Scenario of an intellectual game for elementary school "finest hour"

IIClub hour

Subject: Finest hour (game program)

Tasks : - identify skillschildren work according to the rules;

Ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions;

Develop memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

Create a joyful mood.

Equipment: presentation; numbers from 1 to 4, stars, counting sticks, musical accompaniment"Dance of little ducks".

Progress of the game.

I.Organizing time.

Leading : We are glad to welcome you, dear fans and guests. Today we gathered for an unusual exciting competition– where you can show your knowledge and ingenuity, show resourcefulness and intelligence, and participate in competitions. This competition is called« Finest hour» . And today thisstarthe hour will come for the winner of our competition, for the one who completes the tasks faster and more correctly. Well, what about you? dear viewers, I will ask you to help them. Let's meet our participants.

(Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of music)

Ved. Today you guys need to show your wits, be attentive and fast. For the correct answers youyou will receive stars. And the one who has more of them will be the winner« Finest hour» . Ready?

II.Main part.

Your firststaryou can earn money right now. Your first task"Tell about yourself".

(children take turns talking about themselves, sitting at the tables(there are prepared numbers from 0 to 4 on the tables))

So, very soon we will find out whose it is« Finest hour» .

Dear participants! There are tablets with numbers on your tables, with their help youyou willanswer my questions.

Let's start the competition. 1st round

Round 1.

Ved. You are presented with a question and 4 answer options. You need to find the correct answer on the screen and pick up the corresponding number plate. If one of you does not know the answer, then raise a sign with a number«0» .

For each correct answer you will receivestar.

Question 1. Guessriddle :

Just jump over the threshold

And he went for a walk without legs...

Winnie the Pooh, Kolobok, Piglet, (Barmaley).

Question 2. Who are among the heroes of the fairy tale?"Little Red Riding Hood"extra?

Grandmother, hunter, (miller), wolf.

Question 3. Who is this riddle about?

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a linen booth.

What is the name of this book?

What's that boy's name?(Pinocchio)

Question 4. What is unnecessary here?(there are pictures on the board under the numbers)

1. Pear

2. Carrots

3. Apple

4. Banana

Question 5. On the board under the numbers there are illustrations with flowers.

1. Chamomile

2. Dandelion

3. Bell

4. Rose

Listen carefully to the riddle and answer it by picking up the number under which the answer is located.


On a sunny summer day

A golden flower blossomed.

On a high thin leg

He kept dozing by the path,

And I woke up and smiled :

That's how fluffy I am!

Oh, I'm afraid that I'll get sick,

Hush, meadow wind!


Task 6. Now let’s check how you know the seasons. On the screen there are pictures depicting the seasons. I make a riddle, and you guess by showing the card with the desired number.

1. I have a lot to do -

I'm a white blanket

I cover the whole earth,

I remove it from the ice of the river,

White fields, houses,

My name is(winter)

2. I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me.

I warm the rivers

Take a swim, I invite you.(summer)

3. I open my buds

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops.(spring)

4. I bring the harvest,

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees.(Autumn)

These were riddles about the seasons. Now recognize him by his description.

5. 1. The sky is often covered with clouds. Birds are preparing to fly away. Swallows fly away, starlings gather in noisy flocks, and cranes fly in a caravan.

6. 2. With the onset of cold weather, people close their windows, start heating their houses, put on fur coats, coats with fur collar, warm hats, mittens.

7. 3. The sun is shining brighter and brighter. The roads in the fields darkened, the ice on the river turned blue. The rooks have arrived and are in a hurry to fix their nests.

8. 4. Screams and laughter from the guys are heard. Someone is bathing in the river, someone is picking up a box of ripe strawberries. And the girl carries a bouquet of daisies for her mother.

Ved. The first round is over. You've earned it allstars. Now I propose to play a game with the fans"Don't miss the profession".

A task for all the guys. I will name the words, if you hear a word denoting a profession, clap your hands 3 times.

Flower, bag, livestock breeder, book, apple, carpenter, painting, letter, teacher, lily of the valley, forest, shepherd, notebook, doll, milkmaid, shop, sculptor, needle, thread, mason, leaf, pen, doctor.

Round 2.

Ved. Let's start the second round. Dear participants, on your tables you see counting sticks. We will start the second round with a task"Do the same". You see figures on the screen. Which? You need to repeat these figures exactly. For each correct figure you will receive 1asterisk.

In the meantime, we will play with the fans.

1. - What time of year is it now? What time of year was it before? What will happen after this?

