Conditions of the competition Russian Geographical Society. The acceptance of works for the IV photo competition of the Russian Geographical Society “The most beautiful country” has begun

I inform you that Russian geographical society announces the All-Russian competition for participation in the All-Russian Orienteering Championship for the Cup of the Russian Geographical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Championship).

Appendix: Regulations on the All-Russian competition for participation in the All-Russian Orienteering Championship for the Cup of the Russian Geographical Society - 3 pages. in 1 copy.



1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations regulate the procedure for conducting All-Russian competition to participate in the All-Russian Orienteering Championship for the Cup of the Russian Geographical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The organizers of the Competition are the All-Russian public organization"Russian Geographical Society" (hereinafter referred to as the Society) and the Federal autonomous institution Ministry of Defense Russian Federation"Central sport Club Army."

1.4. The winners of the Competition are given the opportunity to participate free of charge in the All-Russian Orienteering Championship for the Cup of the Russian Geographical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Championship) as a member of the Russian Geographical Society team. Participation involves transportation from your place of residence to the venue of the Championship, as well as payment for food and accommodation during the Championship.

1.5. Participation in the Competition implies agreement with these Regulations, which are published on the official website of the Society () and on the Competition website ().

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Main goals of the Competition:

2.1.1. increasing the spiritual, moral, cultural and intellectual level, as well as the formation of patriotic consciousness of citizens of the Russian Federation;

2.1.2. formation positive image Society, popularization of social and educational activities Society.

2.2. Main objectives of the Competition:

2.2.1. attracting children and teenagers from different regions of Russia to participate in the Competition, identifying, supporting and encouraging talented schoolchildren;

2.2.2. involving children and teenagers in the activities of the Society, forming a base of talented children and teenagers to attract participation in other socially significant projects of the Society.

3. Functions and regulations of the work of the Commission for the selection of participants


3.1. The Commission for the selection of participants of the Championship is formed from representatives of the Society and is approved Executive Director Society.

3.2. Functions of the Commission:

3.2.1. collection of documents from Competition participants;

3.2.2. formation of a database of Competition participants;

3.2.3. selection of children and teenagers to participate in the Championship in accordance with the requirements specified in section 5 of these Regulations;

3.2.4. formation of preliminary, final and reserve lists of RGS team members to participate in the Championship.

3.3. All decisions of the Commission are made collectively and documented in protocols.

3.4. Decisions of the Commission are considered adopted by a simple majority of votes if more than half of the total number of members of the Commission were present at the meeting.

4. Procedure for holding the Competition

4.1. The competition is held on the Competition website () from July 25 to August 25, 2016 and includes:

4.1.1. announcement of the beginning of the Competition on the Competition website (,

4.1.2. announcement of the Competition on the Company’s website (, in in social networks and in the media;

4.1.3. posting information about the Competition, Regulations, forms for registration and filling out the questionnaire on the Competition website ():

4.1.4. registration of participants and filling out a form on the Competition website (), provision of documents by participants for consideration by the Commission in accordance with the requirements specified in clause 5.4 of these Regulations;

4.1.5. approval of the composition of the Championship participants and announcement of the Competition results on the Society’s website (and on the Competition website (.

5. Requirements for the selection of participants in the Competition

5.1. Participants of the Championship are children and teenagers aged 12-16 years old who have good physical fitness and skills in orienteering, are interested in geography, and have shown success in school curriculum who have proven themselves in extracurricular activities and in projects of the Russian Geographical Society, prize-winners and winners of Olympiads in geography, ecology, ethnography, local history and other subjects, participants in orienteering competitions (running orienteering, ski orienteering, bicycle orienteering, trail orienteering). Representatives from all 85 regions of the Russian Federation are invited to participate.

