Measures to improve the environmental situation in the city. V. Putin “On a set of measures to improve the environmental situation in Russia


3.1 Recommendations for improving the environmental situation in the region

It is recommended to widely use the intersectoral balance to determine direct and indirect environmental damage from air pollution, pollutant discharges, waste generation, as well as to calculate indirect resource flows in the production of exports or imports.

Payment for discharge of pollutants into water bodies Russia currently does not comply with the environmental damage caused. When forecast economic development it is necessary to take into account the resources consumed by other industries in the process of producing products consumed by the industry of interest, as demonstrated by the example water resources in the production of products for export.

When analyzing the impact of sectors of the national economy on the environment, it is proposed to use an assessment of intersectoral environmental damage, which makes it possible to simultaneously assess the direct and indirect effects of pollutants of different properties on the environment.

When making regional economic decisions with environmental consequences, it is proposed to use a generalized regional scheme for assessing the impact of economic sectors on the environment.

Discharged contaminated water causes environmental damage, and the analysis of water consumption was supplemented by an assessment of this damage. The main difficulty is that in order to fully assess all the resources required even for a simple and relatively short technological process, it is necessary to have a very large amount of information.

Another difficulty is the need to clearly set boundaries on what exactly to include in the analysis and what can be ignored. It is necessary to outline the scope of the study, which is different for each specific task, and sequentially go from the known MI-numbers of individual components (if any, otherwise they must be calculated) to the material input per unit of finished product.

The current environmental situation requires not to burn leaves, but to enrich the soil with them. Having spent the winter under the snow or simply in the top layer of soil, the foliage, especially if it is raked under the crowns of trees or placed in compost pits, will not destroy, but enrich the soil.

Systematic removal of leaves and litter in parks and boulevards only brings harm, causing soil compaction, deterioration of its water-physical properties and thermal conditions, and disrupts the biological cycle of nutrients.

The best method for improving sanitary areas around enterprises is to plant two-tier plantings (for example, pyramidal poplar combined with elm) at a planting density of 300 trees per hectare.

The cleanliness of the district's atmosphere depends much more on the quantity and quality of urban vegetation than on the number industrial enterprises, the nature of development and other factors of the anthropogenic landscape. And the state of vegetation is largely determined by the state of the soil.

Asphalting, despite its necessity, has a negative impact on the soil, so it should not be overused, especially in parks and boulevards. It prevents the natural evaporation of moisture, leading to its excessive accumulation in soil horizons. In combination with other unfavorable factors, this can initiate the process of flooding. The main directions for improving the environmental situation are improving technologies for the exploitation of natural resources, building treatment facilities at plants and factories, and creating nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries.

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What is needed to improve the environmental situation in the country? Subscribe


Talk alone will not be enough to improve the environmental situation in the country. In order for changes to occur on a global scale, the mind of every person must be awakened, and only in this case there is a small chance that it will be possible to significantly improve the environmental situation. It is also necessary to ensure that it is carried out in a timely manner.

To begin with, a person should be aware of the fact that his behavior can influence the overall environmental situation. And therefore, you should direct all your actions to create a favorable environment, otherwise after a while you simply will not have a place to live.

You must understand that various air purifiers and water filters will not help preserve natural habitats. All this can only be done by a person, without littering the territory, by planting a tree, using vehicles only...

Our health depends on the influence of many different factors. This includes nutrition, lifestyle, and stress. But we can independently correct all these influences to one degree or another. However, the activity of our body largely depends on how the environment influences it. There is no way one person can cope with such a global enemy as industry, which every day causes huge amount emissions into the atmosphere. But at the state level, many countries already take issues of improving the environmental situation very seriously. And this approach also implies the participation of each individual individually.

There are simple and fairly inexpensive things in terms of time and effort that each of us can do for the benefit of the world around us and ourselves. Let's talk about some of them in more detail, about measures that improve the ecological situation of the environment.

Probably every schoolchild knows...

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Department of Urban Construction and Economy

Explanatory note

for a course project on the topic:

Development of measures to improve the environmental situation in the city


students of group 1052

Starunova E.Yu.

