Children of an Aries man from a Sagittarius woman. Compatibility of Aries woman and Sagittarius man. Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man in business

Aries and Sagittarius are united by the element of fire. They have the same temperaments, and this contributes to the fact that representatives of these zodiac signs easily find common language among themselves. But on the other hand, their explosive and unbridled natural characters lead to frequent disagreements, which they are not always able to easily overcome. It is noteworthy that in this tandem Sagittarius is more weak personality, in this regard, Aries always takes the lead. Despite some contradictory characters, these people, being nearby, will attract good luck and become more successful.

Aries man and Sagittarius woman – compatibility

Aries and Sagittarius have similar personalities, so they get along well. This couple has excellent mutual understanding, their interests are various fields life activities often intersect. Having met once, lovers have a great chance of creating a harmonious union.

In love relationships (love compatibility 92%)

The compatibility of an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman in a love relationship is considered ideal. Partners are never bored together; they know how to work actively and fruitfully, as well as fully relax, enjoying mutual communication.

The Sagittarius girl is active, but at the same time does not show fanaticism, and this impresses the Sagittarius guy. The partner always has her own opinion, but at the same time she does not pretend to be the leader in the existing union. For a girl, trust is a particularly valuable quality. And the Aries man is honest and an open person, so it immediately becomes clear that he will never deceive his chosen one.

The companions in such a pair have strong personalities, so it is natural that they may have different views on some things. But this does not change the couple’s compatibility in love, since due to her tactful character, the partner quietly re-educates her partner, but never focuses on existing differences. She understands on a subconscious level that in order to preserve love, one cannot argue with the chosen one under any circumstances.

In bed (sexual compatibility 63%)

The compatibility of an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman in bed is above average. But this is quite enough to diversify the lives of partners who have many common interests in other areas. Therefore, we can assume that the compatibility of these signs in bed is a harmonious continuation of the mutual understanding that exists between representatives of these zodiac signs in life.

The Aries man is more temperamental in sex, but the Sagittarius woman strives to adapt to his pressure and she does it very well. In the intimate sphere, the partner easily agrees to passive role, giving all the initiative to your loved one. Lovers are open to experiments in bed, so their intimacy is varied and never turns into a routine. It is noteworthy that the sexual attraction between the chosen one Aries and the young lady Sagittarius against the background mutual love remains for many years.

Partners value their feelings very much, therefore, enjoying tenderness and experiencing passion, they treat each other with care. Over time, what becomes more important for a couple is not the process of sex itself, but the emotional intimacy that arises in the process.

Married (compatibility in family life 67%)

The high compatibility of a couple in marriage suggests that these people very often create families after a close acquaintance. But first initial stage Living together, relationships do not work out very well for representatives of these zodiac signs.

The main stumbling block is that the spouse does not know how to take care of the house. She is not a housewife by nature. Therefore, an Aries man cannot expect that when he comes home, he will happily enjoy coziness and comfort. If the couple manages to overcome this problem by correctly distributing household responsibilities, then we can say that they will be able to build a strong and harmonious family.

High compatibility between Aries and Sagittarius in marriage suggests that people give each other freedom. The married life of these people is rich interesting events. Their family is built on absolute trust. The main requirement of a woman to a man in such a union is to ensure material wealth in the family. But at the same time, the Sagittarius spouse is ready to provide any assistance with this. That is why in such unions there is often general business. The birth of common children strengthens the family of an Aries and Sagittarius couple.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 52%)

Despite the average level of compatibility between a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man in friendship, they often become friends. Friendly relationships often develop if, due to some circumstances, a love spark did not slip between the partners at the first meeting. For example, a man and a woman have a big age difference, or they are not free.

In a friendly relationship, partners feel relaxed. Very often friendship arises on the basis business communication. That is, under a certain set of circumstances, colleagues begin to become friends. This is due to the fact that Sagittarius and Aries are always happy to share life experiences. By supporting each other, these people become more successful. If an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman are friends, then their halves need not be afraid of betrayal. Moreover, in such cases they usually say that people are family friends.

