The name is given the meaning of the girl's name. The character and fate of Dana. Short name Dana

The name Dana has several variants of origin. So, according to one version, it is a form of the masculine Hebrew Daniel, the meaning of which can be translated as “God is my judge.” According to the second option, it has ancient Slavic roots and is interpreted as “gifted” or is the modern name of the names Denitsa, Danitsa, derived from the word “Dennitsa”, which means “morning star”. The next version says that the name Dana is short form female name Danuta, derived from the Lithuanian “daughter of heaven” or from the Latin “donata” - “given”, “given”. A number of scientists believe that it came from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: beryl, hyacinth
  • Color: blue, crimson
  • Plant: violet, basil
  • Animal: elephant, partridge
  • Favorable day: Thursday

Character traits

The characteristics of the name Dana are a description of an energetic, charismatic leader who knows how to captivate people. Perhaps the reason for this lies in her simple-minded, open and honest disposition, which is felt by those around her. But it should be remembered that this is far from an angel in the flesh; she is capable of immoral acts, trying to achieve the goals she has set for herself. Although such actions are rather the exception to the rule than the norm.

As a child, her leadership traits do not appear. A name for a girl like Dana is more typical of an obedient, quiet child who does not need excessive parental care and independently finds something to do. But with age, a woman’s temperament becomes more ebullient and active, stubbornness begins to appear in her, a desire to be useful and to engage in social, rather than personal, life. She still does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness, does not know how to mask her mood and emotions, and is an “open book” for her interlocutor.

The secret of the name hides a personality that is unable to mope for a long time, being in a bad mood. The only thing that can unsettle her is criticism, which Dana cannot stand. She tries not to let anyone command her and does not accept recommendations and advice, politely but firmly suppressing all attempts by others to do this. She is absolutely not characterized by greed and pettiness - the girl is ready to share with the whole world, but at the same time, in return, she expects the same generosity towards herself, being offended when this does not happen.

Among Dana's shortcomings, one can highlight her unceremoniousness and tactlessness, which she is able to show in communicating with her acquaintances and friends. This also includes obstinacy, the desire to prove one’s advantage over others and an unshakable confidence in one’s rightness, coupled with an unwillingness to admit mistakes and change anything in one’s behavior.

The summer representative of the name has a stronger character than her winter namesake. She has courage and amazing power spirit. Born in winter, she is distinguished by a soft, kind disposition and good intuition.

Interests and hobbies

“Team” activities, games, and competitions are not suitable for Dana. She is a solo player who wants to be the center of attention. Friendly with sports, loves good literature, music, art. She likes to attend opening days and exhibitions, theater premieres and parties, discos and nightclubs. Her hobby is to be among people, literally absorbing the energy of the crowd.

Profession and business

The girl named Dana is a strong professional in everything she doesn’t undertake. Shows enviable determination in achieving career heights. A highly developed sense of duty forces her to take on and complete the most complex projects, so she is rightfully considered an indispensable worker.

Pedagogy is a successful area for Dana; she is able to work well with children in kindergarten, and with students at school. She can work on television, choosing a career as a radio or TV presenter, becoming an excellent psychologist or pediatrician, as well as a social worker.


Despite the fact that Dana good health, she often got sick as a child. Sore throats, colds and runny nose can become her constant companions, so a baby with this name needs to be seriously hardened. In order to prevent scoliosis, to which she is prone, the girl should go swimming. With age, her immunity is noticeably strengthened, and diseases bypass the woman.

Sex and love

Dana brings her leadership character traits to the plane love relationship, not hesitating to take the first step towards the man she likes. Often he becomes the initiator of a breakup, because, without forgiving a dismissive and inattentive attitude towards himself, he may well allow more than one harshness in communicating with a loved one. Her desire to “crush” her partner leads to serious quarrels.

Being extremely jealous, she can start scandals out of the blue. This is extremely difficult for a man with a normal psyche to withstand, so the girl is often left alone.

