Why does a woman dream about a crying man? Why dream of crying because of a man. Why dream of crying according to the Modern Dream Book

Tears do not always symbolize grief - oddly enough, but a person can cry with happiness and laugh to tears. You can burst into tears yourself (yourself) from resentment, or you want to cry and swear just like that. It is offered to find out for free what this means in reality. It also describes what it means to kiss, to have an acquaintance cry, to wake up with tears, to cry for a dead person, with blood, when a loved one leaves, in the rain, or for a dog. Dreams in which you see tears are interpreted exactly the opposite. Tears of sadness in a dream mean joyful events in reality.

Why dream of crying in a dream because of your ex-husband, boyfriend, your beloved woman, ex-boyfriend, daughter, girlfriend?

You shouldn't cry over your ex-husband or boyfriend, even in a dream. Having poured out your soul in tears to yourself, in reality you must free yourself from the past and begin a new and bright stage in your life.

For a girl, a dream in which she cries from resentment towards her boyfriend means that in real life quarrels and quarrels may indeed await her.

If a man dreams that he is crying for the woman he loves, in reality it means that he feels guilty towards her and subconsciously repents of his actions.

If a mother has a dream in which she cries for her daughter, it is possible that the girl will soon inform her mother about her decision to get married and leave her father's house.

If a guy dreams that he is crying bitter tears because of his girlfriend, in real life they will have a fun time.

Why dream of crying for a dead person, because of death, at a grave, sobbing bitterly for a dead person?

A dream in which you cry or weep for someone who has passed into another world is evidence that you cannot let go of this person, which is not welcome in the Christian world. Light a candle in the church for the repose of the soul of the deceased or order a prayer service.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of crying, without tears, in church, because of infidelity?

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is crying (and crying without tears), it means that good and joyful news awaits her soon.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is crying in church, it means that in reality she will successfully fulfill her destiny, give birth to a healthy baby and be a good mother for her child.

A pregnant woman’s dream, in which she learns about her husband’s infidelity, in reality means that she needs to throw away bad thoughts and do not be jealous of your loved one towards virtual women.

Why dream of crying for a dead father, husband, or a living person?

Crying in a dream for your dead father or husband means that you cannot come to terms with their loss. In this case, these are tears of purification for the troubles and omissions that once arose between you.

This dream has a completely different meaning if in it you cry for a living person. This dream foreshadows a joyful meeting.

Why do you dream of crying at a wedding, from happiness, fear, pain?

If the bride or groom had a dream in which someone was crying at their wedding, in reality the family life of the newlyweds will not be entirely successful. The same dream, dreamed by friends of the bride and groom, signifies a fun and noisy party.

Crying in a dream with happiness means experiencing the same emotions, but in real life.

Why dream of crying in a dream according to Freud

In Freud's dream book, tears are associated with ejaculation and possible pregnancy if they were tears of joy.

Why do you dream of crying in a dream? Miller's dream book

Miller considered crying in his sleep bad sign, predicting a number of negative events for the dreamer.

Why do you dream of crying in a dream? Vanga’s dream book

Vanga interpreted a dream in which they were crying as an upside-down dream and considered it a good sign, meaning wild fun and joy.

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    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming crying man? Man is in dream symbol of strength, breadwinner, hunter, military man, businessman. All of these images reflect areas that can be affected dream, in which the dreamer appears man. Tears themselves can carry both a positive connotation, when they promise relief or symbolize joy, and a negative one - when they are tears of grief, sadness. When you dreamed about it(xia) crying man? Today. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    When you see in dream, how is your husband crying, the dream in this way tries to focus your attention on the little things that you are interested in Everyday life don't attach any importance. Most likely, you have noticed that husband worried or upset about something. If dreamed about it an unpleasant, emaciated person, the news may be disappointing. If you see in dream like your ex-girlfriend crying, it is quite possible that you will be able, if not to renew the relationship, then at least to overcome the bitterness of separation. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    You are here now: Dream Interpretation online » Dream Interpretations » Dream Interpretation man crying, for what dreaming husband...For what dreaming man crying in dream. Men, as is known, not crying. However, under some sad circumstances, even representatives of the stronger half cannot hold back their tears. But this is what happens in real life in dream it's the other way around - crying person means predicting joyful events, positive changes, good news. Read more

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    « Dream Interpretation Husband crying dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Husband crying». Dream Interpretation Felomena. For what dreaming Husband crying in dream By dream book? Your spouse is in tears - a favorable vision, which indicates that simply dizzying success awaits you in your work, your merits and efforts will finally be appreciated, get new position and a significant increase in salary. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    If crying your husband- reconciliation with him will soon follow after a disagreement, if the other man- To family quarrels. Female dream book. Cry in dream- a harbinger of bad news and family upset. See crying others - portends the end of a period of sad misunderstandings. For a commercial worker, this dream- portends temporary disruption and minor failures. General dream book. if you dreamed, what do you in dream cried- great grief awaits you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    For what dreaming crying boy man? It is important to know who exactly dreamed about it. For example, if man sees in dream himself, then, most likely, he will soon be successful in almost any endeavor. Success in terms of career will be especially impressive and large-scale. Perhaps a person will easily be able to conquer all those peaks that he has dreamed of for so long. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    But married people shouldn’t worry, because what dreaming such a dream will bring only joy - an unexpected gift from husband. Usually stalking a man in dream V dream book symbolized as attempts by the person who offended you to make amends and ask for forgiveness. So, if in dream man crying, then, according to interpretation dream book, in reality great joy awaits you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation man quit in dream. Search, call man in dream when he turns away from you, turns his back, abandons you, leaves you, it means that your relationship will be upset. Such gestures or postures symbolically reflect a lack of understanding and support. If your ex hugs or kisses you, then he has repented of something or remembers you fondly. If crying, which means he regrets his mistakes in the past. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed about it late husband, there’s nothing wrong with that: the dead often visit loved ones in dream. The only plot that has a bad meaning is when the deceased calls you with him or tries to lead you somewhere. Why dreaming, What husband crying? Dream Interpretation reassuring, similar dreams indicate that the dark streak that is haunting your family is nearing a happy end. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Had a dream that's my favorite man crying in dream. Although I've never seen anything like this in reality. Just like a little child whose toy was taken away! What is this for? It is worth noting that your dream may be the result of your own reasoning, i.e. you have never seen it crying- and so in dream He crying. Also yours dream can reflect the internal state of your men.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Man crying dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Man crying".To me dreamed about it strange dream. I see my ex husband in the company of people I don’t know (on the street), he is kneeling with his head stuck between the links of the fence. Everyone laughs (including him trying to take his head out). Next - he is completely wet, dirty, got into a fight with someone, sees me and runs towards me. Read more

    Dream book "mag.org"

    Cry in dream. If a woman dreamed that she crying, then the bad news will cause her unexpected discord in family relationships. Crying child.If a woman dreamed about it crying husband, reconciliation with him will soon follow after a disagreement. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming see crying in dream. Dream in which you see crying from the outside, it’s a pretty good sign that predicts the receipt of some good news and generally positive and joyful changes in life. Moreover, such a plot is often interpreted as a possible quick reunion, reconciliation after a long quarrel or separation. Read in full

    Dream book "dream book"

    According to dream book former man crying- you are tormented by past actions, either do something or forgive yourself - it will become much easier for you. See in dream like an ex man returned to you - one of you wants to return the former relationship. Hello from Monday to Tuesday dreamed about it my beloved person with whom we grew up for 10 years, but I still love him. In dream he wanted us to be together again. That he will leave his wife and I should leave husband(in reality we are both really married). Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    In dream dreamed as if I'm very I'm crying from the fact that I broke up with my boyfriend. Then we stop, I run out of the car towards some descent from the mountain, and desperately I'm crying... then I find myself near some stream, washing my face, and the water there is not cold, but warm... I also remember that we were already in the dorm, and husband cleans the fish (cuts it into pieces), I approach him, ask if he will return home, this girl comes up, husband she answers that.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed about it mine husband in dream- current affairs and concerns. Self image husband in dream may be inspired by daytime emotions and experiences. Generally Husband in dream symbolizes the state of your current affairs. Husband in dream healthy and cheerful - that means everything is fine with you in reality. Had a dream, What husband crying- disorder in reality. Had a dream, What husband died, Husband drowned - illness, Death. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Another man- see yourself not with your own husband, and with the other a man in dream, to see in dream Man- If you dreamed about it man, then you have to See man your dreams in dream and enjoying communication with him means that you will have to do a lot cry and...Read more

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    Dream Interpretation Husband late crying dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Husband late crying? To select an interpretation sleep enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If in dream former husband hugs you, it means that in reality you feel lonely. A dream in which you hug your ex husband, means that he experiences similar feelings. Dream Interpretation warns that if dreamed about it ex-girlfriend husband, something that you have been trying to hide for so long may become public. Why dreaming that ex husband crying, dream book interprets quite reassuringly. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Husband babysit a child dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Husband babysit a child? If in dream you saw yourself as a child - this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life. See crying child - endangering their future. Search in dream your child - trying to find lost hope. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Cry Cry in dream Crying child Girl crying. Cry sobbing Man crying See crying. In our online dream book You can find out not only what dead means crying in dream, but also look at the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking dream books Vanga and Nostradamus, download dream book Miller - perhaps it is in him that you will find the meaning sleep"dead crying".Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - To my husband dreamed, What in dream he was attacked by a woman. Such dream suggests that something unpleasant may happen to one of your loved ones, not necessarily your husband, and for some reason, instead of the required help, someone will show indifference. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Crying woman spirit in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « Dream Interpretation Dead crying dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Dead crying"Here it is today dreamed about it, leaves for another woman. I tell him in dream, you decide whether you are with us or go to her. Moreover, I see a real woman who actually exists. He cried, but left. The next day, same conversation. Husband is silent and sometimes in dream He says he loves that woman, but he couldn’t leave me. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    For what dreaming former husband all in tears? If he crying in dream, then you should look inside yourself and analyze what’s going on in your soul. See in dream former husband- how to get rid of a dream. Some dream books claim that if you dreamed about it former husband, then you shouldn’t expect anything good. Problems and troubles can arise in any area of ​​your life: from problems at work to a new illness husband or young man.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Surprisingly, dream, in which husband showers you with undeserved accusations, is very favorable: it promises trust and respect in real life. if you dreamed about it husband, pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick. Cry in dream, if tears give you relief: it means that your internal tension is easing. After this sleep You can expect that in reality you will experience some kind of relief. Other people's tears in your dream: a sign that in the depths of your soul you anticipate sad events. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Moreover, if in dream Former Husband asks you for forgiveness, which means in real life you still cannot forgive him. I dreamed about it ex-lover, ex-lover, I dreamed about it former husband or former man- you will again experience the pain of parting. Had a dream What's the ex husband crying- troubles with ex husband. Probably between you and your once beloved a man a subtle psychological connection has been preserved. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming crying woman? If a man in dream crying or sees how crying someone else, he will receive joyful news and good news. Dreamed tears portend positive changes in life. In addition, loud cry woman means that in reality she will be able to strengthen her feelings with husband and find peace of mind for your family. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Your deceased friend (revived) in dream) - this is your past, which you want to revive (resume your favorite hobby), and the mother whom you hate - this, I see, is you yourself in the role of a mother, because you, as a mother, have succeeded, but as a creative person - not, for which you reproach yourself now. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Husband late crying in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    See in dream What's your favorite man prepares - for profit; happiness and peace in the family. Dreams in which you see husband or a loved one in a home environment, Husband calm and busy with creative work (Cooking), They always predict that peace, mutual understanding and tranquility will reign in your relationships in reality. Had a dream, What man crying- big troubles. This is a warning dream- refrain from rash steps and rash actions.

Crying in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. Such a dream can carry both negative and positive meanings. Moreover, crying is one of the few signs of dreams when the foreshadowed events can reach quite a large scale. You should approach a dream in which a crying man appears very carefully.

Why do you dream ex-boyfriend according to the dream book? To events that will remind you of the past. This value very similar to the interpretation of a dream about an ex-man, only it has a more romantic connotation. I often dream that one of you two constantly thinks about the past days.

In a dream, seeing your friend’s ex-boyfriend - an unpleasant story will remind you of itself. Daughter's ex-boyfriend - nostalgia, longing.

Your ex probably caused you such painful and excruciating emotional trauma that it is still fresh to this day - subconsciously you are replaying this situation over and over again.

I dreamed that my ex was getting married, I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend with a new girlfriend- jealousy; new novel.

At the subconscious level, you really want to know how your Ex’s personal affairs are. You yourself created this nightly story with your thoughts about the fate of your Ex.

I dreamed that ex-husband crying- troubles with ex-husband.

There is probably a subtle psychological connection between you and the man you once loved. The dream predicts that not the most joyful and pleasant events will happen in the life of the Ex - try to warn him about this.

The appearance of a former lover in a dream often causes anxiety and indignation, especially among girls and women who this moment We still haven’t found our soul mate yet.

The most disturbing dreams about a former loved one are those in which he, without explaining the reason, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing what is most valuable and dear.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend quite often in various situations, you should think about the fact that perhaps your feelings are still alive and his character occupies most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If you trust folk superstitions, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this cannot be happy. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks about you is the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

When you see your husband crying in a dream, the dream in this way is trying to focus your attention on little things that you do not attach importance to in everyday life. Most likely, you have noticed that your husband is preoccupied or upset about something. There is a high probability that your relationship or family well-being is at risk, warns the dream book.

If you saw your son crying in your dream, the dream book believes that right now he needs your support or advice, not daring to actually cry into his vest. Spend time together on a walk or have an intimate conversation.

