Interesting questions about the captain's daughter. Thematic quiz based on the work of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Literature lesson in 8th grade

Lesson - quiz based on the story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter».


    Deepen your understanding of the ideological and artistic richness of the story;

    Develop text analysis skills.

Lesson type: generalization lesson with game elements.

Methods: teacher's word, conversation, testing.

Equipment: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, illustrations for the story “The Captain's Daughter”.


“In “The Captain's Daughter” everything is not only the truth, but even, as it were, better than it.”

(N.V. Gogol)


    Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature: 8th grade. – M.: VAKO, 2007.

    Meshcheryakova M.I. Literature in tables and diagrams. – M.: Rolf, 2001.

During the classes

I. Org. moment.

II. Teacher's opening speech.

So, we read Pushkin’s last great work, which was completed on October 19, 1836. This day just happened to be the solemn twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Lyceum - the last one at which Pushkin was present.

And we look with special attention at the last poems and letters, looking for the hidden meaning in them. And in this regard, “The Captain's Daughter” is an amazing work.

Who found the book difficult? Simple? And is everything as simple in the novel as it seems at first glance?

Our task is to unravel some of the mysteries of “The Captain’s Daughter”, the mysteries of human life, the stories that Pushkin reflected on at the end of his career.

III. Quiz.

Let's remember the pages of the novel.

1. The name of Grinev’s father? (Andrey Petrovich.)

2. Served under Count... (Minikha).

3. How many serfs did Grinev’s father have and in what province was his village? (Three hundred serfs; in the Sumbirsk province.)

4. My son was given the title of uncle... (swift Savelich).

5. Petrusha learned to read and write... (in the twelfth year).

6. …. and could judge very sensibly... (properties of a greyhound male).

7. Was Frenchman hired... (Monsieur Beaupré).

8. ...who was in his fatherland... (hairdresser).

9. ... in Prussia... (soldier).

10. ... and then came to Russia to... (become a teacher without really understanding the meaning of this word).

11. Father entered the lesson... (geography).

12. At this time Grinev... (adjusted his bast tail to the Cape of Good Hope).

13. And Beaupre... (slept on the bed in the sleep of innocence).

14. Continue: “Petrusha will not go to St. Petersburg. What will he learn while serving in St. Petersburg?..” (To hang around and hang out? No, let him serve in the army... let him smell gunpowder, let him be a soldier, not a shamaton.)

15. Shamaton is... (loafer, slacker).

16. Captain Mironov and his wife were the most... (honorable ones).

17. Ivan Kuzmich became an officer from... (soldier's children)

18. He was uneducated and simple, but the most... (an honest and kind person).

19. In Marya Ivanovna “I found...” (a sensible and sensitive girl).

20. Shvabrin said to Grinev: “If you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of poems, give her...” (a pair of earrings).

21. What did Shvabrin answer to Grinev’s question: “Why do you have such an opinion about her?” (“I know from experience her character and customs.”)

22. How did Grinev answer? (“You’re lying, you bastard, you’re lying in the most shameless way!”)

23. Later he will say: “Instead of rude and obscene mockery, I saw in his vile words...” ( O deliberate slander).

24. “I must say a few words about the situation in which the Orenburg province was at the end of ... the year.” (1773 G.)

25. For some time, the Yaik Cossacks “were for the government...” (restless and dangerous subjects).

26.The pacification of the riot followed... (buckshot and cruel punishments).

27. General R. wrote: “I inform you that the Don Cossack who escaped from under guard ...” (Emelyan Pugachev).

28 ...committed unforgivable insolence. (By taking on the name of the late Emperor Peter III.)

29. Finish the words of Ivan Kuzmich on the day of the attack: “Why are you guys standing there?.. To die like this:...” (Service business.)

30. Who “sat under the icons in a red caftan...”? (Pugachev.)

31. “A frail and hunched old man with a gray beard and a blue ribbon over his shoulder.” (Corporal Beloborodov.)

32. “Tall, broad-shouldered, with gray sparkling eyes... a nose without nostrils.” (Afanasy SokolovKhlopusha).

33. “A Bashkir was captured with...” (outrageous sheets).

34. “I looked at him and shuddered... He seemed to be seventy years old. He didn't have..." (no nose, no ears).

35. “But his narrow eyes are still...” (glimmered with fire).

36. “Yulai took the whip and swung it,” then the Bashkir groaned in a weak, pleading voice and, nodding his head, opened his mouth... (in which, instead of a tongue, a short stump moved

IV. Test.

    The narration in “The Captain's Daughter” is told from the perspective of:

b) narrator;

c) Masha Mironova;

d) Peter Grinev;

a) compositions;

b) epigraphs;

d) choosing a hero.

    Which historical figures mentioned in the story?

a) Frederick II;

b) Count Minich;

c) Grigory Orlov;

d) Catherine I;

e) Elizabeth I;

f) Catherine II.

4. Name artistic techniques, which Pushkin used to create the image of Pugachev.

b) portrait;

c) epigraphs;

d) speech characteristics;

e) the attitude of other characters;

e) plug-in elements.

5. What is the meaning of the title of the story? Masha Mironova -...

a) the only one female character stories;

b) is in the center of the plot;

c) a bearer of high morality and honor;

d) the daughter of a deceased Russian officer.

6. Correlate the elements of the composition and the elements of the development of the love plot.

a) exposure

b) beginning

c) climax

d) denouement

    scene of the duel with Shvabrin, letter from father,

    Grinev's release, marriage to Masha,

    Petrusha's childhood on the family estate,

    Grinev's acquaintance with the main character stories.

7. For what purpose is Grinev’s dream introduced into the story?

a) characterizes Grinev;

b) foreshadows the development of relations between two characters;

c) characterizes Pugachev;

d) emphasizes Pugachev’s bloodthirstiness.

