Project on the topic of ecology. Stages of implementation of an environmental project. Environmental projects - Ecological project “Seabed”

Can you choose to educate the younger generation, involve children in project activities? Let's try to find the answer to this question together.

Requirements for environmental projects

Currently, such research is especially relevant; it concerns all people living on our planet. Not everyone realizes that every person is responsible for the conservation of wildlife and can make an appropriate contribution to solving the problem.

The most active part of the population is therefore so important to choose the right topics for environmental projects for children.

Objectives of environmental education

It is aimed at developing a conscious and moral attitude to the natural environment, increasing environmental awareness of the population.

An environmental project on the topic “Environmental Pollution” is aimed at identifying problematic issues and improving. For example, together with a teacher, children can improve the area around kindergarten.

Option of the project in the educational institution

What topics of environmental projects can be chosen for schoolchildren? For example, under the guidance of a teacher, children can improve the area near their educational institution. What might a project on the topic “Environmental problems through the eyes of schoolchildren” look like?

Goal: to make a feasible contribution to improving the environment.

Project objectives: creating a landscape design project for the area around the school, selecting plants and shrubs, implementing the project.

To achieve this goal the following steps will be taken:

  • selection plant material;
  • organizing a competition to develop the design of the territory;
  • creation of material aimed at informing the population about environmental problems;
  • creating brochures in which the guys offer useful tips caring for planted flowers and shrubs;
  • preparation and conduct of cleanup days by schoolchildren, their parents, and teachers;
  • Creation documentary film, telling about the implementation of the project.

What else should such a project include? You can do a separate research work on the topic “Environmental factors” by analyzing the main problems characteristic of a given region.

To evaluate the effectiveness of a project, the following factors can be used:

  • sociological surveys;
  • involvement of volunteers in the implementation of planned activities.

Specifics of educational processes

The topics of environmental projects may be different, but they are similar in meaning. All educational projects involve independent activity of schoolchildren, which allows them to use knowledge, realize opportunities and abilities, and present results publicly.

The topics of environmental projects can be of both theoretical and practical nature. In any case, students gain skills:

  • planning your activities;
  • predicting possible results;
  • comparison of facts;
  • assessment of the environmental situation;
  • analysis of literary sources;
  • public presentation;
  • assessing yourself and your results;
  • promotion of environmental knowledge.

Environmental project structure

Any project on the topic “Environmental education” presupposes a certain structure. On title page information about the author, educational institution, scientific supervisor is indicated. The introduction states the reasons and necessity for conducting the research as part of the project work. This section is 1-2 pages long. The obligatory elements of the introduction include consideration of the relevance of the research, setting goals, and setting objectives.

Involves explaining its importance and providing arguments to support this opinion.

The goal involves a brief description of the planned result. Objectives are considered to be an indication of the actions taken to achieve it. When formulating them, verbs are used. For example, it is acceptable to use the following options: “reveal”, “analyze”, “develop”, “identify”, “characterise”, “identify”. The number of tasks is determined by the purpose of the project under consideration.

Literature review on the project topic

A project on the topic “Ecological disasters” involves a preliminary review of scientific literature. For example, you can briefly describe the problem, note its scale, and draw a conclusion about the timeliness and relevance of its consideration.

An example of a student's work

What should real projects look like? Environmental theme: nature, human relationships with it - all this can become the goal of the project.

We offer a version of the work dedicated to water. In the introduction, it can be noted that water is the basis of life on our planet.

The human body consists mostly of water. The process of functioning and activity of individual systems and organs, the work of cells occurs only in a liquid environment. Based on the results of an assessment of the quality of drinking water carried out by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, it was revealed that in recent years it has become life-threatening. The water does not meet hygienic standards in terms of odor, turbidity, color, content of petroleum products, manganese, and iron.

The quality of drinking water is a pressing and serious problem of our time. Is the water we use for drinking safe? You can find the answer to this question after completing the study.

Setting tasks and goals

The purpose of the work is to compare the quantitative content of chlorine anions in tap water depending on the filter used.

Job objectives:

  • analysis of the characteristics of shungite and silver in the form of filter substances for purifying tap water from chlorine anions;
  • conducting experiments on purification of tap water samples from chlorine anions;
  • performing quantitative determination of the content of chlorine anions in tap water samples;
  • formulation of recommendations taking into account the available results.

Project methods:

  • working with diverse literary sources;
  • conducting various experiments;
  • quantitative calculation of the content of chlorine anions in tap water samples;
  • statistical processing of the obtained results.

