Mysterious personalities in history. Interesting things on the web

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Mysterious murders at the Hinterkaifeck farm

In 1922, the mysterious murder of six people committed in the small village of Hinterkaifeck shocked the whole of Germany. And not only because the murders were committed with horrific cruelty.

All the circumstances surrounding this crime were very strange, even mystical, and to this day it remains unsolved.

More than 100 people were questioned during the investigation, but no one was ever arrested. Not a single motive that could somehow explain what happened was identified either.

The maid who worked in the house ran away six months ago, claiming that there were ghosts there. New girl arrived just a few hours before the murder.

Apparently, the intruder had been on the farm for at least several days - someone was feeding the cows and eating in the kitchen. In addition, neighbors saw smoke coming from the chimney over the weekend. The photo shows the body of one of the dead, found in a barn.

Phoenix Lights

The so-called “Phoenix Lights” are several flying objects that were observed by more than 1,000 people on the night of Thursday, March 13, 1997: in the skies over the states of Arizona and Nevada in the United States and over the state of Sonora in Mexico.

Actually, two strange events happened that night: a triangular formation of luminous objects that moved across the sky, and several motionless lights hovering over the city of Phoenix. However, the latest US Air Force recognized the lights from the A-10 Warthog aircraft - it turned out that at that time military exercises were taking place in southwest Arizona.

Astronaut from Solway Firth

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Templeton was walking near the Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a Kodak photograph of his five-year-old daughter. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl’s back. The analysis showed that the photograph had not been subject to any changes.

Falling body

The Cooper family just moved into their new home in Texas. In honor of the housewarming it was laid out festive table, at the same time we decided to take some family photos. And when the photographs were developed, a strange figure was revealed on them - it seemed that someone’s body was either hanging or falling from the ceiling. Of course, the Coopers didn’t see anything like this during filming.

Too many hands

Four guys were fooling around, taking pictures in the yard. When the film was developed, it turned out that out of nowhere one extra hand appeared on it (peeking out from behind the back of a guy in a black T-shirt).

"Battle of Los Angeles"

This photograph was published in the Los Angeles Times on February 26, 1942. To this day, conspiracy theorists and ufologists cite it as evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth. They claim that the photo clearly shows that the beams of the searchlights are falling on the alien flying ship. However, as it turned out, the photo for publication was heavily retouched - this is a standard procedure that almost all published black and white photographs were subjected to for greater effect.

The incident itself, captured in the photo, was called a “misunderstanding” by authorities. The Americans had just survived the Japanese attack, and in general the tension was incredible. Therefore, the military got excited and opened fire on the object, which, most likely, was a harmless weather balloon.

Lights of Hessdalen

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study mysterious phenomenon, called "The Lights of Hessdalen".

Björn Hauge took this photo one clear night using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should consist of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of the “Lights of Hessdalen”. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to what it could be.

Time Traveler

This photo was taken in 1941 during the opening ceremony of the South Forks Bridge. The public's attention was attracted by a young man whom many considered a "time traveler" - due to his modern hairstyle, zip-up sweater, printed T-shirt, fashionable glasses and point-and-shoot camera. The whole outfit is clearly not from the 40s. On the left, highlighted in red is a camera that was actually in use at that time.

9/11 attack - South Tower woman

In these two photographs, a woman can be seen standing on the edge of the hole created in the South Tower after a plane crashed into the building. Her name is Edna Clinton and, not surprisingly, she ended up on the list of survivors. How she managed this is beyond comprehension, considering everything that happened in that part of the building.

Skunk monkey

In 2000, a woman who wished to remain anonymous took two photographs of a mysterious creature and sent it to the Sarasota County (Florida) Sheriff. The photographs were accompanied by a letter in which the woman claimed that she had photographed a strange creature in the backyard of her house. The creature came to her house three nights in a row and stole the apples left on the terrace.

UFO in the painting “Madonna with Saint Giovannino”

The painting “Madonna with Saint Giovannino” belongs to the brush of Domenico Ghirlandai (1449-1494) and is currently in the collection of Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. A mysterious flying object and a man watching it are clearly visible above Mary's right shoulder.

Incident at Lake Falcon

Another meeting with a supposed extraterrestrial civilization occurred at Lake Falcon on May 20, 1967.

