What is etiquette and protocol? Business protocol and etiquette


Classes on Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00.
Duration: 4 weeks.

Price - 14,000 rubles.

Who is this course suitable for?

Personal assistants, executive assistants and executive secretaries

Employees of protocol services and departments

For specialists who work in the field of international cooperation

To all business people interested in raising their own and corporate status

Intensive course "Business protocol and etiquette"

BLOCK 1. Business protocol. Introductory course.

Day 1. Let's understand the conceptual apparatus. We study the structure of the protocol service.

1. The essence of the concepts “protocol”, “etiquette”, “ceremonial”;

2. Protocol: business, diplomatic, international, state;

3. History of the protocol;

4. Principles of protocol precedence;

5. Use of state and corporate symbols;

6. Protocol service: functions and structure of government and corporate services, international experience.

Day 2. Let's get acquainted with protocol events using the example of a visit of a foreign delegation. Let's learn the intricacies of the protocol.

7. Types of official and business visits;

8. Preparation of the visit program;

9. Meeting and accommodation of guests;

10. Negotiations, meetings, signing of documents: seating at the negotiating table, etiquette at the negotiating table, ceremonial signing of documents, press events;

11. Cultural program;

12. Official reception: types of receptions, dress codes, seating rules, rules of conduct and specifics of official receptions;

13. Intercultural communication in business communication.

BLOCK 2. Business and office etiquette. Detailed and to the point.

Day 1. We get acquainted with business and office etiquette. We learn how to properly communicate with partners and greet official guests.

1. The concept of “etiquette”. Types of etiquette. History of etiquette;

2. Distinctive features business etiquette and norms of conduct in the office;

3. Business meetings, conferences: preparation of the meeting room, behavior at meetings, coffee breaks and its features;

4. Guests in the office: organizing a reception, refreshments, guest etiquette and household life hacks for a personal assistant;

5. Speech etiquette and culture of non-verbal communication: introduction and introduction, postures and gestures;

6. Etiquette of distant communication: telephone conversation and business letter - mobile phone and email, instant messengers and social media, video conference and conference call;

7. Appearance business man: office style and corporate dress code.

Day 2. We learn to invite, congratulate and condole on paper. Let's get acquainted with dining etiquette at a business lunch and official reception.

8. Business cards: history of appearance, types of business cards, design requirements, use in business environment and as part of the image, innovative approaches - IT technologies for business cards;

9. Invitation: types of invitations, features of drafting, methods of distribution, rules for responding to an invitation - forms
acceptance and refusal;

10. Business greetings and gifts: forms, features and specifics (gift options, packaging features, delivery protocol,
national specifics, “magazine and database” of gifts, gifts to civil servants), protocol bouquet;

11. Condolences;

12. Travel etiquette. Business trip: etiquette of public transport (plane, train);

13. Business lunch - restaurant etiquette: choosing a meeting place, the art of Small Talk - choosing a topic for conversation at the table, paying the bill, table etiquette and typical mistakes.

Teacher and course author:

Tatiana Baranova

Expert, consultant on business protocol and etiquette, developer and teacher of her own training course, regular author of the monthly magazine "Secretary-Referent", presenter of the daily author's program "Good Manners" on Radio 7, speaker of the Personal Assistants Forum.

Member National Association protocol specialists.

IN different time She held the positions of business assistant, administrative director, chief of staff, head of a family office and others. She worked in the structure of Gazprom, took part in the preparation of the presidential election campaign, and worked under the supervision of a businessman from the top five of Forbes.

In addition to basic translation education, she received a Harzburg diploma from the Academy of Economics and Management, and underwent advanced training in the field of international business protocol and etiquette (MGIMO and Yes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation).

Practical knowledge and skills that the student will receive as a result of the intensive course

  • business communication skills and interaction with colleagues, clients and partners at the proper level, taking into account the rules of international etiquette;
  • Conducting work correspondence and telephone conversations in accordance with business etiquette;
  • skills in working with invitations, congratulations and condolences, taking into account all the subtleties (forms of refusal and time factor, features of a business gift, specifics of a protocol bouquet, and so on);
  • the ability to competently organize negotiations, meetings and conferences, taking into account protocol requirements, as well as knowledge of international business etiquette;
  • knowledge of the rules for using state and corporate symbols (on business cards, letterheads, company website, etc.);
  • ability to organize work with visitors, meeting and receiving guests at the proper level;
  • knowledge of the dress code required for official and informal communication;
  • an understanding of cross-cultural communications and the characteristics of international business communication;
  • organizing business lunches and official receptions (choosing the type of reception, seating guests in accordance with protocol seniority, preparing a business lunch, and so on);
  • ability to organize and conduct a high-level official visit (preparing a stay program, meeting and accommodating guests, the business part of the visit, and so on).

Cost of education

Price Intensive course (4 lessons) - 14,000 rubles.

How is the training going?

Choose a convenient format

Depending on your requirements, you can choose any convenient training format:

  • classes in the classroom in Moscow, Ordzhonikidze str., 10 (7 minutes from the metro),
  • join lessons ONLINE,
  • take our course remotely – recorded.

How are classes going?

The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

The course will be held on Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00 Moscow time.

The maximum number of students in a training class is 12 people.

If you don't have time to make it to the class, you can connect to it online and receive a recording of the webinar and presentation the next day.

Personal Area

A week before the start of training you will receive a login and password for personal account on our learning platform. In it you will have access to all the necessary information on the course: class schedule, links to webinars and video recordings of lessons, lecture presentations, additional materials.

What will each student receive?