The object of the study is tap water samples taken in different areas of the city.

The subject is the quantitative calculation of chlorine anions in samples.

Main types of drinking water pollutants

Indicators of drinking water quality are divided into several groups:

  • organoleptic, which includes color, turbidity, smell;
  • microbiological;
  • chemical.

Water acquires an odor due to volatile substances that enter it with wastewater. The cause of turbidity is a variety of fine impurities. The taste of drinking water can come from organic substances of plant origin dissolved in water. When analyzing the quality of natural water, it is necessary to use the following characteristics: the amount of calcium bicarbonate, oxidability, alkalinity, permanent and temporary hardness.


Environmental education is important issue, which deserves serious attention and consideration. It is necessary to explain the importance of environmental education to the younger generation. The teacher must explain to his students the need for competent housekeeping. The goal and objectives of the project are to study the characteristics of, for example, a separate area within the ecosystem, as well as to identify the connection between its components, draw up simple, understandable garden plots, and highlight recommendations for proper care of the area.

For example, if the project is to study the ecosystem of a household plot, it is important to analyze the vegetation that may be present on it.

Besides cultivated plants, there may be weeds on the site. Their composition depends on the actions taken to combat them, as well as on the fertilizers applied to the soil. Guys involved in a similar project can consider the option of organizing a site. It is allowed to use perennial flowers that differ in flowering period, which will simplify care and make it possible to enjoy the beauty of flowers throughout the summer period.

Raising responsible younger generations careful attitude to nature is one of the most important problems of our time. From an early age, it is important to develop in the younger generation a sense of observation and responsibility for the state of nature.

While studying in an educational institution, a child develops positive feelings towards inanimate and animate nature. When communicating with the flora and fauna, the child develops a positive attitude towards objects and phenomena, a desire to comprehend this amazing world, discover the value and diversity of nature, the need for its study and knowledge. For example, if a child chooses insects as an object of study, he has the opportunity to form ideas about their world and show concern for the conservation of nature.

Among the project's objectives are:

  • expansion and systematization of children’s ideas about ants, butterflies, beetles, bees, their specific features;
  • development of skills to form conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships between individual objects;
  • instilling in children a caring attitude towards natural objects.

The teacher who provides environmental education to schoolchildren invites his pupils to observe insects on walks, hold conversations about the dangers and benefits of insects, their species diversity, and offers the children role-playing games, poems and proverbs to memorize.

    Information sheet.

1. Topic of the presented work.

“Organization of research work for elementary school students. Project "Green World".

    Justification of the relevance of the problem.

Currently, environmental education in primary schools is becoming more and more priority direction in pedagogical theory and practice. This is due to the difficult environmental situation on earth.

Pictures of nature - the strongest aesthetic means impact on the soul of a child, and its importance cannot be overestimated.

Upbringing ecological culture- one of the main directions of the general education strategy.

Creative teaching methods should play a leading role. In the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods, research creative activity occupies a special place. Having studied the materials on this topic, I came to the conclusion that the methodology is aimed at to a greater extent for high school students whose subject interests have already formed. And the elementary school still remained a little on the sidelines, but it is in the elementary school that the foundation of the skills, knowledge and skills of active, creative, independent activity of students, methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the results of their activities should be laid, and research work is one of the most important ways in solving this problem.

The specificity of research work in primary school lies in the systematic guiding, stimulating and corrective role of the teacher. The main thing for a teacher is to captivate and “infect” children, show them the significance of their activities and instill confidence in their abilities, as well as attract parents to participate in their child’s school affairs. This work becomes an interesting and exciting activity for many parents. Together with the children, they take photographs, carry out simple research to observe the growing of plants, weather phenomena, help select information for the theoretical substantiation of projects, and help the child prepare a defense of his work. The work turns out to be very interesting, because it is a common interest and joint work of the child and parents.

Research activities force and teach children to work with a book, newspaper, magazine, which is very important in our time, because own experience and, based on the opinions of colleagues, I know that children in best case scenario They only read textbooks. The child, feeling his importance, tries to help the teacher and gets involved in research work.

    Theoretical basis of experience.

