An original gift for 9 years of marriage. General gifts for family. Chamomile wedding and its symbolism

There is one year left until the ten-year anniversary; we have already lived together for 9 years. Or just 9? Union loving people has already crossed the thresholds associated with such seemingly durable materials as wood, cast iron, tin, zinc, copper. And suddenly, when there is very little left before the decade, before the tin wedding, suddenly earthenware pops up as a wedding theme!

The same material that is found in every home, in the kitchen and bathroom, simple, ordinary and at the same time so fragile! Hit it harder, and the earthenware item is broken: plates fly to the floor in the heat of an argument, and you won’t last long with a cracked toilet... How can this be?

Tender fragility or sweet stability?

Before we talk about what is customary to give for a 9th birthday life together, let us recall the two main versions of the origin of the name of the faience wedding.

The first is related to the fragility of this material if handled carelessly: nine years together is quite a lot to know weak points each other, but you can hit them under unfavorable circumstances! Many psychologists consider the 9th year of marriage to be a kind of test, a crisis, after going through which the spouses will learn to handle the faience of their relationship more carefully, which will allow it to be transferred to a more durable phase.

The second version is more pleasant because it connects the familiarity of earthenware with the stability of warm feelings, the romance of everyday life: shared evenings over a cup of tea, family dinners, splashing in the bathroom... And the breaking of dishes is mainly for good luck! In addition, according to popular belief, earthenware has the beneficial ability to absorb negative energy, emitting positive energy in return. So, maybe, after 9 years, it’s time to update the family’s earthenware stocks, filled with old grievances and misunderstandings, with new, energetically clean ones?

One daisy, two daisy...

Since the 9th wedding anniversary, in addition to the earthenware wedding, is often called a daisy wedding, let’s pay attention to this cute and modest flower. It does not have the royal splendor of roses and the mystery of gerberas. A bouquet of daisies is not a pretentious store arrangement, it’s summer, pure impulses of youth and the eternal question “loves or doesn’t love,” which the couple asks themselves again, 9 years later...

So gifts that have a “chamomile” component will be just as relevant on this day as earthenware ones.

The 9th wedding anniversary is not always celebrated brightly and magnificently; after all, the date is not round, but a nice surprise and sign of attention will never be superfluous. You are welcome for ideas for inexpensive gifts for your 9th wedding anniversary!

Gifts for my beloved wife

Asking your wife to pick out a new dinner set would be a great way to spend the day together and would make a wonderful wedding anniversary gift.

Well, if you intend to give her any surprise designed to please her personally, then here a few “faience” tips:

  • a piece of utensils, but not ordinary, but interesting, intricate, for example, a gravy boat, a tureen, a salad bowl, a teapot, a stand for boiled eggs;
  • beautiful dish for cake;
  • ceramic box (you can put a new piece of jewelry in it, for example, a pendant or ring);
  • original jewelry containing faience (earrings, medallion, pendant);
  • faience stand for rings and beads;
  • candlestick;
  • watch;
  • statuette;
  • faience figurine-amulet;
  • jug for drinks;
  • perfume or cream in a ceramic bottle or box (only if you know your wife’s tastes);
  • a new vase: let him put the bouquet of daisies you gave him in it, because you haven’t forgotten about it?

Well, if your wife appreciates romance, you can use sanitaryware for the gift, giving your beloved a bath with champagne or rose petals! Some SPA salons also offer this service, which means you can also give a corresponding certificate. And it’s more pleasant to use this gift together.

"Chamomile" gifts:

  • a bouquet is a must, no comments are needed, add a card with the words: “Don’t guess, I love you, and a lot!”;
  • cosmetics with medicinal plant extract;
  • a new dress with daisy print or embroidery;
  • a flirty robe or apron with daisy patterns;
  • fashionable sweater;
  • a comb painted with daisies (you can find it from hand-made craftswomen);
  • soap self made in the form of a flower;
  • phone case, patterned wallet;
  • mold for cake, cupcakes (the baked goods will turn out beautiful!);
  • a tray painted with flowers;
  • a set for needlework (embroidery, beading, decoupage, etc.) on the theme of daisies;
  • decoration in the form of a daisy (brooch, earrings, bracelet, pendant).

