onions - in an extreme situation you will not be able to demonstrate your willpower;
  • sitting on the bed and crying are serious problems.

Cry in my sleep - Seeing a woman crying in a dream- meeting new people.
Seeing a child crying in a dream means empty troubles.
Did you cry for a specific reason, or was it just a release? What did you feel when you cried: a feeling of lightness or vice versa? By identifying this event, you can understand your dream in more detail.
The bitter cry that other people cry in a dream portends a very happy marriage.
For unmarried girls to see yourself crying in a dream - to happiness in your personal life, to some important, big and beautiful event, perhaps to an imminent wedding ceremony or engagement.
If other people were crying in your dream- you can be sure that happiness will come to your friends’ house, which you will share with them. such a dream is a harbinger of the imminent marriage of someone you know.
If you dreamed that you were crying- This good sleep, promising you quick release from hardships and worries, cheap relief and joy.
If you dreamed that you were crying in your sleep, don't cry! This is a favorable dream. Loud crying and sobbing in a dream can symbolize liberation. Unpleasant emotions, fears and concerns will disappear from your life, clearing the way for new joy.
If you dreamed that you were crying over a dead person, it means that in reality you will have to take care of someone.
If you dreamed that you were crying and, upon waking up, realized that you were actually crying, it means that what you had in mind will soon come true.
If you dreamed that you wanted to cry, but at the same time you were ashamed of it, it means that in reality you will soon have to overcome many difficulties.
If you dreamed that someone was crying, it means that some joyful event awaits you.
If you cried in a dream, it means that some experiences or disappointments await you.
If in a dream you cry for no apparent reason, simply because you feel sorry for yourself, think about your attitude towards yourself, are you too selfish? Your excessive self-love will only bring pain to the people who value and respect you.
If in a dream you saw a dead person crying, this means squabbles with friends and family.
If you see in a dream that one of your loved ones is crying, then soon luck and joy will come to this person. Moreover, this joy will be shared by you.
If you cry bitterly and hopelessly in a dream, it means that in reality you will have a very good reason for unbridled fun and sincere joy. After such a dream, you can safely take on something new - the matter will be crowned with success. You shouldn’t rely only on fate; you need to make considerable efforts yourself.
If you cried for a long time and bitterly- great joy and an event awaits you that will change your life in good side. You will be successful in all matters and areas of life, so you can safely implement any of your wildest ideas.
If you cry not alone, but surrounded by loved ones and friends, this means that a big holiday or fun is expected soon. The wedding of a close relative or the birth of a child.
If you show ingenuity and enterprise in your work and affairs, you can safely expect material and moral satisfaction.
If you are free from the bonds of the hymen, then crying in a dream can mean a quick and happy marriage.
If you hear someone crying bitterly in a dream- this may mean that a good event will soon happen in the family of your relatives or loved ones, which will bring a harmonious and prosperous period.
If a woman dreams that she is crying about her fate, this is a bad sign: in reality she may break up with her loved one.
If it is not you who is crying, but a complete stranger, a person unfamiliar to you, such a dream suggests that friends, acquaintances, and relatives will help you with your problem. Their help will be completely disinterested, which they will offer themselves.
When you see a dead person crying in a dream, get ready for quarrels and squabbles in your family.
However, in other cases- crying in a dream means an unexpected stressful situation, serious problems that will make you very nervous.
However, crying in a dream may not always promise anything. It may be the result of spilled emotions.
Cry with someone- such a dream means celebration important event with loved ones or participation in a gala event with the presentation of gifts.
Cry with someone in a dream- to new interesting acquaintances. No matter how dejected you feel when you see someone else (or your own) crying in a dream, know that this good sign. Such dreams fall into the category of those that should be interpreted the other way around.
Cry in my sleep- This good sign.
Crying in a dream at a funeral- to get rid of old problems, to move forward.
Crying in a dream from physical pain- to health.
Crying in a dream and in reality are absolutely different. You just feel a feeling of compassion, mercy and pity for a certain situation, namely the one you are dreaming of. In that case, you just need to follow the dream. Such a dream has a beneficial effect, the psyche is cleared, so you should use such a discharge at every opportunity. An important point in such a dream is that you need to identify an event that could influence you in this way, which caused such emotions. Who or what made you cry?
Crying is a common human reaction to certain actions in a dream.
A crying man dreams of trouble.
Crying in a dream sometimes speaks of the internal release that our subconscious has produced. After all, not all people can real life allow yourself the luxury of crying sincerely and heartily.
Sleep is bad when a person cries while sitting on the bed. This may be a warning of upcoming misfortunes or unpleasant situations. A dream in which a deceased person close to you cries foreshadows a big quarrel.
The results of your work will exceed all your greatest expectations. All your problems and difficulties will be resolved in the most unexpected and easiest way.
Tears in a dream also indicate that a good and good person will soon meet on your way. interesting person who will become your close friend.
A dream in which you calm a person with tears in your eyes warns you that the new business you are planning to do requires more detailed and thoughtful preparation. By paying due attention to the details, you will receive good profit.
The dream that a man had, and he was crying there, speaks of internal depression, large quantities negative emotions that sit deep in the soul. During sleep, the body tries to unload from all these problems.
A dream in which a person imagines himself crying, especially out loud, is a harbinger of joy and great fun. All existing problems will gradually be solved, and in the near future he will begin to have good luck. New businesses and projects started will definitely be successful. Businessmen can expect profit growth. Therefore, it is necessary to direct all efforts to achieve the goals. You can not be afraid to take risks and try yourself in new and interesting matter.
Often such a dream brings joy.