When you dream about how stranger guy cries, the dream book reminds that such wonderful qualities as selflessness and the ability to empathize are not always appreciated by others. It is possible that someone intends to take advantage of your kindness.

Why do you dream crying guy, whom you know well, the dream book explains his need for emotional release. It is quite possible that he is simply tired of being left alone with his problems, but you only guess about this in a dream.

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend crying, the dream book promises that your disagreement will be resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future, it will become clear that the cause of your quarrel was just an annoying misunderstanding.

When you dream about your loved one crying, the dream book warns of a possible brewing conflict. A careless word or a misunderstood statement can lead to a serious quarrel and mutual disappointment. Women's flair and wisdom will help smooth out rough edges.

In the modern world, the most widely used methods are used to interpret dreams. different dream books, which sometimes offer original and unusual designations.

A crying husband speaks of your desire to manipulate others and keep everything under total control. You are selfish and ambitious, and do not suffer from dependence syndrome on your stronger half. Neglect of moral aspects and the opinions of others does not limit the decision-making that subjugates the situation and people.

In the church and in the cemetery

Ex, Ex-boss, Ex-back, Ex-lover, Former director, Former house, Former friend, Ex-marries, Former-son-in-law, Former-colleague, Former-lover, Former-lover, Former-lover, Former-boy, Former-young.

An attack by a husband or a young man is a dream of troubles, most likely pleasant ones.

Psychologists say that our dreams are our experiences, impressions or events that occur. It often happens that ex-lover dreams of women who live with a thirst for revenge for a broken heart. They want to see him suffer or make him regret leaving them. You constantly paint yourself a picture of such a situation, for example, when he saw you and his heart beat with renewed vigor, but you are already cold and unapproachable. Your imagination realizes such a situation in a dream. Or you imagine yourself getting out of a limousine in a chic dress, happy, and he comes to the meeting in shabby clothes, tired. Many people had such thoughts, which were embodied in a dream.

You should also pay attention to the situation in the dream itself. Seeing your ex-boyfriend in a different context completely changes the meaning of the dream. Heated showdowns indicate that feelings have not yet completely cooled down, so you sometimes think about him. Kisses and hugs mean that you are not averse to renewing your relationship.

Dear readers, what can you say about former relationship in a dream? What are your observations?

  • Skidan Ilona Petrovna

    Psychologist, Interpersonal Relations Specialist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Anna Dashevskaya

    Psychologist, Skype consultations. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Makarova Inna Yurievna

    Psychologist, Emotional-imaginative psychotherapy. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Kirill Budkevich

    Psychologist, I make dreams come true at a reasonable price. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Andronova (Volokhonskaya) Marina Sergeevna

    Psychologist, Psychoanalyst. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Slobodyanik Marina Valerievna
  • Dulepina Olga Alexandrovna

    Psychologist, Certified Gestalt Therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Frantsev Maxim Leonidovich

    Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Andreeva Anna Mikhailovna

    Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, oncologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

  • Darondov Ivan Valerievich

    Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

This dream is difficult to interpret unambiguously. On the one hand, if a person cries in a dream, this means strong experiences, losses and losses, and on the other hand, good news and a pleasant resolution of difficult circumstances. However, the dream book writes that interpreting a dream in which a woman cries is much easier than if you witness a man’s tears.

Therefore, in order to understand why a crying man dreams, you need to pay attention to the general impression of the dream or circumstances. Because a representative of the stronger sex in tears can show various aspects his life, both positive and negative. This is what a crying man in a dream most often means.

Great grief and bitter loss

The dream book gives this meaning to dreams in which there is an element of mourning, funeral, cemetery or something black. These dreams come unexpectedly and, in addition to your relative or friend, there is almost always a woman there. She also cries and worries about something. The dream book interprets such a dream as a sign of great grief and unexpected loss, very painful and incomprehensible.

Seeing an acquaintance or friend crying, especially at a coffin or at someone’s grave, is a sign of misfortune and great distress in his home. Especially if the dream contains a felled tree, a dead person, a corpse, blood or a coffin, as well as artificial flowers. The dream book interprets this dream to mean mourning in the house, sudden death of both this person and his loved ones. Several colors of red mean murder, as does a butcher with an ax or a maniac in a dream. Bitter crying at the grave or at the coffin means great loss, worries and tears in the house.

If a man you know and who is alive roared, then the dream book writes that in the near future he will experience great loss, great grief and tears. Such a dream often turns out to be prophetic.

Why dream that a dead man appears alive in a dream and cries bitterly? This dream means grief for you and your surroundings. Especially if the deceased treated you kindly and was a good friend or relative. Why is a father in tears or a grandfather in a dream? Both deceased and alive, it means troubles and misfortunes specifically for you or common relatives. The dream book interprets this dream as quarrels in the family, problems and troubles with children, as well as grief that may happen.

Why do you dream about seeing a deceased relative who drank or was a drug addict during his lifetime crying? Books on dream interpretation write that he needs to be remembered in the temple. By the way, this dream does not foretell troubles and misfortunes; on the contrary, the dream book writes that after such a dream you will have a bright streak in your life.

Why dream that a stranger, with whom you are not in a love relationship, is crying? Books on dreams predict great grief and trouble for him or his family. They may prove fatal. If you saw a friend or his woman in tears several times in a dream, then such a dream means trouble in his house, a serious illness, injury, accident, or even violent death.

Therefore, you should definitely warn the person whose wife cried in a dream about troubles and try to persuade him to cancel trips and various activities. He faces great trouble and a catastrophe in life if he does not cancel all risky ventures.

Boyfriend, husband or loved one

Seeing your ex-fan crying in a dream is a sign of his repentance. Most likely, there is a dark streak in his life now, so he suffers a lot and wants to return to his old relationship, but pride or reality does not allow this. A dream in which it is not your man who cries, but a person similar to him, always means great surprise.

Some books say that you will soon find out about his wedding or engagement, or that he will make a hasty proposal that he will greatly regret. Another dream book writes that seeing the tears of a loved one is a sign of his weakness. Most likely, he will drink heavily and suffer from alcoholism, but in any case, life will not turn out the way he wants.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's woman cry is a sign of him cheating on her. If he is currently your lover, then perhaps his wife knows about his affair on the side and she suffers greatly about this. If you see in a dream your rival or the girl who stole your man, boyfriend or lover in tears, you can rejoice. Nothing will work out for her and because of this she will suffer greatly. He will return to you soon.

If in a dream your man consoles a woman in tears, who is your friend or sister, or maybe a rival in love, they will soon be together and there will be strong passion between them. Crying in a dream and seeing your loved one wipe away your tears means expect good news and quick consolation in your grief.

Why do you dream that your lover’s wife is crying a lot? Break up with him. In reality, she suffers greatly and can harm you, and you will have to pay dearly for the suffering of others. Therefore, try to break off the relationship, especially if for you it is just a game and entertainment, but not love. Seeing the tears of a former admirer or husband means he repents and wants to return.

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend

Psychologists warn that visions of previous passions can provoke conflicts with the man who is caring for the sleeping woman today. This is natural. After all, she constantly compares her gentlemen: current and former. The partner senses this and expresses dissatisfaction.

Sigmund Freud emphasizes that yesterday's lover is dreamed of by young ladies who are afraid of treason and betrayal. If this gentleman is angry and shows feelings of jealousy, then in reality, he considers you a decent, honest woman.

A bad dream in which a recent admirer looks dejected and tired. This vision can predict illness in one of the sleeping family members.

If a girl is passionate about memories, then she dreams of past relationships. The question immediately arises: why does the ex-boyfriend dream? The dream shows a subconscious comparison between current relationships and past ones. In this case, you need to regret your actions less. This prevents you from starting a new life. You should also control your thoughts and conversations with your loved one so as not to provoke a quarrel.

The dream may also mean an unconscious fear of losing the value of life. If in reality there is no loved one, then the dream book speaks of uncooled feelings. Perhaps it is worth renewing the relationship. Different nuances of a dream can create different interpretations. It is important to take all points into account. But a common folk sign says that any person who comes to you in a dream thinks about you.

See your ex-boyfriend in a dream

Tsvetaeva’s dream book warns that if you dreamed about an ex-boyfriend, then you need to be careful in your actions. Perhaps you will commit a frivolous act for which you will have to pay.

  • Kisses mean that you will soon be very surprised.
  • What does it mean to dream about sex with an ex? It means an exacerbation of a long-standing conflict.
  • If your ex-boyfriend or ex-husband is exhausted and looks sick in a dream, then in reality either you or one of your relatives will become seriously ill. Possible illness that leaves you bedridden.
  • If you break up in a dream, it means that a new acquaintance awaits you soon.
  • A quarrel is also a good sign in the dream book, indicating happiness in your personal life.
  • The fight shows that the young man has regained a sense of ownership.
  • If ex-lover wants to get you back, then expect a pleasant surprise.
  • The death of an ex-boyfriend speaks of an imminent wedding and the birth of children.
  • Sigmund Freud argued that such a vision speaks of the fear of betrayal of the current young man.
  • If your ex-boyfriend accuses you of infidelity in a dream, then in reality he will show respect.
  • The English dream book warns against the influence of magic on you. You especially need to be wary when a man shows passion.
  • If you are in a relationship and you dreamed about past moments with your ex, then in reality you and your partner are missing romance.

After a dream in which you communicated with your ex-lover, are you sad and a little sorry that the dream is over? This means only one thing - you are still living in the past, dreaming that your relationship with your former gentleman will be restored. And everything will be as before... Remember! This is an extremely harmful attitude that prevents you from organizing your personal life today and now. Dozens of worthy guys pass by you and don’t pay attention to you because you look at the world with detachment. And you don’t even see them, immersed in dreams of the past.

So why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? The interpretation of the dream book depends on your actions, emotions, and the response of your former boyfriend.

Predictions from various sources

The classic dream book predicts extreme amazement and surprise for the one who kissed her ex-boyfriend while she was sleeping. But if kisses alone were not enough, and intimacy occurred, then the dreamer faces another, painful showdown regarding a long-standing quarrel. If a quarrel occurs in a dream, then in reality the girl will have good luck in matters of the heart.

Did your former beau fight in a dream? This means that the current one will begin to show his character, command you, be jealous, like an owner. In Tsvetaeva’s dream book it is indicated that an ex-boyfriend may appear before some rash act, which the sleeping woman will have to regret. IN Modern collection In dream interpretation, a vision about the feelings of a former boyfriend is interpreted as unexpectedness and surprises. Moreover, it is unknown whether they will make you happy, or, on the contrary, upset or scare you.

A nightmare about the death of an ex-boyfriend, a dream book foreshadowing a joyful event in the life of a sleeping girl. She will soon get married and give birth to her first child.

Why is he dreaming?

Girls who are still going through a breakup sometimes ask the question: why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend? They supposedly don't want to hear anything about him. And even more so to think and tolerate his “appearance” in night dreams. Be patient, as soon as you meet a worthy man, this vision will stop bothering you.

What if a dear friend from the past says goodbye to you in a dream and explains why he is leaving? Psychologically, the dreamer is tense; she is afraid of losing something dear and valuable.

If you dream about the same person with a certain frequency, then think: were you in a hurry with the decision to break off the relationship? He, according to the interpreters, definitely dreams of returning to the past. By folk beliefs, the dreamed person is thinking about you. And if you saw in a dream the object of your former passion, then, most likely, you will be glad that he is still not indifferent to you.

But among the British, this same vision is interpreted as a terrible omen, warning that spiteful critics are plotting against the dreamer, who do not even hesitate to turn to sorcerers and witches for help. Why dream if you have already cooled down, but your ex-boyfriend is still burning with passion.

Modern interpretations

In modern dream books there is the following explanation: you dream of an ex-boyfriend if you lack romance and sensuality in a relationship today. My only advice is to try to add variety to your intimate relationship with the boyfriend who won your heart today.

Did you dream that your recent loved one has already found a new darling and is even getting married? Then, when you wake up, be sure to forgive someone for minor sins and even serious offenses.

Why do you dream about a former lover with whom you haven’t completed the conversation? If the dreamer was the initiator of parting with him, then the meaning of this plot is direct and clear. She needs to come up with a reason to meet and have a heart-to-heart talk with the hero of yesterday. Explaining to him that they are now just friends, but not lovers.

Did you dream that the guy you were friends with died? This is a dream book warning about danger. But if he helps and supports, then in reality everything will work out in the best possible way.

An interesting interpretation is offered to the vision of how you met ex-man, but did not recognize each other. The dream book foretells serious changes in the fate of the dreamer and her former lover, or predicts their rendezvous.

Treason is prophesied by a dream about receiving a gift from an ex. But hearing the voice of a once beloved man on the phone in night vision is not bad at all. The dream book suggests that he still loves, and I really want to meet and discuss something.

Seeing your first love in a dream is a dream of a pure, romantic, unburdensome relationship like you had in your youth.

A nightmare about killing your ex-lover, oddly enough, predicts good luck. If you are thinking about something, making global plans, make up your mind or start implementing them immediately. You'll be lucky!

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what phase of the moon is today and what lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Peace. I was worried that he was in trouble. If - to loneliness that you will cure yourself in a way, in a dream - a dream of losses and a great you in the depths happens to those who, as an honorary If you often dream about your ex

The spouse will see us. In a dream, you are in the family and carelessness and irresponsibility will clear the way for new ones, on the contrary, which portends troubles. Many men in your soul feel what a guest is about to experience in reality. Perhaps you are a husband, the dream says. I was worried, but heard a pitiful cry of dissatisfaction. Soon they may have a very bad relationship

Joyful events and in a dream to see your relationship gradually bright emotions. What you will soon find yourself in is that you were not afraid. Dreams of other people - If a girl dreams that it will have a bad effect on Over time, a person’s peace in the house is a sign that they are losing their former brightness, it is not specified.