8. Who owns the statement “God forbid you see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless...”?

b) Catherine II;

c) Savelich;

9. Match pairs of heroes whose characteristics are based on the principle of antithesis.

a) Pugachev; 1) Orenburg generals;

b) Shvabrin; 2) Catherine II;

c) Pugachev’s “generals”; 3) Grinev.

10. What folklore genres uses A.S. Pushkin to create the image of Pugachev?

a) epics;

b) riddles;

c) fairy tales;

d) songs;

e) proverbs, sayings;

11. Which chapter is preceded by an epigraph:

“At that time the lion was well-fed, even though he has been ferocious since birth.

“Why did you deign to welcome me to my den?” -

he asked affectionately.” (A. Sumarokov).

a) “Court”;

b) “Arrest”;

c) “Attack”;

d) “Uninvited Guest”;

e) "Rebel settlement".

    What is the main problem of the story “The Captain's Daughter”?

a) the problem of love;

b) the problem of honor, duty and mercy;

c) the problem of the role of the people in the development of society;

d) the problem of comparing the clan and service nobility.

    How is Savelich shown in the story?

a) downtrodden, voiceless serfs;

b) obedient, slavishly devoted to their masters;

c) deep, endowed with a sense of self-esteem;

d) a loving, faithful, selfless, caring assistant and advisor.

14. Mark the correct judgment. Literary character is...

a) the image of a specific person, in which the typical features of the time are expressed through individual qualities;

b) artistic image person;

c) personal traits inherent in the hero.

15. What symbolic images are used by A.S. Pushkin in the story “The Captain's Daughter”?

a) way, road;

b) grave;

c) storm, blizzard;

d) eagle, raven;

d) dagger;

e) gallows.

16. What features of the Russian national character are shown by A.S. Pushkin in the image of Pugachev?

a) intelligence, sharpness;

b) laziness, inactivity;

c) daring, generous nature;

d) tendency to drink;

d) memory of goodness, gratitude.

17. Whose portrait is this? “She was in a white morning dress, a nightcap and a shower jacket. She seemed to be about forty years old. Her face, plump and rosy, expressed importance and calmness, and Blue eyes and the light smile had an inexplicable charm..."

a) Maria Mironova;

b) Vasilisa Egorovna; c) Catherine II;

d) Avdotya Vasilievna.

18. At the military council in Orenburg, it was decided to act:

a) offensively;

b) by bribery;

c) defensively.

19. “His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression. The hair was cut into a circle” - this is a portrait:

a) Grinev;

b) Pugacheva;

c) Mop.

20. Which of the heroes of the work amazes the reader with mysterious strength, ingenuity, poetry of struggle and courage.

a) Pugachev;

b) captain Mironov;

c) Grinev.

^ Key to the test: 1-g; 2-b, c, d; 3-a, b, f; 4-a; 5-b, c, d; 6 – a-3, b-4, c-1, d-2; 7-b, c; 8-g; 9 – a-2, b-3, c-1; 10-c, d, d; 11-d; 12-b; 13-g; 14-a; 15-a, c, d, f; 16-a, c, d; 17-v; 18-b; 19-b; 20-a.

V. Conclusions from the lesson.

The novel by A.S. Pushkin is outwardly simple - like our life. Pushkin helps to understand behind the external, everyday face of life - the humane, wise essence of current events, to solve life’s riddles.

The mysteries of the novel are the mysteries of life that the writer teaches us to see and understand.

D/z. Individual task: prepare a report on the topics “Biography of M.Yu. Lermontov”, “History of the creation of the poem “Mtsyri”.

1) Quiz based on the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

1. For the first time, Grinev saw Captain Mironov teaching soldiers. What was the commandant wearing?

2. What was the name of the main character's father?

3. Who was Monsieur Beaupre in “his fatherland”, who taught Petrusha French, German and “all sciences”?

4. Under whose supervision main character learned Russian literacy? (Savelich)

5. Throughout the story, Savelich cries only once. When exactly?

6. What was the weather like during the first meeting between Grinev and Pugachev?

7. Why did you get into service in Belogorsk fortress Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin?

8. Who distracted Grinev during the duel?

9. For what merits of the stirrup Savelich received a “promotion”, becoming a guy?

10. Why did the priest drive Beaupre out of the yard?

11. What name did Pugachev take?

12. Whom did Pugachev appoint as the new commandant of the fortress?

13. How did Peter Grinev thank the counselor?

14. How many years did Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna live in the fortress?

15.Where did the father send his son, Pyotr Grinev, to serve?

16. What did Pyotr Grinev do to save Masha from Shvabrin?

17. What did Shvabrin do when Pugachev found out that he was deceiving him?

18. What was the reason for the duel between Grinev and Shvabrin?

19. Where and when did Marya Ivanovna meet Empress Elizabeth 2?

20. How much did Petr Grinev lose to Ivan Ivanovich Zurin and in what game?

21. Under what circumstances did Grinev see Pugachev in last time?

22. What did Pugachev grant to Grinev before he left for Orenburg?

23. Where did Grinev offer Marya Ivanovna to take refuge after her release?

24. How did Grinev’s parents receive Marya Ivanovna?

25. Why did Marya Ivanovna leave for St. Petersburg?

26. What answer did Pyotr Grinev receive from his father to his request to bless him for his marriage to Marya Ivanovna Mironova?

27. Who reported on Grinev?

28. Where did the Publisher receive the manuscript of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev?

For a grade of “3”, answer 17-18 questions.

For a grade of “4” - answer 19-22 questions.

For a grade of “5” - answer 23-28 questions.

2) Who am I?

Questions and assignments.

According to the description, you are a man of “remarkable appearance: about forty years old, average height, thin and broad-shouldered.” Your face “had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression.” Do you recognize yourself? Introduce yourself. (Counselor, E. Pugachev, “The Captain’s Daughter”; Chapter II, p. 240).

You are a person of about forty, the owner of “ nice voice, but powerful.” Your face is “full and ruddy, expressing importance and calmness, and your blue eyes and light smile had an inexplicable charm.” Identify yourself. (Empress Catherine; Chapter XIV, p. 315).

