Extracurricular event “Ecological skit”. Infotainment game "ecological skit"

Yulia Luneva
Abstract ecological entertainment in the preparatory school group "Kapustnik"

Summary of environmental entertainment in the preparatory school group "Kapustnik"

Children enter the hall to the music. (Frozen figures)

Song about autumn.

Leading child:

Autumn, dear minx, has settled here and there,

How a real witch decorated her temple.

The clusters of viburnum viburnum delight with their beauty.

You slowed down the look, so slow down your step, wait!

Let me admire you!

Let me listen to you!

Don't rush to leave, separate,

Don't let yourself be overshadowed.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

We haven't seen each other for a whole year.

After summer, it’s my turn.

Are you excited to meet me?

Do you like the forest outfit?

Autumn gardens and parks?

Yes, my gifts are good!

I came to your party

Sing, have fun,

I want with all of you

Make strong friends.

Leading child:

Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came.

We, Autumn, will ask you:

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I brought you flour.

All children: So there will be pies.

Autumn: And apples are like honey.

All children: For jam, for compote.

Autumn: I brought a full deck of honey.

Leading child:

You and apples, you and bread,

You brought honey too.

And good weather

Did you bring us autumn?

Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?

All children: We don’t want it, we don’t need it!

Autumn: I see on the horizon

A cloud flies across the sky

I'll quickly open my umbrella,

It will protect from rain.

I’ll hide everyone, everyone under an umbrella,

How could it be otherwise?

Dance with umbrellas

Autumn (Presentation)

I also brought you a series of autumn holidays. What autumn holidays do you know? And today I will tell you about another autumn holiday. In the fall, on September 27, the Christian holiday of the Exaltation was celebrated. People said: on Exaltation, autumn moves towards winter, and from the gardens a cart with the harvest moves towards the house. And the holiday of the Exaltation is called “Cabbage”. Why do you think? On this day, the last harvest from the garden was collected - cabbage. There was so much cabbage that the whole family fermented it for several days. At first they chopped the cabbage, but not with a knife as now, but with special choppers in a wooden trough, it was faster. Then they salted it in large wooden barrels, adding carrots, apples, and lingonberries. Such sauerkraut was tasty and crispy until the next harvest. Since the entire harvest had already been harvested, in the evenings people gathered for autumn gatherings, the “cabbage farmers” sang songs, danced, joked, played funny Games. They treated each other to cabbage pies. And today I invite you to have a fun skit party. There was a popular saying: “The cabbage is the first lady for the rise.” Does cabbage look like a lady? And for what merit was cabbage called lady? Let's check your answers and ask the cabbage itself, what will it tell about itself?

Girls come out in cabbage costumes.

1 cabbage:

I'm a real cabbage

Ripe, crispy.

She looks like a lady.

Chubby, pot-bellied,

Strong and lush.

And, like a lady, among the people

I was always held in high esteem.

I am loved, respected,

They know about my usefulness.

2 cabbage:

I have a lot of vitamins, I can treat various diseases. Guys, if you want to be strong, healthy and disease-resistant, eat cabbage. In ancient times, in the evening, people held cabbage gatherings with songs, round dances and dances. But where did they get so much strength if they worked all day? People at that time ate a lot of cabbage. Cabbage gives a lot of strength and Have a good mood. Do you want to have some fun and play now?

Game “Harvest” (Children are divided into two teams. Their task is to run one at a time to a large basket of vegetables, take only one vegetable from it and bring it to the team’s basket. One team collects only cabbage in its basket, the other - all other vegetables besides cabbage, in addition to the usual white cabbage, the basket contains red cabbage, kohlrabi and cauliflower. This cabbage, due to its unusual appearance, may end up in either one or another team basket, or remain in the general basket.)

Well done boys! Let's take a closer look at these three vegetables (red cabbage, kohlrabi and cauliflower). Despite its rather strange appearance, it is also cabbage. Why was this cabbage called - red, cauliflower, kohlrabi? (Children's answers are listened to) Red cabbage was called because it is red in color, colored cabbage looks like a flower. The inflorescences are used for food. And the word kohlrabi comes from two german words- cabbage and turnips. Doesn't it look a little like a turnip?

Who can name the most famous traditional cabbage dishes? Well done! Now look at the dishes these hosts have prepared. I will show you pictures, and you guess the names of the dishes. (Presentation)

And now I propose to play a game called “I know that...” Each of you can tell what he knows or has learned new about cabbage.

(Children stand in a circle to the music, pass a head of cabbage to each other in a circle, on whom the music is interrupted, must complete the sentence “I know that ...")

Well done boys! You correctly said that cabbage is very healthy, and you can prepare a lot of dishes from it. But you can also make a funny doll from cabbage to decorate the holiday table. Now we will hold a competition “Lady Cabbage” among mothers who will show you how quickly you can prepare lady cabbage with your own hands. (For the competition, a head of cabbage, pieces of self-adhesive paper in the form of geometric shapes, triangular shawls)

Oh, what a round dance of ladies - it turned out to be cabbage!

