Miller's dream book church. Why do you dream of a temple with icons or candles - purification, good news, joy and tranquility. Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about the Church

Seen burning candles, icons, church buildings, depending on their appearance and condition, carry both positive and bleak interpretations. So, it is impossible to say with certainty what the church is dreaming of.

A dream in which a person encounters church paraphernalia, ringing bells, or enters a temple leaves an alarming aftertaste for many. After all, the church is more often associated with the resting place of the dead or with prayers and requests for health and well-being. Usually unhappy people turn to God with their grief. Only recently the tradition of weddings has become popular in Russia, and this solemn event for the newlyweds also takes place in the temple. Let's talk about the dream with the temple.

One of the most common reasons for a person to remember a dream with a church is the end of a significant period of his life. Very soon his occupation, place of residence, and, possibly, will change. Family status. He has to personal growth And spiritual development. Some people need to calm down after experiencing worries or problems, and the subconscious sends a hint in a dream.

The fortuneteller Miss Hasse interpreted the church she saw as a sign that a person had found his destiny and was moving towards it along the right way. If at the same time he sings and prays, he will quickly achieve his desired goal.

Interpretations of sleep in different dream books

The more beautiful and majestic the temple, the more gifts of fate the dreamer will receive. On the contrary, a rickety or destroyed building speaks of financial difficulties that will affect the entire family of the sleeping person. Different situations and interpretations of what a temple means in dreams are given in the dream books of clairvoyants and psychologists.

According to Vanga

Vanga’s deep faith is reflected in her words regarding the night vision with the church. She suggested that the dreamer visit the temple and confess, since God had given him a sign. Anyone in need of forgiveness and cleansing will find them there. If a person enters a church in a dream, in reality he pays little attention to the opinions and advice of others.

A dreamer tormented by doubts may dream of an abandoned church. If your soul is restless and tormented by thoughts of unseemly actions, the sleeper will be afraid to visit church even in his dreams. He should correct what he has done, then the restless dreams will disappear.

The approach of a special date or an important meeting explains participation in a dream in church service or chants.

According to Miller

The outline of a temple in the distance shows the dreamer's lack of deep faith. A dream with a funeral service in a temple has a similar meaning. A bad sign there will be the ringing of one bell or the absence of icons in the church.

Both dreams suggest preparing for hard times. The efforts invested in interesting endeavors will not justify themselves, and the person will feel disappointed. Only by setting new goals for yourself will you be able to neutralize previous mistakes.

Dramatic changes in life will follow a dream in which the dreamer confidently entered the temple. Their character is unpredictable, only over time it will become clear where the scales will shift.

The psychiatrist interpreted the image of the church in the dream as female body. The beautiful and graceful structure reflected the girl’s pride in her appearance. A dream about being present at a church service characterized the sleeper as an incorrigibly romantic person, capable of entering into a relationship only in the case of ardent love. Options with mercantile calculations or betrayal of the other half are unacceptable for her.

If a man confidently enters the gates of the church in his lover's dream, she need not worry about her imagining infidelities. He is a serious person.

On the contrary, when a gentleman hesitates for a long time at the entrance and then leaves, he is prone to infidelity due to a low assessment of his sexual capabilities.

According to Loff

A temple in a dream shows that at the current moment in time the sleeper is experiencing doubts and needs help. The less calm he is inside the church, the more confused the situation he is in.

If there are no priests in the temple, a person carries out a moral search alone. He was captured internal struggle, forcing you to re-evaluate many things and actions. When a minister speaks about something, you should listen to what he says. He can voice the dreamer's problem that requires an immediate solution.

According to Nostradamus

The French predictor noted in his writings that being in church and praying is a dream of a person who has something to ask God for forgiveness for. Candles lit near the icons will become a symbol of spiritual purity. A dream with sparkling gilded domes is favorable. He promises profitable acquisitions and prosperity.

