Happy birthday to brother Valera. Funny birthday greetings to Valery

The meaning of the name Valery is cheerfulness and liveliness. And this symbolic meaning fits quite clearly into the character of this person. Valery is purposeful, always knows what he needs and how to achieve it. He is diligent, never takes on several things at once and always finishes everything he starts. This allows the owner of this name to achieve great success not only in business, but also in his personal life.

Which ones you plan for the birthday boy should reflect your respect and love for Valery. You must show how much you value him, how dear he is to you. Valery is very sensitive to such things, although he may not show it outwardly. This person rarely shows his true emotions. He can do this only in the presence of his closest friends.

Please the birthday boy and give the best personalized birthday greetings to Valery in verse that you can. We will help you and present to your attention ready-made versions of poems. Choose one of them and everyone will be happy.

Today is the best holiday on earth,
Yours, Valery, birthday,
May everything be okay in your destiny,
Let there be many bright impressions.

With all our hearts we wish you more joy than worries,
More rest than work,
More sunny weather than bad weather,
And most importantly - great happiness.

Congratulations on mobile

Peace, Valery, I wish you,
Take off higher, good luck in fate,
Sparks of success are easy to strike,
Just bring positivity into your life.

Rejoice in showers and white snows,
Soft paths and steep banks,
Bright and proud, Valera, go -
The best, believe me, is yet to come.

Don't miss even a small chance
Feel free to ask Fortune for an advance,
Laugh, fall in love, search, comprehend,
Fortunately, Valera, walk with a smile!

May your career grow
Our tireless Valera,
Deserves the best in everything
We will come to congratulate you,

Today I became a year older,
Your finest hour has already arrived
You have achieved a lot on your own,
We never dreamed of this,

You have many advantages,
Your whole family is proud of you,
An authoritative person
You can give advice to anyone,

May your birthday
Will drive away all evil from you,
Will give joy, inspiration,
Let doubts disappear completely!

Happy birthday, Valery!
I wish with all my heart,
So that you always believe in yourself,
So that great success comes,

So that friends do not betray,
May your dreams come true,
For people to surround you
The ones you love!

You are the hero of the occasion today,
Let's drink more than one glass of wine to your health,
We sincerely wish you everything possible,
May your path be bright and uncomplicated.

Let things not allow you to get bored,
Let them rush through worries and deeds,
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
Let sparkles of happiness shine in your eyes.

Strong, vigorous, strong and healthy,
Often kind, sometimes harsh,
Everything in this world is under your control,
After all, no one has a broader soul!

Happy Birthday, our best Valera,
Let your career grow rapidly,
I wish you happiness, joy, luck,
And dreams of speedy fulfillment!

Valery, on my birthday I want
I wish you with love,
Consign all your sadness to oblivion
And there are no sorrows in life!

I wish you all the best,
What can only happen in life,
In your career - only prosperity,
And the main thing is to love me!

Today is your birthday, Valera.
Let me hug you from the bottom of my heart,
May the holiday give you many bright impressions,
I wish you to be cheerful and never lose heart.

I wish that your eyes never become sad,
So that your laughter always pleases us,
So that everyone respects and loves you,
May fate be happy.

Valery, I congratulate you,
Birthday is a special day!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart today,
So that lilacs bloom in your heart,

So that life gives you gifts,
She didn’t skimp on happiness and power,
So that after living it passionately and brightly,
You exclaimed - life is good!

If you have to prepare congratulations on Valery’s birthday, you should think in advance about what to say. An original start would be a toast to the topic or an anecdote, but only an appropriate one. Another good attempt to start a birthday greeting with the name Valery will be to explain the meaning of his name.

The name Valery is considered a Roman family name. Grown-up men are quite persistently practical, trying to get just such a specialty that in the future will provide him with a decent income, so that his family does not need anything, and in addition, he can see the world. Valery makes new acquaintances very quickly and easily, he has no complexes, because his psyche is strong as a stone.