Sagittarius man and Aries woman – compatibility

On a subconscious level, partners are always close, regardless of the areas of life in which they intersect. The relationship between lovers is easy and free. Representatives of these zodiac signs always provide effective support. Even when there is a clash of interests, conflicts are rare, and partners are always aimed at understanding and finding compromises.

In love relationships (love compatibility 70%)

The fact that interest immediately arises at the first meeting is evidenced by the high compatibility of a Sagittarius man and an Aries woman in a love relationship. But despite this, they will have to get used to each other for some time. Only when partners recognize the individuality of their other half will they build a harmonious relationship that is unlikely to be threatened by anything. Partners are optimists by nature, so their love feelings are always filled with positivity.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Aries in love suggests that these people more often stay together than separate after the first quarrel. And this is due to the fact that, according to statistics, such couples are adults who already have their own views on life and understand what value they represent sincere feelings. The Sagittarius guy is always in search of the truth, and his chosen one sincerely supports him in this and gives useful advice.

Representatives of these zodiac signs know how to preserve love. They shining example how a violent quarrel can easily end with an equally violent reconciliation. What keeps partners together is a commonality of interests. Lovers are never bored together. They can enjoy active recreation in nature or enjoy socializing at home with equal pleasure. They are also happy to receive guests and attend various entertainment events.

In bed (sexual compatibility 55%)

The relatively low compatibility of a couple in bed indicates that the partners have more important life values. But this fact does not confirm that people are not suitable for each other. In bed, they are both active and strive to bring maximum pleasure to each other.

Representatives of these zodiac signs never have disagreements on the basis of sex. The partner is confident in her passion and irresistibility; she believes that Sagittarius will not find a hotter lover. And this is true. The partner really likes his beloved’s behavior in bed, and he responds to all her desires.

The average compatibility of Sagittarius and Aries in bed indicates that sex for partners is a romantic adventure filled with passion and tenderness. Well-being and tranquility in the sexual sphere strengthens relationships in tandem.

Married (compatibility in family life 90%)

If lovers were able to maintain love at the initial stage of the relationship, they usually get married. And it should be noted that the high compatibility of a Sagittarius man and an Aries woman in marriage suggests that they almost always manage to create a strong family.

In the home of these people there is always complete mutual understanding and a friendly atmosphere. Common children unite the spouses. That is why it is very good if they appear immediately. In addition, joint travel strengthens relationships: both tourist trips to little-explored places and organized tours.

Despite the fact that family relationships are based on trust, partners are very sociable people and this can provoke jealousy. She is the one who poses the threat family well-being. But the high compatibility of satellites indicates that partners, in most cases, manage to dispel suspicions and save the family. Your wife especially needs to monitor her emotions. It is important to realize that if a Sagittarius guy has chosen you, then he will not deceive you. Because of this, you need to discard all suspicions and not complicate family relationships.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 65%)

Friendship between a Sagittarius man and an Aries woman arises very often. Friendships arise against the background of common interests. Moreover, they can make friends in a variety of places. This often happens during active pastime. Representatives of these zodiac signs love to play sports and play team games. They also often travel and engage in tourism.

Friendly relationships in a pair of Sagittarius and Aries last for many years and no life circumstances are an obstacle to this. It is noteworthy that even in friendship, the Aries woman shows possessive feelings. She will never be disappointed in a friend, but at the same time she will be unhappy if an Aries man spends a lot of time communicating with other people. This can ruin a friendship forever. In addition, with such a possessive approach, the Aries lady can, due to her natural emotionality, grow cold towards her soulmate and fall in love with her friend.

On a friendly level, representatives of these zodiac signs are always attracted. But if the Aries girl liked her chosen one, Sagittarius, then she needs to attract his attention to herself, taking into account all his natural character traits.