A destroyed church in a dream reminds of forgotten intentions or experiences, and a temple building entwined with a huge snake portends wars and disasters. It’s bad if the sleeping person secretly took something from the church. He will have to deal with difficulties and troubles in reality. The ringing of a bell foretells the death of a relative. Disputes in the family will happen after sleeping with the purchase of a blanket in the temple.

According to Tsvetkov

When a person lights a candle in a temple in a dream, it is possible that he will encounter an illness. If he stands in front of the icons, and a candle burns next to each, the sleeper trusts his friends and appreciates a good relationship with them. However, this does not mean at all that he is reciprocated.

Dreaming of being in a temple with many burning candles before a great event in the dreamer’s life. His luck will be all-encompassing and bring rich fruits.

The condition of the temple building reflects state of mind the dreamer at the moment of night vision. A bright and clean church is much more positive than a burnt or old one. IN the latter case the sleeper should reconsider his life and change the moments that worry him.

With golden domes

A richly decorated church shows a favorable combination of circumstances in the near future. Golden domes speak of the dreamer's predetermined fate. He is protected by higher powers. The time has come when everything will work out. It must be used wisely and not be led by selfishness. Self-admiration and boasting will cause luck to turn away.

A dream with a golden dome falling down has a sad interpretation. There is a streak of losses and difficulties ahead. The sleeper will have to make a lot of effort to overcome them. A person who has made serious mistakes dreams of shooting at domes.

Destroyed Temple

Sigmund Freud believed that a woman who stumbled upon the ruins of a church in a dream was dissatisfied with her physical condition. Another interpretation is that the sleeper feels that life is wasted.

The man's moral fiber is as disorganized as the abandoned old temple in his dream, and his future is uncertain.

Burnt temple

The burning church, and even collapsing before the eyes of the sleeping man, shows the futility of his aspirations. The plans he pins his hopes on are impracticable. Such a dream warns an unfaithful spouse that his secret will become known and he will lose his family.

In some dream books, deciphering a dream suggests that the sleeper should not waste time on empty, unreasonable fears, but rather live a full life.

Wooden church

A sleeper who enters a wooden church will soon be moved to new house or even in new town. He will change his place of work and circle of friends. Another image of a wooden church foretells the dreamer peace and well-being in the family.

New Church

Construction new church promises spiritual growth to the sleeper. What is the answer to the question, why does a woman dream about the church inside? Most likely, she will feel envy from others, since she is happy with her position and status.

A tall, recently erected temple characterizes the pinnacle of success if the dreamer decides to enter it. In his actions he should rely on the knowledge and experience of the older generation.

Depending on the actions performed in the temple, the events following the dream will bring joy or misfortune. The emotional mood of the dreamer who visited the temple plays a very important role.

Cry in the temple

According to Miller, tears shed in the temple promise adversity and unpleasant events in reality. Other dream books, on the contrary, indicate joyful meetings and fun. If the dreamer's acquaintances cried in a dream, good luck will come to their home.

Anyone who has decided in reality to make significant changes in their lifestyle is able to cry in church and feel calm. They will be useful.


Those who confess to the priest in church in a dream will expect great sadness or betrayal from close friends. Why does a woman dream of kissing the priest in church? Unfortunately, she will be overtaken by the news of her lover’s infidelity.

For an unmarried man, being in confession is promised in reality by marriage with kind woman. The poor man will earn a decent amount of money, while the rich man will have his income reduced. For the patient, sleep promises deterioration in health. The student and the employee will find themselves among the bosses' favorites.

See a church service

A wedding in a church dreams of a happy marriage, and communion means that a person has thrown off an unbearable burden. If many people have gathered for the service, in reality the sleeping person will earn respect and authority among his friends.

It's bad to see a priest standing at the altar. In reality, this means that the undertaking will not bring profit due to the fault of the sleeper. Attending a church service, especially on the eve of holidays, promises a comfortable existence.

Some people, after such a dream, meet a mentor who helps them understand themselves and put things in order. A significant acquaintance will occur in the very next few days after the dream.