5.2. Principles for the competitive selection of participants:

5.2.1. openness - participation in the competition is open to everyone who meets the requirements of the Competition Regulations;

5.2.2. availability - full information about the Competition, including the timing, conditions of participation, selection requirements, criteria and procedure for its conduct, is published in the public domain;

5.2.3. transparency - the results of the Competition are published on the official website of the Society () and on the Competition website (

5.3. Medical requirements - compliance with health group I.

5.4. As part of the Competition, participants fill out forms on the Competition website (). Required condition is to fill out all points of the questionnaire and provide supporting documents, namely:

5.4.1. contact details of one of the parents or the legal representative of the interests of the minor (guardian, adoptive parent);

5.4.2. statements from one of the parents, or the legal representative of the interests of the minor (guardian, adoptive parent) (a sample document can be downloaded on the Competition website);

5.4.3. consent to the use and processing of the child’s personal data;

5.4.4. copies of documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates, extracts from orders) confirming victories (1-3 personal or team place) in competitions, olympiads in geography, biology, history, ecology, tourism, archeology, local history, ethnography and other related disciplines of the municipal , regional, all-Russian (all-Russian) or international level;

5.4.5. copies of documents (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, extracts from orders) confirming participation in the work of children's and youth organizations and movements, including volunteer activities;

5.4.6. copies of documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates, extracts from orders) confirming participation in sports events and orienteering competitions;

5.4.7. references from the institution additional education on geography, biology, history, ecology, tourism, archaeology, local history, ethnography and other related disciplines, signed by the head of the organization (in free form);

5.5. If the requirements for completing the application form and attached documents are not met, the Commission reserves the right to reject the application to participate in the Competition.

5.6. The winners of the competitive selection must provide the Commission with copies of the following documents by September 2, 2016:

5.6.1. copies of the birth certificate or copies of the child’s passport (all completed pages);

5.6.2. medical card according to approved form No. 079/u;

5.6.3. medical policy.

5.7. The selection criteria consist of:

5.7.1. the child's level of interest;

5.7.2. academic performance, victories and prize places in municipal, regional, interregional, all-Russian (all-Russian), international olympiads, competitions, shows in geography, ecology, ethnography and other subjects;

5.7.3. participation in festivals, competitions, olympiads in geography and related sciences, active participation in children's and youth organizations and movements, participation in socially useful activities, including volunteering;

5.7.4. participation in sports events and orienteering competitions.

5.8. When selecting participants for the Championship Special attention is given to the winners and prize-winners of regional and city Olympiads in geography, ecology, winners and prize-winners of youth competitions in geography, biology, history, ecology, tourism, archaeology, local history, ethnography and other related disciplines. Physical fitness and orienteering skills, participation in children’s and youth organizations, including as volunteers, awards for activities in social sphere and the presence of certificates, diplomas or letters of thanks on behalf of the head of the institution of additional education and the chairman of the regional branch of the Society (or other documents) for active participation in the work.

5.9. The Company does not provide written or oral explanations about the reasons for making decisions based on the results of consideration of applications.

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"The most beautiful country" 2017. For six months, Russian photographers, as well as amateur photographers from other countries, sent their works to participate in this competition. In total, about 50 thousand images were uploaded to the project website.

My heartbreaking portrait of a bear, which I called “No Hope,” won in the sad category “The world is in our hands.” I entered two photographs in this nomination and twenty more in others. There were beautiful birds, huge whales and killer whales, bright landscapes of Kamchatka. I'll show you everything under the cut.

The Russian Geographical Society's photo competition "The Most Beautiful Country" is dedicated to the preservation wildlife Russia and education careful attitude To environment through the art of photography.

The rules of the creative competition have no restrictions on the age or place of residence of participants. The works were evaluated by a professional jury, which included famous Russian photographers. The judges determined best works in 12 categories, in another one the winner was chosen by Internet users by voting on the website.

This year, four new nominations appeared at the competition: “Bird's Eye View of Russia”, “From Dusk to Dawn”, “Caves of Russia”, “Cultural Heritage of Russia”. Among the nominations there are also well-known ones: “Peoples of Russia”, “The most beautiful country. Landscape”, “The world is in our hands”, “Wild animals”, “ Undersea world", "Birds", "Macroworld", "Young Photographer" and "Audience Award".

