Why dream about a guy who is crying. Why dream of crying according to the Psychological Dream Book. Cry from pain in a dream

A symbol of masculinity, the difference between a man and a youth. In the old days, men never shaved their beards. It was considered a great insult if one man grabbed another by the beard. In fairy tales, the beard of sorcerers was endowed magical power. To see in a dream a man with a beard, which during a change...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Tears?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A man sees that he is crying in a dream - a sign of an imminent long trip. If a woman sees herself in tears, this is a symbol that her husband, being away from her, misses her very much. A woman sees tears in another person - to...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Dead?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Taking something from the hand of a deceased person in a dream means profit. In a dream you hear the voice of your deceased mother, listen to what she says. Her words can become a warning or advice on what to do in a given situation. To you …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Child?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Beating a boy's child in a dream means experiences related to problems at work. A sick child dreams of loss loved one. You want more positivity and carefreeness. It happens that girls try on the image of a boy in their dreams. Such a dream symbolizes mental irritation...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Crying?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a woman crying in a dream means making new acquaintances. Seeing a child crying in a dream means empty troubles. Did you cry for a specific reason, or was it just a release? What did you feel when you cried: a feeling of lightness or vice versa? Having determined this...

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Bride dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your mother as a bride in a dream means grief. Seeing a bride in a translucent dress in a dream means gossip; in a black dress means mourning. Seeing a bride in a dream who does not want to get married is a sign of failure. Seeing in a dream...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Boy?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For a pregnant woman, such a dream foretells a rapid birth. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning that in reality you will need to restrain your emotions in some situation, showing calm or simply inaction. Rich inspiration awaits the people involved in creative professions, …

Why do you dream about Crying?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself crying portends that bad news will cause unexpected discord in your life. family relationships. Seeing a crying child is a sign of concern about the illness of children. If you see your mother crying, it means that real life you will experience a feeling of loneliness, although there are...

Cry in my sleep- a harbinger of bad news and family upset.

Seeing others cry- promises a pleasant reunion after a period of sad misunderstandings. A young woman has this dream- portends quarrels with a lover, after which reconciliation can be achieved only through self-sacrifice. The merchant has this dream- portends a temporary decline in business and minor failures.

Freud's Dream Book

Cry- is a symbol of ejaculation or fertilization.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you see people crying or hear crying- you are in danger of an unforeseen disagreement with your chosen one, which can be resolved if you calmly listen to each other in order to achieve mutual understanding.

New family dream book

Crying in a dream- a bad sign: disagreements in the family and other troubles may begin.

If you saw someone else crying- you will have a pleasant reunion after a quarrel or separation. The young woman who saw similar dream - it will be possible to make peace with your lover only after a certain self-sacrifice. A businessman has such a dream- portends minor failures and a temporary decline in business.

Modern combined dream book

Crying in a dream- portends unpleasant messages and anxiety in your family.

Seeing others cry- a harbinger of a happy reunion after a period of unexpected alienation. A young woman has such a dream- prophesies a quarrel with her lover, reconciliation after which is possible only through her self-sacrifice. This is a dream for a merchant- predicts temporary troubles and misfortunes.

Children's dream book

Crying dad- something so unusual will happen that you will simply understand that you cannot continue to live like this.

Complete dream book of the New Era

In a dream, you saw someone close to you cry- great grief awaits your family.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

If you hear crying everywhere, but you do not consciously register sadness- this means you may be grieving about something subconsciously.

Tears of joy- may indicate the resolution of a difficult problem.

Dream book of the 21st century

Cry in my sleep- to joy and all good things.

Wiping away tears in a dream- to receive unexpected consolation; face in tears- to unexpected profits; laugh in a dream at someone crying and - to finding a strong union; cry with someone- for celebrations, congratulations, gifts; cry loudly- to a joyful event.

Wiping away tears from a young woman- to a break with a loved one.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Generally cry in a dream- to joy.

Cry and then laugh- to the end soon.

Cry over your own sins- to atonement and forgiveness of all sins in reality.

Cry from grief, but without tears- to joy.

Cry without tears at all- this is a symbol of everything that has not yet been completed by you.