2. - What number is missing (by ear? 1234578910.

Ved. Now you can help make moneystars for your friends. (Coming out for game 8children: two fans for each participant. They choosestar with questions. For the correct answer you receive a rewardasterisk, give it to the one they support)

I have riddles for you. Choose anyasterisk.

1. How many chickens did the rooster hatch if he laid five eggs?

2. There are two apples and three pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?

3. How much honey will two butterflies collect if they have one bucket each?

4. Three fish flew over the forest. Two landed. How many flew away?

5. When a goose stands on one leg, it weighs two kilograms. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on two legs?

6. The pig bought air balloons and all of themgave away : She gave two balls to the zebra and the same number to the hare. How many balls did the pig buy?

7. There are tubs against the wall. Each one contains exactly a frog. If there were five tubs, how many frogs were in them?

8. Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries. But one kid was tired and fell behind his friends. And now the answerfind : How many bears are there ahead?

9. Five guys played football, one was called home. He looks out the windowbelieves : How many of them are playing now?

10. How many necks do five cranes have?

Well done boys! Let's check how our participants coped with the work. Well done!

In this round you will find another math task. Look at the screen, what do you see?(mathematical figures on the screen)Behind each geometric figure the task was hidden. Take turns choosing a figure. Problems are solved by ear

1. Two spoiled puppies

They run and frolic.

Three puppies for the naughty girls

They rush with loud barks.

How many puppies are there?

2. One bunny bought three carrots, the other one. How many carrots did both hares buy?

3. Sasha bought four apples and ate one of them. How many apples does he have left?

4. Grandson Shura good grandfather I gave seven pieces of sweets yesterday. The grandson ate one candy. How many pieces are left?

5. Four ducklings and two geese are swimming in the lake and screaming loudly. Well, quickly count - how many babies are there in the water?

So that our participants do not get tired, we will hold a musical break. Come out to me. And the audience can repeat after us in their seats.

Musical warm-up"Dance of little ducks"

Round 3

So we warmed up and rested. Let's continue our competition. We move on to the third round. He will be our last.

Let's check how well you know fairy tales. On the tray are envelopes with scenes from fairy tales. You need to choose 1 of the envelopes, determine what kind of fairy tale it is, arrange the pictures in sequence, determine which picture is the beginning and which is the end of the fairy tale. Then we will check that it was done correctly. ("Kolobok", "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba")

Game with fans“Say the words backwards”: The elephant is big, and the mouse... The pillow is soft, and the table... The fire is hot, and the ice... The enemy is evil, and the friend... The river is wide, and the stream... The bush is low, and the tree... Pinocchio is cheerful, and Pierrot... Winter is cold, and summer... Pear sweet, and lemon... Well done!

Let's check how the participants completed their tasks. We listen to the answers and check the correct sequence.

Ved. Now look at the screen. Fairy tale characters We have prepared questions for you. Now you take turnsyou will choose a character. You only need to answer their questions with yes or no. A game“Does this happen or not?”.

The train flies across the sky.

A wolf wanders through the forest.

Salted apple.

A man builds a nest.

The cat is walking on the roof.

The boat floats across the sky.

III.Summing up. Reflection.

Well done! Well guys, ourThe finest hour has come to an end. And you and I must find out which of you became the hero of thisFinest hour. Please count yoursstars. Children take turns calling the number.

The largest numberstars at..... Let's clap for her guys. It was hersFinest hour. She showed us her knowledge, was smart, was attentive and fast! Well done! Award certificate"GeniusFinest hour» , medal.

And also awarded... in the nomination"Fairy tale connoisseur", "The Expert in Mysteries", "Math Expert"

Guys, I want to thank you for taking part in this wonderful game, I invite you to join a round dance in honor of our genius and experts.

A round dance is performed to a song« Finest hour»

If the same amountmany will have stars, game offered"Who is bigger"

Participants must name as many words as possible starting with a certain letter. The one who named the most wins.

Municipal educational institution "Kurumkanskaya secondary comprehensive school No. 2"

Game Scenario

"Behind the pages of textbooks"

Target: The game is played to identify students’ school and general knowledge.

Purpose: This form of play promotes team unity among children and increases the level of knowledge. You can identify the most intelligent children and vice versa. Children in the game learn to listen and choose the correct answers from several. Students reveal their knowledge.

The game can be played by 2 to 4 teams and one leader

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, slides, score cards, stars. (chips)

I round


1. Before you:

1) Peter I;

2) A. S. Pushkin;

3) M. V. Lomonosov;

4) M. Yu. Lermontov.