I'm showing you what I sent.

Wild animals

It so happened that all my photographs submitted for this nomination were taken in Kamchatka. I haven't gotten around to these posts yet. The first two show brown bears on Kuril Lake in the Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

This one is my favorite :)) This is exactly what an animal should look like in its habitat!

And here the mother teaches the little one to fish

This photo shows a whole family of killer whales from a July trip with Misha korostelev

..and here’s another gorgeous humpback whale tail. ⠀

The world is in our hands

Yes, yes, this is the most banal thing that can be sent from our region. But it’s symbolic and fits the nomination perfectly. On the picture

The photo is the winner in the “The World is in Our Hands” category. I was very worried about the photo with the bear - it was painfully provocative and flashy. It seemed that there was no place for such stories in this competition.

On August 26, 2015, the powerful typhoon Goni hit the Primorsky Territory. In the city of Ussuriysk, a mini-zoo with brown bears was flooded, which had the fate of facing the blow of the elements face to face. Food was sent to the animals by motorboat. A few days later, thanks to activists, 18 small animals were removed from the zoo; 14 bears remained in the flooded area. At noon on September 2, the evacuation began. The bears, who had drunk on the ridge water, were taken out by boats and helicopters. I will remember this look all my life.


I sent eight photos here. I really hoped for the birds. Of course, six of them are from Vladivostok, one photo is about the Kamchatka hatchet.

By the way, this photo not long ago brought me first place in a photo competition nikonofficial I l in the heart of the image. This is how I got my first macro lens AF-S mikro nikkor 105mm 1: 2.8G ED.


Battle of white-tailed and Steller's eagles. Golden Horn Bay.

Russia from a bird's eye view

The “Bird's Eye View of Russia” category also included footage taken by drone. I sent four photos with the hope of a picture of the protected Petrov Island in the Primorsky Territory. He probably doesn't look like him at all. Russian places, more on Thailand.

The other three photos show a couple of killer whales and a gray whale, which I was lucky to meet during a summer expedition to Kamchatka

The most beautiful country. Scenery

All the landscapes that were sent to the Russian Geographical Society photo competition “The Most Beautiful Country - 2017” were taken in Kamchatka, and over the course of just one day, at the foot of the Avachinsky volcano;)) ⠀ ⠀On this day, Volcano Day was celebrated on the peninsula. I sent four pictures.

In the first photo, the dog enjoys the view of the Koryakskaya Sopka volcano from the heights of the Avachinsky volcano. Height 1600 m.

And this is Mount Camel, which is located between the Koryaksky and Avachinsky volcanoes. Sunset and fog took their toll.

..also Mount Verulud. Accidentally found myself in in the right place V right time a couple in love was captured in the frame. I found them a little later on Instagram using a geotag!

This was the first time I had seen such a phenomenon while shooting the night sky! This is the Moon rising from behind the shoulder of the Avachinsky volcano. The beam in the photo was movable. I have in

The acceptance of works for the IV photo competition of the Russian Geographical Society “The Most Beautiful Country” has begun.

This large-scale media project is aimed at preserving natural and cultural heritage Russia and promoting respect for the environment through the art of photography.

There are no restrictions on the age or place of residence of participants in the competition rules. The main condition is that photographs must be taken only on the territory of our country.


The first photo competition took place in 2015. 25 thousand photographers from all over the world took part in it, uploading about 200 thousand photographs to the project website. The oldest participant in the first photo competition was 98 years old, and the youngest was only 4 years old.

The project caused a great public outcry and became an annual project, and exhibitions of the works of its finalists and winners are successfully exhibited all over the world.

Yes, in 2017 best photos according to the Russian Geographical Society one could admire international airports and Russian cultural centers abroad, on Moscow boulevards and the main streets of our country, as well as in 15 countries around the world. In total, the exhibition was viewed by about seven million people. In addition, the “Morning of Russia” program of the “Russia 1” channel spoke about the progress of the project.

Exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society on Arbat. Photo: Nikolay Razuvaev

Every year, new nominations appear in the photo competition, allowing photographers to express themselves and show the multifaceted beauty of our country. At the same time, the well-proven categories “Landscape”, “Underwater World”, “Cultural Heritage” and a number of others are preserved.

In pursuit of unique personnel, many project participants organized special expeditions, which, in their own words, became a real adventure for them and the most significant story of the year.

For example, photographs for the “Caves of Russia” nomination were literally taken from underground.

"Icy River"

And in order to take amazing shots of sea lions, sea lions and seals, photographers went to the inaccessible Moneron Island, which is a natural phenomenon of the Far East.

"Beach Season" Photo: Andrey Sidorov, finalist of the II photo competition of the Russian Geographical Society “The Most Beautiful Country”

However, as the experience of our photographers shows, you can take a successful shot at home. So, the author of this beautiful and tender photo was going to capture the flight of sakura petals in his native Grozny, he lay down under a tree and pointed the lens upward. And suddenly in the viewfinder I saw an owl sitting on a branch and looking straight into the camera.

"The owl is the owner of the sakura."

The jury of the photo competition included the President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergei Shoigu, Russian wildlife photographer Sergei Gorshkov, sculptor and artist Dashi Namdakov, as well as other famous people.

Meeting of the jury of the Russian Geographical Society photo competition “The Most Beautiful Country”. Photo: Vadim Grishankin

The initial selection of photographs will be carried out by independent experts, including famous photographers and heads of the country's largest photo services.

Expert commission of the Russian Geographical Society photo competition “The Most Beautiful Country”. Photo: Nikolay Razuvaev

Join the team of photographers of the Russian Geographical Society! Discover Russia again with us!

Valuable prizes await the winners!

PHOTO CONTEST WEBSITE(here you will find detailed description nominations, information about the stages of the competition and other necessary information about the project).

Dear Colleagues!

I inform you that the Russian Geographical Society is announcing a competition for participation in specialized sessions of the federal children's centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Ocean” and “Artek” in 2017 with the allocation of quotas in the amount of 1000 vouchers.

Shift participants are children 10-17 years old who are interested in geography, who have demonstrated success within the school curriculum, who have proven themselves in extracurricular activities and in projects of the Russian Geographical Society, prize-winners and winners of Olympiads in geography, ecology, ethnography, local history and other subjects.

Timing of the Company's core shifts:

In order to take part in the first stage of the competitive selection,

Participants must individually fill out a portfolio on the competition website Please note that the timing of the competition and the Company’s profile shifts varies depending on the choice children's center. You can find out more about the procedure and conditions of the Competition in the Regulations (attached).

The first stage of the Competition (acceptance of applications) is held on the following dates:

From February 02 to February 25, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Smena children’s center,

From February 27 to April 9, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Orlyonok children’s center,

From February 27 to April 9, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Ocean children’s center,

From April 10 to July 2, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Artek children’s center.

One of the conditions for consideration of candidates’ applications within the framework of the competitive selection is the recommendation of the chairman of the regional branch of the Society and the head of the Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society. The presence of a recommendation significantly increases the applicant’s chances of participating in the profile shift of the Russian Geographical Society.

The second stage of the Competition includes the submission by participants of documents for consideration by the Commission, which are sent by e-mail received by participants individually after completing the first stage of the Competition.

The winners of the Competition are given a free trip to one of the children's centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Ocean”, “Artek”. Responsibility for organizing travel and accompanying the winners of the Competition lies with the winners of the Competition and/or their parents (legal representatives). The Company does not bear the costs associated with paying for the travel of the winners of the Competition and their accompanying persons.

Please disseminate information about the Competition for participation in specialized shifts of the Russian Geographical Society in the children's centers "Smena", "Orlyonok", "Okean", "Artek" among children and youth, geography teachers taking part in the activities of the departments, and everyone who this information might be interesting.