Surprises for your beloved husband for 9 years of marriage

For an attentive spouse who remembers that the 9th wedding anniversary is coming, the wife will be pleased to choose a gift in the earthenware theme of the holiday:

  • beer mug;
  • a new cup (possibly with a creative one - a congratulatory inscription, original picture, there are even chameleon cups);
  • aroma lamp (and use it as directed in the evening!);
  • ceramic talisman (possibly taking into account its zodiac sign or patron animal);
  • for men who smoke - a faience ashtray, there are also such pipes;
  • chandelier with faience lampshade;
  • award statuette or cup (“ To the best husband", "To the most beloved man", or come up with an inscription to your liking);
  • earthenware barrel for jam or honey (if your spouse has a sweet tooth).

If it's time to update your plumbing, you can time the purchase of a new sink or toilet to coincide with the special occasion. Unromantic, would you say? But it will be remembered, and every time you wash your hands, your wedding anniversary will be remembered. If your spouse has a sense of humor, you can give him a souvenir toilet.

And you can make your man truly happy by installing a urinal in the bathroom especially for him: tested by many opinions! If your son is growing up, you can be sure that this item will not be superfluous!

Chamomile can also become an element of a gift for a man, if you approach the issue creatively:

  • photo wallpaper (and you will enjoy the updated look of the room together);
  • “daisy of wishes” - do it beautiful flower. on each petal of which a wish is written to your loved one;
  • a cup with daisies (two holiday themes in one gift);
  • a set of gingerbread cookies baked in the shape of flowers (bake them yourself or order them from craftsmen);
  • good chamomile tea;
  • decorate with daisies using the decoupage technique or paint some of his tools with acrylic paints, for example, a drill or screwdriver (or buy a new one as a gift and decorate);
  • if the husband is an amateur gardener, he will be delighted with chamomile seeds in beautiful shades or seedlings of some rare variety;
  • Bring your loved one breakfast in bed by arranging regular sausages and fried eggs in the form of a chamomile bouquet.

Congratulate the nine year old family

Close people invited to celebrate the 9th wedding anniversary or remembering this date will want to choose a gift for friends that matches the earthenware or chamomile theme. Most often, their choice falls on dishes. A wonderful, worthy, appropriate gift, there can be only one “but”: it’s better to consult with each other so that spouses do not receive several identical things or sets of the same type. After all, sets can be different: tea, coffee, dining rooms; an exclusive gift can be an original set.

But what, besides dishes, can be presented for a family made of earthenware? Here are some interesting ideas:

  • decorative plate, wall-mounted or on a stand (you can order a drawing based on the couple’s photo, write congratulatory words or simply a stylized number 9);
  • faience figurine, sculpture, composition (on order, artists can create a composition reminiscent of any significant scene from the life of the spouses);
  • a picture made of faience (and there may be daisies on it - it will be a “2 in 1” gift);
  • decor for the room (panels, wall compositions, etc.);
  • original piggy bank;
  • ceramic key holder;
  • tea pair (you can choose very interesting cups for two);
  • a beautiful Faberge egg (you can store it in wedding rings, For example).

Daisies can also be a great theme for those who have not decided which gift to choose for 9 years of marriage from loved ones:

  • money in an envelope decorated with an “anniversary” flower;
  • cake decorated with daisies made from mastic or cream;
  • big picture;
  • bed linen with a matching pattern;
  • plaid, bedspread;
  • sofa cushion “daisy”;
  • coasters for glasses or cups;
  • big set“Chamomile” candy (a bouquet of sweets or handmade caramel in the shape of a flower);
  • festive tablecloth;
  • new set of curtains.

If you want to really surprise your spouses, then you should pay attention to gifts-impressions: this will be a pleasant change in their stable, but perhaps sometimes monotonous life. After all, that’s what holidays are for! Companies involved in organizing leisure activities undertake to organize almost any pastime.

And “tying” such a gift to the theme of the anniversary is not so difficult:

The ninth anniversary of marriage is a wonderful date, there is only a year left until the first round anniversary, and the materials to which wedding anniversaries are dedicated are becoming stronger and more precious, like the relationship itself.

Of course, it is not necessary to make gifts only “on the topic”, strictly following the letter of tradition. The main thing is warm and sincere attention. But how interesting it is to show your imagination and choose the right, useful, original gift, and also related to a certain topic. Choosing a gift becomes like exciting game with certain rules. By treating the choice of a gift not formally, but with a bit of soul, you will get no less pleasure than those for whom it is intended.

Love each other, do not forget to please with sweet surprises, bringing as much joy and the warmest feelings into life as possible!

The 9th wedding anniversary is a faience wedding or, as it is also called, a chamomile wedding. This important date, which confirms the love and mutual understanding between spouses for 9 years. Another year - and this family will celebrate their first round anniversary, but for now they are drawing a line under the years they have lived together and inviting guests to share with them the joy of this event.

