The lieutenant refers to whom. What officer ranks are accepted in the modern Russian army

Shoulder straps and ranks in the Russian army were created in order to clearly delineate responsibilities between military personnel. The higher the status, the more responsibility is assigned to the soldier to whom the rank is assigned. Shoulder straps play an identifying role, that is, they create a visual image of a military man, namely, what position he holds, as well as his military rank.

Shoulder straps and ranks in the army play a very important role, and different troops have different ones external characteristics, as well as names. The reason here is that each type of military has its own characteristics. For comparison, let's go over the land and sea shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian army.

Shoulder straps and ranks in the ground forces of the Russian Army

Respect for subordination and knowledge of one's function in the general formation are the basis of military discipline. This is also talked about to ordinary soldiers who are just beginning to get acquainted with military service in practice. In the ground forces, military personnel are divided by composition.

The following military personnel are included in the conscript and contact personnel:

  1. Private. This is the lowest rank of a military man, from which all conscripts begin their military career. This rank can be considered higher, perhaps, than a cadet, since the second only theoretically studies all the basics of military art, and a private is already tested in practice. A private's shoulder straps are clean, that is, they do not have any identification marks (as the conscripts themselves say, “clean shoulder straps mean a clear conscience”).
  2. Corporal. As a rule, the most distinguished privates can subsequently be promoted to . It is received by the best or senior rank and file, that is, obvious leaders in their environment. The corporal's RF shoulder straps already take on one thin stripe as a distinctive sign. It is this symbol that gives other military personnel an idea of ​​the role of this soldier in the overall military structure. If the commander is absent for some reason, he is replaced by a corporal.

After the fundamental ranks come sergeants and foremen. Further, they follow the order of the hierarchy of shoulder straps and military ranks:

  1. Junior Sergeant. This rank is an intermediate step between corporal and sergeant major. As a rule, promotion in rank signifies acceptance new position. upon receiving his new rank, he is appointed commander of a squad, or a tank or vehicle. Another narrow strip is added to the shoulder straps of the Russian junior sergeant. This rank can also be obtained in exceptional cases, if a soldier is sent to the reserves and at the time of dispatch he held the rank of corporal. However, this corporal must distinguish himself by merit and be one of the best.
  2. Sergeant. This is the next level to which a soldier moves after surpassing the rank of junior sergeant. Upon receipt of this title, the shoulder straps are supplemented with another narrow stripe. By this time the soldier has three of them. Another designation is “non-commissioned officer”, and in many countries, especially Germany, where this term comes from, it sounds the same.
  3. Senior Sergeant. A soldier awarded this title receives one wide one instead of three narrow stripes on the shoulder straps of the Russian army. occupies an intermediate level between sergeant major and sergeant.
  4. Sergeant major. If before this rank the identifying lines were located across the shoulder strap, then the wide line already runs along the shoulder strap. Among the military personnel of its composition, this rank is the most senior. As a rule, foremen are also officials and command an entire company. In relation to sergeants and soldiers who stand at the very first steps of military ranks, he is a commander. In his job responsibilities includes monitoring the observance of discipline among subordinates, telling juniors what to do in a given situation, and ensuring that all subordinates fulfill their duties.

After this, the composition of the ranks of the RF Armed Forces goes into the category of warrant officers:

  1. Ensign. Military shoulder straps for this rank slightly change their appearance, since instead of stripes, starting with ensign, stars are used. The ensign has them small and has two pieces. This is a different level of military service, and accordingly, the requirements are becoming more stringent in relation to the serviceman who has been awarded this rank.
  2. Senior warrant officer. It is also an intermediate link between warrant officer and officer ranks. Another small star is added to the shoulder straps. Just like on the shoulder straps of an ensign, there are red lines along both sides. This rank of military personnel is used not only in the territory Russian Federation, but also in many other states.