The responsible person on issues related to the competitive selection is the Deputy Director of the Department of Expert Analytical and project work The Executive Directorate of the Society, Sergei Igorevich Belov, on issues related to the organization of sending participants of specialized shifts of the Russian Geographical Society to children's centers and the preparation of relevant documentation, is the project coordinator Elena Gennadievna Lubashevskaya. For these questions, you can contact tel. 8-800-700-18-45 or by email [email protected].

Appendix: Regulations on the All-Russian competition for participation in specialized sessions of the Russian Geographical Society in the children's centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Ocean”, “Artek” for 5 pages. in 1 copy.



1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations regulate the procedure for holding the All-Russian competition for participation in specialized sessions of the Russian Geographical Society (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) in the FSBEI All-Russian Children's Center Smena, FSBEI All-Russian Children's Center Orlyonok, FSBEI All-Russian Children's Center Ocean, FSBEI MDC Artek (hereinafter - children's centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Ocean”, “Artek”).

1.2. The organizer of the Competition is the All-Russian public organization “Russian Geographical Society” (hereinafter referred to as the Society).

1.3. Dates for the Company's core shifts: children's center "Smena": from March 30 to April 19, 2017 children's center "Orlyonok": from May 30/3 to June 19/20, 2017 children's center "Ocean": from June 24 to 14 July 2017 children's center "Artek": from August 30/31 to September 19/20, 2017

1.4. The winners of the Competition are given a free trip to one of the children's centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Ocean”, “Artek”. Responsibility for organizing travel and accompanying the winners of the Competition lies with the winners of the Competition and/or their parents (legal representatives). The Organizer of the Competition does not bear the costs associated with paying for the travel of the winners of the Competition and their accompanying persons.

1.5. Participation in the Competition means agreement with the terms of these Regulations, which are published on the official website of the Company (

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Main goals of the Competition:

2.1.1. Attracting attention and stimulating the interest of children and adolescents in learning about the unique natural and cultural heritage of Russia through diversity and a wide range geographical sciences, expanding the spatial horizons of schoolchildren.

2.1.2. Creation of motivational mechanisms designed to stimulate the creative and scientific activity of children and adolescents.

2.1.3. Formation of a positive image of the Society, popularization of social and educational activities in the field of geography and related sciences.

2.2. Main objectives of the Competition:

2.2.1. Involving children and teenagers from different regions of Russia to participate in the Competition.

2.2.2. Identification, support and encouragement of talented schoolchildren, providing the opportunity to take part in specialized shifts, pass educational programs, gain new knowledge, skills and experience.

2.2.3. Involving children and teenagers in the activities of the Society, forming a base of talented children and teenagers to attract participation in other socially significant projects of the Society.

3. Procedure for holding the Competition

3.1. For the purposes of holding the Competition, a Commission is formed to select participants in the Company’s core shifts (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

3.2. The Commission is formed from representatives of the Executive Directorate of the Company and is approved by the Executive Director of the Company.

3.3. Functions of the Commission:

3.3.1. Collection and processing of documents provided by participants of the Competition.

3.3.2. Formation of a database of portfolios of Competition participants.

3.3.3. Selection of Competition participants to participate in the Company’s specialized shifts in the children’s centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Okean”, “Artek” in 2017 in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations.

3.3.4. Formation of preliminary, final and reserve lists of participants in the Company’s specialized shifts in the children’s centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Ocean”, “Artek”.

3.4. All decisions of the Commission are made collectively and documented in protocols.

3.5. Decisions of the Commission are considered adopted by a simple majority of votes if more than half of the total number of members of the Commission were present at the meeting.

3.6. The competition is held in 2 stages.

3.7. The first stage of the Competition is held on the Competition website ( on the following dates:

From February 02 to February 25, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Smena children’s center,

From February 27 to April 9, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Orlyonok children’s center,

From February 27 to April 9, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Ocean children’s center,

From April 10 to July 2, 2017 (inclusive) for the Company’s profile shift at the Artek children’s center.

