Why do you dream about lipstick? What does lipstick mean in a dream according to interpretations of dream books

Lipstick according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Lipstick - Applying, smearing - a strong surprise. Lipstick - Applying, smearing blush is a great surprise. Lipstick – Choose to prepare to seduce someone. Smearing lips is self-affirmation. Your actions are driven by an “inferiority complex.” To paint your lips with lipstick – Seduction, to bring beauty, attractiveness.

Different lipsticks in a dream - For secret kisses. Lipstick - If a woman dreamed that she had lost her lipstick, then in reality she would have to experience disappointment and loneliness - and it would all be to blame own complexes and whims.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Cosmetics (according to the Everyday Dream Book)

Seeing lipstick is a symbol of some kind of secret. For example, if a woman dreams of the lipstick she uses to paint her lips, then in reality she never opens up completely, even to her close people, realizing that there must always be some kind of mystery in a woman, and forgetting that only sincerity can really attract. If in a dream the lipstick is bright red, then this woman is not confident in herself and is trying to distract attention from her own complexes with not entirely suitable means.

Lipstick - If you dream that you are buying cheap lipstick at the market, then in reality the people around you often catch you in a lie - you are always trying to seem like someone you really are not. If a man dreams that he is buying lipstick as a gift, it means that he expects that the relationship with his beloved will soon move to a new stage (for example, he is preparing to propose to her).

Interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell

Lipstick - To dream that you can’t choose the right shade of lipstick in a store means indecisiveness in love affairs; you are not a risky woman. Lipstick is your attraction to a guy that you want to hide. To see lipstick in a dream means someone will want to seduce you. Lipstick - to buy lipstick - someone will want to seduce you with deceitful words. They give you lipstick - someone new will appear in your company in whom you will be interested.

Dreamed of Lipstick - A young woman dreams that she has a wide variety of lipstick in front of her and it is difficult to choose the most suitable one - the dream promises this woman the widest opportunities in life; there will be many tempting prospects, from which you still have to choose one. A woman dreams that her lipstick has dried out - due to inattention and forgetfulness, this woman will soon find herself in an awkward position.

What does sleeping with Lipstick mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream of buying lipstick in a store - it means meeting a young man.

If in the summer you dreamed that you couldn’t find the right lipstick tone for yourself, be picky about young people.

In the fall, why did you dream of lipstick - for a date.

In winter, why dream of painting your lips with lipstick in a dream means illness.

This dream has several interpretations. Usually, scarlet color on the lips, like fashionable berry shades, has been associated from time immemorial with feminine nature, sexuality, and later, when makeup was completely prohibited, with women of easy virtue who used scarlet shades of lipstick to attract male attention.

Therefore, in the subconscious, genetic memory, the color of blood on the lips has always been perceived as a sign of emancipation, the need for male attention, sex or bitchy behavior, but the attitude towards these facts is different people may not be the same. It all depends on your age, aspirations and desires, as well as your attitude towards sexual provocations and defiant behavior.

The dream book does not interpret dreams that occur during the period when you are thinking about whether to buy strawberry-colored lipstick or pencil or not. As a rule, in such stories you are simply trying on a fashionable image and want to look different than on at the moment.

Sometimes the dream book writes that a woman subconsciously strives for maturity or more relaxed behavior than at the moment. However modern books according to the interpretation of dreams, they do not interpret night scenes in which you simply try on yourself new image or you see her as a model.

Much more information about the future is conveyed by an incident in a dream when red lipstick appears unexpectedly in a dream. Or you see it on your acquaintances, girlfriends or relatives. Here the dream book gives a lot of different interpretations. This is what red lipstick often means in dreams of different people and under different circumstances.

On yourself, in your own home or cosmetic bag

Why does a girl dream of seeing herself in a dream with bright red lips? If she is still innocent, then such a dream means that she will soon decide to try on the role of a seductress, a stripper from a nearby bar, or simply a bright and relaxed person.

This is a subconscious desire for maturity, the development of true sexuality, or the fear of appearing too inexperienced in matters of love and naive. The dream book writes that upcoming events depend on the shade of lipstick.

Red, bright, close to a tomato or coral shade of lips means expressed feelings, loss and pain. This shade is more typical of mature women over 40.

If a young girl tries on this lip color, then the dream book writes that she may regret what she said. In some situations, a dream predicts illness, an inflammatory disease with high fever.

Cl asian red color in a dream means the desire for sexuality, openness of desires, challenge. especially if the lipstick in your dream has a noble texture, fashionable this season.

Noble ruby ​​shades with a cool blue undertone are dreamed of as a sign that you will soon fall in love or show your acting or artistic talents. This is most often the favorite color of artists, as it looks great on stage.