Guys, tell me, are we making a funny skit? And what would a cabbage boy be without dancing? Let’s show our cabbage ladies the autumn dance “The Naughty Autumn.”

Wonderful dance! And I also know, guys, that you know how to recite poetry well. (The finalists of the competition “Poems about the autumn of A. S. Pushkin” perform) Awarding with diplomas.

It's a sad time! Eye charm.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

The sky was already breathing in autumn...

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

With a sad noise she stripped herself,

Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time;

It was already November outside the yard.

October has already arrived

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

To the departing fields with my desire,

And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.

Guys, do you hear someone crunching? Someone is eating cabbage! Who is this? Let's find him! (A box is found in the corner. Autumn takes a bunny out of the box.)

So that's who crunched the cabbage so loudly! Bunnies love to eat cabbage. But this is not an ordinary bunny, but a magical one, and he brought you a magical head of cabbage as a gift. (Autumn opens the bottom of the cabbage, and sweets are poured into it) The bunny and I are leaving you a magical cabbage as a gift. And our cheerful skit has come to an end! It's time for us, goodbye guys, see you again!

Publications on the topic:

September 27 - Exaltation. Summary of folklore entertainment in the 2nd junior group “Kapustnik” Noskova I.V. - teacher of the highest qualification. categories. Zakharova N.I. - music. head of the highest quarter categories. Makarova L.A. - teacher of the 1st quarter.

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Summary of entertainment in a pre-school group on emotional education “Cure for a bad mood” Goal: to create a joyful mood, to form positive attitude to the environment. Objectives: continue to develop the ability to distinguish.

Summary of an environmental lesson in the preparatory group “Water is the blue mirror of the Earth” Goal: To form in children an understanding that pure water- a necessary condition for the health of the entire planet. Program objectives: Educational:.

Ecological skit

(Extracurricular activity)

Conducted by Troyanova

Tatyana Ivanovna

Biology teacher

MOBU Lyceum No. 4


Teams from each class of 6-8 people participate in the competition. Previously, teams receive tasks:

1.Prepare a musical number (sing or dramatize a song about nature).

2.Create and act out a skit about nature conservation.

3.Draw three environmental posters.

Progress of the event

Music is playing.

The presenter invites the teams to take their playing places and introduces the jury.

Competition No. 1. "Find a Pair"

One person from each team participates in the competition (this competition is held while the teams are preparing a collective drawing). The presenter names the plant, and the contestant must find an animal that is somewhat similar to the named plant and explain the reason for the choice.

Porcupine cactus (with needles)

Nettle-bee (sting)

Coltsfoot mole (soft covers)

Sundew spider (eats insects)

Burdock-leech (cling)

Aspen-hare (“cowards”)

Boa liana (long body)

Mimosa-hedgehog (roll up)

For the correct answer, the contestant can receive 1-2 points.

Competition No. 2 “Musical”.

Teams present their preparation numbers in advance. Teams may be offered the following songs to perform: “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass,” “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma,” “There was a lapwing on the road,” “Don’t tease the dogs,” “A kitten and a puppy lived in the same apartment,” “Stork on the roof", "Lucy", "Skvorushka".

The jury evaluates the competition using a 5-point system.

Competition No. 3 “Who is this?”

Two people from each team participate in the competition. One of them has a picture of an animal or plant attached to his back. This participant can ask questions to the second participant, to which he can only answer “yes” or “no”. The task is to quickly and correctly “unravel” the image in the picture.

The maximum score for the competition is 2 points.

Competition No. 4 “Animal-mystery”.

Teams are offered drawings of fantastic animals. Teams must guess which animal parts were used to create the drawings. The maximum score for the competition is 3 points.

Answers to animal jokes

No. 1. Head of a pike, body of a bream, dorsal fin of a ruffe, pectoral fins of a swallow fish, tail of a veiltail.

No. 2. The head of a hammerhead fish, the anglerfish's flashlight, the body of a hedgehog fish, the fins of a three-spined stickleback, the tail of a sturgeon.

No. 3. Head of a toad, body of a frog, tail of a newt, front legs of a tree frog, hind legs of a frog.

No. 4. Head of a turtle, body of a lizard, tail of a rattlesnake, forelimbs of a crocodile, hind limbs of a monitor lizard, coloring of a viper.

No. 5. The head of an eagle, the neck and wing of a swan, the body of a penguin, the legs of an ostrich.

No. 6. Head of a crowned crane, beak of a pelican, neck of a vulture, body of a petrel, wing of a penguin, paws of a duck, tail of a lyre bird.

No. 7. Head and ears of a hare, tusks of a walrus, body of a sheep, tail of a roe deer, front legs of a dog, hind legs of an elephant.

No. 8. Anteater head, rhinoceros horn, zebra neck, mouse body, horse tail, killer whale forelimbs, beaver hind limbs.

Competition No. 5 “Poetic”

Teams must come up with a poem about nature within 3-5 minutes, having a given rhyme.