5) F. I. Tyutchev

6) S. A. Yesenin

1) About whom were the words said: “He created the first university, he - better to say - himself was our first university”?(Lomonosov)

2) Who said these words?(Peter I)

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

The bird cherry tree is pouring snow,

Greenery in bloom and dew.

In the field, leaning towards escape,

Rooks walk in the strip.


2. Before you:

1) Yaroslav the Wise;

b) Alexander Nevsky;

c) Ivan IV;

d) Dmitry Donskoy;

e) Peter I;

f) Catherine II.

You see the names of government officials. Some were called princes, others - kings, and others - emperors. We will call them in one word - sovereigns.

1) Which of the sovereigns was the first king?(Ivan IV)

2) To which sovereign did the words belong: “I must be ahead of everyone in both word and deed.”(Dmitry Donskoy)

3) Under what sovereign was St. Sophia Cathedral erected?(Yaroslav the Wise in the 11th century in Kyiv).

4) Under what sovereign was St. Basil's Cathedral erected?(Ivan IV in honor of the capture of the Kazan Khanate in Moscow on Red Square)


3. Before you are the rivers of Africa:

1) Niger;

2) Limpopo;

3) Zambezi;

4) Congo;

5) Nile;

6) Murray.

1) Is this true? (Murray)

3) Which river is full of water all year round?(Congo)

4) On which river is Victoria Falls located?(Zambezi)

5) Which river crosses the equator twice?(Congo)

6) Darling is a tributary of which river?(Murray)


4. Here are the names of the plants:

1) rose hips;

2) sundew;

3) pine;

4) henbane;

5) potatoes;

6) shepherd's purse.

1) It holds together the sands, burns in furnaces, strides across the country like telegraph poles, lies like sleepers under the rails, towers like masts on ships, goes to make your desk. And if the magician chemistry touches her, she is paper, she is plastic, she is vitamin, she is hundreds of amazing things. Name her.(pine)

2) The homeland of this plant is the mountains of Chile and Peru. In Europe, it was first cultivated as an ornamental plant. The seed material was sent to Russia by Peter from Holland. What kind of plant is this?(potato)

3) The fly landed on the grass, and the grass ate the fly. Name this plant.(sundew)

4) In vacant lots and along roads with white inflorescences there is a weed. But study its properties - perhaps you will look at it wrong. It will stop the bleeding. In China, it is a salad for the table. The weed is tenacious: there are a lot of seeds in the fruit.(shepherd's purse)

5) Somewhere in the dense thicket, behind a barbed fence, near a treasured place, there is a magic first aid kit. There are red pills hanging on a branch. Name this plant.(rose hip)

6) The flowers resemble tobacco flowers, and the leaves resemble quinoa. Petals are dirty white. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but the plant is medicinal. What kind of plant is this?(henbane)



What fable are these lines from?(a Crow and a fox)

What feathers! what a sock!

(wolf and lamb)

Here is the pure muddying of my drink

With sand and silt?

For such insolence

I'll rip your head off."

(dragonfly and ant)

“Don’t leave me, dear godfather!

Let me gather my strength

And only until spring days

Feed and warm! -

“Gossip, this is strange to me:

Yes did you work in the summer?” -

2nd round

Name the letters of the alphabet and make words from them.

Playing with spectators too, you can add your star to the player you support.

III round

  1. Arrange these cameras as you create them. ( 231)
  2. Choose the odd one out of these monuments.( 2)
  3. In front of you geographical names. Are they all capitals? ( 3)
  4. For the Chinese, this flower is required in every home on New Year's Eve.(5)
  5. Flower of knights, love, fortune telling.(3)
  6. National flower of Japan. The symbol of the sun, from which, according to legend, the Japanese people originated. Decorates National emblem and seal of Japan. In Europe, it is called the flower of the dead, death.(1)

Municipal educational institution Novoburanovskaya secondary school

Intellectual game: "THE FINEST HOUR"

Classroom teacher: Balambaeva Ulday Khaidarovna

GOAL: expand the horizons of schoolchildren in different areas; vaccinate

interest and cultivate culture in communication.

The game is played in the hall. Having greeted everyone present, I read out the list of team members of six students and their parents. I introduce them to the audience in the hall.

Presenter. Dear game participants, jury members, spectators! We remind you of the rules of our game: we ask questions, and we expect the correct answers from you; Each question is worth 5 points. Prizes await the winners.