Family and marriage

In the family, Dana is also the leader. He chooses as his husband a man who can agree to “second roles,” but deep down he dreams of a “prince on a white horse” - handsome, smart, strong-willed, rich. Such an obvious discrepancy does not prevent her from sincerely loving her chosen one, becoming a devoted wife to him, and an excellent mother to her children. She is able to take care of the well-being of people close to her, sometimes even to the detriment of her own interests, and in difficult moments she is ready to take on the financial support of the family, taking on several jobs and part-time jobs. A woman named Dana loves to cook, keeps her house immaculately clean, and is distinguished by rare hospitality.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents try to focus not only on beautiful name, but also carries a deep meaning. To do this, they select a name based on its interpretation. What does the name Dana mean? What is the origin and history of the name Dana?

Meaning of the name Dana

Dana – received, given from above. This child is long-awaited and so beloved in the family that it brings pleasure and happiness to everyone. The zodiac signs that protect the girl are Pisces and Sagittarius.

They endow her with natural charm and deep intelligence. The planet that rules Dana's life is Neptune. The color that suits her best is blue. The stone that will protect her from troubles is lapis lazuli.

Origin and history of the name Dana

The name Dana has several versions of its origin. So, according to the first, the meaning of the name Dana is God is my judge. Based on this version, the name has Jewish roots. It comes from the male name Daniel.

What does the name Dana mean, according to the second version of origin? It means bestowed, given from above. The name is also considered a shortened form of the names Denitsa, Danitsa. These names meant morning star.

Historians claim that the ancient names used a form of the name Danuta. There is also a version of the Celtic origin of the name Dan. It comes from the name of the Goddess Dana. The goddess was a soothsayer and had enormous power over the Celts. Dana doesn’t celebrate her name day because church tradition there is no saint of the same name. The name is popular today in many countries around the world.

The character and fate of Dana

It is worth noting positive features Dana's character:

Strength of will;


Fast reaction;



The girl takes it very quickly important decisions and can in a matter of minutes resolve those issues that others considered unsolvable. Dana is very inquisitive, but she immediately begins to use all the knowledge she has acquired in everyday life.

TO negative traits The character of the girl should be attributed:


Mood swings;


Dana is so principled that she can defend her rightness even at the cost of relationships or friendship. She works tirelessly, so she is at risk of a nervous breakdown or nervous exhaustion. The name Dana corresponds to the number four in numerology. It characterizes a person prone to scientific activity and technical innovations.

She is always surrounded by friends and admirers. Her determination inspires many. But Dana does not consider herself unique in this. She just doesn't know how to do it any other way. As a child, Dana is very active, she constantly plays with her peers, inventing new entertainment for them and herself.

It is difficult for parents to cope with her changeable character. Dana always strives to be the first to know everything, so she is also the first to experience mistakes and disappointments. She often gets sick as a child, so she is very irritable and restless.

She very quickly expands her social circle and just as quickly breaks up with people from this circle. She has a subtle and always appropriate sense of humor. But not everyone wants to understand her jokes. Some consider her a superficial person who is simply trying to fill her own price. Dana does not pay attention to this attitude towards herself, because she always has her own personal opinion.

Dana is very hardworking. She takes on any job. She is also diligent in her studies, although she does not have great innate abilities. She tries more to comprehend the truth, to find out the truth, to draw the right conclusions, rather than to prove that she is smart.

It is difficult for her at school with her peers, at work with colleagues. Dana always sees several possible options developments, always tries to be on top. Dana really misses the support and care of her loved ones. She spends a lot of time helping the people around her.

Due to her combative nature, Dana quickly loses touch with her mother, who believes that a woman should be affectionate, should be the keeper of the hearth, and not conquer the world. But Dana tries in every possible way to prove to her mother that she is a worthy daughter. At the same time, she can flare up and allow herself too much.

Temper is Dana's main enemy. She suffers in many situations precisely because of her temper. If Dana chooses for herself creative profession- She will achieve incredible success.