The officer corps comes immediately after the corps of warrant officers, it includes the following ranks of military personnel:

  1. Junior lieutenant. The first level of junior officers. Appearance The shoulder strap also changes, as two longitudinal stripes are replaced by one, which runs from one edge to the other in the middle of the shoulder strap. When a serviceman is promoted to the rank of junior lieutenant, three small stars are replaced by one larger one. The star is located clearly on the red line. This title is used in the security forces of our country, as well as in the military hierarchy abroad.
  2. Lieutenant. This title is used not only in the army, but also in such structures of our state as, for example, the police. He is the middle rank between a junior lieutenant and a senior lieutenant. On the shoulder straps, instead of one medium-sized star, there are two. However, not along the red line, but along its sides.
  3. Senior Lieutenant. A third medium-sized star is added to the shoulder straps, which is located just above the two side ones, on the red center line. This military rank also applies to junior officers and is used both in law enforcement agencies and the armed forces both in our country and on the territory of foreign countries.
  4. Captain. On the captain's shoulder straps, another, fourth star of medium size is added, which is located just above the third and also on the red center line. This rank is available both in the ground forces of our country and in navy. Initially, captains were the name given to the heads of military maritime districts, and later it acquired a modern meaning.

  1. Major. The rank has one star, an order of magnitude more than the stars of a captain or lieutenant. The shoulder strap has two longitudinal red stripes. This rank is the first step in the senior officer ranks.
  2. Lieutenant colonel. The shoulder straps have two stars located on two red lines. It is the middle step between major and colonel. Used in the national army, as well as in law enforcement agencies of many European countries, as well as Russia.
  3. Colonel. A third star is added to the shoulder straps, located slightly above the other two. This level is the final one in the senior officer corps. The name comes from the ancient concept of “regiment”, that is, the leader of this very regiment. The rank is used in the armed forces of our country, as well as in law enforcement agencies. The title exists not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The senior officers of our country are represented by generals, who also have their own internal military gradation:

  1. Major General. This rank is the first step in the so-called elite of our military hierarchy. The shoulder straps at this stage are crowned with large stars; this title has one such star. The red line now outlines the entire shoulder strap.
  2. Lieutenant General. A serviceman of this rank is awarded two large stars on his shoulder straps. Although a major is superior to a lieutenant, a lieutenant general will be superior to a major general in the highest system of military service.
  3. Colonel General. Has three large stars on shoulder straps, located in a row. Represents the middle rank between a lieutenant general and an army general.
  4. Army General. A soldier of this rank has four major stars. In the USA or Ukraine it is the highest military rank. However, in countries where there are ranks such as field marshal or marshal, it ranks second in seniority.
  5. Marshal of the Russian Federation. The highest military rank in our country. On the shoulder straps there is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation and a star in a range of two colors - gold and silver. This title was established in 1993 by a corresponding resolution.

Military ranks and shoulder straps in the Russian naval forces

The obligations and status in the naval forces are similar to those used in the land forces, but the designations for sailors are different.

Junior ranks:

  • foreman 2 articles;
  • foreman 1st article;
  • chief petty officer;
  • chief petty officer;
  • midshipman;
  • senior midshipman.

The gradation of ranks in the naval forces is as follows (starting with junior officer ranks):

  1. Junior lieutenant, there is one lane in the clearing.
  2. The lieutenant has two stars on either side of the red line.
  3. Senior lieutenant, has three stars on his shoulder straps.
  4. Lieutenant-Captain, there are four stars in the gaps.

Average officer naval ranks are divided as follows:

  1. Captain (3rd rank), mid-level epaulets already have two gaps, and the stars are larger in size. For this rank, the star is located between the red stripes.
  2. Captain (2nd rank), two stars located directly on the gaps.
  3. Captain (1st rank), three stars, two on the stripes, one between them.

The composition of the highest category is characterized by the following titles:

  1. Rear Admiral. Shoulder straps of this rank do not have gaps; stars are immediately embroidered on them. The size of the star increases again. Military personnel of this rank wear one star.
  2. Vice Admiral. There are two stars on the shoulder straps.
  3. Admiral. Military personnel of this rank wear three stars on their shoulder straps.
  4. Admiral of the Fleet. A serviceman awarded this rank, which is the highest in the navy, wears one large star on his shoulder straps, which is 4 cm in diameter.

In any case, a soldier must pass the test of time before he can perform the duties of the highest ranks.