See icons

Seeing and kissing icons is a dream for those who repent of their actions. If they are light and the faces on them are peaceful, the dreamer will achieve the same state. Icon for women Mother of God portends pregnancy. The cross is a symbol of prosperity and good events. The icon of Jesus Christ signifies the special power of every word and deed of the sleeping person. He is capable of doing great things, but in case of mistakes he will have to correct the situation himself.

The face of Matrona of Moscow speaks of salvation from danger that has passed by. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker seen in a dream will force you to find the right solution to the task at hand. When making a choice, the dreamer will show wisdom and foresight.


Even non-believers feel reverence for places of worship. In the church one can forget about adversity and conduct a dialogue with higher powers. Most leave the temple enlightened and with hope. Everyone decides for himself whether he should attend church or whether he would prefer to mentally pray and ask God for advice.

A church that appears in a dream will make you break away from routine activities and think about your purpose and contentment with your way of life. If in doubt, the issues causing dissatisfaction should be analyzed. Every day is unique, and you need to spend it with joy and pleasure.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. IN free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

When you have sacred dreams, this is a sign of manifestation higher powers. If you are lucky enough to see a church in a dream, it means the time has come to free yourself from everything vain and ordinary and turn your gaze to the secrets of a higher being.

Try to describe the church you saw and remember the details. Was it a large temple with domes or a small chapel? Have you seen icons, candles? The reliability of the interpretation of what the church means in dreams will depend only on you, how detailed you were able to remember your dream.

Colors of dreams

There are many interpretations of dreams about a temple, but all dream books agree on one thing: if you dream about a church, it means support from above is promised, which means you should expect important changes in life.

  • If the church in a dream was in festive decorations, and its doors were open, it means an easy, carefree life ahead.
  • Seeing a church with domes filled with sun in a dream is a sign of well-being, resolution of all conflicts and finding peace of mind.
  • Leaving the temple, moving away from it means getting rid of experiences, throwing off a heavy burden from the soul.
  • Why do you dream of a church destroyed, in disrepair, without domes? If you only see its outlines hidden in the fog, Miller’s dream book warns that severe disappointments may lie ahead.

  • If you dream of an old chapel or a dilapidated temple, this is a symbol of fear for the future, do not worry, your fears are groundless.
  • If you dreamed of a burning church, this is a sign of alarm, a warning about treason or a subconscious premonition of it.

But don't get upset right away. Let us remember what the dream book says: a church in a dream is, first of all, a sign of the attention of higher powers. Try to figure out what this is - a warning about danger or an indication of increased anxiety? Perhaps this is a sign that you need to become more careful and prepare for changes.

A look from the inside - remembering the details

It may happen that you dream of burning candles, quiet chants and you realize that you are inside a temple. To figure out why you dream about the inside of a church, try to remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Did you attend a service and see the priest? Or, on the contrary, was it dark and quiet in the temple? Do you remember what you felt at the time - joy, fear, surprise? Any detail, the slightest detail can be an important sign.

  • Entering a temple and finding yourself in the dark, under empty arches, is a moment of self-discovery. Miller's dream book draws attention to the fact that if it is dark inside, icons are not visible, you dream of extinguished candles - probably in this moment you are confused and looking for support. Don't worry, she won't keep you waiting.
  • If the church is empty and its doors are closed, the dream book says that at the moment you should rely on your own strength. You can easily cope with any problem.
  • But as soon as you light candles in a dream, the tone of the predictions changes. If you dream of burning candles, prosperity awaits you. It is believed that items church utensils dream of profit and good luck.
  • The desire to enter the temple is usually interpreted as a desire to cleanse oneself and repent of sins. You're on the threshold important decision. You can count on good luck and support from higher powers.

  • If you approach the altar in a dream, Miller’s dream book promises a valuable find and help from loved ones. Very good sign- Kneel before the altar. Such a dream means that a dream will come true, a long-planned dream will come true.
  • If you dream about a priest or a priest, it means that you will soon receive an award, recognition, or be recognized for your merits.
  • If you dream of confession, this means secret anxiety and a search for spiritual consolation. Perhaps the dreamer is worried about grievances or some unfinished business.
  • Seeing yourself in a dream as a priest is a warning, a warning about possible bankruptcy. You should avoid dubious transactions and large expenses.
  • A burning candle means ascending the steps of spiritual growth. If you dream of lit candles in front of an icon, it means you are ready to forgive and let go of old grievances. Moreover, readiness for change.
  • Light it yourself church candles- means dealing with your problems on your own.