What to give Valery on his birthday? Valery loves sports, especially boxing. He can often be seen at the hippodrome. Give him something for sports: a barbell, a soccer ball, rollers, a skateboard, a snowboard, ice skates, etc. Valery loves to tinker with the soil, and even if he lives in a multi-story high-rise, he will definitely arrange at least a small piece of land next to his home, or simply plant greenery on his balcony. You can also give some car gadgets, construction tools, a hookah or a stylish lighter.

When choosing a life partner, Valery is quite critical. Accuracy and spiritual wealth are important to him. However, often, when girls realize that Valery will soon propose to them, they run away from him at full speed. Well, in vain, because he adheres to the position of a monogamist in marriage. Despite the fact that in his thoughts he is often tempted by thoughts of betrayal, physically he always remains faithful to his woman.

Valery treats his newborn child with great trepidation. He is not embarrassed by the opportunity to go shopping. Because he really likes this activity. Now that you know how to start well congratulating Valery on his birthday, it is important. So that the final part does not let you down. On our website you will find unique and interesting congratulations.

After all, cholera will not take the feeling.
And if there is faith in the world,
There is love, there is hope in the heart,
Don't give it away, Valera,

Work. sports, for example,
And for me - life, work, and honor!

What to wish Valera on her birthday?
Success and total luck,
Also, to accumulate faster,
There are stacks of “bucks” and rubles in my pockets!

A beautiful wife, a car, a yacht, a dacha,
A trip to Bali and a million to boot!
And for everything to come true, as planned, on time -
I will give you a cheerful congratulations!

The vacancy is already filled
There is no alternative.
Know me better:
He has no equal.

He swears aptly,
And he loves very deeply!

No for Valera
Happiness on a plate.
Hunches over at work -
There will be no money lost.

Let Valerochka around
Girls often curl their hair -
With whom does he fall in love?
Will not fall in love with anyone.

He has no luck
Even on your birthday -
All his buddies
They disappeared and hid.

But I'll come after midnight
And congratulations on the holiday:
It will be for Valera
Happiness on a plate.

There is no more gallant gentleman,
What is our friend Valera.
We wish we had more Valera,
To give us an example.

We congratulate Valera
Happy birthday - a glorious day!
What will we take as an example?
In the kind, smart, strong - in him?

He doesn't divide the world into parts,
To row it in parts.
Only two share happiness
With my dear (oh, there is such a thing!)!

We wish that Valera
He was rich, loved and simple!
Smallpox, AIDS, plague, cholera
We walked around a hundred miles!

I better name Don't know,
Be, Valera, happy and healthy,
I wish you victories along the way,
Let happiness sound in the strings of words!

Valera, you are capable of being different:
AND best friend, and a wonderful husband,
Do you know how to love, live beautifully,
And you will protect your loved ones from the winter cold,

Happy birthday Valera
I want to congratulate you!
Good luck and luck,
Let true friends

They make you happy
With your support,
Life spoils you with joys,
Happy more days!

Valera, we know each other
Been with you for many years now!
Congratulations from a friend
Accept it. May it bring joy

Today is your birthday.
May there be happiness ahead
And you dream, forgetting your embarrassment,
And your plans will come true!

Let love spread its wings,
And let happiness cover your head.
I wish you joy and peace
On a special holiday - your birthday.

You, Valera, always be as brave,
And you confidently go towards your goals,
I wish you sincerity, strength,
And just don’t be afraid of obstacles on the way!

Happy Birthday Valery!
Let your dreams come true!
Let all doors open
If that's what you want!
Let the love be mutual
Will never leave
You will forget about sorrows,
Trouble will not come to your house!

Happy Birthday Valery
We would like to congratulate you.
So that in the morning the birds will sing
You always got up.
May the sun shine through your life
Smiled brightly.
So that everything you wished for -
Everything always came true.

Happy Birthday, Valera!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
May you be immensely lucky in love,
Everything will be as you decided!
So that all dreams come true,
Surrounded only by friends
Happy birthday, Valera,
Congratulations to everyone with love.
May luck not leave you,
And so much wealth you can’t count it,
Let the warm house not cool down,
Honor will not leave the heart.
So that life gives gifts,
Happiness without measure,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Our Valera!