Since representatives of fiery Sagittarius love to have fun, the first acquaintance with them takes place in a noisy company. And this is exactly the place where it is not at all difficult for an Aries woman to attract attention.

First of all, you need to take care of your appearance. The created image must be extraordinary, only in this case the chosen one will notice you. But at the same time you cannot behave frivolously. It is important to remember that Sagittarius satellites are complete individuals who do not like dummies. They quickly get bored with them. He will be interested in a well-groomed, strong-willed girl who knows her worth and is confident in her irresistibility.

Since Sagittarians are very sociable people, they are attracted to outgoing women. And this fact also needs to be taken into account. If a man does not find a common language with a young lady or cannot find out whether they have common interests, then he will not be interested in the lady. But at the same time, the Aries woman must remember that she must keep some kind of mystery that her chosen one will want to solve.

How can a Sagittarius man win an Aries woman?

In order to attract the attention of an Aries woman, a Sagittarius man will have to be patient and show imagination. The thing is that an active and energetic lady always has many fans. She enjoys male attention and is in no hurry to give preference to one of the men. She is self-sufficient and feels very comfortable alone.

The Sagittarius guy is very interesting personality, but he can attract attention to himself only with some mystery. This will intrigue your chosen one, and she will be the first to take a step forward to get to know each other better.

From this moment on, the relationship is already developing successfully, since both partners feel the kinship of their natural characters. Common interests and hobbies will contribute to the development of relationships. The more time they spend together, the stronger their relationship will be.

During the courtship period, it is important to be attentive to your chosen one and give her expensive gifts. The Aries woman should feel that she and her chosen one will always be interested. It should be remembered that a lady belonging to this zodiac sign is very fond of adventure, therefore, the more extravagant acts there are during the bouquet and candy period, the better.

- this is someone who has an exceptionally subtle understanding of the structure of female psychology. Every woman dreams of meeting such a man and becoming his faithful companion in life. For a woman, a couple with Sagittarius will be a good match, from which a rather harmonious and integral union can result, where each will find peace and comfort on the other’s shoulder. However, what exactly are the aspects and pitfalls hidden behind this? This article will talk about this.

Sagittarius man's relationship with Aries woman

First of all, a Sagittarius man is attracted to an Aries woman by her mischievous sparkle in her eyes. But he is even more amazed at her intelligence and wisdom. Sagittarius is a fire sign, he is very passionate, explosive and irrepressible, and the character of an Aries woman can balance the fire Sagittarius men, which means this woman cannot help but conquer the Sagittarius man even more. But even though it could be one of the most wonderful things that could ever happen to an Aries woman, this love can quickly expire. However, if the Aries woman constantly surprises the Sagittarius man, conquers him with new images and inventions, and is not the same and boring, she will be able to ensure that the Sagittarius man will give her his heart forever. Therefore, it is worth noting that in order to conquer a Sagittarius man, an Aries woman has only one chance, which she must use wisely. The Sagittarius man will not take steps towards you. Aries Woman she herself should interest him. A Sagittarius man can really fray the nerves of an Aries woman, and if she really loves him, then she needs to learn not to be offended by him and accept him for who he is.

Relationship between Aries woman and Sagittarius man

Let at first glance Aries woman and seems independent and self-confident, but in reality this is not the case. On a subconscious level, she experiences some fears that may prevent her from trusting a Sagittarius man if he is careless in his words and actions. The Aries woman will not tolerate unjustified jealousy and, of course, she will not be able to forgive the Sagittarius man’s flirting with other women. The Sagittarius man’s task is to surround the Aries woman with maximum care and attention, to create comfort and coziness around her. The Sagittarius man must learn to listen and understand the Aries woman, empathize with her and understand that she is defenseless and has no one else to rely on. If he succeeds, then the Aries woman will be able to make concessions and learn more trust a Sagittarius man. The Aries woman likes his inner freedom and impetuosity of feelings. And if she sees that the Sagittarius man is favorable to her, then she will be able to immerse him in an atmosphere of romance and tenderness.

