Exciting competitions for March 8

After a harsh winter comes a very bright spring holiday— International Women's Day. For many years, March 8 has been considered a symbol of the awakening of nature after a long sleep. The same thing happens with mood! Women's Day is a great occasion to please your daughter, wife, mother and grandmother with an amazing gift!

As for your favorite girls, classmates and colleagues, a lively and bright themed party can be a gift!

The holiday in honor of March 8 must be cheerful and bright.. Participate yourself and set an example for the guests!

1. Guess who?

The facilitator divides the participants into 2 teams, preferably divided into men and women. One participant is selected from each team. A tantamaresque (a photo stand with a cutout for the face) is placed in front of the girl; she sticks her head into it, but does not see who she is depicting. By asking leading questions to her team, which can be answered “yes” or “no,” the participant tries to find out in 2 minutes who is depicted on the tantamaresk. The competition is repeated similarly with the men's team.

The tantamaresque must depict someone very cool or famous.

2. You will recognize him from a thousand

5-6 guys and one girl take part in the competition, it is better if they know each other well. After carefully examining all the participants, the girl goes into another room. All the men are given gas masks and seated in a row. The clothes are covered with the same cape. The goal of the game is to find who is hiding under each gas mask.

3. Battle of the sexes

The competitors are divided into women's and men's teams. They sit down opposite each other. The presenter reads the task one by one, and the players try to complete it as funny and quickly as possible. Whoever turns out to be quicker gets one point, and so on up to 5.

Questions and tasks may be as follows:

  • Draw an orangutan during mating season.
  • Pronounce the name of a town in Wales as accurately as possible: Llanwyrepwllgwyngillgogerychverndrobullllantysilyogogogoch.
  • Name 3 wonders of the world.
  • Depict the behavior of a cat and a dog.
  • Dance the cancan.
  • Sing the anthem.
  • Whistle your favorite song.
  • What is 7 by 9?
  • What is the most populous country in the world (Monaco).
  • Name 5 things that are yellow.

4. Gorgeous legs

4-5 girls and one couple in love participate. The guy is securely blindfolded and taken to another room. The girls change places, some join the audience, and the men take their place. Those gathered on the “stage” lift their skirts and trouser legs above the knee. Then the guy with the blindfold comes back. Squatting down, he touches his bare legs one by one, trying to figure out where his other half’s leg is. To complicate the search, everyone can wear stockings, including men.

5. Steel eggs

This is a game for adults and fun company. You will need from 4 to 8 men, it is important that there is a pair number. Each male has a small transparent bag with a pair attached to his belt buckle. chicken eggs. This bag should hang below your knees. By drawing lots, the men are divided into pairs. Then they stand opposite each other, spread their legs and take a semi-squatting position. The essence of the game is to swing the bag with its contents more strongly and hit your opponent's balls with it. The one who breaks them leaves the competition. Thus, the number of pairs decreases until the very final, where the owners of “steel eggs” will compete with each other for the main prize. The winner is the participant who has at least one egg left intact.

6. I am the Sultan

Which man has not dreamed of having his own personal harem at least once in his life? Two male sultans participate in the competition, and all women are their future wives. In advance, the organizers prepare cards that indicate different parts of the body, for example, left leg to right hand, etc. Alternately, pairs draw cards and touch the corresponding parts of the body. Next, the sultans choose a second wife for themselves, and repeat the actions. New tasks require new contacts, but the first wife has not gone away either. This will continue until the Sultan collects so many wives for his harem that there is no room left for touching on his body. The winner is the sultan with the harem whose “statue of love” is more interesting and original.

7. I'm your mommy

Participants are divided into guy-girl pairs, the first will be the “baby”, the second will be the “mummy”. Mommies will be given an adult diaper, pacifier, baby vest, bib, booties (socks with frills), mittens and a cap as props. The parent who dresses and tidies up her baby the fastest wins.

8. “Imagine”

Participants are given a task on cards that they must complete without preliminary preparation. The chairs are arranged to create a kind of podium. You need to, without preparing in advance, walk in front of all the spectators like:

  • A woman with big trunks.
  • Monkey in a cage.
  • Titmouse on a branch.
  • Stork in the swamp.
  • Rooster in the chicken coop.
  • The guy who wore heels for the first time.
  • A watchman guarding a warehouse with jewelry.
  • Baby taking his first steps.
  • Nervous guy in front of the girl he likes.
  • Nikolai Baskov at his concert.
  • Marilyn Monroe on stage.