Mishin M.S.

Dorofeev M.A.

Kartashov E.V.

Khodunov A.M.

Voronezh, 2009


The state of the natural environment is one of the most pressing socio-economic problems, directly or indirectly affecting the interests of every person. The process of economic growth and technological progress characteristic of the second half of the twentieth century is inextricably linked with motorization. In many industries and agriculture, road transport is the most important link in the production process. At the same time, road transport is one of the major air pollutants.

The problem of improving the environment in cities is becoming increasingly important every year. Forecasts for the development of motor transport in cities show that over the next 15...20 years, the transport fleet of cities will increase 5 times, mileage will increase by 20...30%, and speed will increase by 15...25%. All together, this will lead to the fact that on city highways the concentration of carbon monoxide can be 30...50 mg/m3, and the noise level - 75...85 dB. At the same time, in the zone of influence of highways there may be children's institutions, schools, clinics, hospitals, in which the level of influence of the road should have a sanitary limit less than in residential buildings. In open space conditions, in order to reduce the noise level, it is necessary to provide for the removal of residential buildings from highways by 50...300 m. While the sanitary gap in terms of gas pollution is 50...100 m.

In this course project, we analyze the current situation in a residential area of ​​Voronezh, calculate emissions of pollutants from vehicles and concentrations of pollutants in the ground layer, assess the level of noise impact from vehicles and select environmental protection measures.

    Situation analysis

      Location of the territory in the residential area system

This section of the study area is located in the Leninsky residential area of ​​the city of Voronezh, within the boundaries of Pushkinskaya, Kutsygina, Svoboda and F. Engels streets. The area of ​​the territory is about 4.21 hectares. Pushkinskaya and Kutsygina streets are streets of citywide importance.

1.2 Characteristics of territory development

The territory is built up with five-story residential buildings.

Table 1.1 Characteristics of territory development.

Building address

Age of construction, years

Number of floors

Wall material

Physical wear, %

Number of inhabitants

st. F.Engelsa, 32

st. Svobody, 47

st. Kutsygina, 28

st. Kutsygina, 26

st. Pushkinskaya, 38

st. Pushkinskaya, 36

st. Svobody, 45

1.3 Relief characteristics

The terrain is calm, without sudden changes, the average slope is about 1%, there is a slight decrease in the relief from Pushkinskaya Street in the direction of Svoboda, Engels, Kutsygin streets. No terrain disturbances were identified. There are no ravines or karsts.

1.4 Vehicle traffic volume

Traffic intensity is the number of vehicles that passed in both directions through a road section per unit of time (hour or day).

The intensity of vehicle traffic is determined in two ways: by the average daily traffic intensity and by the intensity of traffic during rush hour.

In our calculation we used the second method.

The entire traffic flow is distributed by vehicle type:

    cargo from 3.0 t.

    cargo (diesel)

    bus (diesel)

    passenger vehicles.

The collection of material on street traffic congestion was carried out during peak traffic hours: 18.00-19.00.

The intensity of vehicle traffic is calculated using the vehicle counting method. different types in each of the measurement periods. The traffic flow is carried out and recorded in groups and tabulated.

Table 1.2 Calculation of vehicle traffic intensity.

Vehicle groups

Forward direction

Reverse direction

Hourly intensity Nm, auto/hour

F. Engels Street

Passenger cars

Pushkinskaya street.

Passenger cars

Trucks from 3.0 t.

Kutsygin street.

Passenger cars

Trucks from 3.0 t.

Freedom Street.

Passenger cars

The average flow speed can be determined experimentally. The speed of a single passenger car during free movement is measured. The number of measurements on a site (100 m) must be at least 30. Afterwards, the speed is calculated using the formula:

V = 3600*S /t (1.1)

where S is the length of the section (100 m)

t – time of passage of this section

    Calculation of pollutant emissions from road transport

2.1 Atmospheric pollution by toxic substances from vehicle exhaust gases

A pollutant is one of the types of pollutants, any chemical substance or compound that is found in an object of the natural environment in quantities exceeding background values ​​and thereby causing chemical pollution.