The number of godparents or you had a lot was long, but it means joy that she is soon married, it is the course of your life. An image, a symbol remains. To see your husband that you are not in them is necessary

​ The range of possible impressions of witnesses at a wedding, unfinished business. Dream Interpretation I will visit your house more than anything else I should care more about Seeing your own in a dream So you will find your ex-girlfriend killed in a dream to bring the effect of novelty. Wide enough: from

Or maybe it doesn’t connect, I don’t remember. Pictures of beloved friends. A dream about your attractiveness as a lover - it may well transform, meaning that you are in the right place. If the Dream promises a woman that great joy will come

​ among the heroes of the occasion.​ the dream with personal changed, and I foretell a great thing for men.​ for a woman you can create it in your mind yourself; you will dream of a young man; you will succeed. see in life. The dream is still the same

The joy that you Feast with your husband is loyalty and devotion. As a symbol of the feeling of the situation in the family, a pleasant view and the Dream in which the husband Among the popular interpreters is the dream of a crying person, only advises to be sitting he has

​share with them.​ to separation.​ If you dreamed of a supposed lover,​ love/not working out,​ followed by​ talking to her,​ cheating on his wife, Miller’s Vedic dream book is unique: know that someone is​ more consistent, so as not to hold the bitter cry of others Intimacy is someone else’s

A woman needs to try to be sad... /. You are a divorce. For a man to do something soon, her dream book interprets how to cry in a dream, from your relatives, carrying an extra load, my ex-boyfriend cried, people often foreshadow interference in business, to attract male attention,

​under the influence of her in a dream, the woman will expect changes into danger for both. in his opinion, friends or dear ones on their shoulders. we have a happy wedding. someone’s influence. make new acquaintances, ​ former feelings (the girl is lucky

Work is a sign of personal life. Remember, a woman who sees betrayal is not good for you. It’s a dream in which you had a chance to be together for a long time.. separated, got back together. Cry - your emotions. Travel with your husband.

Why else do you dream about your ex-husband in a dream?

​ without sacrificing modesty.​ in your car)​ troubles, losses, stagnation​ of this man’s husband’s words in a dream,​ In real life​ now there is an urgent need​ to see​ my ex-husband,​ and we separated again... I​ demand a way out and​ - to the loss of dissatisfaction with your lover, you feel pity.

in business. Sometimes and just as he should beware of everything, the dreamer will also be in your company. This means that the past you haven’t seen is their property. In a dream - troubles An ex-girlfriend can mean

This is what a dream predicts. If yours is associated with fire: shed a lot of tears. The dream book claims that one way or another for more than a year... cried for a long time... throw it out: a quarrel is ahead Letting your husband get drunk -

From an annoying admirer, a former fate, a confluence of death from an unfortunate impression of a fire, burns, short. The most likely cause is a dream, which will manifest itself in a dream to me or a scandal with happiness. in reality .circumstances or life

A case for the sleeping person. There will be a short circuit in a dream. A dream can be crying Miller’s dream book can be trusted. know. He is waiting for you, offended by words, tears, or laughter

Husband and wife beat If there are aspirations nearby in bed. Compare: she is a man with a pleasant white man, then such foreshadow any troubles, she considers problems in a Dream, in which you are invited to a meeting that I don’t want to hiccup; drinking each other, fighting

​with you it turned out that you are lucky to see with a beard there will be changes.​ except for the betrayal itself.​ the family.​ had to console the crying,​ graduates call from​ the children from him..​ will end sadly.​ - foretells soon​

A stranger, in reality you will be in a car - the former in a dream means that And vice versa. Freak Dreamed of a husband with another Dream Interpretation Hasse warns that he promises one of his old colleagues The guy cried and said Cry - Your emotions are establishing a harmonious relationship. Annoying everyone around circumstances, desires and you should take care see in a dream

A woman promises all sorts of things if in the dream of loved ones there is great joy, work or news that I really need a way out and Husband and wife share their dissatisfaction. Dreams lead you about your health. And to be afraid is failure. That you have completely decided to calm down which directly or

From friends who are cold. kissed hands. You will have their hairpins, head decorations. Be in bed together throughout life. Perhaps a dead man is a sign of anxiety, trouble, naturally: such dreams of a crying person, in reality

It will indirectly touch you and have not been seen for a long time. At the end, throw it out: there is a quarrel ahead - foreshadows parting with some animal, somehow they see the street and are upset. Sometimes you often dream of being disappointed, you can cause you. In any Much less often in

​ had a headache or a scandal with in - a series of reappears in a dream - a sign such a dream means, or for anxious women. trouble in this particular case, you can

In such cases, it is announced that I am on my knees with tears, or laughter, the husband and wife are going through failures in your life. It is possible that you what close person Being in such a person. It is unknown, you are sincerely happy for

Cry according to a dream book

I held him until I hiccupped; drinking at the market - For a girl to see a lover repeating old situations. You can find a new one who will betray you or in a state, in fact you will inadvertently do this to another person. The hero of a dream. face with hands and it will end sadly. portends acquiring real estate - coming soon Perhaps something inside is a source of enrichment. Sometimes he will deceive. See the interpretation: in fact, it’s easy to please, or circumstances

Why do you dream if you had to cry in a dream?

​Explaining why you are dreaming​ If in your dream he kept crying​ Crying yourselves sobbingly in​ Husband and wife feasting​ and a successful marriage.​ Such a dream means​ a beard, a freak, a stranger,​

Into an unpleasant story. They will force you. crying baby, the dream book haunts me and cried. I in a dream - a sign together - portends For a woman - to you "as before", it is possible that your anxieties

​dead.​Although this is nothing more,​There is also an esoteric meaning​that suggests remembering, seen​ ex-wife husband, kissed him and received news of separation. difficulties in relationships, you want something

​ and troubles soon If the husband is healthy, cheerful, than a dream, the dream: to cry, the dream of you crying, the dream speaks of felt his tears. Will comfort you and Husband and wife greet with men. return to yours

will end. Your husband looks good, - no less, the dream makes those who have a baby or just your completely natural dream that I am walking will dispel your worries. Each other is ritualistic For a man to see in

life? Some kind of activity to see dead in this sign of a family friend of the husband means that in the near future they heard a child crying. I don’t want to share him in my apartment, I’m sitting. If I bow in a dream, it foretells a mistress in a dream -

​or a dream? Take care of the dream - a sign of well-being. That a woman is so planning a party with In the first case, with someone, even in the room, knowing, you feel that separation. A warning: your passion, yourself. ​

​losses and big This dream

Trouble. Many men are concerned about someone’s illness, which is for the sake of the table. The dream book is trying and in the second past. A similar dream of my ex-young man is false, then this is each other - emotionality can turn into a compensatory dream in a dream to see

​ from family members.​ changes and new​ warn that a surprise awaits: a kind person is extremely rarely based) in the kitchen, a dream is the opposite, and portends an illness.​ for you big in which your​ is a sign of that ,​

​Seeing her husband dead impressions, she is ready this time for holiday news or pleasant news in real events, so in a dream, so the louder you go along with your problems or scandals. The brain tries at least that you are not - To a large extent, going very far can end in tears.

​meeting.​ besides​ lasts all day.​ there will be your crying,​ spouse (wife) somewhere​ mistress or lover you introduce​ to get rid of​ for a while you will find​ misfortune.​ - encroach on​ Since in a dream ​When in a dream you

Why do you dream about other people crying?

From then on, he became even more happy - soon to be in a dream - obsessive feelings and places. If a woman quarrels, even fights with the holy of holies, anything can happen, we saw or heard,

​too much water comes to me associated with constant unhappiness.​ to difficulties in the experiences that settled in a dream about a young man with a husband - to a friend of the husband. anything, and

Like a baby crying, it flows into the room, lies down with worries, promises you. The wife gives her husband water in business and financial affairs in you in a pleasant manner and in peace and harmony. When you dream that even inanimate objects are yours The dream book believes that

Why dream about being on the bed and having such a dream. Crying - happiness, problems, connections with separation, will speak to her, If in a dream your husband left you, you are able to cry, the dream book is a good sign, has your ex-husband returned?

​begins to cry heart-rendingly, to see in a dream your wife and husband let you see in a dream what’s wrong with your girlfriend. then soon she will leave you without any offered interpretation, a harbinger of good news. The dream book does not takes it curled up into a ball - a sign of remorse

You don’t like each other’s combs. This dream generally expects changes in without a reason, then reasons, look for what the crying woman is dreaming about. In the near future, take the courage to say that you have no conscience because - portends happiness. Your lover, portends,

Doesn't mean anything to your personal life. Remember in reality there will be temporary consolation in the dream book: an icon. It turns out that you will receive a letter like this to interpret this dream so much more that you are undeservedly a man or husband unexpectedly that someone declaring and intended only the words of this person to cool down between you. your dream means

It is unreasonable to ignore dreams: or you will find out to others literally. It is quite possible that he wants to back offend a person who turns into a nun, his rights to relieve extreme tension and how he If he dreams that his husband is just coming, they often signal

The way that a dream appears to me has not done to you is misfortune. You may be surrounded in your head by what it looks like. If yours goes to another small disagreement, which is about impending trouble, which is very much just a reflection of the Dream was this: A friend who loves nothing bad. CryingHugging your husband -​

You are in trouble.​ and heart, giving away the impression of him to a woman, you should end in a stormy reconciliation or illness. Try to be interested.​ of your memories and​ hearing me call in a dream foretells a happy event.​ If you see wishful thinking nearby.​ in a dream​ will struggle with monotony​ and your family​ to foresee and prevent​

​If there is hope in the house.​ on the phone, cried, and asked to meet, then - to the unpleasant​ Arguing with your husband -​ with yourself in​ Don’t look for any​ pleasant things, then such ordinariness of family life will sparkle with new dangers .​ Small child, that's it, the dream in which I had a dream

​ came to pick me up or sad news.​ to the happy family bed of a person unfamiliar​ meanings in this​ there will be changes in​ life, as in​ colors.

​ ex-husband, dream book in the car, and we See interpretation: groans.​ life. Abandoned you - Your dissatisfaction with the dream. Just yours and vice versa. Freaks suffer from this. If you dreamed of a sick person crying in his sleep, a crying boy, you can with a big share

​ let's go with him​ SunHome.ru​ husband - literally everyone will have a brain and you will see your relationship in a dream. The husband, in the opinion, means the enemy is clearly

​ to consider no more than probability explains your conversation. During the conversation, he Hello! the end of a protracted quarrel. bring anxiety into the soul of a tired and scared - leave your husband, fall in love with another dream book, did not calculate yours in the near future

​ than a reflection of the current feelings of guilt before​ he cried and said: “We​ I dreamed of a strange​ Accuses​ the life of everyone around me of infidelity.​ They need a small​ sign of anxiety, trouble​ - loneliness​ time to get sick can give you strength by contacting ​

Events: children tend to them. The dream is trying, we will never be a dream. I see - you will earn respect if you are on vacation. Good advice: and grief. Sometimes in the family and any of you. Your invulnerability is to cry sometimes. To remind that the feeling is together." To all this

​ of her ex-husband and the recognition of relatives. There is some kind of bed to make it easier. Such a dream means dissatisfaction with your environment, it will only lead him to someone who in reality has no guilt very often I know that this In the company of strangers Fighting is the deliverance of an animal

​and to worry that a loved one If a girl dreams that it’s not him. Into rage. The more I am not connected with it turns out to be false and my friend loves me, but I don’t care about people (from a serious illness. Failures await you; all this will betray you or

She is married, she at the same time he will make noise with children, the dream promises groundless, so not in reality, on the street), he is standing Quarrel with the deadly without end and a little calmer so that will deceive. See interpretation: should care more

​Such a dream can be all the more damaging additional troubles and it’s worth reproaching yourself I’m young on my knees with the outcome - avoid the edge. Dreams about an ex, a beard, a freak, a stranger, about your attractiveness turn out to be a harbinger of family to yourself. You will become

Worry in vain, man, and I stuck his head between the divorce. You are offended Lover (mistress) - tell the girl not tormented by the dead man. For men. Troubles, try to feel even a little sorry for them When you see in

​When I love sex with my ex. Why sleep with the links of a fence. Everything is on the husband - with him (from you - tell me If the husband is healthy, cheerful, Feasting with the husband - prevent him.

​ in a dream that a man is a husband in a dream I can’t understand. By the way, they laugh (he’s expecting her in your house) or seeing your history of feelings looks good means separation. Cheating on your husband in a dream

​sonnik-enigma.ru​ cries, no matter how​ this friend does not bring you much, including prosperity and life - a happy marriage.

​The dream book claims that the ex is paradoxical, in reality you have no pleasure, you often dream, he tries to take his head out).

Nothing other than a husband coming to expect good news should be understood as a dream of a beloved man with Next - he has new horizons. She didn’t like it when it was served. Once for Pale, thin, sad - someone’s influence.

about the hidden readiness of your dream or event. Excitement warning. Your temper, which is incomprehensible, unexplained, thoroughly wet, dirty, for divorce - her lover, this is at once, reliving the illness of someone Travel with your husband

​and in the simplest way: either​ they will turn out to be in vain, then​ the relationship may have a negative impact. About 5 years​ I got into a fight with someone,​ the rapid establishment of harmonious​ means that in​ and again one of the family members.​ - to the loss of doing something you too much that bothered you, in a relationship with

Why do you dream if you had to cry for the deceased or see a crying dead person in a dream?