Practical knowledge and skills in business protocol and etiquette

Certificate confirming completion of an intensive course at the School of Personal Assistants

Lecture Presentations: Review educational materials at any convenient time and refresh your knowledge

Knowledge and ability to follow business protocol and etiquette is one of the basic requirements for running a successful business. If the inability to behave in accordance with accepted standards in everyday life is fraught only with a dubious reputation, in business this can cause financial collapse.

From the article you will learn:

Business etiquette as the basis for the rules of business protocol

Read also:

  • We study the rules of etiquette: what to do if a visitor arrives at a meeting before the appointed time

Types of business protocol

What types of business protocol will be regulated by the company’s local regulations depend on the specifics of its activities and the types of business interactions carried out by its employees and management. The following processes are most often regulated:

procedures for business communication and interaction within the organization;

procedures for business communication and interaction with customers and partners;

dress code required for official and informal communication;

conducting business correspondence and telephone conversations;

public speaking and presentations by company employees;

organization of business receptions and other business protocol contacts;

negotiation process with partners and customers.


So, when it comes to the business protocol of receptions, the regulations should describe in detail the following issues:

  1. what types of techniques exist and how they differ from each other: their main characteristics, significance and content, as well as timing;
  2. the order of appearance at the reception for ordinary employees, line managers and senior management;
  3. the procedure for placing employees, managers and invited guests at the table;
  4. types of serving and servicing for each type of reception;
  5. business etiquette for organizers and invited guests;
  6. dress code for organizers and invited guests.

All types of business protocols used in a company, regardless of its type of activity, will have the same requirements for business communication, which is an integral part of any official procedure. The required components of business communication are described in the table below.

Mandatory requirement



Regardless of the gender, age and status of the interlocutor, you must always be extremely polite with him, even if his point of view is incorrect

Ability to listen and hear

A business conversation should always be conducted in the form of a dialogue, not a monologue. The interlocutor must clearly understand that his words are heard and his wishes are taken into account

Opening greeting

An important part of any communication, whether it is written or spoken. The interlocutor will be in to a greater extent is inclined to communicate if he is greeted in a letter or in person by calling him by name and patronymic

An important requirement for the content of a business conversation is brevity and logic in the presentation of the idea that needs to be conveyed to the interlocutor. In a conversation, it is necessary to use well-known, understandable words that exclude double interpretation. Special terminology may only be used in a professional environment where it will be understandable to everyone.

The final part of the conversation

At the end of a business conversation, you need to thank the interlocutor for their attention and meaningful conversation.

Protocol of business negotiations

Business meeting- this is something that a businessman has to do quite often. The success of the business depends on how successfully they are carried out. In many ways, the effectiveness of the negotiation process is determined by the extent to which its participants are able to comply with business protocol - the generally established rules of interaction and the procedure for conducting the negotiation process.

These rules and procedures can also be issued in the form of a memo or instructions. The protocol of business negotiations must regulate such issues as:

Reception and accommodation of representatives of other companies;

Preparation and conduct of negotiations;

Rules of business etiquette.

The receiving party develops a negotiation program, which should reflect all organizational issues from the moment of arrival and meeting of representatives of the other party to the moment of their departure. A specific person - a representative of the receiving party - must be responsible for the implementation of each item of this program.

The basic rule of the protocol of business negotiations is the correspondence of statuses and ranks, this applies both to the moment the delegation meets and to the direct conduct of the negotiation process. After the guests are accommodated, the head of the host should pay them a visit, make sure that they are satisfied with the reception and clarify the program of their stay.

When the delegation arrives for negotiations, it can be met either by an assistant or by the head of the company himself and lead the guests to the meeting room or to his office. The place of honor is offered to the head of the guest delegation, but the head of the host party takes his place first. For negotiations, the best option is a round or rectangular table, at the ends of which there will be places of honor for the heads of delegations. A round table promotes more ease and informality

In the protocol of business negotiations, it is necessary to take into account that direct sunlight should not fall on the negotiators - this is considered a sign of disrespect. Therefore, the windows in the office should be closed with blinds, especially if they overlook the courtyard or industrial site.

The seating arrangement of the negotiators can be done in the following order:

  1. Both heads of delegations sit at the head of the table, next to them are translators, then, taking into account the rank of decreasing importance, the remaining members of the delegations;
  2. in the center of the long sides of the table are the heads of delegations, opposite each other, translators sit next to them, the rest of the delegation members are on the sides of them, taking into account ranks;
  3. when there are more than two negotiators, the heads of delegations are seated in alphabetical order clockwise around a round or rectangular table.

Each part of the negotiations lasts 2-3 hours, without a break, then guests are offered coffee or tea. It is important that the rules for serving and decorating hot drinks, desserts and fruits are also observed. These nuances can also be established by the protocol of business negotiations.

In the practice of business relations

a person’s behavior patterns determine

are not so much occupied by

as much as correspondence to it.

Ilya Shevelev

Etiquette– a set of norms and rules governing forms of behavior that reflect moral standards. The norms of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional; they determine what is generally accepted in people’s behavior and what is not. Etiquette is a conventional language with the help of which you can evaluate a person, judge the level of his culture, morality and intelligence (how he enters a room, how he greets, what tone he speaks, what words he pronounces - whether he follows the rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in society ).

Business etiquette (protocol)– these are the rules of conduct and norms of treatment in official partnerships. Knowledge and adherence to business etiquette highly characterizes an employee in any field. Business etiquette is determined by the following factors: individual style clothes; manner of behavior; the ability to have a beneficial influence on people and situations; positive impression of another person; correctness of conduct telephone conversation and business correspondence.