Nature-peoples; tasks-good luck; dream flowers; years - always.

The jury evaluates the relevance of the poems to the topic and originality. The maximum score is 4 points.

Competition No. 6 “Ecological poster”. (protection)

Three posters are provided for the competition from each class. Teams must comment on their work. The maximum score for the competition is 6 points.


Protection of one of the Ecograd posters.

Progress of the event

Five guys with instruments in work clothes come on stage to the music, singing a song.

If it's a long, long, long time,

If it's a long, long, long time,

If it's long along the path,

It's a long time to stomp and run.

Then, perhaps, then, of course,

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,

You can come to Ecograd!

Ah, the rivers in Ecograd are this wide,

Ah, there are flowers and grasses so tall there,

Ah, our cheerful one is proud,

Ah, a nice, new city,

Ahh, Ecograd, meet us!

1st worker. Well, guys, we set off to build a glorious city. We will be remembered. The names of the Ecocity builders will be embossed in gold letters...

2nd worker. Oh man! First do the job, then think about the letters! But in general, friends, I think it will be difficult for us, because building a clean city when everything around is slowly turning into a planetary garbage dump will not be easy.

3rd worker. Don't be a pessimist! People have long been thinking about how to preserve nature, because the world around us also affects people’s health, so by helping nature, we first of all help ourselves.

4th worker. Hey nature lover! How will you build a city if you feel sorry for nature? Don't you feel sorry for people? They need houses, playgrounds and shops, transport and factories. But all these objects pollute the environment.

5th worker. Yes, you can’t rush here, you need to consult. And I don’t know who to turn to (addresses the audience)

We are nature lovers!

We stand behind her with all our might.

Let's keep it for years,

We will preserve it for centuries.

Help us build

New city, garden city.

Not dangerous for nature

The glorious city of Ecograd.

1st worker. We are nature lovers

But we don’t sit idle.

We picked up the trowels

And we want to build a house.

Build a house from metal,

Made of glass and cellophane.

We will not cut down the forest,

So that the forest does not disappear.

Maybe it's better to live in a cave?

There is no need to put doors there,

No water or light needed.

There is no harm to nature!

The jury sums up the results of all competitions, and the presenter awards the winners with diplomas and gifts.

Epigraphs: The earth can satisfy the need,
but not everyone's greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Human behavior in nature is a mirror of his soul.
(K. Zelinsky)
Goal: education ecological culture and environmental literacy of students through
organization of gaming activities.
1. Develop cognitive interest And cognitive activity schoolchildren, their
Creative skills;
2. Increase environmental literacy of students;
3. To form schoolchildren’s personal attitude towards environmental problems,
cultivate a caring, humane attitude towards nature;
4. Broaden the horizons of students;
5. Develop communication skills;
6. Develop group work skills.
I. Organizational moment.
It's the twenty-first century on the planet.
Vanity, the pursuit of luck.
And a man is in a hurry somewhere.
To succeed is the main task.
The Earth is spinning in a whirlwind of affairs,
More and more quickly after novelty and progress.
And people are accustomed to exterminating,
Take without measure for personal interests.
Mother Earth suffered
From the actions of unreasonable children.
As if begging us for mercy,
The nature of the entire planet trembled.
And today we cannot be silent,
We will all stand up for her.
So let's play KVN!
Talk funny about unfunny topics.
Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you again at the Club of cheerful and resourceful people,
where hands do not know boredom, and the head is constantly striving to learn something new and interesting.
I think that today we will be able to make our meeting unusual and memorable.

Our today's KVN called “Ecological skit” will be dedicated to the year
ecology. Our respected jury, consisting of... will evaluate the game today. (announces
jury members).
And now, let's welcome the teams who are ready to tell us in the language of humor
about painful problems environmental problems. We wish the teams good luck in the game and no fluff, no
II. Game competition.
Competition 1. Greeting competition on the theme “Oh, this ecology.”
Presentation of KVN teams.
The jury evaluates artistry, humor, erudition, comprehensive knowledge and
team cohesion.
Competition 2. Warm-up competition “The World Around Us”.
Questions for team 1:
1. Striped horse. (Zebra.)
2. The largest animal on earth. (Elephant.)
3. The most famous dam builder. (Beaver.)
4. The bird is a symbol of love and fidelity. (Swan.)
5. What mushrooms grow on stumps? (Honey mushrooms.)
6. Which animal changes color? (Chameleon.)
7. The smallest bird on earth. (Hummingbird.)
8. The fastest-footed bird? (Ostrich.)
9. Pine forest. (Bor.)
10. The most voracious insect. (Dragonfly.)
Questions for team 2:
1. The tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (Birch.)
2. The bird is a symbol of peace. (Pigeon.)
3. A herb that even the blind know? (Nettle.)
4. Which one beast of prey Craving for raspberries? (Bear.)
5. The flower that gives its name to the yoga pose. (Lotus.)
6. The most poisonous mushroom. (Death cap.)
7. The slowest moving animal. (Snail, its speed is 0.05 km/h)
8. Which bird’s flight speed reaches 170 km/h? (Swift.)
9. Birch forest. (Grove.)
10. Most big fish planets. (Whale shark.)
The maximum score for the competition is 10 points.
Competition 3. “Verifier.”
Teams answer yes or no questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.
Questions for team 1:
Is it true that...

