In a dream you see white gloves. Gloves: what is the dream about? If you dreamed of boxing gloves

Dream interpretation of gloves

Wardrobe items are often visited by night visions. After all, they also accompany unconscious life, as well as real life. However, if the vision was too vivid and memorable, it should be interpreted. Most likely, the subconscious mind tells you which area of ​​the dreamer’s life requires especially close attention.

Seeing gloves in a dream means renewal. It is quite possible that a certain stage of life has been completed and another will soon begin. In order to understand whether the changes will be positive or negative, you need to analyze in detail all aspects of the dream.

If you dreamed of gloves, it means new circumstances will arise soon. They can help the progress of the case, or they can slow it down. White gloves from dreams speak of ambition, and red ones hint at a successful outcome.

What does the dream mean?

In order to understand why you dream about gloves, you need to remember all the details of the image you saw. Special attention should be given:

I dreamed of a stylish accessory

  • The material from which the accessory seen in the dream was made (leather, wool, silk, satin).
  • The color of the product.
  • What actions were performed with the mittens (buy, sell, give, search)
  • It is very important to pay attention to the gender of the dreamer.

Qualitative characteristics

If you dreamed about gloves, then you need to restore the dreamed image in your memory as much as possible. A leather accessory means a successful start in a career, while a silk one means something new. love adventure. The color of the product you see also affects the interpretation.


Seeing a leather product in a dream white- a favorable sign. You will be able to get everything you have been striving for. If you dreamed of woolen gloves, Miller’s dream book advises you to prepare for the imminent receipt of a substantial inheritance. Moreover, the dreamer does not expect it at all - it will be a surprise for him.


In order to understand what the night dream is pushing for, you should remember what color the mittens from the dreams were. Esoteric dream book considers red gloves to be a warning of danger, while the Slavic traditional interpreter speaks of the imminent completion of the work begun.

  • If you dream of a white mitten, you should prepare for a new, very promising position.
  • Seeing a black accessory in a dream warns of the dreamer’s selfish motives. It is quite possible that the next project is pushing towards dubious earnings. You should not agree to this - your reputation will be greatly damaged.
  • The Greens are talking about a possible vacation.
  • Blue ones dream of a small purchase.
  • Yellow people are seen in a dream before a noisy party.

Interpretation for men

Interpretation by gender

No less important in the interpretation of a dream image is the gender of the dreamer. After all, for men, such an accessory can be a sign of status, while women’s mittens only emphasize the chosen image.

Seeing a glove in the hands of another man in a dream is a warning. Very soon you will face a very strong competitor. It is important not only to give all your energy to competition, but also not to forget about true friends. They are the ones who will help you not only keep your job, but also move up your career ladder.

Losing a woolen mitten means family quarrels. Looking for it in dreams for a long time is a period of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Torn work gloves warn of financial losses. Torn into thumb fabric means you'll lose yours workplace due to a long illness.

They are burning - to a domestic quarrel.

The man from the dreams takes off his mittens

Removing an uncomfortable accessory means a willingness to change your life for the better. Seeing how a stranger takes them off his hands - good intentions will ruin relationships with others.

Receiving a stylish accessory as a gift is a sign of a new relationship.

For women

Seeing an expensive accessory for women means a desire to get everything from life at once. However, this desire is realized not through one’s own efforts, but through a man. A leather glove speaks of a desire to marry for convenience. And white lace promises a meeting with the love of your life.

Too long ones warn of possible rumors surrounding your person.

Wedding gloves on the hands of a strange woman indicate the appearance of a rival. She will stop at nothing to take your man.

I dreamed about wool mittens

Losing means breaking the relationship.

Seeing rough garden mittens on your hands means you will need help. Your desires and aspirations are quite real, but only if your loved ones support you.

Warm woolen mittens promise marriage with a very reliable person.