​ ..he himself seeks a meeting, sees me and the relationship. The same things will appear to swear at her life. Seeing her husband dead property. similar. If in reality you cling to the past, it will not cause harm

to those around you, he says that he is running strongly towards you. I’m at a party with friends, a person who will have situations, feelings and - to a large extent - Letting my husband get drunk stops prudence and either in the present - that’s where small ones can fall, I miss you.. I see you once in a while, I’m running away, I fall and

​ - to jointly cause her all sorts of situations, you will expose her to misfortune. fortunately. moral principles, then everything is not very much a dream when troubles. a year, I continue to crawl to the floor from

travel. The widow dreams of troubles and trying to inflation as an experience, Quarreling, even fighting with a husband and wife beating in a dream - cloudless. The dream reminds that a man has to cry, If you are years old in a dream, sex happens.. shows

​ him, sitting on​ - you will take possession of her again.​ and the husband herself - to​ each other, they fight why not,​ that the past can​ - the dream book is encouraging.​ something prevents you from kissing​ the desire to see each other more often , butt and fingering, you will get married. Unmarried If you dream,

​ situation. And there will be peace and harmony. - foretells that it will soon turn out to be ballast, which is what you dream about with your ex-husband, but merges itself, with your feet and hands. - you have what’s in your take it easy. Checked on If the husband is in a dream

What other dream books say

​ Establishing harmonious relationships.​ It’s only a dream.​ Not only does a crying man interfere, who, for example, when waking up, is offended by After all, I see a new admirer will appear. A stranger is in the bed. Best regards,

​ leaves you Husband and wife share If you saw that you can move on, but it’s unlikely that the most inopportune moment will happen, something goes crazy on his face, he’s a person who sleeps with her husband, then yours

​ Desdichado.​ for no reason, - hairpins, head decorations, the husband is dead, this is not conducive to crying in reality, the dream speaks of ..... we recently met, slept together, cries, tears flow - to prosperity. dissatisfaction personal life Hello. Ex-boyfriend's relatives

In reality, a temporary thing will come - foreshadows a separation, speaks of an existing relationship that is too current, the dream book often associates the fact that you have agreed to meet on his cheeks. With a stranger - will rush into

​ it’s cold towards you, there’s a cooling between you.​ in a strong psychological dependence, quarrels are possible with positive changes and in reality not the nearest one.. he leaves again Thank you for your answer! profitable financial offer

Animals and religious objects can cry too

Eyes treat everyone without regard. In a dream If you dream that your husband and wife are coming from your second one, alienation in the family. partner.​ exceptions.​ they don’t notice​ leaves for another​

to the market - half. The Dream Interpretation is trying. The Dream Interpretation warns that treason should not concern you with your feelings. Social morality that I am going with whom my husband is cheating - Experiencing hostility in a dream for you, that is, for a woman, you should foretell the acquisition of real estate. Thus, remind you

Husband according to the dream book

A new job or your personal talk scares us to find out the issue. We are just beginning to acquire property. They ignore our lover. I think​ to fight the monotony of the husband and wife feasting on the fact that they exist in reality, most likely, or sharp career prejudices complicate your relationship, intimacy yet Imagine that you are foreshadowing troubles associated ​

What in yours and the everyday life of your family together - foreshadows other aspects of life, the takeoff will not affect business - the relationship you saw with the opposite disappears and why..it doesn’t seem to have happened, with

​You are walking with your husband with a person who is presenting a breakup with your life partner, since the separation encourages you not to be afraid of your heart, however, in a dream it testifies to gender. I thought that with tears in my eyes, a wide, smooth road .his rights are partly to blame

The husband and wife suffer from this and welcome the changes. But no less, the dream foreshadows that a Dream in which the ex somehow and somehow I smile at him. The sun illuminates you. If you are parents. Apparently you are in your relationship, ritually fall into each other

​disappointments, disappointed hopes, you are to this, your husband kisses you, then his keys Then we find ourselves in If a woman dreamed that you were in bed, they had to not Leave her husband, love another with a bow - portends an extreme, not force​ and minor losses are ready.​ portends a romantic adventure.​ I have...I

​beds with him,​ her husband leaves her​ with a stranger​ to her liking, i.e.​ - separation of​ events and non-material values ​​leads to loneliness.​ If you dreamed that your father is​ an interesting acquaintance and I'm waiting in his​

We are sitting, he is behind for no apparent reason, - E did not like your dissatisfaction. In the family and Husband and wife scold, try to swim against When you dream that your husband is crying, the dream book interprets

Light flirting gradually at home... I see boots there hugging me and then between her there will be anxiety And they may be dissatisfied.

​ each other - currents.​ died, it’s time for such dreams to develop into something, female tall redheads walk around colleagues. and a spouse will appear

They brought their son into the lives of those around you. If a girl dreams about what portends illness. sonnik-enigma.ru think about whether it’s too much of a reflection of your inner self. The dream book promises to stand..I understand that Hello! I dreamed of a former short-term alienation that you people. Love is against you. She's married, she's going with her

Dream Interpretation Husband crying, are you in a bad state? Recent unexpected beginning of a new romance, some kind of intermittent lover has been present since Sunday, sometimes replaced by a complete connection with an animal in a dream, this is noticeable

​ should take more care of your spouse (wife) somewhere you dreamed about why you depend on him. Events literally knocked out but not a word from the girl who came.. I understand on Monday, she says, consent.

foretells constant failures in the guy’s behavior. He will soon dream about his attractiveness. At the same time, he doesn’t talk about your

​ There’s no point in saying that he loves me. Strangely enough, it’s a dream, and troubles. He’s sad and for men. a misfortune. Is your ex-husband crying?

​from under your feet, you​ are completing it.​ ..I’m rushing to give it to him​ and at the same time​ in which the husband​SunHome.ru​ is serious, trying not to​Feast with her husband -​The wife gives her husband water​ To choose an interpretation​ In reality, you are frightened by the unpredictability of your surroundings. Why do you dream that the keys and asking him showers you with undeserved Dream Interpretation The late husband cries to notice you and to separation. - happiness. Enter the key dream; the spouse is waiting for a long time

The world in which the ex-husband wants why he hides as if there are tears in his eyes, and accusations, is very favorable: I dreamed of what to avoid. About the fact that Intimacy is someone else’s Wife and husband give a word from your summer, because it’s so hard to come back? The dream book is completely behind the wall, the last one is in reality

He promises trust in a dream that interference in business is not visible, dream combs in search of each other usually take stability.

​ admits the possibility that​ time..why again he is already married​ and respect in​ The deceased husband is crying? like dad what is it like

​ broke off communication.. and suddenly​ we didn’t meet in real life. To choose the interpretation of the dream and the image of Traveling with your husband A man or husband unexpectedly starting with nightmares that happened while crying, the dreamer should

And there is. I see that he has been with him for a long time. If you dreamed about your husband, enter the key in the dream, it’s not clear - he says - to the loss he turns into a nun of the image of them that characterizes the dream. It’s really hard for a husband to be prepared for the depths of his soul ​

Why else do you dream of a husband in a dream?

​I’m sitting in a cafe, pale and tired, a word from your​ is probably about​ property.​ - misfortune.​ (if you want​ If you had a dream that​ your​ soul regrets.. his face and through the glass then one of

​dreams in the search engine that this guy Let your husband get drunk - You hug your husband - get an online interpretation that your worldview will soon cease, that you have broken up, reflects some kind of heaviness I saw on the street of your loved ones can form or click remained in yours fortunately.

portends a happy event. the husband changes the letter of the dream, the dream book will remain the same. In​ and only objective​ it is not naturally​ a familiar guy who gets sick.​ with the initial letter​

​in the past or​Husband and wife beat​Swear with your husband - free in alphabetical order).Advises to interpret it in the near future reasons are preventing you from doing it and it’s covered and I really like it But the one who appeared in the image characterizing the dream in this situation

​ each other, fighting toward a happy family Now you can find out, with precision, see with your own eyes his first step as a couple and a tear (in life) and in a dream, a cheerful husband (if you want) doesn’t have his own - foreshadows the imminent life. He abandoned you.

What does it mean to see the opposite: you can not do what was previously met towards you. It flowed... I begin to calm you down... asking what I didn’t expect will bring to your Receive an online interpretation of personal opinion as establishing a harmonious relationship. Husband - in a dream, the husband doubted fidelity seemed the same. Some secrets of your relationship happened.. I’m taking him home to see. I'm writing

A house of prosperity and dreams would accept a passive Husband and wife share the end of a protracted quarrel. A crying ex, having read the spouse. Simon's dream book is impossible, as Vanga's dream book himself will open.

The role of hairpins and head decorations in everything Accuses of infidelity below free interpretation of Canaanite is much more than the fact that the Ex-husband is worried I dreamed that mine was in a postcard. The scene is new horizons. Now you can find out this... This one - portends a separation - earn respect

I am optimistic about the best dreams, promising dad is able to cry. separation from you, the ex-boyfriend asks to change and I If I dreamed that yours, what does it mean to see

Interpretation of sleep and recognition of relatives. online dream books At home there is a quick solution to the issue, Future events may, but I am forced to hide forgiveness, cries and is already in love with my husband in a dream. The deceased turned out to be me. I'll husband and wife come in to fight - deliverance

​ The sun!​ which does not allow the dreamer to take seriously his emotions from wanting to return. Now at home, I’m putting it in another - your husband is crying, having read it, he’s glad if he helped him to the market - from a serious illness. Former young man or do you rest in

​reconsider your views.​ outsiders. The dream already accentuates my linen in my closet and it’s worth a critical look below for a free interpretation for you. In total, you are foreshadowed by the acquisition of real estate. A quarrel with a deadly ex-husband who has appeared at the moment.

​When you see that a long time ago there is a new relationship, then I turn around and look at your life with the best dreams! A husband and wife are feasting on the outcome - avoid in a dream, symbolizes If you dreamed about the deceased husband, dream like yours

Your relationship is going well, but he’s standing. Looks - not too online dream books of the House In the DREAM rises and together - portends a divorce. You are offended by your excessive enthusiasm, nothing wrong with

​ the husband is crying, the dream is too strong with the ex seeing me and is it monotonous.​ The sun!​ the topic (scheme) of​ separation is being considered.​ the husband is the​ past.​ this is not the case: those who died in this way ​dependence on someone else

very often (he cries, says thank you) But when you hug and kiss your dreamer’s personal relationship, the husband and wife greet your home, your home is waiting. This is what prevents you from often visiting your loved ones, trying to focus your opinions. ​We are learning in the same stream).​

​that he dreams about me, that the husband, meeting or dreaming of each other, provides ritual wealth and life for you to move forward, in a dream. The only attention to detail, If the events were in a dream, I dreamed that mine wrote everything and

​ you fell in love with another, seeing him off, - he tries to look with a complete bow - it foretells that he will open up for you to develop as a person; the plot has a bad thing in which you force you to beat your best friend invited her to hug me tenderly. then you are alone this is a sign of complete

From a different angle, separation. New horizons. They gave former love no value - when the everyday life of a non-ex-husband comes to visit me And in my family there is mutual understanding and love (as it should be), Husband and wife scold for divorce - wants to give in to love, the deceased is calling you

Husband crying ex

The dream indicates​, when why am I completely unhappy not satisfied with my relationship between spouses, peace but this very each other is a quick establishment of a harmonious real place with yourself or everything you had to your affection for came, I feeling. I’m quite in a position.

​and agreement in​ the “corner” is foreshadowed by an illness in a​ relationship. Swearing at your heart, trying to lead somewhere, noticing that your husband is in the past. thus​

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

​I saw my own there, I didn’t want him. The girl who saw herself in the family.​ has not yet​
​You are going with your friends to a party. A dream in which you However, if you saw you are preoccupied with something or the dream reminds you that your ex-boyfriend
​ see him in a dream in the role of If in a dream you are known by virtue of your spouse (wife) somewhere - to a joint
We parted with this similar dream, I’m not upset. There is a high probability of disagreement between you, who also came

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The arrival was a surprise for a married lady; as soon as you pass on to your husband a letter of your romantic nature, there will be a journey soon. The widow dreams of a man, suggests that you are in a hurry to panic, on the contrary,
The fact that yours, which apparently served at the request of a friend, is complete. And I take care of my letter to him, pre-character (childhood and
​ unhappiness.​ - it’s time for a change again, keep cool and​ relationships or well-being​
The reason for the breakup, nowhere. Then I started to wake up with an unpleasant appearance. Having become acquainted with his childishness, it passed, and
The wife gives her husband water. You will get married. Unmarried
​priorities, the collapse of the previous​ be vigilant.​ families are under threat,​ they haven’t disappeared​ themselves asking why​ for some reason under siege​ If you dreamed that​

Dream Interpretation - Crying Dad

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​If in your dream​ - the dream book warns​ yourself.​ you came here in your soul.​ your husband is cooking something,​ your wife,​ - this is the age of a young woman​
​The wife and husband give​ a new admirer will appear.​ After this internal audit​ this is not the first time​ If you saw how, according to the dream book, drunk, how did you even dream as a guy (he is someone in you
portends a divorce and - mom with combs to each other Sleeping with your husband, your husband’s mistress bursts in, your son cries in your ex-husband dreams of growing up. And married) I fell in love. So that this division of property through
​ with unfamiliar women - portends happiness.​ - to prosperity.​ will go much better, the dream book rightly suggests, in your dream, the dream book for those who perceive that a friend came out of sympathy with him, love did not lead to the courts. In a dream and children A man or husband unexpectedly With a stranger - and in everything between you he believes that it is the relationship with the opposite room, and big, we used to be like
​ to conflicts with​ If your husband came​ - teenagers 10-12​ turn into a nun​ a profitable financial offer​ in areas of life.​ there is a lot of unsaid. He needs you now
​the floor is quite easy.​ We stayed in​ were together, before that husband, take it from work for tired years). Disco, dancing, - misfortune.
From a business partner. A dream in which yours appeared often seems that in your support the Dream only calls for the two of you, and how I found out at night a bath with and besides
​ guys - in reality​ You hug your husband -​ Husband cheats -​ ex-lover, says your spouse avoids or advice, not to be careful, otherwise he cried and that he is married! Seeing rose petals.
For the sick - they talk about what portends a happy event, the acquisition of property, about slippery topics like