A certain Stefan Michalak was relaxing in these places and at some point noticed two descending cigar-shaped objects, one of which landed very close. Michalak claims he saw the door open and heard voices coming from inside.

He tried to speak to the aliens in English, but there was no response. Then he tried to get closer, but came across “invisible glass,” which apparently served as protection for the object.

Suddenly, Michalak was surrounded by a cloud of air so hot that his clothes caught fire. The man received serious burns.


This story happened on the evening of February 11, 1988 in the city of Vsevolozhsk. There was a light knock on the window of the house where a woman who was fond of spiritualism lived with her teenage daughter. Looking out, the woman saw no one. I went out onto the porch - no one. And there were no footprints in the snow under the window either.

The woman was surprised, but of great importance didn't give it. And half an hour later there was a bang and part of the glass in the window where the invisible guest was knocking collapsed, forming an almost perfectly round hole.

The next day, at the woman’s request, her Leningrad acquaintance, candidate of technical sciences S.P. Kuzionov, arrived. He examined everything carefully and took several photographs.

When the photograph was developed, the face of a woman appeared on it, peering into the lens. This face seemed unfamiliar to both the owner of the house and Kuzionov himself.

During the existence of mankind, there were many mysterious people who possessed supernatural abilities and capabilities. They left their mark on history, but not all were recognized in their era. Many of them were exiles.

This man could not only predict the future, but also project his thoughts to other people. He learned about his paranormal abilities at the age of 11. Messing had a very strict father, who beat him with rods more than once. The child could not stand it and ran away from home. He took the train and decided to go far from hometown. But since he didn’t have a ticket, little Wolf hid under the seat and fell asleep. There the conductor found him. He demanded a ticket from the boy. Then Messing handed him a piece of newspaper and really wanted the controller to believe that it was a ticket. He looked into the eyes of the inspector and thought only about his salvation. And a miracle happened - the controller punched a piece of paper and left the boy alone.
Thanks to his abilities, he met such famous people like Einstein and Freud. Messing conducted joint experiments with the latter. Wolf could not only influence people’s consciousness, but also read their thoughts at a distance.

Narine – girl – “thorn”

For two years, an eighteen-year-old girl went to medical institutions with one problem. Thorns kept growing on her hand. Doctors removed them, but the thorns appeared again. The girl has already collected 140 spines and was very concerned about her future. In desperation, she turned to the Center for Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Microsurgery (Yerevan). She underwent a series of examinations, as a result of which plant spores were discovered in her body.

Two years ago, Narine pricked herself with a cactus. Plant spores got into the wound and began to germinate in the girl’s weakened body. Only after the entire fistula was removed from Narine’s body did the tormenting thorns stop darkening the girl’s life.
This was not the only case. A Japanese man who was pricked by a cactus also began to grow spines on his body.

Daniel Smith - the most flexible person on the planet

This American is called the most gutta-percha man in the world. He set Guinness World Records five times.
He began twisting his body at the age of four. At that time, he did not see anything abnormal in his abilities. But later he realized that he had real talent. No one could repeat his tricks. At the age of 18 he began performing in the circus. Since that time, the “rubber man” became a real star and took part in many shows and television programs.

Daniel Smith can fit through the hole of a tennis racket or a toilet seat without any problems. He can even move his heart across his chest and tie incredible knots with his limbs. According to doctors, Smith has had such supernatural flexibility since birth. Through his efforts, he brought it to its maximum level.

Samvel Gharibyan is a human phenomenon

How much information can you remember? Armenian Samvel Gharibyan has a unique memory. A strict examiner asked him to repeat 1000 unfamiliar words in nine languages, and Samvel was able to complete this difficult task. At the same time, its capabilities are much greater. One incident helped Samvel become a real human computer. In his youth, he underwent a complex eye operation, and doctors forbade the patient to read and write for a year. At that time, Samvel was a student at Rostov University and he had to take a test. He understood all the material by ear and was able to successfully pass all exams. From that time on, he began to train his memory and became a human phenomenon.

Michel de Nostredame - the greatest seer

In 1503 the great Nostradamus was born. His relatives were famous doctors, one of whom was the personal physician of the Duke of Calabria. Nostradamus's father belonged to the ancient family of Issachar, whose representatives possessed the gift of prophecy.