Compatibility in friendship

This alliance of friendship can bring very good results. And if their friendship is not for life, then it will definitely last a long time. It is also possible that friendship between Sagittarius man and Aries woman will develop into business cooperation. Initially, they will not have any plans for joint projects or ideas, but over time they will both come to this idea. Their projects will be able to promote Aries woman and Sagittarius man By . First of all, these two can become friends thanks to their love of relaxation and travel. They like to go on hikes, expeditions and find places “where no man has gone before.” But their interests do not end there. Together they can go to the gym, fitness club, various clubs and sections. Their interests are so similar that they can understand each other better than their other half. Very often they begin to become family friends. However, the fact that they feel very good and easy together can give rise to an unexpected spark that will turn them from friends into lovers.

Compatibility in love

Aries woman and Sagittarius man both represent the fire element, which means the feelings that flare up between them can give rise to big flame love. They find each other at first sight, and by some unknown force they begin to be drawn to each other. Gradually they stop resisting it and feelings completely cover them. Aries woman and Sagittarius man drawn to everything unknown, adventures immerse them headlong. However, the romance of their relationship begins to fade when it comes to household obligations. Both expect one of them to take on most of the work, and because of this, contradictions begin. Small ones appear. There are two ways out of all this: either the Aries woman and the Sagittarius man will learn to give in to each other and find compromises, or they will choose confrontation and then they definitely cannot avoid constant curses and then separation. This relationship can be both a gift and an evil fate. It all depends on how much both partners value each other more than their own interests and whether they can make concessions to each other. One of the good things about the union is that this couple has a very strong energetic connection, they depend on each other, and if they both choose the path of creation and mutual understanding, then their love can work wonders. They will enjoy each other and every minute spent together. Feelings will consume them so much that they will not be able to part with each other. And if a Sagittarius man decides to marry an Aries woman, then this union is doomed to last until the end of his life. If a Sagittarius man has decided to get married, it means that he will be faithful to his chosen one and will not cheat on her, no matter what happens. He will take care of the Aries woman, which means she, in turn, will be able to create harmony in relationships and a cozy home.

What to expect from the union?

This union is an example of how fate itself allows two lovers to decide their lives. They can be the most happy couple, or they can turn from passionate lovers into hated enemies. If they choose the path of compromise and sacrifice in the name of love, then their couple can become very harmonious. They will be very happy, and their feelings will only grow stronger every year. But if personal interests rise above the relationship, then all that will remain in their couple is quarrels and complete misunderstanding. Feelings, drop by drop, will disappear and a breakup will be inevitable.

In conclusion, saying about a couple Aries woman and Sagittarius man, it is worth emphasizing that no matter how their fate turns out, these relationships will bring them useful life experience. These relationships will change their values ​​and teach them to understand the world differently. Having changed in better side, both will become wiser and more reasonable. And no matter what, no matter what path of development these relations take, for Aries women and Sagittarius men they will forever be remembered as one of the most memorable experiences of their lives.

The couple has a good chance of becoming happy and successful. The mutual sympathy that arose at the first meeting remains between partners throughout many years. In such a union, the wise Sagittarius woman takes on the role of teacher and mentor. The lady represents authority even for the self-confident and freedom-loving Aries man. She becomes a source of inspiration for him. In case of disagreements, the woman will willingly meet halfway and show leniency. In order not to destroy the harmony in the relationship, partners will have to turn their lives into a holiday. They both can't stand routine.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The Sagittarius woman and the Aries man are representatives of the element of Fire. These are bright and energetic people. They are impulsive and have strong characters. Such similarities make their union harmonious and interesting.

The Sagittarius woman is a strong and self-sufficient person. Only she, among representatives of all zodiac signs, allows the Aries man to show character and be on the same level with himself.