What to give for earthenware wedding- this question is inevitably asked by guests invited to the celebration. But it’s not just relatives, friends and neighbors who should take the time to plan gifts. Representatives of a married couple should take care of pleasant gifts for each other. What to give and how to please loved ones, what gifts are appropriate for a married couple to exchange?

Traditionally, it is believed that dishes should be given as gifts for this holiday. As you know, faience is a material that is an alloy of different types clay. And it is from this material that dishes are most often made. The unique energy properties of earthenware have been talked about for a long time. It is believed that earthenware accumulates all the energy of the house in which it is located. It’s not for nothing that on the 9th wedding anniversary there is a tradition of breaking 9 earthenware plates, thereby getting rid of the negativity and quarrels that arose in the couple’s apartment. Thus, this date can be considered a significant milestone in family renewal.

But you want your gift to be original and unique? And what should spouses do with several gift sets? You can always choose an unusual and pleasant gift if you take this issue seriously. First of all, you need to consider who exactly you are preparing a gift for: a family celebrating an anniversary, or are you celebrating a chamomile wedding yourself and are looking for a suitable gift for your other half? So, we offer a selection of gifts.


Gifts for wife

It’s good if, when choosing a gift, you take into account the specifics of the holiday and try to choose something themed. But do not forget that the recipient of the gift is primarily a woman. You should not buy and give kitchen utensils for everyday use. If you have chosen dishes, then they must be festive.

Jewelry box. Or an exquisite jewelry stand. This gift will look festive and appropriate, and in addition, it will greatly please the woman.

Expensive flower vase. If the wife loves indoor plants, you can buy a beautiful floor pot for a flower, but it’s even better if it already comes with an unusual ornamental plant.

Jewelry with stone. Choose earrings, a pendant or a ring for your wife. Such a gift for a wedding anniversary will always be appropriate.

A set of original earthenware jars for storing spices or bulk products. Any woman who loves to create comfort and beauty in her home will like the gift.

A very beautiful and romantic gift. By the way, it is recommended to celebrate such an anniversary outdoors, if weather conditions permit. So you can arrange a festive banquet in the middle of a beautiful body of water.

Certificate for a beauty salon. Every woman will be delighted with such a gift. New hairstyle, manicure and beautiful makeup - this is exactly what a lady needs before the holiday.

Gifts for husband

Although men are less sentimental compared to the fair sex, they also enjoy receiving gifts on holidays. Moreover, this holiday is very important, as it marks a strong union of two loving people. Choosing a wedding anniversary gift for your husband is more difficult. If women, as a rule, enjoy various cute things, then a man needs a serious present. It is recommended to pay attention to his hobbies and habits. Buy something that will make his life more comfortable and give him joyful moments.

Gold chain. Yes, jewelry is given not only to women. Moreover, such an anniversary is an excellent occasion to choose a valuable gift for your beloved husband.

A large, comfortable mug with a joint photo or personal wishes. A man will drink something from it at home or even take it with him to work. Along the way, consider options such as a thermal mug and a quality thermos.

Certificate for a joint trip. Surely it’s time for a spouse who devotes a lot of time to work to take a break. Go with your beloved husband to relax by the sea or just go to another city in search of fun adventures.

A memorable gift that will last for many years. Such things are truly valued, so they can be expensive. But your spouse will sincerely rejoice at the present. Of course, if he wears business suits.

Folding table for breakfast in bed. Does a man like to have dinner in front of the TV or drink coffee and sandwiches in bed on the weekend? Your gift will make him feel much more comfortable.

Beautiful writing set– an expensive engraved fountain pen and a leather-bound notebook. But again, the gift is appropriate if the man often deals with documentation and will probably use the gift.

Gifts from relatives and friends

It is recommended to celebrate such an anniversary with your closest people - relatives and good friends. If you are invited to an event, you will have to think about what gift for a faience wedding will please the couple. In fact, you can choose a lot of gift options. A 9-year wedding is a holiday that involves not only the husband and wife, but also their parents, as well as close friends who were with them throughout the entire period of their life together. If your friends are preparing to celebrate a chamomile wedding, give items that will complement their home comfort.

Tea and coffee sets. True, before purchasing such a gift, it would not hurt to consult with other invited relatives so that you do not bring a standard set to the holiday.

Set of dishes for 6 – 12 persons. When giving a gift, tell the couple about the tradition of breaking old earthenware plates during the celebration. Let the new family enjoy the new saucers and cups you give as a gift.

Bed sheets. A beautiful sleeping set will never be out of place in the house. Buy only high-quality products, because you will be giving a gift with the best wishes.