Practice shows that mastering the rules of etiquette contributes to successful entrepreneurial activity, and neglecting them can contribute to the destruction of a career.

Business protocol at their core, these are the same rules that regulate the procedure for meetings and departures, conversations and negotiations, organization of receptions, execution of business correspondence, etc.

In this sense special role plays diplomatic protocol.

Diplomatic protocol- is a set of generally accepted rules, traditions and conventions observed by governments, foreign departments, diplomatic missions, diplomatic staff and other officials in international communication.

The rules of diplomatic protocol are based on the principle of sovereign equality of states. The norms of diplomatic protocol are based on the principles of international politeness.

Professional etiquette– an integral part of business etiquette, represented by the norms and rules of business interaction in a particular area professional activity. The etiquette of a particular field of activity is determined by its specifics - commercial (entrepreneurial) activity or government activity. There are also differences of an educational nature (views on moral criteria); belonging to technical professions or to the field of science and art plays a certain role. At the governmental level, deviation from the rules or their violation can cause damage to the prestige of the country and lead to complications in relations between states.

Ethical Standards– these are the values ​​and rules of ethics that members of the workforce must adhere to in their activities. These rules provide for rights and obligations, liability for failure to fulfill obligations or excess of rights. Ethical standards apply not only to the quality of the activities performed, but also to maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team conducive to it. The most important condition for the success of a business person is mastery of techniques for building interpersonal communication. To avoid mistakes in relationships, it is recommended to adhere to the following generally accepted interaction models:

Compliance of behavior with the norms of public order and moral criteria (honesty, justice, conscientiousness);

Assessment of a specific situation. Intuition and logic are important conditions for optimizing a behavior model;

Self-criticism and the use of a specific behavior model;

Determination and specification of one’s own capabilities;

Taking into account the psychological and sexual characteristics of the interlocutor’s personality.

Ethical standards may be violated due to lack of education, ignorance social rules, or their fundamental violation, disapproved by society or the team.

The reason for the most characteristic contradictions between ethics and business lies in the duality of the educational and stimulating functions of the state. One of the positions of the state is the education within the framework of morality of a person who must be well-intentioned and law-abiding. Another position is the need to have incentives to work more intensively, the reason for which is growing competition.

In business, moral requirements are not always taken into account. An entrepreneur often has to deceive, be cruel, and ignore ethical commandments for the sake of selfish goals - achieving material profit. The contradiction is reinforced by cultural values ​​and religious beliefs. Historically cultural traditions human relationships, views on the significance of the individual, the natural essence of objects and phenomena exalt the role of the spiritual principle, development is recognized as a priority inner world person, and not the value of material goods.

The moral standards and patterns of behavior of a competent leader are based on norms of ethical behavior - rules that are based on knowledge and ethical skills that determine respectful attitude towards subordinates and people around them. He must have the qualities of an organizer labor activity. The orderliness and lack of conflict in the activities of an enterprise are determined by management functions, which include planning and organization, stimulation and control, and regulation of relations in the business sphere.

To maintain a good moral and psychological climate in a team, it is not enough to have only professional qualities. The manager must comply with the ethics of business relations, have psychological knowledge and behavioral skills in relations with subordinates. This is knowledge of the basic patterns of interpersonal relationships in management activities. The causes of stress and conflict in a team are often the infringement of a person’s self-esteem, self-esteem and personal status. Written and oral instructions to subordinates must be correct and unobtrusive. The ethics of corporate relations presupposes that the manager knows how to prevent and resolve conflicts, and the ability to conduct a business conversation correctly.

Failure by a manager to follow the rules of criticism is a common mistake that leads to aggravation of relations. One of the main conditions is the creation of a friendly and trusting environment, the ability to listen to subordinates in a correct and interested manner, to give critical analysis their activities.

There are oral and written forms of orders. Written The order form is a laconic resolution containing a brief instruction to perform an action based on the social-role position of the subordinate, or a set of responsibilities, a list of means for performing the functions performed. Oral the order is not recorded on paper, has a lesser degree of legal protection, its purpose is to encourage the subordinate to take active action using means of varying degrees of formality. The main characteristics of the order are as follows:

The order can be transmitted directly by the manager or through authorized persons;

Intended for a subordinate person, group or a certain number of persons, up to large professional communities;

Addressed to representatives of the next rank level;

May relate to employee incentives;

The degree of confidentiality of the order is expressed by the corresponding stamp;

Can be passed from hand to hand or delivered by other means of communication.

Ethical standards and principles of business communication between subordinates and the manager influence the nature of the relationship and the general moral and psychological climate. This applies to management orders, service discipline, participation of subordinates in decision-making, their rewards, and the manager’s consideration of their personal qualities.

The relationship of subordinates with the manager is based on the following principles of business communication ethics:

Confidentiality - you should not talk about yourself, the secrets of the institution, a specific transaction, or retell what you heard from colleagues about their personal lives and activities;

Courtesy, friendliness and goodwill;

Attention to the interlocutor, the desire to understand the boss’s point of view, respect for his opinion, criticism and advice, modesty, but self-confidence;

Punctuality, literacy, appropriate appearance.

Ethical standards include culture of communication and behavior, empathy and the ability to be a good listener.

The ethics of business communication “horizontally” are norms of communication and behavior that are a regulator of relationships in a team, which contributes to successful activities to achieve set goals, or creates obstacles and leads to the disintegration of the team. If relations are not regulated by the administration, this process occurs spontaneously.