Such a couple has many friends. Partners like to relax in noisy companies. Since each of them loves active recreation, the couple spends a lot of time traveling. Thanks to this, they gain positive impressions and escape from everyday life. Joint trips out of town, hiking trips or a common business help strengthen the union.

Everyday work and everyday trifles depress both. On this basis, they often have disagreements. The same can be said about the financial support of the family. One expects maximum output from the other and is not ready to make concessions. Compromises will help a couple avoid a breakup. If both “follow the principle,” then conflicts are inevitable. But even despite numerous quarrels, partners bring real happiness and bright, wonderful emotions into each other’s lives.

Sexual compatibility

Sagittarius woman and Aries man love sex. Each of them enjoys feeling like an object of desire. Special attention both give foreplay. The intimate relationship between them is stormy and passionate. In the sexual sphere, the couple rarely has problems due to the similarity of temperaments and preferences. Disagreements are possible if partners begin to flaunt their ambitions.

Any of the representatives of these zodiac signs can commit adultery in order to find new emotions. After all, for Aries and Sagittarius there is nothing worse than everyday life.

Business compatibility (in work and business)

Sagittarius woman and Aries man represent the ideal business union. This is a tandem of strong, courageous and proactive people. Working in pairs, representatives of these zodiac signs achieve incredible success. They are the energy center in any organization. The Aries man in such a union gives an impetus. He is not afraid to make decisions. His courage helps the Sagittarius woman feel more confident. The lady shows flexibility and wisdom. She is able to successfully engage in all current work.

Partners work as equals. If one of them needs to be given the role of boss, then it is better to let it be an Aries man. He will ideally cope with a leadership position, and the Sagittarius woman will be able to adapt to his temperament.

Compatibility in friendship

A Sagittarius woman and an Aries man have a lot in common. They like each other and have similar temperaments. The energy and courage of both serves as an important link between the typical “fire” signs of the zodiac. The place where they meet can be directly related to their hobbies: a gym, a hiking trip, a fitness center. Often such friendship develops into a joint business. Representatives of these zodiac signs are open and sociable. They can be friends with families.

The Aries man and the Sagittarius woman are very similar in temperament and energy. Their compatibility causes envy among many. Such partners charge each other with positivity and energy. As a rule, Aries and Sagittarius create strong families. Moreover, their relationship is very fun, interesting and rich. Since the signs belong to the same element, their lives will be filled with emotions and passions.

1. Compatibility horoscope for Aries man and Sagittarius woman.

2. Difficulties in the union of Aries and Sagittarius.

3. Compatibility of an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman in sex.

4. What are Aries man and Sagittarius woman like in marriage?

5. Secrets of a long and happy relationship between Aries and Sagittarius.

What does the horoscope promise? Aries man, Sagittarius woman - how compatible are the signs?

At the first meeting, representatives of these signs are attracted to each other. Their connection often becomes simply inextricable. Aries and Sagittarius have a lot in common; their temperaments are similar. That is why they are never bored together. Sometimes it seems that the compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius in a relationship is made in heaven. These partners are not used to throwing around words; they always keep their promises.

A man born under this sign is attracted to natural, sincere women who do not like to sit in one place. Therefore, he will gladly agree to go on a hike with his chosen one, enroll together in some interest group. Aries is distinguished by its passion. A woman is able to quickly ignite a flame in him, which, if not maintained, will soon go out. But Sagittarius is a different matter. Such a girl will always arouse interest and desire in Aries. After all, it is difficult to win her, she does not fully reveal all her secrets and does not easily submit to men. This is what will keep the gentleman in the right tone.

A couple of Aries man and Sagittarius woman is cheerful, active and proactive. These signs are attractive to you. They always have a lot of friends, they are used to being in society. Sometimes acquaintances are scared off by the excessive assertiveness of these partners. However, they will never put pressure on anyone, coerce or force. Anywhere with them is easy and fun. However, they keep their personal life in the strictest confidence. They don't allow outsiders to poke their nose into things that aren't theirs.