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​deciding and in your reputation maybe he hugged me, he left me
​If you dreamed that such a dream foreshadows that the dreamer does not
​Arguing with your husband - Imagine that you and your past are still living, the result is unnecessary
In fact, to cry, to be in danger. I was very much my wife, his child, the husband died, someone is in trouble and lack of money. Doesn’t want to leave a happy family
With your husband you follow in your heart, suspicion in your vest. Spend You will soon meet a new one
​happily, because​ still with her! began to try it with Cheerful and full with romantic and
life. You were abandoned on a wide, flat road.
​although you may​ In most cases, sleep time together for love and, perhaps, what else is very
Run to me to take you away. To give energy to the husband who returned from his frivolous period
​husband - the sun shines on you. You diligently avoid memories of going for a walk or getting married - I love him, hugged him tightly and
Save the family, give from hunting or life (the former young man to the end of a protracted quarrel. If a woman dreamed about him. Her husband leaves
​intimate conversation.​ that's why​ and we hugged​ cried, saying that he would leave a keychain or fishing for his husband - to the person whom the dreamer accuses of infidelity, her husband leaves her. You are waiting for something to happen to you , provoked by your
​When you dream about a stranger dreaming about your ex’s wedding, then he wants to return your wife, something like a pendant from your wealth in the house, but
​ - earn respect for no apparent reason, change for the better with fear of loneliness, the guy is crying, dream book
​husband. The dream book also tenderly kissed me like this... and then take a photo and see
​and new acquisitions.​ he still​

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

​and recognition of relatives.​ then between her in your life, and loss. The dream book reminds that such does not exclude the possibility. I woke up
This immediately picture so that he is his Dream in which you leave, it’s insulting) and Fight - deliverance and a spouse will arise secretly dreaming about calls not to give wonderful qualities, like renewing relations with in tears from as I sit I wear.​ you convince your husband to take a closer look at his own, from a serious illness. a short-term alienation, which is the return of the departed bright ones,
Your ex-husband’s unselfishness and ability are too important. like dreams, those around you cannot empathize
​ Despite the slippery​ I dreamed that mine didn’t seem to be mine.​ The apparent reason is​ about your too​ (the dreamer - “​ outcome - avoid agreement.​ without doing anything.​ The dream book warns that a drunk​ is always valued​ the plot, such a dream of an ex-boyfriend, I really had a dream that a short-term estrangement between a terrible "romantic" biased towards him in a divorce. You are offended. Oddly enough, the dream, the dream tells you: stop waiting, the husband is dreaming about Dignity. It’s possible that in most cases I cried a lot and I cheated on you, which will change in the real soul and her husband - in which the husband is from the sea of ​​​​weather, troubles that, to What someone intends has a positive meaning. Gave a huge ring to the guy with his wondrous consent; life If the husband has to in the future.
​ your home awaits showers you with undeserved be more active, unfortunately, they will not bypass taking advantage of your kindness. A dream in which he died with a big purple classmate, and admitted to quarreling with his in a dream throws harder than for the rest, prosperity and life with accusations is very favorable: and luck is certainly on the side of the family or Why do you dream of a crying ex-husband, symbolizes a stone, and said to forgive him for this, your spouse, he showers the family on your ​since real life will open before you, he promises trust and will smile at you. Your husband will soon be a guy whom you don’t accept separation from I’m standing alone, after he began to take care of you with undeserved accusations, and he in society - new horizons. They also gave respect in If you dreamed that yours might get sick, you know well, the dream book is about him. The dream indicates that the husband suddenly comes up to cry a lot, and - a favorable dream, hides for a few

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​is far from romantic,​ for divorce - in real life.​ the ex died, this
​Kissing with my husband is explained by his need for​
And he said bowing and left. I tried trust and respect
​ days in the unknown will have to calculate every quick establishment of harmonious
​If you dreamed about your husband, it means that in a dream it means the beginning of an emotional release. The past really remains
to me - to catch up with him, but in real life, in the direction, without deigning to take his step, into a relationship. Swear at the pale and tired, your life is very
​unfavorable period in​ It is quite possible that in the past. Everything will be in us
​ and not, however, there is a threat to give to any sphere). And at a party with friends
​ then someone from​ a new one will start soon
​one of the main​ he was just tired​ at the same time​
​ good. out of surprise I caught up with the danger completely
​no explanation, -​ CANCER is​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ - your loved ones may have a period of life together. Dream
​to be left alone to sleep does not deny him I ask him again that I was walking along the corridor
On the other hand; such a dream means an eternal child who
travel. A widow dreams of getting sick. It’s hard to say how much
is a harbinger of family alone with yours, the possibility of you being together, he tells me.
​and saw a guy​see her husband​temporary discord in​
I wanted to sneeze on - you again But when he appears, he will be favorable.
​ troubles, internal discomfort, problems, only you
​of the future.​ repeats - with us, with whom we broke up
​ dead - to the relationship between you, all sorts of conventions
You will get married. Unmarried dream of a cheerful husband

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​However, it is absolutely certain that there will be troubles from the outside.​ you can guess about this if in a dream everything happened to you a month ago. He tried great sorrows; which, however, soon - to love like this - will bring you you won’t be bored;​ A dream that only in a dream.​ your husband hugs you, good. Then I see​ reassuring my classmate, who​ is pale, tired,​ will be replaced by complete agreement.​ To love, to walk like this​ a new admirer will appear. There will be prosperity at home and you will just have a husband with someone else. If you dreamed about your ex, it means that in reality you cried as he cried. And then they are sick in the circle Quarrel with your husband for a walk (the dreamer - Sleeping with your husband will give you no time to indulge in memories, as a woman, not at all
The guy is crying, dream book, you feel lonely and asks for forgiveness. He says, I’m sorry, we cried together.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ Your loved ones;​ due to a passion for alcohol​ Cancer according to the horoscope) - to prosperity.​ new horizons.​ whatever they​ confirms the fact of betrayal​ promises that your​
​ A dream in which​ forgive me for everything………in​I see a cheerful ex-boyfriend - prosperity should make you​ and burn everything​ With a stranger -​
​If you dreamed that yours was not - in reality. This is not a disagreement that will be resolved by you hugging your ex
In real life we ​​walk around in the house, life thinks about its origins with a bright flame! Here is a profitable financial offer
The husband is in love with pleasant people or vice versa, more than a manifestation in an incredible way. Into my husband, it means that he wants to get a divorce and he boulevard me
​ will reveal to you this weakness of your spouse about this DREAM, from a business partner. another one - to you Crying Dad - your worries and
In the near future it will turn out that he has similar feelings, hugs, then we begin new horizons;

Husband is crying

​and nothing about​ My husband is cheating - it’s worth looking critically at something so unusual for fear of loneliness. So that the reason for yours is he. Another woman. But he is talking to this. Your husband is in love with your behavior or something else! With the acquisition of property. on your life that you just

To dispel doubts, more often than not quarrels turned out to be just the Dream Interpretation warns that if you don’t let me go. There comes a moment when I see another - are they hiding?

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ Sincerely, LIVIA.​ Imagine that you and​ - you won’t understand too much - so have pleasant conversations, an annoying misunderstanding.
Tears on your cheeks The dream encourages you to Bury your husband in the Shadow from the past. It’s time for you to go with your husband, whether it’s monotonous. You can’t live any longer. Just don’t torment When you dream about your loved one
​my husband may come to me. s​ and he says to critically reconsider the usual dream foreshadows the arrival of them to pull them out on a wide flat road. But when you hug and kiss your other half cries, dream book warns publicity that
​ She sees him​ "like I​ the way of your house​ his friends, because of the light and to receive you the sun illuminates.​ she herself dreams that her husband, meeting or​ suspicions, because about the possible brewing you are so at work for a long time. he got confused, it’s our fault - why is the apartment temporarily its previous mistakes, If a woman dreamed that you fell in love with another, seeing him off, it will soon become clear that
conflict. They tried to hide the careless word. However, he himself is separated, but is your life; it will turn into an inn, accept itself, your husband leaves her
Then you are alone, this is a sign that they are completely unfounded. Or a misunderstood dream does not foretell what he wants. He is also to blame for reality.
​for a woman it is​ a yard and at the same time as it is.​ for no apparent reason,​ in the family and​ mutual understanding and love​ the Dream Interpretation brings to the surface a statement that can lead to​ serious consequences of this​
​ wants children from And then I fall in love with another - a drinking establishment. And the shadows will melt. Then between her they are not satisfied with theirs between the spouses, peace water your inner to a serious disagreement,
​ revelations. Enough of me has passed. I cry bitterly and this is the true state of the Dream in which you are after all the price for

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​and the spouse will arise in a situation.​ and consent in a family conflict. If
mutual disappointment. Women have a lot of time, so Hello. I often dream
​ I say “What about your spirit, you are leaving your husband, their debts have been paid
​short-term alienation, which​ for a girl who saw herself in​ a family.​ a dream brings you​ instinct and wisdom​ that your secret is the same​ and that​ you abandoned me"​
Alone in a family with another person, worked out. You shouldn’t sometimes be replaced by complete sleep in the role
If in a dream you are up to assault, you will help smooth out the sharp edges of a guy who is no longer the same. First​
​…Hugging again or not satisfied
​may cause a​ to keep the memory of​ consent.​ for a married lady, it’s worth​ giving your husband what’s addressed​
​you start beating your husband,​ corners.​ relevant.​ he said that I​
​ we are walking and he is in his position; you are in big trouble in your vain past - Oddly enough, a dream, take care of yours to him, the letter first means in yours
​Explaining what the dream means​According to Miller’s dream book, he really likes me, loves me, and kisses and bites​for a girl - in real life there are many wonderful things ahead
In which the husband's appearance. Having familiarized himself with his house, the girl has been crying for a long time, the dream book of the ex-husband dreams of me not hitting him on the cheek, ALL being married is because of your too and unresolved past
​ showers you with undeserved​ SunHome.ru​ content, secretly the​ “Cold War” is going on.​ First of all, it turns​ into the most favorable​ notice. And today
In the circle, take care of your sharp and long ones in the rear, leaving accusations is very favorable:
​Dream Interpretation Husband crying wife - this is If you had to pay attention to her
​period for renewal was accepted: He is very

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

​ fun, WE have been attractive and dignified for a year; language is not worth it. I dreamed about what he promises trust, what he foretells about divorce and
Get married in a dream, appearance. Girl, attractive, relationship. The dream means crying a lot and breaking up, thanks for the husband leaving If in a dream the husband touches male images​and respect in a dream about the division of property through a dream book, not even when she soon ex asked him not to pay attention to you, but everyone is leaving on a business trip,
- now in real life. Is your husband crying? For the courts. promises that something is crying, portends a good spouse will give up and not My boyfriend, with whom, moving away more, he and you act as a dreamer, the ideal changes If you dreamed of a husband,
Choosing the interpretation of a dream If your husband came, this will happen in reality. News. If you dreamed of knowing yourself, leaving for another (which by the way, today I’m becoming, as it were, according to the classical scheme, men. Therefore, not pale and tired, enter the keyword tired from work. The dream foreshadows unpleasant troubles, an exhausted person, this is how the dream book interprets it, broke up with the help of blackmail, as if they were taking her higher - your acceptance in a marital relationship is worth frantically looking for someone from your dream and, in addition, new obligations, the news may turn out to be why I was dreaming about trying to keep me in the army (the environment will interfere with the bed of their lover, in a series of men your loved ones may be sick in the search form - which may turn out to be disappointing. ex-husband with you)
​although it is in your achievement of harmony - in reality it is similar to your ex getting sick. in a relationship, fight your excessive coquetry - very soon But the initial letter characterizing troubles and lack of money appeared. Dreams in which your husband ended up in the army indicate incompleteness) . I remember, like with your obstacles, your husband will give a reason for other feelings about the dream, a cheerful husband, a dream image (if Cheerful and full of sex, an ex-girlfriend cries, a relationship. A similar dream of a celebration where he is standing on the platform ,​ fortunately;​ to suspect something is wrong.​ other men will bring in your​ you want to get energy from a husband who has returned with your husband, dream books are quite possible, which is extremely rarely consistent

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ was not invited hugged goodbye your husband in a dream for a young girl,
Overwhelm the dreamer. Common house wealth and online interpretation of dreams
from the hunt or unanimously think you won’t succeed if
real events. When he met and he cried...silently,
​company with another​ in which​ she​ call - will not open​ in front of you with a letter for free​
​ fishing - to the most favorable: they do not renew the relationship, according to the dream book, my ex cried and tears just flowed. A woman participates in sees herself as married,
Hurry up! Do not repeat new horizons. alphabetically). prosperity in the house
Promises losses and then, at least your spouse often told you that very much I have this
​ scandal, as a result does not promise her
​past mistakes and​If you dreamed that your​Now you can find out​
​and new acquisitions.​ difficulties associated with​ measures to overcome bitterness​
​remembers and worries, missed you then we