Direct interpretations

Surprisingly, sometimes the answer to why the church is dreaming lies on the surface. If religious people have dreams with religious paraphernalia, this may mean internal discomfort due to the fact that they have not attended church for a long time. You need to immediately go to the temple, pray, put candles in front of the images and calm down.

Direct interpretations of dreams are good because they immediately offer simple solutions and motivate us to act.

  • If you dreamed about a priest, it means there is a lack of confidence in your own abilities. The solution is to find a mentor, listen to the advice of friends.
  • To dream of an abandoned church means mental discord, internal “ruin.” This means you need to work on yourself, find inner harmony.
  • To see a church with domes, icons, and candles in a dream - the dream book advises you to pick up the Holy Scriptures and engage in spiritual reading.

With all the diversity of interpretation of sacred dreams, all dream books agree that a church in a dream is a positive omen. Believe that your dream promises good changes and support from higher powers - and all this will definitely come true.

Why do you dream about church in your night dreams? Perhaps higher powers in such a dream are giving you an important sign that will change your destiny.

The church itself is dreamed of as a symbol of faith, spirituality, and purification. However, in order to find out exactly what the church is in a dream about, you need to remember the details, because they significantly influence the meaning of the dream.

For example, dreams could be like this:

  • In a pleasant dream you saw a very beautiful, brand new, elegant church.
  • You dreamed of an old, abandoned temple, a destroyed or dilapidated church.
  • You went inside.
  • You dream about a priest, a priest, and you talk to him.
  • You had to pray in a temple in a dream.
  • You light candles and look at the icons.
  • You are building or renovating a temple.

They saw it from the outside, but didn’t go inside.

1. If you had to see an ordinary church in your dreams, especially against the backdrop of a clear sky, this speaks of your spiritual insight, self-knowledge, and wisdom. Probably, the most important stage of life awaits you, during which you will clear your conscience, accumulate knowledge, and become wiser.

2. If the church you saw in your dreams was festively decorated, this promises you great fun, a holiday, a carefree and happy time.

3. Seeing a small wooden church means a change in circumstances. You may even have to change your place of residence or move. Or maybe such a dream simply promises a change of environment, social circle, interests.

4. If you are lucky enough to see in your dreams a very beautiful church, with shining domes, large, majestic, which takes your breath away, this is a symbol of safety.

Higher powers protect you, you have nothing to fear, you are invulnerable to enemies and all evil. Your conscience is now crystal clear, you are kind at heart, which means nothing threatens you.

5. And if you remember the church you dreamed of because it was very tall, this dream foreshadows you honor, recognition, and respect in society. You will be valued by the people around you, your loved ones, and your reputation will not be in danger.

6. Seeing domes shining in the sun in your night dreams is a powerful and very positive sign. It is a symbol of cultural flourishing, spiritual rebirth, a whole new milestone in life. New life awaits not only you personally, but also your family, those closest to you, your loved ones.

7. It is not difficult to guess that a burning church is a bad, alarming sign. A dark, unfavorable period of life probably awaits you, and only faith will help you cope with difficult circumstances and bring you closer to white stripe life.

8. If in your dreams an old, ruined church appears before you, this is also a warning sign. A destroyed church, especially with boarded up windows, means a rejection of wisdom and knowledge, a loss of faith, a dark period that can change your whole life for the worse. Try not to “break”, no matter what happens in your life - the consequences will be irreversible.

9. A small chapel also foretells some loss in your life. But yours internal forces will help you survive this period and not despair.

10. If you dream of the outlines of a church somewhere in the distance, Miller’s dream book advises interpreting such a vision as disappointment, doubt. Someone will not live up to your expectations - but perhaps you are asking too much of this person?