The girl who will have the most spectacular fashion show will receive a prize.

9. “Clever girl”

You can test the erudition of girls with the help of an entertaining intellectual competition. The participant who answers all the questions correctly will receive the “Clever” medal, and the one who scores 0 points will receive the “Natural Blonde” medal.

The questions will not be entirely intellectual, but more humorous:

  1. What note do you use when preparing borscht? (salt)
  1. My mother's daughter, but not my sister? (I)
  1. In which month are you least likely to talk on the phone with your friends? (in February)
  1. Last name of whom musical classics does it sound like gunfire? (Bach)
  1. What tree does a person hide under when it rains? (wet)
  1. Which word uses “no” 100 times? (Moans)
  1. Only he can make out the doctor's scribbles? (pharmacist, apothecary)
  1. What watch can show right time only 2 times a day? (those that don't work)
  1. Why do they often walk, but rarely drive? (on the stairs)
  1. Which direction does the smoke from an electric train blow when it moves north? (it has no smoke)

You can add more questions if you wish.

10. “Become a star” – shooting a video clip

Perhaps the culmination of the holiday will be this competition. About 8 participants are selected, it is important that by this moment everyone is already tipsy. A well-known incendiary track or video like:

  • Benny Benassi “Satisfaction”
  • Lady Gaga - Alejandro
  • Philip Kirkorov “My Bunny”
  • Queen “We Are The Champions”

You can approach the choice with humor.

The presenter gives the participants “ musical instruments”: toy drums, guitars, maracas, tambourines, and other items such as brooms, pot lids, spoons, cans of beans or cereal.

While the real cameraman is preparing the camera to film this action, the support group is preparing. Girls from the backup dancers are given pom-poms, like cheerleaders. At the same time, those responsible for special effects are determined and they are given props: streamers, firecrackers and soap bubbles.

Vocalists are selected who will sing “to the plywood,” as well as a videographer with a toy camera. Vocalists can immediately be given the corresponding song props, bunny ears for Kirkorov, and if you choose Queen, then you can’t do without cool “Number 1” glasses.

The shooting of the video starts after the presenter's command. But let's tell you a secret, the first time the 5th presenter will be dissatisfied, either with the boring backup dancers, or with the sluggish special effects, or with the cameraman not filming effectively close-ups etc. When everyone gets into the role, you can start swaggering to the fullest. The clip is filmed in one take.

Well, here's to you, dear women!

The presenter invites 8-10 women to participate in the competition and says that the ladies will not be able to repeat 3 phrases that he will say. Confused, the participants suggest trying. The girls pronounce the first phrase, “The weather is great today,” without hesitation. The second - “Everyone is in a festive mood!” - also does not cause difficulties. The presenter states: “Well, you’re wrong!” To which the women object indignantly, but should simply repeat this third phrase.

The man of my dreams

Girls and women are blindfolded. In front of them is an easel and a marker. The task of each representative of the fair sex is to draw the man of her dreams with details, for example, with six-pack abs or a hairy chest. The best pictures There are prizes.


Women are famous laughers, so this competition is just for them. Those who wish sit in a circle, the first lady says: “Ha!” The next one adds the same syllable and it turns out “ha-ha!” And so on. Women are immediately warned that they need to pronounce their “speech” seriously, without changing the letters, only increasing the number of syllables. The game ends when one of the participants “giggles”, because almost all the participants in the competition, and the fans too, will immediately support her with infectious laughter.


Everyone knows that before work, announcers “warm up” by repeating tongue twisters. Participants are invited to take part in the broadcasting competition. Here are a few tongue twisters as an example, but you can use your own. The winner is the lady who clearly, quickly and correctly pronounces 3 phrases:
- coconut farmers cook coconut juice in coconut cookers;
- in Kabardino-Balkaria, valocardine from Bulgaria;
- Palmists and surgeons characterize rickets by fragility of cartilage and chronic chromosomal harakiri.

Pick a pair

Elimination game. The presenter calls an object to each participant in turn, and the participants must choose a pair for a certain object, the main thing is that the object must be female, for example, the presenter calls “pestle”, and the participant answers “stamen”, the presenter says “shore”, and the participant answers “river” and so on, for example, garden - a shovel; garbage - broom; thunder - lightning and so on. Anyone who cannot answer quickly leaves the game, and the participants or participants who remain until the last will receive prizes.