Dana is successful in business, but spends money at lightning speed. Therefore, it is difficult to say that she will quickly accumulate significant capital. Dana tries harder to realize herself in career growth than in interpersonal relationships. She often yells at her subordinates and can be overly rude. It is difficult to work with her and this is one of the reasons why Dana is better off starting a personal business.

With age, Dana understands that the risk is not always justified and tries to rely on her strength and not be nervous about work. Dana is difficult to please, so she has only loyal and proven friends over the years whom she takes care of.

Dana's Love

Dana's character and destiny determine her success with men. She is ready to change for the sake of the relationship, to give in to her partner in many ways. But at the same time, it is overly demanding. Dana can start a relationship with a man and after that demand the impossible, impossible tasks from him. She can't get enough all the time.

Since Dana is successful, she chooses an ordinary man for herself. She does not like to associate her fate with older men. She is impressed by younger men who listen to her advice and fulfill her wishes. But Dana is not grateful, she does not know how to appreciate someone else’s love and attention, so very quickly the bright union turns into an unbearable routine.

Dana loves children, but she does not plan to stay at home and raise them for a long time. She has great amount plans for self-realization, she does not consider it necessary to devote her life to her children and husband. Despite her complex character, Dana is very understanding and affectionate. She is generous. There is a lot of love and light in her heart. It’s just that Dana is more successful than many of her peers and therefore is not always understood by them. Dana herself does not consider it necessary to change anything about herself.

The name Dana means “bestowed”, “given”, “God is my judge”, “morning star”.

Origin of the name

There are two versions of the origin of the name Dana. According to one version, this name is the feminine form of the Jewish male name Daniel. On the other hand, the name is Dana Slavic origin and literally translated means “given”.

Characteristics of the name


The name Dana is ideal for girls born under the following zodiac signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Aquarius.

Raising little Dana is not an easy task. She is a very sick child, and is also susceptible to frequent injuries, which affects her character: The girl grows up capricious, stubborn and irritable. The girl always considers herself right in everything and cannot tolerate any criticism addressed to her. In the company of her peers, she tries to be a leader. Dana easily gets along with people, but just as easily breaks up with them. He likes to be friends with boys more than with girls. If she doesn't like a person, she can be harsh and rude when talking to him.


With age, her complex character hardly changes. She loves to be the center of attention and gets very upset if she is not. At the same time, she herself may not notice the people around her.

Has a dual nature. On the one hand, she is brave, rude, somewhat eccentric, and on the other hand, she is sweet, sensual and simple. But she only allows few people to see her tender appearance.


Dana chooses a profession in which she can lead or independently decide what to do. She has well-developed intuition and is well versed in psychology. These qualities help her climb up the career ladder. She can even take the “chair” of her boss, although she does not particularly strive for this, since she cannot be called ambitious.

Personal life

It takes a long time to choose a life partner. But, unfortunately, she is rarely happy in marriage. This is due to her desire to dominate the family. Besides, Dana is too jealous. She does not want to share her husband with his work or with his friends. At the same time, Dana is caring and loving wife and mother. She is devoted to her family and tries to protect them from all problems.

Name compatibility

Dana will have a successful marriage with men whose names are Sergey, Peter, Pavel, Ilya, Efim, Gleb, Vladimir, Andrey.

The best compatibility with the patronymic is Sergeevna, Dmitrievna, Alekseevna, Aleksandrovna, Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Yuryevna.

Name day

Dana doesn't have a name day.

Famous people

Famous women with the name Dana:

  • Brozhkova (world champion in orienteering);
  • Wells Delaney (producer, TV presenter, actress);
  • Zatopkova (athlete, Olympic champion);
  • Borisova (TV presenter);
  • Ivy, Fewkes, Plateau (actresses);
  • Houghton (actress, singer, model);
  • Scallon (singer);
  • Reeve (singer, actress, TV presenter, producer);
  • Reizniece-Ozola (chess player, politician);
  • Dawson (singer, actress);
  • Vavrova (actress, screenwriter, director, producer);
  • Agisheva (film actress);
  • Glover (songwriter, singer).