11. If the church in your dream is locked, this means that your loved one is closed, alienated, his soul does not accept you. Something is happening in him inner world, he is worried - show your participation, try to find an approach to him.

12. But to see an altar in a dream is a sign that your loved ones and people who love you will offer you help. Miller's dream book advises not to reject this help, not to push away a friendly hand, to accept support - then your life will become better, your problems will go away.

Enter the temple

1. If in a dream you enter a chapel, wait for news. However, neither Miller’s dream book nor other interpreters specify what the news will be - good or not. You can judge this by remembering the atmosphere of the dream and your mood.

2. If in your dream you enter a temple, this indicates a certain lack of freedom, the shackles of your mind, hidden fears.

However, if you entered and you felt good inside, next to you there is a priest, icons, candles, a pleasant light atmosphere, you feel calm - it means you will overcome your fears, your wisdom will help you find happiness.

3. If you enter a church, and it is gloomy, dark, there is no priest, there are no people, the candles are not burning - this symbolizes a dark, unclear future that has not yet been determined. It all depends on what choice you yourself intend to make in real life, what you will lean towards - towards the light or vice versa.

4. Remember what clothes you wore in your dreams. If you enter the temple in mourning, dark clothes, wait great joy or weddings. And if you are wearing white, there is a high probability of some kind of loss. Be careful.

5. If in your dreams you passed by a church, this means that in your real everyday life you are on the verge of making the wrong decision. Think again, you could be seriously wrong about something important.

6. Praying in a dream while looking at it is a good sign. Prayer is a symbol of hope and purification. In addition, if you are lucky enough to sincerely pray in a dream, this means that you will be supported, helped in need and difficulties, do not be afraid of any troubles in life.

7. If you happened to be at a church service in a dream, this is a sign that in your real life you can safely hope for the help and support of loved ones, friends and even higher powers. If in your dreams you experience despair and fear, know that you are not alone, they will always lend a hand to you, help you, and support you. You have nothing to fear.

8. If you dream at night about how you light it and place it in a temple, this is a symbol of renewal, purification, forgiveness. You will find the strength to forgive the offender, let go of the past, cleanse yourself and open up to something new, good, and bright.

9. If you come to church in a dream, and there is no crowd there, there are a lot of people, and there is a priest who is giving a sermon, this is a warning that you are close to a conflict situation. A quarrel is brewing in your environment, hidden complaints have accumulated. Be careful, try to resolve the situation peacefully - most often this is possible.

10. It’s very good if you dream of beautiful icons that you look at with reverence, pray, or simply stand in front of them. This means that your faith and fortitude will help you easily overcome any obstacles, needs, difficulties - you can handle everything yourself. However, removing an icon from the wall is a dangerous sign; it warns of the risk of leaving the right path.

11. As the dream book says, a church that you are renovating, painting, or even building in a dream is a magnificent sign. This means that you have to forget the old, let go of the unpleasant, difficult past and begin to build a happy future full of faith and light. Forward!

12. Father in a dream can carry different meanings. If you talk to him in your dreams, this promises you honor, recognition, merit, and high position in reality.

But if you yourself are a priest in your dream, this is a warning: beware of large financial expenses, you are in danger of losing money, bankruptcy. Be careful and attentive. Author: Vasilina Serova