Guess the man

Each woman in turn goes to the easel and draws on a piece of paper some famous man (can be from the present or from the past) that she likes, for example, Brad Pitt, Philip Kirkorov, Vladimir Putin, Joseph Stalin and so on. And the rest of the girls, women should, for some reason and characteristic features guess this man. The woman who has the most male heroes guessed will win and receive a prize. The prize can also be awarded to the best artist.

Find a way out

Ladies are invited to the podium and given envelopes with a task. More precisely, each receives a “difficult life situation” and immediately explains to the audience how he will get out of this situation. For example: having returned home, you found a lady in your apartment walking around in your robe. The winner is the participant who offers the most original solution.


All competition participants sit in a circle. The presenter is in the center. He turns to each player in turn and says: “I love you. Smile at me!” To which the participant replies without a hint of a smile: “I love you too, but I’m not allowed to smile.” It is extremely difficult to refrain from smiling in this situation. The one who laughs takes the place of the leader. Believe me, this happens very often. You can play endlessly.

Female detective

Participants in this competition can demonstrate their attention and talent to Miss Marple. 5-6 girls are invited, a man parades in front of them for 1 minute, then he leaves the hall, changes his appearance somewhat and returns to the contestants. The ladies' task is to find what exactly has changed in young man. The presenter says in advance how many differences need to be found. The ladies can answer in turn or write down the answers on a piece of paper and give them to the presenter.

Find the biggest

Each girl is blindfolded. Cucumbers are laid out in one row different sizes(you can use bananas), starting from the smallest to the largest. Each participant takes turns walking down the row, touching each cucumber and, with her eyes closed, identifying the largest among them. If the girl guessed right, she gets a prize.

Girls and women are divided into several teams of 3-4 people and together they must make the longest list of objects in the office and objects related to their female profession, for example, a pen, a coffee maker, a folder, a receipt, reporting, a line, a palm tree (a flower in office), staple (from a stapler) and so on. All teams are given the same time, for example 15 minutes. The team with the most big list there is a right to receive a prize.

March poetry

Participants in the competition are given cards, on each of which one of the words is written - cards, heart attack, desk, pawnshop, standard, apron, excitement, start, reserved seat. After which they are asked to compose a poem with the words “March” or “eighth of March” and what is proposed on the received card. Example: “When March 8th passes, I will pick up the socks from the pawnshop.”

In the kitchen

Elimination game. Female colleagues sit in a circle and take turns naming one female kitchen utensil, for example, multicooker, microwave, cup, spoon, fork, bowl, plate, sugar bowl, rolling pin, frying pan, pancake maker, yogurt maker, gas oven, sink, dryer, potholder, waffle iron and so on. Those who don’t name are eliminated, and the most persistent and best connoisseurs of kitchen utensils will receive prizes - an apron and oven mitts, so that after a working day, cooking at home will be pleasant and convenient.

Decipher my name

Each male colleague must decipher the names of his charming colleagues, for example, Yulia - young, best, interesting, amber or Polina - beautiful, awesome, radiant, playful, tireless, authentic and so on. The man who, in the opinion of the women, can decipher their names best will receive a prize.

This song is about me

By agreement or by the enthusiasm of each of the men of the group, each in turn sings at least a line of the song, implying one of the women of the group, for example, Anton comes out and sings: “Do you hear, why are you so impudent?” women's team guesses who these lines are about. Who is the most daring in a group of women? Or, for example, a line from the song “Sponges like a bow, eyebrows like a house” about a girl in the group who always touches up her eyebrows. Whichever woman hits the mark the most and guesses to whom the men's lines are dedicated will be the winner.

Both left and right

For this competition, you need to prepare a stack of sheets of two colors, for example, blue and red, in the same quantity for each participant. So, colleagues sit down at the table, in front of each of them is a pile (scattered) of leaves of two colors. At the command “start”, each participant begins to sort the leaves into two piles: with her left hand - one red pile, and right hand- second foot blue, doing it all at the same time. The colleague who can sort documents by color with both hands at once faster than others will be the winner.