So, the first topic is “Culture of Behavior”

1st question. We present to your attention the words with which we

we use it at the beginning of a conversation when meeting

(a table with words is displayed):

2. Great

4. Hello

6. Good morning)

Assignment: what words are appropriate in a conversation with an unfamiliar adult?

(Answer options - 4; 6)

2nd question. You are making a phone call and want to call a friend or girlfriend.

Choose the most polite form of expressing your request and

give an answer.

1. Call Masha.

2. Hello, please call Masha.

3. Hello, call Masha.

4. Hello, excuse me, is Masha at home?

(Answer option - 4)

3rd question. You are late for class and want to enter the classroom. Your option is the most

polite expression of a request.

1. Can I come in?

2. Shall I come in?

3. Excuse me, can I come in?

(Correct answer is 3)

4th question. You are on a bus and want to get to the exit. What words

would you say?

1. Let me through, I'm going out.

2. Let me pass.

3. Excuse me, can I pass?

(Correct answer is 3)

Theme two - “The image of ancient Russian cities”

Presenter. In almost every Russian city next to modern buildings

You can find ancient buildings, fences, fortresses, temples.

Each city has its own history. Attention! The screen lists

names of ancient Russian buildings. Do all names refer to

ancient Russian buildings?

1. Fortress

5. Bell tower

(Correct answer is 3)

A musical break is announced, during which the results of the first round are summed up.


Presenter: Topic one - “Culture of communication”

1st question. All of you, of course, know the tale “The Three Bears”. Let's imagine

imagine that Masha did not run into the forest, but entered into a conversation with the bears.

Assignment: which version of the conversation did you like best? (Three girls come out and each says one phrase)

1. Bears! I'm lost in the forest, tired, help me get back home.

2. Targets! I got lost and ended up in your house. Sorry for the mess, I'll help clean it up.

3. Bears! I'm very tired. If Mishutka takes me home, my grandmother will give him honey and raspberries.

(Correct answer is 2)

2nd question. You all probably love receiving gifts. Let's remember the fairy tale

K. Chukovsky “The Tsokotuha Fly”.

Fleas came to the fly,

They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple -

They have gold clasps.

Attention! How would you accept a gift and give thanks for it?

(Three girls come out, and each “plays out their words”)

The first one looks at the boots and says:

What wonderful boots!

Where did you get them, fleas?

I will wear them all my life,

And thank you for the rest of your life!

The 2nd holds boots in her hands and says:

I already have boots

And better than these fleas.

I'll give them to my sister

What lives on that mountain.

The 3rd one tries on boots and says:

Thank you, my fleas,

For wonderful boots!

Oh, what grief it will be

If they are not on time for me!

(Correct answer is 3)

3rd question. Let us once again recall Chukovsky’s lines:

The grandmother bee came to the fly,

She brought honey to the Tsokotukha fly.

What would you do with this gift?

1. Set out all the honey for the guests.

3. Put some of the honey from the jar into a vase and place it on the table for guests.

(Correct answer is 3)

Theme two - “Residential buildings different nations».

Housing is one of the different manifestations of the culture and identity of a people. Its expressiveness and design are greatly influenced by folk traditions And geographical conditions.

(On the screen are the national names of the dwellings and the peoples to whom they belong)

Is everything correct here?

1. Wigwam - Indians

2. Fanza - Chinese

3. Igloo - Eskimos

4. Saklya - highlanders

5. Yurta - peoples of the Far North

6. Izba - Russians

7. Chum - Kazakhs

8. Khata - Ukrainians

(Correct answer: yurt - Kazakhs; chum - peoples of the Far North)

Topic three - “Image historical era through the image of the people, their destiny"

Before you are poets of wonderful Russian artists, whose paintings still amaze viewers with their depiction of courage, valor, and nobility of the Russian people.

(On the screen are portraits of Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsov, Valentin Serov, Boris Kustodiev)

Question: name the artist whose painting you will hear described.

The thick, deep colors of Cossack clothes, the metallic shine of chain mail, the yellowish Tatar robes, the ashen crests of the Irtysh waves, the sunset clearing in the cold autumn sky.

(Correct answer: Surikov’s painting “The Conquest of Siberia by Ermak”)

Topic four - “A holiday that is always with us”

For the last 10 years of his life, the artist was bedridden by a serious illness. He positioned the canvases for his paintings so that he could paint while lying on his back. The most amazing thing was that there was no sadness or sorrow in his paintings. In his work, the artist reflected merchant Russia, cheerful and festive.