Which Russian folk song does Pushkin use twice in his works? (“Don’t make noise, mother, green oak tree…”: “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter”).

You are a sergeant of the Semenovsky regiment, you were brought up at home under the supervision of an uncle, so you knew “Russian literacy and could judge (very sensibly) the properties of a greyhound dog.” You were sent to serve in the Yaik steppes. Introduce yourself. (Peter Andreevich Grinev).

You are “a young officer of short stature with a dark and distinctly ugly face, but extremely lively.” Introduce yourself. (Shvabrin Alexey Ivanovich).

You are about eighteen years old, a girl of marriageable age, you are chubby, ruddy, very modest, timid. Who you are? (Maria Ivanovna Mironova).

  1. Why do you think the story dedicated to the popular uprising is called “The Captain's Daughter”?
  2. The author had to reckon with censorship. The title of the work is an attempt (and a very successful one!) to veil the political content, the author’s sympathetic attitude towards the rebels and their leader, to present the story as a socio-psychological work, a love story, especially since in the development of the action the image of Masha Mironova, the captain’s daughter, plays a very important role large, including an independent role. And the vigilance of the censorship should have been deceived by such an emphatically peaceful, everyday, apolitical name. And so it happened.

  3. Why do you think the author needed a second narrator?
  4. Partially for the same reason (to avoid censorship persecution). It is not the author who talks about Pugachev with great sympathy, but a certain P. A. Grinev, with whom one may not agree, especially since before us is the story of his life, his (Grinev’s), and not the author’s, view of the uprising.

    However, the writer puts the characters in situations that allow the reader to independently (of course, with the help of the author!) evaluate their behavior, human qualities, causes and consequences of what is shown. Thus, a short episode of the interrogation of a captured Bashkir, revealing the inhumanity and cruelty of the tsarist servants in suppressing the rebellions, placed before the story of the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by the Pugachevites, explains the reason for the cruelty of the rebels and encourages us to understand them.

    This means that both narrators are needed, allowing you to see events and characters from different sides, helping to correctly evaluate what is being told.

  5. How did Grinev and Shvabrin perform in the “Duel” chapter?
  6. The chapter “Duel” depicts a duel between two heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin. The reason for the duel was rude remarks

    Shvabrina about Masha. In this chapter, the real reason for Shvabrin’s attitude towards Masha was revealed: he wooed her, but was refused. In this story, all his negative qualities are manifested: deceit, vindictiveness, even meanness, because he wounds Grinev at the moment when Savelich distracted him.

    Grinev showed excessive ardor and temper, which can be explained by his youth and the fact that he is truly in love with Marya Ivanovna. In addition, we learned that Grinev is a sensitive person, as he writes poetry in which he expresses his feelings.

    Pushkin again showed an ironic attitude towards events, placing lines from Knyazhnin’s comedy as the epigraph to this chapter.

  7. What new did you learn about Grinev and Shvabrin? What character traits began to appear in Grinev?
  8. We learned that Shvabrin is a man who achieves his goals through low, even vile, means. He perceived the girl’s refusal as an insult that he could not forgive. He is cunning, even cruel in his behavior.

    Grinev also revealed a new side to the readers: he fearlessly defends the honor of Marya Ivanovna. This was the only way to resolve this conflict, because a peaceful path was excluded. In this situation, Pyotr Grinev acted like a real man.

  9. Explain the reasons why the story received its title.
  10. The story was called “The Captain's Daughter” because all the most striking events in the life of the hero - the narrator Pyotr Grinev - were connected with his love for Masha Mironova - the daughter of the captain who died heroically during the Pugachev uprising.

  11. Briefly retell the events of the exposition in a story.
  12. We offer one of the retelling options, which will include the content of the first chapters.

    “Petrusha Grinev reached the age of sixteen and his father decided to send him to the service. At the same time, he is convinced that service should begin not in the capital, but in more difficult conditions, and sends his son to Orenburg.

    Along the way, Peter immediately encounters real difficulties. This is the loss of a large sum to Zurin, and a snowstorm in the steppe, and disappointment at the sight of the place of his service - the Belogorsk fortress.”

    So all the circumstances of the story lined up before the reader: both its heroes and all the conditions in which events had already begun to unfold.

  13. Describe the most intense moments of the story. In which storyline more moments like this?
  14. The storyline that tells about the relationship between Grinev and Pugachev is still less tense and dramatic than the line that connects Grinev and Masha Mironova. It is in this love story we see the most intense and dramatic moments.

  15. What signs of a historical story do you see in the composition of this work?
  16. Pushkin’s story is historical because it bears all the signs of this genre: genuine historical heroes, it describes specific and actually occurring historical events, in it even fictional characters and circumstances are completely subordinated to the conditions and requirements of the era. The elements of the composition reflect the strength and brightness of real events.

  17. Explain the meaning of the epigraph to any of the chapters of the story.
  18. You can write out all the epigraphs of the story, starting with the one that precedes the entire story: “Take care of your honor from a young age.” By writing out (or reading aloud) epigraphs, we are convinced that some chapters are even preceded by two epigraphs. These are Chapter III and V. If you carefully re-read these epigraphs, it will become obvious that they were taken either from works of oral folk art, or from the works of Russian writers of the 18th century. These are works by V. Ya. Knyazhnin (three epigraphs), M. M. Kheraskov (two epigraphs), D. I. Fon-vizin, A. P. Sumarokov.

    See the answer to question 4 in Chapter I.

  19. Which chapter, as you read, seemed to contain the most proverbs and sayings? Analyze their role.
  20. Almost every chapter of the story contains proverbs. You can dwell on the proverb, which is the epigraph of the last XIV chapter. Aphorism “Worldly rumor - sea ​​wave“speaks both of the breadth and inconstancy of the judgments of people around us on any issue. At the same time, to anyone who begins to think about this topic, it is obvious that there is an abundance of various and often contradictory judgments. The author of The Captain's Daughter is an optimist. In the particular case that he described, human rumor did not destroy the hero’s honor. Truth and justice have triumphed, although the epigraph does not say so, and the epigraph does not tell us this.