1. ...can crocodiles climb trees? (YES.)
2. ...snakes can jump up to a meter in height? (YES.)
3. ... do swifts even sleep on the fly? (YES.)
4. ...blue roses grow only in China? (NO. They don't exist at all)
5. ... can a bear eat up to 200,000 berries in a day? (YES)
Questions for team 2:
Is it true that...
1. ...are there striped fleas on zebras? (NO.)
2. ...do spiders feed on their own web? (YES.)
3. ...radiation from phones cellular communications safe for the human body? (NO.)
4. ...does the average person throw away 2.5 kilograms of garbage per day?
5. ... the mycelium of most mushrooms lives up to 100 years? (YES.)
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 4. “Who is who.”
Representatives of fauna for 1 team:
1. Wagtail (bird).
2. Peacock eye (insect).
3. Scops Owl (bird).
4. Triton (amphibian).
5. Platypus (mammal).
Representatives of fauna for team 2:
1. Nuthatch (bird).
2. Snake (reptile).
3. Moray eel – (fish).
4. Aphid (insect).
5. Emu – (bird).
Competition 5. “Captain, captain, smile...”
A tongue twister competition in which only captains participate. Need a tongue twister
speak quickly three times.
1. With thyme, a couple of daisies
In the thicket I drank tea from cups
An hour later the thyme dried up,

The tea party is over.
2. The snake bit the snake.
I can't get along with the snake.
Already out of horror -
The snake will eat it for dinner.

Competition 6. “Shifters”.
Assignment: After listening to the shifter, you need to guess the proverb. Write down your answers on paper and
hand over to the jury members.
1. When they plant grass, the logs fly. (The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying.)
2. The new enemy is worse than the old one. (An old friend is better than two new ones.)
3. A big war is worse than an evil world. (A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.)
4. An elephant will not dull its tail. (A mosquito will not erode your nose.)
5. The crow is treated to dancing. (The nightingale is not fed fables.)
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 7. “Ball at MukhaTsokotukha’s.”
Everyone knows the fairy tale “Fly Tsokotukha”. Imagine that a fly invited guests to a ball.
Show in 1 2 minutes how you might dance at a ball:
Team 1: butterflies, cockroaches.

Team 2: grasshoppers, dragonflies.
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 8. “Garbage fantasy.”
Within 3-5 minutes, teams must come up with a poem about protecting nature from
garbage having a given rhyme: in the forest, beauty, neat, pleasant.
No need to litter in the forest,
Nature spoiling all its beauty,
When the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,
Then resting there is doubly pleasant!
The jury evaluates the relevance of the poems to the topic and originality.
Competition 9. “Do no harm.”

Questions for team 1:
1. Why can’t you take eggs from a bird’s nest? (The bird may leave the nest.)
2. Why can’t you collect medicinal herbs in one place for several years in a row?
(So ​​that they do not disappear, but have time to recover.)
3. Why should we protect bumblebees? (They are the most beneficial wild plant pollinators.)
Questions for team 2:
1. Why can’t you fish in the spring? (At this time she spawns.)
2. Why you can’t hunt in nature reserves, reserves and national parks? (This
specially protected natural areas.)
3. Why, when grazing livestock, do you need to move animals from one pasture to another?
(To prevent soil compaction and desertification.)
The maximum score for the competition is 3 points.
Competition 10. “Accusatory speech.”
Imagine that we are now in court. Write and then read the indictment.
1 team:
Old woman Shapoklyak - for walking a rat in the wrong place.
Team 2:
Emelya for fishing using prohibited methods.
Competition 11 "Garbage Ball".
It's no secret that when walking along the streets of a village, we often leave behind the most
various garbage: pieces of paper, plastic bottles, boxes, bags. It even happens
when the bins are nearby. Sometimes we can't even get into them. Let's try it
Now practice how to accurately place garbage in the trash can.
All players participate. Each accurate hit is worth 1 point.
Competition 12. “ECO racing”
One question is asked to each team in turn. For each correct
answer – 1 point.
1. People who shoot animals without permission and at the wrong time of the hunt.
2. A forest where an oak tree grows. (Dubrava.)
3. Artificial pond. (Pond.)
4. Volatile substances of some plants that kill microbes. (Vatoncides.)
5. Synonym for hippopotamus. (Hippopotamus.)
6. Thick fog containing dust and harmful gases. (Smog.)
7. Who introduced the term “ecology” into science? (E. Haeckel.)
8. Organisms that live in limited areas. (Endemic.)