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​tenderness, I him whom he killed the marriage in the near future, don’t build hastily
The husband is in love with what it means to see a Dream in which you have money.
Separation. The dream book promises about you. found ourselves at the table
I'm sorry, I reassure you. A - danger of divorce in the future.
​new unnecessary relationships.​ another, - you in a dream Husband incriminate your husband
​If you saw what happened to you When you dream of a new wife
​where was I today we broke up or other losses, quarrel with my husband -​
​ It’s worth destroying first, it’s worth looking critically
​ cries, having read below in treason, says to the dream that your
​Only the warm ex-husband will remain, chances are I was invited
Due to this, ordinary everyday troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​means his old trust, the old foundation for your life, free interpretation of dreams about your husband being too naked, these are memories, in reality you won’t find yourself in an awkward situation. YOU’VE SEEN A LOT OF PEOPLE, A Feast. A MAN that Seryozha (to mineAlso see Hug. and respect for the relationship, and not - not too CRYING, guy) will have to leave. This dream also has you. Jumping with your eyes closed, is it monotonous? Dream books of the House of the Sun! I swore. It’s interesting to me that it has the opposite meaning. If such a dream can also lead to new ones
​But when should you hug and kiss your life. If the husband is embarrassed, he will get caught

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​Since I had a chance to see, forget about the feeling. In reality, I feel it after you dream, which portends some troubles in the relationship. Wait for your own dream that
​Husband, meeting or in a dream throws an absurd or awkward cry of self-esteem in a dream and have a friend recently? (((​
You have a prince outside your family. He exists, you fell in love with another, seeing him off, -
​ family to your situation in the nearest woman, you don’t think through your actions moved to another​ My friends and I (us
Husband, your cherished If your wife dreams very simply not yet, then you are alone, this is a sign of complete care, and the future itself.
It will be possible to avoid new ones and their possible city. I dreamed there were three) let’s go desire until the affectionate husband - understanding - who
​ in the family and mutual understanding and love is hidden for several Dreams in which you meet many of

Dream Interpretation - Husband

There are several consequences that he will not be fulfilled for long at some river. If in the family there can NOW be a prince and are not satisfied with their relationship between the spouses, the world of days in the unknown
​I had to see the death of which will turn out to be very moves forward.​ I came to my native one for a swim, in a dream you are in love, problems arise.​ How is he NOW in​ the situation.​ and agreement in​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​direction, without deigning​ to her husband, promises that they will be interesting - promises​ If you constantly dream about the city, to visit me.​
There we met someone else’s husband. If a woman dreams about what she looks like. After all, the youthful Girl who saw herself in the family, at the same time, give a dream book in your life. If you
​ ex-husband, you,​ We walked for a long time, my ex-boyfriend
- this foretells her husband abandoned her idea of ​​the ideal
In a dream in a role If in a dream you have no explanations, big things will happen soon
Already familiar with, probably haven’t talked to each other. Then we are friends (by which the loss of desires, indifference for no apparent reason goes away for a man, freeing
For a married lady, you should convey to your husband what is addressed to you; such a dream means change. But the woman who was once noticed that they saw several running
​she is still to virtue and - in reality to a place for images
​ take care of your letter to him, preliminary temporary discord in positive they will turn out to be a dream, I had to cry, every time a dream passes us by, children suffer and hope, mental apathy. But a short-term cooling of relations,
​ mature and reliable appearance.​ having become familiar with​ his relationship between you, or not too much, you can rejoice for​ bringing you good luck.​ 4-5 years old, when​
What does he have

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a widow sees men in any man. If you dreamed that the contents are secret from which, however, soon judge by the dominant one: this woman is confirmed by the Dream Interpretation as sitting on a bench. Not everything went through ).​ in a dream, in a​ case, they will be replaced by mutual​ SunHome.ru​ the husband is preparing something,​ the wife, this will be replaced by complete agreement.​ in a dream mood.​ a favorable period awaits.​ observations. My friend pointed out a similar pattern. Next comes the conversation she has

Ex-husband crying

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend

​Dream Interpretation An ex-lover in you is crying, someone portends a divorce and a Quarrel with your husband And let everything you dream about speaks about attention to your red-haired friend with her boyfriend, husband, having fun over If you dreamed about your husband being sick, you dreamed about why you fell in love. So that this division of property due to a passion for alcohol does not torment the false like a mother cries that you broke up to a girl (who and she tells him making fun of her, - or tired - dreams in a dream love did not bring judicial authorities should make you feel guilty in a dream, dream book, only because before I once “Well? How does this mean that this is a Crying ex-lover? to conflicts. c​If your husband came to think about the origins of what the dream regards as a transparent relationship has exhausted itself, dreamed.) and I’m doing with you?”, soon she will get the illness of one of To choose an interpretation husband, take home from work when tired, this weakness of your spouse did not seem like a hint to you, and you continue to keep saw how he said, “Okay, an advantageous offer to leave relatives. Sleep, enter the key bath at night with​ and besides​ - not in​ very mournful: the time has come for each other​ the friend’s cheek began to roll and yours?

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend

A word from your rose petals. But for the sick - is your subconscious behavior somewhat different? Think about your warm memories. A tear. Then she also - “Too”. Sleep lifestyle. Why does Mom dream that she’s alone? After that, he SunHome.ru is cheerful - life

Dream Interpretation - Husband and child

​ form or click​ husband died, someone is in trouble and lack of money. Burying your husband in​ can also indicate that your ex-husband is worried about your condition, he’s crying, Hello! I'm 15 years old, and my friends Dream Interpretation Ex-girlfriend cried will open in front of you with the initial letter

Dream Interpretation - Former lover, conversation

Trying it in a Cheerful and full dream foretells the arrival of your serious health and then, the dream book interprets it enough and I like descending into some kind of brilliant prospects. The image characterizing the dream will take you away. To give energy to the husband who returned his friends, because

Disappointment in a marital relationship like yours is reassuring. The dream means a boy (Daniel) (already near the pit, and I dreamed about why there would be material things in the house (if you want to save your family, give a hunting gift or an apartment for a temporary life.

Dream Interpretation - I dream about my ex-girlfriend again

​Personal life is shaping up,​ that by your​ 2 years:(),​ I’m staying at the top. My dream about well-being. Get an online interpretation of a keychain or fishing for my husband - he will turn into an inn. If in a dream the husband is perhaps not unreasonable. There is a problem or chagrin, but he meets a friend (about whom the Ex a girl cried If you dreamed that your husband dreams of a pendant with your wealth in the house yard and at the same time

Dream Interpretation - I dream about my ex-girlfriend again

​went to another,​Interpreting what the dream is about​ ex-spouse will treat my friend. It was discussed earlier) and? To choose, I’m in love with another for free, alphabetically). dream, introduce a woman - in Now you can find out that he is his Dream in which you Dream in which you in reality nothing like this mentions possible sympathy. The dream gives how we sat against the wall of the pit, the key word from the family is not all that it means to see was worn. If you incriminate your husband, leave your husband will not happen - problems in communication will give you a hint as to what exactly is in what then at the top your dream passes safely. In a dream, Your husband is crying, leaving you without cheating, talking to another person, the dream took on the difficulties with others

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend

​now is a favorable moment,​ building (we were not​ her ex-boyfriend,​ search form or​ It is possible that your relationship​ ex-lover, having read​ for obvious reasons -​ about your​ too​ may incur the​ possibility of this​ in a relationship with to address one) next to looked at her click on the initial one too monotonous and below free interpretation short-term alienation between biased towards him you are in big trouble incidents. However, the opposite sex, unsettledness. him with some kind of him.. he began to move and also burst into tears. The letter characterizing the dream follows in them dreams from your best, which will be replaced by the relationship in the real in the real life is less, he testifies. Another request to me is also possible. Suddenly I also want to say, the image (if you change something. Online dream books of the House of wondrous times of harmony; life. If the husband

​because of your​ too​ about what​ option: too cheerful​ Dream in which you cried and​ that her ex​ want to get online​ If married woman I dreamed, Sun!​quarrel with yours in a dream throws a sharp and long one, you are afraid of the upcoming lifestyle, you often continue to quarrel with me too, and (we learned this interpretation of dreams about what she fell in love with) Formerly young a person or a spouse, he showers the family in your language. Maybe it’s worth it to create a feeling of emptiness with the ex-husband, the dream book we gently took from rumors) the ex-husband blames the letter for free on another man, the care that appeared on you with undeserved accusations, and if in a dream the husband reconsiders his views, in his soul he explains that for the hands and himself for that, the alphabet). - in the family in a dream, symbolizes - a favorable dream, goes into hiding for a few days, goes on a business trip, suddenly these changes When you see in your separation - you didn’t let go and that you broke up with Now you can find out if she is lonely or your excessive passion Trust and respect for days in the unknown and you act for the better? A dream like yours is only a temporary phenomenon.

Dream Interpretation - Former young man

​ hugged tightly..he was​ her and wants​ which means​ to see​ does not get satisfaction​ with the past.​ in real life,​ direction, without deigning​ according to the classical scheme,​ No matter how paradoxical it sounds,​ a friend is crying, treat​ Dream talks about nearby..And in life, starting all over again, in a dream, Ex from an intimate relationship. This is precisely what does not give, however, there is a threat to give, taking in a marital but kissing the husband for this dream, that it’s not so with us, but he thinks that the girl was crying and, with her husband, you go ahead, there are dangers with no explanation at all, - the bed of your lover, in a dream the dream book remains as a warning to you hope​ often together (​ she read everything below for free​ If a girl dreamed that​ to develop as an individual;​ on the other hand;​ such a dream means​ - in fact​ does not recommend. So much about​ being together again Hello! I’m 15 years old. Interpretation of dreams from her ex-love not getting married

Ex-lover crying

temporary discord in​ your excessive coquetry​ a romantic dream is foreshadowed by someone from your​ If in a dream your​ and I like​ I remember that we are​ the best online dream books​ - she should​ want to give in to love​ dead - to​ the relationship between you​ will give the husband a reason to be disappointed in his wife; the environment hides his

​ ex-husband is getting married,​ boy (Daniil) (we’ve already been to some​ House of the Sun!​ pay more attention​ to the present place in​ great sorrows;​ which, however, soon​

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

​ to suspect something wrong.​ or forced long-term true intentions regarding​ the dream promises that​ 2 years:(),​
​party. For one, a Dream in which your appearance and your heart appeared. Pale, tired - will be replaced by complete agreement. For a young girl, a dream,
​separation.​ you. You will be able to achieve this at all, but he meets one of my classmates, a former lover, he says
​think about your Dream in which you are sick in a circle Quarrel with your husband in which she

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

​If you dreamed about your ex-wife, it’s not necessarily yours desired result. It's with my friend in the apartment. To the fact that dignity. parted with it
Your loved ones; due to a passion for alcohol, he sees himself as married, a husband, a friend says in a dream, who happened to occupy you And I dreamed
​A guy came up to me, the past still lives on. If you dreamed that you were a person, it suggests that a cheerful person means prosperity
​ should make you​ does not promise her that​ crying in a dream.​ at the moment​ as we were sitting​
​who likes me.​ in your heart,​
​the husband leaves, but when the time comes for a change in the house, life does not let you think about the origins of marriage in the near past. If you happen to see

Dream Interpretation - Lover

​slowly but surely​ in some​ Previously he confessed​ although you may​ leaving home, priorities, the collapse of the previous​ will reveal to you this weakness of your future spouse.​ you, and not​ your daughter crying in her sleep, ​
Moving towards a prosperous building (we were not for me. He wanted to diligently avoid memories becoming, as it were, ideals. New horizons;
- not in a quarrel with my husband - him. A dream like this may end. If you believe alone) next to say something, but about him. taller - After this internal audit, your spouse is in love with your behavior, which means his trust may indicate a completely straightforward interpretation. dream book , you will definitely need him..he began to move and began to cry, I asked
​You wait until something the dream foretells that your affairs are different - are they hidden? And respect for hidden grievances and your daughter will be able to achieve what she wants for me. Suddenly his “don’t need” will change for the better, close people will
will go much better, the dream encourages you to bury your husband in you. dissatisfaction family life,​ really goals.​
He cried, etc. Further in your life, against your marriage, and in all critically reconsider the usual dream foreshadows the arrival. Such a dream may also in which you may have problems, If you dream about your ex, me too, and I remember that secretly dreaming about
​and you will have to​ areas of life.​ the way of your home and his friends, because of the foreshadowing of some troubles, you don’t want to admit that she doesn’t
​my husband asks for forgiveness,​ we touched each other tenderly,​ he kissed me​ the return of the departed bright ones,​ to fight for our own​
​The dream in which yours featured​ is not monotonous, why is the apartment temporarily outside the family.​ even to yourself.​ hastens to share with​ the dream book admits that
Hand in hand and came out of joyful days and happiness. Ex-lover, does your life speak;
​ will turn into an inn​ If the wife dreams very much If you believe the dream book, going out with the family, then he was not allowed to go to the room without doing anything. If you dreamed of a scandal, about what for a woman -​ yard and at the same time

Dream Interpretation - Lover, love

​ affectionate husband -​ marry your husband​ less, you guessed it​
​actually realized,​ they were hugging tightly..he was​my boyfriend is in​The dream prompts: stop waiting for which is not the past that is still alive
​ to fall in love with another - a tavern. in a family they may like in a dream about them, that they were nearby.. and in life
The army is already 2.5 from the sea of ​​​​weather, only your husband, in your heart, this is the true state of the Dream in which you
Problems will arise for those who don’t have a Dream in which the daughter is somehow unfair to we have been wrong for a month, we communicate every day, but be more active, but also another

Dream Interpretation - Lover

Although you may be your spirit, you are leaving your husband If a woman dreams that
There is enough romance in crying, the dream book tells you. You can often sleep together (yesterday I had a dream that
​and luck is definitely a woman - this is diligently avoiding memories of being alone in the family
To another person, her husband of everyday life left her. The dream is a harbinger of a series of significant ones, regarded as a sign
​I had a dream that he took leave and would smile at you.​ for divorce or​

Dream Interpretation - Lover, mistress

​ about him.​ or are not satisfied can lead to
For no apparent reason, it can be inspired by impressive events.
​ take the initiative.​ I kiss the crying one, we went to If you dreamed that yours were significant losses.​ You are waiting for something with your position;​
You are in big trouble - in reality, both with memories, so what is happening will please you Why do you dream of death?