Happy Birthday Valery!
I wish with all my heart,
So that you always believe in yourself,
So that great success comes,
So that friends do not betray,
May your dreams come true,
For people to surround you
The ones you love!

I want to congratulate Valery on his birthday,
And wish you only joyful days!
What should I add to the general congratulations?
To become stronger and braver,
To be ready to face changes,
It's for the best that they happen!
So that you don’t forget your birth walls,
Happiness, health, good luck, love!

Best words to you, Valery
IN bright holiday Your birthday.
There is no higher pleasure, you know,
My head is spinning with happiness.

And let it spin around you,
From success and luck in business,
From the love that settles in the heart,
From unexpected business papers.

Because you are very successful,
Because you believe in yourself...
I can continue this speech endlessly,
Happy Birthday, Valerochka!

Today I congratulate you on your birthday,
With all my heart I wish you to always be happy
May all your cherished dreams come true,
And so that your health is strong and strong
So that true friends always accompany you,
And we would never give them a reason to doubt them,
So that your family grows from year to year in prosperity,
So that the wife is not Satan, but a sweet dove,
Everything to always make you happy,
Always lucky and successful in everything,
Valera, I almost forgot...
Most importantly, be pure and sinless in soul!

Happy birthday, Valery, I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness, joy, peace and goodness.
May all troubles and adversity pass you by,
So that respect and peace live in your home.
And I also wish you an ocean of love,
So that you always swim in it, not knowing the shallows.
And I wanted to wish you good health,
So that you have enough strength to walk your path in life.

Valery, happy birthday to you!
Let good luck settle in the house,
So that your love can be found,
So that you become stronger and richer,
So that a smile is always on your lips,
As if bright sun, played,
So that everything succeeds in business,
May there be many victories in life!

Happy birthday,
Dear Valery!
Boss and father.
For us you are strong
Kind, brave,
To follow
Best sample!

What to wish for you
For your birthday?
Of course, good luck
And love!

So that you through life
I walked without sadness and doubts,
So that optimism
Didn't leave you on the way!

We congratulate Valera
Happy birthday - a glorious day!
What will we take as an example?
In the kind, smart, strong - in him?

He doesn't divide the world into parts,
To row it in parts.
Only two share happiness
With my dear (oh, there is such a thing!)!

We wish that Valera
He was rich, loved and simple!
Smallpox, AIDS, plague, cholera
We walked around a hundred miles!

Happy birthday Valera
I want to congratulate you!
Good luck and luck,
Let true friends
They make you happy
With your support,
Life spoils you with joys,
Happy more days!

There is no need to be sad on your birthday.
Let friends gather around
Let male, reliable friendship
Never lets you down!
Happy Birthday, our friend Valery!
Congratulations, gifts, words, -
This is important, but the best measure
Let there be a warm atmosphere!
Rest, don't be sad in vain.
Let the years fly like cranes!
The path in life will be easy and clear!
Friendship will be with you forever!

Valery, we congratulate you today
Let's hurry on this bright and festive day.
We wish you to rule the ball of life,
And let no evil shadow fall on life.
Let life be bright, wonderful, beautiful,
May success be with you everywhere.
Let your life be unique
And remember that you are always the best!

Valery, on my birthday I want
I wish you with love,
Consign all your sadness to oblivion
And there are no sorrows in life!
I wish you all the best,
What can only happen in life,
In your career - only prosperity,
And the main thing is to love me!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Dear Valera,
The best of men
Because he's brave

Because young
Because he's honest
You are a top class man
Very interesting

You won't get through without attention
You will be noticed
You catch your eye on yourself,
Women every evening

Faithful friend, good husband,
You are nice, Valera,
Happy Birthday dear,
Take care of your nerves!

Valera, we know each other
Been with you for many years now!
Congratulations from a friend
Accept it. May it bring joy
Today is your birthday.
May there be happiness ahead
And you dream, forgetting your embarrassment,
And your plans will come true!