    We can also follow the role of proverbs in the speech of the heroes of the story. For example, they greatly embellish Savelich’s speech and are noticeable in Vasilisa Yegorovna’s lively and vivid speech.

  21. Which of portrait descriptions Do you remember the characters in the story? Try creating a word portrait.
  22. Most memorable verbal portrait Emelyan Pugacheva. The author addresses him more than once and therefore it is worth recreating his portrait, especially since the table in the textbook offers a selection of quotes that paint a portrait of this hero. Let us recall the beginning (Chapter II): “His appearance seemed remarkable to me: he was about forty years old...” Let us pay attention to the fact that Grinev so far sees in him only a counselor-guide, a man who helped him get out of the confusion blizzard In Chapter VII, Grinev faces a formidable rebel. Both on horseback and in a chair on the porch of the commandant’s house, this is not a leader, but a leader, the leader of the uprising. And in this chapter, and in chapters VIII, XI, Pushkin again and again notes the details of the portrait of Pugachev. And among them the main one is his sparkling eyes, his tense pose, full of readiness for action.

    In this story it is worth using historical portraits Pugachev, especially the one that was drawn on the half-washed portrait of Catherine II.

  23. Try to create two miniature portraits of Pugachev: one through the eyes of Grinev, and the other through the eyes of Savelich.
  24. One portrait will be a repetition of the one in the answer to question 7. The second portrait is a description of the villain, whom the devoted servant Savelich is afraid of, does not love, and from whom he expects all sorts of trouble. He does not consider the details, does not evaluate his impressions, but unconditionally condemns this person. However, we note that it was he, and not Petrusha Grinev, who immediately identified the man who saved them as the formidable leader of the uprising (“Have you forgotten that drunkard who lured your sheepskin coat from you at the inn?”). For Savelich, Pugachev is a drunkard, a villain, an ataman, a bro.

  25. How do you understand the word “imposter”? Why did the leader of the popular uprising pretend to be Tsar Peter III? Is there an answer to this question in the story?
  26. In the 18th century, only the person whom the people considered “God’s anointed,” a person whose family had a divinely sanctified right to power, could lay claim to seize power. Therefore, everyone who raised their hand to power presented themselves as miraculously saved rulers. Not long ago, Catherine II’s husband, Peter III, died. It was Pugachev who applied for his place.

    Pugachev’s associates spoke about this. A conversation on this topic took place between Grinev and the impostor on the way to the Belogorsk fortress (Chapter XI).

  27. Evaluate the historical anecdote that V.I. Dal told Pushkin: “...The scarecrow, having burst into Berdy, where frightened people had gathered in the church and on the porch, also entered the church. The people parted in fear, bowed, and fell on their faces. Having accepted important view, Pugach walked straight into the altar, sat down on the church throne and said out loud: “It’s been a long time since I sat on the throne!” In his peasant ignorance, he imagined that the church throne was the royal seat.” Pushkin did not include this episode in the story. Are there other episodes in it that show that we have before us a simple and even illiterate Cossack?
  28. The story more than once says that Pugachev is a simple Cossack. It is especially funny that this ruler, having received a list of things that his robbers had plundered from the old serf Savelich, could not read it. He got out of the situation by forcing the constable to read this list, but the situation itself is quite funny: a king who cannot read what his slave wrote.

  29. Prepare a report on how Pushkin portrayed Pugachev, the leader of the popular uprising. Was he able to show what features of this unusual personality contributed to the long-term success of the rebels?
  30. In the story “The Captain's Daughter” the reader is confronted with an impostor who took advantage of the situation that had arisen in those parts. The author's attitude towards rebellion as a senseless and merciless phenomenon is clearly visible. However, Pushkin was able to discern those qualities that made Pugachev a people's leader: his intelligence, insight, courage, determination, resourcefulness, rapidity of reaction and almost animal instinct (remember how he led a wagon through a whirling snowstorm), the ability to lead people , using their advantages and disadvantages, and even a clear idea of ​​everything that awaits him as a result of the suppression of the uprising. As a result, all these qualities create a bright and significant figure.

    Probably, even his ignorance helped him to be recognized as a leader, which created an atmosphere of mutual trust with a certain part of his associates.

  31. Create short description the appearance of one of the characters in the story.
  32. To do this, you can use the portrait of Khlopushi. See the answer to question 2, questions and assignments for Chapter XI.

  33. What role does landscape play in the story? Have you noticed such a description of pictures of nature that is not related to the development of the plot? Why are there no such descriptions? How do you explain this?
  34. There are few descriptions of nature in the story and they are all closely connected with the fate of the heroes, with the events of their lives. You can also see certain symbolism in them. Thus, the description of a snowstorm in the steppe precedes the development of the plot of the story, which tells about the storm of a popular uprising. You can describe the landscape against which Masha Mironova’s meeting with Catherine II takes place. It is believed that both the portrait of the empress and its framing in the story are similar to the sentimental image of Catherine in the painting by V. L. Borovikovsky.

  35. The novel contains the text of the folk robber song “Don’t make noise, mother green oak tree...”. Compare this work with the historical song “Pravezh” and think about what is common and what is the difference in the description of “the king’s trial over the robber.”
  36. The comparison of two folk songs is interesting precisely because of the opposite attitude towards sovereigns. The “gift” that the robber receives from the tsar in the song “Pra-Vezh” is fair, but in Pugachev’s favorite song the tsar rewards the robber in a different way - “with two pillars and a crossbar.” The choice of this song by Pugachev himself speaks of the impostor’s understanding of his future fate.

  37. Try to briefly characterize the three times that are associated with the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin: the time that is depicted in the work, the time of creation of the story and today's time.
  38. The time of Pugachev's uprising was clearly defined by historians and then reproduced by Pushkin in two of his works: a story and a historical work. Both “The History of Pugachev” and “The Captain’s Daughter” depict the peasant war of 1773-1775. The causes of popular uprisings are always similar to each other: it is an increase in the difficulties of the life of the people, which are caused by wars, crop failures, and other disasters. Pushkin introduces the reader to the events of the 18th century.

    The time of creation of the story and historical work can be characterized by referring to the pages of Pushkin’s life. The theme of the ruler and the people also sounds in his “ Bronze Horseman"(1833) and in the lyrics of those years. In August 1833, Pushkin went to the places where Pugachev acted, recording stories and songs about him. Created in 1833 historical work“The History of Pugachev”, and in 1833-1836 work was underway on “The Captain’s Daughter”. The theme of a popular uprising was also heard in parallel in the unfinished story “Dubrovsky” (1832-1833).

    But the most difficult thing is to create a story about the time when the story is read. It is necessary to talk about what resonates in it with today and therefore arouses lasting interest today. So you need to think about what events are typical for the year in which you are answering the question.

  39. For what purpose does the story tell about Grinev’s childhood and youth?
  40. What role does the episode of Grinev’s first meeting with Pugachev play?
  41. How is the “God-saved” Belogorsk fortress described? Why is this description needed? Did Grinev's expectations come true?
  42. What impression do members of the Mironov family make when they first meet? Is this impression correct?
  43. What role does the story about the relationship between Shvabrin and Masha before the uprising play in the story?
  44. Why couldn’t Shvabrin and Grinev become friends? Was it only because of Masha that they became enemies?
  45. What role does the episode with the captured Bashkir play in the story?
  46. How did the defenders of the Belogrr fortress perform during its capture by the Pugachevites? Is their behavior surprising to you?
  47. What saved Grinev?
  48. Compare two military councils: Pugachev’s and the general’s in Orenburg. What conclusions does this comparison lead to?
  49. Why do you think Pugachev decided to help Grinev and even forgave his deception?Material from the site
  50. Did what he told you help you understand Pugachev? Kalmyk fairy tale about the eagle and the raven? What is its meaning?
  51. Why did Grinev refuse to serve with Pugachev, his savior? How does this characterize him?
  52. Can Masha’s behavior in Shvabrin’s captivity be called heroic?
  53. Shvabrin in the service of Pugachev. Did he surprise you? Why?
  54. What qualities of Grinev showed up during the trial?
  55. What saved Grinev? Do you think his rescue was accidental or natural? Why?
  56. What role does the story about the fates of fictional characters play in this historical story?
  57. How is the artistic depiction of rebellion different in the stories “Dubrovsky” and “The Captain’s Daughter”?
  58. In “Dubrovsky”, the rebellious peasants are led by the impoverished landowner Dubrovsky, whose personal grudge against the landowner Troekurov was the impetus for the robbery. The participants in the rebellion were Dubrovsky’s peasants, who did not want to move from the “good” landowner to the “evil” one. The revolt is local in nature. In The Captain's Daughter, the leader of the rebellion is Pugachev, a native of the people. The causes of the peasant war are of a social nature - the oppression of peasants, factory workers, and foreigners. The fight is gaining folk character. Its goal is to install a “good” king instead of the oppressor queen.

  59. Explain the meaning of the epigraph to the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” and its functions.
  60. The epigraph “Take care of your honor from a young age,” which prefaces the entire story “The Captain’s Daughter,” reveals the main meaning of Grinev’s life story - to preserve the honor and dignity of a Russian nobleman in any twists of fate.

  61. What is the connection between the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" with oral folk art?
  62. The connection with oral folk art is manifested in epigraphs, some of which are proverbs or sayings, others are lines from soldiers’ and recruit’s folk songs. The folk poetic basis is visible in the speech of the characters (Pugachev’s conversation with the owner of the inn, all sprinkled with sayings and allegories), in the use of A.S. Pushkin folk songs, stylized as a fairy tale, the parable of the raven and the eagle, etc.

  63. A.S. Pushkin, simultaneously with the story “The Captain’s Daughter,” wrote “The History of the Pugachev Rebellion,” where he showed the atrocities of Pugachev. Why did he soften the image in the story?
  64. Artistic creativity has different principles than historical research. Departing somewhat from historical specifics, the writer creates a full-blooded, ambiguous character of Pugachev, which differs from the official one-line image of the villain-murderer.

  65. How do Grinev and the author himself feel about the peasant revolt?

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • essay on the topic of A.S. Pushkin, the captain's daughter
  • image people's war in the captain's daughter
  • How does the author relate to rebellion in the captain's daughter?
  • questions for the captain's daughter
  • story of the captain's daughter. chapter 7 answers to questions

S.P. Medelyaeva

Russian language teacher and Literature MOU 1-Abramovskaya secondary school, Talovsky district

The lesson is a general quiz based on the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

Target: to create a basis for the subsequent appeal of students to the works of A.S. Pushkin and to Russian literature.



Test students' knowledge of the text of the story "The Captain's Daughter."


To develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren, their oral and written speech, attention and interest in artistic expression, resourcefulness and ingenuity, skills independent work with text.


Instill a love for Russian literature and the country's historical past, cultivate a sense of camaraderie, the ability to work in a group, and listen to the opinion of a classmate.

Equipment: presentation, portrait of A.S. Pushkin, exhibition of the writer’s works, illustrative handouts (cards, crossword, tokens).

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment. Psychological mood for the lesson.

II. Updating knowledge. Introduction to the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Recording in notebooks the theme, epigraph, statements of classics about the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

Among the priceless spiritual treasures that Russia has so generously bestowed on humanity, a special place belongs to the work of A.S. Pushkin. His cultural heritage great. From the literature course of grades 5-7 you are familiar with his fairy tales, poems, the novel “Dubrovsky”, the story “Blizzard”, the “Song of prophetic Oleg", with the poem "Poltava". "The Captain's Daughter" turned out to be last work, published during the life of A.S. Pushkin. This is an amazing book.

