Landscape “Spring thunderstorm. The most amazing photos of a thunderstorm

The speed of lightning can reach 60 thousand km per second. And the discharge itself lasts only a few tenths of a second.

The average temperature of lightning is 50 thousand°F, which is 5 times higher than the surface temperature of the Sun.

The average length of lightning is 2.5 km, and the maximum length reaches 20 km.

According to statistics, the risk of being struck by lightning is 1 in 1,000,000. But it is believed that only 5 to 30% of victims are struck by a lightning strike.

The belief that lightning does not strike the same place twice is just a myth. Lightning can strike the same place many times.

Surprisingly, in Egypt you only see a thunderstorm once every 200 years. A greatest number thunderstorm days are observed near the city of Bogor in Indonesia. Lightning flashes here on average 322 days a year, that is, almost not a single day goes by without a thunderstorm.

A rare cluster of thunderclouds is observed in the southern part of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. A feature of the phenomenon called Catatumbo lightning is the continuity of multiple discharges for about 10 hours a day. Here, thunderstorms can continue for up to 200 days a year and are called “Eternal Lightning.”

Today we have most interesting topic, the unfolding elements of nature lightning, thunderstorm, photo pictures, video. Lightning most often occurs during a thunderstorm in rain clouds, then it is called thunderstorm, but lightning can also occur during a volcanic eruption, dust storms or tornadoes. Of course, we have all seen this unique action of nature, when a bright electric flash cuts through the dark sky with a bright glow and rushes at breakneck speed to the ground. And then, after some time, this blow is confirmed by rolling, sometimes simply deafening thunder. The spectacle is simply amazing, especially the roar that came seconds later.

In ancient times, people were afraid of this natural phenomenon; for many peoples, lightning was associated with the punishment of the gods and punishment for sins on earth. But you and I are wise people and we understand that this is not a punishment, but only the nature of electricity, released in such a wonderful way. Moreover, there are a huge number of ways to protect against lightning strikes. An electric discharge coming from clouds or clouds seeks the shortest path to the ground and for this reason strikes the highest targets, in cities these can be all kinds of towers, high-rise buildings, tall trees in the forest. Often in the field, lonely trees are subject to these blows; for this reason, being in an open space during a thunderstorm is a very risky activity. So, let's admire this miracle of natural elements and look at the wonderful photographs of lightning, thunderstorm, pictures, photos, as well as the most amazing footage of lightning, thunderstorm videos.
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Lightning, thunderstorm


Lightning, thunderstorm video.
Amazing Lightning:

Lightning, thunderstorm video.
Beautiful lightning:

One of the most common atmospheric phenomena. Storm. It appears as a result of electrical discharges - lightning - between earth's surface and clouds. And, as a rule, it is accompanied by thunder, heavy rain, wind or hail. The strongest thunderstorm has occurred in every person's life. Therefore, many people have an idea what it is.

One way or another, a thunderstorm is a beautiful and at the same time very frightening sight. And almost everyone knows that this is also one of the most dangerous natural phenomena for humans. The number of reported deaths speaks for itself: only floods can cause greater losses.

The most beautiful thunderstorm in the world

A unique natural phenomenon that will shock everyone with its beauty can be found in Catatumbo. It is located above the mouth of the river of the same name, which flows into Lake Maracaibo in northwestern Venezuela. The so-called Catatumbo lightning occurs in this place. This natural phenomenon is characterized by bright and frequent flashes of lightning over a fairly small area. This miracle of nature is observed for 140 days a year.

The end of the world usually lasts at least ten hours. During this period of time, the skies are illuminated by lightning at least fifteen thousand times. And sometimes the frequency of flashes can reach up to 2800 per hour. Therefore, we can say that this is exactly the place where the strongest thunderstorm in the world occurs.

Airplane landing in a thunderstorm

However, Catatumbo lightning is nothing more than an ordinary thunderstorm. The only difference is that flashes light up the sky almost every second. And the current strength of each lightning can range from one hundred to four hundred thousand amperes. That's why they can be called part of the most powerful thunderstorm in the world.

Some people mistakenly assume that the Catatumbo phenomenon cannot cause thunder, but in fact lightning is so frequent and bright that it can be observed tens of kilometers from where it occurs. That is why the sound often simply does not have time to reach the eyewitness. Residents of the island of Aruba almost always observe Catatumbo lightning. And it is located five hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the most severe thunderstorm in the world. The actual power of a thunderstorm can be summarized as follows: Catatumbo lightning is the largest single ozone generator, capable of producing about ten percent of the world's tropospheric ozone.