Military ranks

Comparison of military ranks

Each army has its own system of military ranks. Moreover, rank systems are not something frozen, established once and for all. Some titles are abolished, others are introduced.

Those who are at all seriously interested in the art of war and science need to know not only the entire system of military ranks of a particular army, but also to know how the ranks of different armies correlate, what ranks of one army correspond to the ranks of another army. There is a lot of confusion, errors, and simply absurdities in the existing literature on these issues. Meanwhile, it is very difficult to compare ranks not only between different armies, but often also between different armed formations within the same country. If we take, for example, Germany in 1935-45, it is difficult to compare the ranks of the Ground Forces, Luftwaffe and SS troops.

Many authors approach this issue very simply. For example, they take a table of ranks for army A and a table of ranks for army B, look for ranks in both tables that sound the same and, ready to go, there is a comparative table. Typically, such points of comparison are the ranks “private”, “major” (a very convenient rank - it is written and read almost the same in many languages) and “major general” (this rank in almost all armies is the first among the general ranks). Moreover, from lieutenant to colonel, the number of ranks in most armies is the same.

But let's try to compose comparison table ranks of the Red Army and Wehrmacht. Let's not pay attention to the fact that in the German army there is no rank of "private". In any case, he is a soldier. So, the Red Army is a Red Army soldier, the Wehrmacht is a soldier. But then we stumble. In the Red Army - corporal, In the Wehrmacht - oversoldat, In the Red Army junior sergeant, in the Wehrmacht - corporal, in the Red Army sergeant, in the Wehrmacht - overfreiter, in the Red Army senior sergeant, in the Wehrmacht - staff sergeant, in the Red Army - sergeant major, in the Wehrmacht - non-commissioned officer, in Red Army junior lieutenant, in the Wehrmacht - non-commissioned officer. Stop! It won't work that way. How then can we compare further if both the Red Army and the Wehrmacht have the rank of lieutenant. Yes, here the Luftwaffe throws up a problem: there is the rank of Hauptefreiter. Yes, it turns out that in the SS troops there are not three corporals, but only two (navigator and rotenführer).

If we look at the US Army, it is difficult to compare here either. For example, in the Marine Corps there is a rank below private - recruit, and between colonel and major general wedge the rank of brigadier general. And with whom in the American army can a marshal of armored forces be compared, if they have the highest rank of general of the army?

You can, of course, do as Messrs. Yegers E.V. and Tereshchenko D.G. did. in the book "SA Soldiers" publishing house "Tornado" 1997. I can’t resist and give this example of a crazy comparison of titles:

Titles of SA members
SA Sturmann private
S.A. Obersturmann senior soldier
S.A. Rottenfuehrer lance corporal
SA Shariuehrer corporal
S.A. Oberscharfuehrer sergeant
S.A. Truppfuehrer staff sergeant
SA Obertruppfuehrer senior sergeant
SA Haupttmppfuehrer ensign
SA Sturmfuehrer lieutenant
SA Obersturmftiehrer Oberleutnant
SA Sturmhauptfuehrer captain
SA Stunnbannfuehrer major
SAObersturmbannfuehrer lieutenant colonel
SA Standartenfuehrer Colonel
S.A. Oberfuehrer no match
SA Brigadefuehrer brigadier general
SA Gruppenfuehrer major general
SA Obergmppenfuehre Colonel General
SA Stabschef chief of staff

Curious, with which army do the authors compare the ranks of SA members? Or is this a free translation into Russian of German titles? Well, then it is necessary to translate brigadenführer not as brigadier general, but as brigade leader or brigade leader, and Standartenführer as leader of the standard.

I would like to propose introducing into use such a concept as “rank encoding”. If each rank has a code, then to compare ranks it is enough to look at the rank code of one army and find the same code in the table of ranks of another army. Everything will become clear then.

As a criterion for compiling a coding of titles, I proceed from the principle that titles are not titles, but are an abstract expression of very specific positions. Simply put, each military rank corresponds to a specific command position.

First, let's look at the hierarchy of military units, units, and formations.

The smallest unit with a full-time commander is department. That's what they call it in the infantry. In other branches of the military it corresponds to the gun crew (in artillery) and the crew (in tank forces).