Target: through the development of environmental literacy, teach children an environmentally appropriate way of life, promote the accumulation of environmental knowledge, their acquisition of skills and abilities to communicate with nature, and the expansion of individual ecological space.



    formation of knowledge about the unity of living and inanimate nature, patterns natural phenomena, interaction between nature, society and humans;

    formation of research skills.


    development of environmental literacy of students;

    development of basic thinking processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison);

    development of creative imagination and cognitive abilities of children;

    developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect, probabilistic relationships, and analyze the consequences of environmental situations.


    formation of a high level of environmental culture among students;

    cultivate personal responsibility for one’s own actions and for what is happening around them;

    formation of a culture of behavior in nature;

    foster respect for the environment;

    instill a love for nature and a desire to take care of it;

    to cultivate the need to rationally treat the components of living and inanimate nature.

    Project implementation blocks:

    Informative: lessons, quizzes, competitions, etc. (perspective plan, work program).

    Practical: planting seeds, caring for plants (photo, presentation) Appendix 1. Appendix 2.

    Consulting: working with parents (topics of conversation).

    Analytical: analysis of the results obtained, correction of work (diagnostics, analytical reports).

    Technological diagram of the project.

    Informative (during a year):

Long-term plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Section name

Introduction to


1.Introductory lesson. Why do we often hear the word “Ecology”?

Conversation “Ecological situation in the city”

Game "Why"

2. A fun trip into nature

Excursion to the river bank Garbage removal.

3.Practical class. Creative workshop

Making crafts from natural materials.

4.Me and the world around

Conversation. Drawing competition “Me and Nature”

5. Our planet.

Conversation. Reading symbols on a map or globe. Presentation "Planet Earth"

6. Nature and art

Getting to know the work of artists and musicians

7. Man’s relationship to nature

A conversation about the rules of behavior in nature, the meaning of nature for humans. Campaign “Let's keep the city clean!”

8.Environmental safety.

Conversation about natural disasters. Drawing competition “Fire and Nature”

Silent neighbors

1. Observations of pets. Who lives in our house?

Conversation about pets. Drawing competition “Our little brothers.”

2 Dog breeds.

Getting to know different breeds of dogs. Collection of illustrations. Working with encyclopedic literature.

3. Cat breeds.

Getting to know different cat breeds. Educational and entertainment program “Visiting Aunt Cat.” Collection of illustrations. Working with encyclopedic literature.

4. What do pets eat?

Conversation “What Do Pets Eat?” Children's stories based on observations.

5. How to care for your pet?

Description story “My favorite”

Feathered friends

1. Walk to the park “We are friends of birds.”

Bird watching.

What are the trees whispering about?

2.Migratory birds.

Conversation “Why do birds fly away?” Ecological game"Find wintering birds"

3. Environmental campaign “Let's help the birds!”

Making feeders. Opening of the poultry canteen “Bread Crumbs”

4.Walk to the park.

"Operation Feed"

5.A literary word about birds

Learning poems and riddles about birds.

6. Holiday “Birds are our friends”

The holiday is held as part of the week of natural history.

1. Floors of the forest.

Conversation. Getting to know different types plants.

2. Excursion “Let’s go along the path into the forest”

Tree watching

2. Seasonal changes in plants.

A conversation based on observations about autumn, winter, spring changes in nature. Quiz “Plant Experts” Solving crosswords, puzzles.

3.We are artists.

Drawing a tree in different times of the year

4. Mysteries of the forest

Quiz about the forest.

Mysteries of the animal world

1. Excursion to the museum

Observations " Appearance animals"

2. Excursion to the exhibition of exotic animals

Observations of the behavior of animals living in warm countries.

3. Curious facts about wildlife

Interesting information about the life of ants.

4.Nature is ours common Home

Conversation. Didactic game"A city where I would like to live"

Secrets of inanimate nature


Conversation, riddles, proverbs, sayings about the seasons. Working with literature. Search for proverbs, riddles about the seasons. Design of a baby book “Each month has its own rules. Signs"

2. A cycle of observations of water, snow, ice. How to deal with ice.

Conversation. Conducting experiments with ice, snow, water. Environmental campaign "Ice"

Greenhouse on the window

1. Excursion to the school biology and botany classroom

Introduction to types of indoor plants. Plant care.

2. Lovers of light and shadow, moisture and warmth.

Conversation. Solving a crossword puzzle about house flowers. Practical work.

3. Vegetable garden on the window

Conversation. Introduction to healing plants. Practical work.

4. Research work “The influence of light, heat and water on the growth and development of vegetables”

Consultation. Selection of literature. Planting onions, dill, lettuce in the classroom. Caring for them.

Man is part of living nature

1. Different people are needed, all kinds of people are important.

Getting to know people's professions.

2. Growing onions at home.

3. Research work “The influence of storage conditions on the growth and development of onions”

Familiarity with the conditions of the study. Rules for formatting your research.