Emission source is an object from which pollutants are released into the atmosphere, worsening the quality of atmospheric air and limiting its use.

In the last decade, with a relative decrease in pollution per vehicle, in developed countries, overall global vehicular air pollution has been growing due to an increase in fuel combustion in engines of aging models. Sharp rise the number of cars in Russia has occurred, not only due to the growth of new ones, but also due to the increase in foreign-made cars aged 5...10 years and older, as well as a huge number of Russian-made cars returning from different countries Europe. All of the listed cars are on the verge of exhausting the service life of the engine, all systems and components of the car that affect toxic emissions. Motor transport, as a source of pollution, has the following features:

firstly, the number of cars in major cities is rapidly increasing, and at the same time the gross emission of harmful substances is continuously growing;

secondly, unlike industrial sources of pollution, tied to certain sites and separated from residential buildings by a sanitary protection zone, a car is a mobile source of pollution, widespread in residential areas and recreational areas;

thirdly, automobile gases are a mixture of toxic components entering the ground layer of the urban atmosphere, where their dispersion is difficult;

fourthly, modern methods of reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases are not yet able to provide the desired degree of air purity.

These features make the problem of protecting the atmosphere from vehicle pollution one of the most complex and current problems modern city.

Emitted automobile gases are a mixture of more than 200 types of toxic substances, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and the most dangerous compounds: benzopyrene, smoke aerosol, photooxidant, compounds of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals.

When vehicles move, exhaust gases form a ground-level cloud of active and passive impurities stretched along the road. Active impurities, when distributed in the atmosphere, form new compounds and enter into chemical reactions with water vapor. Passive impurities do not change their qualitative composition, but this does not make them any less dangerous.

Environmental pollution by motor vehicles occurs due to exhaust gases and as a result of evaporation of fuel from the tank, carburetor and pipelines. The qualitative and quantitative composition of exhaust gases depends mainly on the power of the pollution source.

Car emissions entering the atmosphere create ground-level concentrations of pollutants, the concentration of which often exceeds the maximum permissible limits. The main source of pollution during the operation of vehicles is the process of fuel combustion in a car engine. Every day, a city dweller inhales about 16 m3 of polluted air, some of which settles in the lungs and is absorbed by the body, causing biological changes in it. The share of the main pollutants is: carbon monoxide – at least 80%, hydrocarbons – 8%, nitrogen oxides – 5%.

Every person is able to take care of the environment. To do this, you do not need to be influential and famous, or have unique intellectual or physical capabilities. And you certainly won’t need any financial investment. Moreover, by taking care of the environment, you can also be responsible for your energy consumption. By performing simple actions every day that are accessible to everyone, you make a small contribution to improving the environmental situation. And this is incomparably better than nothing. If these actions and actions become habitual for you, then the size of your personal contribution will become larger and more noticeable day by day!

1. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. About 15 liters of water flows out of the tap in a minute. If you brush your teeth 2 times a day for 2 minutes and do not turn off the water, then 60 liters of water will be wasted because of one person. What if there are 4 people in the family? 240 liters of water flows into nowhere every day! Thus, by simply turning off the water while brushing teeth/shaving, one family can save 7,200 liters per month. That's almost 90 tons per year! And you can save them only while brushing your teeth, but add a shower instead of a bath, and it will be many times more. If you still have a question, why save water, think about the fact that even now, in the progressive 21st century, 1/7 of the world's population does not have access to fresh water. After a few generations, your descendants may join them if you waste water thoughtlessly.

2. Turn off equipment (computer, printer, TV, set-top box, stereo systems, microwave, etc.) at night. Contrary to popular belief, even when in “sleep mode,” the equipment continues to consume electricity. This careless attitude to energy consumption leads to depletion of reserves natural resources and an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. And this is additional electromagnetic radiation, which has not benefited anyone yet. Don’t want to run around the entire apartment every evening, turning off appliances? Consider installing a single switch for all equipment that you do not use at night (for example, it is better to leave the refrigerator running).