Two to four branches make up platoon. Usually in all branches of the military this unit is called that way. Two to four platoons are company. Two to four (or more) mouths make up battalion. In artillery this is called division. Several battalions make up regiment. Several regiments make up division. Several divisions make up frame. Several buildings make up army(we will not go into detail about the fact that an army can consist of divisions, bypassing corps). Several armies make up district(front, army group). Thus, we get the following ladder:

- platoon
- company
- battalion
- regiment
- division
- frame
- army

Considering that in the US Army and some other armies, a squad in battle is usually divided into two groups (maneuver group and weapons group), and in many armies (including the Russian Army) there is often an intermediate unit “brigade” between a regiment and a division (the formation is larger and stronger than a regiment, but clearly smaller and weaker than a division) we will make amendments to our hierarchy. Then the ladder will look like this:

- department
- platoon
- company
- battalion
- regiment
- brigade
- division
- frame
- army
- district (front, army group).

Based on this hierarchy of units, we will try to create a hierarchy of military positions, immediately entering the code. Let's take into account the existence of a rank below private.

There is a rather strange category of military personnel, which I called “sub-officers”. In the Russian Army, these include warrant officers and senior warrant officers. It is difficult to explain what caused the emergence of this category of military personnel. Typically, warrant officers occupy the positions of warehouse chiefs, company foremen, rear platoon commanders, i.e. partly as non-commissioned officers, partly as officers. But a fact is a fact. Moreover, a number of armies have a similar category. In the US Army they are called "warrant officers", in the Romanian Army they are called "sub-officers". So:

Rank coding system (according to Veremeev)
Code Job title
0 Recruit, untrained soldier
1 Trained soldier (gunner, driver, machine gunner, etc.)
3 Squad leader
4 Deputy Platoon Leader
5 Foreman of company, battalion
6 Sub-officers (in the Russian Army warrant officers)
7 Platoon commander
8 Deputy company commander, separate platoon commander
9 Company commander
10 Deputy battalion commander
11 Battalion commander, deputy. regiment commander
12 Regiment commander, deputy. brigade commander, deputy com. divisions
13 Brigade commander
14 Division commander, deputy corps commander
15 Corps commander, deputy com. army
16 Army Commander, Deputy com. districts (army groups)
17 Commander of a district (front, army group)
18 Commander-in-Chief, Commander of the Armed Forces, honorary titles

Having such a coding, it is enough to pick up the staffing schedules of the units and subunits of the desired army and enter the codes by position. Then all ranks will be automatically distributed according to codes. Each position corresponds to certain titles.

You can add letters to digital codes if necessary. For example, let's take code 2. In the Russian army it will correspond to the rank of corporal. And in the Wehrmacht, since there are several corporal ranks, you can encode it like this:

2a - corporal,

Of course, not everyone has access to staffing schedules units, units and formations, especially foreign ones. For clarity, we present sample table correspondence of positions and ranks of the Russian Army:

Correspondence of positions and titles in Russian Army
Rank Job title
Private All newly drafted into the army, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver mechanic, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
Corporal There are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is assigned to highly qualified soldiers in lower positions.
Junior Sergeant, Sergeant Squad, tank, gun commander
Senior Sergeant Deputy Platoon Leader
Sergeant Major Company Sergeant Major
Warrant officer, senior warrant officer Material support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high qualifications. Can occupy lower officer positions if there is a shortage of officers
Junior Lieutenant Platoon commander. Usually this rank is awarded in conditions of acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer courses
Lieutenant, senior lieutenant Platoon commander, deputy company commander.
Captain Company commander, training platoon commander
Major Deputy battalion commander. Training company commander
Lieutenant colonel Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander
Colonel Regiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
Major General Division commander, deputy corps commander
Lieutenant General Corps commander, deputy army commander
Colonel General Army Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
Army General District (front) commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions
Marshal of the Russian Federation Honorary title given for special merits

Please note that this is an approximate correspondence of positions and titles. It should be borne in mind that a soldier holding this position cannot receive a rank higher than the corresponding one. But it can be lower. Thus, a division commander cannot receive the rank of lieutenant general, but a division commander can be a colonel. Usually a colonel is appointed to the position of division commander, and when they are convinced that he can cope with the position, they are awarded the rank of major general. It should also be borne in mind that under certain conditions (small number of units, insignificance of the tasks performed) for a particular position the corresponding rank may be set higher or lower than usual. For example, for the position of a company commander, the rank of captain is established, but if the company is a training company, then the company commander may be a major; the position of the division commander is that of a general, but if the division is reduced in strength, then his position will be that of a colonel.