4. Man! Be nature's friend!

Brain ring. Learning poems, riddles, songs about nature. Exhibition of mini-posters about nature conservation.

5. Bad habits.

Selection of material and design of newspapers as part of the week of natural history.”

Protection of Nature.

1. Issue of thematic newspapers “Medicinal Plants”, “Migratory Birds”, “Butterflies”

Conversation, acquaintance with the Red Book. Plants and animals of our region listed in the Red Book. Excursion to the local history museum.

2. The Red Book is an important book. Protected animals and plants of our region.

Exhibition of drawings, posters, crafts.

Leisure activities

1. Promotion " World Days bird watching"

Quiz with environmental tasks.

2. Dedication to environmentalism.

Quiz with environmental tasks

3. “Winter Walk”

Game-travel through the stations “Visiting Fidgety”, “Eternal Forest”, “Snow ABC”, “Working in Winter”

4. Game “Think, answer”

Interesting questions, riddles with collective and individual answers, composing your own riddle.

5. “Be healthy!”

Game-traveling around the city of Zdoroveysk.

KVN “Bird Experts!” Exhibition of crafts made from plasticine and waste materials.

8. Festival of Friends of Nature

Poems, songs, riddles about nature. Exhibition of essays, drawings, and crafts made from natural materials.

9. Environmental project “I was born a gardener”

Planting flower seedlings in the school yard.

    Consulting ( 1 time per quarter):

    introducing parents to the project.

    diagnostic results, work prospects;

    first results, first successes;

    summing up the project, practical lesson “I was born a gardener.”

    Analytical (as the project progresses):



Tracking method

Create conditions for the development of the need to communicate with nature

Ability to observe the growth of plants, trees, shrubs, and care for indoor plants;

Ability to care for domestic animals;

Ideas about periods of deterioration environmental situation in real life.


Work assignments


Formation of a careful attitude towards the riches of nature

Knowledge of careful care of plants, trees, shrubs;

Practical lessons


Development of environmental skills correct behavior in nature

Knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature;


Development of reminders

Development cognitive interests and creative abilities of pupils, their curiosity and inquisitiveness, introduction to reading additional literature

Manifestation cognitive activity, curiosity, inquisitiveness;

Ideas about the surrounding nature;

Ability to evaluate results creative activity person;

Ability to conduct research and conduct experiments Participation in research work

Practical lessons

Individual orders

Free activities for children

Formed need to care for indoor plants and pets, to help plants and animals in trouble.

Responsible attitude towards plants and pets

Ability to care for nature and its preservation;

The ability to create the conditions necessary for

plant life (light, heat, moisture)

Responsibility for your actions

Practical lessons

Y. Productivity. Diagnostic results confirming the effectiveness of the innovation.

    Attitude to business.

    Strong-willed quality

    Attitude towards yourself

Yiii.Project implementation stages.

Stage name

Stage tasks



    Planning activities and defining goals and objectives;

    Study of environmental and pedagogical literature;

    Drawing up a plan - a program of experimental work;

    Planning the stages of activities to create environmental work in the classroom;

    Preparation and carrying out primary diagnostics of the level of development of the studied parameters.

Aug. Sept

2. Main

    Ecological and pedagogical consultation with specialists;

    Determining the optimal arrangement of plants in the room, collecting the necessary material for organizing a “Vegetable Garden on the Window” (pots, soil, tools, etc.);

    Ecological and pedagogical work with parents of students;

    Transplanting parsley from beds;

    Making crafts from vegetables;

    Fair of vegetables grown in the garden;

    Making garlic amulets to prevent colds;

    Planting a bow on a feather;

    Sowing dill;

    Sowing lettuce.


    "Green Pharmacy" on the window;

    Planting hyacinth bulbs for a gift for mom;

    Urban literary competition"Hallowed be thy name"

    Replanting indoor plants (separate the “babies”, divide the overgrown rhizomes into parts);

    Sowing flower seeds: marigolds, asters, marigolds for growing seedlings;

    Conducting lessons, extracurricular activities, competitions on the project topic;

    baby books on the topic “Who are cats?”

    newspaper “If you want to be healthy”, “Health Diary”

    research on the topics “Where does garbage come from and where does it go?”, “What determines correct posture", "Vitamins", "Heroes of my people"

    Carrying out a second diagnosis in order to obtain intermediate results and adjust further activities.


    Campaign “I was born a gardener”

    Planting seedlings in the ground;

    Conducting final diagnostics;

    Comparative analysis of the results obtained, summing up the project.