1. Church- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Wonderful future; to be in it - in need you will find help and consolation; hear singing in it - your wishes will come true. Illuminated - a serious misfortune; destroyed - you will recognize the need; to pass by - to commit a careless act
2. Church- (Modern dream book)
A dream in which you see a church in the distance foreshadows disappointment from long-anticipated pleasures. Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means that in reality you will have to participate in a funeral. Gloomy prospects await you.
3. Church- (Miller's Dream Book)
Seeing a church in the distance in a dream means disappointment in events that have been anticipated for so long. Entering a church immersed in darkness is a sign that you will have to take part in a funeral. This also portends vague prospects and a long wait for better times.
4. Church- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Praying is happiness in all matters; enter - remorse; to see is good luck. Also see Priest, Monk, Temple.
5. Church- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The church symbolizes a woman or female genital organs. If a man goes to church, then he strives for sexual contact with the woman he loves. If he cannot get to church (perhaps something prevented this), then he doubts his sexual viability and seeks to avoid upcoming sexual contacts. If a woman goes to church, then she is prone to lesbian love. If she cannot get to church, then this indicates her coldness towards her partner or possible frigidity. If you admire the church, then this symbolizes the strength of your relationship with your sexual partner. A church under construction or restoration symbolizes your active sex life and harmonious relationship with your sexual partner. If a man dreams of a destroyed church, then this symbolizes his dissatisfaction with his sexual partner; he tries in every possible way to avoid sexual contact with her. If a woman dreams of a destroyed church, then she has too many sexual contacts with partners whom she does not take seriously; this may also indicate possible diseases genitals.
6. Church- (Esoteric dream book)
Wooden, small - for choosing a place or type of activity. Login to Ts. - you will do right choice, as you will soon see. To pass by - the decision you are currently leaning towards is not successful. Church altar - you are guaranteed help from your friends in finding a job, business, etc. Do not neglect it. See "Cathedral", "Temple".
7. Church- (Dream Book of Michel Nostradamus)
The church is a symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, and purity. Seeing a snow-white church with golden domes in a dream foreshadows the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity. A dream in which you saw a destroyed church means illness and moral suffering. If in a dream you are present at a church service, then in real life you will experience remorse. Building a church in a dream means your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely. Seeing a church entwined with a snake in a dream is a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil. If in a dream you saw a castle on a church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you. A dream in which you saw a church on fire foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.
8. Church- (Dream book of fortune teller Vanga)
The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance. Seeing yourself entering a church is a sign that in real life your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins. Being present at a church service in a dream means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you. The dream in which you saw an empty church with boarded up doors foreshadows life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness. In a dream, you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this dream means that in real life you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal. You enter a church during a service. It's very cramped because a large number of people gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant. To see in a dream how you are helping to restore an ancient church is a sign that in reality all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

Why did you dream about the Church (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

  • Entering a dark church means your plans will not come true.
  • Seeing burning candles in a church in a dream portends great luck; dreams will be able to come true.
  • Dreaming of a fire in a church means a decline in moral values, disappointment in God.
  • I dreamed of a church with gilded domes - a reward for the work done.
  • The church under construction symbolizes new stage in the dreamer's life, changes for the better.

Why did the Church dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Why do you dream about church? Most likely, the image is a reflection of the dreamer’s internal state, his spiritual development.

  • The beautiful decoration of the church, gilded candelabra, neat icons indicate harmony in the soul and orderliness of thoughts.
  • Why dream of an abandoned, empty church - the dream eloquently hints at internal disharmony, lack of faith in one’s own capabilities.
  • See the ruins of a church– in reality suffer from a deficiency vital energy. The dream also signals the need to understand yourself.
  • You dream of a burnt church if a person is very afraid of something. In fact, the fears are unfounded.

Why do you dream about the Church (Romantic dream book)

The decoration of the church appearance will help you understand why you have a dream with this image.

  • A building under construction means improving your sex life and improving relationships with your partner.
  • burning church may dream of family breakdown. You indulge your desires too much, not paying attention to the opinion of your other half.
  • For a man, going to church is a sign of his desire for intimacy with the woman he loves. If you still can't go to church– the problem lies in doubts about your sexual attractiveness.
  • Seeing an unfinished church means doubts about the correct choice of a partner.

We analyze the vision in which the Temple was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

The church building is architectural structure, in which people gather to perform special rituals that are very far from their natural essence and alien to their organic nature. The image of the church reflects a situation of pressure, control and violence on the part of the spiritual ego: submission to social rules, laws, norms. Moreover, this image means artificially preserved, protecting. a nourishing environment (the illusory world), and at the same time a negative, dictating, oppressive, limiting, programming, forcing one to act according to a rigid algorithm (computer mother).