Seeing tears on your face in a dream- this is a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will have to once again become convinced of the truth of the saying: “All good deeds are punishable!

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cry, cry- liberation, salvation, relaxation, peace of mind; happy outcome.

Sitting on the bed- misfortune; others are crying- news.

Dream book of a gypsy

Dream that you are in tears- to receive a letter containing bad news.

Many people are interested in the question of why they dream of crying in a dream. Such a dream can hardly be called pleasant, except in cases where tears are caused by joy or tenderness. From a psychological point of view, when a person cries, he gets rid of negative emotions and a psycho-emotional release occurs, which does not allow the nervous system to wear out.

In most cases, when you dream of crying, you can expect positive events in real life. In addition, being overwhelmed with feelings in reality can cause tears in a dream. Dreams in which a plot is played out that evokes pity in the dreamer’s soul and, as a result, tears, require special interpretation. You should also know that if a person in real life has a reason for sadness, then if he dreams during this period that he is crying in a dream, then this indicates that events in reality can change for the better.

Other people are crying

Very often, according to the testimony of dreamers, there are dreams in which other people cry. The most common interpretation of such dreams is that someone close to you needs help and support. When, according to the plot of your night dreams, you have to console crying man, then a joyful event will occur in the life of someone close to you, which will indirectly affect you personally.

Why do you dream of a crying dead person?

Among the unusual dreams, a plot stands out in which a crying dead person was dreamed of. If such a dream is not associated with mourning, then, of course, it needs to be deciphered. When you dream of a crying dead person, you don’t need to expect something very bad in real life. Such a dream focuses attention on the fact that in the near future there will be changes that will fill life with positivity. But what they will be connected with, the dreamer must understand intuitively.

Crying child

Quite often the question arises, why do you dream? crying baby. After such a dream, there is always a feeling that something significant is about to happen in real life. Therefore, I want to know whether the changes will be negative or positive.

Most dream books interpret night dreams in which a child is crying, depending on whether the dreamer saw the crying baby or only heard it. If a child dreams of crying, then in real life the person will be greatly disappointed. But, if you only heard the baby crying, then such a dream foreshadows the receipt of good news or a pleasant meeting.

When a crying baby appears in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer’s life will be filled with small troubles and everyday problems that will simply be impossible to brush aside. Also, such a dream can foretell life disappointments that will be very difficult to cope with. They can unsettle a person for a long time.

In addition, when you dream of a crying child, you should expect a deterioration in your health. It is unlikely that this may be associated with the development of serious diseases. Most likely, you need to pay attention to nutrition and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

If you have a baby in your house who periodically cries in reality, then a dream with a child crying is a reflection of reality and does not need to be interpreted.

It’s very interesting what a crying woman or other people dream about in their night dreams. There are many different interpretations about this in dream books, so for correct decoding sleep, you should remember the smallest nuances of the plot.

When a woman cries in her sleep, then general interpretation dreams indicate that in real life you will meet very interesting people. But at the same time, when you dream of a crying woman, you need to pay attention to certain nuances of the storyline in order to get a more accurate interpretation.

    If a woman cries bitterly in a dream and is on the verge of hysteria, then we should expect conflicts with her loved one in reality. But at the same time, the dream focuses on the fact that they can be resolved very quickly and the relationship will again become cloudless. Loud crying married woman indicates very good relationship with her husband. If she cries ugly and bad clothed woman, then you should expect not very good news from afar. The crying of a woman stripped naked is a harbinger of material difficulties in reality.

Dreaming of a crying girl

When you dream of a crying girl, it always foreshadows the receipt of news. But how pleasant they will be or not really depends on how the girl looks.


    If she is attractive, then get ready to receive good news; When a girl looks tired and exhausted, the news received can be upsetting.

Other dreams with women who cry can be interpreted as follows:

    A crying mother is a reminder of possible problems with people from your close circle. A crying friend indicates that one of the people close to you is hiding his sincere intentions. A crying daughter indicates that your daughter has a real world serious problems may arise. A crying unknown girl reminds you that you need to pay attention to your own health. A crying wife predicts difficulties in business. A crying grandmother warns of injustice that you may encounter in reality. A crying bride foreshadows failures in your personal life. A crying sister indicates that you may be drawn into a conflict against your will.