9. Clean air indicators. (Lichens.)
10. The roots of this tree help hydraulic builders to fasten the banks no worse than steel
reinforcement and preventing waves from eroding the shores. (Willow.)
11. Where on Earth are the largest reserves of water? (In Antarctica.)
12. An increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the planet’s atmosphere compared to
effective temperature due to excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
(Greenhouse effect.)
13. ugly duck in adulthood. (Swan.)
14. An animal whose strength is used to measure engine power. (Horse.)
15. Chip or Dale as representatives of the fauna. (Chipmunk.)
16. Marsh plant is the main natural purifier of the coastal zone of a large river.
III. Summarizing.
Presenter: Well done, guys! Our journey to
amazing world nature. Let's try never to offend her. We have to
always remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.
Some good advice:
 Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
 Enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
 In the lap of nature, be quiet and inconspicuous: look, listen and don’t make noise.
 Take every opportunity to do something useful for nature.
 Be a friend to all living beings and do not torture or kill animals.
 Keep the waters clean, take care of springs and wells.
 Keep it clean natural environment and do not leave behind traces of being in
 Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and unconscious
I would like to end today’s meeting with the poems of M. Dubin:
Like an apple on a saucer
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.
We common life grains,
Relatives of the same fate,
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand this people
Like your own order.
Otherwise there will be no Earth
I give the floor to our jury to sum up the results. (Team awards).

The jury announces the winners of the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Extracurricular event “Ecological skit”.
Prepared and conducted by: Belonogova I.A., biology teacher of the 1st qualification category of the Russian-Aktash Secondary Educational Institution comprehensive school» Almetyevsky municipal district, Republic of Tatarstan
Epigraphs: The earth can satisfy the need,
but not everyone's greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Human behavior in nature is a mirror of his soul.
(K. Zelinsky)
Goal: to develop environmental culture and environmental literacy of students through the organization of gaming activities.
To develop the cognitive interest and cognitive activity of schoolchildren, their creative abilities;
Increase environmental literacy of students;
To form schoolchildren’s personal attitude towards environmental problems, to cultivate a caring, humane attitude towards nature;
Broaden the horizons of students;
Develop communication skills;
Develop group work skills.
I. Organizational moment.
It's the twenty-first century on the planet.
Vanity, the pursuit of luck.
And a man is in a hurry somewhere.
To succeed is the main task.
The Earth is spinning in a whirlwind of affairs,
More and more quickly after novelty and progress.
And people are accustomed to exterminating,
Take without measure for personal interests.
Mother Earth suffered
From the actions of unreasonable children.
As if begging us for mercy,
The nature of the entire planet trembled.
And today we cannot be silent,
We will all stand up for her.
So let's play KVN!
Talk funny about unfunny topics.
- Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you again at the Club of cheerful and resourceful people, where hands never know boredom, and the head is constantly striving to learn something new and interesting. I think that today we will be able to make our meeting unusual and memorable.
Our today's KVN called “Ecological skit” will be dedicated to the year of ecology. Our respected jury, consisting of... will evaluate the game today. (announces the jury members).
And now, let's welcome the teams who are ready to tell us about pressing environmental problems in the language of humor. We wish the teams good luck in the game and no feathers!
II. Game-competition.
Competition 1. Greeting competition on the theme “Oh, this ecology.”
Presentation of KVN teams.
The jury evaluates artistry, humor, erudition, comprehensive knowledge and team coherence. The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 2. Competition - warm-up “The world around us”.
Questions for team 1:
Striped horse. (Zebra.)
The largest animal on earth. (Elephant.)
The most famous dam builder. (Beaver.)
The bird is a symbol of love and fidelity. (Swan.)
What mushrooms grow on stumps? (Honey mushrooms.)
Which animal changes color? (Chameleon.)
The smallest bird on earth. (Hummingbird.)
The fastest-footed bird? (Ostrich.)
Pine forest. (Bor.)
The most voracious insect. (Dragonfly.)
Questions for team 2:
The tree is a symbol of our Motherland. (Birch.)
The bird is a symbol of peace. (Pigeon.)
A herb that even the blind know? (Nettle.)
What beast of prey is greedy for raspberries? (Bear.)
The flower that gives its name to the yoga pose. (Lotus.)
The most poisonous mushroom. (Death cap.)
The slowest moving animal. (Snail, its speed is 0.05 km/h)
What bird's flight speed reaches 170 km/h? (Swift.)
Birch forest. (Grove.)
The largest fish on the planet. (Whale shark.)
The maximum score for the competition is 10 points.
Competition 3. “Verifier.”
Teams answer yes or no questions. For each correct answer - 1 point.
Questions for team 1:
Is it true that...
...can crocodiles climb trees? (YES.)
...snakes can jump up to a meter in height? (YES.)
... do swifts even sleep on the fly? (YES.)
...blue roses only grow in China? (NO. They don't exist at all)
... can a bear eat up to 200,000 berries in a day? (YES)
Questions for team 2:
Is it true that...
...do zebras have striped fleas? (NO.)
... do spiders feed on their own webs? (YES.)
... is radiation from cell phones safe for the human body? (NO.)
... does the average person throw away 2.5 kilograms of garbage per day? (YES.)
... the mycelium of most mushrooms lives up to 100 years? (YES.)