An alarming and unpleasant vision is crying a lot in a dream. Popular dream books will tell you why you dream about such a plot. You will be surprised, but everything is not as scary as it might seem to you after waking up from sleep. In fact, most experts interpret this vision positively.

English dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of crying a lot in a dream, refer to the experience of the British. They interpret this vision as follows:

Loff's Dream Book

To figure out why you dream about crying a lot in a dream, take a look at Loff’s dream book. Here's the transcript you can find in this source:

Chinese dream book

Chinese sages were well versed in the vicissitudes of real life, as well as the intricacies of night visions. This is what it means to dream about crying a lot in a dream:

Interpretation according to the Autumn Dream Book

With the question “why do I dream that I cry a lot in my sleep?” contact Autumn dream book. In it you will find the following answers:

Miller's Dream Book

Esoteric dream book

If you are wondering why you dream that you cry in a dream, then take a look at Esoteric dream book. From this source you will get the following information:

Imperial dream book

Take a look at the Imperial Dream Book if you had to cry in your night vision. Seeing a similar plot in a dream means the following:

  • Crying is a symbol of joy and fun. The more depressed you felt in the dream, the more positive emotions you will get in reality.
  • If you hear a pitying voice trying to console you, it means someone wants to be involved in your success.
  • If one of your loved ones cries in a dream, and you do not react, this means that in reality you are greatly upsetting this person without realizing it.
  • Other people's sobs mean that you will receive joyful news from distant relatives.
  • If in a dream you cried and wailed, this means that you are very worried about your loved ones. But you will soon realize that all your worries were in vain.
  • If you have long dreamed of adding to your family, then a dream about tears gives you a signal that your wish may come true in the near future.

Modern dream book

IN modern world people never stop trusting the signs of fate in the form of dreams. Here's what can be said about night visions in which tears are present:

Vanga's Dream Book

For an interpretation of a dream about tears, you should consult the dream book of the famous seer. Here's what Vanga said about this:

  • To experience joy is what it means to dream of crying in a dream yourself. Most likely, something you have been working on for a long time will lead you to desired result.
  • If in your dream some other person you know shed tears, this means that he will be very happy. Most likely, you will also have a hand in his well-being.
  • Completing a troublesome task is what dreams of crying bitterly mean in a dream. Soon you will be able to take a break from all worries and relax.
  • If you saw your enemy crying, you will be able to defeat him.
  • If you just sob, this means that guests will unexpectedly come to you, with whom you will have a very pleasant time.
  • If a young girl dreams of how she cries and a man consoles her, this prophesies a quick, fateful acquaintance that will end in a wedding. Family life will be cloudless and full of joyful moments.
  • Baby crying indicates that your children need your help. If you support them on time, they will achieve success.

We looked at the most interesting interpretations of the meaning of dreams about crying and tears.