General impression of sleep

Any vision in night dream, which is associated with hands, indicates the dreamer’s desire to manipulate something. This could be your own business, an important project in the service, or a relationship.

In order for the interpretation of a dream to be correctly correlated with the personality of the dreamer, it is important to remember the main impressions of what he saw at night.

  • Admiring your own beautiful hands is a job well done.
  • Taking off your mittens is a major life change. Until leaving the country.
  • Being upset when you lose one means difficulties in relationships.
  • Looking for the necessary accessory in stores means taking on several tasks at the same time.
  • Throwing it into the fireplace or into the fire means a scandal.

1. Gloves- (Modern dream book)
To dream that you are wearing gloves means that you will be careful and prudent in your relationships with people, but not selfish. Also expect litigation and troubles in commercial matters that will be resolved in your favor. If a man sees a signet on his hand in a dream, it means that he will meet a woman who will change his life. If you dreamed that you were wearing old, torn gloves, then in reality you are in danger of betrayal and will suffer losses. Losing gloves in a dream means that real life You will go broke and you will have to work to support yourself. A man sees in a dream that he has lost his signet - this means bitter disappointment, drunkenness and a dubious acquaintance that can ruin his reputation. Finding a pair of gloves means marriage or the appearance of a new lover. If a man dreams that she is fastening a woman’s glove, then in reality some woman will threaten to expose him. Taking off gloves in a dream means that failures await you in business and in love. Giving a man a signet in a dream means a date with a loved one. Perhaps you will meet a person who will give you unexpected news. A dream in which a signet is put on you means a bad deal and financial problems that will be very difficult for you to solve.
2. Gloves- (Miller's Dream Book)
Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will face litigation or troubles in business, everything will work out. If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses. If in a dream you lost your gloves, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness. Finding a pair of gloves means happy marriage or a new love interest. If a man fastens a woman’s glove, this means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure. If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and in love.
3. Gloves- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Protection, well-being; lose - change of place or activity.
4. Gloves- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
Gloves are a symbol of a condom. Wearing gloves symbolizes your commitment to safe sex.
5. Gloves- (Esoteric dream book)
Disgust. Wear gloves and you will have to look after seriously ill people or clean up disgusting dirt. Buying - marriage with an unloved person, disgust for a sex partner. Seeing, choosing - there is a danger of contracting a skin disease (fungus, scabies). Dirty, torn - you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this. Very beautiful, with finishing - you need to free yourself from complexes about external flaws.
6. Gloves- (Dream book of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
Seeing gloves in a dream means disappointment, loneliness, and melancholy. Leather gloves - you will become a victim of unfair treatment from your superiors. Thin gloves, lace or mesh - you will suffer because of your own frivolity. It is best for you to be alone and understand yourself. Rubber gloves - you are too suspicious, which prevents you from living a normal life. With this attitude you alienate those around you. Long gloves- you have suffered a serious disappointment in love. As a result of the suffering you have endured, you have lost interest in members of the opposite sex. Short gloves - you will part with your loved one. But after a while you will restore the relationship, realizing that you cannot live without each other. Wear gloves and hit the road. The results of this trip will be for you great value. Far from home, you will miss your family and friends. Take off gloves - refuse advantageous offer at work in the interests of your family, which means much more to you than career growth. But after some time you will regret that you could not take advantage of the chance that was given to you. Buy gloves - you will receive unpleasant news, because of which you will lose peace. But there is no point in doing anything, because in any case there is nothing you can do to change the current circumstances in any way. Breaking your gloves means you are trying to return to your past in every possible and impossible way: with a lot of effort, you want to restore broken relationships. But, unfortunately, this will not work for you.

One of the important elements that make up a man’s image are gloves. Their main function is to protect your hands from the cold.

But the main function of gloves has always been to protect hands from injury during work. And the phrase “throw down the gauntlet” comes from another of their purposes. This is what they called a challenge to a duel. The rules of conduct suggested that the gentleman change his gloves 6 times a day. Fashionable people had gloves for every occasion. As a joke they talked about gloves intended for sleeping. And if they had a dream? What does it mean? Let's see?