Cups for husband and wife, which complement each other in shape and patterns. An original gift that a good friend can give to spouses.

Decorative painted dishes. A good gift for relatives on their ninth wedding anniversary. Plates that can be used to decorate the wall will harmoniously complement the kitchen interior. By the way, the products do not have to be earthenware; you can buy beautiful wooden saucers.

Large original earthenware or ceramic piggy bank. Wish that thanks to your gift, the married couple will save enough money for a luxurious vacation at the resort.

Porcelain figurines. The products will decorate the living room and will look harmonious on the holiday table. By the way, having previously agreed with the other guests, you can give figurines that will tell the story of the spouses’ relationship.

Gifts from children

Even the youngest participants of the holiday will be happy to congratulate the couple celebrating their earthenware wedding. As a rule, children have a good imagination, so they can come up with an original gift without financial expenses. True, in some cases, when preparing presentations, they will still have to turn to adults.

Large photo collage for the wall. This is a good gift from children and friends. Need to choose best photos, print them and place them in beautiful frames.

You can write a lot of original wishes on multi-colored leaves and “roll them up” in a large glass jar, which will then be decorated with drawings and colored ribbons.

Set for sand ceremony. To do this, you need to prepare a couple of transparent flasks or jars, some colored sand (2 colors are enough) and satin ribbons. Let the spouses take turns pouring colorful sand into empty containers with their own hands, creating their own personal design.

Homemade cookies. Does your child want to congratulate your close friends on their anniversary in person? Then help bake original cookies, which will become an expensive gift. And the grandmothers will help the child prepare a present for the heroes of the occasion.

Large poster or postcard. Here children can give free rein to their imagination, armed with markers, paints, colored paper and other craft supplies.

When choosing a gift for your 9th wedding anniversary, put part of your soul into it. After all, such a warm, spiritual approach is felt immediately. It will be easy for you to decide what to give for 9 years of marriage if you are attentive to the habits and wishes of the heroes of the occasion. And, of course, don’t forget about a large bouquet of flowers. It is advisable to buy chamomile, but there are no strict recommendations in this matter.

What is the name of the anniversary of 9 years together, what kind of wedding is celebrated at this time, what to give to a husband or wife on such a day, and what traditions should be taken into account when congratulating the spouses? Let's consider these issues in more detail.

According to folk signs, ninth earthenware or chamomile.

What do these names mean?

In a year, the couple will celebrate their first serious anniversary, which means it’s time to take stock, solve problems, and strengthen everyday life.

On the one hand, the husband and wife are already accustomed to each other’s shortcomings and do not notice them, but on the other hand, it is during this period that long-standing misunderstandings often develop into insoluble contradictions and the marriage becomes the most vulnerable.

These features of 9 years of marriage reflect such different designations of the event.

Chamomile is a flower that symbolizes love in Russian culture. Single girl fortune telling on a daisy, picking off the petals and dreaming about future wedding. And after so many years of marriage, the flowers in the bouquet remain intact, because feelings have been verified and there is no longer any need to doubt them.

Relationships in a nine-year marriage are full of trust and confidence in each other

Faience wedding is the second name of this date. It is believed that during this period a certain crisis occurs in the relationship. They become fragile, like earthenware.

But some people interpret this designation in a positive sense: earthenware is expensive ceramics, which means that by the age of 9 a certain amount of prosperity had developed in the family.

There is an option that since tea is brewed especially strong in cups made of this material, relationships become so after so many years from the wedding day.

How to celebrate

It has been customary to celebrate anniversaries of marriage since time immemorial. Every anniversary should be celebrated in a special way.

The 9th wedding anniversary should be celebrated in a narrow family circle.

Cozy atmosphere, beautiful new dishes, delicious tea, a bouquet of daisies are mandatory attributes of the holiday.

A family lunch at home or a picnic in the middle of nature will become the best option time spent together

If the wedding took place on a summer day, then a picnic with tea would be an excellent option. In winter, you can organize gatherings in a bathhouse or sauna: big company you can’t invite them there, but those closest to you can warm up in the warmth of the family hearth; tea drinking, which is obligatory on this holiday, is especially appropriate there.

At any time of the year, you can book a table in a restaurant for two or a small number of your closest people.

However, it should be taken into account that some mandatory customs cannot be observed if the earthenware wedding is celebrated in a cafe. For a nice anniversary congratulation, watch this video:

For the celebration, guests, and especially “young” ones, are recommended to wear pink or red outfits. Or at least complement your look with clothing items in these colors.

Folk traditions

What customs are associated with a faience wedding, what should you give and remember to give to the heroes of the occasion and guests on this day?