3.8. The first stage of the Competition includes:

3.8.1. Announcement of the start of the Competition on the Competition website (

3.8.2. Announcement of the Competition on the Company’s website ( on social networks and in the media.

3.8.3. Posting information about the Competition, Regulations, forms for registration and filling out a portfolio on the Competition website (

3.8.4. Registration of participants and filling out a portfolio on the Competition website ( submission by participants of documents for consideration by the Commission in accordance with the requirements specified in paragraph 4.5 of these Regulations.

3.9. Based on the requirements of these Regulations, applicants are selected to participate in the Company’s specialized shifts in children’s centers.

3.10. The second stage of the competition is held on the following dates:

From March 04 to March 10, 2017 for applicants for participation in a specialized shift at the Smena children's center,

From April 20 to April 28, 2017 for applicants for participation in a specialized shift at the Orlyonok children's center,

From April 20 to April 28, 2017, for applicants for participation in a specialized shift at the Ocean children's center,

From July 12 to July 21, 2017 for applicants for participation in a specialized shift at the Artek children's center

and includes:

3.10.1. Submission of documents by Contest participants for consideration by the Commission in accordance with the requirements specified in clause 4.9 of these Regulations. Documents are sent by email, which participants receive individually from representatives of the Commission after completing the first stage of the Competition, along with instructions.

3.10.2. Approval of the composition of participants in the Company’s specialized shifts in the children’s centers “Smena”, “Orlyonok”, “Okean”, “Artek” and announcement of the results of the Competition on the Company’s website ( and on the Competition’s website (http://

4. Requirements for the selection of participants in the Competition

4.1. Participants of specialized shifts - students educational organizations, mastering the educational programs of basic general, secondary general and secondary special education who are citizens of the Russian Federation, interested in geography, who have demonstrated success within the school curriculum, who have proven themselves in extracurricular activities and in the Society’s projects, prize-winners and winners of Olympiads in geography, ecology, ethnography, local history and other subjects.

4.2. Principles for the competitive selection of participants:

4.2.1. Openness - participation in the competition is open to everyone who meets the requirements of the Competition Regulations.

4.2.2. Availability - complete information about the Competition, including timing, conditions of participation, selection requirements, criteria and procedure for its conduct, is published in the public domain.

4.2.3. Transparency - the results of the Competition are published on the official website of the Society ( and on the website of the Competition (

4.3. The competitive selection is carried out:

For a specialized shift at the Smena children's center - among students in grades 5-10 of general education educational institutions age from 10 to 17 years inclusive;

For a specialized shift at the Orlyonok children's center - among students in grades 5-10 of general education institutions aged 11 to 16 years inclusive;

For a specialized shift at the Ocean children's center - among students in grades 3-10 of general education institutions aged 10 to 17 years inclusive;

For a specialized shift at the Artek children's center - among students in grades 3-10 of general education institutions aged 10 to 17 years inclusive. Additional restrictions may be determined by the rules of admission to children's centers.

4.4. Medical requirements - compliance with health group 1 -2-3.

4.5. As part of the first stage of the Competition, participants fill out a portfolio on the Competition website ( A prerequisite is to fill out all portfolio items and provide supporting documents, namely:

4.5.1. Contest participant questionnaires.

4.5.2. Contact details of one of the parents or the legal representative of the interests of the minor (guardian, adoptive parent).

4.5.3. Statements from one of the parents or the legal representative of the interests of the minor (guardian, adoptive parent) (a sample document can be downloaded from personal account when registering a portfolio on the Competition website

4.5.4. Copies of the birth certificate or copies of the child’s passport (all pages completed).

4.5.5. Help specifications in free form from educational institution, where the Competition participant is studying, signed by the head of this institution and certified by the seal of the educational institution.

4.5.6. Consent to the use and processing of the child’s personal data.

4.5.7. Copies of documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates, extracts from orders) confirming victories (1-3 individual or team place) in competitions, olympiads in geography, biology, history, ecology, tourism, archeology, local history, ethnography and other related disciplines of the municipal , regional, all-Russian (all-Russian) or international level.