Yours, Valery, today is your birthday,
May he bring you good luck!
Always be in good mood
This is the key to success all year round!
We will not wish you platitudes:
The main thing is that life leads forward,
To be surrounded by those who love,
May the love be mutual!

Valera, today we will praise you,
Your birthday has arrived!
And on this bright day, congratulations
I rushed you first.
Take everything you need from life
Open yourself to faith and dreams.
Live life to the fullest
Let everything be beautiful!

The name Valery means strong,
Agile, fast and mobile.
Athletic, strong and smart,
Yes, and you are beautifully built.
We want to wish you
So that everything works out in fate.
Work, hobbies, home, family
And true friends nearby.

Today at Valera's
What to wish him
On name day?

Good, perhaps
May life be sweet
was like an orange!

So that money with everyone
it was more than a year
To make your soul kinder
I was wiser too!

Valery, on his birthday
I wish you love!
Let the plans, without a doubt,
Yours come true
Let life bring hope
And labor bears fruit,
Let your loved ones support you
Dreams will come true!

Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Today, Valera, is your birthday!
Let the sunny mood
It won’t suddenly be darkened by a thunderstorm!
May the road be bright
Let the sadness rush away quickly!
We wish you a life without anxiety,
Love and loyal friends!

Valery, accept congratulations,
Today your holiday has come.
I wish you more luck,
So that you find your happiness.

Let the work be argued
And it makes me happy every day,
The boss won't forget you
Your position will increase.

Let there be love in your life,
Let there be smile and laughter
Your home will be kind and sweet,
And there will be joy in it for everyone.

Valery, I wish you on your birthday
So that you have everything in full:
Health, happiness, inspiration,
Always a satisfied wife
Let the house wait for you, smiling,
Let the children please themselves,
Let joy reign in your soul,
And in the heart there is happiness and peace!

Happy birthday to my son
Congratulations today,
Good luck and luck
I wish from the bottom of my heart.
Goodness, prosperity,
Valera! Don't know troubles
Only the best will happen -
Please don't forget!

Valery, happy holiday,
He promises interesting
Be cheerful and happy
We will never forget him.
So we wish Valera
Have fun to the fullest
And live a worthy life,
And cherish every moment.

Valery, happy birthday to you!
Let everything come true in life easily,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on this day,
Look farsighted, fly high!
Let your career please you with new success,
May your health last for many years,
May your life be filled with happiness and laughter,
Let there be no more grief or troubles!

Our dear friend Valera,
The New Year has come to you,
May you have faith throughout your life
Only leads to the best!

Be persistent in your endeavors
Don't mope in vain,
Be more selective in your desires
Wipe the noses of envious people!

May fate favor you
From illness and bad weather,
Keeps you from harm,
We sincerely wish you happiness!

Our Valera is cheerful and strong,
There is no better gentleman!
We wish you success
Seas of joy and laughter,
Travel more often
Life was sweeter than honey
We wish you peace,
We love, appreciate and miss you!

Valery, I want to congratulate you!
I wish you love from the bottom of my heart,
So live to rule in life,
And be happy, in spite of your enemies!
You always keep flatterers close,
To know who not to trust.
Let there be fewer people who are low -
More people who will respect you!

Good luck in your business, Valery!
So that everything is top class.
I want you to believe me:
You are always the best with us.
Both a friend and a simple comrade,
And just an assistant in business.
I don’t know how to do everything,
If fate had not brought us together.
You are kind, sympathetic, strong -
What can a woman wish for?
A man like you,
She can't find it anymore.
I wish to meet you soon
My only one -
And be responsible for her,
And just say “I love you.”

Darling, I will congratulate you,
I want to wish you good luck,
So that there are no worries in life,
And so that you are not alone,
May you be lucky, my friend,
And the joy of life comes,
Let happiness go by your side -
It won't let you down!

To you, Valery, on your birthday
We wish to prosper!
Just pleasant excitement
Defeat cannot be known
And limitless good luck,
May you always be lucky in everything,
In a great mood
Everything will work out!