When you dream crying man, then you should expect joyful events or news in real life. If you see in your night dreams that a man you know is crying, but it would never occur to him to cry in reality, then this portends positive changes in the professional sphere.

Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:

    A crying husband focuses your attention on everyday little things that for some reason you don’t want to notice. Most likely, after such a dream you need to be more attentive to the problems of your household. Crying ex-husband is evidence of that. that you can always count on the help of a person with whom you once had a close relationship. A crying dad predicts that your worldview will soon change. A crying son says that your son in the real world now really needs your support. Crying stranger guy warns that one of the people from your close circle intends to take advantage of your kindness for selfish purposes. A crying loved one foreshadows a quarrel in reality.

Why do you dream about your own tears?

When you dream that you happened to cry in a dream, you must remember what the reason for your tears was. It is also important to analyze your own feelings that arose after you woke up. According to the interpretation of Vanga’s dream book, if in a dream you saw your own face drenched in tears, then this is a very good sign. Such night dreams foreshadow positive changes in life. There is also a high probability that they will be associated with receiving important and very good news. It is also good if you see that in a dream you are crying bitterly. Despite the burden of such a plot, it indicates that joyful events will happen in real life. A period in life is coming when fate will be favorable to you, so take advantage of it.

Other storylines can be interpreted as follows:
    When in a dream you had to shed tears not alone, but together with someone, for example, with a close friend, then in reality you will have to participate in a noisy and fun event. If you dreamed that you were crying on your own bed into your pillow, then this indicates that you will get sick soon. There is no need to worry about this, as the disease will not be dangerous to your overall health, and you will quickly overcome it. When in your night dreams you are trying with all your might to hold back your tears, this is not a very good sign. It symbolizes that you strive for loneliness and deliberately isolate yourself from your loved ones. If, according to the plot of the dream, you are mourning a loved one in your night dreams who is alive, then this portends him great happiness in life, which will also indirectly affect you. In addition, such a dream symbolizes the fact that you and this person will never become enemies. If you are mourning a person who actually died, then this dream symbolizes your inner cleansing. You will be able to step over the past and start life from scratch. When you dreamed that in a dream you were crying with joy, then in reality you will finally be able to solve an outdated problem. When, according to the plot of the dream, you shed tears because you were unfairly offended, then in real life recognition and honor await you. Also, after such a dream, you can count on material rewards. If you cry in a dream because you are greatly upset by the actions of other people, then in reality you may be in trouble. But they will not have a global impact on the course of your life, and you can survive them quite easily. Not very good sign are dreaming tears on your face at your own wedding. Such a dream may warn that you are about to throw in your lot with an unloved person. If in your night dreams you happen to cry in a temple, then soon you will be invited as an honored guest to some special event.

Crying icon - meaning of sleep

Sometimes dreams in which tears were seen are very unusual. In particular, you cannot simply brush aside a dream in which you dreamed of a crying icon. Such a dream is always an unfavorable sign and signals impending trouble in real life.


Did you dream about a guy crying, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a guy crying in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a little over six months ago. A couple of days ago I dreamed that he was standing with me outside my apartment with red eyes, he was crying, and I was wiping his tears. This is where the dream ended. What does it mean??

    Before that, we met for a short time, then we had a fight and sent each other away, now each other is in an emergency. We didn't communicate anymore. his name was Mityai, in a dream he asked me to come up to him, I asked: why? he told me to take the bracelet, although he showed me the watch, I said no, no thanks, and then he would cry, I went up to him and wanted to wipe away my tears, but he had the feeling that he was afraid of me, but still I wiped away his tears and hugged him, and then kissed him on the cheek 4 times, but he was simply dumbfounded, then I asked him: what’s wrong with you, he answered something, but I don’t remember.

    I came to a new class and there was a guy who I really like in life. And then he ran into the class from recess and sat on the floor. I made fun of him and he cried. I went up and hugged him, stroked his back and said everything will be fine and kissed him. on the cheek.