Strict correspondence between rank and position is established only in the US Army. There, simultaneously with appointment to a position, a corresponding title is temporarily assigned. For example, a sergeant in a combat situation was appointed company commander and is immediately given the temporary rank of captain, and when he is returned to his previous position, he again becomes a sergeant.

In a similar way, you can set the encoding of naval ranks:

Naval rank coding system (according to Kramnik)
Code Job title
0 Untrained sailor
1 Sailor specialist. (motor operator, helmsman-signalman, radio technician, etc.)
2 Group commander, assistant squad leader
3 Squad leader
4 Deputy platoon commander (combat post), boatswain on a ship of 4th rank
5 Foreman of a combat unit (company) on a ship of rank 2-1, boatswain on a ship of rank 3-2
6 Commander of a combat post (platoon) (in wartime), chief boatswain on a ship of rank 2-1
7 Combat post (platoon) commander
8 Deputy commander of a combat unit (company) on a ship of rank 2-1, senior assistant commander of a ship of rank 4
9 Commander of a combat unit (company) on a ship of rank 2 or higher, commander of a ship of rank 4, senior assistant commander of a ship of rank 3
10 Commander of a 3rd rank ship, senior assistant commander of a 2nd rank ship
11 Commander of a ship of 2nd rank, senior assistant commander of a ship of 1st rank, commander of a detachment of ships of 4th rank
12 Commander of a ship of 1st rank, commander of a detachment of ships of 3rd rank, deputy commander of a brigade of ships of 2-1st rank
13 Brigade commander of ships of rank 2-1, deputy squadron (division) commander
14 Squadron (division) commander, deputy commander of a flotilla, operational squadron (army)
15 Commander of a flotilla, operational squadron (army), deputy commander of a fleet
16 Fleet Commander, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy
17 Commander-in-Chief of the Navy

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, two types of ranks have been established for persons undergoing military service - military and naval. IN ancient Rus' The presence of insignia and certain military units formed on a permanent basis was completely excluded. The division of the then pitiful semblance of a standing army into separate formations took place in accordance with the number of soldiers who were in one or another formation. The principle was as follows: ten warriors - a unit called the “ten”, led by the “ten”. Then everything is in the same spirit.

The history of the emergence of military ranks in Russia

Under Ivan the Terrible, and later under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, this system underwent some changes: Streltsy hundreds appeared, and military ranks appeared in them. At that time, the hierarchy of ranks was the following list:

  • Sagittarius
  • foreman
  • Pentecostal
  • centurion
  • head

Of course, between all the above ranks and the ranks that currently exist, the following analogy can be drawn: a foreman is a warrior, in our time performing the duties of a sergeant, or a foreman, a pentecostal is a lieutenant, and a centurion, respectively, is a captain.

After some time, already during the reign of Peter the Great, the hierarchical system of ranks was again transformed to the following:

  • soldier
  • corporal
  • ensign
  • lieutenant, called lieutenant
  • captain (captain)
  • quartermaster
  • major
  • lieutenant colonel
  • Colonel

The year 1654 became outstanding in the history of the formation of military ranks in Russia. It was then that for the first time in the history of Russia the rank of general was awarded. Its first owner was Alexander Ulyanovich Leslie, the leader of the operation to capture and liberate Smolensk.

Categories of military ranks in the Russian Army

One of the largest political events of the 20th century that occurred in Russia, namely October Revolution 1917 became the last stage on the way to the formation of an established system of military ranks, which has not undergone any changes for a whole century.

Military ranks

  1. Private. One of the first, considered the lowest military rank armed forces RF.
  2. Corporal. A rank that is awarded to military personnel who are part of the armed forces of the Russian Federation for any military distinction.
  1. Major.
  2. Lieutenant colonel.
  3. Colonel.