3. Refuse disposable tableware. In addition to the fact that it is harmful to health, being a product of petroleum refining, plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose in natural conditions. makes up 60% of all waste polluting seabed. At the same time, as it decomposes, it poisons the environment with toxic dioxin compounds. It is much healthier and more environmentally friendly to drink tea from a mug, rather than from a disposable cup!

4. Go shopping with an eco-friendly textile bag. It can replace about 400. By purchasing 1 eco-bag (or sewing it yourself), you alone, without making any effort, will make the planet cleaner by 400 bags, most of which “live” for 20 minutes, cannot be recycled and, like other plastic, take centuries to decompose.

5. Save paper. To produce 1 ton of paper, you need to cut down 17 mature trees. When we see huge cleared areas, we feel sorry for the beautiful forest. But few people remember the forest when they throw their still clean drafts, newspapers, magazines, bills, etc. into the bin. In Russia, more than 40 million m3 of forest are cut down annually for the needs of the pulp and paper industry alone! At the same time, reasonable saving of paper, collection of waste paper and its use as a quality allow not only to preserve forests, but also to reduce the volume of industrial waste that pollutes the air by more than 70%!

6. Walk/bike more often. Walking, like cycling, does not cause any harm to the environment. But they bring great benefits to your health.

7. Tell your friends about it. Teach this to your children! Starting with yourself, you can become an example for your friends, children, relatives, and colleagues. Tell them about your healthy eco-habits - as much as possible more people“infected” with a creative spirit from you, learning that helping nature is easy! The snowball effect that arose when you told 10 friends about it, and each of them, in turn, to another 10 friends, at the 9th level will already reach 1 billion people - that is, every 7th inhabitant of the Earth! And all this thanks to you!

Any big business begins with one step. Just imagine: you, it is you, who can launch a process that will globally change the ecology of the planet! Just take action.

Chairman of the Government Russian Federation V.V. Putin held a meeting “On a set of measures to improve the environmental situation in Russia”

"There is always a contradiction

Between development and conservation of nature.

It has always been, is and will be, but we need to find that balance.”


At the meeting “On a set of measures to improve the environmental situation in Russia”

Opening speech by V.V. Putin:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

You and I have gathered today to talk about environmental issues, environmental protection issues, issues that concern almost everyone, but certainly concern absolutely everyone. I propose to focus today on specific, practical measures, the implementation of which will improve the environmental situation and, of course, identify the key focuses of further work. This is especially important given that a basic document is currently being prepared, which is called “Fundamentals of Russia’s environmental policy for the period until 2030.”

Intensive development of economic activity, transport and industrial infrastructure inevitably has an impact on the environment. Yours negative influence Archaic industries that do not meet modern environmental requirements and pollute the environment also contribute. Data from annual government reports show that anthropogenic impact on natural ecosystems is not decreasing, but is only increasing. In almost all regions of the country, air and water pollution remains at a high level.

So-called soil littering is also a serious problem. This is not just about environmental damage associated with past economic activity, but also about the steady increase in the amount of waste that goes not to secondary economic circulation, but to landfills, or, more simply, to landfills, which, unfortunately, are very often in poor condition and cause harm to nature and people.

In general, according to expert estimates, about 15% of the territory of the Russian Federation is in critical condition in terms of environmental indicators. And inaction can lead to irreversible consequences for the environment. The main reasons for such problems are the imperfection of the environmental regulation system, the ineffectiveness of the management and control functions of the state, and weak incentives for the use of modern clean and so-called green technologies.

To change the situation, it is proposed to make a number of changes to the legislation. First of all, they relate to regulating the impact on the environment through the introduction of the so-called best existing technologies, that is, technologies based on the latest achievements of science and technology, which are aimed at reducing the negative impact on nature.

An important condition, of course, is that such technologies must be financially accessible to enterprises and cost-effective. By the way, in the countries of the European Union, among our neighbors, since 1996, the introduction of such technologies has been mandatory requirement. The problem is being discussed, and, in fact, its implementation at the expert level began back in 1984-1988, when these ideas were developed and proposed.