Let's see together what such a sign in a dream as gloves means for us. Different. Male and female. Leather and knitted. Including medical gloves.

Miller's dream book comments on the fitting of gloves depending on who is dreaming.

A girl sees a dream. Trying on different gloves in an attempt to find one suitable pair, is interpreted as a choice between contenders for a hand and a heart.

A man trying on gloves speaks of his promiscuous sex life.

A woman tries on someone else's gloves. The dream speaks of the woman’s obvious envy of the owner of the gloves.

Guy in a dream trying on gloves. A successful breakthrough in the field of intimate exploits.

A girl trying on white gloves in a dream means meeting her betrothed, with complete mutual sympathy.

A person who tries on one glove and loses the second glove in a dream can be preparing for something in life. Finding a lost glove in a dream means restoring family life.

Seeing black gloves in a dream

Almost all dream books agree on this interpretation of the dream. Black color indicates imminent troubles or bad news.

If in life you wear black gloves, then changes await you for which you are not yet ready.

If a girl loses black gloves in a dream, your relationship with a fan has reached a dead end. Black torn gloves mean finding yourself in an awkward, funny position. Kid black gloves - to unexpected news. Knitted black wool - to rich, abundant profits. Black work gloves - for the great work ahead.

To a working man leather gloves in a dream indicate that he will suffer unfairly from possible misunderstandings in a conversation with management.

For a person engaged in business, leather gloves promise a large, profitable contract concluded by him. For girls and women, such a dream promises a change in image along with a wardrobe update. Leather gloves in a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of your good luck in your upcoming endeavors.


Insulated women's gloves in a dream - you will receive help if you need it. The second interpretation of this dream is that you have good protection in case of danger. Losing a pair of women's gloves means worrying about a breakup, most likely through your fault, with a friend.

Burn a woman's unpaired glove - to reconciliation with yours.

Buy for yourself women's gloves - you will achieve desired result in any possible way.

In a dream they hand you a pair of gloves – .

Dream interpretation depends on the color, length and material of the gloves.

Girl to wear long new gloves- a sign that you are protected from bad influence and prejudice against you.

put on new gloves in a dream - in reality you will not show self-interest towards others.

For girls to see such a dream at night is a suggestion of a possible career advancement.

Guy seeing new gloves on a girl is a hint that the girl is not entirely happy with the relationship.

To a man dreaming of new gloves means the appearance of a competitor in a love relationship.

A woman who sees rubber gloves - the dream book says that she is very indecisive and prefers that other people make decisions. Giving a woman rubber gloves means providing reasonable assistance in solving problems in life.

For a girl waiting for a profitable match in order to immediately provide for herself, this is a prediction of disappointment and a hint that everything is obtained through hard work.

For any person - rubber gloves in a dream, a hint about the need to make efforts to ensure profit.

Seeing old, torn gloves is a harbinger of losing part of your fortune.


For a guy to see white gloves on his girlfriend - . To understand in a dream that a girl is going with another guy is a suspicion of the girl’s infidelity. The girl had a dream about an ambulance. White gloves in a dream na is a symbol of a lost fight for a guy. A man sees white gloves on his hands - a victory over a fairly confident opponent, or an imminent invitation to a celebration.

Gloves of different colors

Dream meaning based on the color of gloves. In a dream, gloves are a symbol of a dangerous, adventurous relationship.

Thin lace white gloves are a symbol of your worries because of your frivolity;

New black kid gloves are a symbol of suffering from one’s own frivolity. Be more responsible when it comes to meeting new people.

Suede in a dream symbolizes temptation. Giving suede gloves means trying to seduce the girl you like.

Gloves rubber different colors . You are afraid of unprotected sex because of the possibility of getting sick.