Why does a woman dream about the Church (according to Natalya Stepanova’s dream book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, the need for spiritual cleansing and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you.
  • This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • You are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick - this means that in reality you will strive for spiritual revival and renewal.
  • I dreamed about a church in the distance means disappointment in long-awaited events.
  • Why dream of entering a church immersed in darkness - you will have to take part in a funeral. This may also portend vague prospects and a long wait for better times.

Why do you dream about the Church in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a white stone church with golden domes in a dream means the cultural dawn of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations.
  • Dreaming of a castle on a church is a bad sign.
  • I dreamed of a church in the distance, foretells disappointment in events.
  • Entering a church immersed in darkness in a dream means you will have to take part in a funeral.
  • Praying in church in a dream means you need support in your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Chapel (Vangi's Dream Book)

  • The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates despair, spiritual cleansing, and repentance.
  • To see yourself entering a church - in reality, your actions are dictated by personal egoism and unwillingness to take into account the people around you. This dream is a warning that it is time for you to change your life and repent of your sins.
  • To be present at a church service in a dream- means that in reality you can count on the love and respect of the people around you.
  • You saw an empty church with boarded up doors, foreshadowing life changes for the worse, melancholy and hopelessness.
  • In a dream you are standing in a destroyed church and trying to put a candle in a candlestick- this dream means that in reality you will contribute to spiritual rebirth and renewal.
  • To dream that you are entering a church during a service. It is very crowded, as a large number of people have gathered under its dome. People kneel and pray. You raise your head up and see, instead of a dome, a sky dotted with stars, among which a bright red moon floats. The closer this month gets, the stronger you feel fear, it seems that a little more, and it will fall from a height directly on the heads of praying people - this dream is a harbinger of a cruel, bloody religious conflict. Most likely, you will become a witness rather than a participant.
  • To see how you are helping to restore an ancient church - in reality, all old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to restore your previous relationship with a person close to you.

The meaning of the dream about the Church (according to Nostradamus)

  • Why do you dream of a church? - A symbol of cultural prosperity, spirituality, purity.
  • I dreamed of a snow-white church with golden domes- portends the cultural flourishing of the country, its moral and spiritual foundations, and universal unity.
  • You saw a destroyed building, which means illness and moral suffering.
  • If you are present at a church service, then in reality you will experience remorse.
  • Why do you dream of building a church in a dream?– your desire for knowledge will be rewarded handsomely.
  • In a dream you saw a church entwined with a snake - a bad sign. This is a threat to humanity, as all human values ​​will be destroyed by evil.
  • You saw a castle on the church - be careful! Your isolation and tendency to loneliness can alienate someone near and dear to you.
  • You saw the church on fire, foreshadows enmity between generations and the collapse of the universal world order.

The meaning of a dream about Icons (interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya)

  • Church, icons, cross - To suffering, patience, prison. But: if a person is in prison, then similar dreams foreshadow freedom.
  • However, if you have a dream, it means extinction, when the dreamer’s soul visits other world, then the church is simply a sign of sacred space. If an icon talks to the dreamer in a dream, then this is a dream-vision that does not foretell anything that the icon said.
  • If in a dream an icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, or blood, but says nothing, then this foreshadows suffering and serves as a blessing for long-suffering or repentance.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Church according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • To dream of a rural church means to find truthful friends.
  • To be in church - in times of need you will find help and consolation.
  • Hear singing in church– Your wishes will come true.
  • An illuminated church is a grave misfortune.
  • Why do you dream of a destroyed church - you will recognize the need.
  • Seeing the archbishop is an expectation of protection; talking to him is an expectation of a pleasant event.
  • Dreaming of a Bishop at a church service- Good news.
  • Seeing an Archimandrite - Seeing in a dream portends a surprise.
  • To be present at a church service means that you will soon be offered a promotion or a new, higher-paying job.
  • Church bells - Something pleasant awaits you.
  • Church utensils in the shop are for sale - you will receive a tempting offer that you should not refuse.