May June

    Planned results.

Pupils should know:

    Fundamentals of ecological culture.

    Some features of the nature of your region.

    The main signs of the seasons.

    The meaning of nature for humans.

    Groups of plants and animals.

    Some protected plants and animals of their region, country.

    Rules of behavior in nature.

    Features of the work of people in the most common professions .

Pupils must be able to:

    Distinguish between natural objects and non-natural objects.

    Follow the rules of personal hygiene.

    Distinguish between studied plants and animals.

    Conduct observations in nature under the guidance of the circle leader.

    Feed birds in simple feeders.

    Take care of indoor plants and pets.

    Conduct search and research activities under the guidance of the circle leader.


    Use of ICT(information and communication technologies) during project implementation.

Name of ICT


Searching for material for conducting classes; acquaintance with methodological innovations; obtaining information about ongoing events; exchange of articles and other information.


Internet use; preparation of documentation, visual information in the group, printing of articles and speeches; preparation of presentations.

XIY. Informational resources:

For the teacher:

    Britvina L. Yu. Method creative projects at technology lessons// Primary School. No. 6. – 2005.-P.44.

    M.V. Dubova Organization project activities younger schoolchildren. A practical guide for teachers primary classes. - M. BALLAS, 2008

    Magazine "Primary School Head Teacher" 2005-2010

    Mikhailova G.N. Method of project-based learning in labor lessons.// Elementary school. No. 4.- 2005.-C 68.

    Novolodskaya E. G., Yakovleva S. N. Implementation of creative projects in the study of natural history // Primary school of student learning motivation // Primary school. No. 9.- 2008 – P.34.. No. 1. -2008.-S. 94.

    Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. Publishing house " Educational literature", House "Fedorov", 2008.

    Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook for primary schoolchildren. Publishing house "Fedorov". 2008

    Tsyvareva M. A. Project method in extracurricular activities in mathematics//Elementary school. No. 7.- 2004. – P. 45.

    Shlikene T. N. Project method as one of the conditions for increasing

For pupils:

    Bruce Jim, Angela Wilkes, Claire Llewelyn “100 questions and answers” ​​Animals.-M.: JSC “Rosman”, 2006.

    Great encyclopedia of the animal world. M.: ZAO “ROSMAN-PRESS”, 2007.

    Everything about everything. Insects and spiders. – M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Plants./Compiled by L.A. Bagrova-M.: Tko “AST”, 2005.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Animals. / Compiled by P.R. Lyakhov - M.: Tko “AST”, 2009

    Ecology occupies a special place among global problems modern world, having a transnational and interstate nature.

    The issue of the relationship between people and nature has always been acute, but with the advent of the third millennium, contradictions in the chain “individual - society - surrounding nature” reached their maximum.

    Over the past few decades, against the backdrop of the relationship between humanity and nature, the most heated debates among scientists, the public, world organizations and governments have been taking place. different countries.

    Topics of research work on ecology are related to the problems that exist in modern reality, this includes everything.

    Ocean pollution

    Nowadays, many harmful substances enter the ocean: plastics, oil, pesticides, chemical and industrial waste, which negatively affects the existence of marine fauna. From this it is clear that it is directly related to human activity, i.e. anthropogenic.

    Significant damage to the ocean is caused by:

    • Washing tanker holds, resulting in the release of 8 to 20 barrels of oil into its waters annually. This figure does not take into account accidents that occur during the transportation of oil by sea. The resulting oil film blocks the access of oxygen to the water, causing the extinction of plankton and fish.
    • Heavy metals entering water. The most harmful of them are chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium and copper. According to statistics, about 50,000 of these metals are discharged into the waters of the North Sea alone every year.
      hit Wastewater With high content pesticides - aldrin, dieldrin and endrin, which can be deposited in the tissues of living organisms.
    • Tributyltin chloride (TBT), which is widely used for painting ship keels, has a detrimental effect on marine life as a protection against surface fouling by algae and shells. Scientists have proven that this substance prevents the reproduction of one of the crustaceans - the trumpeter.
    • During recent years Ocean waters have become increasingly used for the deployment of nuclear missile weapons and for the burial of radioactive substances, which also leads to negative consequences.

    Today, the protection of ocean waters is one of the most current problems of all humanity. In 1982, during the UN Conference, participants adopted the Convention on the Law of the Sea, which introduced a number of restrictions on the use of the waters of the World Ocean.

    Thus, the protection of its resources and the fight against pollution have become special meaning.