    I don’t remember the dream from the very beginning, but I remember probably the more important part... In my young man birthday, and I forgot to congratulate him and generally forgot about his birthday... I’m sitting in a place unknown to me, somewhere on the beach, and there’s a forest behind me. It was night. But besides me, there were many more people on this beach and in the forest... I was sitting alone, but then I got up and was about to leave there when I heard a painfully familiar voice... It was not addressed to me. But it sounded like this: “What kind of birthday is it if my girlfriend isn’t around?” The phrase was accompanied by crying..I decided to go back and find out who was saying it, because the voice was very familiar. I go up to the guy who said this, turn him towards me and see my boyfriend in front of me, in tears. I was surprised and my heart began to pound harder and began to cry, fell to my knees, clasping my face in my hands.. (My boyfriend lives in Ukraine, and I live in Russia, we can’t see him yet.)

    In a dream, we began to sort things out with the person I love, and all this first happened in the bathtub itself with foam, etc. Then he either got offended or something and ran to the balcony and wanted to jump (and we were high up), he ended up sitting on the balcony, I ran to him and he was crying. I calmed him down and at that moment I woke up.

    I dreamed that I began to sort things out with my ex-boyfriend, after which he began to tell me that I still didn’t understand anything, that he missed me very much and could not forget me, his eyes were watering, and then he began to say in a whisper that loves and that if not for the circumstances they could have started a family, after these words I sat down next to him, he grabbed my hands, and I kissed one of his hands, and then I woke up
    what could this mean?
    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, we broke up about three years ago, we’ve been in a relationship with someone else for two years

    I dreamed of a guy that I liked (cuter), we stood at first with someone else, then he got upset and went into the kitchen, I followed him, he told me that his girlfriend left him and started crying, and I hugged him.

    Hello Tatyana.
    In general, I remember that there were 4 of us and we were drunk. We were sitting on the sofa... Me, my friend, him and his friend. I was kneeling on the floor and my hands were on the bed... And HE was sitting with his back to me and was shaking... and his friend He said something to him... Then he turned sharply and approached me. His face was covered in tears. It felt like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t... And I was ready to forgive him... I wanted to say that nothing was needed speak... but didn’t... And the dream ended

    I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, that it was as if we were at some kind of holiday, and he was sitting, sitting on the sofa, and I decided to approach him and started talking to him, he started crying and telling me that he used to have a lot of money, but now he doesn’t, and no one even gives him money for cigarettes, they say no one needs him without money, I began to feel sorry for him and persuaded him to go to the store, and we went to the store.

    My boyfriend and I haven’t seen each other for 3 months (it wasn’t possible because we live in different cities)
    relationship on the verge of breaking
    dreamed about it in a dream
    the fact that I talked to him on the phone
    it was night
    I don’t remember exactly what they talked about
    but then I accidentally drop the call
    I call him
    and he was all in tears (he thought that I left him)
    very strange dream

    I dreamed that I was being taken on a gurney, I didn’t see any people, I saw only white walls and a ceiling, then it turned out that I woke up in a hospital room, I saw 2 girls and a boy, we became friends, then there was a quarrel and then I got up and said goodbye with them and the boy gets up and says you don’t want to say goodbye to him, I turned around and there stood the boy whom I love, he hugged me tightly and after that I push away from him, I say something to him and then I say forgive me but I need to go away I will leave him and his tears will flow

    I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend... He was sitting with some guys, in some room unfamiliar to me... He was talking about me, that he felt very bad, that he realized everything... In general, he sat and sobbed... Why am I dreaming about this, Tell me please

    We broke up with the young man two years ago, or rather, he left me via SMS, I agreed. And we were together for 4 years. It’s just that our relationship had already outlived its usefulness and I didn’t mind. Although I was waiting for him to return... A year ago he found someone else and lives with her, now they are going to have a child. I, too, have been with someone else for two years. And for the past year now I have been having dreams that in a dream I express to him all my grievances that I did not tell him when we parted. So today I dreamed that I told him how offended I was that everything turned out this way, but his tears flowed and he closed his eyes and was silent...