Nostradamus graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and received the title of Master of Pharmacy. His gift of clairvoyance was used by such royalty as Catherine de Medici and Chavigny. The clairvoyant’s legacy includes over 140 predictions that continue to come true even after his death.

The Tuquera Indian tribe lives in the Amazon forests. You can pour water on them as much as you like, but their skin and hair will remain dry.

Scientists believe that in the process of evolutionary development they have developed immunity to a humid climate and frequent heavy rains. A special coating has formed on the skin of the Indians, which protects their body from constant humidity. Water flows off them like a duck or goose.

For many years this Indian tribe lives in conditions of constant humidity. "Waterproof" people were discovered by Dr. Tolborn in 1988 while traveling along the Hurua River. Due to heavy rain, he stopped at an Indian settlement. Then he noticed that even in heavy rain people remained completely dry. They went about their business, fishing, hunting, but did not get wet at all. The doctor took samples of their skin to determine the substance with which it was covered. He hopes to use it in the future to treat outerwear to keep them from getting wet when it rains.

Helen Torrestein and her secret to eternal youth

This unusual incident occurred in 1961. At that time, Helen was 32 years old. She was doing home renovations when she tripped, fell and hit her head hard. She was taken unconscious to a nearby hospital. For four months, doctors fought for her life, but the woman was in a deep coma and there was no improvement. She was transferred to private clinic, in which her body was supported for many years medicines. But during all this time Helen did not age, there were no changes.

When the woman had an accident, her son was 15 years old and her daughter was 8 years old.
Relatives regularly visited Helen in the clinic, but they had no hope for her recovery. The children have long since grown up. They started their own families. And Helen remained the same as in 1961. She had not aged at all, she remained just as beautiful and slender.

And then a miracle happened - in February 1996, the woman came out of her coma. She was absolutely healthy and full of strength. But she didn’t remember her relatives. She had to get to know her family again. Her husband was already 70 years old, her daughter was 43, and her son was 50. Helen remained as young as 35 years ago.

There were and are many in the world unique people, who surprise with their abilities associated with the discovery of something new and extraordinary, the ability to influence other people, or a large number of secrets and mysteries that still interest many today. So which ones are the most mysterious people encountered in history? Let's figure this out.

Michel de Nostredame had a supernatural ability to predict the future, but was also a good healer, since all of his ancestors on his mother’s side had a special gift of healing. Nostradamus was born in 1503. Primary education he was given it within the walls of his home, and thanks to his grandfather, he became familiar with the study of the secrets of the stars. For this, Nostradamus was called the “little stargazer.”

At the age of 22, the future great soothsayer began to study at a European university, which was famous for its medical school. In 1526, he managed to discover a cure for the plague, which Nostradamus writes about in his writings. In 1529 he received the title of doctor of the medical faculty.

His first gift of clairvoyance was revealed to him in 1548. As the soothsayer himself claimed, this happened after he burned occult literature. All astrological calculations and astronomical indicators indicated that Nostradamus had the ability to foresight, for which he never tired of thanking God. And the beginning of his popularity in this regard was after the first prophecy came true - Nostradamus predicted the death of King Henry II. Then his talent became in great demand among royal persons who wanted to know about the path destined for him.

IN world history included the centuries of Nostradamus - prophetic works that contain predictions from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Thanks to his phenomenal abilities, this one of the most mysterious people in history predicted many events that continue to occur to this day. Nostradamus died in 1566, having, of course, predicted his day of death. Surely, the successor of Nostradamus can be called the great Vanga, whose personality is no less mysterious.

This man is known to everyone as an Italian violin maker - with his light hand violins were born whose sound can be called simply perfect. During his lifetime (born in 1644 and died in 1737), Stradivarius created approximately 1,100 musical instruments, some of which have survived to this day - they are used by famous violinists. The price of a Stradivarius violin today reaches fabulous sums, but this is understandable, because modern masters cannot create even something close to Stradivarius violins. It is for this reason that one can call the great master one of the most mysterious people in history. Today neither scientists nor famous masters cannot explain the quality of the violins Stradivari created, and the master did not reveal his secret, taking it with him to the grave.