    The United States, Canada, Japan, India, Europe and other countries annually launch satellites to collect remote sensing data.

    The precision resolution capabilities of such devices are constantly increasing; in addition, the set of parameters that characterize the state is expanding external environment, measured from space. America and the European Space Agency are opening up more and more access to satellite data; The number of specialists involved in the development and implementation of new international projects is constantly growing.

    Global warming in the Arctic

    The problem of global warming in the Arctic is occurring at catastrophic speed. The consequences could be the disappearance of the summer habitats of polar bears and a critical rise in sea levels on the planet.

    This assessment of global climate change was made by members of an international group of climatologists. The warning issued by scientists could influence the United States and several other industrialized countries to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels.

    The report of a study aimed at studying the effects of global warming in the Arctic states:

    • The melting of glaciers that contain great amount fresh water, can provoke a rise in sea level by 7 meters over several hundred years. According to the calculations of experts, in our century, due to exceeding the threshold temperature in the Arctic, prolonged melting of the ice sheet may occur.
    • Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Over the past 50 years, the average winter temperature in Chukotka, western Canada and Alaska has increased by 3.5 ºС. In the next century, this figure may reach 6.5 ºС.
    • The area of ​​pack ice located in the Arctic Ocean is sharply decreasing. Over the past 30 years, their area has decreased by 20%; by the end of this century their area may be reduced by another 10-50%. There is an opinion that by 2040, Arctic pack ice may completely disappear.

    Each of the above changes can help speed things up. Fresh water influx into Atlantic Ocean may lead to changes in planetary ocean currents, which, in turn, will disrupt climatic conditions, meteorological phenomena and the concentration of fish and other marine life resources.

    This study was conducted over a period of 4.5 years; The customer was the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee. The members of the council are senior officials from the United States, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Russia and leaders of indigenous organizations in the Arctic region. 300 scientists from polar research centers from around the world are taking part in the work.

    Changes are now being observed and predicted affecting all aspects of life of the Arctic population - Agriculture, transportation patterns and lifestyles, as well as local fauna - for example, many rare species of migratory birds may lose their breeding grounds.

    The problem of food waste disposal

    Over the past ten years, the problem of waste minimization and recycling has attracted the attention of many economic sectors. However, among other wastes, food waste receives less attention than others. For many decades, huge amounts of crops harvested in a number of developing countries have not become useful food products.
    The situation is becoming increasingly serious due to the fact that these countries are providing minimal assistance to solve the problem.

    According to a study conducted by UNEP (the United Nations Environment Programme), over 50% of all food produced today is lost, wasted or wasted due to effective scheme food chain in restaurants and grocery stores.

    This fact was confirmed by another study commissioned by the NRA ( national association Restaurants) - it turns out that in UK restaurants, 65% of food waste is thrown away during food preparation and only about 30% remains on the plates.

    Together Against Waste will be founded in 74 countries around the world, with groups of industry experts working together to address the issue of reducing food waste. By uniting consumers and partners in an effort to minimize waste, the movement intends to develop effective ways reducing food loss and waste management around the world.

    The importance of conducting international research in the field of ecology

    The tasks of monitoring the state of nature on a planetary scale contain many criteria. One of the main issues is the determination of the maximum permissible influence of the population on the Earth, in particular on its.

    As an example modern project Global monitoring includes the EOS system in the United States. This is a long-term program designed for 15 years and of a scientific nature. The work is carried out on the basis of data received from three satellites served by the orbital system, with the aim of detailed study state of the planet's ecology.

    Research at school

    In our country, scientific research work on ecology begins to be carried out at school, thus introducing children to world problems. Beginning with junior classes For students, educational and research work is included in the school curriculum.

    1 Comment

      Really, ecological problems(unfortunately) few people care. More attention should be paid to studying ways to reduce the negative impact of human activity.

    Pugacheva Daria

    Ecology Project" Schoolyard-my country"



    Environmental project “School yard is my country.”

    Project developer:

    Member of the environmental team of MOAU Secondary School No. 6 – Daria Pugacheva, 8th grade student.

    Objective of the project:

    Implementation of state policy in the field of patriotic and environmental education of youth;

    Contributing to the improvement of the environmental situation in the school district, through the improvement and landscaping of the school site;

    Formation of ecological culture of students on the basis of labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through the joint activities of students, parents, teaching staff, residents of the microdistrict in the improvement of the school site and adjacent territories.