Collecting bit by bit

For this competition you will need a lot of Kinder Surprise eggs or small jars. Each egg contains a note with one word from a general phrase, for example, “A woman does not need to be understood, a woman needs to be loved,” so in one egg there will be a note with the word “woman”, in the second - “not”, in the third - “need " and so on. Depending on the number of women in the team, you need to prepare as many sets of eggs with notes as there are teams (about 3-4 participants each). So, each team of women receives eggs with notes or closed jars. At the “start” command, women must open all the eggs (jars) and take out all the notes, after which they must correctly formulate the phrase. The team that completes it faster than the rest will win.

Working with women is a risk

A woman is always unpredictable and working with women means sometimes running the risk of unpredictability and all sorts of surprises. So, each man takes turns putting two hands into two bags at the same time and, without hesitation, takes out from one bag any item from a woman’s cosmetic bag (lipstick, blush, mascara, pencil, glitter, etc.), and from the second a note, in which will indicate any part of the body or face that needs to be painted with what was taken from the first bag (cheeks, stomach, left hand, lips, forehead and so on). Either do it, or run in search of flowers as a payoff.

Table competitions on March 8 will allow guests of the celebration to get to know each other better and will unite everyone present at the holiday. Thematic quizzes will allow you to show erudition. Fun games and jokes will amuse guests and support positive mood after active competitions and dances.

    The competition involves 2 teams, which include both men and women. Each team chooses a captain. It's better if it's a man. The captains' task is to compliment the ladies. For example, the first one says: “Our women are the most beautiful,” to which the second one objects: “But ours are the most sophisticated.” The first continues: “And ours are the kindest.” When one of the captains cannot come up with a compliment for women, he can ask his team for help (no more than 3 tips).

    If the competition drags on, it should be announced that now compliments must be given only with one letter, for example, “a”: active, artistic, etc. The team whose captain made the last argument wins.

    Women participate in the competition. Participants are given sheets of paper, pens and asked to write an advertisement for acquaintance. It must indicate the girl’s appearance, character traits, as well as the reasons why she is looking for a soul mate. After this, the girls take turns reading out their essays. The winner is the author of the funniest ad, determined by the amount of laughter and applause.

    Women and men participate in the competition. They sit in pairs. Men put on boxing gloves and receive one candy in a wrapper. At the signal from the presenter, representatives of the strong half of humanity - knights - must unwrap the candies and feed them to their ladies. The couple that copes with this task faster than the rest wins.

    Everyone can participate in the game. The presenter distributes to the contestants sheets with written names of colors, in which the letters are rearranged. Players must guess these names.

    For example:
    kinzhensdop - snowdrop;
    enris - lilac;
    garatimark - daisy;
    oraz - rose;
    kaviles - cornflower;
    Douglasiol - gladiolus;
    sarat - aster;
    yahoredi - orchid;
    punalt - tulip;
    Zemantihra - chrysanthemum.

    The participant who deciphers these words faster and more successfully than others wins.

    Girls and women participate in the competition. You can find different things in a lady's handbag. Each participant's bag contents are assessed on the following scale:

    1. Beauty:
      lipstick - 1 point;
      mascara - 1 point;
      mirror - 1 point;
      nail file - 1 point.
    2. Practicality:
      candies or other sweets - 1 point;
      napkins - 1 point.
    3. Mind:
      magazine, book or crossword puzzles - 1 point;
      notebook - 1 point;
      pen - 1 point;
      flash drive - 1 point.
    4. Soulfulness:
      photo of relatives, friends or loved one (not on the phone) - 1 point;
      any thing that clearly does not belong to the woman herself (from her son’s toy to her husband’s slippers bought on the way) - 0.5 points.

    The lady who scores the most points is awarded the title “ A real woman" and the prize is awarded.

Which woman doesn't like sweets? What to do when there is no opportunity to eat? Of course, call a man for help. So, he/she pairs participate in the competition. The host puts it on a plate chocolates in candy wrappers. Contestants place their hands behind their backs. Couples must "take" the candy, unseal it, and the man treats his lady. The winner is the pair in which the woman eats the candy first.