    I guy saw mine ex-boyfriend with a stranger they were lying on the same bed opposite, they asked me to take a photo of them, suddenly he turned out to be naked, I slapped him in the face, but he didn’t say anything and a tear appeared in his eyes

    I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend cried in a dream and said “I don’t love her, I’m not in love with her”, I said “everything in the past can’t be returned”... in fact, we broke up half a year ago, he left me and left for another

    Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was sitting on the windowsill and I was making fun of him a little, then I noticed that it somehow hurt him and he started crying. I hugged him from behind and started crying too, then he turned around and started wiping my tears.

    at my last place of work I met a guy there, a friendly contact was established, I can even say big, a couple of times he tried to show me quite open sympathy, but in public (in the office), he could only exchange jokes with me, but in general then I found out from rumors that he was still a womanizer, but after I left I dreamed of him quite often, and not in in a good mood, and as if he is crying or suffering for me, well, in general, he misses me, I wonder what this all means?

    My parents and I went on vacation somewhere. and my girlfriend and my friends were there too, we played basketball. We hardly saw each other with the girl. I wanted to go for a walk and see each other, but we couldn’t, she was always busy. once she went to her sister’s room for her birthday and sat there all day. I went outside for a walk and met a friend there, he said that she wants to enter cadetship and he said that you are naive or gullible, tell you and you will believe it, but I said not like that he won't fool me. I then wrote to her on the Internet that I was tired and, as usual, offended. Yes, and her phone went off or turned off before going to her sister. we met, I told her that I was tired of you not being with me, I missed you that you didn’t tell me anything. She said that I don’t trust you and I cried out of resentment that I was trying and she didn’t appreciate it, didn’t notice it. then my mother came up to me and calmed me down, I told her how offensive it was and woke up.

    I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago, he already has new girl, I have a new boyfriend. And I dreamed the following: I was near the library or something like that, the guy’s girlfriend came up and jokingly asked me to give something to Kolya (former), after which Kolya came up to me and also asked me to give her something, also jokingly( perhaps they were playing “I’m not talking to you”), after which I said “you guys are together, together, so pass it on to each other”, and I noticed that after the words “you are together”, Kolya shed a tear and immediately wiped. What could this mean?

    dream" I woke up and went to the store. But as it turned out, the ordinary Maria-ra store did not look like an ordinary store! When going to the store there was a cafe, but there was always a “Cosmetics” store there.
    On the second floor there was a hotel. Although there have always been departments for children, Novex, and all that.
    But there were no departments there; instead there were rooms.
    I lived in the same room, and my ex-boyfriend lived next door (I still care about him)
    I don’t remember how I ended up in his room, we sat with him and talked about me, he asked how I was? I answered that I felt bad without him, that I had been through a lot, I missed him. When I was admitted to the hospital and immediately told to have surgery, then I realized that I wanted to see you and your support. And then he cried so much that his eyes were red and he himself was red and he was burning with me that he was very sorry that he was not there, and asked for forgiveness.

    I was walking at night with my boyfriend and our friends, I noticed that the young man began to ignore me, didn’t come up to me, didn’t notice, didn’t talk, I wanted to go home, I thought he was taking me, but they just went on a walk, but I also went with them
    Then we approached a friend’s house, everyone was standing and talking, I began to be offended by the guy, I was about to leave, but he caught up, hugged me, and started crying, at first I thought he was doing it on purpose, and then I noticed that he was actually in tears, He said that he loved him and apologized...

    Why did I dream about my ex-boyfriend? if I don’t think about him at all, since I have another man and I’m married.
    In the dream, the ex first saw me and smiled, hugged and kissed me, and I refused him, said that I couldn’t be with him and he cried, and said that he didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness and it was too late, he wanted to kill my husband, he threatened So. I tried to calm him down and woke up. From Friday to today I dreamed about it, and often comes in my dreams. What does it mean?

    I was walking on the way home, when suddenly there was a flash and I was told unknown man in a dream that I died. Then I found myself in a distorted black and white cozy place and there, in the distance, my ex-boyfriend was sitting and crying, then he said something, but I couldn’t hear.

    I dreamed that we were arguing very strongly, I kicked him out, shouted at him that we were breaking up and go away, but he sat and said wait a little longer. Then about 5 minutes passed, and I saw him crying with big tears, I felt sorry for him, I began to come up and express everything, why this is so, this is why this is so, etc. After that, he became somehow kind and sweet, every time he called me affectionately, and when I was arguing with my dear sister, one friend wanted to come up to me, but my boyfriend said, let’s not interfere with her. and won't bother you.