“There is no external brilliance here, everything is simple, everything is filled with an inner brilliance that does not suddenly reveal itself...” N.V.Gogol.

A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” was highly appreciated

classics of Russian literature.

"Captain's daughter" - best story Pushkin." V.G. Belinsky.

“Compared to The Captain’s Daughter, all our novels and stories seem like feigned rubbish.” N.V.Gogol.

Guys, I hope that your appeal to the works of A.S. Pushkin will not be limited to today’s lesson, in which we will conduct a general intellectual quiz that will allow us to identify thoughtful readers and experts in the text of the story. In your notebooks during the lesson, write down the theme, epigraph and statements of the classics about the story.

III. The main part of the lesson. Intellectual quiz.

- Familiarity with the conditions of the game and its stages. Command View : “Belogorsk Fortress”, “Tsarskoye Selo”, “Berdskaya Sloboda”.

And now it’s time to introduce you to the conditions of the game and its stages. The condition of our competition: for each correct answer the team receives a point. The team with the most points will be declared the winner.

What are the stages of our quiz? (slide)

    Blitz survey “Attentive Reader”.

    "Let's look in the dictionary."

    "Get to know the hero."

    “Superstitions, predictions...”

    “What a life, such are the songs.”

    “Give me a word.”

- Warm-up. Completing the crossword puzzle. "Who is faster?"

So, let's start the game. As a warm-up, I suggest completing a crossword puzzle. "Who is faster?"

- The next stage of our quiz is the “Attentive Reader” blitz survey. Let's remember the content of the story and answer the questions.

    Grinev's father's name? What was the name of Mother Petrusha?

    An object carefully kept by Grinev’s mother since her son’s baptism.

    Remember the first and last name of Savelich.

    Reading which book produced “an amazing excitement of bile” in Petrusha’s father?

    In what regiment and by whom was Grinev enrolled even before the birth of Petrusha?

    And he went to serve...

    At what year of life did Petrusha learn to read and write in Russian?

    A Frenchman was hired for him...

    Who in his fatherland was...

    And in Prussia...

    What, according to the contract, was Beaupre Petrusha obliged to teach?

    Number of children in the Grinev family.

    A teaching aid from which young Peter made a paper kite during a “lesson”.

    And Petrusha could judge the properties very well...

    The city where Peter lost at billiards on the way to his place of duty.

    The weapon with which the hero was wounded in a duel.

    From whom is the narration told in “The Captain's Daughter”?

    Who is the narrator in the story?

    The punishment with which the Empress replaced Grinev’s death penalty.

    What is the last name, first name and patronymic of the captain's daughter?

    A gift that, according to Shvabrin, can be given to gain Masha’s favor.

    The settlement, the royal residence, where Masha Mironova met with the empress.

    The province where the offspring of Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova “prosper.”

-The next round of the competition is “Let’s look in the dictionary.”

Vocabulary work, during which you need to establish the meaning of words. Complete the task using the cards. You have 3 minutes to complete the task. Cost of the task is -5 points (tokens)

Card No. 1

" Inquiry Office"

1). Determine the genre of the work by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

2). Which historical event formed the basis of this work?

3). Which leaders of popular uprisings in Rus', besides Emelyan Pugachev, can you name?

Card No. 2

« Dictionary»

1). Choose the correct interpretation of the lexical meaning of words:

A kisser is: a) a hairdresser

B) wine seller in a tavern

B) persistent gentleman

A disabled person is: a) a person suffering from physical


b) a soldier who grew old during the war


c) a soldier with injuries.

2).Explain the meaning of the expression “planted father.”

Card No. 3

"Words words words…"

1). Translate outdated words into modern Russian.

Fortecia – Icon – Narrowed – Camisole – Adversity – Churchyard – Vespers – Cell – Certificate – Altyn – Care

- The next round of the “Recognize the Hero” competition.

Listen to descriptions of the characters’ appearances, identify them. Which of the heroes is a historical figure and which is fictional? (See Chernykh O.G. Workshop on literature: 8th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2010. - pp. 44-45)

Common task for all teams. For each correct answer, the team receives a point. The last thing should be a description of Pugachev’s appearance.

A word from the teacher about Pugachev’s portraits. (slide)

In Pushkin's story, Pugachev is not identical to his historical prototype. One of the portraits of Emelyan Pugachev is painted on the portrait of Catherine II, and the artist did this not by chance: the meaning of such an image is Pugachev’s criminal desire to take the royal throne. This portrait depicts a cunning robber and villain. This is work unknown artist. But in the portrait attached by A.S. Pushkin to the 1834 edition, Pugachev is depicted as an intelligent, insightful, dashing defender of the people.

These portraits reflect a dual view of the personality of Emelyan Pugachev. Some saw him as a robber and a villain, called him a “mad dog”, “a fiend of hell”, others considered him a defender of people's interests.

A.S. Pushkin faced the difficult task of realistically depicting the era and its hero. And, undoubtedly, the writer succeeded.

Tour “Superstitions, predictions...” Homework (slide), .

Retell the episodes of the work in detail and comment on them. For an expressive retelling of the episode and its commentary, the highest score is 5 (tokens).

    Retell the description of the snowstorm. Explain its symbolic meaning.

    Dream of Peter Grinev. Prophetic content of the dream. (Retell the dream close to the text, comment on it).

    Kalmyk fairy tale about an eagle and a raven. Explain the meaning of the fairy tale.

- Next stage « Such is life, such are the songs.”

Answer questions related to Russian folk songs.

1). Which song did Pugachev call his favorite? Listen to the song performed by film and theater actor Valery Zolotukhin. (slide)

2). What impression did this song make on Peter Grinev?

3). In what other work of Pushkin is mentioned this song?

4). Which chapters of A.S.’s work? Did Pushkin take lines from folk songs as epigraphs?

- “Give me a word” tour. (slide)

Common task for all teams.

Restore the omitted part of the statement, determine which of the characters it belongs to.