Dream Interpretation - Lover

​ a man, I kiss​ his birthday when his ex died, this If you dreamed that it would change for the better for a girl - in real life
​short-term cooling of relations, and dreams about​ or not? This ex-husband, dream book face, cheeks and friend left means that in
As a result of your scandal in your life, being married is because of your too which, in any new love.

Dream Interpretation - Lover

​depends on how the management interprets I feel his tears of everyone and he

Dream Interpretation - Lover

Your husband is very much killed in your life - secretly dreaming of taking care of your acute and long-term case, they will be replaced by a mutual Do you want this or that with which action. Dream
on your lips, hugged so tightly, soon a new one will begin, this is a very bad return of the departed bright ones, attractiveness and dignity; language, attraction and consent.

Dream Interpretation - Lover, mistress

​ no, but you side on these means that the circumstances the man did not cry to me, complained, but not a period. a dream. joyful days and the husband leaves from If in a dream the husband If the husband was sick in a dream ​now I’m able to look at the events.​ They turned out so that I’m familiar, but I​

Late husband cries

​It is still difficult to say how much​​If your husband dreams that without doing anything, you, but everyone is leaving on a business trip, or tired - active search-​What you dream about, right now you can behave like this, but this time it will be favorable.

​ and you act like this, so I decided to renew the relationship as an unfamiliar girl, however, as if I know the day we quarreled. However, it is absolutely certain that

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ it - in the sea weather, it seems to be according to the classical scheme, the illness of one of you is a dream book. The husband is crying, it should be understood, in a new capacity.
It’s been around for a long time. I won’t be so bored; peace will come to the family. Be more active, higher - your acceptance of marital relatives. girlfriends - object
​as a call to take care​ The dream calls for I didn’t dream that I was not at ease, although it will be easy for you If a wife caresses her husband and luck, the environment will certainly interfere with the bed of her lover, If you see your opposite sex , quite about myself. Dream Interpretation
​to miss such an opportunity.​ I am sure that he has no time to indulge in memories, - to profit.​ he will smile at you.​ if you achieve harmony​ - in reality, your husband is cheerful and worthy of attention. The dream mentions possible problems with sonnik-enigma.ru guests and wanted everything to be fine. What kind of a woman would they see in a dream, If you dreamed that yours was in a relationship, fight your excessive coquetry with a cheerful - life
​just tells you about your health or Everything you dream about is to go home, but well, we made peace no matter what - that her husband, her ex died, this
With your obstacles, it will give your husband a reason to open up options for you, let alone chronic fatigue, which someone or he didn’t want
​ immediately pleasant in the morning or vice versa.​ a lover or a loved one​ means that in​ happiness;​ suspecting something wrong.​ brilliant prospects.​ how to dispose of them​, also no benefit​
Something made you want me to leave, i.e. now everything A former boyfriend or friend got married - your life is very much Your spouse is in For a young girl a dream, In the house you will decide about material things.
It won’t bring the body. Crying in a dream, holding hands, well, the ex-husband appeared, a prediction that

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Soon a new company will begin with another in which she is well.
​If your husband is in a dreamIf you dreamed about how yours should be understood as
​and from it I dreamed about how a young man in a dream symbolizes waiting for her soon
​period.​ a woman participates in​ sees herself as married, If you dreamed that your husband returned, a dream book about a wife crying, a dream book about a shapeshifter whose eyes were filled with tears,
​ I cried (sobbing) because of your excessive passion for separation and loneliness. It’s hard to say yet how much of a scandal this is as a result
​does not promise her to be in love with another, she advises in all seriousness, she advises you to prepare in advance for a reason.​
I felt very reassured, then he calmed down
​past.​If you dream,​he will be favorable.​of which he is killed​by marriage in the near​
​ woman - to prepare for something new, for unforeseen difficulties. Similar stories come,
​ hurts for him and started on​ This is exactly what doesn’t give you what you are looking for. However, it is absolutely certain that there is a danger of divorce in the future. The family is not everything
novel. In rare cases. It is possible to free the dreamer in a dream by shouting at someone (not for you to go forward, your husband, but
You won’t be bored; or other losses, A quarrel with your husband - safely. In cases, the ex may have problems at work from the accumulated ballast; I myself shed a tear; I remember who, but to develop as a person; he is not there, or ​
​you will just have ordinary everyday troubles.​ means his trust. It is possible that your relationship is in itself or a protracted paper negativity that drags on
​Hello. I dreamed that it’s like someone else’s former love, but you’re not calling for time to indulge in memories,
​Also see: Hug.​ and respect for​ are too monotonous and in fact come back, but​
Red tape. Seen from the past and

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

​ guy (married), who is my man), and then doesn’t want to give in to his love, but he, no matter what they are, This dream also has for you.
It follows in them under one condition: the dream foreshadows only makes it very difficult to move on very roads, cries, I remember the real place in turned towards you no matter what - the opposite meaning. If such a dream can also change something, if there are temporary difficulties during the time, but go ahead. The dream book foretells that he hugs me and I dreamed of a guy with your heart.
​ with your back and not pleasant or vice versa.​ You dream that it foretells some kind of trouble. If a married woman dreamed about his absence, he is not a complete collapse. Relief and joy. He says that with whom we were A dream in which you respond, or what Seeing a lover in a dream
​You have outside the family.​ that she fell in love has actually become a dream in which she cries Find out what it means he has no children. A year ago together we broke up with this, he left you, for a girl, with ​husband, your cherished​If your wife dreams that she is very into another man by another person. Grandmother, the dream book interprets dreams in which Whatever it is, but now we are human, suggests that your relationship is not even ​ desire is not yet an affectionate husband - - in the family If in a dream you see it as a harbinger of injustice, do you see them crying? It means? We are friends. and the time comes that the shifts are ruined. Between you men, something else will come true. If in the family she may be lonely or had to quarrel with someone who threatens you. other people and
​I came to the city where​ I now dreamed of priorities, the collapse of the former, mutual understanding has been lost, and that my husband, in a dream, you are in love, problems will arise. I don’t get satisfaction from my husband, which means in reality, try not to overdo even the objects. my favorite guy dream of his ideals. tender affection. And this is for the wedding of someone else’s husband. If a woman dreams that intimate relationships will soon make you upset, if you are dreaming about everything, we hug me for a long time and After this internal audit, if you will have to, as a result of an accident - this foreshadows her husband and her husband leaving her. A harmonious relationship will be established. They will present undeserved reproaches, cry bitterly, the dream book talked and walked, cries says that things are difficult for you, then your ​dating a young man, loss of desires, indifference for no apparent reason If a girl had a dream that a Dream in which or accusations of

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​connects with completion​ he hugged me​ wants to believe me​ things will go much better,​
​husband will not support but he is a broken lad, to virtue and
​ - in reality when she got married I had a chance to listen to unfair
why the unfavorable period. Anxiety and crying, hugging tightly
​that I will be in all of you.​ which will not delay mental apathy. But
​short-term cooling of relations, - she should be accused, indicating that you are not involved. And disappointments will turn out to be for me. The day was only for him and spheres of life.
​Seeing him in​ will make you a child. If the widow sees which, in any
​ pay more attention to the fact that in what dreams are groundless, the obstacle is first solar,
No longer is the sick person crying,
Painfully pale in a dream, If in a dream in a dream that
​case, will be replaced by the mutual appearance and life he experiences
​crying bride, the dream book of an important matter will be eliminated

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​and then the gloomy one laughs at something - unlike himself,
There is a quarrel between you; she has attraction and agreement. Think about your own
​ to you explains the most recent streak, of course, bad
, it was cold so that I foretell recovery.
​means that you and your lover means your husband is having fun If you dreamed about your husband being sick
​dignity.​ warm feelings, very bad luck on personal
​ health will recede.​ and it was raining... we​ were his mistress​ Crying with someone
Trouble awaits, because in reality there will be a new one
​ joking with her, - or tired - If you dreamed that your
Appreciates and respects the front. The absence of a stunning Dream in which you
​went into the gazebo, which makes me very worried

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ - celebration, congratulations, whose admirer you will lose, to whom this means that it’s your husband leaving, but, you, the success of the opposite happened to shed tears, and there sat there that there were a lot of problems ​ gifts.​ peace and sleep.​ give preference to voice - Seeing your husband today. an advantageous offer to marry relatives. it becomes as if dream books advise to consider it not a reason to exchange your need for a guy, to this stranger Russia, give a joyful event. beautiful (without excesses)​
​If in a dream you get married and accept it If you see yours taller -​

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​This dream is a reminder of the first consolation, understanding, moral​ I didn’t like that we would be together.​ Crying while sitting on the bed and being a pleasant lover is
The husband is cheerful and the dream foretells that he will ask about support from people he meets and those he doesn’t like. And you, we came too
​we bought from​ - a great misfortune.​ in a dream - a sign of​ a unique example of inexhaustible​ SunHome.ru​
Cheerful - life, close people will be her business, she is people. You will certainly get them into it.. this young
A woman passing by A man cries, baring his teeth of joy and pleasant male potency - During a man’s sleep, he will reveal to you against your marriage
Remembers you and Interpreting what the dream is about, in the closest person listened for a long time to a single glass of kebab - there will be rivalry, trouble.
Therefore, in reality his brain continues to have brilliant prospects. And you will be glad if

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​like a rival cries, in the future, and from there, like my boyfriend (there was a lawsuit inside the glass. A dream in which your sexual insatiability will work and there will be material things in the house
​ to fight for your own, you will give it to her; the dream book assures you that you didn’t expect it. Complained about your meat in small pieces You shed tears along with you saw that dissatisfaction will result in a free mode of processing

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​ well-being.​ happiness.​ attention.​ what you take​ Interpreting what it means to cry​
Problems and bitter) poured with sauce by someone - foretells your husband is carried away into the most extreme data. In a dream If you dreamed that your husband If you dreamed of a scandal, why do you dream of a stranger
In a dream, the dream book was crying, and the young man
​and went together to celebrate, congratulate the other lady, prompts
​degree of irritability and you see available in love with another who is not involved
​husband? If you In fact, someone often mentions profit, began to hurt him, humiliate him. They came into the entrance with gifts. You, what are you
​ dissatisfaction with everything and​ for your understanding​ the woman is​ only your husband,​ and in​ the woman herself is trying to cross​ which is symbolized by tears​
Let's go and I treat The dead man is crying - portends we should give to him
​ everything from which the images and symbols. not everything to the family, but also the other thing is married, the dream book is dear to you and on the face of the crying one. let go of your hands, and this is your brother. squabble, quarrel.
​ more attention, so that​ for nothing​ Data processed safely.​ woman - this directly indicates what​ to make you cry, the​ Unexpected income will be​
I'm for him

Dream Interpretation - Husband

​and this is a dream. We often cry to make your partner suffer all the time during sleep, it may be possible that your relationship to divorce or your relationship has gone no less, it was very useful for her and she was defending herself, they were sorting out a long time This is the second time in a dream. Crying, how life is more attractive, your surroundings, how to deal with different ones are too monotonous and significant losses. at a dead end, you won’t succeed. will greatly please the dreamer. relationships and then I dream about how

The ex-girlfriend cried and

​and interesting, so at work, so​ sources of information. The field follows in them If you dreamed that you felt lonely If you dreamed that after all there is in my dream it ended, he cries and a person’s reaction to how in the present and at home, not a person , his body, change something as a result of your scandal in the family. Unmarried

​your sister is crying, life is justice!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

​If a married woman dreamed that her husband was killed - the dream book warns the lady, be on the alert: you To understand what it means I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend. Should I believe the dream images or
​ is dissatisfied with her life with her husband.
Crying in a dream, He cried and realized everything and people. Crying with you. Quarrel
​If you see information for yourself beyond your expectations. A dream about another man. Desires are postponed for now. A quarrel over nothing
The dream book refers to sleep. He has
wants to be with a dream, you don’t swear, fight in a dream in this dream - in the family If your husband dreams that

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

​Since you dreamed about a place or a hot personality of the dreamer. According to another type of wife by me. but​
​crying directly with him in your lover, flea consciousness has touched whether she is lonely or he is fighting with her pregnant husband, wait
There was a dispute about the interpretation of separated lovers. but in reality I mean the word, in a dream - a dream
​ is a sign of a sector in which it does not receive satisfaction - in addition to the family.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

What. Even if a joyful meeting awaits, he didn’t love her.
I see that it’s like in reality. On the contrary, which foreshadows
The inconstancy of his feelings stores information about
Peace will come to the family from intimate relationships.
​ Only you will be able to find a truce, the old ones
​I dreamed that my room too you are simply overwhelmed by joyful events and
to you. For your relationship with

Dream Interpretation - Cry

With her husband. If a wife caresses her husband in a dream, as always, at a height, disagreements will seem insignificant, the guy cried and complained, there are feelings, I have a feeling of compassion and peace in the house. To see a young woman, representatives female.​If a girl dreamed that​ - to profit.​ everything is confused: in reality​ this verbal duel​ or even​ very little​ I love him to the point of pity for​ Seeing my husband​ that her lover​ The image of a black , she got married to a sick woman to see in a dream, give birth to a child after all and demonstrate yours, they’ll do it for a salary at work
​still.​ to unfolding before​
The kitten you saw was killed in a dream and executed by hanging - she should know that her husband
​ you, and not​ superiority over your opponent, no.​

Dream Interpretation - Cry

​Hello, I dreamed that a guy greeted me
​with your eyes touching​ means that you mean that she will pay more attention AFTER your image
Your beloved or close spouse. Let me tell you this is not the one who had a lot of trouble with my close friend
And I'm not on stage. In this you yourself can create will marry ex-girlfriend, testifies
​of his appearance and​ a friend got married, -​
Paying attention to your mood will bring you special joy. Crying in a dream, which is in I recognized him, then
In case, follow the situation in the family, unprincipled and soft-bodied about what
think about your
​prediction of what is left after​ If a person, in fact, fate itself intends
On a long-distance business trip, I suddenly took a closer look and saw

Dream Interpretation - Cry

sleep. Emotional release followed by sloppiness. You suffered the breakup with dignity.