    I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend, we met by chance, although we live in different cities, I walked past and smiled, he said hello and I said hello, then he called me, I turned around, he ran up to me and started crying, he said that I was right and his feelings for I was not cooled down, and that he wanted to be with me, tears also began to roll in my eyes and I hugged him
    then we were already together, and he kissed me for the first time in a dream
    in reality we have never kissed

    My friend dreamed of a guy who I really like... We (with our company) wanted to take a group photo... the guy, Makim, who I like... cried.. and told my friend that he was in trouble... I came.. asked him what happened...he laughed and said that he just wanted me to come...I said let's take a photo and he replied: let's go, my love...even though we're not even dating

    I dreamed of my friend’s boyfriend who was crying and talking about his mad love for my friend. But who, because of his mother, had to marry someone else... I also saw his mother. My friend’s mother and the friend herself….

    A young man I knew, to whom I was not indifferent, hugged me from behind, wailed and cried. And before that, in a dream, he was hysterical and told me to leave, then he suddenly came running to me, I very strongly felt his hug from the back and some strange crying.

    I dreamed of a boy I liked. He was walking with friends and I saw that he had tear lines visible in the light, I wiped them away for him. Then it turned out he needed to adjust his jaw. He came up. came to me and gave me the phone. He said that everything you need is there and he went to the doctor. It was there that he liked me very much. And then I woke up. Addition In real life he hates me and can't stand me

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a man crying in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I had a strange dream. I see my ex-husband in a company of people I don’t know (on the street), he is kneeling with his head stuck between the links of the fence. Everyone laughs (including him trying to take his head out). Next - he is completely wet, dirty, got into a fight with someone, sees me and runs towards me. I run away, fall and continue to crawl away from him, sitting on my butt and moving my legs and arms. After everything, I see his face, he is crying, tears are streaming down his cheeks.
    Thanks for the answer!

    I dreamed that a man (colleague) with whom we were just beginning a relationship came in, there was no intimacy yet, with tears in my eyes, I smiled at him. Then we find ourselves in bed with him, we sit, he hugs me from behind and my colleagues walk around.

    Hello! I dreamed ex-lover from Sunday to Monday, he says that he loves me and at the same time he has tears in his eyes, but in reality he is already married and we haven’t met him for a long time

    I was sitting in a cafe and through the glass I saw a guy I knew on the street, whom I really like (in real life) and whom I did not expect to see. I am writing him a letter in a postcard. The scene changes and I’m already in my house, folding laundry in the closet and then I turn around and he’s standing. He looks at me and cries, says thank you for writing everything to him and hugs me tenderly. Why do I have such a sad feeling? I didn’t want to see him at all and his arrival was a complete surprise. And I woke up with an unpleasant siege in my soul for some reason.

    I had a dream about a guy (he’s married) I have a great liking for him, we used to be together, before I found out that he was married! When he saw me he left his wife, he still has a child with her! He started running towards me and hugged me tightly and cried, saying that he would leave his wife, something like this... and after that, immediately a picture of me sitting with a child. It looks like mine, but it doesn’t seem to be mine.

    I see an ex-boyfriend, we are walking along the boulevard, he hugs me, then we start talking at this moment, I see tears on my cheeks and he says, “like I’m to blame for our separation,” but in reality he is to blame. And then I cry bitterly and say, “Why did you leave me?” We walk again hugging and he kisses and bites on the cheek, EVERYONE in the circle was fun, WE have been separated for a year, thank you for your attention

    My boyfriend, whom I broke up with today, by the way, seemed to be being drafted into the army (although in reality he was in the army). I remember we were standing on the platform, we hugged goodbye and he started crying... silently, the tears just flowed. I feel such tenderness, I feel sorry for him, I reassure him. And today we broke up because Seryozha (my boyfriend) will have to leave. I wonder how he feels after this?(((

    My friends and I (there were three of us) went to some unfamiliar river to swim, there we met my friend’s ex-boyfriend (for whom she still suffers and hopes that not everything has gone over with him). Next comes a conversation between a friend and a guy, she tells him “So? How are you?”, he - “Good, and you?”, she - “Also.” After that, he leaves, and my friends go down into some kind of pit, and I remain at the top. My friend (who was discussed earlier) begins to cry, leaning against the wall of the pit, and her ex-boyfriend walks upstairs, looked at her and also burst into tears. I also want to say that her ex (we found out through rumors) blames himself for breaking up with her and wants to start all over again, but he thinks that everything is over for her.