Norms are always a means of implementing the principles of ideology and reflect certain views of a group of people. If immoral norms are widespread in a team, then it cannot exist long and effectively (its authority will decrease, and conflicts within it will increase). The level of ethical standards of an organization largely depends on the leader. The ethics of communication in a team presupposes:

“you”, obscene expressions, familiarity, etc. are unacceptable);

Consistency in the use of communication styles;

Interest in the positions and opinions of colleagues on certain aspects of activity.

Despite the formal optionality of taking into account personal likes and dislikes in a business atmosphere, for the purpose of constructive activity and maintaining a favorable psychological climate, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

Develop friendly relationships and correct tense ones;

Avoid expressions that provoke conflict situations;

Observe, if necessary, the principle of confidentiality in communication with each other;

Do not discuss the personalities of colleagues, the shortcomings of their behavior or actions behind the scenes, do not spread gossip and do not criticize on any occasion;

Be careful about the dignity and self-respect of your colleagues.

A favorable psychological climate in a team is characterized by:

A relaxed atmosphere of communication, in which team members feel free and are not burdened by discipline;

Respectful attitude of team members towards each other’s opinions, new ideas are publicly disclosed;

Active discussion of problems in order to improve work;

Criticisms that are not personal attacks;

Employees correctly understand the goals of the enterprise, new goals are discussed collectively;

If something is wrong with employees, they freely express their thoughts and emotions, while being guided by the requirement to be fair;

The work is carried out without much stress and emergency work;

A clear distribution of responsibilities and the absence of a manager does not reduce labor productivity;

Decisions are made on a routine basis; formal voting is rarely used;

If during the discussion of ideas, opinions differ, there is no “pressure” from authorities, the arguments of the parties are discussed and weighed, the collective judgment on a controversial issue is accepted as a group norm;

The team leader is its unofficial leader and has great influence and authority.

Failure to comply with ethical standards of communication can lead to punishment of the “violator” by other members of the team, which manifests itself in the form of sanctions expressed in the following forms: hints, ridicule and bullying; isolation by silence; comments “in plain text”; transition to official relations; denial of assistance, recognition of successes, invitation to events, creation of obstacles in the performance of official duties; provoking nervous breakdowns and scandals; creating a negative image among members of other teams; denunciations and slander to superiors.

The negative side of adherence to group norms is the phenomenon of conformism, i.e. unconditional acceptance by team members of the established order and prevailing opinions, indicating a refusal of independent views and actions.

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Business ethics in in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of organizations and their members in the field of management and entrepreneurship. It includes phenomena of various orders: ethical assessment of both internal and external policies of the organization as a whole; moral principles of members of the organization, i.e. professional morality; moral climate in the organization; norms of business etiquette are ritualized external norms of behavior.

The use of different terms “ethics” (Greek) and “morality” (Latin) is not accidental. In the Russian language there is also the word “morality”, which is used when considering the listed problems and comes from a similar Slavic korya (disposition, character). The difference in the meanings of these three terms has its own history in ethics (as in the science of morality) and philosophy. In the literature devoted to the problems business ethics If authors generally consider it necessary to distinguish “ethics” from “morality,” it is usually assumed that ethical aspects are represented in social interactions, and moral ones in internal assessments of the individual. However, also in unfair, good and bad.

Ethical issues in business life have become the subject of especially close attention in the United States. Mandatory ethics courses are taught not only in philosophy and theology faculties, but also in various business schools. Large companies organize courses for their employees. Many companies create corporate codes of ethics, formulating in writing the ethical principles of the corporation, rules of conduct, and the organization's responsibility towards its employees. However, ethical publications often serve as a simple concession public opinion and is both the first and last step in solving ethical problems. The moral level of managers is lower than that of representatives of other professions.

And yet, public attention to ethical problems forces organizational leaders to conduct an ethical analysis of their activities. From complaints about the elusive and uncontrollable nature of morality, which is a common theme in ethics research, attempts are being made to turn the ethical aspects of organizational activities into a planned and controllable order, to institutionalize morality.

The purpose of this work is to complete four tasks.

Job objectives:

Describe a typical act of business communication;

Describe the purpose, style and composition of official clothing used in the organization for different positions and types of work;

Describe the spatial and temporal organization and conduct of a typical business conversation conducted with a client;

Prepare a general and detailed program for receiving the delegation.

Exercise 1

Describe in detail a typical act of business communication with a client that you carry out in the course of your work. The structure of the description should include: characteristics of the subjects, subject and purpose of communication; the presence and correlation of emotional and rational levels of communication, communicative, interactive and perceptual aspects of communication; communication principles that you follow in the act of communication. If you don't work with clients, hire your team to complete the task.

The essence of business communication is that it has a regulated (targeted) nature and is limited to a specific topic or range of issues. It is carried out, as a rule, during business interaction, in an official, work environment, both in the form of direct personal contact and through technical means.

We can name such forms of business communication as business conversation, meeting, meeting, meeting, negotiations, presentation, conferences and teleconferences, business correspondence (now, increasingly, by e-mail). Consultation with an expert (doctor, lawyer) on an issue, consultation, interview with a journalist, assignment to subordinates, their reports to management, student speech at a seminar, passing an exam, test, interview with a teacher - all these are examples of business communication.

Research has noted some modern tendencies in changing the role, content and quality of business communication.

Firstly, there has been a significant increase in modern life both in our country and abroad the role of communication, both business and interpersonal. Currently, contacts between people have expanded, especially in the field of international relations. In Russia, the role of communication in the process of creating and providing various services has significantly increased.

Secondly, there is a noticeable weakening of the role of direct communication in connection with the development of electronic communication systems and virtual organization of work.

Thirdly, the nature of communication is significantly influenced by the socio-economic and political stratification of modern Russian society.