We can say that the most mysterious people in history have supernatural abilities, namely the ability to foresee something and predict the future. But telepath Wolf Messing also had the gift of projecting his own thoughts into the brain of another person and thereby controlling his thoughts.

Messing's paranormal abilities were discovered at the age of 11, when he ran away from home one day and took a train. Of course, he had no money, and he hid under the seat, where he fell asleep. He was discovered by a conductor who demanded a ticket from the boy. Wolf Messing handed him a piece of newspaper and passionately wished that the conductor would take it for a ticket, and with these thoughts the telepath looked into the eyes of the person checking the “ticket”. The result was amazing - the conductor punched the piece of newspaper and returned the “ticket” to the boy.

Then, thanks to his abilities, Messing met Einstein, and he was personally acquainted with Freud. Together with Freud, the telepath even conducted some experiments. Messing could not only influence the consciousness of people at a distance, but also knew how to read people's thoughts.

This professor and mathematician from Sweden in 1940 managed to decipher a certain code with which the Germans transmitted vital information. The Nazis were absolutely sure about this code that it was practically impossible to solve it, but Berling refuted their opinion. He was able to decrypt using only pencil, paper and the codes presented to him. This code was incredibly complex (as those who took part in the decryption believed), but the professor managed to solve it in 2 weeks. The method used to decipher the code, this mysterious and smart man did not reveal it.

An emigrant from Latvia, born in 1887, became famous as an amateur sculptor and for his theories of magnetism. He was short (150 cm), but he managed to create sculptures that weighed several tons (the most famous “Coral Castle”). Moreover, he independently moved the sculptures around his park, arranging them in the form of a complex structure. Then the sculptor even stated that he was able to reveal the secret of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

When one day he needed to move, he decided to take the huge stones from the garden with him. He hired a truck to do this, but he loaded and unloaded everything himself, asking the driver to stand aside while loading and unloading. No one knew how he did this, since the sculptor almost always worked after sunset. This one of the most mysterious people in history died in 1951, without revealing his secrets to anyone.

Many fictions and legends are associated with the name of this man. Therefore, in the entire history of France in the 18th century, he is one of the most mysterious figures, to whom various adventures, adventures, and occult activities are attributed. Despite the fact that his real name and date of birth are unknown, there is information that this man was an excellent alchemist, with the help of which he was engaged in improving diamonds, and was also a diplomat and traveler.

The Russian emperor, undoubtedly, can be considered a rather mysterious figure in history - he ascended the throne scandalously, and left it in the same way. Despite the fact that Alexander I declared his reluctance to reign, he remained the autocrat of Russia for a quarter of a century.

The official version says that the death of the emperor occurred in 1825 (after returning from Crimea). However, there are versions that he only faked his death in order to retire. It is believed that he went to Siberia, where he lived until his death under the name Fyodor Kuzmich, but there is no documentary evidence of this version.

Russian history is rich mysterious personalities. Their life gave rise to rumors; popular rumor supplemented the images with unique features. After death, their names became surrounded by new myths and legends, eliminating any hope of a solution.

The prerequisites for the appearance of False Dmitry I in Russia are associated with mysterious death under unclear circumstances, the son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsarevich Dmitry. The impostor, who pretended to be the heir who miraculously escaped death, chose a good time: taking advantage of the unrest in the country, False Dmitry took possession of the Moscow throne for almost a year.

The most popular version of the origin of False Dmitry I, which is still supported by many historians, was put forward by the government of Boris Godunov. In correspondence with the Polish king Sigismund, Godunov identified the impostor with the fugitive monk of the Chudov Monastery, Grigory Otrepyev.

However, historian Nikolai Kostomarov suggested that False Dmitry could have come from Western Rus', being the son of a nobleman or boyar. Some researchers put forward the version that the impostor’s courage can be explained by his sincere belief in his royal origin. He turned out to be a blind tool in the hands of the boyars, who, having overthrown Godunov, destroyed him.

Jacob Bruce (1669-1735)

One of the associates of Peter I, a native of a noble Scottish family, Jacob Bruce, was a very extraordinary person. A statesman, diplomat, military man, scientist and engineer - he left behind a bright mark. But he also gained a reputation as a warlock, “the sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower” and the first Russian Freemason.

The creation of the magical image of Jacob Bruce was greatly facilitated by the Russian romantic literature. Candidate philological sciences Irina Gracheva writes that “judging by some data, Yakov Vilimovich had a skeptical rather than a mystical mindset.”

Contemporaries noted that Bruce did not believe in anything supernatural. When Tsar Peter showed the relics of the holy saints to the Scotsman, he “attributed this to the climate, to the properties of the land in which they were previously buried, to the embalming of bodies and to abstinent life.” Yakov Bruce should go down in the history of Russia primarily as a talented military engineer who was involved in improving artillery guns and a scientist who contributed to the development of Russian science.

Monk Abel (1757-1841)

No official documents about the life of monk Abel (in the world of Vasily Vasiliev) have survived. The only exception is the case of the Ministry of Justice Russian Empire 1796, in which a monk was accused of distributing a book of his prophecies.

Historians do not question the identity of Abel, but the authenticity of the prophecies attributed to him is not recognized by most of them. In particular, the Orthodox interpreter Nikolai Kaverin notes that many of Abel’s predictions were constantly updated, and this indicates the formation of the “heresy of Tsardom”, the main sin of which is the equation of Nicholas II and Christ.

Abel's prophecies, in the form in which they exist now, predict destinies with amazing accuracy Russian emperors from Paul I to Nicholas II. In addition, the prophecies predict the end of the monarchy in Russia, the civil and two world wars, the appearance of aircraft and underwater vehicles, as well as the use of asphyxiating gases.

Princess Tarakanova (1745?-1775)

Princess Tarakanova is one of the most famous adventurers in Europe. According to Vice-Chancellor Alexander Golitsyn, “her resourceful soul is capable of great lies and deception.” She changed lovers, names, places of residence like gloves, each time inventing new story of its origin.

The princess claimed the Russian throne under the name of Elizaveta Vladimirskaya, posing as the daughter of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna and Alexei Razumovsky.

According to historians, the decision to impersonate a grand ducal person is largely connected with the sensational story in Europe of the impostor of Emelyan Pugachev.

Princess Tarakanova refused to recognize herself as an “ordinary woman” until the very end. According to one version, the impostor died of tuberculosis in the Peter and Paul Fortress, according to another, she died there during the flood of 1777.

Count Palen (1745-1826)

Count Peter Palen entered Russian history primarily not as an excellent officer who advanced highly in military service, but as a cunning diplomat and intriguer who played main role in the overthrow of Paul I.

For some, he is a hero who saved the Fatherland from a tyrant tsar, for others he is Judas, who betrayed the sovereign who trusted him infinitely.

But for most historians, Palen is nothing more than a puppet in the hands of the Russian nobility, who wanted to quickly get rid of the unpopular courtier.

Some researchers are convinced that Masonic roots should be sought in the conspiracy against the Tsar, organized by Palen. However, in lately In the motives of Palen’s actions, an “English trace” is increasingly being seen: perhaps this is how British diplomacy, through the count, took revenge on Paul for his alliance with Napoleon and for colonial interests in India.

Alexander I (1777-1825)

The Emperorship of Alexander I can be called one of the most mysterious in history. national history: he scandalously ascended to the Russian throne and mysteriously left it. Publicly declaring his reluctance to reign, Alexander I was the Russian autocrat for a quarter of a century.

In 1825, when the health of the wife of Alexander I worsened, the imperial couple left for the south. After visiting Crimea, the tsar himself fell ill, which led to his sudden death. That's what the official version says.

But there are also legends, one of which says that the emperor did not die, but faked his death in order to retire from worldly affairs. According to the most common version, he went to Siberia, where, under the name of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich, he spent the rest of his days.

Of course, this version has no documentary evidence. A story appeared in the Russian emigrant press that after the autopsy empty coffin Alexander I, in the presence of Alexander II, placed the body of a long-bearded old man there. However, the mystery of the victorious tsar could be clarified by genetic examination, which specialists from the Russian Center for Forensic Science do not exclude.