Sandwich, drawing and massage

In this competition, the entire male sex will have to work at the festival, and women, like Cleopatra, will choose. So, three stages. The first stage is a sandwich. Women turn their backs to men, and men at this time receive a set of products, for example, a loaf, mayonnaise, ketchup, cucumber, lettuce, tomato, ham or sausage, cheese, olives. The set can be anything. At the command “start”, the men make their own sandwich for the women, which should win their hearts. Everything about everything in 1 minute. After the final whistle, the men place their sandwich on a plate. The plates are mixed and placed in one row. The women turn to face the men and, after some time of deliberation, choose the best sandwich. Its author will receive a prize. Then the second stage is drawing. The women turn away again, the men receive a piece of paper and pencils (markers). The presenter announces the condition: in 1 minute, each participant must figure out and draw something that can melt a woman’s heart. So, after a minute, the drawings are mixed and sent to the jury. Women again determine the most best drawing, and its author - a prize. And finally, the third stage - massage. Women honestly close their eyes (you can even blindfold them). Each man takes turns walking over the women and giving a brief shoulder massage. After this, the women confer again and choose the best massage therapist, who will receive a prize. It will be very funny if the same man takes all three medals.

Create an ideal

Several teams of 4-5 people are invited to participate. The presenter gives the participants inflatable balloons, colored paper, tape, scissors and offers to create the ideal woman, in their opinion. The winner is revealed by the friendly applause of the audience.

The richest in compliments and flowers

In this competition, everything depends on the names of the heroes of the occasion. And it is advisable to invite men to participate. All men are divided into teams with the same number of participants. In front of the men are all beauties whom the teams know by name. At the “start” command, the men together make lists for the participants on their sheets: the name of each girl (woman), and opposite, compliments and flower names starting with the first letter of the girl’s name. For example, Olga is charming, charming, very beautiful, witty; orchid, dandelion, cucumber flower and so on. The main thing is to be smart and creative. Then the teams take turns reading out their compliments and flowers for each participant, and the presenter keeps count, after which they determine the “richest” participant for whom the most compliments and flowers were given based on the results of both the first and second teams. The “richest” girls are awarded prizes, and the women themselves determine the winning team, the men who will receive friendly kisses from each girl.

Who said boxing is a man's business?

For this competition you will need boxing gloves, as well as two glasses and any liquid (water, milk, etc.). Each participant takes turns putting on boxing gloves and, at the leader’s command, pours liquid from one glass to another (empty). The presenter times the time for each participant. A girl who can pour liquid from one glass to another, and even into boxing gloves, for the most short time, will win and receive his prize.

Kiss mark

Each charming participant takes out her lipstick and receives a completely white sheet of paper of the same size. At the “start” command, the participants paint their lips and leave a kiss mark on their paper, then paint their lips again and leave a mark, and paint again and leave a mark. The participant who leaves the most kiss marks on a piece of paper in 1 minute will be the winner.

We pinch the eyebrows

Each participant receives tweezers, which are used to pinch eyebrows and kiwi. At the “start” command, the ladies begin to pluck kiwi “hairs”. The participant who can free the kiwi from hairs (pluck as much as possible) in 2 minutes will be the winner.

Money for shopping

All the ladies are going shopping, but to go shopping, you need to collect money. So, all participants have their hands tied behind them. The presenter scatters money on the floor (printed on a printer and preferably in different bills). At the command “start” the ladies begin to collect money for shopping. Who will ultimately collect a larger amount with tied hands, he will win.

Put shoes on Cinderella

Each participant in this competition will feel like a real Cinderella, and the stronger sex will have to pass the test. So, among the guests they choose two of the most courageous and dexterous handsome princes. All women are divided into equal numbers (team for the first prince and for the second). In advance (before the competition itself) all the women took off their shoes. Each prince receives a bag of shoes (mixed), belonging only to the members of his team. At the “start” command, the princes begin to look closely and try on the shoes of their Cinderellas. The prince who can quickly put on the shoes of all Cinderellas correctly will become the winner and will have the right to congratulate the entire fair sex.

Sweet Bunny

The most common affectionate word that men use to call their beloved women is the word “bunny.” In this competition we will check what kind of bunnies ours are beautiful women. And like real bunnies, they will have to cope with cabbage: both literally and figuratively. So, each participant receives the same number of identical banknotes (printed) and the same head of cabbage. At the “start” command, the bunnies must be the fastest to count the paper “cabbage” - money and sort the cabbage into separate sheets. Whoever can do it the fastest, correctly name the amount of money, and most accurately separate the cabbage into sheets, will win.