    Project objectives:

    To form an active civic position among the younger generation;

    Fostering ecological culture and environmental consciousness among schoolchildren;

    Promote the moral, aesthetic and labor education of schoolchildren;

    Strengthen the regional focus of environmental education;

    Involve children in finding mechanisms for solving pressing problems of the local community through the development and implementation of socially significant projects;

    To develop a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment;

    To develop the initiatives and creativity of schoolchildren through the organization of socially significant activities - improvement of the school grounds;

    Transform and improve the school grounds;

    Carry out information - educational work to promote environmental culture among students;

    Research various shapes plants growing on the territory of Saratovskaya village and equipment of sites for medicinal plants, fruit trees and shrubs and flower beds on the school grounds.

    Expected results:

    Solving the problems of state policy in the field of environmental and patriotic education of youth;

    Increasing the level of interest in the protection and conservation of the natural environment;

    Development of students' organizational abilities;

    Improvement and landscaping of the school grounds;

    Annual organization of the environmental team of MOAU Secondary School No. 6;

    Increasing the environmental culture of students;

    Creating favorable conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren;

    Attracting the attention of the population of the village to the problems of landscaping and landscaping, maintaining environmental safety in the place of residence;

    Promotion of environmental culture among students;

    Expanding the species diversity of plants in the school site to improve the educational environment;

    Using the school site in biology, geography, fine arts, and vocational lessons.

    Project implementation timeline: 2012 academic year.

    Project implementation stages:

    Stage 1 – preparatory – January-February 2012

    Stage 2 – practical (research) – March - May 2012

    Stage 3 – generalizing – September-November 2012

    Stage 4 – information and educational – December 2012

    Justification of the relevance of the project.

    “If every person on a piece of land

    Did everything he could - how beautiful,

    The Earth would be ours."

    A.P. Chekhov.

    “We are all passengers of one ship called Earth, which means there is simply nowhere to transfer from it,” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Teaching a person to think not only about himself, but also about the world around him is not easy. Conservation and protection of nature allows you to feel your importance, adulthood, the ability to do important, useful things, really see the results of your activities, bring joy to others, and create beauty.

    Our lot has been a difficult fate - to take part in the historical process of the revival of our Motherland. New Russia, must be a country not only democratic, but also environmentally friendly: without polluting factory chimneys, without the barbaric exploitation of forests and soils, with lakes and rivers not poisoned by untreated sewage.

    We are all, without exception, children of one large kingdom of Nature. How to preserve it for future generations? How to live in harmony with her? How to learn to think ecologically and gain ecological self-awareness?

    Maybe it’s better to learn to understand it and treat it with care from childhood? Recognize the need to feel responsible for the relationship between Man and Nature, assess the causes of the unfavorable environmental situation. In my opinion, it is best to do this using a small area of ​​the area as an example. In this case, the school and its surrounding area can serve as such an experimental site. After all, a school is a common home for all its students. And probably, every “its resident” would like to see their educational institution beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It is for this reason that I chose the theme of the project “School yard is my country.”

    I believe that this topic is the most relevant because:

    The school yard needs additional landscaping;

    The school site is not fully used;

    Schoolchildren have a low level of environmental activity.

    To correctly assess the situation, I looked at it from different angles: environmental, biological, social, medical. In the school microdistrict, as in the entire village, the environmental and social situation is not the most favorable in the area. The courtyards adjacent to the school in the neighborhood are in unsatisfactory condition, which has a negative impact on the appearance of the school yard. And also, a survey of residents showed that 70% are dissatisfied with the condition of their yards, of which 45% agree to participate in the improvement of the surrounding area and provide all possible assistance to the school.

    One of the negative factors is also the deterioration of the health of children, the growth of bad habits, and the useless pastime of teenagers, which can lead to negative consequences for the future of the entire region of the Saratovskaya village. Moreover, on the territory of our village there are social and environmental problems: dusty air due to the violation of grass cover in most of the territory, insufficient landscaping of the school site and areas near courtyards, low level of environmental activity among schoolchildren and residents of the microdistrict, low cultural level communication with nature.

    I believe that this project will help children express themselves, gain confidence in their own abilities, improve the school yard, and take part in the life of the school. Therefore active life position schoolchildren, is now important for the future of the entire village as a whole, and environmental education at the present stage of development of human civilization is a priority direction for the development of the entire system of training and education and a systematizing factor in education. In my opinion, the period has come in the organization of environmental education when increasing its effectiveness can only be achieved through comprehensive, systematic approach- greening the entire educational institution, all components of the educational process at school.

    In this regard, I developed a plan for the main activities of the project, which includes several stages.