(On the screen is one of the paintings of this artist)

Question: name this artist.

2. Surikov

3. Vasnetsov

5. Kustodiev

(Correct answer is 5)

Topic five - “Writers for children”

1st question. Listen carefully to the excerpt from the poem. Who is author

these lines?

By phone every day

You can't reach us by phone.

Our people live like this -

Responsible persons:

Three schoolchildren live with us,

Yes, first grader Kolenka.

Students will come home -

And the calls start

Calls without a break.

Who's calling?

The students are just like boys.

(Answer - A. Barto)

2nd question. You must think and give your answer: who is the author of these lines.

Poor truant! - Nina Karnaukhova said sternly. - And this is from such youth are you already deceiving your parents and school?

(Answer - Gaidar)

A musical pause is announced. The results of the second round are summed up.


Presenter. I remind you of the rules of the game in the third round. From 10 letters you must form one or more words. Each letter is used once. Estimated at 5 points. Parents also make up words by adding points. If their words match the children's words, the points are doubled. So, let's start the game.

In case of a controversial situation, the question is asked again. The one with the fewest points is eliminated from the game with an award.

The leader of the third round is revealed, and the game “Shall we wave without looking?” is played with him.

Presenter. Instead of a prize, I suggest you play with me the game “Shall we wave without looking?” Check out these five adorable hats. Under them lie wonderful prizes. You have three attempts to choose your prize. (A game)

The host congratulates the leader on the gift and announces the game to the audience. The one who comes up with the longest word is revealed. The winner goes on stage and determines what is under the hood. At the same time, the number of points the players have is revealed.


Theme - "Toy"

This topic is dedicated to the most expensive and close to the child art objects in the house. Usually, we do not know the artists who created the toys, but we know the villages where they were made.

1st question. On the screen are the names of Russian villages, which are identified one by one

sign of a huge toy family. What is this sign?

Are there any extra names here?

1. Dyshkovo

2. Palekh-Maidan

3. Filimonovo

4. Abashevo

(Answer - all except 2)

There is a musical pause. 2 people remain.

Final round - "Duel"

Presenter(addresses the players). You must remember the proverbs that

would relate to our topic - culture of behavior.

The one with the fewest points begins to recite the first proverb. The last one to name his proverb wins. The winner will receive a super prize and the opportunity to tell everyone what he wants.

The winner is revealed. Both the winner and the loser are rewarded. Music plays and at the same time prizes are awarded to guests.

Presenter. Thank you all for your support interesting game. Until next time!


- expand children's horizons;
- develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, thinking;
- cultivate attentiveness and activity in children

Progress of the event

Today we will spend our “finest hour”. You probably watch this type of show on television often and are familiar with its rules. To select participants in our game, we will conduct a selection using riddles. Those six people who are the first to give the correct answers will become participants in the “Finest Hour”.
In calm weather
We are nowhere to be found
The wind blows -
We run on water.
Rustle, rustle the grass,
The whip will crawl through alive.
So he stood up and hissed:
Come, if you are very brave.
It might break
It might cook
If you want to kill me
It may turn.
He's tall and spotted
With a long, long neck,
And he eats leaves -
Tree leaves.
And no snow, and no ice,
He will turn the trees into silver.
Low and prickly
Sweet and fragrant
Pick the berries -
You'll rip off your whole hand.
- Participants have been selected - we move on to the game (participants choose their assistants - relatives: mother, sister, brother, etc.). - Our first round is dedicated to fairy-tale heroes. I read, and you must raise the sign with the corresponding number. For the correct answer - a point. If the answers are the same and correct, each team gets a point.

Monkey-3 Turnip-4 Prince-5 Little Red Riding Hood-6

Sleeping Beauty-2 Cinderella-1 Kolobok-7 Frog Princess 8-

First question. “ old age her eyes became weak, but in people she could hear. that this evil is not yet true big hands: You just have to get glasses. He turns his glasses this way and that: the glasses don’t work at all. Out of frustration and sadness, she hit them against the stone so hard that the splashes sparkled.” What hero are we talking about?
Second question. “And the elder brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell on the boyar’s courtyard, and the boyar’s daughter picked it up. The middle brother shot an arrow, and the arrow fell into the merchant’s yard, and the merchant’s daughter picked it up.” Who raised the arrow?
Third question. This hero met a hare, a bear, a wolf and a fox on his way. And only the fox managed to outwit him. Who did the fox eat?
Fourth question. This heroine fell asleep after tasting a poisoned apple, and woke up from the kiss of her savior. Who is she?
Fifth question. This girl had to hide in a basket to escape the bear. What is this girl's name?
Summing up the results of the 1st round. - The second round is about poultry and animals. Listen to the riddles and, at my command, raise the sign with the corresponding number.