The general principles governing the flow of business communication processes include its interpersonal nature, purposefulness, continuity and multidimensionality.

Interpersonality. Interpersonal communication is characterized by openness and diversity of interaction between people, based on their interest in each other. Despite the predominantly business orientation, business communication inevitably has the character of interpersonal contact and contains a certain interpersonal radical. The implementation of business communication in any case is determined not only by the specific case or business issue being discussed, but also by the personal qualities of the partners and their attitude towards each other. Therefore, business communication is inseparable from interpersonal contact.

Focus. It is clear that any act of business communication is purposeful. At the same time, the focus of business communication is multi-purpose. In the process of communication, along with a conscious goal, an unconscious (latent) goal carries the information load. Thus, the speaker, telling the audience statistical data, wants to outline the objective situation in the problem area. At the same time, perhaps unconsciously, he has a desire to demonstrate to those present his intelligence, erudition and eloquence. Other targets can be found in the same episode.

Continuity. Once we come into the sight of a business partner, we initiate continuous business interpersonal contact with him. Since communication includes both verbal and non-verbal elements, we constantly send behavioral messages to which the interlocutor attaches certain meaning and draws appropriate conclusions. Even the partner’s silence or his physical absence in this moment are included in the act of communication if they are significant for another person. This happens because any of our behavior informs about something. It represents a reaction to a situation and to the people around you. Experienced communicators must be aware of the explicit and implicit messages that are constantly being conveyed.

Multidimensionality. In any situation of business interaction, people not only exchange information, but in one way or another regulate their relationships. For example, when, getting ready for a trip, Leonid tells Denis: “We need to take a map with us,” he is not only conveying information. It is important how Leonid says - depending on the tone of his message, he may mean: “I am more important than you - if not for me, We would have forgotten an important thing for our trip.”

During business communication they can be realized. At least two aspects of the relationship. One aspect is maintaining business contact, transferring business information. Another is broadcast emotional attitude partner (positive or negative) present in any interaction. For example, someone says to someone: “I'm glad to see you.” The facial expressions that accompany these words will show whether the speaker is truly happy to see his interlocutor. If he smiles, speaks sincerely, looks into the eyes and pats the interlocutor on the back or confidently shakes his hand, the latter regards this as signs of affection. And if the words of greeting are pronounced quickly, without soulful intonation, with an impassive expression on the face, the one to whom they are addressed will perceive them only as ritual signs of etiquette.

The process of business communication is significantly influenced by the physical, social-role and emotional-moral contexts in which it occurs. The physical context of business communication consists of place, time, environmental environmental conditions (temperature, lighting, noise level), physical distance between participants, etc. Each of these factors can positively or negatively influence communication. For example, when a manager sits at a table in an office and talks to his subordinate, this is one context when he talks to the same people behind round table in the conference room - a different context.

The social-role context is determined by the purpose of communication and the situation in which it occurs - in the office, at a ceremony official reception, at a business meeting, in a classroom, at a police station, in a restaurant, among members of a work team, or when visiting a competing organization. The flow of business communication is also influenced by interpersonal relationships and social positions of its participants.

All of this influences the content of communication and how different messages are formed, conveyed and understood. So, the secretary of the head of the company talks differently with his boss and clients. A young employee recently hired into a company will behave differently when talking with his peer and with a much more experienced and titled specialist.

The emotional and moral context creates the mood and feelings that each of the interlocutors brings to communication. The connections formed between participants in previous communication episodes and influencing the understanding of what is happening in the current situation are also important.

The emotional and moral aspect is the main psychological content of business communication, its inner side. To give a psychological assessment of business communication is to say what the relationship between business partners looks like in the “human” dimension (respect-disrespect, arrogance-servility, etc.).

From a psychological point of view, it is important what emotions and feelings accompany the communication process: joy, elation, inspiration or fear, anger, anxiety, uncertainty. On what moral and ethical basis is the position taken in communication by the partner built, as well as what moral qualities he displays in business relationships: honesty, decency, commitment or the opposite.

Each participant in business communication is guided by certain moral standards: honesty and decency, justice, respect, responsibility and others.

Honesty forces people to refrain from deception and their deceitful acts. But we must keep in mind that sometimes you have to lie even to those people who accept honesty as an immutable norm of business behavior. Most often, people resort to lying, sometimes they get trapped in a moral dilemma and are forced to make a choice between unsatisfactory alternatives.

The basic rule of morality is that “one should tell the truth whenever possible. The fundamental requirement of this rule means that one should not intentionally deceive or attempt to deceive others or oneself. Only if we are faced with a genuine moral dilemma and must make a choice justified by the circumstances (for example, not informing the enemy of a planned attack in order to preserve human lives), or choose the lesser of two evils (protecting confidentiality through lies), only then is a lie possible.”

A person’s integrity is expressed in the unity of his beliefs and actions. Decent behavior is the opposite of hypocrisy and duplicity. A decent person always keeps his promises to someone. For example, an employee who promised to help a colleague in completing a work task will definitely help him, even if this involves serious difficulties for him.

The principle of fairness in business communication presupposes objectivity or the absence of bias in assessing other people and their actions. Showing consideration or consideration to a business partner and respecting his rights indicates respect for his personality. Respect is demonstrated by whether we listen and try to understand our business partner's point of view, even when it differs significantly from ours.

Responsibility is manifested in the extent to which participants in business interaction are responsible for their words and fulfill their obligations, the extent to which they comply with moral standards, as well as obligations to each other.

The subject of communication is the client who came for information about the product, as well as for the purpose of purchasing the company’s products, as well as the manager trading floor.