Another measure aimed at reducing anthropogenic load could be economic incentives. Thus, if an enterprise actively invests in modernization, energy saving, and environmentally friendly technologies, then it has the right to count on preferences. For example, the costs of environmental protection measures may be taken into account when determining the amount of environmental impact fees.

At the same time, it is proposed to introduce an increase in fines for enterprises that do not comply with the law and violate established rules. I would like to emphasize that all the proposed innovations are fully consistent with international practice in this area and are generally aimed at ensuring the environmental safety of the country, improving the quality of life of people, and strengthening the health of the nation. And of course, they give an additional impetus to the processes of technological development of our industry and economy.

In this regard, I would like to especially note the following. Of course, we need to get rid of dirty industries, ensure high environmental standards, and impose strict requirements on violators. We must carry out this work consistently, but at the same time we must not create new administrative barriers in the economy. We need a real, positive result, an efficiently operating system that does not create additional problems for business, but at the same time effectively ensures environmental well-being.

There is always a contradiction between development and conservation of nature. It has always been, is and will be, but we need to find this balance. I perfectly understand the concerns of those specialists who think about the need to increase labor productivity and the state of our competitiveness. But we all understand that if there are no incentives, then this preserves old production and old technologies and leads to an extensive path of development, which will always lag behind advanced technologies, will never keep up with our competitors - we will always lag behind. And not only in the tail of solving problems related to nature conservation, but also in the tail of economic development. We will always catch up, but this is the wrong path. This is a path that will not lead us to leadership either in protecting nature or in terms of economic development, and therefore in solving social problems.

Let's start working. Yuri Petrovich - over to you.

Yu.P. Trutnev: Thank you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Dear colleagues! First of all, a few words about the current environmental situation in Russia. As can be seen from the presented graphs, the situation with regard to emissions into the air and discharges into water sources is practically stable, while the level of waste is slightly exceeded. At the same time, we cannot call this stability favorable. Today, about 10 million citizens of the Russian Federation live in territories with high level environmental pollution. These zones and environmental hotspots accumulated from past economic activity are shown here.

The main tool for influencing the situation is government regulation. It must be said that the standardization system, the system of state regulation of environmental protection in the Russian Federation was developed in the 1980s on the basis of environmental and economic models of that time. It's obviously outdated.

What problems have accumulated? First of all, the system for regulating negative impacts subjectively allows enterprises to restore any level of impact on the environment. Fee for negative impact is minimal and has not been indexed since 1991. There is no economic incentive for enterprises to switch to the best available technologies. There is no mechanism for eliminating accumulated environmental damage. Conditions for creating a business environment in the field of waste processing and disposal are not provided. The Institute of State Environmental Expertise has been practically liquidated.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, you spoke about balance. It must be said that in the absence effective system state regulation of ecology, economic growth leads to a deterioration in the living conditions of people and the state of the environment.

In order to reform legislation, the Ministry together with interested bodies executive branch a package of eight environmental bills has been prepared, covering various aspects of the relationship between man and nature. What condition are they in today? The four bills listed on slide No. 5 have been agreed upon with all federal executive authorities and submitted to the Government.

I would like to report that in preparation for this meeting, almost yesterday, the fifth was agreed upon. That is, today five out of eight have been agreed upon and are ready for consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, three bills remain uncoordinated, including the most important one - on improving the system of regulation and economic incentives in the field of environmental protection.

With your permission, I would like to dwell on each of the uncoordinated projects and say in what condition they are. First of all, the most important bill is on rationing and economic stimulation. Obviously, different enterprises have completely different impacts on the environment. Of the million enterprises in the Russian Federation that have one impact or another on nature, only 11.5 thousand enterprises are responsible for 99% of emissions and discharges. Thus, in relation to the overwhelming majority of enterprises, we see the tasks not so much of tightening environmental legislation, but of removing administrative barriers. For 700 thousand enterprises with an insignificant level of impact, we plan to switch to declarations; for 290 thousand, standards will be established based on the actual discharges and emissions.