4.5.8. Copies of documents (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, extracts from orders) confirming participation in the work of children's and youth organizations and movements, including volunteer activities.

4.5.9. Certificates of reference from an institution of additional education in geography, biology, history, ecology, tourism, archeology, local history, ethnography or other related discipline, signed by the head of this organization (in free form, if available).

4.6. If the requirements of these Regulations are not met, the Commission reserves the right to reject an application to participate in the Competition.

4.7. The selection criteria consist of:

4.7.1. The child's interest level.

4.7.2. Academic success, victories and prizes in municipal, regional, interregional, All-Russian (all-Russian), international olympiads, competitions, shows in geography, ecology, ethnography and other subjects.

4.7.3. Participation in festivals, competitions, olympiads in geography and related sciences, active participation in children's and youth organizations and movements, participation in socially useful activities, including volunteering.

4.8. When selecting participants in the Company's specialized shifts, the age and level of training of the contestants is taken into account. Also, special attention is paid to the winners and prize-winners of regional and city Olympiads in geography, ecology, winners and prize-winners of youth competitions in geography, biology, history, ecology, tourism, archeology, local history, ethnography and other related disciplines. Participation in the Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society and other children's and youth organizations is taken into account, including as volunteers, awards for activities in the social sphere and the presence of certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude or letters of recommendation on behalf of the head of the institution of additional education, the chairman of the regional branch of the Society and the head of the Youth club of the Society in the region in which the Competition participant lives (or other documents) for active participation in their work.

4.9. As part of the second stage of the Competition, participants must provide the Commission with copies of the following documents:

4.9.1. Medical card according to the approved form No. 079/u.

4.9.2. Medical policy.

4.9.3. Parental consent to the use of the child’s personal data.

4.9.4. Birth certificate or passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (all completed pages).

5. Final provisions

5.1. After conducting a competitive selection and being sent to a specialized shift of the Company, the selected participants are required to have with them a list of documents in accordance with the requirements of the relevant children's center specified in the instructions sent by the Commission by email to parents (legal representatives) in the event successful completion Competition.

5.2. The Company does not provide written or oral explanations about the reasons for making decisions based on the results of consideration of applications.

5.3. The Company reserves the right to make changes to the terms of these Regulations.

5.4. This provision comes into force from the moment of its publication on the official website of the Company (

5.5. Submitting an application to participate in the Competition means consent to the storage, processing and use of the personal data provided.

The Russian Geographical Society's photo competition "The Most Beautiful Country" is a large-scale media project in which tens of thousands of photographers participate annually. The competition is dedicated to preserving Russia's wild nature and promoting respect for the environment through the art of photography. It took place for the first time in 2015. Over the four years of existence of the competition for the photo project website..

Every year, photographers participating in the RGS competition go on expeditions to show the beauty of Russia, its historical and cultural heritage, the richness and diversity of wildlife. There are no restrictions on the age or place of residence of participants in the competition rules. The main condition is that photographs must be taken only on the territory of our country.

The works of participants in the V photo competition will be assessed at . “Landscape”, “Architecture”, “Birds”, “These funny animals”, “Underwater world”, “Many faces of Russia”, “From dusk to dawn” and others - each category allows photographers to express themselves and show the multifaceted beauty of our country . Also this year I added to my already familiar new nomination"Filmed on a smartphone."

Children aged 5 to 16 years will also be able to compete for victory in the photo competition. A separate competition has been launched for them. The works of young photographers will be accepted in five categories: “Landscape”, “World of People”, “World of Animals”, “World of Birds” and “Macroworld”.

The competition photographs will be judged public figures, art historians, photographers. The initial selection of photographs will be carried out by independent experts, including famous photographers and heads of the country's largest photo services. The chairman of the competition jury will be the head of the editorial office of TASS photo information, Konstantin Leifer.

Join the team of photographers of the Russian Geographical Society! Discover Russia again with us!