The subject of communication is the company's products.

The purpose of communication on the part of the client is to obtain detailed information about the product and purchase it at a favorable price.

The purpose of communication on the part of the sales floor manager is to give full information about the product to the client and sell it profitably.

Emotional and rational levels of communication are present, as the sales floor manager strives to create positive images of himself and the company he represents. This is an emotional level. The rational level is to make the most profitable deal.

Communicative, interactive and perceptual aspects of communication are actively used in the act of business communication. Firstly, the manager maintains a distance and does not violate the client’s personal space. Secondly, the manager uses high level speech culture when communicating with a client. Thirdly, the gestures and facial expressions used by the manager help establish favorable contact with the client.

The following postulates of business communication are used when working with a client:

The information content of communication is at the optimal level.

Truthfulness of communication.

Don't shy away from the topic.

Task 2

Describe the purpose, style and composition of formal clothing used in your organization for different positions and types of work.

A business suit is like a businessman's business card. No business suit - no for the society of business people and the businessman himself. It is not for nothing that in the distant Black century, the future billionaire Rockefeller began his path to success by investing not in business, but in himself: he spent his last money on two important acquisitions: the first acquisition was an expensive business suit, the second was a membership card in a prestigious golf club. The suit created an image, the card provided acquaintances and personal connections. He was a wise and far-sighted man, this Rockefeller.

Outwardly, the businessman is easy to distinguish from all other men: he looks confident, stable, and dressed quite conservatively. If a rich slacker chooses expensive and sophisticated clothes with a pretense of chic, people of liberal professions - non-standard, workers - simple and reliable, young people - sports, then a business man is unthinkable without a men's suit, which in its entirety consists of a “three piece” (jacket, trousers, vest), and in the standard - the same without the vest.

This suit is solid, like its owner. In fact, the purpose of a “business suit” is to show how reliable and successful you are as a possible partner. Therefore, the suit carries the features of solidity:

Black or dark color(dark blue, dark brown, dark gray);

The cut is of a well-established conservative shape, without frivolous details and modern frills.

Accessories come into view only at the edges, indicating cleanliness (handkerchief), independence (checkbook, credit card), wide circle contacts ( Notebook or pen).

Once upon a time, businessmen personified the principle of the special value of time: they carried a watch in their vest pocket, as evidenced by the visible watch chain.

The shirt is chosen specifically for each suit. A shirt to match a suit is selected based on their color combination, but this does not mean saturated color shirts, and the shade: the basis is a consistently business white shirt, which can have light pink, blue, light green, cream and other shades. Her collar is also classic - turn-down.

The purpose of shirts is to highlight the beauty of a business suit. The shirt is selected from good quality cotton or silk fabric, also not any synthetics. This ban is dictated both by the fact that synthetics are a cheap material, that is, they are undignified and unprestigious to wear, and by the fact that they interfere with the body’s ability to breathe properly. Under a synthetic shirt, the skin sweats; this is especially unpleasant on summer days, when you would be glad to take off your suit, but the situation does not allow it. Imagine how you will look in a suit and such a shirt - red and sweaty, and you yourself will understand that this is a shame.

Shirts under a suit are chosen only with long sleeves. This is due to the presence of cuffs that should look outward, making the suit even more beautiful and sophisticated. The tradition of wearing long-sleeved shirts has long history. In ancient times, cuffs fell onto the palm and shaded the sleeves of outerwear. The poor fellows, who did not have the means to buy a real shirt, wore a bib - a bib with a beautiful collar, and by whether there were cuffs, one could judge the person’s wealth.

The jumper is selected in a color that does not disturb the harmony between the suit and shirt and, preferably, matches the color of the suit. The bottom edge of the shirt cuffs should look out from the sleeves of the jumper. Jumper is not classic solution suit, but a completely alternative modern form of wearing business clothes. At serious meetings with respectable partners, a jumper is not very appropriate; full adherence to etiquette is required. But in everyday business life, no one will pay attention if you wear a jumper. Just don’t use a closed-neck sweater instead of a jumper. It definitely doesn’t belong next to a business suit.

Trousers usually go with a jacket, that is, they are made of the same fabric, this is the best option. And here the most important thing is the length of the trousers. The most unpleasant thing is that if the trousers turn out to be too short, then it creates full impression that the owner of the suit managed to grow out of it in some way. Pants that are too long don't look any better: they wrinkle, hang below the shoes, and not only are they obscenely long, but they also suffer from constant soiling.

The tie matches the color of the suit, that is, it either sets off the color of the suit, or repeats this one, introducing another, additional one. The color chosen is soft and not harsh on the eyes. Ties can be plain, striped or patterned. In the business world, ties that are usually chosen are plain or have an inconspicuous pattern. Colorful, bright or heavily patterned ties are in no way suitable for the world of business.

The basic principle of choosing a business suit is simple: men's clothing should fit well and the person in it should feel comfortable. So, when choosing a business suit, it is recommended not just to put it on and stand in front of the mirror, but also to walk around, sit, even bend over, appreciating the suit not in static conditions, but in movement. In addition, if you choose a comfortable suit, do not forget to check that you are comfortable even if the pockets are not perfectly empty. If they are provided for, then they exist for a reason. At the same time, pockets that are no longer empty should not bulge or bulge.

But for a business woman there are no such strict regulations on clothing. The main criteria for choosing clothes are good taste and common sense. Because the business woman She will mainly have to negotiate with business men; she needs to show by her very appearance that although she belongs to the opposite sex, she should be perceived not as a woman, but as a business partner. And it is unacceptable to both enhance feminine traits and completely “mark” signs of gender. In the first case I will be shaded business qualities, in the second - female, and therefore, normal contact will not occur.