Ship ranks

Ship ranks can simply be listed in order of seniority (from lowest to highest) due to their full correspondence with the land equivalent:

  1. Sailor, senior sailor.
  2. Foreman of the 2nd (second) article, foreman of the 1st (first) article, chief foreman, chief foreman - representatives of a group of military personnel classified as sergeants and foremen.

  3. Midshipman, senior midshipman - military personnel of the group of warrant officers and midshipmen.
  4. Junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain-lieutenant - a group of military personnel representing junior officers.

  5. Captain 3 (third) rank, captain 2 (second) rank, captain 1 (first) rank - representatives of senior officers.

  6. Rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, and fleet admiral are representatives of senior officers, respectively.

As with military ranks, the highest military rank for the navy is Marshal of the Russian Federation.

What is quite noteworthy is that naval and military military ranks are also assigned to the following formations: security forces Russian Federation - Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc., as well as water border formations that ensure security near coastal borders.

Colors and types of shoulder straps

Now let's turn to the shoulder straps. With them, unlike ranks, things are somewhat more complicated.

Shoulder straps are usually distinguished according to the following series of criteria:

  • the color of the shoulder strap itself (different depending on the military structure);
  • the order of arrangement of distinctive signs on shoulder straps (also depending on a particular military structure);
  • the color of the decals themselves on the shoulder straps (similar to the points above).

There is another important criterion - the form of clothing. Accordingly, the army does not have the widest selection of clothing, which is allowed according to the regulations. More precisely, there are only three of them: everyday uniform, field uniform and dress uniform.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Let's start with a description of the everyday uniform and the shoulder straps that come with it:

The everyday uniform of non-officers includes shoulder straps with two narrow stripes along the edges of the longitudinal part. Such shoulder straps can be seen on the shoulders of privates, non-commissioned officers, and warrant officers. All these images are presented above in the sections of military and ship ranks.

Officer's shoulder straps

Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of officers are divided into three more subtypes:

  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of junior officers: have only one stripe running down the center along the shoulder strap itself.
  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of senior officers: they have two longitudinal stripes, also located in the center.
  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of senior officers: they differ sharply from each of the previous types in that they have a special fabric relief over the entire area of ​​the shoulder strap. The edges are framed by one narrow strip. A distinctive sign is also the stars that follow strictly in one row.
  • It is impossible not to include in a separate group the Marshal of the Russian Federation and the type of shoulder straps corresponding to his everyday uniform: they also have a special fabric relief, which was mentioned in the paragraph above, but are fundamentally different in color. If the shoulder straps in each of the previous paragraphs were a rectangle dark green, then these same ones are distinguished by their immediately striking golden color, which is quite consistent with the high-profile title of their bearer.

An interesting fact is that on February 22, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree that on the shoulder straps of army generals and admirals of the Russian Navy there will be one star with a diameter of 40 mm instead of 4 stars in one line as before. The corresponding image is presented above.

  • Non-officer field uniform: shoulder straps are a regular rectangle, camouflaged as a summer taiga with a transverse (or longitudinal) stripe.
  • Field uniform for junior officers: stars of relatively small size serve as a distinctive sign.
  • Field uniform of senior officers: major, lieutenant colonel have one and two large stars on their shoulder straps, respectively, colonel - three.
  • Field uniform of senior officers: all persons holding ranks in accordance with the previously announced composition have absolutely the same structure (dark green stars, strictly in a row), but shoulder straps different in the number of distinctive insignia. Just like in everyday uniforms, the General of the Army and the Marshal of the Russian Federation are distinguished by large stars

These features can be seen in more detail in the picture:

It was not long before military clothing became comfortable and practical. Initially, her beauty was valued more than the qualities mentioned a little earlier. Fortunately, when Alexandra III(third) came the understanding that rich uniforms are too expensive. It was then that practicality and convenience began to be considered the primary value.

In certain periods of time, the soldier's uniform resembled ordinary peasant attire. Even in the conditions of the already existing Red Army, little attention was paid to the fact that there was no uniform military uniform. The only distinctive sign of all soldiers was a red bandage on their sleeves and hats.