  1. A bouquet of daisies is a must-have gift for a faience wedding. But if the wife is not sure that her beloved man or one of the guests will present a bouquet of these wildflowers, then she should definitely make sure that they are present as a decoration for the room. After all, chamomile is a special mystical flower in Slavic culture. It symbolizes love and fidelity in marriage, a strong relationship cemented for life by marriage.
  2. Tea party. An important part of the celebration that should be given special attention. A faience wedding presupposes the presence of dishes made of fine, expensive ceramics on the table. A woman can bake his favorite cake as a congratulation to her husband.
  3. Shards of dishes. According to folk superstitions, when congratulating each other, spouses should break 9 plates together. This custom symbolizes that after 9 years have passed since the wedding, no matter what problem or omission mars the relationship, the family forgets each other’s sins and grievances, just as they forget about broken dishes.
  4. Cleaning up the debris. According to one interpretation of this tradition of celebrating 9 wedding years, a man and a woman together collect pieces of broken plates and throw them away. Thus, all troubles leave the family hearth. According to another version, the fragments are put into a beautiful box, which is kept as a symbol of new life without mutual insults and reproaches.
  5. Buying new dishes. According to legends, all the old kitchen utensils must be thrown away and replaced with a new one, preferably a gift. A beautiful presentation for anniversaries in this video:

Gift options

The question of what to give for a faience wedding is asked by both the newlyweds and those invited to the celebration.

A woman can please her lover with a masterpiece homemade baked goods or cooking.

Such a gift reflects the warmth and reliability of the family hearth, and is also great addition for the necessary tea party on this holiday. A man should definitely present his wife with daisies as a congratulation on her wedding day. The presented bouquet should be placed on festive table as a symbol of love, fidelity and a happy married life.

A wife can please her husband delicious pastries, and the husband with a beautiful bouquet

An excellent solution would be if the spouses exchange unusual mugs on this day, individually selected taking into account each other’s tastes and desires. You can write “9 years wedding anniversary” on the cups.

Guests can present the family with a beautiful, expensive earthenware set, and if it is difficult to find, then a porcelain set of dishes with patterns in the form of daisies or items made of fine expensive ceramics will be quite suitable.

Figurines, souvenirs, expensive photo frames, decorative vases and flower pots, wrapped in red gift paper or tied with pink ribbons, will also be good.

Graceful figurines, beautiful vases will become a good gift spouses

Cool T-shirts are also quite suitable as a gift from spouses to each other. You can decorate them with funny inscriptions, funny pictures, or simply the words “chamomile wedding 9 years old.”

Words on the day of celebration

What to say or write in a card to the heroes of the occasion so that the wish is remembered and touched? Below are options for congratulations on your 9th wedding anniversary.

9 year wedding anniversary cards must include daisies.

It is not necessary to follow all the traditions in your congratulations, because it is impossible to take into account every sign.

But, by reflecting the most striking features of this date in your gift, you can present dear friends unforgettable wedding gift

And the flower symbol of 9 years of marriage was a sunny flower - a field chamomile.

Traditions and gifts for the 9th marriage anniversary

Earthenware wedding 9 years from the date of marriage is not a round date. It is not considered an anniversary, but it is traditionally celebrated. Even if not widely, but in a close family circle, or with a trip to nature. But every year spent together by spouses is a huge contribution to the formation of marital relationships.

According to psychologists, a turning point occurs in the 9th year of marriage. Relations between spouses may enter a crisis, and the way out of the situation is far from clear-cut. Maybe that’s why earthenware symbolizes the ninth anniversary of marriage.

For 9 years - a faience wedding, it is customary for spouses to give each other all sorts of pleasant and expensive little things. A wife can present her husband with a massive signet with precious stone or with the image of his Zodiac sign.

What to give your wife for a faience wedding

The husband gives his wife expensive gifts for 9 years of married life. It could be jewelry with faience inserts:

  • brooches;
  • pendants;
  • pendants;
  • rings;
  • earrings;
  • jewelry sets made of precious metals

A morning bouquet of daisies left on the bedside table on the day of the 9th wedding anniversary is both symbolic and will pleasantly please the wife.

Earthenware wedding 9 years of marriage can be celebrated with a joint shopping trip to purchase new dishes. This date seems to have been created for updating table services.