Seeing it on another girl, a friend, is a sign that she has subtle charm and it will be very difficult to compete with her to please the man you love. Most likely, she knows many secrets of seduction that you should also learn.

Lipstick class A typical red hue on a modest person means that you will soon learn a lot of interesting things about the secrets of her personal life or she will find herself at the center of some scandal. Sometimes such a dream means that you will hear something harsh from her.
and very offensive.

Dark, rich wine shades of lips in a dream are seen as a sign of maturity and a desire for warmth, comfort, and relaxedness in love. They are usually chosen by mature people who have been through a lot and have already decided on their desires.

What does it mean to see them on the lips of a friend or acquaintance in a dream? This woman is experiencing unhappy love or disappointment and cannot find what she needs in her life. The dream book interprets this shade of lips on oneself as a way out of depression, worries and the acquisition of wisdom.

But if lips in a dream frightened you and resembled blood, then modern books write that you are in danger, injury or trouble. Try to be careful.

The same thing means a dream in which you see such lips on another person. Very often, such a plot means that you will have to pay severely for your own rash words.

What does it mean Is there a dream in which you found someone else’s lipstick on your husband or chosen one in a dream? The dream book writes that such a dream means a scandal due to jealousy. Or proof of betrayal if there was lipstick on his clothes or traces of lipstick on his body.

If your husband or lover finds red lipstick on you and makes a scene of jealousy, this will happen in reality. Try to improve the relationship or hide what could destroy it.

Makeup has long been an integral part of female image. This is not only a means to improve appearance, but also a way of expressing various emotions. It is not surprising that painting lips in a dream is just as natural for most representatives of the fair sex as in reality. “I paint my lips in a dream: what does it mean?” - this question interests many ladies. The time has come to lift the veil on the secret.

Makeup has long become an integral part of a woman's image.

Painting lips in a dream: general interpretations in Magini’s dream book, Esoteric dream book and Vanga’s dream book

  • Dream Interpretation Magini interprets the meaning of a dream in which you paint your lips as a manifestation of sensuality, increased interest in opposite sex and a certain amount of adventurism.
  • Esoteric dream book explains the appearance of such dreams by a lack of attention on the part of men.

Magini's dream book interprets the meaning of a dream in which you paint your lips as a manifestation of sensuality

According to Vanga's dream book a series of temptations awaits the dreamer, which she will not be able to resist and will begin to hide the truth from her partner.

Lips in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream about lipstick: red, pink, turquoise, black, bright

Red lipstick, used by a woman who has never used this color before, is a symbol of understatement in a relationship. Partners treat each other with distrust, keep silent not only about something important, but are secretive even in small things.

  • Pale pink is a sign that in the dreamer’s life she will soon meet a person who will become her close friend or husband. Such a union will not bring burning passion; it will be based on friendly feelings and mutual respect.
  • Deep purple - wise, well-thought-out decisions.
  • Pomade peach color dreams that you will be invited to friendly party, have a lot of fun and make some new acquaintances.
  • Colorless is a symbol of timidity and self-doubt. It could be about a new team in which you feel out of place, or about a relationship in which your partner suppresses you with his self-confidence.
  • Blood red - conflicts with relatives, inability to be heard by loved ones.
  • Brown – old age of mind, burden negative emotions, such serious problems in the past that even after many years they block the slightest manifestation of joy.
  • Black color is a sign that you have stopped contenting yourself with the role of a timid mouse and have taken the situation into your own hands.
  • Turquoise - the dreamer is distinguished by originality of thinking and a non-standard approach to solving the most simple tasks. You are not looking for easy ways, but those around you are incredibly interested.

Red lipstick, used by a woman who has never used this color before, is a symbol of understatement in a relationship.

Too bright, “acid” shade of lipstick - you will want to arouse feelings of jealousy in your partner, but instead it will happen that you will be jealous, and not at all of the one whom you considered your rival.

Buying, choosing or stealing lipstick in a dream

Choose lipstick

Choosing lipstick means the emergence of new relationships in the dreamer’s life.

  • Choose a light one with a slight shine - you have to good week, everything planned will easily come true.
  • If you chose purple, which spoils your appearance, your actions will cause censure from friends and misunderstanding from your partner.
  • The lipstick you tried suddenly broke - your plans are not destined to come true.

Choosing a light lipstick with a slight shine in a dream means a successful week ahead, all your plans will easily come true

You try lipstick, and it suddenly rips your palm open - a scandal with your family over a mere trifle. Such a dream can be interpreted as a severance of family ties, hostility from loved ones. Sometimes it is interpreted as the interference of someone else’s evil will in warm family relationships.