What does the name Dana mean?: given, received (the name Dana is of Hebrew origin).

The name Dana has several possible origins. So, according to the first version, the meaning of the name Dan is “God is my judge.” This is a Hebrew name, derived from the male name Daniel. The second version says that Dana means “given” or “given”, if we take into account the literal translation. Also, the name Dana is a shortened form of the names Danitsa and Denitsa, meaning “morning star”. In Serbia and Bulgaria, the name Dana means the planet Venus. In addition, historians say that earlier the name Danuta was used instead of Dana. It was especially widespread in Belarus and Poland; translated from Latin it means “given, bestowed” or from Lithuanian – “daughter of heaven”.

Another version indicates that the name Dana was popular in Ireland, where the Celtic goddess Dana was revered, considering her the ancestor of the tribe of the same name. According to legend, the Danu tribe, after losing the war with the sons of Mil, went to live in the underworld and over time turned into goblins, fairies, and elves. So, Dana herself became their patroness. You can often find the interpretation of the name Dana as Dana.

Zodiac named Dan: Sagittarius, Pisces.

Dan's Angel Day: not celebrated because Dan's name does not appear on the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name Dana

Positive traits of the name Dana: Danuta’s heightened intuition, strong will, and curiosity are manifested in the concrete embodiment of ideas. In a society of peers, Danuta tries to take a leading position. She has a quick reaction to events, turning them to her advantage. At the same time, she maintains openness and warmth, and a subtle sense of humor.

Negative traits of the name Dana: A penchant for risk and dependence on mood cause many conflicts when communicating with Danuta. When she gets pissed off, she becomes dangerous. Danuta does not spare himself in his work, which is why more than once in his life he finds himself on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Personality of the name Dana: What does the name Dana mean? The meaning of the name Dana is determined in numerology by the number 4, which indicates a person with abilities in science and technology. It also symbolizes stability, reliability, and honesty. Dana, as a rule, has many friends; in life she seeks recognition of her merits and talents. It is also very useful in extreme situations, since it quickly reacts to various events or phenomena, and it is at this moment the best way all the traits of her character are revealed.

The meaning of the name Dana often depends on the time of year in which her birthday falls. For example, if Dana was born in winter, then she will be stubborn and determined and will not allow herself to be offended. She is very amorous, but it takes a long time to choose a husband. Although, if we take into account that under the influence of feelings Dana is capable of rash actions, then her marriage may not last long. Danes born in the autumn period are more calculating and pragmatic. This helps them in building a career. A girl with this name likes noisy companies, but at the same time she practically does not drink strong alcohol.

Dana and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of the name with Artem, Vilen, Vladislav, Vladlen, Izyaslav, Martin, Sumorok, Cheslav is favorable. Difficult relationships name probably with Abram, Alfred, Vavila, German, Parfen.

Love and marriage: Danuta is ready to give in in many ways, while maintaining her inner independence.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As for choosing a profession, Dana often becomes an economist or accountant, programmer, music teacher, cook, or hairdresser.

Danuta has a deep mind, occupied with extensive plans. She is able to convince her interlocutor that she is right, she knows how to make an impression, and her lively, rich imagination and artistry help Danuta achieve success in the field of creativity. She is capable of the most painstaking work, and if she were tasked with untying the “Gordian Knot”, she would cope with the task. Danuta can also try herself in organizational work, politics, business, and entrepreneurship.

Business and career: Danuta knows how to make money, although she often takes unnecessary risks. Basically, luck and success accompany her, but she tends to spend the money she earns completely unexpectedly.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Dana: Danuta’s health depends on her ability to self-control. There may be periods of imbalance, depression, heart disease and digestive tract disease. Stimulants, drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

As a child, Dana was in poor health. As a rule, she often gets sick, especially with colds. Naturally, illnesses affect nervous system named Danv, and she becomes overly irritable on many occasions. She is also known to be a very mischievous child and causes a lot of trouble for her own parents. Dana gets along with people easily and just as easily breaks up with them if she loses interest in them. The company loves her, again, for her sociability and sense of humor. Although it is worth saying that sometimes the latter borders on sarcasm, which is why Dana can accidentally offend a person.