It is noteworthy that the union of “Aries man and Sagittarius woman” is quite beneficial for both. As a rule, a representative of the fair sex lacks the determination and assertiveness that her partner possesses. Some circumstances force her to retreat. However, Aries will not allow this. With such a man she can achieve a lot. True, Aries sometimes gets too fixated on his own person, not seeing anything that is happening around him. The Sagittarius girl will help him open up and realize his hidden abilities. Be that as it may, the leading position in the couple will be occupied by the man. It is he who will make all the important decisions.

What difficulties does the compatibility of signs have: Aries man and Sagittarius woman?

Scandals often break out between lovers. As a rule, conflicts arise because the signs have different views on what is happening. A woman often makes concessions, or carefully convinces her gentleman. According to the narcissistic Aries, he is always right, and only his opinion is the only correct one. The Sagittarius girl thinks bigger. However, sometimes she follows the lead of someone, adopting the point of view of others and forgetting about her own opinion. Aries' love of freedom does not allow him to adapt to the opinion of the majority, which greatly worries his chosen one.

In addition, the compatibility of Aries and Sagittarius in love can crack due to the fact that they perceive household responsibilities differently. Such a man values ​​his status very much; it is difficult to force him to do something that is not truly “a man’s business.” A woman born under this sign is also not a timid and obedient housewife. As a result, their home is not always in complete order, since there is no one to furnish the family home. If this does not strain the partners, then the relationship will not suffer in any way. However, Aries often loves coziness and comfort in the house. Therefore, he will begin to express claims to his chosen one. Despite his compliance, Sagittarius will find something to say in response. As a result, a scandal may break out.

Are Aries man and Sagittarius woman good lovers? Compatibility in bed

Unfortunately, in the intimate life of these signs, everything does not always work out harmoniously. It’s just that such a woman is not used to being submissive, including in bed. Aries will not be able to understand what exactly his partner wants. And it’s just hard for her to open up and trust even her beloved. Over time, the long-awaited harmony will come in the relationship. Just need to wait. Moreover, a man should have patience, because his chosen one may not reveal her true self for a long time.

As the sexual horoscope of a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man says, only the feminine principle will help a lady accept her partner. After this, she will become more open and sincere in bed. This is exactly what Aries needs. That is, patience will help him find a wonderful lover. Sagittarius must completely trust the man in bed.

Also, an Aries man and a Sagittarius woman should not show excessive ambitions in bed. Their sex can be very fun and active. Overall, both enjoy the process. Everyone likes to be desired and loved. When it comes to sex, what a woman values ​​most is long, intense foreplay. If they manage to achieve mutual understanding in bed, animal passion and unforgettable emotions await them.

What are Aries man and Sagittarius woman like in marriage? Compatibility in love

When these two signs enter into an official relationship, their lives do not become monotonous and more boring. And even vice versa. Sagittarius regularly comes up with new, unexpected ideas, which Aries immediately begins to implement. And he does it in an extremely unconventional way.

At the beginning of their life together, misunderstandings may arise between Aries and Sagittarius. They need to try their best to get through this period without major quarrels. As a result, the relationship will continue to proceed without conflicts and scandals. The love and interest of partners for each other will only increase over time. Being together, they feel truly happy and satisfied. Lovers will have no problems in financial matters. Both treat material wealth with ease; they do not mind parting with money. Any purchase brings them true joy.

It is worth saying that the children of an Aries man from a Sagittarius woman can be born through long time. The partners are simply not mentally ready to take responsibility for the little man. However, when they do become parents, they will have no equal. Although they perceive raising a child differently. The father will strive to raise the baby in strictness and order, and the mother insists on freedom.