How nice happy birthday
Congratulate good people.
Please accept my congratulations,
I want, Valera, to wish you:
Let your life be like a fairy tale
Full of light and love.
May God hear your prayers
And my wishes!

Valery, I congratulate you,
Birthday is a special day!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart today,
So that lilacs bloom in your heart,
So that life gives you gifts,
She didn’t skimp on happiness and power,
So that after living it passionately and brightly,
You exclaimed - life is good!

We wish you, Valery,
So that happiness opens the doors,
So that luck meets you
And never parted

We wish you a high salary,
We wish you to be very rich,
We wish you to be successful in everything,
We want a house on the coast,

May he always accompany you
Your guiding star
May everything you dream about come true -
All your wishes and dreams!

Valery, I wish you
IN wonderful holiday– birthday –
So that only true friends
Bring you joy and fun,
May you be lucky in everything in life,
I sincerely wish you good luck,
So that every day, in spite of enemies,
You only got richer!

Valera! Birthday!
Noise, flowers, wine, gifts,
Toasts, guests, someone's slippers,
There is a neighbor with jam under the table...
Everyone will say: “What years?
You’re just starting to live!”
Laughter is independent of the weather,
Life is for loving.

I want to wish you all night long
Have fun on your birthday!
On this day you can do almost anything,
You can even get a little drunk!
Let the soul unfold and the heart sing,
And don’t you dare, Valera, to be bored today.
This day is only yours, enjoy it to the fullest,
To have something to remember!

Today is your birthday
Today is not an ordinary anniversary.
I will tell you sincerely, lovingly -
You are a real, true man!
Valery, may you be lucky in everything,
Let luck turn its face,
Health will never fail you
And let the sun shine more often outside the window!

I am glad to congratulate Valera from the bottom of my heart.
Happy Birthday!
Victory in life and love!
Health like Superman
In addition to happiness and luck,
And a mischievous mood!
The girls are good and friends!
Sunny and bright days,
Let everything be as you want
Tell us what do you want?

I wish my beloved one on his birthday
So that there is happiness, even from little things:
There is a pile of butter cookies in the kitchen,
There was a place for keys in the pocket,
Boots to fit
The second sock was always in sight,
So that women look at Valera,
It’s as if I’m walking with Leontyev,
But so that he, of course, at the same time
He would just look at me.
Otherwise my cutlets will burn.
Otherwise it will be complete bullshit...

Great friend, great guy
Now I will congratulate you!
Today you celebrate your birthday,
And that's what I want to say.

Happy Birthday, Valera!
Happy Birthday, dear!
You are walking through life correctly,
With your head held high!

So let the problems be solved
And all difficulties can be overcome
We wish nothing else in life
And I personally want this!

Let the road be straight.
And all the vicissitudes will not happen.
And everything you want to wish for
We wish you to accomplish in life! ©

Congratulations on your birth
Dear Valery,
You are the best on this planet,
I'm starting a new series

And I confess my love to you,
I'm very proud of you
My dear Valery is wonderful,
I adore you very passionately.

Congratulations with all my heart,
May you always be young
May you be as brave as a hero,
And of course you won’t forget me. ©

Happy wonderful birthday
I congratulate Valerchik,
Let there be no obsessions in life,
I'll give you some pepper.

So that life is spicy, with seasoning,
So that there are not enough adventures,
So that you are a skillful guy,
May your life be delicious.

I wish you only happiness,
Hope, faith, goodness and participation,
Lots of attention from all sides
And may you be as healthy as an elephant in Africa. ©

We congratulate Valera
Happy birthday - a glorious day!
What will we take as an example?
In the kind, smart, strong - in him?

He doesn't divide the world into parts,
To row it in parts.
Only two share happiness
With my dear (oh, there is such a thing!)!

We wish that Valera
He was rich, loved and simple!
Smallpox, AIDS, plague, cholera
We walked around a hundred miles!

Valery, on my birthday I want
I wish you with love,
Consign all your sadness to oblivion
And there are no sorrows in life!

I wish you all the best,
What can only happen in life,
In your career - only prosperity,
And the main thing is to love me!