Celebrating a faience wedding

The ninth anniversary is not particularly advertised, preferring a close family circle and limited quantity invited friends, because there is a big anniversary ahead. There is an amazing tradition of celebrating 9 years of marriage - a faience wedding. Nine different plates are placed on the table set for guests. They symbolize every year of life married couple. At the beginning of the festive dinner, before the first toast has been said, the two spouses lift each plate and smash it on the floor. At this moment, the guests unanimously say cool congratulations Happy 9th wedding anniversary and counting out loud to nine. The pieces remain on the floor until the party is over.

Psychologists believe that the ceremony of breaking dishes is very effective method relieving stress and tension between spouses, and a porcelain wedding, or 9 years of marriage, has become a convenient occasion for restoring relationships.

What to give to friends for a faience wedding

Recently, as soon as the household level was filled with technological innovations, it became customary to surprise friends with creative gifts. Thus, on the 9th anniversary of marriage, it became customary to give not earthenware, but decorative plates with photo printing.

Huge dishes on stands with images of spouses can be gifts. Or earthenware plates with personalized congratulations written on them for the date of 9 years from the wedding day.

The best gift for 9 years of marriage is considered to be a large set of earthenware plates - the most necessary and extremely necessary in everyday life kitchen utensils. A real Gzhel will be an original and expensive gift for the 9th anniversary of marriage. However, the choice of gift for friends can be very different. The main thing is that it is a necessary thing on the farm.

The 9th wedding anniversary is called the faience date. After five years, anniversaries have the name of durable materials. But 9 years joint wedding It is customary to call it earthenware. It's worth looking into this issue.

Why is the 9th wedding anniversary called a faience wedding?

There are two versions on this issue. According to the first, the spouses have been together for 9 years, they know the weak points of each of them, and in a quarrel they can deliver verbal blows here. It is believed that 9 years is a kind of relationship crisis. If a husband and wife pass this date with dignity, they will learn to communicate with each other more carefully, as with earthenware. And gradually the relationship will only get stronger.

According to the second version, faience is compared with romance everyday life, with stability of feelings. It’s so nice for a husband and wife to sit together in the evening over a cup of tea, drinking it from earthenware. Bathing and family dinners, also associated with this material, are very romantic and pleasant. And if the dishes break, according to this version, then, of course, it’s fortunate. It is also believed that earthenware absorbs negative energy, processes it and produces a positive one in return.

Another 9 years of marriage are called a daisy wedding. These cute flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. When choosing a gift for his wife, the husband can use these.

Chamomile is considered a symbol of romance; despite its apparent simplicity, it is beautiful and graceful.

Customs and traditions, congratulations on the anniversary - 9 years

At the very beginning of the feast, the husband and wife must break 9 plates. They do this together, holding the earthenware by the edges. And the guests count loudly at this time. At the end of this event, those gathered shout “bitterly” and the spouses must kiss.

But these fragments are not collected immediately, but are done only at the end. But so that no one gets hurt, they are moved to the side. When it’s time to leave after the end of the celebration, the broken plates should be put in a cloth bag and stored for a year. These fragments will remind the couple that old grievances have been broken, the spouses have gained new dishes and renewed their marriage.

Here are some other wedding customs you need to keep in mind to take them into account:

  • you need to weave a bouquet from chamomile;
  • the husband will give a bouquet of these flowers to his wife;
  • In order for the spouses’ relationship to only grow stronger, they must spend this day together;
  • invite at least 9 people to celebrate your 9th wedding anniversary, it’s great if that many married couples come.

What do you give for your 9th wedding anniversary?

Here's what a wife can do to please her husband if she gives him:

  • beer mug;
  • ceramic talisman;
  • a cup with an original inscription or with a photo print in the form of a joint photograph;
  • earthenware barrel for honey or jam;
  • an ashtray made of earthenware if the husband smokes.

Here's what you can give your wife for her 9th wedding anniversary:

  • something from dishes, but of an original type;
  • ceramic box;
  • cake dish;
  • decorations with faience;
  • candlestick;
  • faience figurine;
  • jug;
  • vase;
  • cream or perfume in a ceramic bottle;
  • a chandelier with a shade made of this material.

Since the 9th wedding anniversary is also a chamomile wedding, the following gifts for your beloved wife would be appropriate:

  • bouquet of daisies;
  • something new, for example, a dress, sweater or robe with a daisy print;
  • cosmetics containing chamomile extract;
  • a tray, cupcake or cake tin with daisies depicted on it;
  • decorations using the image of these flowers;
  • set for beading, embroidery and decoupage on a chamomile theme.

And guests can donate plumbing items. To make the gift-giving process another reason to laugh and have fun, bring the spouses a souvenir toilet.