The most difficult thing is to correctly select all the details of the wardrobe so that they form a single whole. What you need to navigate here is not the same criteria that are used to choose a men's business style.

The suit should be of a simple cut, but made of expensive fabric. The color can be either dark or lighter, but not aniline-bright. Preferably gray, dark green, dark blue, dark brown or suits in bed colors.

The blouse should match the suit and be sure to cover the neckline. The best options are a neckline, a turn-down collar or a stand-up collar.

The skirt is selected based on the characteristics of the figure. For slender women, a classic skirt, flared or stretch, is suitable; for plump women, the skirt is in no case too short or tight, but not flared either. Double-breasted jackets are contraindicated for such women, as well as for men with a similar figure defect.

The belt, unlike the men's belt, is selected in such a way that it emphasizes the presence of the waist, but only for those women who can afford it.

The jewelry chosen is expensive, but simple in shape and not bulky. The rings usually include a ring and (if the woman is married) a wedding ring. Nothing fancy, big or heavy. If earrings, then pair them with a ring and a decoration on the neck, small in size.

Nail polish is selected to match the lipstick - light, bed shades. Even if you like it - no false pictures on nails or rhinestones. Nails should have a well-groomed appearance, but should not be too long.

The shoes chosen are also of the classic type, without fancy decorations. Shoes in any weather, even in summer, in the heat, are worn exclusively with stockings or tights. And this condition usually causes the greatest misunderstanding and inconvenience. In summer, women are accustomed to walking with bare legs. But a business woman is not entitled to this according to her rank. She is required to wear stockings or tights.

There is a whole list of what not to do:

Wear short skirts, offering a view of your thighs;

Specially lift the edge of your skirt so that the man can see your legs;

Wear blouses with a deep neckline;

Leave your arms bare;

Smell strongly (even with very tasty and expensive perfumes);

Decorate yourself abundantly;

Emphasize female attractiveness with gestures or posture;


In all structures of "STK - polycarbonate" the official style of clothing is used.

There is no general uniform at STK-Polycarbonate.

Men most often wear a business suit in combination with a shirt and tie. There is also a combination of trousers, shirt, tie and jumper.

The business style of women in organizations is quite varied, but consistent. The most commonly used business suits are trousers and a jacket, a skirt and a jacket, a dress and a jacket.

Task 3

Describe the spatial and temporal organization and flow of a typical business conversation you have with a client. Name and justify the communicative intention that prevails during the conversation between you and your interlocutor. If you don't work with clients, hire your team to complete the task.

One of the first to study the spatial structure of communication was the American anthropologist Edward Hall, who coined the term “proxemics,” the literal translation of which means “proximity.” Proxemic characteristics include the location of partners in space at the time of communication and the distance between them. It has been experimentally proven that there are predominantly some spatial forms of organizing communication (both for two partners and for a large audience). There is a large amount of information that animals, birds and fish designate their habitat and protect it, but only recently it was discovered that humans also have their own protective zones and territories.

The choice of distance depends on the relationship between people (as a rule, people stand closer to those with whom they sympathize) and on the individual characteristics of the person (for example, introverts do not tolerate too close a distance).

Proxemic behavior includes not only distance, but also the mutual orientation of people in space. Friends are nearby, participants in a business conversation are across the corner of the table, competitors are across the table.

The location of the participants at the table has a significant impact on the nature and productivity of communication. When placing participants at a rectangular table in an office environment, four main positions are distinguished:

Corner equal position;

Angular unequal arrangement;

Affiliate location;

Competitive - defensive positioning.

The creation of a psychological atmosphere for business communication is significantly influenced not only by the location of the interlocutors at the table, but also by the shape of the tables themselves. Square tables are good for holding a short business conversation between equal partners. Rectangular tables are often used to emphasize chain of command. In this case, the person with the highest status is usually placed at the head of the table, facing front door. It has been established that cooperative relationships are more established with those people who sit at the table with each other. And opposition is easier to organize with the person sitting opposite. Therefore, at a meeting, employees who aspire to a higher position are seated closer to the manager.

A round (or oval) table creates an atmosphere of informality and ease, and it is best to hold conversations with people of the same social status.

Typically, a business conversation is scheduled on neutral territory. This is definitely a restaurant or a very good cafe. Seating at tables is carried out in such a way that an equal angular arrangement is visible.

Usually the time for a business conversation is lunch time. This is the time period between 12.00 and 16.00

Communicative intentions are to obtain the greatest amount of information and conclude a profitable contract.

Task 4

Prepare a general and detailed program for the reception of delegations arriving at your organization with business intentions. The delegation consists of four people: the head of the delegation with his wife (both middle-aged), an economist (an older woman) and an assistant manager (a young man). You have had some time to collect information about the guests.

The purpose of the visit may be to find out the possibilities of establishing contacts, holding negotiations, signing documents, organizing conferences, exhibitions, etc.

The form of reception of a delegation depends on the purpose of its arrival and the rank of its head.

Before the delegation arrives, the host party must develop a general program intended for guests, and detailed program, including technical details necessary for the host party, other stakeholders and the organization.

The general program includes information about

Delegation meeting;

business part of the program (negotiations, meetings, conversations);

receptions (breakfasts, lunches, etc.);

cultural program;

travel around the country (within the enterprise);

seeing off the delegation.

The detailed program reflects everything organizational issues related to the reception of the delegation. So, for example, a meeting of a delegation requires elaboration of such issues as:

Personal composition of greeters;

Participation, if necessary, of representatives of the media;

Presentation of flowers;

Welcome speeches;

Providing transport;

Hotel accommodation, etc.