Even shoulder straps managed to be replaced for some time with ordinary triangles and squares, and only in 1943 were they returned as distinctive signs.

By the way, to this day, military personnel of the Russian Federation wear a uniform that was designed by the well-known fashion designer V. Yudashkin in 2010.

If you have read the entire article and are interested in testing your knowledge, then we suggest taking the test -

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in government and law enforcement agencies, there is a specially created system of military ranks and class ranks, ensuring the order of subordination and subordination in intrastructural relationships. Military ranks in the army and navy characterize the level of professional training, official position and degree of responsibility of a serviceman. Class rank determines the status of a government official, employee of the justice system, qualifies their competence, position and place on the career ladder. With the help of military ranks and ranks, you can get an idea of ​​the existing service hierarchy, who in the civil service is responsible for what and what powers are vested in them.

Military ranks for military personnel and class ranks

The army at all times has been a complex social mechanism, which is necessarily based on strict discipline, subordination and subordination. A person located inside this complex structure must, in accordance with his abilities, level of professional knowledge and training, occupy the place allocated to him. This situation has always existed, from ancient times and the Middle Ages to modern times. The modern armed forces of the Russian Federation are shining example how important the system of military ranks is for managing a huge mechanism.

It should be noted that with military ranks a certain order continues to be preserved, inherited by the Russian armed forces over the time of Peter I. As in the old days, this order implies the presence of a horizontal and vertical structure that determines the social position of a military man, his professional affiliation and competence . The order is as follows:

  • The horizontal structure is military and naval ranks, which are assigned to military personnel depending on their length of service and position;
  • Vertical structure - demonstrating a service hierarchy, i.e. who reports to whom in order of correspondence.

It is important to note that a similar principle applies to other government departments, organizations and services, ensuring the necessary controllability of the system civil service and the effectiveness of its work. An instrument for implementing the principle of subordination in in this case are military ranks and shoulder straps. Titles, classes and ranks are rather internal, psychological factors that determine the personal status of a soldier and official in military and civil service. Shoulder straps and other insignia allow you to approve this status at the social and everyday level, taking into account the existing hierarchy.

Military service presupposes a certain amount of official and power powers and outlines a range of rights and responsibilities. At each stage of a military career, a person in uniform occupies a specific post or position, which is distributed in conditions of strict subordination. For the armed forces, military ranks and positions are decisive in the chain of command. For civilian structures, the determining factor of subordination is the position held. Title, class or rank means the level of qualification of a civil service employee and is part of the information about the professional affiliation of the official and his experience.

Civilian public services, paramilitary institutions and law enforcement organizations in Russia are guided by a system of specialized knowledge. A system of special ranks has been introduced in the prosecutor's office and in the investigative bodies that are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Federal Customs Service, in the Federal Migration Service and in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The hierarchical table of ranks, which provides for the presence of special titles, ranks and classes, determines the employee’s place in the system, the scope of his administrative powers and the level of professionalism.

In addition to military ranks assigned in order to employees of paramilitary departments, in some civilian departments there is a class rank, which is determined by the work experience, professional skills and competence of the official. This mechanism simplifies the ranking of officials, identifying the most worthy personnel. Class rank also determines the size of civil servants’ salaries, differentiates the system of benefits, provision of material benefits and remuneration.

What are military ranks for military personnel?

The main difference between military ranks and the ranks and classes that exist in the hierarchy of the civil public service is the determination of subordination. Every person on military service, is awarded a military rank. This could be a conscript soldier or sailor, a civilian serving on a contract basis, or command staff.

In the army and navy, each serviceman has certain powers, responsibilities and rights, the range of which is to a greater extent determined by military rank. Shoulder straps and other insignia are carte blanche for a military man, indicating his powers, rights and responsibilities. The assignment of military ranks occurs from the moment a person’s social status changes and is associated with conscription for compulsory military service. The first military ranks - soldier or sailor - are assigned to a person from the moment he takes the military oath. Subsequent promotions are determined by length of service and level of professional training. For privates and sailors career ladder limited by service life. For officers, subsequent promotions are related to length of service, service compliance, experience and professional skills.