A wife can please her husband in the morning by bringing him breakfast in bed, where sausages and fried eggs will turn into a bouquet of daisies. In the same way, the spouse will please his soul mate.

See how to make such an original breakfast. First, take good quality sausages and cut them in half lengthwise. Now the edges of each workpiece need to be chopped thinly, not reaching the opposite side. Chop off the small sides using a toothpick.

Pour some into the pan vegetable oil and place three such blanks here. Carefully crack an egg inside each. When the daisy eggs are fried, carefully place them on a flat plate, make stems from green onions or from dill sprigs. And cut the leaves from a fresh cucumber.

The wife will be simply happy if her husband presents her with a bouquet of daisies made from balloons. Watch a master class that will show you how to make an airy bouquet.

How to make flowers from balloons for a 9 year wedding anniversary?

Make not an ordinary white, but a lilac daisy. To do this you will need elongated balls. Inflate one of them so that the tip of 5 cm remains in its original form.

From the same side, start tying up the fragments of the ball, forming a kind of “sausage” out of it. In order for them to be the same, they must be measured according to the first segment.

Now you will need to turn them into petals. Take the first piece, fold it in half and twist it a couple of times.

Trim the petals. To make stems, inflate a green balloon and twist its fragment near the tail. Fold this small element in half, its top will become the core.

Slide this top between the made petals and admire the result of the work.

You can make daisies not only from long, but also from round balls. To do this, first inflate two yellow ones and tie their tails.

In the same way, connect two more balls, fold them with the first pair and add the 5th ball.

Take a small red balloon, inflate it and tie it so that you have a fairly long tail.

It needs to be threaded between the five petals in the center and then tied to secure it.

And if a husband wants to give his wife one large flower half a meter high for their 9th wedding anniversary, then the next master class and step by step photos they will help him.

As you can see, you need to inflate white balloons and two yellow ones. Now yellow is tied perpendicularly to the ends of each white one on one side and the other. Then you need to turn the resulting petals in the opposite direction, give them a shape, make the core from a yellow ball, and the stem from a round and long green one.

From isolon they are obtained amazing flowers. See how to make a large daisy from this material and foam. Take:

  • foam ball with a diameter of 12 cm;
  • small foam balls;
  • yellow paint;
  • glue gun;
  • plastic tube;
  • white isolon;
  • scissors;
  • construction knife.

Cut the foam ball in half. If you have a lot of small foam balls, then in the next step you don’t have to cut them in half, if you don’t have enough, then cut them. But this work is quite painstaking and requires patience.

Now glue the resulting small blanks onto the convex part of the large ball. Take yellow paint and cover this daisy center with it.

Now place a sheet of cardboard on the table, attach the core to it, outline it, but cut it 4 mm smaller. In the middle of this cardboard blank you need to make a hole with scissors. Spread the cardboard blank with glue and attach it to the back side of the core.

From isolon, cut out 5 petals measuring 15 by 10 cm and 7 pieces 10 by 40 cm.

Shape each petal by pulling its opposite edges from the flat side towards each other. Secure in this position with a glue gun.

Glue the small petals to the back of the core first, and then the large ones in a checkerboard pattern.

Heat the back sides of the large petals with a hairdryer and tuck them inward. Do the same with small petals.

Now cut out longer petals from isolon and glue them to the back side under the second row. Heat the ends with a hairdryer to give them a natural shape. To make the chamomile even more magnificent, secure the petals on the fourth row, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.

From the remaining half you can make an unopened bud. For this you need this part also cover it with small balls or halves of polystyrene foam, and then paint it. When the paint has dried, decorate this blank with isolon petals. To do this, first cut out small identical rectangular ribbons, use scissors to round the small edge of each, and heat these petals over a hairdryer until they become slightly curved.

Now glue them to the back of the large foam ball half.

Cut out blanks for leaves from green isolon. Also start gluing them to the bottom, also fixing them on the petals to create an unopened daisy bud.

Make a hole on the back of the foam piece using scissors. Insert a hollow plastic or rubber tube here, securing it with a hot gun. Cover the reverse side of this blank with leaves cut from green isolon.

Glue the green petals overlapping. You need to cut a ribbon from corrugated paper, wrap it around the chamomile stem, gluing it. Then it will acquire the desired color.

Glue this unopened bud onto the stem next to the large daisy. Such a gift will delight your other half for a long time and will be an excellent decoration for the room where you plan to celebrate this event.

Another beneficial material from which you can make chamomile is foamiran. It is quite plastic, it happens different colors, which stimulates the creative process.

How to make flowers from foamiran for a 9-year wedding anniversary?