    I remember that we were at some kind of party. In one of my classmates' apartment. A guy approached me who liked me. He confessed to me earlier. He wanted to say something, but he began to cry, I asked him “don’t,” etc. Next I remember that he kissed me and left the room.

    my boyfriend has been in the army for 2.5 months, we talk every day, but yesterday I had a dream that he took leave, we went to a friend’s birthday party, we left everyone, and he hugged me so hard and cried, complained, but I don’t remember what. and that day we quarreled a little. I feel so uneasy, although I’m sure he’s doing well. Well, we made up right away in the morning i.e. everything is fine now

    I dreamed of a guy with whom we were together a year ago but now we are friends. and now I had a dream of him hugging me and crying, saying that he wants to believe me, that I will be his only and no one else, that he wants me to be his mistress, that he is very worried that there are many problems with Ukraine and Russia, that let’s be together. We bought a single glass of kebab from a passing woman (there was small pieces of meat inside the glass) sprinkled with sauce and went together. We went into the entrance and I treated my brother to this. and this is the second time I have had a dream about him crying and saying that he wants to believe me and has realized everything and wants to be with me. but in reality I see that he also has feelings, I still love him.

    A guy greeted me and I didn’t recognize him, then I looked closer and saw that it was my ex-boyfriend, the situation changed dramatically, he was sitting on the floor in the corner and crying, when I asked him what was the matter, he said that someone had died (but I don’t know a person with that name). I invited him to come with me so that I could make him tea, he refused and I offered again, adding that I just felt sorry for him and he came with me. We walked along the road and talked to him. I told him about what happened to me the other day. last year(we haven’t seen each other for almost a year and parted as enemies, so to speak), and he replied that changes were going on for the better. Then we stopped and he squatted down, and I immediately sat on his lap and a guy came up to us ( whom I also haven’t seen for a year, but we’re just acquaintances), he told me how he lives now and gave his phone number. The strangest thing is that they both had wounds on their faces (the wounds were fresh, even the blood was still visible). The dream was all gray, dull and cold.

    A guy with whom I was in a civil marriage a year ago (about 2 years), dreamed today that I met him by chance in my city, he came up, cried, asked to come back, kissed me, I was immensely happy. then it’s like we’re not together anyway.

    Met with ex-lover. We hugged and started kissing. He started crying. In the dream it seemed to me that he still loved me. I was very pleased, but I was thinking about his wife. I was worried that his wife would see us. She was worried, not afraid. The dream was long, but I don’t remember anything else. The pictures changed, but I was still sitting in his arms

    my ex-boyfriend cried, we were together for a long time... we broke up, got back together and separated again... I haven’t seen him for more than a year... I cried for a long time... in a dream I offended him by saying that I don’t want children from him..

    The guy cried and said that I was very cold. kissed hands. at the end his head was in my lap, I held his face in my hands and he cried and cried. I kissed him and felt his tears.

    I dreamed that I was walking around my apartment, sitting in the room, knowing that a man (in reality my ex-boyfriend) was in the kitchen, this lasts all day in a dream. and then he comes to my room, lies down on the bed and begins to cry heart-rendingly, curled up into a ball. says he can’t do this anymore and wants to come back to me

    The dream was like this: A friend who loves me called me on the phone, cried, and asked to meet, then he picked me up in a car, and we went to talk to him. During the conversation, he cried and said: “We will never be together.” I know that this friend loves me, but in fact, I have a young man, and I love him. Why I cannot understand the dream. By the way, I dream about this friend very often,

    I dreamed of a beloved man with whom I had an incomprehensible unexplained relationship for about 5 years... he seeks to meet on his own, says that he misses him very much... we see each other once a year, every six months., sex happens... he shows a desire to see each other more often, but he merges himself, then he is offended by something he's freaking out... we recently met, we slept together, we agreed on meeting next... he's withdrawing from communication again... I dreamed that I was going to talk to find out the question of why he was disappearing and why... it seems like I had something in mind and somehow I got his keys... I’m waiting in his house... I see there are high red women’s boots standing there... I understand that there is some kind of girl who comes periodically... I understand there’s no point in talking... I’m rushing to give him the keys and ask why he seems to be hiding behind a wall lately... why I cut off communication again. .and suddenly I see that his soul is really heavy..his face reflects some kind of heaviness, it is not natural and is covered with sweat and a tear flows...I begin to calm him down...asking what happened..I take him home..I don’t remember further..