Buy lipstick

This is a dream. In such a dream, the color of lipstick is important.

  • Pink - best friend is looking for a groom for you.
  • Red – romantic acquaintance.
  • Cherry - you will marry out of spite ex-lover, but you won’t find happiness.
  • Burgundy – family life in prosperity and harmony with the spouse and his relatives.
  • Blackberry - you are one of those inhabitants of the quiet pool that gossips love to gossip about. This time too, you will not disappoint them by putting on a show with breaking dishes and rivers of tears shed because your beloved will accuse you of immodesty.

Velvety black - another one awaits you happy marriage, not the first and not the last. In a few days you will part with your beloved husband to plunge into the whirlpool of a new relationship.

Steal lipstick

  • To steal the one you like is to achieve your goal through all sorts of tricks.
  • Pulling the scarlet lipstick from under the nose of a friend standing next to you means stealing her groom away on her wedding day.

Steal the lipstick you like - achieve your goal through all sorts of tricks

Snatch something you like from the hands of an unfamiliar customer decorative means- to beat off someone else's lover.

Why do you dream about painted lips: 15 meanings

  1. If a man dreamed of his girlfriend, whose lips were covered with dull purple or brown shades, - she experiences strong dissatisfaction with her partner, but tries to keep her emotions in check.
  2. If a woman in a dream constantly touches up her lipstick that has spread, in reality she will achieve what she wants at the cost of numerous moral sacrifices.
  3. Outlining the contours of the lips with a pencil to match the lipstick, applying lipstick carefully, with precise smooth movements - a strong marriage for life, in which the interests of the partner come first.
  4. Taking lipstick out of the tube with your fingertip means you are trying to keep the man from last bit of strength, but these attempts will lead to a final break.
  5. Painting your lips with red lipstick using a match, while on the last stroke the head flares up and your lips begin to burn - your talkativeness will play a cruel joke on you, you will find yourself in the center of a conflict provoked by you, and you will be forced to make excuses and ask for forgiveness from both sides.
  6. Thin lips covered with pink lipstick with a pearlescent sheen - a climb awaits you. career ladder. Some interpreters claim that such a dream foreshadows moving to another country and learning one or more foreign languages.
  7. Thick, carelessly painted lips are a sign of the dreamer’s neglect of her health. Such a dream could mean problems with the liver, kidneys or bladder.
  8. Overly large lips with shiny lipstick in dark shades - wealth, honor, connections in the highest circles of society. Sometimes - flattery from subordinates, insincere relationships.
  9. Plump lips with bright fuchsia or cyclamen lipstick means parting with your loved one is your fault.
  10. Dry, cracked, bleeding lips with traces of black lipstick - love has left your life; A divorce awaits you, which will bring a lot of tears.
  11. Burnt lips covered with silver lipstick are a secret suffering that literally “incinerates” your soul.
  12. If you dreamed of a man with sensual lips painted in dark blue lipstick, this means the appearance of a stranger who is about to play fatal role in your destiny.
  13. An unfamiliar elderly man, on whose lips you see a slight shine, is the patronage of a high-ranking person who has a fatherly sympathy for you.
  14. Seeing lips painted with white lipstick in a dream means hearing news about a good friend that will destroy your idea of ​​him.
  15. Smiling lips with dark green lipstick - you are about to communicate with a special person who has powerful psychic abilities. Occasionally - help higher powers in a hopeless situation.

This article addresses the issue of interpreting dreams about lipstick, and also discusses questions that are difficult to find answers to on other sites of Russian dream books.

Why do you dream about lipstick and paint your lips with it or buy or choose it as a gift in a store?

Lipstick for changes. If you paint your lips, you shouldn’t assert yourself at the expense of others. Buying lipstick means there is no need to rush into a love relationship. Choose as a gift for a new relationship.

In a dream, pink lipstick on the lips, black, bright red, burgundy, cherry

Pink lipstick for flirting. Black lipstick for worries. Bright red lipstick for events after which new experiences will appear. Burgundy lipstick is a disappointment. Cherry lipstick for tears.

Why does a woman dream of lipstick in a dream?

Soon you will have to reconsider your priorities.

Lipstick in a dream Miller's dream book

Stealth. A mask that creates the effect of composure.

What does red lipstick mean in a dream, I also dreamed about powder

Red lipstick with good life experience.

Powder for lightness.

Why do you dream of lipstick on someone else’s lips, the man’s face is smeared?

Lipstick on someone else's lips means offense.

A man has lipstick smeared all over his face to indicate unusual situations.

Why do you dream about lipstick according to Freud?

Such a dream means that your man is not happy with you.

Dream interpretation lipstick and lip gloss

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Why do you dream about lipstick?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Lipstick in a dream is a sign of false feelings.