I want to congratulate Valeria on her birthday,
And wish you only joyful days!
What should I add to the general congratulations?
To become stronger and braver,

To be ready to face changes,
It's for the best that they happen!
So that you don’t forget your birth walls,
Happiness, health, good luck, love!

Great friend, great guy
Now I will congratulate you!
Today you celebrate your birthday,
And this is what I want to say:

I don’t know what to wish you,
It's so hard to find words.
To desire love - no, I don’t want to,
She will come to you herself.

It is inconvenient to wish for happiness,
After all, happiness must be earned.
With all my heart, Valera, I wish
to be a good person

Oh, your holiday is wonderful,
Dear Valery.
You are a golden soul,
Don't lose trust

Don't face boring everyday life
It's so funny!
Trust your loved ones
Life won't be hard

Valery is sociable, kind and responsive.
He burns like fire, not sparing himself.
His talent is certainly known to everyone.
He is also surprisingly honest.

I certainly wish Valery all the best!
Meet and explore the secrets of the Universe!
For women - success, in life - good luck!
So that complex problems can be solved on their own!

To evaluate by what measure should we,
How does everyone need it?
On my birthday, Valera and I
We're having a lot of fun!

Wishes for congratulations -
Stars fall from the eyes.
Give free rein to the dictates of your soul,
Remember us often!

Our Valery is a remarkable man!
He is prominent, brave and worthy!
Of course, it can be harmful
But still always funny!

Our congratulations to you, my friend!
We will say loudly at the hour of feasting:
“Always keep your nose up!”
Always greet us with bread and salt!”

Valery, accept congratulations,
Today your holiday has come.
I wish you more luck,
So that you find your happiness.

Let the work be argued
And it makes me happy every day,
The boss won't forget you
Your position will increase.

Let there be love in your life,
Let there be smile and laughter
Your home will be kind and sweet,
And there will be joy in it for everyone.

Dear Valera, happy birthday to you! Self your name means “to be healthy,” so I wish to fully correspond to this meaning. In addition, may your wishes come true as often as possible and exactly the way you want them.

I wish you, Valery,
Love and great happiness,
So that troubles and evil losses
They didn’t think of knocking on doors.

Be strong in spirit and body,
Flying in the clouds with happiness,
So that every matter can be argued
In your energetic hands!

Valery means "cheerful"
So always be like this
Let the solid one not fail
Character never!

Since childhood you have been the ringleader,
Cheerful mischief maker.
So that life loves you,
We wish you this moment!

Everyone who knows Valery,
They know firsthand
That he is a happy man
Couldn't be happier!

He is always lucky in everything
In business, in love, in work,
We wish him well
Let success not let you down.

You are as mobile as mercury
This word is your essence,
You're in two places at once,
You can do everything, everywhere!

You are persistent and fearless
Dangerous to his enemies
But your soul is good
The looks are good too!

Always be an optimist
Let the years not rule,
Let everything happen on time
And now - our congratulations!

You are an incomparable man
As a hero of past beliefs:
Kind, brave, strong-willed,
You are the best, Valery.

I congratulate you today
And I wish you happiness
Let before strength and charisma
All bad weather will disappear in an instant.

Be healthy and joyful, Valera,
And walk through life boldly!
May all decisions be correct,
May inspiration abound in your soul.

Never be upset
Be positive and smile!
Don't be sick and don't be bored,
Let prosperity flow over the edge.

Let the Jaguar drive you
Well, at night the panther is waiting,
A fearless tamer
I wish to be, Valera.

Let before strength and talent
Obstacles are conquered
And luck and wealth
Let them be a reward for everything.

I wish to stay
In a difficult life, an optimist,
Let the path of happiness lead
Along your thorny paths.

Wish you happiness
I want you, Valery,
Let them be in front of you
All doors are open.

I wish that throughout life
You walked briskly
To keep your nose from hanging
And he didn’t lose heart.

I wish you positively
Treat problems
Achieve goals
And strive for your dream.

Luck horizons
Let him open it for you
Happier than you
Let it not happen in the world.