For persons who have chosen a military career and are undergoing training in the highest military educational institutions, is awarded the rank of cadet.

In accordance with the horizontal structure, the existing military ranks in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation clearly follow an ascending line. The military hierarchy presupposes the following subordination, from a lower rank to the highest officer rank, from privates to the officer class. The main contingent of any armed forces (Russia is no exception) is the rank and file and sailors who hold non-officer ranks. In this regard, the picture looks like this:

  • for the army it is a private, for the navy it is a sailor;
  • non-commissioned officers for the army, senior officers for the navy;
  • warrant officers for the army; for the navy this rank corresponds to midshipman.

All of the listed non-officer military ranks have their own insignia, which indicate a higher level, determined by length of service and position held. Promotion in rank is carried out by Order of the immediate superior in accordance with the Regulations on promotion military service. The same trend in rank and distinction continues among officer ranks, but this structure is more complex and hierarchical.

The assignment of the very first or next rank is within the competence of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation. You can receive another military rank based on length of service. This takes into account personal and professional qualities military man. In addition, the next rank is assigned to an officer only if the corresponding position is available. This may be the same unit or another military unit or ship where there is a vacant position.

Since 2016, amendments to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” come into force, which provide for re-certification for compliance with the new position before assigning the next military rank. Similar measures are being introduced in relation to officials and civil servants of other departments and structures.

Military officer ranks depend on the branch of service, however, in the table of ranks for all Russian armed forces, for the army and navy, a single trend for promotion remains.

The rank of lieutenants in the army corresponds to the ranks of lieutenants in the navy. Starting with the rank of captain, the division in the system of military ranks begins:

  • for the army, captain, for the navy, captain-lieutenant;
  • major in the army, captain 3rd rank in the navy;
  • a lieutenant colonel in the army corresponds to the rank of captain 2nd rank;
  • An army colonel is a captain of 1st rank in the navy.

In order for a captain to become a major, he must serve for four years with a creditable record. A major can only become a lieutenant colonel after four years, who only after five years of impeccable service has a chance to wear the shoulder straps and insignia of a colonel.

The ranks of generals in the army correspond to the ranks of admiral in the navy. So an army major general is equal in rank to a rear admiral. An army lieutenant general has a similar position in the navy - vice admiral. Colonel General and Army General correspond to the highest naval ranks, admiral and admiral of the Fleet.

To achieve high regalia and receive the highest military rank - Marshal of the Russian Federation, you need to go through the entire career ladder from beginning to end. This title is awarded only for great services to the Motherland. Persons who are applicants for promotion to the highest officer rank must not only have the required length of service, but also meet a non-service qualification. The only one in new history The Marshal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was and remains Igor Dmitrievich Sergeev - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in 1997-2001.

Procedure for deprivation of military rank

The assignment of a military rank is an integral procedure that is based on clearly established regulations and procedures. Traditionally, thousands of soldiers, sailors and officers receive new ranks in Russia every year. Persons passing conscript service, become soldiers, corporals and sergeants. After a certain time, sailors become foremen. Every year, graduates of higher military educational institutions wear lieutenant shoulder straps. Senior officers receive promotions based on length of service and in recognition of services to the army and navy.

Like conferment, deprivation of a military rank, deprivation of a special rank is also regulated by law. A military man, like a civilian, has his rights and obligations and bears the same degree of responsibility before the law. For committed unlawful acts, which fall under the articles of the Criminal Code, military personnel are brought to trial. Yes, you can only lose your military rank in the army and navy by a court decision!

This measure of influence is an additional, psychological factor to the main punishment. Deprivation of military ranks, achievements and merits in the military field can be used in exceptional cases when it comes to the commission of grave and especially grave crimes by a person liable for military service. The procedure for depriving a special title, class rank or honorary awards looks similar.

In conclusion

It should be noted that the system of military ranks, ranks, ranks and classes used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in other paramilitary departments and structures state power allows you to maintain the order of management and organization of the most complex government mechanisms. Subordination, clear subordination and service hierarchy are the three pillars on which modern army, navy and government structures rest.