Seeing someone's lips painted on in a dream is a sign that you should not trust that person's feelings.

Strangers with painted lips suggest that some not very serious deception can distract you and somehow interfere with your plans.

Painting your lips yourself means that you are insincere in your feelings.

Getting dirty with lipstick is a sign that your insincerity is in love relationships In the end it may backfire on you.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Lipstick - for a secret romantic date with a married man.

Using lipstick means lip disease.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Spring dream book

Lipstick - for a date.

Lipstick - for secret kisses.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Summer dream book

If in a dream you just can’t choose the right lipstick tone for yourself, be picky towards young people.

If you dream that you can’t choose the right shade of lipstick in a store, this means indecisiveness in love affairs; you are not a risky woman.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Autumn dream book

Buying lipstick in a store means meeting a young man.

Painting your lips in a dream means illness.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Painting your lips with lipstick in a dream means that you will be tempted into intimacy by a man who you don’t like, but who can do a lot for your career and well-being.

Bright scarlet lipstick foreshadows sexual problems for married people, and for unmarried people it indicates the correctness of their solution, foreshadowing love and respect from the future husband.

Pearlescent, shimmering lipstick means that soon you will have to repent of your own indiscretion, which will cause an accident. Pale, calm-colored lipstick portends disappointment from a gift that is not at all to your taste.

Buying lipstick in a dream - in reality you will be flattered, but you will be able to discern insincerity and envy behind the external disposition. A dream in which you are given lipstick means that you will soon be invited to a new society, where you will meet interesting person who will immediately show you his love, and you will reciprocate.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Esoteric dream book

Choosing lipstick means preparing to seduce someone.

Smearing your lips is self-affirmation. Your actions are driven by an “inferiority complex.”

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Applying lipstick, smearing it - a great surprise.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Everyday dream book

Seeing lipstick in a dream is a symbol of some kind of secret.

For example, if a woman dreams of the lipstick she uses to paint her lips, then in real life she never opens up completely, even to her close people, realizing that there must always be some kind of mystery in a woman, and forgetting that only sincerity can be truly attractive.

If in a dream the lipstick is bright red, then most likely this woman is not confident in herself and is trying to divert attention from her own complexities with not entirely suitable means.

Lipstick - If you dreamed that you were buying cheap lipstick at the market, then in real life the people around you often catch you in a lie - you are always trying to seem like someone you really are not.

If a man dreams that he is buying lipstick as a gift, it means that he expects that the relationship with his beloved will soon move to a new stage (for example, he is preparing to propose to her).

Lipstick - If a woman dreamed that she had lost her lipstick, then in reality she would have to experience disappointment and loneliness - and the fault would be her own complexes and whims.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Big dream book

Lipstick – Applying, smearing blush is a great surprise.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Lipstick - A young woman dreams that she has a wide variety of lipstick in front of her and it is difficult to choose the most suitable one - the dream promises this woman the widest opportunities in life; there will be many tempting prospects, from which you still have to choose one. A woman dreams that her lipstick has dried out - due to inattention and forgetfulness, this woman will soon find herself in an awkward position.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Online dream book

Why do you dream about lipstick? This item symbolizes your attraction to someone, which you prefer to hide.

Painting her lips is a sign that someone has decided to seduce you.

If you dreamed that they bought it, this is a warning that they will want to seduce you with beautiful speeches.

Receiving it as a gift is a hint that in the company of friends someone new may appear for you who will interest you.

The dream in which you buy lipstick warns of some misunderstandings and minor conflicts with your chosen one that will flare up due to your claims against him.

You use scarlet glitter - very soon you will meet a person with whom you will be very happy. whirlwind romance, the relationship will be full of passion and romance.

If a woman dreams that she is applying lipstick, this is a sure sign that she will have a future career growth and rapid enrichment, but for this she will need to give her love to someone who is not at all dear to her.

If it is bright scarlet, it is good sign changes for the better, achieving what you want and, as a result, complete satisfaction with your destiny. Now you need to enjoy life, conceive grandiose projects, and at the same time you need to stay away from everything that can bring trouble to you.

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Universal dream book

When you want to emphasize something, you try to draw attention to it. Does lipstick symbolize the desire to pay attention to your words? Do you feel more attractive when you wear lipstick? Who do you want to attract and why? Do you want to emphasize your sexuality, or is it just an element of makeup?

Why do you dream about lipstick?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

If a woman paints her lips in a dream, in reality she will experience great surprise from some news. Another meaning: it is possible for her to have intimate intimacy with a person who can help her in her career, money or in other life circumstances, but will be completely uninteresting to her as a sexual partner.