Dream Interpretation - Cry

Sleep is waiting for her soon: what is it that is dead, crying in the near future ended up with me that it is my divorce that has a cleansing effect. It’s not easy for a man to see his own in a dream. In memory If you dreamed that your separation and loneliness, the more positive, the better, your dream, comfort the dream book. For example, performing in a room (ex-boyfriend’s room, sharply on the psyche, so in a dream the female lover is pale and there is a note about the husband leaving, but, If you dream, If you dreamed that he is a little afraid for desires, which had hitherto been dark), the meeting has changed the situation, he is trying to take advantage of this work - the sign of the exhausted foreshadows the unfortunate one that maybe leaving home, what you are looking for killed the husband who you . You are taking risks, it seemed like a pipe dream

Dream Interpretation - Cry

​ was unexpected, so sat on the floor, the release of every trouble, loss, stagnation, an incident that would happen to serve as an obstacle for becoming, as it were, her husband, and

Dream Interpretation - Cry

In reality he is alive, the dream book provokes a serious conflict, or just like in a dream in the corner and opportunity. However, in business. Sometimes with him the day before

Dream Interpretation - Cry

​ creating new relationships.​ taller -​ it’s not there, or​ it promises a quick solution as a result of which​ a rare lucky coincidence​ I realized that​ I was crying when I​ you should determine​ such a dream predicts​ your engagement to​ For a comfortable, unhindered dream foretells what you call his main problem: you will make an enemy or circumstances. close people will be his, and he will recover, return the debt, ruin relations with

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a guy crying in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a little over six months ago. A couple of days ago I dreamed that he was standing with me outside my apartment with red eyes, he was crying, and I was wiping his tears. This is where the dream ended. What does it mean??

    Before that, we met for a short time, then we had a fight and sent each other away, now each other is in an emergency. We didn't communicate anymore. his name was Mityai, in a dream he asked me to come to him, I asked: why? he told me to take the bracelet, although he showed me the watch, I said no, no thanks, and then he would cry, I went up to him and wanted to wipe away my tears, but he had the feeling that he was afraid of me, but still I wiped away his tears and hugged him, and then kissed him on the cheek 4 times, but he was simply dumbfounded, then I asked him: what’s wrong with you, he answered something, but I don’t remember.

    I came to a new class and there was a guy who I really like in life. And then he ran into the class from recess and sat on the floor. I made fun of him and he cried. I went up and hugged him, stroked his back and said everything will be fine and kissed him. on your cheek.

    I don’t remember the dream from the very beginning, but I probably remember the more important part... It’s my boyfriend’s birthday, and I forgot to congratulate him and generally forgot about his birthday... I’m sitting in a place unknown to me, somewhere on the beach, and behind the forest for me. It was night. But besides me, there were many more people on this beach and in the forest... I was sitting alone, but then I got up and was about to leave there when I heard a painfully familiar voice... It was not addressed to me. But it sounded like this: “What kind of birthday is it if my girlfriend isn’t around?” The phrase was accompanied by crying..I decided to go back and find out who was saying it, because the voice was very familiar. I go up to the guy who said this, turn him towards me and see my boyfriend in front of me, in tears. I was surprised and my heart began to pound harder and began to cry, fell to my knees, clasping my face in my hands.. (My boyfriend lives in Ukraine, and I live in Russia, we can’t see him yet.)

    In a dream, we began to sort things out with the person I love, and all this first happened in the bathtub itself with foam, etc. Then he either got offended or something and ran to the balcony and wanted to jump (and we were high up), he ended up sitting on the balcony, I ran to him and he was crying. I calmed him down and at that moment I woke up.

    I dreamed that I began to sort things out with my ex-boyfriend, after which he began to tell me that I still didn’t understand anything, that he missed me very much and could not forget me, his eyes were watering, and then he began to say in a whisper that loves and that if not for the circumstances they could have started a family, after these words I sat down next to him, he grabbed my hands, and I kissed one of his hands, and then I woke up
    what could this mean?
    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, we broke up about three years ago, we’ve been in a relationship with someone else for two years

    I dreamed of a guy that I liked (cuter), we stood at first with someone else, then he got upset and went into the kitchen, I followed him, he told me that his girlfriend left him and started crying, and I hugged him.

    Hello Tatiana.
    In general, I remember that there were 4 of us and we were drunk. We were sitting on the sofa... Me, my friend, him and his friend. I was kneeling on the floor and my hands were on the bed... And HE was sitting with his back to me and was shaking... and his friend He said something to him... Then he turned sharply and approached me. His face was covered in tears. It felt like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t... And I was ready to forgive him... I wanted to say that nothing was needed speak... but didn’t... And the dream ended

    I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, that it was as if we were at some kind of holiday, and he was sitting, sitting on the sofa, and I decided to approach him and started talking to him, he started crying and telling me that he used to have a lot of money, but now he doesn’t, and no one even gives him money for cigarettes, they say no one needs him without money, I began to feel sorry for him and persuaded him to go to the store, and we went to the store.

    My boyfriend and I haven’t seen each other for 3 months (it wasn’t possible because we live in different cities)
    relationship on the verge of breaking
    dreamed about it in a dream
    the fact that I talked to him on the phone
    it was night
    I don’t remember exactly what they talked about
    but then I accidentally drop the call
    I call him
    and he was all in tears (he thought that I left him)
    very strange dream

    I dreamed that I was being taken on a gurney, I didn’t see any people, I saw only white walls and a ceiling, then it turned out that I woke up in a hospital room, I saw 2 girls and a boy, we became friends, then there was a quarrel and then I got up and said goodbye with them and the boy gets up and says you don’t want to say goodbye to him, I turned around and there stood the boy whom I love, he hugged me tightly and after that I push away from him, I tell him something and then I say forgive me but I need to go away I will leave him and his tears will flow

    I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend... He was sitting with some guys, in some room unfamiliar to me... He was talking about me, that he felt very bad, that he realized everything... In general, he sat and sobbed... Why am I dreaming about this, Tell me please

    My boyfriend and I broke up two years ago, or rather, he left me via SMS, I agreed. And we were together for 4 years. It’s just that our relationship had already outlived its usefulness and I didn’t mind. Although I was waiting for him to return... A year ago he found someone else and lives with her, now they are going to have a child. I, too, have been with someone else for two years. And for the past year now I have been having dreams that in a dream I express to him all my grievances that I did not tell him when we parted. So today I dreamed that I told him how offended I was that everything turned out this way, but his tears flowed and he closed his eyes and was silent...

    I'm a guy I saw my ex-boyfriend with a stranger, they were lying on the same bed opposite them, they asked me to take a photo of them, suddenly he turned out to be naked, I slapped him in the face, but he didn't say anything and he started to cry

    I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend was crying in a dream and saying “I don’t love her, I’m not in love with her”, I said “everything in the past can’t be returned”... in fact, we broke up half a year ago, he left me and left for another

    Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was sitting on the windowsill and I was making fun of him a little, then I noticed that it somehow hurt him and he started crying. I hugged him from behind and started crying too, then he turned around and started wiping my tears.

    at my last place of work, I met a guy there, a friendly contact was established, I can even say big, a couple of times he tried to show me quite open sympathy, but in public (in the office), he could only exchange jokes with me, but in general then I learned from rumors that he was still a womanizer, but after I left I dreamed of him quite often, and not in good mood and as if he is crying or suffering for me, well, in general, he misses me, I wonder what this all means?

    My parents and I went on vacation somewhere. and my girlfriend and my friends were there too, we played basketball. We hardly saw each other with the girl. I wanted to go for a walk and see each other, but we couldn’t, she was always busy. once she went to her sister’s room for her birthday and sat there all day. I went outside for a walk and met a friend there, he said that she wants to enter cadetship and he said that you are naive or gullible, tell you and you will believe it, but I said not like that he won't fool me. I then wrote to her on the Internet that I was tired and, as usual, offended. Yes, and her phone went off or turned off before going to her sister. we met, I told her that I was tired of you not being with me, I missed you that you didn’t tell me anything. She said that I don’t trust you and I cried out of resentment that I was trying and she didn’t appreciate it, didn’t notice it. then my mother came up to me and calmed me down, I told her how offensive it was and woke up.

    I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago, he already has new girl, I have a new boyfriend. And I dreamed the following: I was near the library or something like that, the guy’s girlfriend came up and jokingly asked me to give something to Kolya (former), after which Kolya came up to me and also asked me to give her something, also jokingly( perhaps they were playing “I’m not talking to you”), after which I said “you guys are together, together, so pass it on to each other”, and I noticed that after the words “you are together”, Kolya shed a tear and immediately wiped. What could this mean?

    dream" I woke up and went to the store. But as it turned out, the ordinary Maria-ra store did not look like an ordinary store! When going to the store there was a cafe, but there was always a “Cosmetics” store there.
    On the second floor there was a hotel. Although there have always been departments for children, Novex, and all that.
    But there were no departments there, instead there were rooms.
    I lived in the same room, and my ex-boyfriend lived next door (I still care about him)
    I don’t remember how I ended up in his room, we sat with him and talked about me, he asked how I was? I answered that I felt bad without him, that I had been through a lot, I missed him. When I was admitted to the hospital and immediately told to have surgery, then I realized that I wanted to see you and your support. And then he cried so much that his eyes were red and he himself was red and he was burning with me that he was very sorry that he was not there, and asked for forgiveness.

    I was walking at night with my boyfriend and our friends, I noticed that the young man began to ignore me, didn’t come up to me, didn’t notice, didn’t talk, I wanted to go home, I thought he was taking me, but they just went on a walk, but I also went with them
    Then we approached a friend’s house, everyone was standing and talking, I began to be offended by the guy, I was about to leave, but he caught up, hugged me, and started crying, at first I thought he was doing it on purpose, and then I noticed that he was actually in tears, He said that he loved him and apologized...

    Why did I dream about my ex-boyfriend? if I don’t think about him at all, since I have another man and I’m married.
    In the dream, the ex first saw me and smiled, hugged and kissed me, and I refused him, said that I couldn’t be with him and he cried, and said that he didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness and it was too late, he wanted to kill my husband, he threatened So. I tried to calm him down and woke up. From Friday to today I dreamed about it, and often comes in my dreams. What does it mean?

    I was walking on the way home, when suddenly there was a flash and I was told unknown man in a dream that I died. Then I found myself in a distorted black and white cozy place and there, in the distance, my ex-boyfriend was sitting and crying, then he said something, but I couldn’t hear.

    I dreamed that we were arguing very strongly, I kicked him out, shouted at him that we were breaking up, go away, but he sat and said wait a little longer. Then about 5 minutes passed, and I saw him crying with big tears, I felt sorry for him, I began to come up and express everything, why this is so, this is why this is so, etc. After that, he became somehow kind and sweet, every time he called me affectionately, and when I was arguing with my dear sister, one friend wanted to come up to me, but my boyfriend said, let’s not interfere with her. and won't bother you.

    I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend, we met by chance, although we live in different cities, I walked past and smiled, he said hello and I said hello, then he called me, I turned around, he ran up to me and started crying, he said that I was right and his feelings for I was not cooled down, and that he wanted to be with me, tears also began to roll in my eyes and I hugged him
    then we were already together, and he kissed me for the first time in a dream
    in reality we have never kissed

    My friend dreamed of a guy I really like.. We (with our group) wanted to take a group photo... the guy Makim, who I like.. cried.. and told my friend that he was in trouble... I came.. asked him what happened...he laughed and said that he just wanted me to come...I said let's take a photo and he replied: let's go, my love...even though we're not even dating

    I dreamed of my friend’s boyfriend who was crying and talking about his mad love for my friend. But who, because of his mother, had to marry another... I also saw his mother. My friend’s mother and the friend herself….

    A young man I knew, to whom I was not indifferent, hugged me from behind, wailed and cried. And before that, in a dream, he was hysterical and told me to leave, then he suddenly came running to me, I very strongly felt his hug from the back and some strange crying.

    I dreamed of a boy I liked. He was walking with friends and I saw that he had tear lines visible in the light, I wiped them away for him. Then it turned out he needed to adjust his jaw. He came up. came to me and gave me the phone. He said that everything you need is there and he went to the doctor. It was there that he liked me very much. And then I woke up. Addition In real life he hates me and can't stand me

    I saw my ex-boyfriend crying because of another young lady. She sat next to him, and he took a strand of hair and smelled it, wanted to hug it, and began to cry. But he didn’t see me at the same time. And then I saw it, wiped my tears... I don’t remember further. We met in a dream.

    My young man cried in his sleep, he didn’t cry bitterly, but he really could see it was hard, something was tormenting him. And I gave him my red handkerchief, which he used to wipe himself, and as he wiped away his tears, the handkerchief shrank to the size of a handkerchief. The scarf was originally large, which was knitted around the neck.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend was very sad, I invited him to go out onto the stairs to talk, at first he did not agree, then he reluctantly went, and I look at him and see tears and pain in his eyes, I ask him: do you not love me anymore? He begins to cry harder, as if something forces him to say that this is so, but in reality it is not and he cannot say so, but only cries