Dana's fate in history

What does the name Dana mean for male destiny?

  1. Dana Brozkova is a Czech Olympic champion in orienteering, who won in 2008 gold medal on long distance. He plays for Scandinavian clubs.
  2. Dana Burke - known as Donna Burke. She is a private entrepreneur, announcer and singer. I have been studying vocals since I was 10 years old. Today he performs songs at concerts of rock, jazz, classical, folk music. In addition, her voice is known on the Tokaido Line in Japan, where it is heard during station announcements on shinkansen ( high speed trains).
  3. Dana International is an Israeli transsexual singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998 with her song "Diva".
  4. Dana Borisova is a Russian TV presenter.

The female name Dana can be heard today in many European countries, which is not surprising. It sounds great on different languages, has good significance and gives the named girl good compatibility with most male name forms...

History and origin of the name

The topic of the meaning and origin of the name Dan has not been touched upon by researchers for a long time, because it was found out a long time ago where it came from and where the source of its formation is. And there is only one version - it says about belonging to the Slavic culture...

It turns out that the source of this name form is located precisely in the Slavic cult. Translated from its language, it means “given” or “given.” It is believed that the primary sources are such names for newborn girls as Denitsa and Danitsa. Meanwhile, in Belarus it sounds differently, and is found in the form of Danut.

Another, but unofficial, opinion supposedly belongs to the Irish and appeared among them first, but it is not confirmed by official sources, and therefore is not taken into account in the process of interpretation as such. But it is known for sure that it promises the character of the named many interesting and important characteristics.

Meaning of the name Dana

It's clean Slavic name, its translation speaks of “given” or “given,” apparently, by God. The question of the meaning of the name Dana, in contrast to its origin, conceals much more information, but specialists had to spend quite a lot of time solving it. Thus, it has now become known that in one hundred percent of cases it bestows such traits as prudence, mental thinking, a penchant for analysis and calmness.

IN early age is obedient and kind child, pleasing parents and respecting their opinion in everything, no matter what the matter concerns. He doesn’t contradict dad and especially mom, listens in everything, doesn’t play around, doesn’t show signs of rowdy behavior, and isn’t a leader by nature. She behaves exemplary, well-mannered and balanced, reasonable, responsible and loves spending time with her family. It is more pleasant for her to help her mother around the house and manage things than to play around with her peers. She is not capricious and does not throw tantrums out of nowhere and for no reason - other parents often set her up as an example for their children, but she herself perceives this negatively and considers herself an unworthy example. He develops quickly, just as he learns to read, easily copes with all new tasks and loves to improve his skills. But with age, everything changes, and already in adolescence, this name can give a girl other qualities...

Despite her apparent softness and touchiness, in her heart she only dreams of gaining strength and changing herself. Talented and smart, has a developed imagination and a craving for creativity, knows how to compose and invent her own stories, and at school in Russian language and literature she is always the best among her classmates, but she is too receptive. Any criticism or harsh statement towards her works can “send” her into depression - because of this, she is embarrassed to show her works to her classmates. But with the right influence of the season, she can later become stronger, stronger and tougher - then she will no longer care about criticism...

There is a strong inclination towards psychology - she loves to help people with the power of speech and words, she is an attentive listener and adviser, she will always delve into the problem of a complaining person and help in any way she can. She likes to help, but does not like it when her help is criticized - any bad statement can make her angry.

Later, as an adult, she will turn into a strong personality with such self-sufficiency and self-confidence that one can envy. Then she won’t give a damn about criticism and any assessments of her deeds. An adult woman, Dana, is strong in psychologically a lady who cannot be broken, either morally or mentally. At the same time, she is sociable and gets along easily even with those she clearly doesn’t like. Although she does not want to spend time in the company of friends and acquaintances, she prefers quiet time spent in the circle of her parents.