Each item requires detailed study and the identification of responsible executors; a certain reserve should also be provided to guarantee the implementation of each item in case of any misunderstandings.

If the head of the delegation and its members arrive with spouses or other accompanying persons, it is necessary to develop a special program for the accompanying persons.

During the stay of the delegation, it is customary to organize informal, non-formal meetings at the initiative of both hosts and guests. The first such meeting is organized by the hosts, but a free evening should be planned in the general program so that guests can take advantage of the opportunity to organize a return meeting. It is customary to leave in the program of each day free time for second breakfast and personal matters.

When meeting a foreign delegation, the rank of the welcoming head of the delegation must correspond to the rank and position of the head of the visiting party. There are certain established rules for mutual greetings, including their sequence, placement in cars, and delivery to the hotel. Good manners recommends saying goodbye to guests in the hotel lobby (you have made sure that everything is in order with their check-in and you are not forcing them to invite you for a cup of coffee, which would be expected if they were escorted to their room). When parting, they agree on a courtesy visit or a so-called protocol visit, which begins official business contacts.

The purpose of a short protocol visit (20-30 minutes) is a kind of response to meeting the guest upon arrival and at the same time clarifying the program of stay. Typically, refreshments (but no alcohol) will be served during this visit. The initiative for conducting a conversation lies with the host, and the initiative for leaving lies with the guests.

Let's look at some additional provisions regarding conversations. After the end of each section of the negotiations, a pre-appointed employee or head of the delegation compiles a detailed record of the conversation, including information about the participants in the negotiations, a list of the main issues discussed, the parties’ opinions on these issues, records of the delivery of documents or their copies.

Memos are used to confirm an oral statement made during a conversation in order to prevent its misinterpretation, as well as to confirm an oral agreement reached, to draw attention to the issue raised, perhaps to bind the interlocutor to the need to answer certain questions raised during the conversation. If the negotiator wants attention to be drawn to the issues he raises during the discussion, he should prepare a memo in advance and hand it over after the statement.

Delegation reception program

9:00 Transfer of the delegation from the airport to the main office of the STK-Polycarbonate company.

9:00-10:30 Ceremonial meeting of the delegation.

10:30-11:45 Study tour to shopping center companies.

12:00 Opening of the business meeting in the conference room.

12:30-14:00 Business conversation at the round table. Topic of the conversation: “Problems and new promising technologies in the production of polycarbonate.”

14:00-15:00 Lunch at the restaurant.

15:30-17:30 Negotiations with representatives of the company for the supply of polycarbonates.

17:30-19:00 City tour.

19:00-21:00 Gala dinner.

22:00 Transfer of the delegation to the airport.

business official conversation client


Issues of business etiquette are important for the head of a company, primarily because a professional is not only someone who masters the intricacies of a particular specialty, but also the intricacies of business communication. If a manager is a specialist, for example, in management, then in order to manage effectively, he also needs to be a specialist in business communication.

Effective communication is impossible without mastering the rules of etiquette. It permeates all professional activities of a leader. After all, he does not do the work himself for his subordinates. His job is to get the job done with the help of other people. Effective business communication and knowledge of etiquette standards are connecting processes among the four main functions of management - planning, organizing, motivating, controlling.

In addition, employees are very sensitive to the communication style and manners of the leader. Of course, with the help of respect, attention and delicacy, you can achieve great results than through pressure, threats, neglect.

When building your relationships with subordinates, you must follow some general principles and communication techniques:

Taking into account the individual characteristics of each employee;

Showing interest in subordinates;

Respect for the opinion of the subordinate;

Maintaining emotional neutrality (the manifestation of emotion is justified only in a certain situation and should not humiliate the dignity of both parties);

Informing subordinates about the results of work on thrush and the enterprise as a whole;

Ability to take on greater responsibility;

A tolerant attitude towards shortcomings that do not interfere with the work of your subordinates and an intolerant attitude towards those that interfere;

Respecting boundaries in friendship with subordinates;

Encouraging subordinates even for the smallest success at work;

Avoiding focusing on employee mistakes;

Creating a good reputation for your subordinates (they will feel and justify it).

List of used literature

1. Botavina, R.N. Ethics of business relations [Text]. M., 2005

2. Foreign economic activity enterprises [Text]. Textbook for universities. Edited by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor L.E. Strovsky. M., 1999.

3. Dunkel, J. Business etiquette [Text]. Rostov on/D.: Phoenix. 2000.

4. Zaretskaya, E.N. Business communication [Text]: textbook. - M.: Delo - ANKh, 2008.

6. Kibanov, A.Ya. Ethics of business relations [Text] Textbook / Kibanov A.Ya., Zakharov D.K. , Konovalova V. G. - M.: Infa-M, 2002.

7. Kibanov, A.Ya., Zakharov, D.K., Konovalova, V.G. Ethics of business relations [Text]: Textbook for universities. M.: " Higher education", 2006.

8. Panfilova, A.P. Business communication in professional activities [Text]: Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Knowledge, 2009

9. Poskochinova, O. G. Speech culture and business communication [Text]: textbook. allowance / O.G. Poskochinova, M. A. Gridneva. - St. Petersburg : Publishing house St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2011.

10. Shelamova, G.M. Business culture and psychology of communication [Text]. Textbook for beginners prof. education / G.M. Shelamova. - 7th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007.

11. Cherednichenko, I.P., Telnykh, N.V. Psychology of management [Text]. / Series “Textbooks for high school" - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.

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