You can make these white or colored daisies. Check out the list of what you need. The following photo shows most of the materials and equipment.

So, you need to take:

  • yellow foamiran, as well as aquamarine or white;
  • gerbera wire;
  • bamboo skewer or toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • candle;
  • superglue;
  • green tape;
  • paper or regular tape;
  • iron.

The following photo will introduce this list, as well as the shape of chamomile petals, sepals and their number.

Cut out the petal template, attach it to the aquamarine foamiran, and trace it using a skewer or toothpick. To make the core of this flower, take a ribbon from fomir yellow measuring 35 by 1 cm. Cut out the sepals from aquamarine material.

Using scissors, cut a yellow fringe strip from the long edge. Bend the end of the floral wire with pliers to create a hook. Put it on the fringe, closer to its edge.

Now apply superglue to the bottom of the fringe and carefully roll the piece into a tube.

Then we can continue. Light a candle, bring your workpiece to it, but keep it at a sufficient distance, otherwise the core may darken.

Let the bud cool and straighten its fringe with your finger. Take toothpicks or three bamboo skewers and glue these blanks together with regular or better paper tape.

Heat the iron and place the petal on it. After 2 or 3 seconds, it will fall off this surface on its own, acquiring the desired shape.

There is no need to let the petal cool. After all, it will be necessary, while it is still warm, to run three tips of wooden objects over it to get the same number of stripes.

Be careful not to press too hard to avoid tearing or damaging the material. All other petals need to be decorated in the same way. Place a little superglue on the first one and attach it to the back of the heart shape. In the same way, attach 8 more. Then the first row will consist of 9 petals.

The second row consists of the same number of petals. You will paste them in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the petals of the 1st row.

Apply a little glue to the back of the flower. Place the sepal on a heated iron. Then apply a little glue to this blank and attach the sepal to the bottom of the flower.

Wrap the wire with tape green. After which the chamomile is ready. The hero of the occasion will certainly be delighted with such a sign of attention. You can put this flower next to a soft toy and present it to your beloved woman.

If you wish, make the daisies even brighter by using several colors of foamiran at once. Such flowers will not only be a gift, but will also be able to decorate the place where you are celebrating your 9th wedding anniversary.

It would also be appropriate to decorate the lapel of your husband’s jacket with such a flower or give such a touching bouquet to your wife so that she remembers her bridal bouquet.

Since this is also a faience wedding, you can make flowers using the cold porcelain technique. They will decorate the hairstyle of the hero of the occasion and will be an excellent gift.

How to make flowers from cold porcelain for a 9 year anniversary?

Look what a touching wreath with orchids you will get.

To do this you will need to take:

  • hair hoop;
  • floral clay;
  • oil paint various colors;
  • wire;
  • brush;
  • red and green dry pastels;
  • dumbel;
  • glue;
  • orchid leaf mold;
  • red acrylic paint;

Cut two identical pieces from the wire, bend the tip of each to make a loop. Mix white oil paint with floral clay and roll a small ball from this mixture. Lubricate the loop with glue and attach the resulting ball to it. Use a knife to make 4 cuts to turn the piece into a bud.

Make another one like this. Take dry green pastel and use a brush to paint the lower part of buds 1 and 2. And paint the top one with dry red pastels.

Take a little clay and add green oil paint here, mix these materials. Cover the wire with glue and wrap it with clay.

Mix another small piece of clay with red and white paint to create a pink tint. Take a small piece of this mass and make a petal out of it. Place it on the mold and give this blank some texture.

Place the petal on your palm and press it with a dowel to give it a concave shape. In the same way, make three more petals for the orchid.

Fold them symmetrically relative to each other. Take a couple more petals and glue them to the center of the flower, pressing down with a dowel.

Add a little red paint to a piece of clay, roll it out and give it this shape.

Place two buds side by side and twist them with wire. Add green paint to the clay and stir this mixture. Attach the bud to the hoop, connecting it to them with a small amount of glue. Cover the hoop with this green clay.

Attach the remaining flowers to the hoop in the same way. A little yellow paint add to a piece of clay, mix and attach this core to the central part of the sheet, make a depression with a knife.

Place dots on the flower acrylic paint and a thin brush.

In this way, you can make hair decorations not only in the form of pink orchids, but also in the spring, on which daffodils will bloom.

And if you want to combine the names faience and chamomile wedding in one decoration, then make a hoop using these flowers. You can also decorate a photo frame with them, this will be another great gift for your 9th wedding anniversary.

By the way, such an original souvenir as a toilet can also be made from this material. If you don’t have such a mass, then see how you can quickly make it from scrap materials.