Camel-3 Chicken-4 Donkey-5 Goat-6

Duck-2 Cow-1 Cat-8 Goose-7

Sir, not a wolf,
long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse. (5)

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard:
A pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (1)

With horns, not a bull,
Not a horse, but kicking,
They milk, not the cow,
With down, not a bird.
He pulls his bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes. (6)

I swam in the water and remained dry. (7)

Eyes, mustache, tail,
And he washes himself cleaner than everyone else. (8)

Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth. (0)

Summing up the results of round 2. - Cubes with letters pour out of this box. You need to make a word from these letters. The word should be as long as possible.

C r o m a t e l s i

(Old man, forester. old man, sailor, romantic, etc.)
Summing up the results of round 3 - All these names refer to fruits. Remember which fruit is the smallest and which is the largest in size.
Is our “chain” located correctly in the order of increasing fruit size or should the numbers be swapped?

Plum-1 Cherry-2 Apple-3

Walking to the Emerald City, Eli met on her way first the Scarecrow, then the Lion, and lastly the Woodcutter. Is it so? Or do you need to swap the numbers?

Scarecrow Lion Woodcutter
1 2 3
- All these fairy tales with happy endings for heroines. Whoever disagrees, raise a sign with the desired number.

The Little Mermaid-1 Snow White - 2 Cinderella-3
Summing up the results of the 4th round. - Two participants advanced to the fifth round. This round can be called a duel. You are given a word and in 2 minutes you must make as many nouns from it as possible. This word:

(Snow, year, hell, leg, hay, nose, sleep, bliss, recession, foam, and so on).
Summing up the whole game.

BOU "Russkopolyanskaya secondary school No. 3"

Extracurricular activity in primary school


teacher primary classes

BOU secondary school No. 3

Bunova Olga Valerievna


on using the presentation of the game "Finest Hour"

Dear Colleagues! In presenting to your attention the presentation of the extracurricular event “Finest Hour,” I deliberately abandoned the ready-made scenario for the event. The creative teacher needs a guide rather than a written outline, so let me offer some suggestions for using this presentation.

Short description Events

Game "Finest Hour"

Extracurricular activity for students in grades 1-4

Event type: educational game.

Main game tasks: complete the proposed tasks, showing resourcefulness and erudition.

Goals: develop cognitive interests, communication skills, attention; contribute to expanding the general horizons of children; develop independent thinking, development logical thinking, curiosity.

Equipment: for each participant, signal cards with numbers from 1 to 6, stars for correct answers, an interactive board or screen, and a projector.

Game presentation structure

The game consists of three rounds and a final. The game can involve 5 or 6 teams. Teams consist of a student and a parent. The first round is called "Beasts of our forests" second round “Birds are our friends!”, third round “Collect words.” In the final of the game, 2 teams meet.

Software: MS Power Point 2003 – for creating an encyclopedia, Microsoft Office Word 2003 – for creating documents.

View presentation content

A game

"Finest Hour"

for students and parents

1 - 4 classes

I am Nature. I am a great Master. Eternal Master life. I can, Man, you for complicity To bestow – it’s all in my power! - Mushroom in the forest, chamomile in the meadow, The sky at the hour of sunrise and sunset, Willow over the river... Finally, Sun-burnt, reddish An ear of grain, like the crown of everything! Only you are my gift, my teaching Don't take it as a tribute: I am not a slave. Don’t forget: you yourself are my creation! And you and I have the same destiny!

  • 1st round

"Beasts of our forests"

  • 2nd round

“Birds are our friends!”

  • 3rd round

"Gather the Words"

  • The final

Less tiger, more cat

There are horn-like brushes above the ears.

Looks meek, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger!

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass

Are your ears bigger than your head?

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

Flashed, ran -

There is no smoke, no fire.

Find the odd one out

Winter is coming soon…

Place the animals in their houses:



Looking for food in nature in winter

Stocking up for winter


1. moose

5. beaver

2. wolf

4. badger

6. hamster

Birds are our friends!

Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home

Flocks on the porch.

  • Name the wintering birds.



  • What bird breeds chicks in winter?


Collect the words

Test yourself


From letters of this word make up for

1 minute common nouns nouns answering the questions WHO? WHAT?