Take care (...), and honor from a young age.

Debt (...) is red.

Execute like that, (...).

It is better to drink living blood once than three hundred years (...).

There will be rain - there will be (...), there will be (...) -

there will be (...).

IY. Creating a problematic situation.

We only had to answer the problematic question: “Why did A.S. Pushkin call his story “The Captain's Daughter”?

Give a written answer to the question. Each team reads out its answer.

Rate the task 5 points.

Y. Final word teachers.

Indeed, Pushkin’s story is outwardly simple, but it is full of deep meaning. And today we tried to unravel the secrets of A.S.’s book. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". According to Marina Tsvetaeva, “there are no low truths and high deceptions, there are only low deceptions and high truths.” The story “The Captain's Daughter” is full of lofty truths.

YI. Quiz result. Reflection. Impressions about the game, assessment of one’s own activities.

    What feelings did you have during the lesson?

    Did you find it difficult to answer the quiz questions?

    Express your opinion about the lesson in the form of a syncwine.

YII. Ratings. Homework (slide)

Select material for an essay on one of the topics:

    “Ancient people” in Pushkin’s story

"Captain's daughter".

    Pushkinsky Pugachev.

    The formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev under the influence of “good shocks.”

    "Take care of your honor from a young age." Grinev and Shvabrin.

    The meaning of the title of Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter".

    The image of Savelich in Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter”.


1. Pushkin A.S. Dramatic works. Novels. Stories. -M.: Olympus; LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 1997.-704 p. 2. Lakhostsky K.P. ,Frolova V.F. Pushkin at school. Teacher's manual. Publishing house "Enlightenment", 1956.-413 p. 3. Turyanskaya B.I., Komissarova E.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Vinogradova E.A. Literature in 8th grade: lesson by lesson. - M.: Trade and Publishing House LLC Russian word- RS", 2000. -240 p. 4. Chernykh O.G. Literature workshop: 8th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2010.-192 p. 5. Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature: 8th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2008. - 512 p.

Quiz lesson based on the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Goals: testing knowledge of the content of the work, the quiz allows you to remember both the main events of the work and minor but important details for understanding author's position and issues; generalize and consolidate knowledge on the content of the story in game form; teach to read a work carefully and consciously, develop an interest in the literary word; develop students' coherent speech, logical thinking.

Equipment; reproductions of portraits of A.S. Pushkin; dictionaries to determine meaning outdated words, used by A.S. Pushkin in the story; Orders of scholars, which are awarded to students who answer correctly (at the end of the lesson the orders will be counted)

During the classes:

1.Opening speech by the teacher.

2. Progress of the quiz game:

Quiz questions:

1 round. Heroes of the story.

1. State the first and last name of Savelich.

(Arkhip Savelyev.)

2. What successes did Savelich achieve in training Petrusha in seven years?

(The boy learned to read and write in Russian and could very sensibly judge the properties of a male greyhound.

3. At what rank did Andrei Petrovich Grinev retire?

(He retired as prime minister.)

4. “No, let him serve in the army, let him pull the strap, let him smell gunpowder, let him be...” Finish Grinev Sr.’s remark.

(“...a soldier, not a shamaton”.)

5. What request does Grinev Sr. make in a letter to his friend Andrei Karlovich?

(“My rake... keep a tight rein”.)

6. How did Pyotr Grinev determine the genre of his poem dedicated to Masha?


7. Ivan Ignatievich, at his first meeting with Grinev, asked: “Which regiment did you deign to serve in? Why did you deign to move from the guard to the garrison?” How on last question answered Grinev?

(“This is the will of the authorities.”)

8. How long was the wounded Grinev unconscious?

(Came to consciousness on the fifth day.)

9. How long did Shvabrin serve in the Belogorsk fortress?

(Fifth year.)

10. How does Shvabrin address Pugachev?


11. How did Shvabrin react to Pugachev’s menacing words: “And you dared to deceive me? Do you know, you slacker, what you deserve?”

(Fell to his knees in front of Pugachev.)

12. Who was Shvabrin’s literature teacher?

(Poet Trediakovsky: “Such poems are worthy of my teacher,

Vasily Kirilych Tredyakovsky...”)

13. How does Pugachev always address Grinev?

(Your Honor)

14. How long did Pugachev take the oath of the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress?

(About three hours.)

15. How was Pugachev dressed when taking the oath in the Belogorsk fortress?

(In a beautiful Cossack caftan, trimmed with braid, and in a tall sable hat with gold tassels.)

16. “I fight anywhere,” Pugachev will say to Grinev. “Do you know in Orenburg about the battle of Yuzeeva?” What does Pugachev boast about next?

(“Forty generals were killed, four armies were captured.”

17. Why does Ivan Kuzmich advise Grinev to leave poetry?

(This is a matter that is contrary to service and does not lead to anything good.)

18. What is Ivan Kuzmich’s opinion about all poets?

(“They are all dissolute people and bitter drunkards”.)

19. How long has Ivan Kuzmich served in the Belogorsk fortress?

(Twenty-second year.)

40 - How many soldiers served in the Belogorsk fortress under the command of Captain Mironov? ( 130 soldiers.)

Round 2 Recognize the characters by quotes from the work

About whom A.S. Pushkin writes:

    “He was a hairdresser in his fatherland, then a soldier in Prussia, then came to Russia...”

(Monsieur Beaupré)

    “He was at the window reading the Court Calendar, which he receives every year. This book always had a strong influence on him; reading it always produced in him an amazing excitement of bile.”

(Father Petrusha)

    “I was busy with business. You need to know that for me she was discharged from Moscow geographic map. I decided to make snakes out of it and, taking advantage of Beaupre’s sleep, I set to work.”

(Petrusha Grinev)

    “Then a girl of about eighteen came in, chubby, ruddy, with light brown hair combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire.”

(Masha Mironova)

    “I felt guilty before Savelich. All this tormented me. I definitely wanted to make peace with him and didn’t know where to start.”