The explanation of the dream varies depending on who sees the gloves on their hands. To a woman adjusting the gloves on your hands means a new love adventure. You cannot take off the gloves from your hands - the impossibility of relationships with men, because of their fears that you will force them to marry.

Interpretation for men. In your dream you see another man pulling on a woman's glove. Be careful in the family - they are “throwing wedges” towards your wife. Seeing gloves on your hands is an unspoken desire to retire.

Giving gloves as a gift

Giving leather gloves means mutually beneficial cooperation. Giving a girl red gloves means a stormy, passionate romance with her.

Buy gloves as a gift- a prediction of a stormy, ardent feeling.

Receiving gloves as a gift means stupid gossip, cooling of relationships and hostility.

A more precise interpretation of sleep can be made based on the nuances of behavior in a dream.

Based on comments received from universal dream book, gloves in a dream have the following meanings:

  • New and clean gloves - to wealth and good luck;
  • Torn gloves - your friend does not correspond to the expected image;
  • A thrown glove means a major disagreement with your chosen one;
  • A pair of gloves given to you means that you will soon get married;
  • A pair of gloves for men- to meet an influential person;
  • An unpaired glove means a quick separation from a friend;
  • Burning a glove in a dream means reconciliation in a quarrel;
  • Losing gloves - from the collapse of a family to the near future;
  • Buying an inexpensive pair as a gift to a competitor means complete defeat of your enemies without a chance of their victory.

To see boxing gloves in a dream is a symbol of the upcoming struggle to maintain your fortune. It is quite possible that you will have to lead the life of an ascetic for some time. But these hardships will bring you closer to victory. In general, it doesn't matter what kind of gloves. Your follow-up is important.

). Dirty, torn - you need to use protective equipment and personal hygiene, but you neglect this. Very beautiful, with finishing - you need to free yourself from complexes about external flaws.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing gloves in a dream means:

Wearing new gloves in a dream means that you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others. Although you will face litigation or troubles in business, everything will work out.
If you wear old or torn gloves, you will be deceived and you will suffer losses.
If in a dream you lost your gloves, you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness.
Finding a pair of gloves means a happy marriage or a new love interest.
If a man fastens a woman’s glove, this means that a person will appear in his life who will threaten him with exposure.
If you take off your gloves, you will experience minor success in business and in love.

Small dream book

A dream with gloves in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dreamed that you had gloves on your hands, then you will be careful and prudent in relationships, but not selfish. Possible legal proceedings will turn out in your favor. If in a dream you wear old, torn gloves, then in reality you should be wary of betrayal, as a result of which you may suffer large losses. Losing gloves means that in real life you will go broke and you will have to work a lot and hard to ensure your existence. Finding gloves means that you will soon get married. Taking off your gloves means that failures await you in business and in love. For a man to dream that he is fastening a woman’s glove, means that in reality he will be blackmailed by a certain person.

English dream book

Dreaming with gloves means:

In a dream, discovering that you have lost your gloves is a dream that predicts losses in commerce and trade, and perhaps you will have to move to another city. For a married man who dreamed that he had lost his right glove, the dream promises illness or the loss of his wife. If you are alone, then another will take away your love.

Azar's Dream Book

Gloves dream meaning:

Slavic dream book

What might gloves mean in a dream:

Wellbeing; to lose - a change of job or place.

Miller's Dream Book

Gloves in a dream mean:

Put on new gloves - you will be careful, thrifty, but not selfish in your dealings with others, although you will face litigation or troubles in business - everything will work out; wear old or torn gloves - you will be deceived and you will suffer losses; lose your gloves - you will be abandoned, but you will find the strength to maintain cheerfulness; discovering a pair of gloves - a happy marriage or a new love interest; for a man - fastening a woman's glove - a person will appear in your life who will threaten you with exposure; taking off gloves is a minor success in business and love.

Love dream book

If a girl dreams of gloves, it means:

A dream in which you lose your gloves suggests that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. You will probably have to separate soon. If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, then your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.