As for the remaining 11.5 thousand hazardous environmental objects, in relation to them the bill plans to transition to the principles of the best existing available technologies. When choosing this principle, we relied on world experience. I would like to say right away that, in addition to the principle of the best existing available technologies, environmental quality standards are sometimes used in the world, but they are used not for standardization, but to control the load on the corresponding territory, that is, rather as a tool for territorial development. In addition, for enterprises they are absolutely impossible, because they require a 10-fold reduction in emissions.

What is “best existing technology available”? These are technologies that are economically available and which have been practically implemented in several enterprises. At the same time, it is obvious that the legislation does not set the technologies themselves, but sets the standards for emissions and discharges per unit of production that correspond to the best technologies, that is, we create a goal for enterprises that they can realistically strive for. At the same time, to implement the best existing technologies available, we need 6 thousand descriptions technological processes. In the European Union, they are divided into 27 industry directories, updated once every three years. That's enough great job, a transition period is provided for it. But I want to say right away that we, of course, are not going to invent something new. The best existing technologies available do not exist on a national scale, but on a cross-national scale, so first of all we will translate and adapt existing BREF reference books.

Now about what is expected within the framework of economic impact measures during the period of implementation of the best available technologies. We envisage two stages of increasing the fee for negative impact: 2-3 times in relation to the existing level today, in 2012, and 3-4 times in 2016. Taking into account these increases, the amount of fees in 2020 will be 1.1% of enterprise profits. However, this will apply to enterprises that do not switch to existing best available technologies (BAT). As for enterprises switching to BAT principles, the fees for them will be reduced. I want to say right away that we obviously understand that 1.1% is the average for the entire economy of the Russian Federation. Obviously, there will be sectoral distortions, and there will be distortions associated with specific enterprises. My colleagues from the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance still need to work together on this topic, but we have quite enough time for this - until 2020.

Now about administrative measures and how they will operate during the transition to BAT principles. From 2012 to 2014 we offer the development of all necessary documentation- division of enterprises into categories (categories will be approved by Government decree), preparation of regulations, approval of action plans to reduce impact. As of 2014, we are proposing a ban on the design of new plants that do not comply with the principles of existing best available technology. This is also approximately the path that the whole world has followed. Since 2016, a ban has been proposed on the commissioning of new facilities whose emissions and discharges do not comply with BAT, with the exception of those enterprises that were designed before the change in legislation. And finally, only from 2020 the administrative restrictions introduced will apply to existing enterprises. At the same time, if existing enterprises began a modernization program before 2020, then they are given another five-year period to complete it.

What would you like to say in general regarding the proposed measures? All decisions are deferred. Economic measures generally account for 1.1% of enterprise profits. For enterprises switching to BAT, the amount of payment is reduced (not increased!) by 70%. And finally, before the implementation of BAT principles at existing enterprises in 2020, the Government has the opportunity to analyze the economic situation and draw conclusions on the fate of each specific enterprise.

A few words about the cost of modernization. Obviously, the largest investments will be required in such industries as the electric power industry: a transition from fuel oil, coal to gas, and other sources. Housing and communal services will also require quite a lot of money. At the same time, housing and communal services, since today it is a state responsibility, will require even more attention.

At the same time, I want to say that modernization in both cases is necessary in any case. In addition, a significant part of the required money is already provided for by certain industry documents, such combined schemes for the placement of electric power facilities, such as the federal target program, comprehensive program“Modernization and reform of housing and communal services,” and so on. In general, the cost of modernizing the Russian economy is estimated at 2% of GDP - this is approximately what it cost throughout the world.

Forecasting further development economy, we can also say that maintaining the pace of economic development for some time is possible at the old capacities. But from a strategic perspective, in any case, we will lose in this scenario, since modernization will gradually allow us to achieve completely different indicators of economic development.

Now for the remaining comments. Our comments are carried out by two federal executive bodies - the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, and they are in many ways opposite, because economic incentive mechanisms are obviously supported Russian Union entrepreneurs and the mayor. At the same time, this raises some, let’s say, objections from the Ministry of Finance, so here we propose, as a way out of the situation, to lay down economic incentive mechanisms as a legal shell, making specific decisions by Government resolutions based on the results of analysis and consultations with our colleagues.