    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was asking for forgiveness, crying and wanting to come back. Now I’ve been in a new relationship for a long time, everything is fine, but we see my ex very often (we’re studying in the same class).

    I dreamed about mine best friend invited me to visit, when I arrived, I saw my ex-boyfriend there, who also came at the request of a friend. Then I started asking why you came here, how you grew up in the first place. And my friend left the room, and we were left alone, and he cried and hugged me, I was very happy, because I still love him very much, and we hugged, then he kissed me tenderly. I woke up in tears of happiness

    I’m standing alone, my husband suddenly comes up to me and says, leaning towards me, “everything will be fine with us.” Out of surprise, I ask him what he says. He repeats to me, “Everything will be fine with you and me.” Then I see him crying and asking forgiveness. He says, forgive me, forgive me for everything……… in real life he wants to get a divorce and he has another woman. but he won’t let me go. He goes to her and to me. He sees her at work. He’s confused himself. what he wants. He also wants children from me.

    Hello. I often dream about the same guy. At first he said that he really liked me, loved me, but I didn’t notice him. And today I had a dream: He cried a lot and asked not to leave him and not to go to someone else (who, with the help of blackmail, tried to keep me with him)

    a dream in which my ex-husband found himself at a celebration where he was not invited, when he met me, he cried and said that he missed him very much, then we ended up at the table where I was, I was invited

    In reality, I have a friend who recently moved to another city. I dreamed that he came to hometown, visit me. We walked for a long time and talked. Then we saw several children about 4-5 years old running past us while we were sitting on a bench. My friend focused his attention on the red-haired girl (who I had once dreamed about before.) and I saw a tear roll down my friend’s cheek. Then another one.

    Hello! I am 15 years old and I like a boy (Daniil) (for about 2 years:(), but he is dating my friend. And I dreamed that we were sitting in some building (we were not alone) next to him.. he began to move to me. Suddenly he cried, and so did I, and we gently held hands and did not let go and hugged tightly.. he was nearby.. And in life we ​​are not so often together (

    I dreamed that I was visiting him and wanted to go home, but he didn’t want me to leave, he held my hands, and tears flowed from his eyes, I was very hurt for him in the dream that I shed tears myself

    I came to the city where my beloved guy was, we talked and walked for a long time, he hugged me and cried, clinging tightly to me. The day was first sunny, and then cloudy, it was cold and raining... we went into the gazebo and another guy was sitting there then the guy, this stranger guy didn’t like the fact that we also went into it... this young man listened for a long time as my guy complained about his problems and cried bitterly, and the young man began to hurt him, to humiliate him, they started to let go of their hands, and I stood for him I was insecure, they sorted things out and then my dream ended.

    Hello, I dreamed that my close friend, who was on a long business trip, unexpectedly found himself in the room with me (the room was dark), the meeting was unexpected because in the dream I understood that he could not be here, after a hug I saw that a tear is flowing down his cheek…..I had a feeling that these were tears of relief and sadness….in real life we ​​recently had a very strong fight…

    Hello! I dreamed that my fiancé was being beaten by my steamy love and he was crying, I was hiding him, trying to protect him, but I didn’t always succeed. In a dream, it’s natural to feel a sense of fear and worry. Tell me, what could this mean?

    In a dream, I had a mistress, all my wife, parents, children found out about this, my eldest son, 16 years old, cried and sobbed, and I felt very upset and was very ashamed of my action

    Good evening. I dreamed of a familiar man who first kisses, I tell him that there can be no relationship, he cries, tears flow, I wipe it away, I calm him down, I say that I’m not leaving him anymore. Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday.