Index finger up big sideways what does it mean. Raised index finger up - gesture

Before you use any finger shape in conversation, think about what it might mean. This is important for your own safety. In every country, there are many various options interpretation of such symbols. It depends on the history of the country and on religion, and on the traditions that have developed over the years. The gesture: three fingers up can be equally likely to be a greeting or an insult.

What does the "three fingers up" gesture mean?

In gestures triplets important to know which fingers are raised up?. So, if three fingers are pointing upward in order, starting with the thumb, then the meaning of this sign is as follows:

  1. It is used as a greeting by Serbs in the nineteenth century;
  2. Three fingers symbolize the Holy Trinity and, accordingly, Orthodoxy;
  3. In paganism, it is a symbol of fidelity;
  4. Nazis different countries, used it as a greeting and as an oath of allegiance.

In the case when raised up average, nameless fingers and little finger, and the thumb and index finger are folded into a ring:

  • For Americans and most people in other countries, it means that everything is fine;
  • In Japan it is a symbol of money.

Symbol with sticking out index And average fingers and pinkies has a sexual connotation and primarily symbolizes the superiority of the person showing and the desire to humiliate the opponent.

Shaka gesture: what is it?

This symbol is based on two protruding fingers:

  1. Big;
  2. Little finger.

According to one legend, this sign appeared as a result of an accident with a Hawaiian youth who lost all the fingers on his right hand, except for these two. When meeting familiar people, he greeted them by raising his palm with outstretched fingers. And so the symbol spread to other areas of the globe.

In the historical homeland of this symbol, it was given the meaning of greeting and an invitation to relax, step away from the hustle and bustle, and look around. By showing this symbol, they seem to tell us that everything is fine.

In other countries, the interpretations are different:

  • On the territory former USSR the gesture was used as an offer to drink strong drinks;
  • If the thumb is pressed to the lips, this indicates a desire to take drugs;
  • With your thumb leaning against your ear, the interlocutor wants or plans to call you.

Thus, this gesture does not carry any special mystical background, however, it can also be perceived ambiguously, like all others.

Gesture: two fingers raised up

When talking about this symbol, most often we mean a sign in the form English letter V. This gesture was first used by the leader of England after the victory over fascism. As a result, the sign became widespread throughout the world as a symbol of undeniable victory.

However, in addition to this common meaning, there are others:

  1. In countries such as Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa in the case when this sign is shown with the palm facing the interlocutor back side, he is considered unfriendly and even rude;
  2. It has the meaning of the number “2” or the Latin “5”;
  3. Used for greeting;
  4. It has become often used when a person rejoices at his achievements and shares his joy with others.

There is a legend about the origin of this sign, according to which during hundred years war Between the British and the French, prisoners of war in Great Britain had two of these fingers cut off, depriving them of the opportunity to work. In response, before the battle, the British tried in every possible way to show this symbol to the enemy, demonstrating that they were healthy and could defeat the French army.

However, there is an opinion that this could not have happened in reality, since the French did not take prisoners, and the story itself was composed in the eighties of the twentieth century.

Kukish: meaning in different countries

The most common in our country is the figure of three fingers in the form blew or fig. Its meaning is clear to all of us. However, in other countries you should not always use this sign as a last resort argument in a dispute, since you can not only offend your interlocutor, but also put yourself in an awkward position:

  1. Germans perceive this sign as an invitation to intimacy;
  2. Eastern countries, for example, Japan or China, consider it a designation of the phallus;
  3. The Hindus will perceive him as a threat from you;
  4. But in Brazil and Portugal, according to beliefs, this symbol brings good luck and protects from evil spirits.

Protruding fingers - index and little fingers (goat)

The fingers sticking out in this design have a versatile interpretation; it has the colloquial name “goat”. IN different times and in different territories this sign was prescribed different properties:

  • In the Soviet Union, this gesture was often used by crime bosses to indicate their superiority over other people. It came from prison and was considered indecent and humiliating;
  • In rock culture, this symbol was first used by the singer Dio. He noticed this variation of fingers in his grandmother, who thus drove away the unfavorable influence of suspicious people from her family and home. Rockers picked it up and in the subculture this gesture became entrenched as approval of the artist’s activities;
  • This sign also has a mystical meaning. In ancient times, in the territories of Europe and Asia, amulets with this sign were often worn, hoping that it would protect them from the evil eye or bad influence;
  • Even in more ancient times, this type of finger placement was used by Greek and Roman orators. In their opinion, it had a great impact on the audience and was used when it was necessary to express an important thought and partly instill it in the minds of those listening;
  • In iconography, gesture is used to convey direct speech, the purpose of which is to communicate the good news;
  • In sign language translation in Russian, the gesture means the letter “Y”, in American it means a declaration of love;
  • In sports, it is used to transmit special signals to teammates, most often used in baseball.

Thus, the goat sign is versatile and has many meanings. Unfortunately, many people are not well educated in this area and, seeing such a gesture, may perceive it from an offensive or negative side.

Thus, in order to better understand the interlocutor, look at his hands. The gestures with which he appeals can bring you quite a lot of information that a person will not say anything about out loud.

Be careful when using any non-verbal signs, since the “three fingers up” gesture, which is harmless in your opinion, can bring you a lot of trouble if it is misunderstood by your interlocutor.

Video: 7 gestures that are best not shown in other countries

In this video, Roman Tolovanov will tell you what gestures in other countries can get you beaten or even sent to prison:

On the Internet you can often find images of Muslims raising their index finger right hand. Like many other gestures, this one has its own meaning. different nations. Among Russians, a straightened index finger with the rest bent at the same time is used as a regular pointer, and well-mannered citizens consider this gesture to be too deliberate and therefore unacceptable. In Muslim society it has a completely different meaning.
Origin of the gesture Islam is one of the youngest world religions, which has absorbed the experience of many others. cultural traditions and beliefs. The gesture of an upraised index finger was borrowed from the pagans of the Mediterranean.
First of all, among the Greeks, for whom it denoted an invisible connection with the world of the gods. During the Renaissance, famous masters of painting often depicted heroes with a raised finger ancient epic, historical figures, even angels. This can be seen in the works of da Vinci, Raphael, and other artists and sculptors. The raised finger literally points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam, as a monotheistic religion, could not borrow this gesture from the pagans in exactly the same meaning. If a Muslim raises his index finger, he thereby affirms monotheism. The gesture literally symbolizes that neither in this sublunary world nor in heaven there is any other Lord except Allah. Muslims seem to say: “God is one, just like this raised finger.” This gesture is often used when reciting the Shahadah “La Ilaha Illallah.” This is the main prayer-testimony of faith in the One God Allah and His Prophet Muhammad. Wahhabism and other movements
Not all Muslims use the gesture of an index finger raised to the sky. It is popular among representatives of some movements of Islam, for example, Wahhabism. This is one of the newest directions, formed approximately in XVIII century. Wahhabis often raise their index finger to emphasize their commitment to monotheism. Opponents of the Wahhabis (usually traditionalist Muslims) do not accept this gesture. Some even argue that it does not indicate religious zeal, but the worship of Satan. Among Satanists one can often find an image of the devil with a similar gesture. Others believe that it is used by Freemasons.

When you travel abroad and do not know the language of the country you are visiting, sign language often comes to the rescue.

You can use it to hail a taxi, buy groceries in a store, or ask for directions.

However, sometimes translation difficulties arise even with gestures that are familiar to us, which have completely different meanings in other parts of the world.

Here are 10 common gestures that may seem rude abroad.

1. Two-finger gesture "Victory"

The "Victoria" gesture, which is made with the index and middle finger of the hand in the shape of the letter V, in many countries means victory or peace. However, if the palm is facing the person, then in the UK, Ireland and Australia the V-shaped gesture takes on an offensive gesture, which is non-verbal equivalent to the phrase "fuck off!".

2. Gestures with palms ("muntsa")

The outstretched palm, often used to say "stop", takes on a different meaning in Greece. Palms directed towards the interlocutor, called “muntsa”, is an offensive gesture that is used when they want express extreme indignation or roughly speaking, “send” the interlocutor.

This gesture remains from Byzantine times, when smoke was smeared on the face of a criminal to make him an object of ridicule.

3. Thumbs up gesture

This gesture of agreement and approval often breaks down language barriers, and hitchhikers often use it on the road. However, in Thailand it is a sign of condemnation. Although the gesture itself is rather childish, like sticking out your tongue, it should be avoided. In Iran, this is an offensive gesture, the equivalent of which is the extended middle finger.

4. Alluring gesture with index finger

The beckoning sign with the index finger saying "come to me" is taboo in Asian countries. In the Philippines, this gesture only suitable for dogs and says that you consider the interlocutor below you. In addition, using this gesture can lead to arrest in this country.

5. Patting the head

Patting a child's head is usually a gesture of friendliness and affection. However, in the Buddhist religion the crown of the head is highest point body, that is, the place where the soul lives. Touching the top of the head is aggressive invasion into the space of a child or an adult. This gesture should be avoided in countries where the majority of people profess the Buddhist religion.

6. Gesture "Okay"

Ring made of large and index finger"OK" meaning "everything is fine!" or "correctly", in France means "zero" or "worthless". In Greece and Turkey, this gesture is very vulgar, meaning a similar hole in the human body or serves hint of homosexuality. In some Middle Eastern countries, such as Kuwait, "OK" means evil eye.

7. Gesture "Fig"

The gesture “fig”, “shish” or “kukish” is not entirely harmless in nature, and is often used in cases of refusal or disagreement. In Brazil it is a more benevolent gesture used to good luck wishes and protection from the evil eye. In Turkey it has an aggressive and rude character, the equivalent of which is the middle finger.

8. Left hand gesture

In many countries, people do not pay attention to which hand they use to offer something to other people. However, in India, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Middle East, left hand considered "dirty", intended for wiping in the toilet. Even a left-handed person should eat right hand, since only it is considered suitable for eating. The same applies to shaking hands and passing objects.

In Japan, giving with both hands is considered polite, while a one-handed gesture can imply disdain.

9. Crossing your fingers

In many Western countries people cross their index and middle fingers for good luck or to ward off the evil eye. In Vietnam, this gesture is offensive, especially if you are watching or directing it at another person. It is believed that fingers crossed represent female genital organs.

10. Gesture "Goat"

The “Goat” gesture, or as it is also called “horns”, “fingers” or “corns”, is often used by musicians and their fans. However, you should not show this gesture in Italy, especially to a man, as it hints at his wife's infidelity("cuckold").

Bonus: obscene "middle finger" gesture

This is the most famous and recognizable obscene gesture in the whole world, which is English corresponds to the curse word "Fuck You" ("fuck you...!"). In addition, it is one of the most ancient gestures, which used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as by monkeys.

Roughly speaking, raised middle finger symbolizes the phallus, and the pressed fingers - the scrotum. By showing it, you seem to be offering the other person a “male genital organ” or rudely refusing the request. Also analogous to this gesture is elbow gesture when the left hand is placed in the crook of the right hand.

In Asian countries, however, the middle finger is sometimes used to point at something.

F. W. Burley

Is President Obama Muslim? Much has been written about this, but if pictures speak louder than words, then a photo taken at the US-African Leaders Summit last August in Washington, D.C. may shed significant light on the issue.

It showed Barack Hussein Obama raising one finger in the air as he affirmed his Islamic faith to dozens of African delegates.
The Associated Press did this amazing photo, as African dignitaries posed with host Obama for a group photo in the State Department auditorium. It was published in an article in the UK's Daily Mail, which was its only publication.

The one finger up gesture is a distinctive Muslim gesture: the index finger is raised up, the thumb is bent and presses on the phalanx of the middle finger. The remaining fingers are cupped in the palm to emphasize the extended index finger. The raised finger symbolizes Muhammad's concept of one God and is clear to all believers, representing the symbolic “shahadah,” the Muslim formula of faith:

“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”
Thus, when believers raise their index finger up, they are demonstrating their commitment to Muhammad's concept of God. They also reaffirm their belief in Muhammad's claim that he represents the link between God and man. They also demonstrate that they are part of Ummah, an exclusive intertribal super-community of believers formed by Muhammad 1,400 years ago.

By raising his index finger up, Obama confirmed that he is part of this community.

The Daily Mail editors didn't understand what this meant. They simply recorded this gesture from Obama. But the African dignitaries understood everything perfectly and showed a whole range of emotions when they saw this gesture: amazement, surprise, curiosity, disapproval, contempt. Note the reactions of Abdelil Benkirane, Prime Minister of Morocco, standing behind Obama's left shoulder, and Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, President of Mali, wearing a white robe and headdress. They are undoubtedly Muslims and they are smiling. They know what Obama's index finger raised vertically means.

The reaction from Togolese President Faure Gnassinbé, top row second from left, is less approving. It is easy to read the thoughts of this educated leader, a graduate of the Sorbonne and George Washington University, from his face. His face screams, "You've got to be kidding me!"