(Petrusha Grinev)

    “He seemed to be about seventy years old. He had neither a nose nor ears. His head was shaved; instead of a beard, several gray hair“He was short, skinny and hunched over, but his narrow eyes still sparkled with fire.”

(captured Bashkir)

    “I called the counselor, thanked him for the help provided and told Savelich to give half a ruble for vodka.”

(Peter Grinev)

Which of the characters in the story speaks to whom?

    “Okay, it’s time for him to go into service. It’s enough for him to run around the girls’ rooms and climb dovecotes.”

(Petrusha’s father to mother)

    “Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance, obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; don’t ask for service, don’t talk yourself out of service, and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.”

(father - Petrusha Grinev)

    “Stop lying, give me the money here, or I’ll drive you away.”

(Peter Grinev to Savelich)

    “Please send me and my boy the hundred rubles that you lost to me yesterday.”

(Ivan Zurin to Petrusha Grinev)

    “It’s early...early you start walking. And who did you go to? It seems that neither the father nor the grandfather were drunkards, and there is nothing to say about mother: from childhood she never deigned to take anything into her mouth except kvass.”

(Savelich to Petrusha)

    “Be quiet, uncle, there will be rain, there will be fungi; and if there are fungi, there will be a body. Now put the ax behind your back: the forester is walking.”

(Pugachev to the owner of the inn)

7. “Have mercy, father! Why does he need your rabbit sheepskin coat? He'll drink it, dog. In the first tavern"

(Savelich to Peter Grinev)

8. “Why is the Belogorsk fortress unreliable? Thank God, we have been living there for twenty-two years. We saw both Bashkirs and Kyrgyzs; Maybe we’ll sit out from Pugachev too!”

(commandant to husband)

9. “I am not an old dog, but your faithful servant, I obey my master’s orders and have always served you diligently and lived to see my gray hairs.”

(Savelich to Petrusha’s father)

10. “After all, there are rich people in the world! And we, father, only have one shower, the girl Palashka; Yes, thank God, we live small"

(Vasilisa Egorovna to Petrusha)

Third round


1. What proverb was taken by Pushkin as an epigraph to the entire story “The Captain's Daughter”?

(Take care of your honor from a young age.)

2. What proverb will Pugachev remember in response to Grinev’s words: “Ah! I forgot to thank you for the horse and sheepskin coat. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten to the city and would have frozen on the road”?

(Debt good turn deserves another.)

3. Talking to Vasilisa Egorovna, Ivan Ignatievich will say: “God is merciful: we have enough soldiers, a lot of gunpowder, I cleaned the cannon. Maybe we’ll fight back against Pugachev.” And he ended his speech with a proverb. Which one?

(The Lord will not give you away - the pig will not eat.)

4. What proverb does Savelich use twice in “The Captain’s Daughter”? Hint: with it he justifies the participation of the young master in the duel and the robbery of the Pugachevites in the officers' houses.

(Horse and o four legs yes he stumbles.)


For which chapter did Pushkin use this lyrical song in

as an epigraph?

(To the chapter “Love”.)

2. Which one folk song was Pugachev's favorite?

(“Don’t make noise, mother green oak tree...”)

3. “Pyotr Andreich recently composed a song and today he sang it in front of me, and I started singing my favorite one...” Tell me, what is Shvabrin’s favorite song, according to him?

(Captain's daughter, don’t go for a walk at midnight...”)

Outdated vocabulary

    “The Orthodox Tsar will say: // Use it for you, little one, peasant son...” - these, as you remember, are lines from a Burlatsky song that the Pugachevites sang at the military council. What does “use” mean?

(Praise, glory.)

    “Okay, if we sit out or wait until the next day,” Ivan Kuzmich will say. What is “sicurs”?


    "...Before today I was sitting in Orenburg with your adversaries” - this phrase is from the speech of Corporal Beloborodov. What is the meaning of the word “adversary”?

4.For what purpose was the cellar used in the 18th century?

(Travel chest for dishes and food supplies.)


1. Outerwear made of thick cloth. ( Armyak.)

2. Upon arrival at the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev immediately goes to introduce himself to the commandant. He didn’t find him at home, but saw Vasilisa Yegorovna sitting by the window with a scarf on her head and wearing... What exactly? ( In a padded jacket.)

3. For the first time, Grinev saw Captain Mironov teaching soldiers. What was the fortress commandant wearing? ( He wore a Chinese robe and had a cap on his head.)

4. Anna Vlasyevna wanted Masha to appear before the empress not in her traveling dress, but in more respectable clothes. Which one? ( In a yellow robron wide dress.)


1.Which drink did Beaupre prefer to the wines of his fatherland? ( Russian tincture.)

2. What drink did Captain Zurin treat Petro Grinev to while teaching him how to play billiards? ( Punch.)

3. What drink does Savelich offer to Peter Grinev: to get rid of a headache after a drinking session with Zurin? ( Cucumber pickle with honey.)

4. What was the only non-alcoholic drink that Pyotr Andreevich’s mother drank? ( “I have never been able to put anything in my mouth except kvass.”)

Military ranks

1. The first military rank after private in the Russian army. ( Corporal.)

2. At the beginning of the story, Zurin has the rank of captain; at the end of “The Captain's Daughter” he received a promotion. What was his rank? ( Major rank.)

3. Masha Mironova and Pyotr Grinev are detained on the way by Zurin’s cavalrymen. Remember the rank of the eldest among them. ( Sergeant.)

4. The highest military rank in Pugachev’s army was with the fugitive corporal Beloborodov. What kind of rank is this? ( Field Marshal.)

Fourth round

The last time Pyotr Andreevich Grinev saw Pugachev was during the execution of the impostor. He recognized Grinev in the crowd and a minute before the dead and bloody head was shown to the people, he greeted “his honor.” How exactly did you greet? Write your answer in one sentence. You have 15 seconds. ( nodded his head.)

Final words from the teacher. Ratings.