Now about the waste bill. Today's legislation does not provide for the powers and responsibilities of local governments and constituent entities of the Russian Federation for waste disposal, territorial planning, volume reduction, and recycling. This bill introduces such powers.

In addition, the type of activity associated with the processing of secondary waste is being revived again. We are laying down the ability to establish, determine the industries and types of products for which the collateral mechanism will work, that is, the cost of the products will be included in the cost of disposal. In principle, this mechanism worked perfectly in the Soviet Union - we all know it very well. Only the Ministry of Finance has comments here - they say that the transfer of powers to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will entail the need to allocate additional funding. But we believe that we still do not assign financial powers to them here; administrative duties can be performed by the same personnel. And the position of the Ministry of Finance is that zeroing the payment rates for environmentally safe disposal of waste will entail a loss of revenue from the consolidated budget.

I didn’t say here that the bill contains a rule that if industrial waste is disposed of safely, there is no drainage into the soil, there is no dispersal, and so on, that is, if this does not threaten the environment, then we will zero out the fee for waste storage. Why are we doing this? We do this because today most landfills are not equipped appropriately and cause harm to the environment. We need to ensure that enterprises are interested in storing waste safely.

The Ministry of Finance’s objection is that this will lead to shortfall in income... We can only say that this volume is estimated at 600 million rubles per year in the Russian Federation. We think that this is still not such a big amount compared to the damage to nature.

The bill on the elimination of environmental damage, Vladimir Vladimirovich, was developed in accordance with the need to fulfill the instructions given by you to eliminate environmental damage in different points our country.

I would like to report that this year we are starting to implement four such projects: Franz Josef Land, Wrangel Island, the Dzhidinsky tungsten-molybdenum plant on Lake Baikal and an accumulation of petroleum products at the mouth of the Selenga River. At the same time, there is no legal framework for carrying out this type of activity. Therefore, we are simultaneously starting to implement projects and creating a legal space. The bill was approved in full yesterday, the last comment was removed, so for now it will just be a section.

The draft law on specially protected natural areas is quite important for us. There are a number of technical disagreements here that are hardly worthy of discussion in this circle. But the fundamental differences, conceptual, are that there is a position that changes in the operating regime of specially protected natural areas pose a threat to biodiversity and their existence. We are confident that this is not the case, because what we offer is fully consistent with world practice, balanced and protected by government regulatory instruments.

At the same time, we are confident that we must be able to create tourism infrastructure in recreational, special areas of national parks designated for this by law, and we must improve the infrastructure of nature reserves.

And this year this work began. Finally, we have situations where people live within specially protected natural areas and do not have the right to go into the forest, pick mushrooms, or prepare firewood, that is, the legislation does not provide for such an opportunity. Obviously, this legislative gap needs to be eliminated, because people still live there and we will not evict them from there.

And finally, the last thing. We periodically face a situation where there is a large, national-scale infrastructure project, which is limited by the fact that we cannot do anything with the boundaries of specially protected natural areas. We want to maintain the norm of the impossibility of reducing areas, but at the same time, to some extent, when compensated by other lands, we should be able to implement infrastructure projects. This had a very acute effect, for example, in situations with forest fires, when we were faced with the fact that we simply do not have any roads in reserves, national parks and there is simply no way to extinguish it.

And finally, general conclusions. We are confident that the proposed package of bills creates a new framework for the legal regulation of environmental protection in the Russian Federation - modern, based on international experience, that we are creating a system of tools that introduce long-term incentives for the transition to the principles of minimal environmental impact and increased efficiency use of natural resources, increased competitiveness. Administrative barriers and corruption factors in the field of environmental protection are reduced, waste management systems are created, and protection mechanisms are created marine environment from oil pollution, mechanisms of environmental audit and environmental expertise are being introduced, the efficiency of state environmental monitoring and control is increasing and, finally, conditions are being created for the development of systems of specially protected natural areas.

Thank you for your attention.