The country of Gnassinbe is located between Benin and Cote d'Ivoire, not far from Nigeria, and the Boko Haram plague is perhaps a two-hour flight away on tiny Chesna from the capital of Togo to the capital of Nigeria, less than an hour on something faster. Just During a conference in Washington, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau declared Borno State in northeastern Nigeria as the seat of his caliphate. Whole villages were massacred Just a few months ago, almost three hundred girls were kidnapped from. high school Borno.

Togo has a population of seven million, 50 percent of them animists, 30 percent Christians. The rest are Muslims, some “ummah”. Gnassinbe and other non-Muslims in Togo have every reason to worry about the radicalization of some of the members of Muhammad's inter-tribal super-community living among them. And therefore his gaze expresses contempt. "You've got to be kidding me."

Maybe Obama was joking like that, but it’s unlikely. The raised index finger was an expression of his position, stated brazenly. The entire activity of his administration was the propaganda of Islam in the country and abroad, and just listing the evidence of this, one could write an entire book. He made the US a country in which Islam is comfortable, from NASA's order to provide Muslims good attitude to himself before mentioning the beheaded ISIS victim Peter Kassig, calling him Muslim name, although he converted to Islam in the vain hope of saving his life.

If only Obama's actions were limited to such gestures! But from the very beginning of his reign, he did everything possible to overthrow governments with strong political leaders that contained Islamic extremism in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen. The overthrow of the Syrian government was also part of the program, not yet achieved but still possible. The methodology of each coup was based on the tactics of the old school of radicalism: incite internal problems, provoke a strong response, and then use the reaction to discredit the government, stirring up even more unrest until the regime under fire is replaced.

Obama feels comfortable with extreme Islam. He is arming such people throughout the Middle East. He brought them into our government. He supported Mohamed Morsi, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a replacement for Hosni Mubarak, a staunch US ally and enemy of the Muslim Brotherhood. He threatened and bullied Egypt when, as a result of massive unrest, Morsi was replaced by moderate leadership.

All these efforts are aimed at restoring the Islamic caliphate, the path chosen by Muhammad's successors, which ended almost a century ago with the collapse of Ottoman Empire. This has always been the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their grandiose plans included the restoration of a caliphate stretching across the entire Middle East, with Jerusalem as its capital. The glory of Islam has risen! These people seek world domination, and the caliphate will serve as the basis of an ever-expanding war with the entire world until Islam dominates it. This has always been their goal. Muhammad ordered his followers to create a universal “ummu”, in which Islam will be the only religion. Like Obama, they are simply following orders.

The caliphate was resurrected last year, just not in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, at least not yet. However, it happened. The caliphate was created by Obama, and he only pushed it back slightly. Now he asked the US Congress to authorize the use of military force against what he had created. What is Obama up to? The purpose of everything he does is to cause harm. What evil is he planning now?

Obama has nothing American in his head. He is the antithesis of the American, the polar opposite of all his values, which he regularly destroys. He is an unabashed member of the inter-tribal super-community created by Muhammad 1,400 years ago. He belongs umma, not America. His raised index finger at the African Leadership Conference clearly demonstrates this.


On television or on the Internet, you can often see Muslims raising their index finger. And if for Russians this gesture simply means a pointer (and educated people consider that it is quite impolite), then among Muslims it has a completely different meaning. Which one?

Origin of the gesture

Islam can be called one of the youngest religions, which has absorbed the traditions and customs of other beliefs. It was this gesture that was borrowed from the Mediterranean pagans. For the Greeks, it meant a mental connection with the gods.

If we turn to the Renaissance, then in the works of Raphael, da Vinci and other famous masters of sculpture and painting, you can see heroes with their index finger raised up. The finger points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam, as we know, is a monotheistic religion, so she simply could not incorporate this gesture in this meaning into her traditions.

By raising a finger up, Muslims affirm monotheism. The gesture is a symbol of the fact that there is no God anywhere else except Allah. Muslims often recite the shahada “La Ilaha Illalah” by raising their finger. Reading this prayer testifies to faith in One Allah and His Prophet Muhammad.

Wahhabism and other movements

Not all Muslims use this gesture. He is most popular among Wahhabis. Traditionalist Muslims are opposed to Wahhabism, and they believe that this gesture is worship of Satan. Others claim that this gesture is from the Freemasons.