Secrets of a long and happy relationship between Aries and Sagittarius

Despite the fact that the Sagittarius woman and the Aries man have extremely good compatibility in sex, love and marriage, they are not expected to be completely cloudless and calm life together, however, like . Both will have to make some efforts to maintain harmony in the family. Some nuances that will help you live “happily ever after”:

1. It is impossible for a man to completely take over the reins of power in the family. Otherwise, complete chaos will reign in the house. Aries will have to take on some responsibilities around the house.

2. To prevent a man from being jealous of his lady love, they need to spend more time together. For example, go on a visit, attend social events, relax. Both signs love noisy companies and society, and therefore this should not cause problems.

3. Aries must come to terms with the fact that his chosen one periodically needs freedom. You shouldn’t keep it within “four walls.”

4. Partners must build their relationship on mutual understanding, friendship and respect. Family life is work, and both should understand and remember this.

Often the harmonious relationship between a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man is built precisely on the dissimilarity of views. As a rule, a representative of the stronger sex does not pay attention to the opinion of the majority. This allows him to achieve success in his career and business. Aries can easily achieve success in business and become a rich politician. The chosen one must understand and accept the thinking of her gentleman, guiding him in the right direction. Otherwise, he may fail in some matters. This is why Aries and Sagittarius are so comfortable together.

In addition, the wife must remember that the love of an Aries man for a Sagittarius woman is sincere and limitless. She needs to trust her partner and show some gentleness of character. Important questions In the family, the man must decide, because he is the stronger sex. Over time, a woman will get used to feeling defenseless, fragile, and she will even like it. Aries will be inspired by his partner's desire for new adventures. As a result, their relationship will be long-lasting, harmonious, filled with happiness and love.

A Sagittarius woman and an Aries man will notice each other immediately. They are distinguished by inexhaustible optimism, energy and some special passion that manifests itself externally. He will be interested to know what lies behind her smile, and she will feel the conqueror in him. Their love will not be tender and quiet - in the case of an Aries man, there can be no talk of any silence at all. He will not be able to conquer her completely: the Sagittarius woman loves freedom, she does not intend to surrender to a man. He will wonder why she resists his pressure: they are simply very similar. The Sagittarius woman intuitively understands that he wants her to adapt to him, but she cannot do this, her whole being defends its independence. We can say that this relationship is a struggle, however, there will be no losers here. They will both be winners, because they deserve each other. A Sagittarius woman and an Aries man can have long and strong love relationship, but they will always be missing something.

Sex between a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man will be frequent, vibrant and passionate. These are, perhaps, its main characteristics - you couldn’t say it better. They both know very well what they want from their sex life, understand each other’s desires, which is important, and have similar sexual temperaments. They will feel good with each other, and they can make up for the periodic lack of ideas together by looking through magazines and films (not necessarily erotic).

Family and marriage

In marriage, a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man will feel great, their values ​​and worldviews are very similar, so their views on family life will also largely coincide. The Sagittarius woman will be able to become an excellent wife and housewife; she is highly active. True, she should not limit herself only to the role of a wife, because her desire to lead social life is quite large, and if she extinguishes these impulses in herself, her husband will have a hard time. She will become angry and snap at him - so it will be better if she does something else besides taking care of the home. An Aries man can be an excellent husband - however, he will need to learn patience and understanding, on which family life. Initially, these qualities are not very developed in him.

Friendship between representatives of the fire element is always very bright and long. They devote themselves to relationships with all their hearts, and the pair of Sagittarius woman and Aries man is no exception. Together these two will move mountains: take the energy of an Aries man, add to it the fearlessness of a Sagittarius woman - now do you understand what kind of friends these are? They can play sports, go hiking, theaters and cinema, listen to loud and not very loud music. In a word, they will definitely get along. And most likely for a long time.

Work and business

The union of a Sagittarius woman and an Aries man is good for general business. They both love and know how to take risks, love making money and influencing others, expressing themselves. They will definitely work together because their methods are similar and their goals are the same. They can also achieve great success in creativity, since the element of Fire, to which they both belong, endows its representatives with a special creative talent.