Competition 4. “Who is who.”
Representatives of fauna for 1 team:
Wagtail - (bird).
Peacock eye - (insect).
Scops Owl - (bird).
Triton - (amphibian).
Platypus - (mammal).
Representatives of fauna for team 2:
Nuthatch - (bird).
Snake - (reptile).
Moray - (fish).
Aphid - (insect).
Emu - (bird).
Competition 5. “Captain, captain, smile...”
A tongue twister competition in which only captains participate. The tongue twister must be spoken at a fast pace three times.
A couple of daisies with thyme I often drank tea from cups After an hour the thyme dried up,
The tea party is over.
The snake has been bitten by the snake. You can’t get along with the snake. The snake has become narrower from horror - The snake will eat you for dinner.

Competition 6. “Shifters”.
Assignment: After listening to the shifter, you need to guess the proverb. Write down your answers on paper and give them to the jury.
They plant grass and the logs fly. (The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying.)
The new enemy is worse than the old one. (An old friend is better than two new ones.)
A big war is worse than an evil world. (A bad peace is better than a good quarrel.)
An elephant will not dull its tail. (A mosquito will not erode your nose.)
The crow is treated to dancing. (The nightingale is not fed fables.)
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 7. “Ball at Mukha-Tsokotukha’s.”
- Everyone knows the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly.” Imagine that a fly invited guests to a ball. Show in 1-2 minutes how you could dance at a ball:
Team 1: butterflies, cockroaches.

Team 2: grasshoppers, dragonflies.
The maximum score for the competition is 5 points.
Competition 8. “Garbage fantasy.”
Within 3-5 minutes, teams must come up with a poem about protecting nature from garbage using a given rhyme: in the forest, beautiful, neat, pleasant.
Example: There is no need to litter in the forest, spoiling all the beauty of Nature, when the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,
Then resting there is doubly pleasant!
The jury evaluates the relevance of the poems to the topic and originality.
Competition 9. “Do no harm.”
Questions for team 1:
1. Why can’t you take eggs from a bird’s nest? (The bird may leave the nest.)
2. Why can’t you collect medicinal herbs in one place for several years in a row? (So ​​that they do not disappear, but have time to recover.)
3. Why should we protect bumblebees? (They are the most beneficial wild plant pollinators.)
Questions for team 2:
1. Why can’t you fish in the spring? (At this time she spawns.)
2. Why is it forbidden to hunt in nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks? (These are specially protected natural areas.)
3. Why, when grazing livestock, do you need to move animals from one pasture to another? (To prevent soil compaction and desertification.)
The maximum score for the competition is 3 points.
Competition 10. “Accusatory speech.”
- Imagine that we are now in court. Write and then read the indictment.
1 team:
Old woman Shapoklyak - for walking a rat in the wrong place.
Team 2:
Emelya for fishing using prohibited methods.
Competition 11 "Garbage Ball".
- It’s no secret that when walking along the streets of the village, we often leave behind a wide variety of garbage: pieces of paper, plastic bottles, boxes, bags. This happens even when the bins are nearby. Sometimes we can't even get into them. Now let's try to practice accurately placing garbage in the trash can.
All players participate. Each accurate hit is worth 1 point.
Competition 12. “ECO racing”
One question is asked to each team in turn. For each correct answer - 1 point.
1. People who shoot animals without permission and at the wrong time of the hunt. (Poachers.)
2. A forest where an oak tree grows. (Dubrava.)
3. Artificial pond. (Pond.)
4. Volatile substances of some plants that kill microbes. (Vatoncides.)5. Synonym of hippopotamus. (Hippopotamus.)
6. Dense fog containing dust and harmful gases. (Smog.)
7. Who introduced the term “ecology” into science? (E. Haeckel.)
8. Organisms that live in limited areas. (Endemic.)
9. Clean air indicators. (Lichens.)
10. The roots of this tree help hydraulic builders, fastening the banks no worse than steel reinforcement and preventing waves from eroding the banks. (Willow.)
11. Where on Earth are the largest reserves of water? (In Antarctica.)
12. An increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the planet’s atmosphere compared to the effective temperature due to excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (Greenhouse effect.)
13. The ugly duckling in adulthood. (Swan.)14. An animal whose strength is measured by engine power. (Horse.)15. Chip or Dale as representatives of the fauna. (Chipmunk.)
16. Marsh plant is the main natural cleanser of the coastal zone of a large river. (Reeds.)
III. Summarizing.
Presenter: Well done, guys! Our journey into the wonderful world of nature has come to an end. Let's try never to offend her. We must always remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.
Some good advice:
Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
Enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
In the lap of nature, be quiet and inconspicuous: look, listen and don’t make noise.
Take every opportunity to do something useful for nature.
Be a friend to all living beings, do not torture or kill animals.
Keep the waters clean, take care of springs and wells.
Keep the natural environment clean and do not leave behind traces of being in it.
Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and unknowing tourists.
I would like to end today’s meeting with the poems of M. Dubin:
Like an apple on a saucer
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Exhaust everything to the bottom.
It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.
We are the common life of grain,
Relatives of the same fate,
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand this people
Like your own order.
Otherwise there will be no Earth
I give the floor to our jury to sum up the results. (Team awards).
The jury announces the winners of the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