View of the strongest thunderstorm in the world

The strongest impression of thunderstorms in Catatumbo can be obtained, of course, at night. The flares look quite impressive in the night sky. It is worth noting that nature seems to know when it is best to watch the spectacle, so the strongest thunderstorm often begins immediately after sunset. Often a lot of lightning is brought by a cloud that descends from nearby mountains, while the rest of the sky is usually clear. In this case, the flashes are bright and clear.

Horrible! Severe thunderstorm with lightning in Omsk

Electrical discharges not only cut through the sky, but can also strike the surface of the lake. And due to special substances in the air, they turn red and Orange color. In a word, the spectacle is so amazing that tens of thousands of tourists from different corners world. And all in order to get at least one glimpse of the most powerful thunderstorm in the world.

By the way, scientists still cannot answer the question: when did Catatumbo lightning appear? But it is known that the peoples who lived in Venezuela from ancient times knew about the phenomenon. So, the Wari Indians had a legend that talks about a huge number heavenly fireflies. They allegedly gathered over Lake Maracaibo in order to pay tribute to the memory and respect of the parents of creation. Well, the first written mention of Catatumbo thunderstorms is in the epic poem “La Dragontea” by Lope de Vega.

By the way, Catatumbo lightning played a huge role in the history of the state. Since the phenomenon works as a natural beacon, it helped the locals during battles and battles. Thus, it is known that in 1595, lightning warned the Spaniards of an impending attack by an English pirate named Francis Drake. And he hoped that his fleet would not be noticed and he would be able to approach almost to the shore. And in 1823, lightning fireworks helped again. The discharges illuminated the ships of José Padilla Prudencio, who commanded the Spanish fleet during the Venezuelan War of Independence. Therefore, the attack was not unexpected and the Spanish admiral was defeated. By the way, the outcome of this particular battle influenced the course of the war. People from the state of Zulia still remember the role of the natural lighthouse, which is why its image is on the flag and coat of arms of the district, and lightning is mentioned in the anthem.

Interestingly, in the middle of the last century, lightning illuminated the sky of Catatumbo almost every night. Now the frequency has decreased, why is unknown. Today, the natural phenomenon can be observed from June to October every day. During the rest of the year, it is unlikely that you will be able to admire the strongest thunderstorm in the world.

It's not just thunderstorms that are scary. Nature has prepared many other terrible weather phenomena for earthlings. You can read about how terrible hurricanes can be.

The strongest thunderstorm in the world

Lightning can be seen literally everywhere. They are born in almost every corner of the planet. But, as observations show, they have their favorite places. Researchers, based on weather satellite data, say lightning most often appears over land. And this despite the fact that it occupies only a quarter of the Earth's surface. The strongest thunderstorms can be seen in several places. The champions in the number of lightning strikes are the tropics. However, a large number of Lightning discharges can be found during mid-latitude storms.

The stormiest place on the planet is called Bagor. It is an Indonesian city on the island of Java in Southeast Asia. There are thunderstorms here almost every day, namely 322 days a year. The most severe thunderstorm in the world is possible in the city of Tororo in Uganda, where there are 251 thunderstorm days a year. Places where thunderstorms and lightning are not uncommon in Russia, in particular, the most thunderstorm place in the country is the Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. This territory has long been considered an anomalous zone.

However, it is impossible to say for certain where the most powerful thunderstorms were recorded. Everyone has their own case when it seemed to him that the heavens opened up and the strongest thunderstorm struck. But you can say for sure where the most beautiful thunderstorms in the world are.
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This lady's real name is Ororo Monroe. If you've watched, or read, or heard about the X-Men, you probably know her. Due to popular demand, there will now be a lesson on how to draw a Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm is the name of the mutant superheroine, one of the most popular X-Men, capable of controlling the weather. By the way, she is the first black comic book character. This is an extraordinary rarity. She owns:

  • Atmospheric kinesis is a long word denoting power over the forces of nature. Ororo can summon at will a storm, a storm, a thunderstorm that destroys everything in its path. When using this skill, Monroe's eyes glow white.
  • Buku Jitsu – flying technique;
  • Combining with the energy of substances - can quickly freeze, unfreeze, create lightning, thunder and other mischief;
  • African technique;
  • Telepathy – I don’t think there is any need to explain what it is?

Moreover, she is smart, beautiful, Komsomol member, excellent student, yes and simply good man. We look forward to continuing the stories with her participation. Until then, we can get creative:

How to draw a Thunderstorm with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch something like this. Step two. Let's start drawing the female figure. Step three. Let's make her a wavy coat. Step four. Let's pay a lot of attention to hair, it's not easy. Let's add shadows to the clothes. The last step. Let's add more shadows and remove them extra lines. Ready: Try to draw others too super heroes and villains.