Grigory Rasputin (1869-1916)

The personality of Grigory Rasputin is shrouded in so many myths and legends that it is not easy to discern the real one in him. historical character. In revolutionary and Soviet propaganda, the image of the “old man” was so demonized that it acquired caricature features. Many of the accusations brought against Rasputin - of sectarianism, debauchery, behind-the-scenes influence on politics - were never brought to completion due to the fact that they did not receive proper confirmation. For example, the alleged closeness of Rasputin to royal family was refuted by many courtiers.

In the 1990s, the time came for another extreme. Religious veneration of Grigory Rasputin gave rise to the idea of ​​canonizing the “elder” as a holy martyr. Such an initiative was categorically rejected by Alexy II, drawing attention to the “dubious morality” of Rasputin, who cast a shadow on the August Family.

The most mysterious people in the world

1. Satoshi Nakamoto worked in secret for years to develop and launch the digital currency Bitcoin. Nakamoto was very careful in his activities. Nobody knows the creator of Bitcoin by sight. A few years after the launch of Bitcoin, Satoshi completely disappeared into the shadows and no one has heard anything about him since then. But whoever Nakamoto is, he controls his hundreds of millions of dollars in untraceable Bitcoin.

2 . For 70 years on Edgar Allan Poe's birthday, a disguised figure raises a toast over Poe's grave. Before disappearing Po-Toaster, as he is now known, placed 3 roses on the grave to pay tribute to Poe. But, for unknown reasons, he has not been seen since 2010.

3. The assassination of John F. Kennedy is an event riddled with strange coincidences. One secret figure seen in the photographs is known as Umbrella Man. At the time of the murder, this man was the only person carrying an umbrella on a clear sunny day. He is one of the closest observers of the murder. In the photographs you can see how he raised his umbrella up and rotates it and at the moment of the murder he holds the umbrella clockwise. The identity of the "Umbrella Man" has not been definitively determined.

4. In France in the 1880s young woman body was caught from the Seine River. The coroner thought she was very beautiful and sculpted her face out of plaster. The woman has not been identified, but her face is now famous around the world thanks to CPR. A Norwegian toy manufacturer used the face of a woman from the Seine to create the first CPR doll. Her face is the most kissed face in history.

5. Dan Cooper is the pseudonym of the only hijacker in US aviation history. Cooper stole a Boeing 727 with explosives in his briefcase and demanded $200,000 in cash. After his demands were met, he jumped mid-flight from the back stairs of the plane into the darkness. Two fighters following the hijacked plane did not see Cooper's parachute. And despite a massive US manhunt for Dan, he and the cash were never found. The fate of the man who hijacked the plane is unknown.

6. In the 1790s, French prisoners in the Bastille noticed a special prisoner who was wearing an iron mask. The masked prisoner never removed his mask and was forbidden to speak to him for mysterious reasons. The only information in his prison file consists of one line: prisoner number. Most experts believe the man was an important, high-ranking prisoner who may have even been a royal. The masked man died in captivity without revealing his crimes to anyone.

7. In 1989, student protesters in Tiananmen Square forced the Chinese government to declare martial law. The persecution was brutal, with government forces using tanks and live ammunition against the demonstrators. One of the photographs shows unknown man in front of a column of tanks, who refused to leave in an act of defiance and bravery. However, his identity and fate are completely unknown.

8. In 1593, a Spanish palace guard named Gil Perez was on duty after the assassination of the local governor. Chinese pirates had killed the governor of Manila the night before while Perez fell asleep for a moment. When he woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, people approached him asking who he was, and he discovered that he was in Mary City in the Plaza Mayor. He informed the authorities. The governor of Manila was assassinated two months later. News arrived from the Philippines by ship confirming his story. Little is known about Perez and his teleportation from Manila to Mexico City.

9. One more mysterious man was involved in the Kennedy assassination lady dressed as granny. This lady may have been the reason for the inaccurate recording of everything that happened at the crime scene. The FBI demanded that the unidentified woman come forward and turn around. But the woman did not come forward in the photo, and her footage has never been found. The last scene The photos were of the Grandma Lady walking away from the crime scene towards Elm Street.

10. A killer by name Zodiac was a crazed serial killer who openly mocked law enforcement. He sent them letters in coded letters and bragged about how many people he had killed. The Zodiac claimed to have killed 37 people, but only 7 crimes led to him. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, other murders remained unsolved and his identity remains unknown.

The article was prepared by ©Marina