Compiled by S.I. Filippova
"Ecological skit"
(song by composer (music) Vladimir Yurovsky, author of words (text)
Genrikh Sapgir, Gennady Tsyferov “PARAVOSIK”)
Vedas: Invented by someone simply and wisely -
When meeting, say hello: Good morning!
Good morning to the sun and birds!
Good morning to smiling faces! Good afternoon, our dear guests!
(the melody of nature sounds)
Vedas: There are two kingdoms on earth that have been friends with each other for a long time and have already managed
They cannot live without each other. They have everything in common: land, rivers, seas. This is the Animal Kingdom and
Plant kingdom. Let us take a journey into these Realms. We have to find out
how well do you know the names of fruits and vegetables, the habits of animals, birds, insects;
what do you know about their life, do you know how to behave in nature, are you ready to protect it. On
on an imaginary train you and I will go on an amusing trip by station
4 teams will take part in this competition. (Command View). For all the faithful
The team's answers will receive tokens. The team that collects the most tokens and
will be the winner.
Ved: The guardians of nature will evaluate the tasks you complete, they are yours
baskets will be filled with tokens.
Ved: We are going, going, going
To distant lands,
Good neighbors
Happy friends.
And our first station “Hello!” business card At this station we have to
meet the participants of our trip.

We invite….

What kind of stop is this? ­
And from the platform they say:
This is "Vegetable garden and garden".
Ved: Guys, do you like to solve riddles? We look at the screen. On the screen behind the weeds
fruits and vegetables are hidden, your task is to answer the riddle and clear the garden and vegetable garden from
weeds. Begin.
(presentation “Mysteries of the vegetable garden”)
1. He stands thoughtfully, wearing a yellow crown, the freckles darkening on his round face.
2. It grows in the ground and is known throughout the world. Often flaunts on the table in
jacket... (potatoes)
3. He grows up in the garden, doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone around him cries because...
4. The boy wore a green caftan, became a gentleman and acquired a red caftan
5. This fruit tastes good and looks like a light bulb. (pear)
6. Although he hasn’t seen the ink, he suddenly turned purple and is very shiny from praise.
important... (eggplant)
7. It grows very long and takes up half the bed. This pumpkin vegetable brother, in the summer everything
they eat it (zucchini)
8. The golden head is large and heavy. The golden head lay down to rest. The head is big
only the neck is thin (pumpkin)
9. Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch. Adults love me, children love me.
10. In summer, wear a green dress. And in the fall in purple. Fragrant and beautiful. Do you recognize? This
11. Children know this fruit, monkeys love to eat it. He comes from hot countries
grows in the tropics... (banana)

12. It is like a traffic light: red, yellow or green. Everyone has known for a long time
stuffed, salted. You put it in the salad and add it to the seasonings. You're idle
don't sit there, call this vegetable. (pepper)
13. Chewing a white clove against a cold is not at all bad. From colds from illnesses
There is no healthier vegetable. (Garlic)
14. Here is a ruddy fat man, a velvety frock coat, a carved bone in his belly. The name of
his? I know! (peach)
15. This is a vegetable, not a bush. This word has a juicy crunch. If you really like cabbage soup, this vegetable is
look for them. (cabbage)
16. A fruit in the world known to everyone, although sour, it is healthy. You cut it - and in
tea. What's the name? Answer! (lemon)
17. Clusters of berries over the path hide the leaves of the palms. Brushes hung on the vine and from us
hid in the leaves. (grape)
18. Like a princess’s box contains a handful of ancient red rubies. Sweet juice in rubies
ripe. You've probably eaten them more than once. (pomegranate)
19. There is no more beautiful vegetable in our garden. How juicy, red, round, with her nose in the garden
grown in! It just begs to be added to our bowl. What is her name? (radish)
20. He is orange’s brother, but smaller, a baby fruit. Also divided into slices, but
They're just smaller. (Mandarin)
Ved: (music sounds “We eat, eat, eat...)
What kind of stop is this?
Bologoe or Popovka?
And from the platform they say:
This is the “Ecological skit” series.
Ved: Let's move on to the main part of our intellectual competition.
1 task “What is this? Who is this? Where is it?"
Teams will be given cards with tasks to complete.
Who gives us milk? Maybe Coco chicken? Well, who gives us honey? Horse or
hippopotamus? There is a yellow envelope on your desks containing a selection of different products.
nutrition (what we eat). You also need a card with different animals
next to the product in a free square, glue the animal that gives
This is a product for us.