    Main stages of the project implementation.

    Stage I – Preparatory.

    1. Organization of creative groups working on the topic of the project, which can include all interested children.

    2. Defining the goals and objectives of the project.

    3. Assessment of the environmental situation, collection and processing of information, questionnaires, surveys public opinion residents of the microdistrict, studying the health status of children, employment of students, research on the topic of the project.

    4. Preparing the area for landscaping and landscaping (uprooting dead trees and shrubs, dismantling buildings, clearing the area of ​​debris).

    5. Organizing a competition among students for the best sketch of a flower bed.

    6. Drawing up a sketch of the landscape design of the school area.

    7. Organization of the work of environmental and labor teams.

    8. Conducting a workshop “Design and Landscape”

    9. Summing up the results of the first stage of the project.

    Stage II – Practical.

    1. Growing seedlings.

    2. Sowing medicinal plants.

    3. Planting tree seedlings.

    4. Planting seedlings of fruit and berry plants (currants, rose hips, raspberries, rowan)

    5. Plant care.

    6. Carrying out research work on experimental plots with their subsequent presentation to various competitions, conferences.

    7. Bringing sports facilities into an aesthetic state.

    8. Laying out flower beds near the school facade.

    9. Maintaining order of the grass cover and flower beds of the territory.

    10. Publication of a newspaper with information about the results of activities related to the implementation of the project.

    11. Summing up the results of the second stage of the project.

    Stage III – Generalizing.

    1. Analysis of the results obtained and generalization of experience for scientific work.

    2. Publication of materials for project activities and methodological developments teachers.

    3. Organizing work with students to prepare a project presentation.

    4. Use of the collected material in lessons and extracurricular activities.

    5. Generalization of work experience.

    Stage IV – Information and educational.

    1 Dissemination in school and local media of information about student activities related to the implementation of the project - throughout the year Press center.


    The basis of this project should be the organization of interesting, meaningful, socially significant, practical and environmental activities of school students, taking into account personal development, maximum identification, and use of the individual experience of each student; pedagogical support for the development of the child’s personality, in self-knowledge; personal practical contribution of everyone to the conservation of the nature of their village, their school.

    During the implementation of the “Schoolyard is my country” project, the following work is expected to be completed:

    Organization joint activities students, parents, teachers, residents of the microdistrict to implement the main activities of the project (form creative groups in different areas of activity, at the preparatory stage carry out landscape organization of the school territory, select plants for landscaping, collect information and survey schoolchildren, residents of the microdistrict to assess the environmental situation) ;

    Uproot dead trees and shrubs;

    Clean the school area from household waste (organize school-wide cleanup days);

    Dismantle various buildings located on the school grounds;

    Draw up a sketch of the landscape design of the school site;

    Create additional flower beds on the school grounds;

    Carry out landscaping of the territory (replenish the school garden with trees, shrubs, plant flowers in flower beds);

    Cover the main stages of the work done through the school newspaper “Ecological Bulletin”;

    Students of environmental teams take an active part in city and regional competitions;

    Conduct explanatory work among younger schoolchildren and residents of the village;

    Hold a competition for the best sketch of flower beds;

    Collect seedlings for planting perennial flowers together with parents and residents of the neighborhood.

    Prepare landing sheets;

    If possible, bring in soil for planting trees, shrubs, and flowers;

    Restore grass cover in areas where it is necessary;

    Paint sports facilities on school grounds;

    Whiten tree trunks;

    Conduct a scientific and practical conference for students, to which they provide environmental reports;

    Hold an exhibition of products and crafts made from waste and natural materials;

    Compile maps of the species composition of trees and herbs on the school site;

    Conduct environmental lessons with an environmental focus (regional component);

    During the week of biology and ecology, introduce students to medicinal plants growing in the school district and on the territory of the Saratov village.

    List of used literature.

    1. Everything about everything. Encyclopedia for children. Moscow "Bustard". – 2002

    2. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Russia. – M.: JSC MDS, 1998.

    3. Khabarova E.I., Panova S.A. Ecology in tables. Reference manual. – M.: Bustard, 2001.

    4. School ecological calendar: Manual for teachers / N.S. Dezhnikova, I.V. Snitko, D.L. Teplov; Ed. N.S. Dezhnikova. – M.: Education, 2003.

    5. I explore the world: Det. Encyclopedia: Ecology / Comp. L.A. Bagrova; Under general ed. O.G. Hinn. – M.: LLC “Firm Publishing House AST”, 2000.