Dream book alphabetically

Why does a woman dream of gloves:

Buying gloves in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a cramped financial situation; if you buy men's gloves as a gift to a loved one, this portends ardent reciprocal feelings.

Wear in severe frosts thin cold gloves - such a dream is a sign of sadness and difficult experiences due to the fact that you are not understood and underestimated.

Old or torn gloves that should have been thrown away long ago are a harbinger of sad events and losses. Losing your last gloves in a dream means that your heartfelt affection will be rejected and you will lose all hope of returning the love of the man you desire.

Wearing two different gloves in a dream is a harbinger of events that do not promise anything good, moreover, they can only aggravate an already disastrous situation.

A dream in which you cannot take off your gloves, which seem to have grown to your skin, means that in reality men will avoid you, fearing that you might marry them to yourself.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Gloves in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If a woman dreams that she is putting on gloves, it means that she will soon have a new love interest. To an unmarried girl such a dream prophesies a quick marriage. If the gloves were warm, made of good expensive leather, the marriage will be happy. If the gloves were thin or torn, marriage will bring her nothing but suffering.

If you dreamed of torn gloves, imagine that you throw them away, or better yet, burn them and buy yourself new ones, very high quality and very expensive.

If a man dreams of gloves, this means the appearance of a competitor or rival in love. If someone takes your gloves away, your competitors will bypass you. Good sign, if you yourself give gloves to someone: the dream suggests that you will provide an invaluable service to your superiors and they will reward you.

Imagine that you voluntarily give gloves to someone else: you don’t mind, you have another pair - more expensive and beautiful.

If a man tries to put on a woman's glove, the dream promises him a love adventure. If you dreamed that another man was putting on a woman's glove in your presence, be careful: someone is trying to take your wife or lover away from you.

Imagine that you are taking away a woman's glove from another man.

Boxing gloves dream of a short but intense fight with competitors. If boxing gloves are on your hands, victory will be yours.

Imagine putting on gloves and admiring them.

Dream book of the 20th century

Gloves in a dream from Dream Interpretation of the 20th Century

They symbolize detachment in communication with others.

If you see a person wearing gloves: such a dream suggests that in reality you should not expect sincerity and frankness from him.

Putting on gloves yourself: portends a cooling of relations with someone from your environment.

Taking off gloves: a sign of friendship and openness. Perhaps you will soon be able to find new friends or change your attitude towards someone for the better.

Working with gloves: a sign of hostility towards work.

If in your dream you put on gloves for work: this means that some unpleasant duty awaits you ahead.

Modern family dream book according to Freud:

Wearing or buying dirty or torn gloves in a dream means financial losses, deceptions, collapse of hopes and groundless expectations.

If you find gloves in a dream, then unexpected luck will help you strengthen your financial position. This interpretation applies only to those dreams where the gloves fit you well. Otherwise, you risk losing friendships due to your immoderate ambitions.

A dream in which you lose your gloves suggests that your relationship with your lover leaves much to be desired. Perhaps you will soon have to separate.

If in a dream someone else takes off your gloves, then your success in business and love will largely depend on the impression you make on others.

What do dreams mean? — new dream book Juno:

Having torn gloves in a dream means finding yourself in a funny position; you will face vain efforts to hide your bad manners. Kid gloves are a dream of surprise, rag or cotton gloves are a sign of joy, warm gloves are a sign of wealth, silk gloves are a sign of prosperity, woolen gloves are a sign of profit.

Finding gloves means that a love adventure awaits you, and for single people - a successful marriage.

Gloves in a dream sometimes portend deception or spiritual coldness. Taking off gloves in a dream means that a small success or a pleasant trifle awaits you.

Great dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

Gloves in a dream portend waste big money for charity, but it won't hurt your wallet. But if you are greedy and hide your money without sharing it with the poor, then great misfortunes will soon befall you.