2. You know almost from the cradle that your mother has you as a child. Helping kids find
beloved mothers. Let's move on to the second task; in the green envelope there are pictures with
small animals and a card with adult animals. You need opposite
adult animal in an empty square, stick its baby.
Ved: While the guys are completing the task, the leaders will have the opportunity to earn points for
teams of their students. So, first task
1. What did Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi write about? (about nature, about the forest and its inhabitants)
2. What's inside bird bones? (air)
3. Who are called deciduous plants? (hares born in the fall during
leaf fall)
4. What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she sleeps in winter)
5. What kind of grass do cats like? (valerian)
6. Is the grass tallest? (bamboo)
What animal is called "connecting rod"? (a bear driven out of a den or not sleeping at all
in winter)
8. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
9. This natural phenomenon looks like a slight haze in the air (fog)
10. Is the penguin a bird or an animal? (bird)
11. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (bat)
12. Which month is called golden? (October)
13. Does a chicken breathe in an egg? (breathes through the pores of the shell. If the egg is painted
or cover it tightly with glue, then air will not pass inside, chicken
will suffocate)
14. What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (photo hunting)
15. Why is larch called the “good tree” (because it has soft needles,
she doesn't prick)
16. How can you tell from the stump of a felled tree how old the tree was? (age
A cut tree is recognized by the number of circles in its wood).
17. Which thread is the thinnest in nature? (arachnoid)
18. Forest rooster? (grouse)
19. What does the crying of a birch tree in spring mean? (sap flow)
20. What happens to a crow after three years? (it will be the fourth year)
Ved: Next task “Read the schematic model”
Presenter: Dear participants, in your envelopes you have subject diagrams
models. You have to name the model and read it. For example:
 Model “Birds”

(has: beak, covered with feathers, 2 wings, 2 legs, emerges from egg)
 Model “Methods of caring for plants”
(watering, loosening, removing dust with a cloth, removing dust with a brush,
 Model “Animal structure”
(has: head, torso, body cover, limbs, tail)
 Plant Reproduction Model

(seeds, leaves, cuttings, bulbs, dividing a bush)
(when the command gives an answer, the diagram is shown on the screen)
Ved: Let's move on to the final stage of our game with children. We look at the screen.
The topics and question number are shown on the screen. Select a topic, question number and give
1. Whoever caresses him clings to him. Affectionate and prickly, they stick out all around
needles. (burdock)
2. What herb is known even to the blind (nettle)
3. This coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter. (larch)
4. What is the name of the collection of dried plants? (herbarium)
5. It is a herbaceous plant. You can smell it by rubbing the leaves against each other.
friend. The leaves of this plant are added to tea. (mint)
1. In rich clothes, but he himself is somewhat blind. Lives without a window, has never seen the sun.
2. Who threw a pine cone at the children from the tall dark pines? And into the bushes through a stump
flashed like a light? (squirrel)

3. Guess what kind of hat it is: a whole armful of fur. The hat runs in the forest, near the trunks
chews the bark. (hare)
4. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walking boldly and easily. Horns
spread wide. (elk)
5. Striped, but not a zebra, and probably familiar to all of you, the tail is beautiful, the fur
shines, avoids fuss. And an animal lives in the forest, and its name is... (raccoon)
1. In the forest near the stump there is bustle and bustle: the working people are busy all day. (ants)
2. Whoever walks upside down above us is not afraid, is not afraid of falling, all day long
flies, bothers everyone? (fly)
3. A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (dragonfly)
4. In the dark, lights sparkle like light bulbs. What kind of insects? What are they called?
5. This butterfly is bright yellow in color and got its name for its resemblance to sour
fruit of the same color. (lemongrass)
1. Black-winged, red-breasted, and will find shelter in winter. He is not afraid of colds: s
the first snow - right there. (bullfinch)
2. A worker lives in the forest - a forest carpenter with a big nose. (woodpecker)
3. Not a king, but wearing a crown, not a horseman, but with spurs. (rooster)
4. What kind of bird? He never builds nests for himself, leaves eggs for his neighbors and
doesn't remember the chicks. (cuckoo)
5. A little boy in a gray army jacket scurries around the yards, collecting crumbs.
1. What fish has the same name as a circus performer? (clown)
2. River predatory fish, it reaches a length of up to 2 m and weighs more than 60 kg. Color
the fish is speckled grey-green. She is very gluttonous. Mainly eats
fish, frogs, insects. (pike)
3. Don’t put your finger in the mouth of this fish, be careful that you don’t fall overboard, because this
the predator will take you in one sitting and simply eat you. (shark)
4. Such a huge fish lies at the bottom, like a block. Lying down, moving his mustache,
He doesn’t tell the fish to yawn. There is a house in a deep pool, the owner of this house... (catfish)

5. Playing and fooling around in front of the bow of the ship again. Backs flash above the water, rushing
nimble... (dolphins)
Ved: (music sounds “We eat, eat, eat...)
Well, we’ve reached the final station “Finishnaya”, where we have to find out whose
the teams became winners in this difficult trip through wildlife. Word for
announcements are provided to our nature guardians.